PDL :: Volume #4

#351: Evil and cruel of blue vulture

Buzz! 嗡! The nether world shivers, that light remnant spirit hears shouting of Qin Shi probably, sends out a vocal cord to have the joyous joke to Qin Shi. 幽冥颤抖一下,那淡淡的残灵好像听见秦石的呼喊,冲着秦石发出一声带有欢悦的笑语。 The sound is very free and easy, somewhat is miserable. 声音很洒脱,却有些凄凉。 Qin Shi can see, that remnant spirit at the last minute, wraps Nirvana Sword with the aid of the black mist all round, delivers to the Qin Shi front, the Nirvana Sword vibration sends out to whin. 秦石能看得见,那残灵在最后一刻,借助黑色的雾气将寂灭剑团团包裹,送到秦石的面前,寂灭剑抖动的发出哀嚎。 Bang! 轰! The next instant, has exploded remnantly spirit, the intense and maneating strength, making on the vault of heaven be ripped open the terrifying black hole, in the kilometer life Tu Tan. 下一霎,残灵爆了,强烈而凶悍的力量,令天穹上被撕开恐怖的黑洞,千米内生灵涂炭。 Blue vulture painful tuck dive, covered that to be exploded the disruption the Chest to call out howlingly: Volume! Damn broken sword!” 青雕痛苦的翻腾一下,捂着那被炸成碎裂的心口嚎叫道:“额啊!该死的破剑!” You think that this can kill me? Naive, naive, I am Phoenix, I can not refuse stubbornly to extinguish!” Under the anger, the blue vulture eats float setting out of pain, at once his back wing wields, deep attachment quan three Qingshen fire enclosed chests, opening bath hot rebirth. “你们以为,这就能杀了我吗?天真,天真,我是不死鸟,我能不死不灭!”在愤怒下,青雕吃痛的悬浮起身,旋即他背后的羽翼挥动,缱绻着三青神火附上胸膛,开启浴火重生。 Buzz! 嗡! But after the moment, the blue vulture reveals the frightened sound that some startled accommodates: This, what's all this about?” 但片刻后,青雕露出些许惊容的惊悚声:“这,这是怎么回事?” Lowering the head of he does not dare to believe that sees only the blasted open chest under three Qingshen fires, is unable to restore unexpectedly, isn't able the bath hot rebirth? 他不敢置信的低下头,只见被炸裂的胸膛在三青神火下,竟然无法恢复,无法浴火重生? In blue vulture flurried, Yu Luocha Ai Mo supine beginning, said moved: Blue vulture, you lost, the nether world ability is the world corrodes, even if your three Qingshen fires, is impossible to escape by luck!” 在青雕慌乱中,玉罗刹哀默的仰起头,伤感道:“青雕,你输了,幽冥的能力是天地腐蚀,就算你那三青神火,也不可能幸免!” „Does world corrode?” “天地腐蚀?” The blue vulture shivers, frightened lowering the head looks to the chest, sees only that to jab into on Netherworld Sword of chest, is binding the black viscous aura all round, that aura feels sick disgustingly, unexpectedly bit by bit is corroding his three Qingshen fires. 青雕颤抖一下,惊悚的低头望向胸口,只见那刺进胸膛的幽冥剑上,裹着团团的黑色粘稠气息,那气息令人厌恶作呕,竟一点一点的在腐蚀他的三青神火。 How is this possible?” “这怎么可能?” This, the blue vulture thorough was flurried, this thinks that closes right up against three Qingshen fires to be able not he who refuses stubbornly to extinguish, actually after was pierced the chest by Netherworld Sword, unlimited close death. 这一下,青雕彻底慌乱了,本以为靠着三青神火可以不死不灭的他,却在被幽冥剑刺穿胸口后,无限度的接近死亡。 Bang! 轰! In all people looks , the Netherworld Sword pitch-black evil aura starts to raise all round, the intense corrosiveness the place of passing over gently and swiftly must be life Tu Tan. 在诸人仰望中,幽冥剑的乌黑邪气开始团团升起,强烈的腐蚀性所掠过之处必是生灵涂炭。 