PDL :: Volume #4

#358: Fascinated

No longer is the human?” “不再是人?” The Qin Shi god read in Sea of Consciousness fierce trembles. 秦石的神念在识海中剧烈一颤。 Note fascinated blood? 注入魔血? Is this is cracking a joke? 这是在开玩笑嘛? Right, at that time, you no longer were a human, was not the demon, situated in both, was despised by humanity, was spurned by the demon clan, the human the demon executed it, among the world will not have your institute of taking shelter again!” Evil Spirit received the past laughter, each few words were dignified. “没错,那时候,你将不再是人,也不是魔,介于两者之间,受人类鄙视,受魔族唾弃,人魔得而诛之,天下间将再无你的容身之所!”邪魔收起以往的嬉笑,每一句话都非常凝重。 Hears this word, the Qin Shi god to read absent-minded, the whole person falls into the long-time silence and silence, he has never thought the matter will develop this. 听得此言,秦石神念恍惚一下,整个人陷入长久的沉默和寂静,他从未想过事情会发展成这样。 For a long time, Qin Shi reveals helpless forced smile: He he, has not thought that the great storms have lived through, capsized on this small poly spirit flower unexpectedly 许久,秦石露出无奈的苦笑:“呵呵,没想到,大风大浪都熬过来了,竟然在这小小的聚灵花上翻了船” Boy, you want to be quicker the decision, if this delays, that raging fire burns completely the nucleus, even if were the demon blood cannot save you.” Evil Spirit rapid [say / way]. “小子,你要快些决定,若是这耽搁下去,那烈火焚尽晶核,就算是魔血也救不了你。”邪魔急促道。 hears that sound, Qin Shi broke the long-time silence finally, at once instead feels relaxed smiles one: Has other choice?” 闻声,秦石终于打破了长久的沉默,旋即反而释然的笑一声:“有别的选择吗?” No, this raging fire penetrated your blood, if after does not evaporate the blood brings in new blood, anybody could not save you.” But Evil Spirit said. “没有,这烈火已深入你的血液,若是不将血液蒸发后换血,任何人都救不了你。”邪魔无奈道。 This response, Qin Shi is not accidental, instead very free and easy spreading out hand said: He he, such being the case, that trades.” 这回应,秦石并不意外,反而很洒脱的摊开手道:“呵呵,既然如此,那就换吧。” Um?” “嗯?” Regarding free and easy of Qin Shi, Evil Spirit was startled stared staring: „Did you think?” 对于秦石的洒脱,邪魔吃惊不已的瞪了瞪眼:“你想好了?” Otherwise? I do not want dead, does not have other choice.” Qin Shi moves fast under the Sea of Consciousness golden light, smiles sadly: He he, I am a mortal, is not a sage, cannot achieve anything to set at outside the life and death and body, I have the family member friend and lover, they are also waiting for me.” “不然呢?我不想死,又没别的选择。”秦石飘忽在识海的金光下,忧愁一笑:“呵呵,我是凡人,并非圣人,做不到什么置之生死与身外,我还有亲人朋友和爱人,他们还都在等着我。” Can go on living, I will certainly not die!” “能活下去,我一定不会死!” Has traded the demon blood, on this day under will not have your institute of taking shelter again, your family members, friend, even the lover, will possibly abandon you, don't you care?” hears that sound, Evil Spirit somewhat surprised pursuing question. “换了魔血,这天下将再无你的容身之所,你那些亲人,朋友,甚至爱人,可能都会抛弃你,难道你也不在乎吗?”闻声,邪魔有些吃惊的追问句 But hears these, Qin Shi has actually smiled, smiles is very free and easy: He he, Evil Spirit , do you believe? A sentiment, oversteps in the race boundary, even surmounts existence of life and death.” 但听见这些,秦石却笑了,笑的很洒脱:“呵呵,邪魔,你信么?