PDL :: Volume #4

#357: Price

Sneaks toward the deep deep pool once more. 再次朝深潭潜入。 Quick, Qin Shi enters under ten thousand meters of Tianchi, but had still not seen the end, this made Qin Shi feel the exclamation to the depth of Tianchi once more. 很快,秦石进入天池的万米之下,但仍然没有看见尽头,这不禁令秦石对天池的深度再次感到惊叹。 After ten thousand meters, Qin Shi sneaks several kilometers toward, had the transformation in this time all around space finally, the jet black space four projected the flame rock magma. 万米之后,秦石又朝下方潜入数千米,在这时四周的空间终于发生了转变,本来漆黑的空间四射出火红色的岩浆。 Already thoroughly bottom?” “已经深入地底了?” Looks at the red rock magma all around, Qin Shi knitting the brows. 看着周遭的赤色岩浆,秦石不禁的皱了皱眉。 Kid, this place is not simple, one much will be careful.” “小家伙,这地方不简单,一会多小心一点。” While Qin Shi knits the brows, Evil Spirit also exuded a low and deep roar, in the sound has filled the contradiction and irritation, said \; I can feel that under this deep deep pool, is formidable, makes the strength that I loathe.” 秦石皱眉的同时,邪魔也发出道低沉的吼声,声音中充满了抵触和烦躁,道\;“我能感觉到,在这深潭下,有一股非常强大,令我厌恶的力量。” What?” “什么?” hears that sound, Qin Shi sucked tongue, the Evil Spirit exceedingly high skill he has been possible to know that can make Evil Spirit feel not the simple strength, that also? 闻声,秦石咂了咂舌,邪魔通天的本事他可知道,能令邪魔感觉到不简单的力量,那还了得? Therefore, Qin Shi mentioned 200% vigilance, was bit by bit thorough toward under along all around boiling hot rock magma. 为此,秦石提起200的警惕,一点一点沿着四周滚烫的岩浆朝下方深入。 Finally, in, pupil heart sudden bright of Qin Shi. 终于,在下方时,秦石的眸心突然一阵明亮。 Sees only under that deep deep pool, the Youlan color stamen and pistil, the stamen and pistil becomes six petals blooms, the surroundings have the light halo, making that Ruoshui ripple for it. 只见在那深潭下,有一株幽兰色的花蕊,花蕊成六瓣绽放,周围产生淡淡的光晕,令那弱水都为其荡漾起来。 Gathering spirit flower!” “聚灵花!” That stamen and pistil is the same with appearance that She Xi'er said that Qin Shi can determine that was his trip of points. 那花蕊和蛇曦儿说的模样一样,秦石敢确定那就是他此行的目地。 Therefore, in his heart the great happiness under foot circles trembles, after wiping spiritual power gushes out, explodes shoots, falls on side of that stamen and pistil. 为此,他心中大喜的脚下盘旋一颤,一抹灵力涌出后爆射而下,落在那花蕊的旁边。 Snort, really harms the good pain that I look.” “哼,真是害我找的好苦啊。” In the Qin Shi palms the miraculous glow four shoot, waves then to take off in the cliff seams that gathering spirit flower. 秦石掌间灵光四射,挥手便将那聚灵花在崖缝间摘下。 Takes off the gathering spirit flower, under the Qin Shi black pupil dodges the corridor to be excited, then begins to look supinely toward the sky that ten thousand meters away. 摘下聚灵花,秦石黑眸下闪过道兴奋,然后仰起头朝着那万米外的上空望去。 Should be the time leaves. 该是时候离开了。 Roar But in instant, a universe great roar that he must leave made the surrounding area ten thousand meters shiver, the rock magma all avalanche under precipice, the scarlet flame exploded shoots. 但就在他要离开的刹那,一声乾坤巨吼令方圆万米都是为之颤抖一份,山岩下的岩浆尽数崩塌,赤焰爆射。 The Qin Shi thoughts tremble, this sound was too terrifying. 秦石心思一颤,这声音实在太恐怖了。 hears that sound, Evil Spirit knit the brows: Kid, run!” 