PDL :: Volume #4

#352: Profound virtual environment

azure carved. 青雕死了。 Momentarily possibly receives the crisis in this piece of life, fills to slaughter with the deathly stillness desolated jungle, welcomed in history tranquilest half a month. 在这片生命随时可能受到危机,充满杀戮和死寂的荒芜丛林,迎来了有史以来最为平静的半个月。 In a half moon/month, because the fog shade mountain already did not exist, the person who the quiet clan survives in the surrounding area ten thousand meters, resumes malaria big. 半个月中,由于雾影山早已不复存在,幽族残存下来的人在方圆万米,重新展开的瘴气大阵。 This time, the loss of quiet clan was too serious, over ten thousand clansmen survive, only then few several thousands. 这一次,幽族的损失太严重了,上万的族人残存下来只有寥寥数千。 Half a month later night. 半月后的夜晚。 In the ruins of reorganization, there is a tranquil tent. 在整顿的废墟中,有一处宁静的帐篷。 In tent, ** the youth of coat is sitting cross-legged to sit in the center. 帐篷里,一名**着上衣的少年盘膝坐在中央。 The black hair of youth is slightly long, lets fall before that narrows the slit eye, actually cannot cover bone-chilling cold cold current, in his sky, overflowing flower fragrance Youlan flowers, slow rotation. 少年的黑发略长,垂落在那眯成缝隙的眼睛前,却遮挡不住其中凛冽的寒流,在他的上空,有一株四溢花香的幽兰花朵,缓慢的转动。 The stamen and pistil rotates each time, will then lead the essence between world, enters within the body following the oronasal of youth slowly, appears quite mysterious. 花蕊每次转动,便会带动起天地间的精气,顺着少年的口鼻缓缓进入体内,显得颇为神奇。 This youth, without doubt Qin Shi. 这少年,无疑正是秦石 Through half a month, in the timely rain rain and dew definitely and protected the country old town initially under the remaining 500 Fu Wen help, his injury in confusion finally restored. 通过半个月,在甘霖雨露决和护国古镇当初剩下的500道符文的帮助下,他那狼藉的伤势终于恢复。 Bang! 轰! The fierce spirit pressure plunders, making the curtain of that tent flutter. 狂烈的灵压掠出,令那帐篷的门帘飘荡一下。 The Qin Shi black pupil opens, in the most deep place of that eyeground, has the profound mystery that cannot completely understand together, at once his corners of the mouth rise has pinched the fist: Really is the feeling of long separation.” 秦石黑眸睁开,在那眼底的最深处,有一道看不透的玄奥,旋即他嘴角上扬的捏了捏拳:“真是久别的感觉啊。” All restored?” “全恢复了?” At this time, a graceful form lifted the curtain, that black hair Yu Luocha like a waterfall. 在这时,一名曼妙的身影掀开门帘,那如瀑布般的黑发正是玉罗刹 She makes great strides forward the leader, in the hand is building one set of sewn black robe, after sitting but actually Qin Shi side, gives him that black robe, said: Feels how is it?” 她迈进掌门,手中搭着一套被缝补的黑袍,坐倒秦石旁边后将那黑袍递给他,道:“感觉怎么样?” Hey, was a little sore, now sees the beautiful woman to care that immediately does not hurt.” Qin Shi begins supinely, bright smiling. “嘿嘿,本来还有点疼,现在看见有美人关心,马上就不疼了。”秦石仰起头,灿烂的笑笑。 Loquacious!” “贫嘴!” In the Yu Luocha elegant surface strokes has wiped to blush, the once thousand years cold ice sheet replaced warm, said: Do not play the hoodlum, hurries to wear the clothes.” 玉罗刹的俏面上拂过一抹红晕,曾经的千年寒冰被温暖代替,道:“别耍流氓,赶紧把衣服穿上。” You have to see.” “你又不是没见过,真是。” You added!” “你还说!” By teasing, Yu Luocha with dangling Qin Shi that the skilled artist makes an effort. 被调侃,玉罗刹用妙手使劲的垂下秦石 Naturally, this so-called making an effort, is having the quotation mark. 当然,这个所谓的使劲,是带着引号的了。 