PDL :: Volume #4

#359: The wild forest leaves

In the desolated jungle central section, outside a tent, three beautiful figures defend here. 在荒芜丛林中央地段,一个帐篷外面,三名倩影守在这里。 These three beautiful figures, defend here, is half a month. 这三道倩影,在这里一守,就是半月。 Bang! 轰! Suddenly, hears bang one in the tent. 突然,在帐篷内传来巨响一声。 At once, four jiao of tent were curled up by the severe gale, in the golden light bright miraculous glow has slight Baleful Qi together, shoots up to the sky directly. 旋即,帐篷的四角被厉风卷起,一道金光灿烂的灵光中带有细微煞气,直接冲天而起。 What had?” “发生了什么?” Yu Luocha and Xiaomi Cai and She Xi'er three people allow to change tenderly, then in three people are amazed, the black robe remnant shade blows together, making three people of facial expressions frame. 玉罗刹小米彩蛇曦儿三人娇容一变,然后就在三人惊诧间,一道黑袍残影拂面而过,令三人的神情定格。 Shi’tou! Father!” 石头!爹爹!” Looks at that [say / way] remnant shade, Yu Luocha gets back one's composure, almost threw without hesitation, one throws in that remnant shade bosom. 看着那道残影,玉罗刹率先回神,几乎是不假思索的扑了上去,一下就扑进那残影的怀中。 In bosom one warm, Qin Shi has been startled being startled, at once reveals smiling of silk tender feelings: What's wrong, several day does not see, such worries to surrender?” 怀中一暖,秦石怔了怔,旋即露出丝柔情的笑:“怎么,几日不见,这么着急要投怀送抱啊?” Hears teasing of Qin Shi, the Yu Luocha tender surface to shame, after shoving open Qin Shi, sizes up from his within the body up and down, after seeing his real safe, pleasantly surprised said: Presented the miracle really? Were you all right?” 听见秦石的调侃,玉罗刹娇面一羞,推开秦石后从他的体内上下打量一番,见他真的无事后才惊喜道:“真的出现奇迹了吗?你没事了?” Yeah, I arrived at the heaven, but the God said that outside has a big beautiful woman to wait for me, is not willing to give shelter to me, must send to accompany you me.” “哎,本来吧,我都到天堂了,但是老天爷说,外面有个大美女等着我,死活也不肯收留我啊,非要把我在派送回来陪你。” Qin Shi comforts in the Yu Luocha waterfall long hair, said with a smile: Therefore, blames me who you harm to have no way the heaven, later in this world well accompanies were being few.” 秦石玉罗刹瀑布般的长发上抚慰一下,笑道:“所以说啊,都怪你害的我没法上天堂,以后在这凡尘间好好的陪着本少吧。” Loquacious!” “贫嘴!” Yu Luocha pretty lowering the head, in the heart actually with eating the dry fruit was the same, smiles to blossom. 玉罗刹娇滴滴的低下头,心中却跟吃了蜜饯一样,笑开了花。 Xiaomi Cai, She Xi'er also ran at this time. 小米彩,蛇曦儿这时也跑上来。 Outside looks is waiting for own all people, the Qin Shi mood is not low because of the note fascinated blood, instead filled was joyful and calm. 看着外面等着自己的诸人,秦石的心情并未因注入魔血而低落,反而充满了欣喜和从容。 First time, he thought that can live really well. 头一次,他觉得能活着真好。 Before under the Tianchi pond, actually to have what?” Yu Luocha begins supinely, is blushing tender surface question. “之前在天池池下,究竟发生了什么?”玉罗刹仰起头,红晕着娇面的问句 All right, passed.” “没事,都过去了。” Under the matter regarding Tianchi, Qin Shi does not make them worry. 对于天池下的事,秦石不让她们跟着担忧。 But he knows that this Tianchi is not absolutely simple, especially finally that column of flame, but the remaining prestige then nearly harmed him to be killed. 但他知道,这天池绝对不简单,特别是最后那道火柱,只是余威便险些害他丧命。 Snort, who no matter you are, dares to harm me becomes the person non- person ghost is not clever, sooner or later, I will want your blood debt blood to recompense.” Remembers that column of flame, Qin Shi does not hit one on the air/Qi. “哼,不管你是谁,敢害我变得人不人鬼不鬼,早晚有一天,我要你血债血偿。”