PDL :: Volume #4

#356: Long said

Nine Heaven Realm souls?” “九层天境的灵魂?” hears that sound, Qin Shi knit the brows looks toward that soul, this soul contrast ratio just obvious different, has little cultivation unexpectedly is? 闻声,秦石皱了皱眉的朝那灵魂望去,这道灵魂照比刚刚的明显不同,竟带有少许的修为? Naturally, this little, is to this soul, but regarding Qin Shi actually already fearful existence that may not touch. 当然,这个少许,是对这个灵魂来讲,而对于秦石却已经是不可触及的可怕存在。 Has Third Rank Heaven Realm, seizes Heaven Realm peak. 足足有三层天境,夺天境巅峰 Kid, this old ghost is not simple.” Evil Spirit knit the brows, is earnest saying: „A meeting, if there is an accident to breakneck to run to me, do not injure my this to seize the treasure body of shed, doesn't know?” “小家伙,这老鬼不简单。”邪魔皱了皱眉,也认真起来道:“一会,如果有意外就给我玩命跑,千万别伤了我这要夺舍的宝贝躯体,知道不?” „” “” The corners of the mouth of Qin Shi twitch, suddenly had to plant to chop the impulsion of Evil Spirit . 秦石的嘴角抽搐一下,一时间有种想要剁了邪魔的冲动。 Bang! 轰! With a crash, the resentment of that soul read dreadfully, in Qin Shi and Evil Spirit dialog instant, then leapt to Qin Shi side, the palm howled to search toward Qin Shi like the strong gale. 砰然,那灵魂的怨念滔天,在秦石邪魔对话的刹那,便已经跃到秦石身旁,掌如烈风般朝秦石呼啸探下。 The Qin Shi facial expression stares: Damn!” 秦石神情一瞪:“该死!” Bang! 砰! Instant, two forms interweave collision, at once Qin Shi felt his Sea of Consciousness shivers fiercely, three kilometers Sea of Consciousness was been probably same by the giant stone crush, had almost not been broken. 刹那,两道身影交织碰撞,旋即秦石感觉他的识海剧烈颤抖,三千米的识海好像被巨石碾压一样,差点没被震碎了。 Hissing good fearful strength.” “嘶好可怕的力量。” In his absent-minded instance, the soul anteversion body, the black ghosts and demons five fingers lock the throat once again together, said fierce: Base and low humanity? You why in the restricted area of my quiet clan?” 在他失神的瞬间,灵魂再度前倾身子,一道黑色的鬼魅五指锁喉而下,厉声道:“卑微的人类?你为何会在我幽族的禁地?” Quiet clan restricted area? Are you person of quiet clan?” “幽族禁地?你是幽族的人?” Qin Shi just wanted to struggle, but after hearing the Qin Shi words, is amazed. 秦石刚欲挣扎,但听见秦石的话后不由惊诧一下。 Few idle talk, said! Who are you?” “少废话,说!你是什么人?” At once, that soul five fingers hold up, pour into Qin Shi Sea of Consciousness, intense spiritual power made the leeway that Qin Shi struggled continually not have. 旋即,那灵魂五指举起,灌入秦石识海,强烈的灵力秦石连挣扎的余地都没有。 In the face of this soul, Qin Shi is base and low like the ants. 在这灵魂面前,秦石如蝼蚁般卑微。 Bang! 砰! But the next instant, Evil Spirit offers a sacrifice to Baleful Qi, such as the torrential rough sea waves plunge the soul, gets angry: Scoffs, a broken soul, wants to injure my vessel?” 但下一霎,邪魔祭出煞气,如滔滔巨浪般扑向灵魂,怒道:“嗤,一个残破的灵魂,也想要伤害我的容器?” ! 咣啷! That soul was attacked by Baleful Qi, backs up suddenly latter dozens meters far, at once his astonished staring to Qin Shi: „Was this strength the ancient times demon clan?” 那灵魂被煞气冲击,猛然倒退后数十米远,旋即他惊愕的瞪向秦石:“这力量是远古魔族?” Snort, the old fogy, knows arrives much, I deliver you to go to be reborn in paradise now extremely happily!” Evil Spirit was enraged obviously, jet black Baleful Qi in the deep deep pool tuck dive, forms the dreadful great hand successor dynasty soul to throw all round. “哼,老家伙,知道的到不少,我现在就送你去极乐往生!”邪魔显然是被激怒了,团团漆黑的煞气在深潭翻腾,形成滔天巨手后朝灵魂扑下。 Evil Spirit , do not begin!” 邪魔,别动手!” But at this time, the Qin Shi left arm made an effort to make an effort, by Evil Spirit suppressing. 