PDL :: Volume #4

#354: Under Tianchi pond

Gathering spirit flower?” “聚灵花?” Brother Shi, can you gathering spirit flower?” 石头哥,你要聚灵花?” The people of quiet clan knit the brows, probably heard any ultra terrifying matter. 幽族的人皱了皱眉,好像听见了什么超恐怖的事。 Under Qin Shi, he remembers that before entering desolated jungle, listens to Liufeng and Han Zaiti crosses this matter, is one type can cure the soul the herbal medicine. 秦石点下头,他记得在进荒芜丛林前,听柳峰和韩仔提过这事,是一种能治愈灵魂的草药。 Now he and Shu Zhongyu leave many, how also did not know her condition, therefore deliberately considered that can find several gathering bells to be colored, left Elder Sister Yu. 现在他和书中玉离别多许,也不知道她的病情怎么样了,所以寻思能找到几株聚铃花,留给玉姐 What's wrong? Not?” “怎么?不可以么?” But after asking the issue, Qin Shi actually discovered that the face of quiet clansman was not quite attractive, making him stare. 但提出问题后,秦石却发现幽族人的面庞都不太好看,令他不由一愣。 She Xi'er dignified shaking down head: „It is not not, but wants to obtain this gathering spirit flower, is really somewhat difficult.” 蛇曦儿凝重的摇下头:“不是不可以,只是想要得到这聚灵花,实属有些困难。” Difficulty?” “困难?” Um, naturally, takes the gathering spirit flower perhaps difficult such as to ascend to heaven to others, but to present Brother Shi, the revoke settling of accounts can not any difficult matter.” She Xi'er purses the lips to say. “嗯,当然,取聚灵花对别人来说或许难如登天,但对现在的石头哥来讲,倒算不得什么难事。”蛇曦儿抿着嘴道。 Why?” Qin Shi knit the brows. “为何?”秦石皱了皱眉。 „The place that because it grows is very strange.” “因为它生长的地方十分诡异。” Where?” “在哪里?” Under Tianchi pond!” “天池池下!” What?” Qin Shi and Yu Luocha are accidental. “什么?”秦石玉罗刹都是大为意外。 Under Tianchi pond? The fearfulness that Tianchi Ruoshui, that bird, the insignificant thing does not float, Qin Shi has experienced long time ago, let alone got down in the pond. 天池池下?天池弱水,那飞鸟不过,鸿毛不浮的可怕,秦石是早早就见识过,更别说是在池下了。 The She Xi'er silent meeting, the nod said: Um, gathering spirit flower, if insisted saying that it was colored than the Holy Ghost is more fearful, the Holy Ghost flower can contend with the world attraction, but also merely limited to the naked eye obvious entity, but the gathering spirit flower can gather including the soul.” 蛇曦儿沉默一会,点头道:“嗯,聚灵花,如果硬要说的话,它比圣灵花更加可怕,圣灵花能够抗衡天地引力,但也仅仅局限于肉眼可见的实体,而聚灵花则是连灵魂都能聚拢。” Really has this matter?” “竟然有这种事?” The corners of the mouth of Qin Shi twitch several. 秦石的嘴角抽搐几下。 He thinks, after the blue vulture incident ended, the gathering spirit flower is a small interlude, how many picks to leave Shu Zhongyu to be good casually, has not thought that this gathering spirit flower is unexpectedly colored than the Holy Ghost is more fearful? 本来他以为,青雕一事结束后,聚灵花就是一个小小的插曲,随便摘上几株留给书中玉就好,没想到这聚灵花竟比圣灵花更加可怕? But Brother Shi does not need to be worried that now you built up to melt the Holy Ghost flower, the gravity of Tianchi Ruoshui unbalanced to you and ineffective fruit.” She Xi'er sees Qin Shi to look distressed said immediately. “但石头哥不用担心,如今你已经炼化了圣灵花,天池弱水的重力失衡对你并无效果。”蛇曦儿秦石愁眉苦脸马上说道。 hears that sound, Qin Shi is suddenly enlighted. 闻声,秦石恍然大悟。 That said like this, this gathering spirit flower also really only then can he take down? 