PDL :: Volume #4

#355: Can greatly the soul

Thinks of these, the heart of Qin Shi is rash, but these shadows do not give his rash opportunity, two shadows that approaches set out on. 想到这些,秦石的心毛躁起来,但那些黑影根本不给他毛躁的机会,临近的两道黑影起身而上。 Damn! Has this fearful existence in this damned place, how sunlight not to tell me earlier! It is not thought purely wants the pit I?” A Qin Shi brow wrinkle, body rapid escapes several meters toward the flank. “该死!在这鬼地方有这种可怕的存在,曦儿怎么不早点告诉我!不是纯心想要坑我吧?”秦石眉头一皱,身躯迅速的朝侧方遁开几米。 But under the kilometer deep deep pool, the resistance of hydraulic pressure was vigorous, even if Qin Shi wants the keen migration is also somewhat strenuous, just dodged a shadow, side several other shadows then rapid throw toward him. 但在千米深潭下,水压的阻力已经非常浑厚,就算是秦石想要灵敏的移动也是有些吃力,刚躲闪开一道黑影,旁边另外几道黑影便迅速朝他扑来。 Without enough time!” “来不及了!” Shortly, that shadow is howling the ripples of deep deep pool, then opens to throw toward him like the black hole huge mouth. 顷刻,那黑影呼啸着深潭的涟漪,便张开如黑洞般的巨口朝他扑上。 Qin Shi looked was staring staring like the ghosts and demons shadow, but under has to arrive at two in the front, was ready that had been struck to fly at heart. 秦石望着如鬼魅般的黑影瞪了瞪眼,无奈下只好将两手抵在胸前,心里做好了被击飞的准备。 Puff! 噗! The shadow runs upon Qin Shi, a dull thumping sound reverberates in the deep deep pool. 黑影撞上秦石,一声闷响在深潭中回荡。 But at once, Qin Shi actually knitting the brows, he discovered that the whole person floats in same place, the ache in imagination has not appeared. 但旋即,秦石却不由的皱了皱眉,他发现整个人漂浮在原地,想象中的疼痛并未出现。 Well?” “咦?” His curious lowering the head looks, actually discovered that his chest is safe and sound, does not have the least bit injured sign, made him in great surprise: Damn, what's all this about?” 他好奇的低头望去,却恍惚中发现他的胸口安然无恙,没有半点受伤的迹象,令他大惊:“见鬼了,这是怎么回事?” That shadow?” “那黑影呢?” Traces the chest, Qin Shi thinks suddenly anything's turning head looks, saw only plunged his shadow a moment ago already about hundred meters. 摸了摸胸口,秦石猛然想到什么的回头望去,只见刚才扑向他的黑影已是在百米开外。 Sees the shadow hundred meters away, the Qin Shi facial expression to tremble with fear: It behind me? That i.e. it a moment ago truly passed through from my body?” 看见百米外的黑影,秦石神情惊颤起来:“它在我后面?那就是说它刚才确实是从我身体内部穿过去的了?” But if this, how I am all right?” “但如果是这样,我怎么没事?” This fact when was too strange, the question mark of Qin Shi full brain, while but he is puzzled, another shadow hovers under the deep deep pool, quick and violent throws toward him. 这事实在太诡异了,秦石满脑子的问号,但正当他不解时,另一只黑影在深潭下游动,迅猛的朝他扑上。 Comes?” “又来?” Qin Shi just wanted to resist, actually sees only that shadow to run upon his chest, what made the human suck the tongue was Qin Shi fleshly body exists in name only in front of the shadow probably, it disregarded Qin Shi directly ** latter leapt. 秦石刚欲抵抗,却只见那黑影已经撞上他的胸膛,但令人咂舌的是秦石肉身在黑影面前好像形同虚设,它直接无视掉秦石的**后飞跃出去。 This, this “这,这” Qin Shi that witnesses was shocked. 亲眼目睹的秦石被惊呆了。 If the first time is the accident, that this time explained? 第一次如果是意外,那这次怎么解释? Really was too strange.” “真是太诡异了。” Qin Shi curled the lip, at once approaches him to have a shadow, a bold idea flashes through in his heart, sees only he lifts hand successor dynasty that shadow slowly to search, when the five fingers move on the shadow body, does not have the touch of least bit unexpectedly, penetrated the past directly. 