但在这时,秦石左臂使劲用力,靠意志将邪魔给压制下来。 Brat, do you do?” “臭小子,你干嘛?” Evil Spirit loses to the control of left hand, stared stared to scold. 邪魔失去对左手的操控,瞪了瞪眼骂道。 Do not make a sound!” Qin Shi reprimanded, has not been responding Evil Spirit , then said to the soul: Seniors, should not be excited first, although I am not the person of quiet clan, but I have not injured the excessively quiet clansman, instead and quiet clan is a friend.” “别吱声!”秦石斥道,没在搭理邪魔,然后冲着灵魂道:“老前辈,你先别激动,我虽不是幽族的人,但我并没伤害过幽族人,反而和幽族是朋友。” Friend?” “朋友?” The soul knit the brows, said: Scoffs, you are deceiving me, can the person of my solemn quiet clan, become friends like ants humanity with your this?” 灵魂皱了皱眉,道:“嗤,你在骗我,我堂堂幽族的人,会和你这如蝼蚁般的人类交朋友?” I have not deceived you.” Qin Shi firm [say / way]. “我没骗你。”秦石坚定道。 Brat, rubbish anything with him, put me to exit to receive him, nine Heaven Realm souls, enough your Sea of Consciousness expanded to five kilometers.” “臭小子,和他废话什么,放我出去收了他,九层天境的灵魂,足够你识海扩张到五千米了。” You shut up!” “你闭嘴!” Qin Shi indignant clashes Evil Spirit roar sentence. 秦石气愤的冲邪魔吼句。 Evil Spirit is the resentment is also dreadful, but suddenly actually cannot break away Qin Shi, after all now this body or Qin Shi leadership. 邪魔也是怨气滔天,但一时间却也挣不开秦石,毕竟现在这身躯还是秦石主导。 Looks at the Qin Shi affirmative appearance, that soul hesitant, is low and deep: Boy, you determined that you haven't deceived me? Do you dare to make me prove?” 看着秦石肯定的模样,那灵魂犹豫一下,低沉道:“小子,你确定你没骗我?那你敢不敢让我证明一下?” Qin Shi broad and level smiling, said: Naturally, does not know how senior does want to show?” 秦石坦荡的笑笑,道:“当然可以,不知前辈想怎么证明?” Your within the body has the Holy Ghost colored fluctuation, so long as you hold a memorial service for the Holy Ghost flower, I from may witness.” The soul stares at Qin Shi to say. “你体内有圣灵花的波动,只要你将圣灵花祭奠出来,我自可见证。”灵魂盯着秦石道。 Qin Shi has gawked staring, the low and deep under face somewhat hesitates. 秦石愣了愣,低沉下脸有些犹豫。 What's wrong? Doesn't dare?” Sees the hesitation of Qin Shi, that soul ridiculed one. “怎么?不敢了?”看见秦石的犹豫,那灵魂嘲笑一声。 Younger generation body does not fear shadow to be crooked, why doesn't dare?” After Qin Shi next, self-confidence said that at once spiritual power searches into the dantian, will adhere to stick cohere the Holy Ghost flower on nucleus to offer a sacrifice to along the oral cavity. “晚辈身正不怕影子歪,为何不敢?”秦石顿下后自信道,旋即灵力探入丹田,将附着在晶核上的圣灵花顺口腔祭出。 Sees the Holy Ghost flower brightly, the soul body pupil heart one. 望见圣灵花,灵魂体眸心一亮。 At once, he wields single-handed, together the purple quiet color ray survey, becomes myriad halos from all directions the Holy Ghost colored package. 旋即,他单手一挥,一道紫幽色的光芒探测而出,成万千的光晕从四面八方将圣灵花包裹。 This reads the soul technique?” “这是读魂术?” Sees this, Qin Shi to knit the brows, a moment ago that several simple acts he to see, is not just the ancient times taboo that initially purple Ling used: Read the soul technique? 看见这幕,秦石皱了皱眉,刚才那几个简单的动作他见过,不正是当初紫玲莎使用的远古禁忌:读魂术吗? What made Qin Shi accidental was, did this read the soul technique also to the plant to use? 只是令秦石意外的是,这读魂术还能对植物使用? Sees stunned of Qin Shi, Evil Spirit said ill-humoredly: Has something to be surprised, has life already to have the soul, even if the plant is no exception.” 看出秦石的愕然,邪魔没好气道:“有什么可惊讶得,有生命既有灵魂,就算是植物也不例外。” Under point that Qin Shi is suddenly enlighted, originally this also? 