一想起那火柱,秦石就气不打一处来。 Qin Shi does not raise, three people but actually also clever, no one in had asked. 秦石不提,三人倒也乖巧,谁都没在去多问。 Silent, Qin Shi remembers anything suddenly, steps the previous step toward She Xi'er, in stamen and pistil that in the space ring pulls out a light shining in all directions: Sunlight, this gives you.” 沉默中,秦石突然想起什么,朝蛇曦儿迈前一步,在空间戒指中掏出一株光芒四射的花蕊:“曦儿,这个给你。” Holy Ghost flower?” “圣灵花?” Sees the Holy Ghost flower, She Xi'er, or Yu Luocha surprisedly extremely. 看见圣灵花,无论是蛇曦儿,或是玉罗刹都惊讶万分。 She Xi'er winked puzzled the big eye: Brother Shi, don't you remember? The Holy Ghost flower can only experience two baptism, your Holy Ghost spends me unable to want.” 蛇曦儿不解的眨了眨大眼睛:“石头哥,你不记得了?圣灵花只能经历两次洗礼,你的圣灵花我不能要。” Silly, this is not I, is a person holds me to give you.” Qin Shi smiles bitterly, holds the palm of She Xi'er, then colored gives her Holy Ghost. “傻,这不是我得,是一个人托我交给你得。”秦石苦笑一声,抓住蛇曦儿的手掌,便将那株圣灵花地给她。 Long said the matter that confesses told sunlight while convenient, how as to treat this Holy Ghost flower in the future, had nothing to do with him. 将龙云交代的事顺便告诉曦儿,至于往后怎么对待这圣灵花,就和他无关了。 Received the Holy Ghost flower, She Xi'er really does not leave Qin Shi to expect, the beautiful pupil moved immediately toward Yu Luocha: Sister-in-law 接过圣灵花,蛇曦儿果然不出秦石所料,美眸马上就朝玉罗刹挪去:“小姑” This Holy Ghost flower, I cannot want.” “这圣灵花,我不能要。” But does not think, interruption that Yu Luocha renounces very she: „The Holy Ghost flower book is the quiet clan halidom, you now are the quiet clan head of the clan, does not have the Holy Ghost flower being hard obedience.” 但不想,玉罗刹十分决绝的打断她:“圣灵花本是幽族圣物,你现在是幽族族长,没有圣灵花难以服众。” I do not care!” “我不在乎!” I care!” The Yu Luocha interruption said: You is a his daughter, you must handle the quiet clan, believes the sister-in-law to be all right, your Brother Shi will accompany me.” “我在乎!”玉罗刹打断道:“你是他的女儿,您必须要将幽族打理好,相信小姑没事,你石头哥会陪我。” hear that, She Xi'er has been startled being startled. 闻言,蛇曦儿怔了怔。 Qin Shi actually curled the lip, when he just wanted to open the mouth, the Yu Luocha ice-cold beautiful pupil stared his one eyes, making him arrive at the words of mouth to swallow. 秦石却撇了撇嘴,但他刚欲开口时,玉罗刹冰冷的美眸瞪了他一眼,令他将到嘴边的话咽了下去。 „, Leaves this, a bit faster leads her to return to North District, so long as the unfeeling valley had the means to cure this Heartless Yin Yang Talisman.” “罢了,离开这,快点带她回北方区域,只要到了绝情谷就有办法治愈这绝情阴阳符了。” In heart helpless is thinking, Qin Shi stands saying: Sunlight, this Holy Ghost flower, you stay behind, your sister-in-law gives me, I will not make her have the matter.” 心中无奈的想着,秦石站出来道:“曦儿,这圣灵花,你留下吧,你小姑交给我,我不会让她有事得。” Looks at their appearances, She Xi'er cherry lips slightly, finally has, but said: Good, but sister-in-law, before you detoxify, this Holy Ghost will spend me not to use, has been remaining to you, will detoxify till you.” 看着两人的模样,蛇曦儿樱唇微张,最后只好无奈道:“那好吧,但小姑,在你解毒之前,这圣灵花我是不会用得,一直给你留着,直到你解毒为止。” Yu Luocha pressed frowning, she knows that she is useless, She Xi'er definitely will not listen to her words, has the broad and handsome forehead light point complies with one. 