Ok, ok, ok, do I put on am not good? Later you want to look that this Young Master has not made you look!” Qin Shi moves aside with a smile, palm wields, after wiping the miraculous glow picks up the black robe, binds in the whole body. “行,行,行,我穿还不行?以后你想看,本大少还不让你看呢!”秦石笑着躲闪一下,掌心一挥,一抹灵光托起黑袍后裹在全身。 Is looking under the body by the broken black robe of sewing and mending, Qin Shi, not only does not have the least bit to shut out, instead reveals delightful smiling: He he, this is different after beautiful woman's hand, the Chinese-style gown that bought in the shop compares with these is really are too many.” 望着身下被缝缝补补的残破黑袍,秦石非但没有半点嫌弃,反而露出甜美的笑:“呵呵,这经过美人之手就是不一样,和那些在店铺里买来的袍子比起来真是强太多了。” Where?” “哪里强?” Has the body of Yu Luocha to be fragrant, you smell, is fragrant.” “有玉罗刹的体香啊,你闻闻,多香。” Not proper!” “没正经!” Yu Luocha ill-humored curling the lip, she did not have the temperament to Qin Shi , was this that youth who half a month ago killed the four directions greatly? 玉罗刹没好气的撇撇嘴,她对秦石是真没脾气了,这还是半个月前大杀四方的那个少年吗? How such rascal. 怎么这么无赖。 Qin Shi did not mind but actually that this, loose uninhibited is his nature, but this individuality stays on teasing, treats the sentiment is very sincere. 秦石倒不介意,他本身就这样,风流不羁是他的性,但这个性只是停留在调侃上,对待感情却很真挚。 Perhaps, is his difference? 恐怕,这就是他的不同吧? Buzz! 嗡! In teasing, buzz whining noise suddenly resounds together, revolves in the Qin Shi above Holy Ghost flower rapidly, bit by bit falls toward the Qin Shi forehead. 在调侃中,一道嗡鸣声突然响起,在秦石上空的圣灵花迅速旋转,一点一点的朝秦石额头落下。 Qin Shi wrinkled under the eyebrow: What's all this about?” 秦石皱了下眉:“这是怎么回事?” Baptism half a month, Holy Ghost flower must recognize has advocated, you sit cross-legged to sit down quickly do not go to resist, making it enter your within the body.” Sees the Holy Ghost flower to fall, beautiful pupil of Yu Luocha flood joyful. “洗礼半月,圣灵花要认主了,你快盘膝坐下别去抵抗,让它进入你的体内。”看见圣灵花落下,玉罗刹的美眸泛起欣喜。 „Does the Holy Ghost flower recognize the host?” “圣灵花认主?” Has licked under the split lip, Qin Shi is quite accidental. 舔了下干裂的嘴唇,秦石颇为意外。 But he has not stopped, two legs sit cross-legged, whatever at once the Holy Ghost flower falls into the forehead of forehead, enters the instance in within the body in the Holy Ghost flower, in the world a surrounding area kilometer essence of howls closes up toward him. 但他并未阻拦,两腿盘膝而下,旋即任由圣灵花落入额头的眉心,就在圣灵花进入体内的瞬间,天地间方圆千米的精气呼啸间朝他靠拢。 Good rich strength.” “好浓郁的力量。” Under the package of essence, Qin Shi hit to tremble, at once the nucleus of dantian place scatters the dazzling halo suddenly, making his bloodlines inflate, body surface flood red. 在精气的包裹下,秦石不禁打了个哆嗦,旋即丹田处的晶核突然散射起刺目的光晕,令他血脉膨胀,体表泛红。 Ka! Cha! 咔嚓! In the nucleus shivers, buzz called to start to disrupt suddenly. 在晶核颤抖中,嗡鸣下忽然开始碎裂。 In regards within the body, sees that happily in nucleus Qin Shi that under nine spirit vein changes one: This wants breakthrough?” 内视体内,看见那在九条灵脉下变化的晶核秦石一喜:“这是要突破了?” In breakthrough, was Profound Spirit Realm, anticipated for a long time finally can achieve? 突破,就是玄灵境了,期待了许久终于要达到了吗? Shi’tou, I protector to you!” 石头,我给你护法!” Yu Luocha also sees the Qin Shi difference, in the almond eyes the tender feelings one happy, at once withdraws rapidly, the spiritual power barrier will launch in the vault of heaven mountain together, covers hundred meters. 