那这样说,这聚灵花还真就只有他能取下了? That so good, I come to be able this Ruoshui Tianchi.” Qin Shi has selected, in heart somewhat excited, calculates that he did not have for a long time is Shu Zhongyu seeks for the cure soul the herbal medicine. “那如此甚好,我就来会会这弱水天池。”秦石点了下头,心中不由的有些激动,算下来他都好久没为书中玉寻找治愈灵魂的草药了。 The recollection initially, that glutton entangled are making a tearful scene to want the spirit grass, the Qin Shi heart to well up to wipe the warm feeling every day. 回想当初,那个吃货每天才缠着自己哭着闹着要灵草,秦石心头不由的涌上来一抹暖意。 Does not know that they are now what kind, good that crosses. 不知道她们现在怎么样,过的好不好。 Finds out the situation, Qin Shi then and She Xi'er and the others decides that decided tomorrow the noontime will go to under Ruoshui Tianchi to select the gathering spirit flower. 了解情况,秦石便和蛇曦儿等人商定,决定明日午时去弱水天池下摘取聚灵花。 After deciding had finished, several quiet head of the clan always stand: Weather also early, picking a lucky day might as well hit the date, we manage the ceremony that the head of the clan did ascend the throne now?” 商定结束后,几名幽族长老站出来:“天色还早,择日不如撞日,咱们现在就把族长登基的仪式办了吧?” Regarding this, Qin Shi does not have the significance but actually, She Xi'er is actually discontented ba mouth: Does, Brother Shi awakes, can't make him rest? With has been such cared on a ceremony.” 对此,秦石倒没有意义,蛇曦儿却是不满的吧唧吧唧嘴:“干嘛啊,石头哥才醒,不能让他休息啊?就一个仪式用得到这么在意吗。” Several quiet head of the clan always look at each other one, the forced smile has not spoken. 几个幽族长老对视一眼,苦笑的没有说话。 Looks at their anxiety appearance, Qin Shi is smiling shaking the head, in the heart the secret passage: He he, this group of people estimated that does not care about the ceremony, is cares about your this kid to leave home.” 望着他们愁苦的模样,秦石微笑着摇摇头,心中暗道:“呵呵,这帮人估计不是在乎仪式,是在乎你这小家伙在离家出走吧。” Quick, the ceremony starts. 很快,仪式开启。 She Xi'er under surviving the testimonies of under of several thousand quiet clan clansmen, mounts that to patch in the good altar for half a month, after wearing the vestment of head of the clan, has the senior general style actually. 蛇曦儿在残存下的几千名幽族族人的见证下,登上那座半个月修补好的祭坛上,穿上族长的圣衣后,倒是颇有大将风范。 The ceremony has gotten so far as the night, the people of quiet clan are very happy, on the face is hanging the clear happy expression, encircles by the bonfire is dancing the hot dance. 仪式一直弄到夜晚,幽族的人都很开心,面庞上挂着清晰的笑意,一个一个围在篝火旁跳着热舞。 When indulges, sees that arousing heartstrings once again the hot dance, Qin Shi cannot bear the lip angle be split, the Chest is dry and hot. 当放纵下来,再度望见那撩人心弦的热舞,就连秦石都忍不住唇角干裂,心口燥热。 This group of people, are really beautiful unreasonable. 靠,这群人,真是美的没道理啊。 In the process, two quiet clans pretty such as the colored female has drawn Qin Shi several times, but composed had been rejected by Qin Shi, he sits by the bonfire is accompanying Yu Luocha, her complexion is not quite good. 过程中,有两个幽族貌美如花的女子来拉过秦石几次,但都被秦石给婉约拒绝了,他只是坐在篝火旁陪着玉罗刹,她的脸色不太好。 Looks at Yu Luocha pale surface, looks in a nighttime sky again the bright waning moon, Qin Shi frowns saying: Next full moon, does not know that she can very pass.” 