PDL :: Volume #4

#353: Two national treasures

Toxin that you plant, is Heartless Yin Yang Talisman?” “你种的毒,是绝情阴阳符?” Looks at that to nibble the Yu Luocha dantian spiritual power toxin, Qin Shi is startled to allow to open the mouth. 望着那在蚕食玉罗刹丹田灵力的毒素,秦石惊容开口。 Under point that the Yu Luocha silver tooth bites lightly: Um.” 玉罗刹银牙轻咬的点下头:“嗯。” How can you plant this type of toxin?” “你怎么会种这种毒?” The Qin Shi sound is rapid, Heartless Yin Yang Talisman he is familiar, initially Qin Xuexin under unfeeling valley, then has planted this type of fearful toxin. 秦石的声音急促,绝情阴阳符他再熟悉不过,当初在绝情谷下的沁雪心,便是种了这种可怕的毒。 That type nibbles spiritual power, and blockade cultivates is, erupts on the night of toxin moon/month circle, from time to time such as the thousand years cold ice, such as raging fire burning down, still has a vivid memory from time to time. 那种蚕食灵力,并且封锁修为,每逢月圆之夜毒素爆发,时而如千年寒冰,时而如烈火焚烧,至今记忆犹新。 But Qin Shi accident is actually, this isn't Heartless Yin Yang Talisman the toxin of that group of blood robe people? Can Yu Luocha plant their toxins? What origin Yu Luocha and do they have? 秦石意外的却是,这绝情阴阳符不是那群血袍人的毒吗?玉罗刹怎么会种他们的毒?玉罗刹和他们又有什么样的渊源? Moreover, the Yu Luocha toxin already captured the heart spleen, in the Holy Ghost colored gravity unbalanced , the internal organs were still badly-damaged, horrible to look. 而且,玉罗刹的毒素早已攻入心脾,就算在圣灵花的重力失衡下,内脏仍是残破不堪,惨不忍睹。 „Can I not say?” “我能不说吗?” But your toxin Qin Shi trembles to say. “可是你的毒”秦石颤道。 The Yu Luocha cherry lips open and close, pale looks at Qin Shi to shiver saying: Asked you, do not ask that these years matters, I do not want to mention really again.” 玉罗刹樱唇开合,苍白的望着秦石颤抖道:“求求你,不要问,那些年的事,我真的不想再去提及。” hears that sound, just arrived at the mouth words to be swallowed, Qin Shi is looking at that thin and pale form, does not have the courage to inquire really again. 闻声,刚到嘴边话被咽了下去,秦石望着那憔悴的身影,真的没有勇气再去询问。 Finally, he is only the helpless shaking down head, at once is single-handed in the space ring explores, pulls out one bottle to be abundant the jade bottle of bright red blood. 最终,他只是无奈的摇下头,旋即单手在空间戒指中探索一下,掏出一瓶盛着嫣红血液的玉瓶。 This jade bottle, is the purple Ling blood, has Xie Baidu the function, has used all the way several times, only the remaining these half bottles, hope that can play the role. 这玉瓶,正是紫玲莎的鲜血,拥有解百毒的作用,一路上使用过几次,就只剩下这半瓶,希望能起到作用。 Yu Luocha hesitant , the cherry lips in bottle mouth min of jade bottle, the purple Ling blood integrated within the body, sends out the light halo, truly made the toxin relax much. 玉罗刹犹豫下,樱唇在玉瓶的瓶口抿了一下,紫玲莎的血液融入体内,散发起淡淡的光晕,确实令毒素缓和不少。 This you are taking, when poisonous sending can relieve your pain.” “这个你拿着,在毒发时能缓解你的疼痛。” Looks at Yu Luocha many, Qin Shi places in the jade bottle her hand, at once said: I promise you, I will certainly help you detoxify.” 看着玉罗刹好些,秦石将玉瓶放在她手上,旋即道:“我答应你,我一定会帮你解毒。” Knows is Heartless Yin Yang Talisman, Qin Shi instead relaxes much, after all he knows how to solve this type of toxin, always compares these doubts or problems to be better. 知道是绝情阴阳符,秦石反而放松不少,毕竟他知道如何解去这种毒素,总比那些疑难杂症要好。 It seems like that must return to North District to be good as soon as possible. 看来,得尽快回北方区域才行。 After these, Qin Shi discovered that his life, probably links closely in the middle of the darkness and this group of blood robe people, where no matter can always present their forms. 