玉罗刹蹙了蹙眉,她知道她再多无益,蛇曦儿肯定是不会听她的话,只好螓首轻点的答应一声。 Now, Qin Shi restored, the gathering spirit flower has also succeeded in obtaining, delays in the desolated jungle such for a long time, was the time should leave. 如今,秦石恢复了,聚灵花也到手了,在荒芜丛林耽搁这么久,也是时候该离开了。 Sunlight, you know the dense [say / way] that leaves where is at?” Therefore hesitates, Qin Shi raised hand to say to She Xi'er. “曦儿,你知道离开的密道在哪吧?”为此犹豫一下,秦石扬了扬手冲蛇曦儿道。 hears that sound She Xi'er stares: „Can Brother Shi walk?” 闻声蛇曦儿一愣:“石头哥要走?” Um, was the time leaves.” Qin Shi opens the mouth, then sees in the She Xi'er immature pupil heart to flash through clear losing. “嗯,是时候离开了。”秦石开口间,便看见蛇曦儿幼小的眸心中闪过清晰的失落。 But that does not have the means that human has the vicissitudes of life, is unavoidable. 但那也没办法,人有悲欢离合,在所难免。 Ok, leaves toot toot a face, I and your Elder Sister Yu does not say, is all right comes back to visit you.” Qin Shi blows the outstanding nose of She Xi'er, said with a smile. “行啦,别嘟嘟个脸,我和你玉姐不说了吗,没事就回来看你。”秦石刮了刮蛇曦儿的翘鼻,笑道。 Under non- my humble home, She Xi'er actually can only select: Um, I and elders said one, lets under their evening's arrangements the banquet, has eaten in 在不舍下,蛇曦儿却只能点下头:“嗯,那我和长老们说一声,让他们晚上安排下酒宴,吃过在” Do not trouble.” “别麻烦了。” Qin Shi actually hurries to beckon with the hand, he does not want in making hurriedly, moreover his present physique is special, before has not controlled now this body, does not want to meet with too many people. 秦石却赶忙摆了摆手,他可不想在弄的风风火火,而且他现在的体质特殊,在没有掌控现在这幅身躯前,不想和太多的人碰面。 Otherwise, the human many mixed, have any accident unavoidably. 否则,人多口杂,难免出现什么意外。 She Xi'er also wants to insist, but looks at the vision that Qin Shi renounces, did not have the energy all of a sudden, finally has to obey the arrangement of Qin Shi, takes the lead walks toward the position of back side of the mountain. 蛇曦儿本来还想坚持,但看着秦石决绝的目光,一下子没了底气,最后只好听从秦石的安排,领头朝后山的位置走去。 In the back side of the mountain, has together the strange tunnel. 在后山,有一道诡异的地道。 The tunnel goes nonstop to the underground several hundred meters, here puts out a hand not to see the five fingers. 地道直通地下数百米,在这里伸手不见五指。 She Xi'er receives by all people dense [say / way], looks at that cave entrance to say low-spirited: Sister-in-law, Brother Shi, was this.” 蛇曦儿将诸人领到密道旁,望着那洞口黯然道:“小姑,石头哥,就是这了。” The psychic force finds out in the dense [say / way] along the way, since experience under Tianchi pond, his psychic force can cover a surrounding area ten thousand meters slightest sign of trouble. 精神力沿途在密道探出,自从天池池下的历练后,他的精神力已经能够覆盖方圆万米的风吹草动。 Finds out following the dense [say / way], his brow wrinkle, shows some happy expressions at once: He he, can exit finally?” 顺着密道探出,他的眉头一皱,旋即露出些许的笑意:“呵呵,终于能出去了吗?” Brother Shi, this you are taking.” 石头哥,这个你拿着。” She Xi'er pursed the lips, at once sees only her skilled artist to wield, the blue snake large male deer offers a sacrifice to together from the palms, said: This is my seven cuns (2.5cm) snake large male deer, if meets anything to trouble, or my sister-in-law sends poisonously seriously, you pour into which spiritual power, I can induce immediately.” 