秦石撇了撇嘴,旋即临近他有一道黑影,一个大胆的想法在他心中闪过,只见他抬起手后朝那黑影缓缓的探去,当五指触碰在黑影身上时,竟没有半点的触感,直接穿透过去。 Is the imaginary technique?” “难道是幻术?” This phenomenon, making Qin Shi suddenly one startled, he discovered that these shadows simply did not have the entity, was only some illusory false appearances. 这一现象,令秦石恍然一惊,他发现这些黑影根本没有实体,只是些虚无缥缈的假象。 Thinks clear these, Qin Shi courageous many: Drinks, no wonder I could not feel that cultivation of this crowd of ghosts and demons is, originally is deceives people? Really scared to death this is short.” 想清楚这些,秦石胆子大了不少:“喝,难怪我感觉不到这群鬼魅的修为,原来都是骗人的啊?真是吓死本少了。” But strange, was actually who to suppose the fairyland under this deep deep pool? Is some generation of quiet clan head of the clan? Cannot master.” A Qin Shi eye revolution, but has thought the half of the day cannot think, only felt that this place is somewhat strange. “但奇怪,究竟是何人在此深潭下设了幻境?难道是某一代的幽族族长?搞不懂。”秦石眼睛一转,但想了半天还是想不出来,只感觉这地方有些诡异。 I first look for the gathering spirit flower, then hurries to leave this damned place.” “我还是先找聚灵花,然后赶紧离开这鬼地方吧。” Therefore, Qin Shi does not want in delaying, gathers two miraculous glows on the tip of the toe, the whole person explodes to shoot toward the deep deep pool under once more. 为此,秦石不想在耽搁下去,在脚尖上汇聚两道灵光,整个人再次朝深潭下爆射而出。 But while he wants to leave, the left arm uncontrolled shivers suddenly, then together sound reverberation in Sea of Consciousness: Jie Jie, the kid, several day does not see, did the courage change is how small?” 但正当他欲要离开,左侧的臂膀突然间不受控制的颤抖一下,然后一道声音回荡在识海:“桀桀,小家伙,几日不见,胆子怎么变小了呢?” Um? Evil Spirit ?” “嗯?邪魔?” Hears that sound, Qin Shi knits the brows the pressed tight [say / way]: „Did you awake?” 听到那声音,秦石的皱眉蹙紧道:“你醒了?” Is, first let alone these, such many treasures, you prepare shortly such easily cuping one hand in the other across the chest to bleed off?” The Evil Spirit sound resounds in Totem, before this contrast ratio, is obviously mellower. “算是吧,先别说这些,眼看着如此之多的珍宝,你就准备这么轻易的给拱手放掉?”邪魔的声音在图腾中响起,这一次照比之前明显醇厚许多。 Treasure? What treasure?” “珍宝?什么珍宝?” Naturally is these fellows.” Evil Spirit curled the lip saying that then controls the left hand of Qin Shi to lift, has referred to toward behind these shadows. “当然是这些家伙。”邪魔撇了撇嘴道,然后操控着秦石的左手抬起,朝身后那些黑影指了指。 Qin Shi knit the brows, looks back in deep deep pool to look toward these shadow of floats, is surprised the different way: You said that these imaginary technique ghosts and demons are the treasures? You rest are too long, was the brain rusted dead?” 秦石皱了皱眉,回首朝那些漂浮在深潭里的黑影望去,诧异道:“你说这些幻术鬼魅是珍宝?靠,你是不是睡太久,脑子被锈死了啊?” Imaginary technique?” “幻术?” Evil Spirit has been startled being startled, scolding sound that at once twitches: I, any nonsense imaginary technique, your brain rusted, these shadows were not the imaginary technique, they all were the souls of dead.” 邪魔怔了怔,旋即抽搐的骂声:“我呸,什么狗屁幻术,你脑子才生锈了呢,这些黑影可不是什么幻术,它们全是死者的灵魂。” „The soul of dead?” “死者的灵魂?” Um, moreover do not look down on these souls, I can induce from them, these souls before death completely is big those who are able, the strength weakest also has to seize above Heaven Realm.” Evil Spirit white supercilious look, ill-humored [say / way]. “嗯,而且你别小瞧这些灵魂,我能从他们中间感应到,这些灵魂的生前全部是大能者,实力最弱的也有夺天境以上。”邪魔白了白眼,没好气道。 hears that sound, Qin Shi surprised suction port cold air/Qi but actually: Hissing seizes above Heaven Realm?” 