The three Qingshen fires of that neither living, under the corrosion of Netherworld Sword, start gradually the rout, extinguishment bit by bit, the feather of blue vulture whole body, is on the wane and loose. 那不生不灭的三青神火,在幽冥剑的腐蚀下,开始渐渐溃败,一点一点的熄灭,青雕全身的羽毛,凋零而散。 No! How I can die, I must revenge, I must kill Hua Ling, I also want on this day under! I cannot die “不!我怎么能死,我还要报仇,我还要杀花零,我还要这天下!我不能死” The blue vulture was flurried, in broken airborne waves unceasingly, but after is unable to get rid of the Netherworld Sword jet black corrosion aura, the body of number hundred zhang (333m) falls loudly maliciously on the ground, twitches unceasingly. 青雕慌乱了,在残破的空中不断舞动,但终归是无法摆脱幽冥剑漆黑的腐蚀气息,轰然间数百丈的身躯狠狠摔在地上,不断抽搐。 Qin Shi sets out with the aid of the Nirvana Sword brace, arrives at Yu Luocha and Xiaomi Cai side gradually, the person who minority survives looks toward that blue vulture. 秦石借助寂灭剑的撑起身,一步一步走到玉罗刹小米彩的身旁,少数残存下来的人朝那青雕望去。 Bang! 轰! In unceasing whinning, the green raging fire of his whole body is put out finally, the person stays behind, only then snow white bones of the dead, with unwilling roaring of airborne reverberation. 在不断的哀嚎中,他全身的青色烈火终是熄灭,徒留下的只有皑皑白骨,和空中回荡的不甘怒吼。 The blue vulture, died. 青雕,死了。 On that snow white bones of the dead, blasting open becomes enlightened pitiful fire beacon with a crash, all follow fire beacon to fall into the deep deep pool deathly stillness the silence. 那皑皑的白骨上,砰然炸裂开成凄惨的狼烟,一切伴随着狼烟陷入深潭死寂的沉默。 Finally, finished?” “终于,结束了吗?” Who does not know is, the first start to talk. 不知是谁,第一个开口。 When that sound breaks the deathly stillness, the vision of people neat throws toward the distant place, falls on that blue vulture broken skeleton, earth only remaining corroded split lands under his body. 在那声音打破死寂时,众人的目光齐刷刷朝远处抛掷,落在那青雕残破的骸骨上,他身下的大地只剩下被腐蚀的干裂土地。 Looks at that stretch of ruins, all Renru the nightmare initially is awaking. 望着那片废墟,诸人如梦魇初醒。 Did a Second Rank Heaven Realm big energy, like this die? 一名二层天境的大能,就这样死了么? Um, finished.” “嗯,结束了。” Qin Shi is holding Yu Luocha, was inspired by the tranquil depth diligently, at once he does not have to step goes forward, in said gloomy Netherworld Sword skeleton that picks up. 秦石扶着玉罗刹,努力让自己平静的深吸口气,旋即他没有多说的迈上前,将骸骨中暗淡的幽冥剑拾起。 On Netherworld Sword, early does not have another day ray, could not feel including the aura of least bit. 幽冥剑上,早无他日的光芒,连半点的气息都感觉不到。 Buzz! 嗡! Dies out alone floats off, has hit under the nether world gently, probably is making the nether world speak, probably is the sob that recited lightly. 寂灭独自浮起,轻轻的撞了下幽冥,好像在让幽冥说话,又好像是在轻吟的哭泣。 It is very good, we must be proud of him.” “它很棒,我们要为他而骄傲。” Buzz!” Dies out likely in responding to one, in the sound full is the pain of leaving. “嗡!”寂灭像是在回应一声,声音中满是离别之苦。 That life and death leaves, Qin Shi has experienced, therefore he understands. 那种生死离别,秦石体验过,所以他明白。 Therefore, he pinched the hand of dying out to step up the tight, light [say / way]: I promise you, I will certainly try to find the solution, repairs his spirits!” 为此,他捏着寂灭的手更加紧了紧,轻道:“我答应你,我一定会想办法,修复他的器灵!” Finished. 真的结束了。 