玉罗刹也看出秦石的异样,杏眼中柔情一喜,旋即迅速退后,将一道灵力的屏障在苍穹山展开,笼罩百米。 Good.” “好。” Has Yu Luocha to protect buddhist law, the warm feeling walks randomly in the bloodlines, at once he in the closed black pupil of general idea, does not feel in the world to emerge pure in within the body to work. 玉罗刹护法,暖意游走在血脉中,旋即他不在大意的闭合黑眸,感受着天地间涌入体内的精纯灵起。 The time flies, Yu Luocha by in looking that outside tent blushes to that youth, looks like defends the empty gate to hope alone concubine who the husband returns. 时间飞逝,玉罗刹靠在帐篷外红着脸的望向那少年,就像是独守空门盼着丈夫回归的小女人。 Youth whole body flood light fluorescence, from time to time red heat from time to time ice-cold, making her pinch tightly the white hands, trembling of changing countenance said: Shi’tou, you are doomed uncommonly, but was a pity the time that we meet is not right, why cannot the breakfast, some destiny really not be again irreversible!” 少年全身泛着淡淡的荧光,时而红热时而冰冷,令她捏紧玉手,动容的颤道:“石头,你注定不凡,只是可惜我们相遇的时间不对,为何不能够再早点,有些天命真的不可逆啊!” 50 years, my time were not much feared that after cannot see you grow, stands in that peak direction landscape, but in this finally, hopes that can accompany you.” “50年了,我的时间不多了怕是不能看到你成长后,站在那巅峰指点江山了,但在这最后,希望能够陪伴你吧。” As if remembers these years the pains, in the Yu Luocha beautiful pupil the flood red flashing through tears. 仿佛想起那些年的痛楚,玉罗刹美眸中泛红的闪过泪光。 Puff! 噗! But suddenly, her elegant face becomes flushed, after the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow wrinkles, hurries to cover the small mouth, making an effort after coughing several, that woods do not have the scarlet lip angle in vain, seeps out a bloodstain. 但突然,她的俏脸涨红,黛眉皱紧后赶忙捂住小嘴,使劲的干咳几声后,那森白没有血色的唇角,渗出一丝血迹。 Is looking at blood red in white hands, Yu Luocha scared shivers: How can? Is so quick, can come?” 望着玉手中的血红,玉罗刹恐慌的颤抖一下:“怎么会?难道这么快,就要来了吗?” Thinks of this, her flurried supine beginning, looks to shut the item of breakthrough youth to that in the tent, all -out effort final strength faces forward to step, but her calf just trod, only feels the pupil previous black. 想到这,她慌乱的仰起头,望向那正在帐篷中闭目突破的少年,拼劲最后的力量朝前迈去,但她的小腿刚刚踏起,只感眸前一黑。 Puff passes! 噗通! That beautiful figure falls on the ground, her nail grasps in facing forward of ground is lying, but is away from a Qin Shi dozens meters position, fainting of finally feels weak fully: Shi’tou 那倩影摔在地上,她指甲抓在地上的朝前趴着,但在距离秦石几十米的位置,最终全力乏力的昏了过去:“石头 In tent. 在帐篷内。 Qin Shi in regards the dantian, absorbed breakthrough. 秦石正内视丹田,忘我突破 In the dantian, is similar to transports in all around nine spirit vein the pipeline, all essence toward central transportation, nucleus float Yu Kong of that center, weak revolving. 丹田内,在四周的九条灵脉如同运输管道,将所有的精气朝中央运输,那中枢的晶核悬浮于空,微弱的旋转。 In unceasing revolving, on nucleus starts to present the opening, the opening becomes, by myriad spirit pressure gatherings, was blasted with a crash open to open, in blasting out also has the innumerable essence its agglutination, under this agglutination, every time will make the nucleus become the inflation expands, the essence is rich. 