经过这些,秦石发现他的人生,好像在冥冥当中和这群血袍人紧密的链接住,不管在哪里总能出现他们的身影。 Qin Xuexin so, Yu Luocha so, Burning Sky Sect so, protects country big so, Evil Spirit also so, are actually they what? 沁雪心如此,玉罗刹如此,焚天宗如此,护国大阵如此,就连邪魔也如此,他们究竟是什么? Are these really only the coincidences? 这些真的只是巧合么? The heart of Qin Shi in this moment, has some turbulence, at once the bone-chilling cold supineness begins: Who no matter you are, point is anything, but I will not make you injure my person again, even if goes against heaven's will!” 秦石的心在这一刻,产生些许的动荡,旋即凛冽的仰起头:“不管你们是谁,目地是什么,但我绝不会再让你们伤害我身边的人,哪怕是逆天!” Bang! 砰! When Yu Luocha many, the distant place transmits a bang suddenly. 玉罗刹好些时,远处突然传来道巨响。 The center of fog shade mountain ruins, a series of fulmination sounds made them one startled, at once looks at each other one mutually, Qin Shi helps up Yu Luocha to run away to the explosive position. 雾影山废墟的中央,一连串的爆鸣声令两人不由一惊,旋即相互对视一眼,秦石扶起玉罗刹冲爆响的位置遁去。 By the repair altar, several thousand quiet clan clansmen encircle in the, sees only them to lower the head completely, but the everywhere seven pink clouds light shop days die. 在修复的祭坛旁,几千名幽族族人围在附近,只见他们全部低着头,而漫天的七彩霞光铺天陨落。 I said that don't I work as improper, are you annoying? When any nonsense head of the clan, whom wants when who goes, I want the father!” “我说了,我不当不当不当,你们烦不烦人啊?什么狗屁族长,愿意谁当谁当去,我就要爹爹!” Xiaomi Cai is wrinkling the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow, in that altar indignant toot toot mouth, which direction no matter but she in walks, will immediately have the clansmen of quiet clan to block her. 小米彩皱着黛眉,在那祭坛上气愤的嘟嘟嘴,但不管她朝哪个方向走,马上就会有幽族的族人拦住她。 New king, you cannot walk.” “新王,你不能走啊。” Yes, quiet clan now a group of people without a leader, what to do if you did walk us?” These intelligence old quiet head of the clan generations, acting servilely revolves around Xiaomi Cai chaotic. “是啊,幽族现在群龙无首,若是你走了我们怎么办?”那些资质较老的幽族长辈,卑躬屈膝的围着小米彩乱转。 In the crowd, Xiaomi Cai was really is sufficed: Hot plate cold food in sauce, what to do loves what to do, I am not the person of quiet clan, you may are tired of me!” 在人群里,小米彩真是受够了:“热板凉拌,爱咋办咋办,我又不是幽族的人,你们可真是烦死我了!” Volume! Is quick, I must look for father!” “额啊!快起来,我要找爹爹!” Xiaomi Cai was really insane, the entire half a month time, she almost linked the physiological drive the human, simply will want her life. 小米彩真是疯了,整整半个月时间,她几乎连生理需求都会又人跟着,简直是要了她的命。 ! 咻! In the sky, two forms die in the clear sky. 天空中,两道身影在晴空中陨落。 Sees that form, moving restlessly of Xiaomi Cai to dissipate immediately, changes into joyfully throws to go forward, said: Father! You may come!” 看见那身影,小米彩的躁动马上消散,换成欣喜的扑上前,道:“爹爹!你可来了!” That two forms, are Qin Shi and Yu Luocha. 那两个身影,正是秦石玉罗刹 Is looking at two of dropping from the clouds, on the scene has sucked the tongue: Stone Qin Young Master breakthrough Profound Spirit Realm?” 望着从天而降的两人,在场的都是咂了咂舌:“石秦公子突破玄灵境了?” Really is a anomaly!” “真是个变态!” Shaking the head of pigeon have no alternative. 白鸽无可奈何的摇摇头。 Qin Shi has not cared about the vision of other people actually, holds in the arms Xiaomi Cai, the tender feeling said: Um, what happened?” 秦石倒是没有在意旁人的目光,搂住小米彩,温情道:“嗯,发生什么事了?” Father, you takes responsibility to me quickly, this group of bastards bullied me for half a month, wanted me to give them to be the head of the clan, you help me quickly.” Xiaomi Cai toot toot a mouth, that made widely known the domineering vigor not to have a moment ago immediately, instead like is she puts in great inconvenience hugely. “爹爹,你快给我做主,这帮王八蛋欺负了我半个月,非要我给他们当族长,你快帮帮我。”