闻声,就连邪魔都皱了皱眉:“小家伙,快跑!” Has not waited for Qin Shi to get back one's composure, sees only below several thousand meters rock magma, the exceedingly high column of flame tuck dive, four are shooting the terrifying together, but the wild strength, is howling toward Qin Shi. 没等秦石回神,只见在下方数万米的岩浆里,一道通天的火柱翻腾而起,四射着恐怖而狂野的力量,正朝秦石呼啸而过。 Qin Shi stared staring, he can feel that this strength, absolutely is he in history, has seen the most fearful strength, even if Zhen Yuan did not compare. 秦石瞪了瞪眼,他能感觉到这力量,绝对是他有史以来,见过最为可怕的力量,就算甄渊都比不了。 Good terrifying.” “好恐怖。” Without hesitation, Qin Shi was almost lifts leg, all -out effort the nursing strength blew out spiritual power, two feet started to walk on the escarpment continuously several steps, one then leapt toward the Tianchi peak. 不加思索,秦石几乎是抬起腿,拼劲了吃奶的力量爆出灵力,两脚在崖壁上连续迈开几步,咻一下便朝天池顶端跃去。 Bang! 轰! But in Qin Shi the process that jumps toward on, that column of flame actually wilder pursuit. 但在秦石朝上跃起的过程,那火柱却更加狂野的追击。 Could not shunt!” “躲不开了!” Clenched teeth, Qin Shi looks back to look at that such as the dreadful turbulent rock magma, probably the mind was imprisoned to be the same, first time felt close to the death close so. 咬了咬牙,秦石回首望着那如滔天汹涌的岩浆,好像心神都被禁锢住了一样,头一次感觉临近死亡这般的接近。 Bites the day to bite!” “噬天噬地!” In Qin Shi is flurried, Baleful Qi that the black winds around all round such as extends Longji to offer a sacrifice, Evil Spirit in an instant is drawing out the hand, was welcoming that rock magma to. 就在秦石慌乱时,团团黑色缭绕的煞气如延绵龙脊般祭出,邪魔就在刹那间起手而出,迎着那岩浆对上。 Bang! 砰! Bang, the space under ten thousand meters was disrupted directly, that calm Ruoshui for this reason has seethed with excitement, the billowing heat wave seethes toward on. 巨响一声,万米下的空间被直接碎裂,就连那波澜不惊的弱水都为此沸腾了起来,滚滚的热浪朝上翻腾。 Puff passes! 噗通! Once again fierce shivers, on the escarpment several hundred giant rocks blasts out directly. 再度狂烈的颤抖一下,崖壁上数百块巨大的岩石被直接炸开。 A Qin Shi brow wrinkle, at once in him flurried, in slit that in the rock magma and Evil Spirit fight, rolls up and pushes along the anxious recoil, the difficult situation surpasses the sky to shake him together departs on kilometer far. 秦石眉头一皱,旋即就在他慌乱中,在岩浆和邪魔交手的缝隙中,卷动起焦躁的后坐力,一道惊涛骇浪将他超上空震飞出上千米远。 Bang! 砰! Just got back one's composure, Qin Shi hit directly on the escarpment, a blood sprayed following the mouth , the blood dyed bright red Ruoshui of deep deep pool. 刚回神,秦石直接撞在崖壁上,一口鲜血顺着口中喷洒出来,鲜血将深潭的弱水染成嫣红。 He coughs two: Evil Spirit !” 他干咳两声:“邪魔!” Run!” “快跑!” The Evil Spirit speech is neat, Qin Shi can look, these time clashed to make him withstand very serious injury, dragging broken Baleful Qi to return to Totem. 邪魔说话干净利落,秦石能够看得出来,这一次对撞令他承受了很严重的伤势,拖着残破的煞气回归进图腾 Clenched teeth, Qin Shi rubbish, after dragging the body , the under foot explodes to shoot dozens golden light, such as the time star tail explodes to the Tianchi peak shoots to go. 咬了咬牙,秦石也不废话,拖着身躯后脚下爆射起数十道金光,如流光星尾般冲着天池顶端爆射而去。 In the Tianchi peak, She Xi'er and the others defended in the nearby. 在天池顶端,蛇曦儿等人守在附近。 Rumble! 