秦石恍然大悟的点下头,原来这也可以? That, this read soul technique to is really a good move, but was a pity that now was already lost. 那如此说来,这读魂术到真是个好招数,只是可惜现在早已失传了。 In that spends after the Holy Ghost reads the soul technique, the soul knit the brows, felt much old: „Does my quiet clan reduce to the so distressed situation unexpectedly?” 在那面,对圣灵花施展读魂术后,灵魂皱了皱眉,感觉苍老了不少:“我幽族竟沦落到这般狼狈的地步?” Looks at his dispirited appearance, Qin Shi knows that he definitely from the Holy Ghost flower, saw the pitiful scene of present quiet clan. 看着他那颓废的模样,秦石知道他肯定是从圣灵花中,看见了现在幽族的凄惨光景。 But he has not spoken, has not been worried about anything. 但他没有说话,也没有担心什么。 When read the soul technique to finish, soul light received to reach behind the back, on face somewhat pale shaking down head: „The Holy Ghost flower, you receive.” 待读魂术结束,灵魂才淡淡的收回手,面庞上有些苍白的摇下头:“圣灵花,你收回去吧。” „Did senior believe?” “前辈信了?” Qin Shi waves to take back dantian the Holy Ghost flower, said with a smile to the soul. 秦石挥手将圣灵花收回丹田,冲灵魂笑道。 That soul old man begins supinely, looks at Qin Shi to offer a sacrifice to wipe awkwardly, said: Um, the young fellow, many offended before, making you be laughed, obsolete is the quiet clan second generation head of the clan: Long said.” 那灵魂老者仰起头,望着秦石祭出一抹尴尬,道:“嗯,小伙子,之前多有得罪,让你见笑了,老朽乃是幽族第二代族长:龙云。” Two generations of head of the clan?” “二代族长?” Qin Shi knit the brows, this status may really scare him. 秦石皱了皱眉,这身份可真是吓坏他了。 Um, thinks my quiet clan, ten thousand years of history, reduce to so the scene finally unexpectedly, lives on dishonorably in a small empire.” Long said heaves a deep sigh, full Han lost. “嗯,想我幽族,也有万年历史,最终竟沦落到这般光景,在一个小帝国里苟且偷生。”龙云长叹一声,满含失落。 But when Qin Shi has feelings, has not thought taunt that Evil Spirit actually hits a person when he is down: Scoffs, what is your this? Haven't you seen me? My solemn ancient times day demon, reduces to works as the situation of goon now by this boy , compared with me, your quiet clan calculated.” 但正当秦石有所感触时,不曾想邪魔却落井下石的嘲讽道:“嗤,你这算什么?你没看见我吗?我一个堂堂远古天魔,现在都沦落到被这小子当打手的地步了,和我比起来,你那幽族算好了。” „” “” The Qin Shi corners of the mouth twitch, one type wants to kill the impulsion of Evil Spirit . 秦石嘴角抽搐一下,有一种想要弄死邪魔的冲动。 Ancient times day demon?” “远古天魔么?” Long said hears that sound, actually looked to the Qin Shi left arm, then quite had ponder one of the profound meaning, then has not done right after something else in this topic. 龙云闻声,却是冲秦石左臂望去,然后颇有深意的沉思一段,便没在这个话题上接茬。 Seniors, I can ask, if looked like you saying that the quiet clan had ten thousand years of base industry, but when Scarlet Flame Empire 5000 background, why in the past established in the empire, doesn't the quiet clansman leave this?” Qin Shi hesitant, said. “老前辈,我能问一下,若像你所说,幽族有万年基业,而赤炎帝国才5000年的底蕴,为何当年在帝国建立时,幽族人不离开这呢?”秦石犹豫下,道。 Quiet clan, cannot get away.” “幽族,走不了。” Can't get away?” Qin Shi knit the brows. “走不了?”秦石皱了皱眉。 Um, from the ancient times war, the mission of quiet clan was to then protect this Ruoshui deep deep pool, so long as the quiet clan did not extinguish, then forever must venerate this mission.” Long said hesitant, has not concealed said to Qin Shi. “嗯,自远古大战起,幽族的使命便是守护这弱水深潭,只要幽族不灭,便永远要尊崇这个使命。”龙云犹豫下,并未隐瞒的冲秦石道。 Was the ancient times war?” “又是远古大战?” Qin Shi knit the brows, was curious about this ancient times war. 秦石皱了皱眉,对这远古大战充满好奇。 