闻声,秦石惊讶的倒吸口冷气:“嘶夺天境以上?” Nonsense, does not know how really your this Demonic Talisman Master works as, cannot divide including the basic soul body, but can also be given to frighten by them is frightened out of one's wits, passes on not to fear disgraced?” Evil Spirit strokes the corners of the mouth, obloquies to say. “废话,真不知道你这符魔师是怎么当的,连基本的灵魂体都分不出来,还能被他们给吓得魂飞魄散,传出去不怕丢人啊?”邪魔捋一捋嘴角,大骂道。 „” “呃” Qin Shi has sucked the tongue, has not said the words actually. 秦石咂了咂舌,硬是没说出话来。 This saying has continued a Evil Spirit person to say probably, initially Yu Luocha because of him to puzzled of Ancient Ferocious Beast List, has delivered his supercilious look maliciously. 这话好像已经不止邪魔一人说过了,当初玉罗刹因为他对远古凶兽榜的不解,也是送了他狠狠的一个白眼。 But regarding this, Qin Shi actually not to accept as correct ba said: „Can this blame me? I am self-taught, nobody has taught me.” 但对此,秦石不以为然的吧唧道:“这能怪我吗?我是无师自通,又没有人教过我。” Looks at the Qin Shi strange expression, Evil Spirit said ill-humoredly: Was good, be not gawking, hurries to build up them with the psychic force, like this cultivates to your spirit to have the unsurpassed wondrous use.” 看着秦石怪异的表情,邪魔没好气道:“行了,别愣着,赶紧用精神力将他们炼化,这样对你的精神修为有着无上妙用。” Really?” “真得?” Naturally, has the main body deceived you?” Evil Spirit loftily [say / way]. “当然,本尊骗过你?”邪魔傲然的道。 Qin Shi senseless shrugging: Perhaps, you wholeheartedly want to seize to abandon me, who knows that now is peaceful any thoughts.” 秦石无谓的耸了耸肩:“没准,你一心想要夺舍我,谁知道现在安得什么心思。” You irritated me!” “你气死我了!” Looks that Evil Spirit soon erupted, Qin Shi hurries to laugh foolishly beckoning with the hand, he knows that Evil Spirit will not harm him, therefore has not gone to make the dispute again, but throws toward that several hundred soul bodies the vision. 看着邪魔快要爆发了,秦石赶忙傻笑着摆了摆手,他知道邪魔不会害他,所以也没再去多做争执,而是将目光朝那数百道灵魂体抛去。 These play should, can increase my spirit to cultivate is really?” Qin Shi pursed the lips, the exploratory sacrifice two psychic forces, the psychic force is having the lavender halo, after under the deep deep pool causes the invisible ripples, toward approaching several soul bodies passed over gently and swiftly. “这些玩应,真能增加我的精神修为?”秦石抿了抿嘴,试探性的祭出两道精神力,精神力带着淡紫色的光晕,在深潭下引起无形的涟漪后,朝临近的几道灵魂体掠过。 Buzz! 嗡! After the psychic force moves that soul, in the purple halo sends out joyful sounding obviously, is same like the sunflower, wraps that soul body from eight sides, forms the quiet fire its to build up. 在精神力触碰到那灵魂后,紫色的光晕上明显散发出一声愉悦的鸣叫,然后如向日葵一样,从八方将那灵魂体包裹住,形成幽火将其炼化。 Roar Was burnt down by the quiet fire, soul body frightened calls out one, in the spirit ties in scurries about, making an effort wants to hit. 被幽火焚烧,灵魂体惊悚的嚎叫一声,在精神结界里四下乱窜,使劲的想要撞击出去。 But after is only has not repaired for the soul, among the short respites was then assimilated by the psychic force, finally only leaves behind a wisp of blue smoke, was vanished. 但毕竟只是没有修为的灵魂,短短的喘息间便被精神力同化,最终只留下一缕青烟,便被消失殆尽。 Refines the soul satisfiedly, the psychic force flutters the Qin Shi mind, in that flash, Qin Shi felt that the black mole is limpid, a very comfortable feeling fills the top of the head. 炼制掉灵魂,精神力满足的飘回秦石脑海,在那一瞬间,秦石感觉到黑子清澈,一股很舒适的感觉灌上头顶。 Ka! Cha! 咔嚓! At once, Sea of Consciousness that imprisons for a very long time, presents an opening after seeping of soul body together, sees that opening Qin Shi great happiness: Really effective?” 