The heart of Qin Shi somewhat is heavy, although cut to kill the blue vulture, he actually could not feel that the least bit the joy, this sacrifice, was really too serious. 秦石的心却有些沉重,虽说斩杀了青雕,他却感觉不到半点的喜悦,这一次的牺牲,真的是太惨重了。 Looks back goes toward that ten thousand meters quiet Lin Wang, where also has mountain peak, where also has the flowers and plants? 回首朝那万米的幽林望去,哪里还有山峰,哪里还有花草? Remaining, only then ruins and vicissitudes. 剩下的只有废墟和沧桑。 Begins supinely, he has not said a word looks toward the Eastern rising sun, after carves blue that Holy Ghost flower, stops revolving in broken finally, was dyed scarlet. 仰起头,他没有言语的朝东方的旭日望去,在青雕死后那株圣灵花,终于也在残破中停止旋转,被染得猩红。 Come, goes to your new host there.” “来吧,去你新主人那里。” Qin Shi finds out single-handed, after the Holy Ghost flower takes down, toward Yu Luocha gently throws. 秦石单手探出,将圣灵花取下后,朝着玉罗刹轻轻抛去。 Bang! 轰! But suddenly, together broken green halo, in skeleton that in that was neglected by all people explodes to shoot, transforms the blue vulture fierce countenance in that halo. 但突然,一道残破的青色光晕,在那被诸人忽略的骸骨中爆射而出,在那光晕中转变出青雕狰狞的嘴脸。 Is the remnant spirit of blue vulture?” “是青雕的残灵?” Sees that halo, Xiaomi Cai and the others called out in alarm one. 望见那光晕,小米彩等人惊呼一声。 Jie Jie, you thinks that finished really? Is impossible, is impossible, even if I dies, I must draw the Yu Luocha same place!” Under that broken miraculous glow, such as the sharp sword speeds past toward the Holy Ghost flower, following blood red stamen and pistil winding on. “桀桀,你们以为,真的结束了吗?不可能,不可能,就算是我死,我也要拉着玉罗刹一起!”在那残破的灵光下,如利剑般朝圣灵花疾驰而过,顺着血红的花蕊缠绕而上。 Blue vulture, you dares!” “青雕,你敢!” This sudden accident made Qin Shi panic-stricken extremely, the pupil in black pupil drew in rapidly, one unlucky premonition rose the heart. 这突如其来的意外令秦石惊恐万分,黑眸中的瞳仁迅速收拢,一种不祥的预感升上心头。 Puff! 噗! But he after all was late, blue vulture remnant bound tightly the Holy Ghost flower spirit, put together completely the final soul strength, ground to extinguish everywhere powder dust that Holy Ghost flower. 但他终归是晚了,青雕的残灵裹紧圣灵花,拼尽了最后的魂力,生生将那圣灵花碾灭成漫天碎末。 Was looking at that Holy Ghost flower on the wane, the palpitations of Qin Shi and various person as if stopped half racket. 望着那凋零的圣灵花,秦石和诸人的心跳仿佛都停止了半拍。 Falls the Holy Ghost flower broken, blue vulture remnant spirit actually face up laughs wildly, laughter grating like timely exhortation to virtue and purity reverberation by all Rener: Jie Jie, the Holy Ghost flower did not have, the violent poisonousness of Yu Luocha does not have the medicine to be solvable, she must die without doubt!” 碎掉圣灵花,青雕的残灵却仰面狂笑,笑声刺耳的如暮鼓晨钟般回荡在诸人耳旁:“桀桀,圣灵花没了,玉罗刹的剧毒无药可解,她必死无疑!” Bastard!” “畜生!” The unprecedented anger soars to the heavens, Qin Shi was covered by pitch-black Baleful Qi all round, wipes the psychic force to take advantage of opportunity in Sea of Consciousness blows out, loudly that blue vulture remnant pierces over a thousand blood-stained mouths spirit. 前所未有的怒火冲天,秦石被团团乌黑的煞气笼罩,一抹精神力顺势在识海中爆出,轰然间将那青雕的残灵洞穿上千道血口。 But, the blue vulture actually continually moves aside has not moved aside, but stares with that hate and self-satisfied presbyopia to Qin Shi: Kills, has killed me, even if I dies, I must make you live to might as well die!” 