看一眼玉罗刹苍白的面,再看一眼夜空中皎洁的残月,秦石皱着眉头道:“下一次圆月,不知道她能不能挺过去。” In the silence, two shadows flash through his Sea of Consciousness suddenly. 在沉默中,突然有两道黑影闪过他的识海 Looks back to look, sees only to permit with the Nangong ice to hold the wine class to walk unreliably: He he, Brother Shi Qin, many words did not say that this time can live to depend entirely on you, the obligation did not say thanks, does one.” 回首望去,只见玄允和南宫冰捧着酒杯走上来:“呵呵,石秦老弟,多的话就不说了,这次能活下来全靠你,大恩不言谢,来干一个。” He he, should so.” “呵呵,应该如此。” Qin Shi did not exchange greetings, after pouring out the liquor, responded to one cup. 秦石也不寒暄,斟上酒后回应一杯。 The liquor over three patrol, three people are very happy, this does not hit is not acquainted, now the profound group and hundred disciples are very harmonious. 酒过三巡,三人都很开心,这也算是不打不相识了,现在玄组和百家的弟子们都很融洽。 Two manage a household, do you then have what plan?” Qin Shi hesitant, to their question. “两位当家,你们接下来有何打算?”秦石犹豫一番,冲两人问句 The Nangong ice and permits to look at each other one unreliably, the Nangong ice road: Tomorrow, I must lead hundred disciples to walk, calculates that leaves the family also several years, how did not know in the family.” 南宫冰和玄允对视一眼,南宫冰道:“明日,我就要带着百家的弟子走了,算一算离开家族也有十几年,不知道家里怎么样了。” Under the Qin Shi not accidental point, toward permits to say unreliably: Permits the brother unreliably? Also is so?” 秦石并不意外的点下头,朝玄允道:“玄允兄也?也是如此?” Permits under unreliably: Um, the permanent [say / way] cannot say, the profound group had several hundred disciples to be also homeless, said that stayed in the desolated jungle, a little did not abandon the preparation to remain, therefore I gave the profound group say permanently.” 玄允点下头:“嗯,恒道说不走,玄组有几百个弟子也无家可归,说在荒芜丛林呆惯了,有点不舍准备留下来,所以我就将玄组交给恒道了。” That wished two to manage a household smoothly.” “那就祝两位当家顺利了。” Two impolite and Qin Shi has arched cuping one hand in the other across the chest, drinks three cups alone, is thanks. 两位也不客气的和秦石拱了拱手,独饮三杯,算是感谢。 Night when farewell, the Nangong ice urged Qin Shi to say over and over: Stone Brother Qin, left the desolated jungle, must go to Nangong home, when the time comes let the friendship of my well completely under landlord.” 夜晚告别时,南宫冰再三叮嘱秦石道:“石秦老弟,离开荒芜丛林,一定要去南宫家,到时候让我好好尽下地主之谊。” Certainly will go.” “一定会去。” Qin Shi complies to say with a smile that perhaps in others opinion this is the smalltalk, but he knows that he has not chatted. 秦石笑着答应道,或许在别人看来这是客套,但他知道他并没有说笑。 After all, leaves the desolated jungle, matter were really many. 毕竟,离开荒芜丛林,事情就真的多起来了。 Returns to North District, seeks for Shu Zhongyu, empire revolting that welcomed importantly immediately, no matter how he cannot make Lin Yu have the matter. 北方区域,寻找书中玉,最重要是马上迎来的帝国叛变,不管如何他都不能让麟宇有事。 At that time, perhaps he really went back Nangong. 那时候,他说不定真的回去南宫家。 Next day. 翌日。 The dawn is scattered from the East. 晨曦由东方散落。 Permits with Nangong ice and the others unreliably under escorting of quiet clan clansman, left the desolated jungle following the dense [say / way]. 玄允和南宫冰等人在幽族族人的护送下,已经顺着密道离开了荒芜丛林。 