小米彩嘟嘟个嘴,刚才那张扬跋扈的劲马上就没了,反而像是她受到天大的委屈一样。 hears that sound, Qin Shi has the appearance of not knowing whether to laugh or cry immediately. 闻声,秦石顿时有种哭笑不得的模样。 He is not silly, looks back to look at the quiet clan clansman of that crowd of looking distressed, immediately knows is who bullies, these days and Xiaomi Cai contacted, his many understanding Xiaomi Cai present temperament. 他不傻,回首看着那群愁眉苦脸的幽族族人,马上就知道是谁欺负谁了,这段时间和小米彩接触下来,他多少了解了小米彩现在的脾气。 That called one overbearingly. 那叫一个霸道啊。 Also does not know this year, she with whom in the same place, makes widely known domineeringly, a courtesy that makes does not have. 也不知道这一年,她是跟谁在一起,弄的张扬跋扈,一点礼数都没有。 Quiet clan head of the clan? Isn't that good?” “幽族族长?那不是挺好?” Blew under the bridge of the nose of Xiaomi Cai, Qin Shi teased. 刮了下小米彩的鼻梁,秦石调侃道。 The Xiaomi Cai elegant face immediately changes, entreaty moves the Qin Shi sleeve, said: Father, you have no alternative but to want me, you must not defecate in this bird my person, the suffering injustice damned place, hadn't I felt stifled?” 小米彩俏脸马上一变,哀求的甩动秦石手袖,道:“爹爹,你不能不要我啊,你要把我人在这鸟不拉屎,不见天日的鬼地方,那我还不被憋死?” Hears this saying, the person complexion of quiet clan compels embarrassedly. 听见这话,幽族的人脸色难堪一逼。 This had not finished, dirties the quiet clansman, Xiaomi Cai also incessantly said to Qin Shi: Said again, you said does not calculate, you they called Elder Sister Yu and Qiao'er, like me such intelligent clever, for a long time has not seen me, they affirmed that always thought me, they must know that you threw this me, must breakneck with you may not!” 这还没结束,埋汰完幽族人,小米彩又冲着秦石滔滔不绝道:“再说,你说的不算,你把玉姐巧儿她们叫来,像我这么聪明伶俐,这么长时间没见到我,她们肯定老想我了,她们要知道你把我扔这,非要和你玩命不可!” „” “” Qin Shi has sucked the tongue, was made the bursting out laughing does not have the words, this small girl said real right, truly is fluent and clever. 秦石咂了咂舌,被弄得哑然无话,这小丫头说的真没错,确实是口齿伶俐啊。 Unexpectedly gave to move including Shu Zhongyu and Xu Qiao'er, Qin Shi at heart forced smile wants saying: On your this change, called also to be able them to recognize you are.” 竟然连书中玉许巧儿都给搬了出来,秦石在心里苦笑的想道:“就你这变化,把她们叫来也要能认出来你才算啊。” Head of the clan “族长” The clansman of quiet clan, implored in behind, that several over a hundred -year-old native place words, doing best to convince looks Qin Shi somewhat loved dearly. 幽族的族人,在后面又祈求道,那几个上百岁的老家话,一个一个苦口婆心的看着秦石都有些心疼。 I said I am not, I am not, I am not! Your quiet clan these many people, who love, when lets whom when goes, why must entangle me! Asked you to let off me!” This, Xiaomi Cai really has also been drunk, this crowd of person how so unflinching. “我说了我不是,我不是,我不是!你们幽族这么多人,谁爱当让谁当去呗,干嘛非要缠着我啊!求求你们放过我吧!”这一下,小米彩也真是醉了,这群人怎么如此坚定不移啊。 Covers the ears to call out, Xiaomi Cai while hides the Qin Shi back. 一边捂着耳朵嚎叫,小米彩一边躲到秦石的背后去。 Looks at the person of quiet clan, Qin Shi also somewhat is at heart helpless, Xiaomi Cai iron core does not comply, said that the honest remark his also not giving up makes Xiaomi Cai remain. 看着幽族的人,秦石心里也有些无奈,小米彩是铁了心不答应,说实在话他也舍不得让小米彩留下来。 Therefore, he said: Everybody, you do not feel embarrassed this small girl, in addition she now is young, does not govern well this quiet clan.” 