但,青雕却连躲闪都不曾躲闪,只是用那怨恨和得意的老眼瞪向秦石:“杀吧,杀了我吧,就算是我死,我也要令你生不如死!” „Don't you want to protect? Actually I must have a look at you to be able but under actually the protection anything!” “你不是想要守护么?我倒要看看你究竟能守护下什么!” Yu Luocha, I in road to Hades superior you! Ha Ha, ha!” 玉罗刹,我在黄泉路上等着你!哈哈,哈哈哈!” Bang! 嘭! The sound shoots finally in four of myriad psychic force, after being pierced, dissipates. 声音终于在万千精神力的四射下,被洞穿后消散。 Blue vulture time, died, thorough that dying, does not have remaining including a wisp of remnant soul. 青雕这一次,是真的死了,死的彻彻底底,连一缕残魂都没剩下。 How can like this “怎么会这样” But he died, the Holy Ghost flower will not return, Qin Shi gets angry searches to get rid, when the five fingers and that ripples the Holy Ghost flower powder in air to interlock, but, wipes to rebuke oneself and hate to well up, for a very long time is hard to diverge. 但就算他死了,圣灵花也再也不会复返了,秦石红着眼的探出手,当五指和那荡漾在空气里的圣灵花粉末交错而过后,一抹自责和怨恨涌上心头,久久难以散去。 Blames me, blamed me being negligent!” “都怪我,都怪我大意了!” The silver tooth breaks by biting the lip, the smell of blood that irritates the nose faints in the oral cavity, Qin Shi face upwards to roar: Volume!!!” 银牙将嘴唇咬破,那刺鼻的血腥味晕开在口腔,秦石仰天咆哮一声:“额啊啊!!!” Roared, Baleful Qi rolling overflowed, the sclera in Qin Shi look was being swallowed, trend bit by bit despaired and collapse edge. 咆哮中,煞气滚滚四溢,秦石眼神中的眼白都在被吞噬,一点一点的走向绝望和崩溃边缘。 Bang!! But at this time, together tiger body of gentle hand his from rear winding, Yu Luocha white hands snap ring enclasps him firmly: Do not be sad, this does not blame you.” 但这时,一道温柔手从后方缠绕上他的虎躯,玉罗刹玉手环扣的将他牢牢抱紧:“不要难过,这不怪你。” But, your toxin “但是,你的毒” After Yu Luocha begins supinely, cherry lips Zhang He: No matter it, at least you have said that in the future day, no matter 30 years also or 300 years, you will be accompanying me, not?” 玉罗刹仰起头后樱唇张合:“不管它,至少你说过,在往后的日子里,不管是30年亦或是300年,你都会陪着我,不是吗?” Um!” Under point that Qin Shi clenches teeth. “嗯!”秦石咬着牙的点下头。 That, sufficed “那,就够了” Has been affirmed, Yu Luocha she has cried with a smile, does not have the ice-cold appearance again, when 30 years ago the misunderstanding untie, her frozen thousand years hearts, then melted. 得到肯定,玉罗刹她笑着哭了,再也没有冰冷的容颜,早在30年前的误会解开时,她那冰封了千年的心,便融化了。 But at this time, once again becomes because of the Qin Shi tender feelings and commitment blazing. 而此时,再度因秦石的柔情与承诺变得炽热。 Qin Shi looks at that pale face, erases her tear stains: No matter is difficult, I will certainly untie your toxin, accompanied you to pass behind that 30 years with 300 years.” 秦石看着那苍白的面庞,将她的泪痕抹掉:“不管多难,我一定会解开你的毒,陪你度过那后面的30年与300年。” Walks arm in arm in the bosom of Qin Shi, Yu Luocha has not spoken again, but happily smiled. 依偎进秦石的怀中,玉罗刹再也没有说话,只是欣慰的笑了。 Regarding her, can detoxify is really unimportant, but the heart of Qin Shi really moved her, in heart gently twittering: Yu Luocha, is content, 30 years ago, 50 years ago, you died two, can not be under very strong arm passed the remaining years of life in this, you should feel happily.” 