旋即,那久久禁锢的识海,在一道灵魂体的沁入后出现道裂口,望见那裂口秦石大喜:“果然有效?” One kilometer Sea of Consciousness, since previous time practices the big Buddhist relics definitely, how Qin Shi in practices Mysterious Heaven Scripture not to have breakthrough, obviously this time breakthrough is hard-won. 一千米的识海,自从上次修炼大舍利决后,秦石在怎样修炼玄天圣经都没有突破过,可见这次的突破有多么来之不易。 In Sea of Consciousness, central Profound Heaven Ancient Formation rotates rapidly, soul after made it enliven, everywhere golden ray such as to profound arrow, that soul piercing. 识海内,中央的玄天古阵急速转动,灵魂的进入后令它活跃起来,漫天的金色光芒如离玄之箭,将那灵魂给洞穿。 Bang! 轰! The soul pierces, a wild vigorous psychic force explodes to shoot, is similar to the river tide that is in flood arouses thousand ocean waves in Sea of Consciousness, ingrained kilometer knot, was attacked after by the turbulent current, disrupts loudly. 灵魂洞穿,一股狂野浑厚的精神力爆射而出,如同泛滥的江潮在识海中激起千层海浪,本来根深蒂固的千米结界,受到激流的冲击后轰然碎裂。 1500 meters. 1500米。 Was tying the instance of blasting open, the Sea of Consciousness fabricated space has promoted 500 meters directly. 在结界炸裂的瞬间,识海虚妄的空间直接提升了500米。 The Qin Shi black pupil stares in a big way, is joyful: Was too inconceivable, did soul add entire 500 meters Sea of Consciousness to me together?” 秦石黑眸瞪大,欣喜道:“太不可思议了,一道灵魂就给我加了整整500米的识海?” Nonsense, you built up that soul a moment ago, but before death Fourth Rank Heaven Realm, uneven Heaven Realm big those who are able, if not for wore down in this damned place were too long, perhaps promotion will be more.” Evil Spirit white the supercilious look said. “废话,你刚才炼化那灵魂,生前可是四层天境,齐天境的大能者,若不是在这鬼地方消磨了太久,恐怕提升的会更多。”邪魔白了白眼道。 Fourth Rank Heaven Realm?” 四层天境?” Although knows that these souls are uncommon, but Qin Shi cannot bear but actually the suction port cold air/Qi, is not Zhen Yuan and Fufeng these does not know cultivates for old monster, he has seen formidable was also Second Rank seizes Heaven Realm azure to carve. 尽管知道这些灵魂不凡,但秦石还是忍不住倒吸口冷气,不算甄渊和扶风这些不知修为的老妖怪,他见过最强大的也就是二层天境的青雕了。 Therefore, Qin Shi knit the brows: „Will this place, how have these many formidable souls? Presents these people to stress one casually, can perhaps overawe Scarlet Flame Empire?” 为此,秦石皱了皱眉道:“这地方,怎么会有这么多强大的灵魂?在场这些人随便抓出来一个,恐怕都能够威震赤炎帝国了吧?” Evil Spirit shakes the head, does not hint clearly. 邪魔摇摇头,示意不清楚。 Is puzzling, Qin Shi does not go to think that has thought in any case cannot think through. 百思不得其解,秦石也不去多想,反正想了也想不通。 Therefore, his silent meeting, is starting to refine to these soul bodies once again, the psychic force of purple dim light becomes myriad firefly insects explodes to shoot one after another. 为此,他沉默一会,再度对着那些灵魂体开始进行炼制,一道一道紫色幽光的精神力成万千萤虫般爆射而出。 Buzz! 嗡! Soul one after another was refined, starts to emerge Qin Shi Sea of Consciousness, several hundred soul bodies under the golden light scattering of Profound Heaven Ancient Formation, change into the psychic force to be absorbed gradually completely. 一道一道的灵魂被炼制,开始涌入秦石识海,数百道灵魂体在玄天古阵的金光散射下,渐渐化为精神力被吸收殆尽。 The absorption, Qin Shi Sea of Consciousness will expand each time. 每次吸收,秦石识海都会随之扩张。 Quick, then achieves two kilometers category. 很快,便达到两千米的范畴。 Qin Shi can feel that his five feelings obtained have been worth leaping, in the black pupil the pupil glittered the clearly discernible golden light, including surrounding jet black such as the deep deep pool of night, in his eyes became all over the body bright. 