为此,他顿了顿道:“各位,你们也别为难这小丫头了,她现在尚且年轻,也掌管不好这幽族。” Hears the Qin Shi words, the complexion of quiet clansman is not quite attractive, several old mutually look at each other one, said: But, six big elder tragic deaths, the quiet clan cannot now a group of people without a leader.” 听见秦石的话,幽族人的脸色都不太好看,几个年长的相互对视一眼,道:“可是,如今六大长老惨死,幽族不能群龙无首啊。” I have a good candidate actually.” “我倒是有个不错的人选。” Who?” “何人?” Several quiet head of the clan generations look at each other one, is surprised the different way. 几个幽族长辈对视一眼,诧异道。 Sunlight.” “曦儿。” Qin Shi considers, then smiles bitterly saying that at once the vision looks all around in the crowd, because has not actually seen the She Xi'er form surprise: Was right, how to see her person?” 秦石斟酌一番,然后苦笑道,旋即目光在人群中环顾一圈,却因没有看见蛇曦儿的身影不由诧异:“对了,怎么不见她人?” „” “” Mentioned She Xi'er, after several elders have been startled, simultaneously revealed reluctantly. 提到蛇曦儿,几个长老怔了怔后同时露出无奈。 Looks at several people of appearances, Qin Shi was saying puzzled: What's the matter?” 望着几人的模样,秦石不解道:“怎么回事?” „” “哇” At this moment, Xiaomi Cai has howled suddenly, said: Sunlight, sunlight she was too clever, she is more intelligent than me, knows that has the mess of this head of the clan, early half a month ago left home!” 就在这时,小米彩突然嚎啕大哭了起来,道:“曦儿,曦儿她太鬼了,她比我聪明,知道有这族长的烂摊子,早在半个月前就离家出走了!” „” “” Do the corners of the mouth of Qin Shi and Yu Luocha stroke, leave home? Is this also good? 秦石玉罗刹的嘴角捋一捋,离家出走?这也行? Yeah, how could we have not thought of sunlight, actually spoke her reasonably is the daughter of flood dragon, should be the candidate of most appropriate head of the clan, but how this small girl to run quickly.” The quiet clansman sighed. “哎,我们又何曾没想到曦儿,其实按理讲她是蛟龙的女儿,应该是最合适族长的人选,但奈何这小丫头跑得太快了。”幽族人叹道。 Twitches, psst makes noise, this She Xi'er and Xiaomi Cai that two funny guys the Qin Shi root bites, the sincerity made him unable. 抽搐一下,秦石牙根咬的吱吱作响,这蛇曦儿小米彩两个活宝,真心让他不会了。 The clansman of quiet clan, you takes a look at me, I take a look at you, suddenly also have no alternative, no matter how this quiet clan needs some people eagerly anticipate is good. 幽族的族人,你瞧瞧我,我瞧瞧你,一时间也无可奈何,不管如何这幽族必须要有人引领才行啊。 But when all Renzheng , the Qin Shi pupil light opens and closes suddenly, then looks toward the rear corner, realized after a frail form, stares, secret passage: He he, did this small girl, run such calls to leave home?” 但当诸人正无奈时,秦石的眸光突然开合,然后朝着后方的角落瞄去,察觉到一名单薄的身影后不由一愣,暗道:“呵呵,这小丫头,跑这么远就叫离家出走了吗?” Thinks of this, Qin Shi takes back the vision, then selects under toward the people of several quiet clans: Was good, everyone / influential family should not be anxious, this head of the clan definitely some people work as.” 想到这,秦石收回目光,然后朝几个幽族的人点下头:“行了,大家别急,这族长肯定有人当。” Whoosh! 唰! The people of quiet clan have gawked staring, but has not waited for them to ask, sees only the Qin Shi sleeve robe to wield, several bone-chilling cold miraculous glows rip open the entire world, together frail form grasping: Do not hide, comes out!” 幽族的人愣了愣,但没等他们发问,只见秦石袖袍挥出,几道凛冽的灵光撕开寰宇,将一道单薄的身影给抓了回来:“别藏了,出来吧!” Bang! 砰! „!!!” That form eats falling of pain on the ground, tender strange: Brother Shi, you made to love me.” “呀呀呀!!!”那身影吃痛的摔在地上,娇怪一声:“石头哥,你弄疼我了。” Sees this form, all people at present one bright, especially Xiaomi Cai, with seeing monster, one throws to hold her, roared: Sunlight! Your pit I, which this time your do not want to run!” 