蛇曦儿抿了抿嘴,旋即只见她妙手一挥,一道碧蓝色的蛇麟从掌间祭出,道:“这是我的七寸蛇麟,若是遇到什么麻烦,或是我小姑毒发严重,你就将灵力注入其中,我马上就能感应到。” Looks at that deep blue snake large male deer, Qin Shi is narrowing the eyes to focus hesitant, but actually in the income palm of shirking, then conveniently has not wielded at once, picks up gravel in side, psychic force toward transports to go. 望着那碧蓝蛇麟,秦石眯着眼犹豫一下,旋即倒也没在推脱的收入掌中,然后随手一挥,在旁边拾起一块石子,将精神力朝着其中输送而去。 The gravel was affected by the psychic force, immediately becomes smooth, and flood light purple light. 石子受到精神力的影响,马上就变得光滑起来,并且泛着淡淡紫光。 All complete, the Qin Shi gravel gives She Xi'er: That this gives you, inside has my god to read, if the quiet clan has troublesome or thinks that your sister-in-law, can communicate with me by it.” 一切做好,秦石石子递给蛇曦儿:“那这个给你,里面有我的神念,若是幽族有麻烦或想你小姑了,靠它可以和我沟通。” Really?” “真得?” She Xi'er pupil heart great happiness, received the gravel. 蛇曦儿眸心大喜,一把接过石子。 But is this short process, Yu Luocha actually quite surprised looking approaches Qin Shi, beautiful pupil flood red light. 但就是这短短的过程,玉罗刹却颇为吃惊的望向秦石,美眸泛起红光。 Did the gods read the communication? 神念沟通? She knows that is the ability that five mark Demonic Talisman Master have. 她知道,那可是五纹符魔师才拥有的能力。 It seems like that this time under Tianchi, made him meet troublesome, met many opportunities. 看来,这次在天池下,不禁令他遇见了麻烦,也遇见了不少的机遇啊。 Two sides confess that the Qin Shi three people said goodbye to She Xi'er finally, along that jet black does not see the dense [say / way] of five fingers outward to walk. 两方交代完,秦石三人终于告别了蛇曦儿,沿着那漆黑不见五指的密道朝外走去。 She Xi'er by the dense [say / way], has looked at three people of forms to bury in the darkness, a face does not abandon and low-spirited, makes an effort to shout: Sister-in-law, the rice color elder sister, Brother Shi, you must often come back to visit me!” 蛇曦儿就在都密道旁,一直望着三人的身影埋没在黑暗中,一脸的不舍和黯然,使劲喊道:“小姑,米彩姐,石头哥,你们要常回来看我啊!” In the darkness, listening to behind shout, Qin Shi to plant impulsion that but wants to smile, is actually this what rank relations? 在黑暗中,听着身后的喊声,秦石就有种无奈想笑的冲动,这究竟是什么辈分关系? She Xi'er shouted the Yu Luocha sister-in-law, shouted him Brother Shi. 蛇曦儿玉罗刹小姑,喊他石头哥 Xiaomi Cai shouted his father, shouted the Yu Luocha demons elder sister. 小米彩喊他爹爹,喊玉罗刹罗刹姐。 This sentiment, entire difference generation? 这感情,全差辈了啊? But regarding this, feelings of some Qin Shi actually To take Joy in Calamity and Delight in Disaster, in heart delicious [say / way]: Hey, such calculates that I do not suffer a loss.” 但对此,秦石却有种幸灾乐祸的感觉,心中美滋滋的道:“嘿嘿,这么一算,我也不吃亏啊。” Looks Qin Shi bad smiles, Yu Luocha knows that he does not want to be meddlesome. 看着秦石的坏笑,玉罗刹就知道他没想好事。 To behind beckons with the hand, three people walk toward the outside along the dense [say / way]. 冲着身后摆摆手,三人沿着密道朝外界走去。 In this process, in three people of hearts somewhat is excited. 在这个过程中,三人心中都有些兴奋。 Calculates that Qin Shi also has treated imperceptibly in this desolated jungle enough several months, left North District is nearly a half year, now he wishes one could to fly back immediately goes to North District. 算一算,秦石无形中在这荒芜丛林也待了足足数月,离开北方区域更是快半年了,现在他恨不得马上能飞回到北方区域去。 Xiaomi Cai treats is longer, since burns the day mystical place and Qin Shi distinction, then has treated here. 