有一种感情,是逾越在种族的界限,甚至超越生死的存在。” However they, are so, therefore they not, what regardless of I turn into, they will not abandon me.” “而他们,就是如此,所以他们不会,无论我变成什么样,他们都不会抛弃我。” ! 咣啷! In the Evil Spirit heart trembles, inconceivable curling the lip: „Did you such affirm?” 邪魔心中一颤,不可思议的撇撇嘴:“你就这么肯定?” I affirmed!” “我肯定!” Qin Shi deep inspiration, long sighed. 秦石深深的吸口气,长叹道。 When saying this saying, his pupil heart does not have the least bit to hesitate, such as stands erect in clouds mountain peak is firm. 在说出这话时,他的眸心没有半点犹豫,如矗立在云霄的山峰般坚定。 He he, you each time are such firm, I pour want to take a look , can your family member friend spouses to your sentiment, like unflinching that so you said.” Startled has gawked for a long time, Evil Spirit said with a smile suddenly. “呵呵,你每次都是这样坚定,我倒真想要瞧瞧,你那些亲人朋友爱人对你的感情,会不会像你说的这般坚定不移。”惊愣了许久,邪魔突然笑道。 You will see!” “你会看见得!” Smiling that Qin Shi thinks little, to Qin Tianqing these family members, or Lin Yu Su Ming and other brothers, as well as Qin Xuexin, he somewhat absolute confidence: I must direct this landscape, but also feared counter this small vault of heaven?” 秦石不以为意的笑笑,无论是对秦天擎那些亲人,或是麟宇苏铭等兄弟,以及沁雪心,他都有些绝对的信心:“我要指点这江山,还怕逆不了这小小的苍穹?” Good! I take a look, can actually you counter this vault of heaven!” Hears the Qin Shi words, Evil Spirit as if also to fall into spiritedly middle. “好!我就瞧瞧,你究竟能不能逆了这苍穹!”听见秦石的话,邪魔仿佛也陷入激昂当中。 But when he surges, Qin Shi is silent, question: But before bringing in new blood, the issue I must ask you.” 但在他激荡时,秦石却沉默一下,问句:“但在换血之前,有一个问题我要问你。” What issue?” “什么问题?” Why can you save me?” Qin Shi said. “你为何总要救我?”秦石道。 hears that sound, Evil Spirit stares: „Did you feel all right to say? You think that I do want? If not for I pin on you, you died I unable to obtain the advantage, you think that I *** will sacrifice the essence and blood to save you? You have a dream you!” 闻声,邪魔一愣:“你好意思说?你以为我愿意啊?我若不是寄托在你身上,你死了我也得不到好处的话,你以为我***会牺牲精血来救你?你做梦去吧你!” Listened to this roaring right in the face, Qin Shi actually immediately to relax many, just enthusiasms directly is also sprinkled to extinguish by this trough cold water. 听着这劈头盖脸的咆哮,秦石却马上缓和了不少,刚刚的热情也被这盆冷水直接泼灭了。 „, I also think that your human nature sends greatly, the preparation and this few vanishing past animosity, turned over a new leaf!” The Qin Shi depressing mood, these also did not have the temperament by Evil Spirit to the lane. “靠,我还以为你人性大发,准备和本少冰释前嫌,重新做人了呢!”秦石本来压抑的心情,这一下又被邪魔给弄没脾气了。 You have a dream!” “你做梦!” Evil Spirit ill-humored obloquies one, but Qin Shi actually as everyone knows, when he is helpless, in pupil heart place that Evil Spirit that cannot see, flashes through together the unusual ray. 邪魔没好气的大骂一声,但秦石却殊不知,就在他无奈时,在邪魔那看不见的眸心处,闪过一道异样的光芒。 That ray, has been full of all kinds of mood, some curious some anticipations, many all sorts, no matter but which type, is the positive and upward mood. 那一道光芒,充满了各式各样的情绪,有好奇有期待,有诸多的种种,但不管哪一种,都是积极与向上的情绪。 Is Evil Spirit , never has fluctuation. 邪魔,从未有过的波动。 