Qin Shi and Yu Luocha, Xiaomi Cai, She Xi'er, as well as the elders of some quiet clans, then makes great strides forward toward the fog shade mountain center of avalanche. 秦石玉罗刹,小米彩,蛇曦儿,以及一些幽族的长老们,则是朝着崩塌的雾影山中央迈进。 In the fog shade mountain center, already did not have another day magnificence. 在雾影山中央,早已没有他日的辉煌。 The central Tianchi avalanche, after massive Ruoshui drowns, swallows nearby wooden flowers and plants, but in that deeply does not see the bottom in Tianchi, such as the past was ordinary, calm. 中央的天池崩塌,大量弱水溺出后将附近的古木花草吞噬,但在那深不见底的天池上,却如往日一般,波澜不惊。 You and others I.” “你们等我吧。” Qin Shi steps to the Tianchi lakeside, deeply inspires. 秦石迈到天池湖畔,深吸口气。 Xiaomi Cai and Yu Luocha simultaneously step go forward, on the elegant face somewhat worried: You are certainly careful.” 小米彩玉罗刹同时迈上前,俏脸上有些担忧:“你一定要小心。” Hey, relax, you have forgotten, I understand have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex very much, not giving up make you and others I too long.” Qin Shi smiles, then after tightening the black robe, looks to that calm Tianchi , is dignified. “嘿嘿,放心吧,难道你们忘了,我很懂得怜香惜玉,舍不得让你们等我太久。”秦石莞尔一笑,然后紧了紧黑袍后,望向那波澜不惊的天池,也是凝重起来。 Puff passes! 噗通! Qin Shi jumps to leap, places oneself in Tianchi Lake. 秦石纵身一跃,置身于天池湖中。 Under that gravity, causes everywhere the water splash, around him is at once full by the blue color, is feeling periphery the ice-cold current of water, hit to tremble. 在那重力下,引起漫天的水花,旋即他四周便被碧蓝色充盈,感受着周围冰冷的水流,不禁打了个哆嗦。 Goes down to Tianchi, Qin Shi then felt quickly spiritual power in within the body moves restlessly, starts four to flee in all directions, starts the Holy Ghost flower luckily promptly, made his body start to subside gradually. 深入天池,秦石很快便感觉到体内的灵力躁动,开始四下流窜起来,幸好及时发动圣灵花,才令他的身体渐渐开始平息下来。 He he, this Ruoshui, is not really ordinary.” “呵呵,这弱水,果然不一般。” Qin Shi smiles, rapid swims away toward Tianchi, but after one walks randomly, made his knitting the brows head, enough after half double-hour, he felt that he penetrated on the kilometer, but still hadn't seen unexpectedly this Chi Di of Tianchi? 秦石抿嘴一笑,迅速的朝天池下游去,但一番游走后却令他不禁皱了皱眉头,足足有半个时辰后,他感觉他已深入上千米,但竟仍然没有看见这天池的池底? This Tianchi, unexpectedly such depth?” “这天池,竟如此之深?” The thorough kilometer, Qin Shi restraining has an intention once more relaxedness, wipes the dignified unnatural climbing up face. 再次深入千米,秦石收敛起心中的轻松,一抹凝重不自然的爬上面庞。 Two kilometers, this has surpassed the fog shade mountain the elevation. 两千米,这已经超过雾影山的海拔了。 Stays in the pond, Qin Shi looks all around, all around unusual darkness, the ray was unable to take, two kilometers deep deep pool, this is not ordinary. 停留在池中,秦石环顾四周,四周非常的黑暗,光芒已经无法摄入其中,两千米的深潭,这可不一般。 Even if the deep sea, without doubt also how many kilometers? 就算是深海,无疑也才几千米吧? ! 咻! Suddenly, in he ponders, Tanshui was caused piece by piece the ripples suddenly, making looking back of his quick and violent look: What thing?” 突然,在他沉思中,身后的潭水突然被引起片片涟漪,令他迅猛的回首望去:“什么东西?” But looks back to look, he actually discovers completely empty. 但回首望去,他却发现空空如也。 ! 咻! In he looks back, Tanshui before his body actually once more fluctuates, makes he once more vigilant turning head, at once the surrounding Tanshui tucks in one after another, actually throughout cannot see the form. 