In the past, he in the Refining Soul tower, then innumerable contacted this ancient times war, but now to its record is actually very few. 当年,他在炼魂塔时,便无数次接触这远古大战,但现在对其的记载却是少之又少。 Heard ancient times the war, under Evil Spirit was actually shivers, then quietly silent in the middle of Totem. 听见远古大战,邪魔却是颤抖下,然后便悄然的沉默在图腾当中。 Felt that the change of Evil Spirit , Qin Shi knit the brows, he knows that Evil Spirit is Tun Tian, thinks each time this matter made him somewhat shock, in the past one of the ancient times war double demons, unexpectedly in his within the body? 感觉到邪魔的变化,秦石皱了皱眉,他知道邪魔就是吞天,每次想到这事就令他有些震撼,当年远古大战的双魔之一,竟在他的体内? If this matter passes on, perhaps the world can the chaos? 这事若传出去,恐怕天下都会大乱吧? Therefore, Qin Shi sets firm resolve, cannot to know the Evil Spirit status. 所以,秦石下定决心,万万不能让人知道邪魔的身份。 Young fellow, has the incident to request obsolete that does not know whether?” Looks at the silence of Qin Shi, Long said that but actually has not realized the difference, but was mistaken that he was given to shock by the ancient times war, therefore opens the mouth question. “小伙子,老朽有一事相求,不知可否?”看着秦石的沉默,龙云倒并未察觉到异样,只是误以为他被远古大战给震撼,所以开口问句 Qin Shi has gawked staring, has returned to the shintoism: Senior said freely.” 秦石愣了愣,回过神道:“前辈尽管说。” Long said silent, at once sees only his palm to search, sent out three rays stamens and pistils to offer a sacrifice to together, made this calm Ruoshui is shivers several points. 龙云沉默下,旋即只见他掌心一探,一道散发着三张光芒的花蕊祭出,令这波澜不惊的弱水都是颤抖几分。 Holy Ghost flower?” “圣灵花?” Sees that stamen and pistil, Qin Shi throat dry heat chants in a low voice. 看见那花蕊,秦石喉咙干热的低吟一声。 Um, I saw that to call the sunlight small girl from your Holy Ghost colored memory, she now is the head of the clan of quiet clan, but actually not by the Holy Ghost colored baptism, therefore I think that you helped me give this Holy Ghost flower, was I for the final incident that the quiet clan made.” Silent, Long Yun Kaikou said. “嗯,我从你圣灵花的记忆中看见了那个叫曦儿的小丫头,她现在是幽族的族长,但却未受圣灵花的洗礼,所以我想你帮我将这株圣灵花交给她,算是我为幽族做的最后一事吧。”沉默中,龙云开口道。 Qin Shi stared staring, but does not wait for him to open the mouth, sees only that Holy Ghost flower to move fast toward him, falling slowly before him. 秦石瞪了瞪眼,但不等他开口,只见那圣灵花已经朝他飘忽而过,缓缓的落在他面前。 Young fellow, you is a good person, all gave you, my this survived ten thousand years of remnant spirit, finally can also be extricated.” “小伙子,你是好人,一切交给你了,我这存活了万年的残灵,终于也能够得到解脱了。” Long said opens the mouth once again, at once sees only his spirit body to glitter indifferently the dazzling halo, threw toward Qin Shi loudly. 龙云再度开口,旋即只见他的灵体漠然闪烁起刺目的光晕,轰然间朝秦石扑了上来。 Bang! 轰! In instance that Long Yun Pu comes up, Qin Shi felt that his Sea of Consciousness explodes probably is the same, a turbulent fluctuation comes in waves, makes three kilometers Sea of Consciousness blooming golden light, after breaking through the shackles, at one fell swoop achieves an enough five kilometers category. 在龙云扑上来的瞬间,秦石感觉他的识海好像爆炸一样,一股汹涌的波动滚滚而来,令三千米的识海绽放金光,一举冲破桎梏后达到足足五千米的范畴。 Induced to the change of Sea of Consciousness, Qin Shi is shocked. 感应到识海的变化,秦石惊呆了。 