You prepare, I evaporate the first blood of your within the body, exceptionally will be painful in this process, but was sure to remember that the god read cannot the deep sleep, once the deep sleep the organism burnt through, again cannot awake.” Evil Spirit no longer rubbish, serious [say / way]. “你准备好,我先蒸发掉你体内的血液,在这个过程中会异常痛苦,但切记神念万万不能沉睡,一旦沉睡的话肌体燃尽,就再也醒不了了。”邪魔不再废话,郑重道。 Um.” “嗯。” Qin Shi licks the split corners of the mouth, under the point. 秦石舔下干裂的嘴角,点下头。 Bang! 轰! Pain that with a crash, such as the roaring flame commits suicide by fire, instantaneously in the whole body reverberation of Qin Shi, from dantian place by far unceasing tumbling out. 砰然,一道如烈焰焚身的痛苦,瞬间在秦石的全身回荡,自丹田处远远不断的滚出。 Volume!” “额!” Just started in this, the Qin Shi god read fiercely then rocked, almost did not have direct fainting in the past. 就在这刚开始,秦石的神念便剧烈的晃动一下,差点没直接的昏死过去。 The raging fire walks randomly along the dantian, quick makes up in the meridians in various whole body places, the bloodlines, the skeleton. 烈火沿着丹田游走,很快就弥补在全身各处的经络,血脉,骨骼。 Suddenly, the blood starts to seethe with excitement, then changes into everywhere the courage vigor, along whole body 80.11 million pore evaporations. 眨眼间,血液开始沸腾,然后化为漫天的血气,沿着全身80110000的毛孔蒸发。 Drinks!” “喝!” The pain of that flash, Qin Shi felt one closed innumerable in the dead gate probably back and forth. 那一瞬间的痛苦,秦石感觉自己好像是在死门关走了无数个来回。 However is good because, when every day practices Mysterious Heaven Scripture, long-term indulging in the pain of that unravelling, making the Qin Shi will very firm, stared in a big way the eye not to faint actually. 但是好在,在每日修炼玄天圣经时,长时间的沉溺在那种抽丝剥茧的痛苦中,令秦石的毅力十分坚定,硬是瞪大了眼睛没有晕过去。 Time slow passing, how long has forgotten. 时间缓慢的流逝,忘记过了多久。 Bang! 轰! Finally, the blood in within the body evaporates in the blazing raging fire completely, one after another bloodlines become withered. 终于,体内的血液在炽热烈火中蒸发殆尽,一条一条血脉变得干瘪。 In the instance that the blood vanished, the strange raging fire of dantian place winding by spirit crystal also lost the fuel, suppression bit by bit. 就在血液消失的瞬间,丹田处缠绕在灵晶旁的诡异烈火也失去了燃料,一点一点的扑灭。 Drank, drinks, drinks, finished?” “喝,喝,喝,结束了吗?” Looks jack-o '- lantern that is extinguishing, Qin Shi puffing in gulps. 望着灭去的鬼火,秦石大口大口的喘着粗气。 Um, then, I must pour the fascinated blood for you, must maintain the mood in this process, if the mood has the least bit to fluctuate, you will possibly lose sane Qi Deviation.” Evil Spirit also breathed heavily two thick air/Qi, obviously this process is not very easy to him. “嗯,接下来,我要为你注入魔血,在这个过程中一定要保持情绪,若是情绪产生半点波动,你可能都会丧失理智的走火入魔。”邪魔也是喘了两口粗气,显然这个过程对他来讲也十分不易。 Um.” “嗯。” Qin Shi clenches teeth should once again next. 秦石咬着牙再度应下一声。 Bang! 轰! In instant, left hand quiet Evil Spirit Totem that Qin Shi complies explodes to shoot the dark colored halo, at once sees only the billowing jet black blood, flows the whole body of Qin Shi following the left arm. 秦石答应的刹那,左手沉寂的邪魔图腾爆射起暗黑色的光晕,旋即只见滚滚的漆黑血液,顺着左臂流淌进秦石的全身。 The withered blood vessel, enters the instantaneous inflation in within the body to leave in black blood stream, consecutively after two sidereal revolutions , the whole body transmits the bewildered mood. 