在不断的旋转中,晶核上开始出现裂口,裂口成一点,被万千灵压汇聚,砰然间便炸裂而开,在炸开中又有无数的精气将其粘合,就在这种粘合下,每一次都会令晶核变得膨胀扩大,精气浓郁。 The essence is similar to the deep sea, spirit vein is similar to water snake, is swinging cleverly the snake tail, finally all round that nucleus package, alternately confused flood light [gold/metal], but blood red of not easy detection under [gold/metal]. 精气如同深海,灵脉如同水蛇,灵巧的摆动着蛇尾,最终团团将那晶核包裹,交叉错乱中泛起淡淡的金芒,但在金芒下又有一道不易察觉的血红。 Drinks, very strong big strength.” “喝,好强大的力量。” spirit vein interlocks mutually, is similar to the spider web the nucleus package, the nucleus in the central slow beat, starts the life that attaches to be ordinary probably. 灵脉相互交错,如同蛛网般将晶核包裹,晶核在中央缓慢的跳动,好像开始附有的生命一般。 With the vitality production of nucleus, a comfortable spirit pressure takes advantage of opportunity in the Qin Shi whole body. 伴随着晶核的生机产生,一股舒适的灵压顺势在秦石全身。 Almost!” “就差一点!” Looks at that to attach the life nucleus, Qin Shi can feel that the unprecedented strength pours into within the body, made his mind great happiness once more with rapt attention. 看着那附有生命的晶核,秦石能感觉到前所未有的力量灌入体内,令他心神大喜的再次凝神。 Bang! 嘭! A breakage, under such as nine dragon snake staggered spirit vein, the nucleus inflates the brand-new altitude finally, then sees only two thunderous under that altitude, the sudden four radiations are dizzy. 一声破裂,在如九条龙蛇交错的灵脉下,晶核终于膨胀开全新的高度,然后只见那高度下的两道雷鸣,突然四射光晕。 In the tent, a strength such as the great hibernation of insects regains consciousness, after opening the curtain, makes the severe gale pour into. 帐篷内,一股力量如巨蛰苏醒,翻开门帘后令厉风灌入。 Bang! 轰! Finally, after the half day, that the closed black pupil opens for a very long time lightly, after Qin Shi has pinched the fist heart, feels comfortably exceptionally. 终于,在半日后,那久久闭合的黑眸淡淡睁开,秦石捏了捏拳心后感觉到异常的舒适。 Profound Spirit Realm, a brand-new altitude. 玄灵境,一个全新的高度。 Once just heard this boundary in Desolate Town is, that the boundary that was unattainable not to move, finally was stepped on by him in the under foot. 曾经刚在荒镇听到这个境界是,那个遥不可及触碰不得的境界,终于被他踩在脚下了。 Succeeded?” “成功了吗?” The heart of Qin Shi is mammoth, at once he felt the essence between world and he produces the intense resonance, before this resonance is Spirit King Realm, never has feeling. 秦石的心波澜壮阔,旋即他感觉天地间的精气和他产生强烈的共鸣,这种共鸣是王灵境以前从未有过的感觉。 Under that resonance, he felt that he can rush to the clouds probably. 在那共鸣下,他感觉自己好像能冲上云霄。 Therefore, his mind changes, the under foot of sitting cross-legged curls up the light halo, in the halo and air interlock, probably the big dragon picks up his body, made his direct impact clouds. 为此,他心神一变,盘坐的脚下卷起淡淡的光晕,就在光晕和空气交错间,好像有一条巨龙托起他的身躯,令他直冲云霄。 Bang! 砰! A strength has not controlled, Qin Shi directly to over a hundred meters, that tent holding hole. 一次力量没控制住,秦石直接冲上百米,将那帐篷给捅出个窟窿。 Stops in the midair, he does not have the illness of least bit, this thinks the maiden flight can feel unbalancedly and so on existence, but he discovers simply does not have, probably walks on the ground is the same, is smooth. 停在半空中,他没有半点的不适,本以为初次飞行会感觉到失衡之类的存在,但他发现根本没有,就好像行走在地上一样,非常顺利。 The bird's eye view the earth under hundred meters, all are similar to the ants are tiny, making him excitedly say: He he, is this hovers nine days of feelings? Really pretty good.” 