秦石能感觉到,他的五感得到了值得飞跃,黑眸中瞳仁闪烁起清晰可见的金光,连周围漆黑如夜的深潭,在他眼中都变得通体明亮。 But why does not know, each absorption soul, the Qin Shi mood inexplicably will fluctuate together, from time to time is sad, from time to time is angry, making him knit the brows: What's all this about?” 但不知为何,每吸收一道灵魂,秦石的情绪就会莫名波动一下,时而悲伤,时而愤怒,令他皱了皱眉:“这是怎么回事?” These, are the dead before death resentment of read, obliterates them with the psychic force quickly, otherwise to your cultivation to have influence.” Evil Spirit said. “这些,都是死者生前的怨念,快用精神力将他们磨灭,否则会对你的修为造成影响。”邪魔道。 Qin Shi is suddenly enlighted, at once is not launching the god to read hesitant, wisp of blue smoke entering Sea of Consciousness, is controlling Profound Heaven Ancient Formation in Sea of Consciousness, these bewildered mood obliterating. 秦石恍然大悟,旋即不在犹豫的展开神念,一缕青烟般的窜进识海,在识海中操控着玄天古阵,将那些莫名其妙的情绪给磨灭掉。 Obliterates to puzzle his mood, Qin Shi float in golden light bright Sea of Consciousness, bows to say to the souls of these desalinations: Rests, your, goes on living for you by me.” 磨灭掉困扰他的情绪,秦石悬浮在金光灿烂的识海中,冲着那些淡化的魂魄鞠躬道:“安息吧,你们的那一份,就由我替你们来活下去。” Buzz! 嗡! The communication in Sea of Consciousness, these souls as if understand to be the same, stopped the fluctuation. 识海中的沟通,那些魂魄仿佛听懂一样,真的停止了波动。 The psychic force of purple halo is once more active, in an instant several hundred souls were diluted by the Qin Shi expiration and inspiration completely, in calm deep deep pool flood pale golden halo. 紫色光晕的精神力再次活跃,转眼间数百道灵魂全部被秦石吐纳稀释,波澜不惊的深潭中泛起淡金色光晕。 But Qin Shi discovered that after Sea of Consciousness expands each time, changes is getting more and more difficult, started to add 500 meters directly, but actually can only in the future hundred meters hundred meters expansion, finally even only the remaining several meters several meters expansions. 秦石发现,识海每次扩张后都变的越来越困难,开始直接加了500米,但往后却只能百米百米的扩张,最后甚至只剩下几米几米的扩张。 After all souls were refined, is three kilometers, made curling the lip of his dissatisfied: Behind, has not imagined is so quick.” 当所有灵魂被炼制后,也才不过达到三千米,令他不满意的撇撇嘴:“后面,就没有想象中那么快了啊。” Brat, is content, three kilometers Sea of Consciousness, similar five mark Demonic Talisman Master, you know how many Demonic Talisman Master long-awaited cultivation this is?” Hears the Qin Shi words, Evil Spirit almost not to be irritated: Really does not know that satisfies.” “臭小子,知足吧,三千米的识海,差不多五纹符魔师了,你知道这是多少符魔师梦寐以求的修为吗?”听见秦石的话,邪魔差点没被气死:“真是不知道满足。” „” “呃” Qin Shi awkward grasping the head has not responded, he also knows that Sea of Consciousness cultivates for the difficulty of growth, before one kilometer, on the card he several months, could have three kilometers, was very good. 秦石尴尬的抓抓脑袋没有回应,他也知道识海修为增长的艰难,之前一千米,就卡了他数月,能有三千米,已经很不错了。 Perhaps trim Scarlet Flame Empire, can compared with his not surpass the five fingers. 恐怕整片赤炎帝国,能比过他的也不会超过五指。 Buzz! 嗡! But at this time, together fierce buzz the whining noise suddenly resounds, making the brow of Qin Shi wrinkle, at once looks in the direction of sound transmission the vision, sees only the fearful soul body to increase together rapidly. 但在这时,一道剧烈的嗡鸣声突然响起,令秦石的眉头不由皱起,旋即将目光朝声音传递的方向望去,只见一道可怕的灵魂体正在迅速攀升。 Evil Spirit trembles: Nine Heaven Realm souls?” 邪魔一颤:“九层天境的灵魂?”
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