小米彩待的更久,自从焚天秘境和秦石分别,便一直待在这里。 Yu Luocha, say nothing, that is the entire 30 years of seals. 玉罗刹,就更不用说了,那可是整整30年的封闭啊。 All the way, Xiaomi Cai jumps, an anticipation of face and yearned: „Does father, the demons elder sister, which we leave?” 一路上,小米彩蹦蹦跳跳,一脸的期待和向往:“爹爹,罗刹姐姐,咱们离开去哪啊?” Regarding this issue, Qin Shi also thinks deeply about a meeting, clashes Yu Luocha saying: „After leaving, returns to North District along with me, I have the means to cure your toxin.” 对于这个问题,秦石也是思索一会,才冲玉罗刹道:“离开后,随我回北方区域吧,我有办法能治愈你的毒。” North District?” 北方区域?” Yu Luocha has gawked staring, at once she lowered the head low-spirited the silent meeting: I want to go to Mysterious Palace first, has a look at the Hua Ling elder sister.” 玉罗刹愣了愣,旋即她黯然的低下头沉默一会:“我想先去玄殿,看看花零姐。” But your toxin “可是你的毒” Within does one year, should not have big obstructing, first accompany me to go?” Yu Luocha breaks Qin Shi, said. “一年之内,应该没有大碍,先陪我去好吗?”玉罗刹打断秦石,道。 Qin Shi has been startled being startled, the words that wants to reject just arrived at the mouth, but looks at Yu Luocha to renounce and tender scope of anticipation, was all of a sudden silent. 秦石怔了怔,本想拒绝的话刚到嘴边,但看着玉罗刹决绝和期待的娇面,一下子沉默了。 Finally, he is only under helpless point: If sends poisonously, must tell me, can't show off power to know?” 最终,他只是无奈的点下头:“如果毒发,必须要告诉我,不许逞强知道吗?” Looks at Qin Shi to comply, the Yu Luocha appearance such as the ice lotus blooms general, makes an effort like a child under generally: Um!” 看着秦石答应,玉罗刹容貌如冰莲绽放一般,像一个孩子一般的使劲点下头:“嗯!” In them sensational, Xiaomi Cai actually suddenly inserts to them central, after left takes a look right has a look, suddenly said: Demons elder sister, you and father are so good, later can be my mother? But you must be my mother, later cannot be my elder sister, but I also think that you are my mother, what to do this may.” 在两人煽情中,小米彩却突然插到两人中央,左瞧瞧右看看后突然道:“罗刹姐,你和爹爹这么好,以后会不会做我妈妈?但你要做我妈妈,以后就不能做我姐姐了,但我还想你做我妈妈,这可怎么办啊。” „” “” This set of chaotic logic, one defeated them. 这一套混乱的逻辑,一下就把两人打败了。 In the Yu Luocha tender surface, raises to wipe to blush, blames: Xiaomi Cai, do not speak irresponsibly.” 玉罗刹的娇面上,升起一抹红晕,责怪道:“小米彩,别乱说。” Ha Ha, has anything, Tong said shamelessly.” Regarding this, Qin Shi is actually laughs one, then raises head steps toward the distant place. “哈哈,有什么,童言无忌吗。”对此,秦石却是开怀大笑一声,然后仰着头的朝远处迈去。 Quick, three people then come to the end of dense [say / way]. 很快,三人便走到密道的尽头。 A scorching sun of wisp of fire scatters in three people of faces, Qin Shi takes the instance of dense [say / way], cannot bear begins supinely deep inspiration, long implored one: Shouted, finally came out.” 一缕似火的骄阳散落在三人的面庞,秦石迈出密道的瞬间,忍不住仰起头深深的吸了口气,长吁一声:“呼,终于出来了。” Um?” “嗯?” But goes out of the dense [say / way], Qin Shi actually suddenly knits the brows, the smell of blood that irritates the nose richly heads on, when at once he looks back, nearby sees is only flurried village, is lying down the lying this way and that corpse in this village. 但走出密道,秦石却猛然皱眉,一股浓郁刺鼻的血腥味扑面而来,旋即当他回首时,只见附近是个慌乱的村子,在这村庄中躺着横七竖八的尸体。 Has several people, Qin Shi is not strange. 有几人,秦石并不陌生。 Permits unreliably?” “玄允?”
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