俯瞰着百米下的大地,一切如同蝼蚁般渺小,令他不禁兴奋道:“呵呵,这就是翱翔九天的感觉?真是不赖。” „Did snow heart, see? I finally achieved Profound Spirit Realm, entered one step to wait for me to our agreements, we hovered azure clouds.” Remembered initially under the unfeeling the agreement of cliff and Qin Xuexin, Qin Shi is choked up with emotions was hard to extricate oneself. “雪心,看见了吗?我终于达到玄灵境了,离我们的约定又进了一步等着我,我们翱翔青霄。”想起当初在绝情崖下和沁雪心的约定,秦石心潮澎湃的难以自拔。 Um?” “嗯?” But suddenly, he concentrates eye to look to the earth under that hundred meters, together beautiful figure pain faints, made he suddenly startled speeding away under. 但突然,他凝起眼望向那百米下的大地,一道倩影正痛苦的昏倒在地,令他猛然一惊的疾驰而下。 Yu Luocha!” 玉罗刹!” To Xiadade, he supports Yu Luocha that faints, that tender body lies down in his bosom keeps twitching, is very painful. 冲下大地,他一把扶住晕倒的玉罗刹,那娇躯躺在他的怀中不停抽搐,痛苦不堪。 Yu Luocha!” 玉罗刹!” Shouts one once again, but Yu Luocha simply has not responded. 再度呼喊一声,但玉罗刹根本没有回应。 Is looking at the bloodstain of that pale elegant face and corners of the mouth, the Qin Shi heart such as screwing tight of colic, strokes on her forehead single-handed, sees only her whole body boiling hot, making Qin Shi one startled: How can like this?” 望着那苍白的俏脸和嘴角的血迹,秦石心如绞痛的拧紧,单手抚摸上她的额头,只见她全身滚烫,令秦石一惊:“怎么会这样?” Shi’tou 石头 Finally, in the summon, the beautiful pupil of Yu Luocha opens weakly, wiping that holds up single-handed in the Qin Shi cheeks: „Did you succeed? Congratulates you 终于,在呼唤中,玉罗刹的美眸微弱张开,单手举起的抹在秦石脸颊:“你成功了?恭喜你” You first let alone words.” “你先别说话。” Qin Shi is pinching the fist, that each sound such as the blade shears in his atrium, making him help up Yu Luocha rapidly behind, spiritual power injects into Yu Luocha within the body. 秦石捏着拳,那每道声音在他心房都如刀割,令他迅速将玉罗刹扶起身后,一股灵力注入玉罗刹的体内。 Bang! clatter! 嗒! But at this time, Yu Luocha grabbed his hand: Stone, Shi’tou, was useless do not waste spiritual power.” 但在这时,玉罗刹却抓住他的手:“石,石头,没用得别浪费灵力了。” I do not believe!” “我不信!” The Qin Shi twitching hand, does not give the Yu Luocha rebuttal the opportunity, wipes gentle spiritual power to inject into the latter within the body, but actually induces to spiritual power of her within the body is draining rapidly, cultivation of original Spirit King Realm peak is, degenerated in the short respites to Spirit King Realm Initial Stage. 秦石抽搐手,不给玉罗刹反驳的机会,一抹柔和的灵力注入后者体内,但却感应到她体内的灵力正在迅速流失,本来王灵境巅峰的修为,在短短的喘息间已经退化到王灵境初期 How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” Qin Shi Chest one startled, staring looks toward the Yu Luocha dantian, at once sees only in the nucleus of her dantian place, already gloom that from glitteringly and translucent carving changes, the left is the cold ice is piercing, the right is the red raging fire. 秦石心口一惊,瞪眼的朝玉罗刹丹田望去,旋即只见在她丹田处的晶核,早已从晶莹剔透变的暗淡,左侧是寒冰刺骨,右侧是赤色烈火。 This “这” Sees that toxin, the Qin Shi pupil draws in rapidly, after a familiar feeling well ups, making his pulling out suddenly open the hand, does not dare to believe was staring at Yu Luocha. 望见那毒素,秦石瞳仁迅速收拢,一种熟悉感涌上心头后,令他猛然的抽开手,不敢置信的盯着玉罗刹 In you are the toxin, Heartless Yin Yang Talisman?” “你中的毒,是绝情阴阳符?”
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