咕噜! In the waiting, the Tianchi peak calm level of the lake seethes with excitement suddenly, then several wisps of bright red halos project under the hot sun. 在等待中,天池顶端波澜不惊的湖面突然沸腾起来,然后几缕鲜红色的光晕在烈日下投射而出。 Sees that several blood red, various people also knit the brows: What's the matter?” 看见那几道血红,诸人同时皱了皱眉:“怎么回事?” „Did father leave accidentally?” “爹爹出意外了?” The Xiaomi Cai beautiful pupil stares in a big way, follows close on her to face forward to take suddenly one step, pinches the pink / white fist to set out to penetrate to enter toward Tianchi under. 小米彩美眸瞪大,紧跟着她猛然朝前迈出一步,捏着粉拳就想起身朝天池下深入而进。 Xiaomi Cai, do not go!” 小米彩,别去!” Yu Luocha is quick of eye and hand, holds Xiaomi Cai, said: I am also worried about him, but no one knows that now under had anything, this Ruoshui deep deep pool insignificant thing does not float, bird, if your this gets down rashly, not only could not help him, will only harm him.” 玉罗刹眼疾手快,一把抓住小米彩,道:“我也担心他,但现在谁也不知道下面发生了什么,这弱水深潭鸿毛不浮,飞鸟不过,若是你这样贸然下去,非但帮不了他,只会害了他。” But father “可是爹爹” Believes him.” Did not wait for Xiaomi Cai saying that the Yu Luocha interruption said: He can always bring the miracle to us, this time we must believe him, he can certainly be good.” “相信他。”不等小米彩说完,玉罗刹打断道:“他总是能给我们带来奇迹,这一次我们也要相信他,他一定能行。” The Xiaomi Cai tender body shivers, finally depends by Yu Luocha lowered the head, has not spoken again. 小米彩的娇躯颤抖一下,最终靠在玉罗刹旁边低下头,没再说话。 Puff passes! 噗通! At this moment, a bang spatters in all directions on the bund of Tianchi suddenly, at once billowing four shoots like the turbulent current spray, forms everywhere the rainstorm. 就在这时,一声巨响突然在天池的湖边上迸溅,旋即如激流般的浪花滚滚四射,形成漫天的暴雨。 Follows the rainstorm, a shadow suddenly jumps out, numerous falling on the ground. 伴随暴雨而出,一道黑影从中猛然窜出,咣啷一声重重的摔在地上。 Came out!” “出来了!” Sees that shadow happily, all people one. 看见那黑影,诸人一喜。 Xiaomi Cai wants not to think throws to go forward, worries saying: Father, are you how is it?” 小米彩想都不想的扑上前,担忧道:“爹爹,你怎么样?” „, All right.” “咳咳,没事。” The Qin Shi strenuous haunching body, after the pale face coughs several, a blood spouts. 秦石吃力的撑起身子,苍白的面庞干咳几声后,一口鲜血喷出。 Shi’tou!” Yu Luocha is startled. 石头!”玉罗刹一惊。 Puff passes! 噗通! But has not waited for her to go forward, Qin Shi only felt that at present one black, the god knows with the body weak completely weak has fainted. 但没等她上前,秦石只感觉眼前一黑,神识和躯体全部瘫软无力的晕了过去。 This, all people have flustered, Yu Luocha throws to go forward rapidly, wipes spiritual power to turn over among the skilled artists, searches into to Qin Shi within the body. 这一下,所有人都慌了,玉罗刹迅速扑上前,一抹灵力在妙手间翻转,冲着秦石的体内探入。 What's wrong, how can like this?” “怎么,怎么会这样?” spiritual power searches into, made her tenderness allow to change. 灵力探入,却令她的娇容一变。 Xiaomi Cai and She Xi'er worry to say in abundance: Sister-in-law, the demons elder sister, actually my father and are Brother Shi how is it?” 小米彩蛇曦儿纷纷担忧道:“小姑,罗刹姐姐,我爹爹、石头哥究竟怎么样?” But under their pressing for an answer, Yu Luocha is actually shivering the tender body, a character has not spat. 但在两人的逼问下,玉罗刹却颤抖着娇躯,一个字也没吐出来。 