干瘪的血管,在黑血流进体内的瞬间膨胀滚起,连续两个周天后全身传来莫名其妙的情绪。 Shouted!” “呼!” Qin Shi suction port cold air/Qi, in Sea of Consciousness transmits the intense fluctuation but actually, the heart acceleration. 秦石倒吸口冷气,识海中传来强烈的波动,心脏加速。 Therefore, his god read to move fast Profound Heaven Ancient Formation rapidly, sat cross-legged to sit down in a midpoint eye, entered the ancient instance in him, in ancient four shot the dazzling golden light. 为此,他的神念迅速飘忽进玄天古阵,在正中央的阵眼上盘膝坐下,就在他进入古阵的瞬间,古阵上四射下刺目的金光。 The golden light like myriad sharp swords, read his god is piercing imperceptibly, every time pierced brings the fierce pain to him. 金光如万千利剑,将他的神念在无形中洞穿,每一次洞穿都给他带来剧烈的痛苦。 But is these pain, suppresses the mood that his moves restlessly unceasingly, bit by bit subsides. 但就是这些痛苦,才将他那不断躁动的情绪压制,一点一点的平息下来。 Bang! 轰! Has not known how long, within the body bang, nine spirit vein of his within the body had been full by the black blood suddenly, the black rose that at once nine bloodlines such as in the midsummer bloom, the request begins the transport of the coffin or cinerary casket the crystal. 不知过了多久,体内巨响一声,他体内的九条灵脉猛然被黑血充盈,旋即九条血脉如盛夏里绽放的黑玫瑰,托起灵晶。 The spirit crystal was picked up, flees to be mixed black spiritual power to walk randomly like the water snake in various whole body places, the five main internal organs (entrails) that was destroyed has been repaired instantaneously. 灵晶被托起,窜杂着黑色的灵力如水蛇般游走在全身各处,被破坏掉的五脏六腑瞬间得到修复。 After the repair, on the five main internal organs (entrails) was dyed by the black blood completely fully, was not once such bright red. 只是修复后,五脏六腑上全部被黑血染满,再也不是曾经的那样嫣红。 In regards within the body, simply is the jet black abyss. 内视体内,简直就是漆黑的深渊。 Qin Shi smiles bitterly: Finished?” 秦石苦笑一声:“结束了吗?” Um, present you, within the body had been fulled floaded operation by the demon blood, later was sure to remember absolutely that does not arrive to have no recourse do not expose own blood, will otherwise bring in the world public indignation, if at that time you did not have the formidable strength, must die without doubt!” Evil Spirit Baleful Qi becomes frail thin and pale, the sound is somewhat pale. “嗯,现在的你,体内已经被魔血灌满,以后万万切记,不到迫不得已不要暴露自己的血液,否则将会引来天地公愤,那时你若没有强大的实力,必死无疑!”邪魔煞气变得单薄憔悴,声音有些苍白。 hears that sound, Qin Shi nodded, these he who Evil Spirit said also understands that now will start his in the future road, one by one difficult to walk. 闻声,秦石点了点头,邪魔说的这些他也明白,现在开始他往后的路,将一步比一步难走。 Moreover, the demon blood can affect your mood, is your humanity so-called fairyhood, this point I could not help you, can only gradually adapt and suppress by you.” “另外,魔血会影响你的情绪,也就是你们人类所谓的魔性,这一点我也帮不了你,只能靠你自己慢慢适应和压制。” Evil Spirit is dragging the exhausted body silent meeting, said again: Was sure to remember that the night of moon/month circle, was the gloomy heaviest date, therefore on moon/month circle, not obvious blood, otherwise the fairyhood sent greatly, no end of trouble for the future.” 邪魔拖着疲惫的身躯沉默一会,再道:“切记,月圆之夜,乃阴气最重之日,所以每逢月圆,不可见血,否则魔性大发,将后患无穷。” „The night of moon/month circle, not obvious blood?” “月圆之夜,不可见血么?” Qin Shi these, engraves on mind completely. 