But when surprised, the soul that Long said reappears once more in Sea of Consciousness, left behind the final several words: Kid, in the future my quiet clan, if has difficult, hopes that you can help to preserve the quiet clan not to extinguish obsolete 但在惊讶时,龙云的魂魄再次浮现在识海,留下最后的几段话语:“小家伙,将来我幽族若是有难,希望你能帮老朽保全幽族不灭吧” Long said senior “龙云前辈” Qin Shi has been startled being startled, but when he when wants to open the mouth, Long said that already did not see, harnesses west the crane. 秦石怔了怔,但当他在想开口时,龙云早已不见,驾鹤西去。 Under that jet black and ice-cold deep deep pool, only remaining Qin Shi and front Holy Ghost flower, already because of the watermark ripples that the Holy Ghost flower ripples. 在那漆黑而冰冷的深潭下,只剩下秦石和面前的圣灵花,已经因圣灵花而荡漾的水纹涟漪。 This sudden accident, Qin Shi suddenly falls into silent. 这突然的意外,秦石一时间陷入沉默。 Presses firmly between the fingers the present Holy Ghost flower single-handed, does not know how should choose. 单手捏住眼前的圣灵花,不知该如何抉择。 In heart, struggling by fits and starts, if this Holy Ghost flower with Yu Luocha, then can alleviate Heartless Yin Yang Talisman of her within the body, but does this then meets breaking a promise Long to say. 在心中,一阵一阵的挣扎,若是将这圣灵花拿给玉罗刹,便能缓解她体内的绝情阴阳符,但这样做便会失信龙云。 Actually should how do, can consider all aspects.” “究竟该怎么做,才能面面兼顾。” Kid, the fish cancould have both with bear's paws since old times, must leave to be the same after all.” The Evil Spirit vigorous sound resounds, said to Qin Shi. “小家伙,自古鱼和熊掌不可兼得,总归是要舍去一样。”邪魔浑厚的声音响起,冲秦石道。 hears that sound, Qin Shi smiles bitterly, this simple truth he also knows, when usually needs to make the choice, is always painful. 闻声,秦石苦笑一声,这简单的道理他也知道,但往往需要做出选择时,总是痛苦得。 Ok, does not think that gives sunlight, making her arrange this Holy Ghost flower, perhaps was the best choice.” Qin Shi shook the head, at once lowering the head vision somewhat strange looks toward Evil Spirit Totem. “算了,不想了,交给曦儿,令她来安排这圣灵花,或许才是最好的选择吧。”秦石摇了摇头,旋即低头目光有些怪异的朝邪魔图腾望去。 Feels the strange vision, the Evil Spirit ill-humored [say / way]: What meaning do you think so me are?” 感受到怪异的目光,邪魔没好气的道:“你这么看我是什么意思?” Does not have, I deliberately considered that your this brain rusty Evil Spirit , does understand in archaism unexpectedly?” Qin Shi is having the laughter of ridicule. “没,我就是寻思,你这脑子生锈的邪魔,竟然还懂得用古语呢?”秦石带着嘲弄的笑声。 Go away!” Evil Spirit ill-humored scolding sentence. “滚!”邪魔没好气的骂句。 Was scolded the sound by Evil Spirit , Qin Shi does not have any disgruntledness, instead feeling happy many: Yeah, Evil Spirit Evil Spirit , you said that your demon much is good? Perhaps we can also become the brothers, each time when this little sadly, chatted with you are much better.” 邪魔骂声,秦石却没有任何不悦,反而感觉心情舒畅不少:“哎,邪魔邪魔,你说你要不是魔多好?咱俩说不定还能成为兄弟呢,每次本少心情不好时,和你聊聊天就好多了。” You, when I am your mind chicken soup?” “你当我是你的心灵鸡汤啊?” Some Evil Spirit dumbfounded, but is listening to the Qin Shi words, in heart actually bewildered flowing together warm feeling. 邪魔有些无语,但听着秦石的话,心中却莫名其妙的流淌一道暖意。 Qin Shi has not been speaking, but looks at toward below the vision, is the time picks the gathering spirit flower, left this damned place. 秦石没在说话,而是将目光朝下望去,是时候去摘聚灵花,离开这鬼地方了。 Shuttles back and forth in the deep deep pool with Qin Shi, Evil Spirit offers a sacrifice to two thin Baleful Qi in Totem, looks toward Qin Shi following the rear area, whispered low voice: Brother? Does not know that what that is felt.” 伴随着秦石在深潭中穿梭,邪魔图腾中祭出两道稀薄的煞气,顺着后方朝秦石望去,小声嘀咕道:“兄弟么?不知道那是一种什么样感觉。”
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