在他回首中,他身前的潭水却再次波动,令他再次警惕的回过头,旋即周围的潭水接二连三被撩起,却始终看不见身影。 Was I am too anxious? Under this Ruoshui Tianchi, how to have the living creature?” Looks all around once more, Qin Shi knitting the brows secret passage. “难道是我太紧张了?这弱水天池下,怎么会有活物呢?”再次环顾,秦石皱着眉暗道一声。 Roar But when his general idea, a deafening great roar resounds, a great roar in the past was a great roar, from gathered toward him in all directions. 但就在他大意时,一声震耳欲聋的巨吼响起,一声巨吼过去便又是一声巨吼,从四面八方朝他汇聚而来。 What ghost thing?” “什么鬼东西?” Several great roars, frighten Qin Shi to quickly grasp the meaning of something. 几声巨吼,吓得秦石一激灵。 Unknowingly, on his palm flood the golden time, after the time cuts the watermark, finally illuminates this jet black deep deep pool under some. 不经意间,他的手掌上都泛起金色流光,流光划开水纹后终于将这漆黑的深潭下照亮些许。 At once, his expression is not sunny, instead is gloomy somewhat scary. 旋即,他的表情就不晴朗了,反而是阴沉的有些吓人。 Sees only, in all directions, was sieged by over a hundred shadows, this crowd of shadows cannot see clearly the appearance, but can determine when they are very excited at this time, saw Qin Shi probably to see the fine food to be the same, gathered round Qin Shi to spin. 只见,在他四面八方,被上百道黑影围困,这群黑影看不清长相,但能确定的时他们此时都很兴奋,一个一个看见秦石就好像是看见了美餐一样,不停的围着秦石打转。 Damn, under this Tianchi, has the living creature unexpectedly really?” He has not expected, in the deep deep pools under these two kilometers, has the biology unexpectedly really? “该死,这天池之下,竟真有活物?”他万万没料到,在这两千米下的深潭中,竟真的有生物? Roar In him confused, several shadows that approaches have caressed the face toward him on, often sends out grating sounding in the mouth. 在他错乱中,临近的几道黑影已经朝他扑面而上,在口中不时散发出刺耳的鸣叫。 Shortly, Qin Shi will nurse to get a grip to eat, the tip of the toe makes an effort to kick in Tanbi, just in time and several shadows stagger. 顷刻间,秦石将吃奶得劲都吃上来,脚尖在潭碧上用力一踢,正巧和几道黑影错开。 Bang! 轰! Several shadows hit in the same place, produces the fierce ripples, gives to break out that calm Tianchi. 几个黑影撞在一起,产生剧烈的涟漪,将那波澜不惊的天池都给劈开。 Listens to the bang, Qin Shi to lower the head toward the shadow to look, wisp of wisp of spiritual power offers a sacrifice to twine the shadow, under wants to induce this crowd of monsters strength, what accident is he actually does not harvest? 听着巨响,秦石低下头朝黑影望去,一缕一缕灵力祭出将黑影缠绕,本想感应下这群怪物的实力,但意外的是他却毫无收获? This result made him knit the brows, often this situation only then two possibilities, the first type was this crowd of shadows does not repair is, the second type cultivated to be higher than Qin Shi are too many, Qin Shi cannot induce. 这结果不禁令他皱了皱眉,往往这种情况只有两种可能,第一种是这群黑影毫无修为,第二种则是修为高出秦石太多,秦石根本感应不到。 From just dashing, the first type was obviously impossible, then i.e. the second type? 从刚刚的冲撞来看,第一种显然不可能,那么就是说第二种? Qin Shi now is Profound Spirit Realm, seizes Heaven Realm unable to retain before him, actually then this crowd of shadows are what exist? Uneven Heaven Realm? Rises Heaven Realm? 秦石如今已是玄灵境,夺天境在他面前都无法保留,那么这群黑影究竟是什么存在?齐天境?升天境 Perhaps is higher? 或是更高?
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