Xiaomi Cai was worried that chaotic silver tooth lightly bites, one step steps around then offers a sacrifice to two seven pink clouds light, the multi-colored sunlight walks randomly from the body of Qin Shi, at once makes her beautiful pupil stare, dodges the corridor not to dare to believe. 小米彩担心则乱的银牙轻咬,一步迈上前后便祭出两道七彩霞光,霞光自秦石的身上游走一圈,旋即令她的美眸一瞪,闪过道不敢置信。 Well fearful wound.” “好好可怕的伤。” Sees only, in Qin Shi within the body, the five main internal organs (entrails) blasts open completely, said that is a mass of cuts and bruises does not exaggerate, what is most important is his dantian place, by the blazing raging fire package, the high-temperature as if foot of that raging fire was burnt the day one after another, Xiaomi Cai and Yu Luocha spiritual power just moved, then directly was cremated. 只见,在秦石的体内,五脏六腑全部炸裂,说是体无完肤都毫不夸张,最重要的是他丹田处,被一道一道炽热的烈火包裹,那烈火的高温仿佛足矣焚天,小米彩玉罗刹灵力刚刚触碰,便被直接焚化。 Actually is who!” “究竟是谁!” The Xiaomi Cai anxious tears flowed. 小米彩焦急的眼泪都流出来了。 Under this Tianchi, actually to have what fearful matter? 在这天池下,究竟发生了什么可怕的事? The Qin Shi strength, they know, especially now breakthrough Profound Spirit Realm, even if were Profound Spirit Realm peak is also not necessarily able how him, is actually what person can injure this him? 秦石的实力,他们都知道,特别是如今突破玄灵境,就算是玄灵境巅峰也未必能奈何了他,究竟是什么样的人才能将他伤成这样? This injury, almost wanted his life. 这伤势,几乎要了他的命啊。 First holds him to rest.” Yu Luocha white teeth breaking by biting cherry lips, she tries hard not to be cried by herself, is holding the arm of Qin Shi anti- in the shoulder, runs away toward the distant place. “先扶他去休息吧。”玉罗刹皓齿咬破樱唇,她努力没让自己哭出来,扶着秦石的臂膀抗在肩头,朝远处遁去。 Position that returns to rest. 回到休息的位置。 In the tent, Yu Luocha smooths Qin Shi, sits is shaking his hand in side, wisp of wisp of quiet and beautiful spiritual power sneaks into his within the body following the pore. 在帐篷里,玉罗刹抚平秦石,坐在旁边握着他的手,一缕一缕清幽的灵力顺着毛孔窜入他的体内。 Shi’tou, insists 石头,坚持住” Yu Luocha tight pressed light nan, is controlling wisp of wisp of spiritual power across Qin Shi spirit vein, gathers toward that dantian place. 玉罗刹紧蹙的轻喃一声,操控着一缕一缕的灵力穿过秦石灵脉,朝着那丹田处汇聚。 But, these spiritual power have been walking randomly the Qin Shi spirit vein instance, was given to make a false counter-accusation by the dantian raging flame, burning down completely. 但,那些灵力在游走过秦石灵脉的瞬间,便被丹田的熊熊烈火给反噬,焚烧殆尽。 How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” What most awfully is, when Yu Luocha wants to once more Qin Shi within the body inputs spiritual power, these raging fire unexpectedly counter-attack, one Yu Luocha skilled artist burn. 最要命的是,当玉罗刹再次想要冲秦石体内输入灵力时,那些烈火竟然反扑出来,一下将玉罗刹的妙手灼伤。 This type of strange raging fire, Yu Luocha has never seen, no matter is unable to suppress with any means. 这种诡异的烈火,玉罗刹从未见过,不管用什么办法都无法扑灭。 Looked at the Qin Shi pain face, Yu Luocha has been crying, silent sob: What to do Shi’tou I should, you tell me, how should I do to save you?” 望着秦石痛苦的面庞,玉罗刹哭了,无声的哭泣:“石头我该怎么办,你告诉我啊,我该怎么做才能救你?” Outside the tent, Xiaomi Cai and She Xi'er and other quiet clan clansmen are waiting for anxiously, to late at night time, Yu Luocha goes out of the tent. 