秦石将这些,全部铭记在心。 Was good, I must rest, hopes that I will wake up next time, you can also live.” The Evil Spirit sound is getting more and more weak, Baleful Qi dissipates in thin and pale gradually. “好了,我要休息了,希望我下次醒来,你还能活着吧。”邪魔的声音越来越弱,煞气在憔悴中渐渐消散。 „, Just before leaving cannot say that the sentence is of pleasant to hear!” “靠,临走都不能说句好听得!” Looks at Evil Spirit to dissipate, Qin Shi ill-humored obloquies one. 看着邪魔消散,秦石没好气的大骂一声。 But in the Evil Spirit thorough deep sleep, he actually corners of the mouth gently shoulders toward on, said: He he, Evil Spirit , this time, I also no longer am a human, perhaps we can become very good brothers.” 但就在邪魔彻底的沉睡,他却将嘴角轻轻的朝上挑起,道:“呵呵,邪魔,这一次,我也不再是人,说不定我们能成为很好的兄弟呢。” Next time wakes up, making us try.” “下一次醒来,让我们试试吧。” The world is dim, the quarry stone opens. 天地昏暗,乱石而开。 In an instant passing half a month, in these a half moon/month, Scarlet Flame Empire East District position, regarding for a very long time not loose dark cloud. 转眼过去半月,在这半个月中,赤炎帝国东方区域的位置,围绕着久久不散的乌云。 In the dark cloud, obvious dark purple Lei Guang, such as the dense and numerous rainstorms chop the day from time to time under. 在乌云中,时而可见黑紫色的雷光,如密密麻麻的暴雨般劈天而下。 To this sudden phenomenon, making the East District person feel that was restless and scared. 对这突然的异象,令东方区域的人感到不安和恐慌。 In dim clouds, two form float in. 在昏暗的云霄中,两道身影悬浮其中。 One of them, is Fufeng. 其中一人,正是扶风。 He crosses the hands behind the back vertical supine beginning, looks at that to bind Lei Guang the dark clouds to screw tight the brow: Prediction phenomenon, it seems like did the child of demon appear?” 他负手而立的仰起头,望着那裹着雷光的黑云拧紧眉头:“预言异象,看来魔之子已经出现了么?” He he, assigns the standard to turn on the seal at this moment thoroughly, a long separation ten thousand years of prediction, must open immediately.” By Fufeng, was still the old man of that vicissitudes. “呵呵,这一刻起,命格将彻底打开封印,久别万年的预言,马上就要开起了啊。”在扶风旁边,仍是那名沧桑的老者。 Fufeng hears that sound, under serious point: Um, prepares, prepares to go to the demon territory.” 扶风闻声,郑重的点下头:“嗯,准备一下,准备前往魔域。” ! 咻! They are in the clear sky fabricated in a flash, the dissipation goes. 两人在晴空中虚妄一晃,消散而去。 But in instant, the clear sky that in same position they leave was ripped open together the opening of Youlan, the graceful tender body treads together void. 但就在两人离开的刹那,同一个位置的晴空被撕开一道幽兰的裂口,一道曼妙的娇躯虚空踏出。 The tender body treads, a blue long hair lets fall the waist, in the beautiful pupil is glittering the light water corona, that flash as if world position adores, gloomy. 娇躯踏出,一头碧蓝色的长发垂落腰间,美眸中闪烁着淡淡的水晕,那一刹那仿佛天地都位置倾心,暗淡。 Her skilled artist wields gently, bird's eye view by the dim earth that the thunder clouds make up , the cherry lips select suddenly lightly, reveal wipe with hoping that she ices allows to refuse to accept extremely smile sweetly: Shi’tou, one year, you fortunately?” 她的妙手轻轻挥,俯瞰着被雷云弥补的昏暗大地,突然间樱唇轻挑,露出一抹和她冰容极为不服的期许甜笑:“石头,一年了,你还好吗?” I, looks you.” “我,来找你了。”
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