看见这身影,所有人的眼前一亮,特别是小米彩,跟看见妖怪一样,一下就扑上去抓住她,咆哮道:“曦儿!你坑我,这一次你哪也别想跑!” Rice color elder sister “米彩姐姐” She Xi'er was grabbed the grievance to say by Xiaomi Cai, but Xiaomi Cai does not eat this set, raises her collar to arrive in front of quiet clan several elders: Quick, quick, quick, your head of the clan hurry also you, later can't I hear in the ink marks?” 蛇曦儿小米彩抓着委屈道,但小米彩可不吃她这一套,提着她的脖领子走到幽族几名长辈面前:“快,快,快,你们的族长赶紧还你们,以后不许在墨迹我了听见没?” Hears the Xiaomi Cai sound, the heart that She Xi'er hits the wall to have, cries loudly to obloquy: Hey, do you such betray me? Teammate of reaching an agreement? Mutual help of reaching an agreement! You are ungrateful!” 听着小米彩的声音,蛇曦儿撞墙的心都有,嚎哭大骂:“喂,你就这么出卖我?说好的队友呢?说好的互相帮助呢!你不够意思!” Hey, sunlight, do not blame me, these old fogies really stuck the human, you calm and steady remained, when your quiet clan head of the clan.” Xiaomi Cai curls the lip, has the appearance that must punish guilty family members greatly. “嘿嘿,曦儿,别怪我,这些老家伙实在太粘人了,你就安稳的留下来当你的幽族族长吧。”小米彩撇撇嘴,大有要大义灭亲的模样。 Looks at two person little demon big fellows, the Qin Shi dumbfounded forced smile, the sentiment is this they, early equaled? 看着两个人小鬼大的家伙,秦石无语苦笑,感情是这俩人,老早就合计好了啊? The matter that sunlight filled with secret grudge, actually half a month ago she left home, Xiaomi Cai has, because she also wants to leave the desolated jungle with Qin Shi, but how the quiet clansman to look she looks is too dead, therefore the talent and Xiaomi Cai have made such one. 曦儿满腔幽怨,其实半个月前她离家出走的事,小米彩是有份得,因为她也想和秦石离开荒芜丛林,但奈何幽族人看她看的太死,所以才和小米彩闹了这么一处。 But Qin Shi and Yu Luocha, her definitely do not walk away, thinks when cat they must leave in behind in quietly with, the result had been stressed by Qin Shi unexpectedly, now this secret grudge, makes an effort to struggle several actually unable to struggle at heart. 秦石玉罗刹在,她肯定走不远啊,本来以为猫在后面等两人要离开时在悄悄跟上去,结果不了竟被秦石抓了个正着,现在心里这个幽怨啊,使劲挣扎几下却挣扎不开。 Sunlight, was clever.” “曦儿,乖了。” Visits her to struggle, Yu Luocha steps goes forward, in the sound is having the warm Judo: Quiet clan is your father's painstaking care, can you keep to expand here are good, know?” 看着她挣扎,玉罗刹迈上前,声音中带着温柔道:“幽族是你爹爹的心血,你一定要留下来把这里壮大才行,知道吗?” Can stay behind may not?” “非要留下不可?” Must stay behind!” Qin Shi ill-humored [say / way]. “非要留下!”秦石没好气道。 That Brother Shi, will the demons paternal aunt, you come often to see me?” The She Xi'er thoughts are serious, but she knows that she wants to run again, is definitely impossible. “那石头哥,罗刹姑姑,你们会常来看我吗?”蛇曦儿心思沉重,但她知道她想再跑,是肯定不可能了。 Qin Shi has patted her forehead, said with a smile: Silly thing, can definitely, moreover I will not leave immediately, must do at this desolated jungle also a little matter.” 秦石拍了拍她的脑门,笑道:“傻丫头,肯定会啊,而且我也不会马上离开,在这荒芜丛林还有点事要做。” Really?” “真得?” She Xi'er after is a child, immediately is happy saying: Brother Shi you said that any matter I help you do.” 蛇曦儿毕竟是个孩子,马上开心起来道:“石头哥你说,什么事我帮你做。” You know, gathering spirit flower where?” “你知道,聚灵花在哪里吗?” ----- ----- Does an investigation, likes under the Yu Luocha point going against, under the point that does not like steps on. 做个调查,喜欢玉罗刹的点下顶,不喜欢的点下踩。 Decided that her final destiny, gave you. 决定她最后的命运,交给你们了。
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