在帐篷外,小米彩蛇曦儿等幽族族人焦急的等待着,一直到后半夜的时候,玉罗刹才走出帐篷。 Sees Yu Luocha, several people step immediately go forward to pursue ask: Sister-in-law, demons elder sister, my father and Brother Shi how?” 看见玉罗刹,几人马上迈上前追问道:“小姑,罗刹姐,我爹爹、石头哥怎么样了?” With all people looks at each other one, the Yu Luocha subconscious skilled artist behind, on her skilled artist are many burn, helpless shakes the head to all people: „It is not quite good.” 和诸人对视一眼,玉罗刹潜意识的将妙手背后,她的妙手上多出灼伤,无奈的冲着诸人摇摇头:“不太好。” How can?” “怎么会?” This, all people were all flurried. 这一下,所有人全慌乱了。 Xiaomi Cai flurried toward retroceding several steps, beautiful pupil lax shaking the head: No, is impossible, father is impossible to have matter 小米彩慌乱的朝后退开几步,美眸涣散的摇摇头:“不,不可能,爹爹不可能有事” This time, we could not help him, can very pass, looked that his assigned Yu Luocha to heave a deep sigh, the heart such as the giant stone crush was serious. “这一次,我们谁也帮不了他,能不能挺过去,就看他的命了”玉罗刹长叹一声,心如巨石碾压般沉重。 all people the heart, in this moment, was affected similarly. 诸人的心,在这一刻,同样被牵动起来。 Buzz! 嗡! In tent, sleeping poorly of Qin Shi pain. 帐篷中,秦石痛苦的反侧。 He shuts tightly the black pupil, is being very tight, the whole body that brow wrinkles is hitting trembling. 他紧闭着黑眸,眉头皱的很紧,全身打着哆嗦。 Kid! The kids awake!” “小家伙!小家伙醒醒!” In his deep sleep, in -depth Sea of Consciousness transmits the sound of [say / way] suddenly. 在他沉睡中,深层的识海里突然传递起道道的声音。 Qin Shi opening eyes slightly, he is at the condition that the god read, moved fast in the middle of Sea of Consciousness. 秦石微微的睁开眼,他正处于神念的状态,飘忽在识海当中。 Evil Spirit ? Is you?” 邪魔?是你吗?” hears that sound, Qin Shi pain response. 闻声,秦石痛苦的回应一声。 Um.” Wisp of black Baleful Qi, enters Qin Shi Sea of Consciousness. “嗯。”一缕黑色的煞气,窜进秦石识海 Looks at Evil Spirit , Qin Shi can feel that which this time his good to not to go, finally crucial time, if not for Evil Spirit kept off the column of flame majority of strengths, perhaps he has been burnt down the flying ash to dissipate now. 望着邪魔,秦石能感觉得到,此时的他不比自己好到哪去,最后关键的时刻,若不是邪魔挡下了火柱大部分的力量,恐怕他现在已经被焚烧成飞灰消散了吧。 He induces to the scarlet flame of dantian place, frowning, that scarlet flame is nibbling his cultivation for with the vitality, shatter of five main internal organs (entrails), was already horrible to look. 他感应到丹田处的赤焰,不由的皱起眉头,那赤焰正在蚕食着他的修为和生机,五脏六腑的破碎,早已惨不忍睹。 How can like this “怎么会这样” This wound, even if were the timely rain rain and dew cannot restore definitely? 这种伤,就算是甘霖雨露决也恢复不了吧? I have the means that can help you suppress this flame?” Evil Spirit hesitant, is suddenly dignified the sound to say. “我有办法,能帮你将这火焰扑灭?”邪魔犹豫一下,突然凝重着声音道。 „Do you have the means?” “你有办法?” Um, but you must pay very serious price.” “嗯,但你要付出很惨重的代价。” What price?” “什么代价?” If wants to extinguish this raging fire, must evaporate within the body all essence and blood, then I exchange the demon for you blood.” “若想灭这烈火,必须要蒸发掉体内所有的精血,然后我为你换上魔的血液。” Evil Spirit hesitant, said dignifiedly: But this, you are not a human.” 邪魔犹豫一下,凝重道:“但是这样,你将不在是人。”
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