对于她来说,能不能解毒真的不重要了,但秦石的这份心就真的感动她了,心中轻轻的呢喃:“玉罗刹,知足吧,30年前,50年前,你已经死了两次了,能在这个不是很健硕的臂膀下度过余生,你就应该感到欣慰了。” Is looking in that sensational two, permits to look at each other one with the Nangong ice unreliably, simultaneously reveals the helpless forced smile, that once pitied the character like the [gold/metal], will Yu Luocha of desolated jungle nightmare, have unexpectedly is also like this delicate one side? 望着在那煽情的两人,玄允和南宫冰对视一眼,同时露出无奈的苦笑,那个曾经惜字如金,荒芜丛林噩梦的玉罗刹,竟也会有这样柔弱得一面? This is that ten thousand li (0.5km) acts alone , does the blood dye Yu Luocha of Qian mountain? 这真的是那万里独行,血染千山的玉罗刹吗? Perhaps, only then in the front of this youth, will reveal this type not to belong to her tender feeling? 恐怕,也就只有在这少年的面前,才会露出这种不属于她的温情吧? All, in this moment, finished. 一切,在这一刻,真的结束了。 This thinks that is only the field leaves the day firm turning point, Qin Shi has not actually thought will have these many matters unexpectedly. 本以为只是场离开天牢的契机,秦石却万万没想到竟会发生这么多的事。 all people who lives remnantly, looked to that binds the youth of disorderly black robe, in the heart is filling has shocked with inconceivable. 残活下来的诸人,望向那个裹着凌乱黑袍的少年,心中充满了震撼和不可思议。 The entire process, was this youth has subverted all. 整个过程,是这个少年颠覆了一切。 If no him, perhaps now all people, are burnt down dead under that three Qingshen fires, this youth is very great, his body has filled the miracle. 若是没有他,恐怕现在所有人,早在那三青神火下被焚烧而死,这个少年真的很了不起,他的身上充满了奇迹。 Shi Qin, a myth, presented the myths in all person hearts. 石秦,一个神话,在场所有人心中的神话。 Puff passes! 噗通! When all people sighed, a dull thumping sound suddenly resounded. 在诸人感叹时,一声闷响突然响起。 Qin Shi excessively exhausted, finally cannot become the body that creakies, at present one black, faints all of a sudden in the bosom of Yu Luocha. 秦石在过度的疲惫中,终于成不住那摇摇欲坠的身子,眼前一黑,一下子晕倒在玉罗刹的怀中。 Shi’tou!” 石头!” Father!” “爹爹!” All person startled, rushing , in abundance supports him. 所有人一惊,纷纷的冲上前扶住他。 Is looking at in within the body of that body, those present were once more stunned, the five main internal organs (entrails) are many smashing, the complete dislocation, ten ribs insert the spleen lung, the dantian locate spiritual power to be exhausted, the distressed appearance simply is not a human. 望着那身躯的体内,在场的人再次愕然了,五脏六腑多出粉碎,全部错位,十根肋骨插进脾肺,丹田处灵力匮竭一空,狼狈的模样简直就不是人。 In this case, can support to be so long unexpectedly?” “在这种情况下,竟然还能撑下去这么久?” Really is a anomaly!” “真是个变态!” The pigeon has licked the licking lips angle, sighed the sound shaking down head. 白鸽舔了舔嘴角,叹声的摇下头。 The pigeon also understands finally when Xiaomi Cai so will be why rigid to him, remembers him with the blue vulture final showdown, in facial expression firm resoluteness not definitely, obviously only then Spirit King Realm Late Stage actually shows the startled day to startle the place the strength, making the hearts of all people beat along with him, perhaps was his difference? 白鸽终于也明白,为何小米彩会对他那样执着,想起他在和青雕最后对决时,神情上坚定不决的刚毅,明明只有王灵境后期却展现出惊天骇地的力量,令所有人的心随他跳动,或许这就是他的不同吧? That is the exclusive King makings. 那是专属的王者气质。
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