PDL :: Volume #4

#350: Sounds together the double sword

Phoenix bath hot rebirth?” 不死鸟的浴火重生?” Under, Yu Luocha and Nangong ice and the others knit the brows. 在下方,玉罗刹和南宫冰等人皱了皱眉。 When various people are puzzled, Xiaomi Cai nods saying: Um, Phoenix, although is Divine List Ferocious Beast, but its ability actually does not attack and defense 在诸人不解时,小米彩点点头道:“嗯,不死鸟,虽为神榜凶兽,但它的能力却不是攻击与防御” What is that?” Various person rapid question. “那是什么?”诸人急促的问句 Speaking of this matter, the Xiaomi Cai elegant face was cloudy, lip pale did not have the scarlet, position phalanx bulge that pink / white fist pinched tightly: Is resurrecting!” 提起这事,小米彩俏脸阴沉,嘴唇苍白的没有血色,那粉拳捏紧的位置指骨凸起:“是复活!” Hissing “嘶” Person but actually suction port cold air/Qi that Yu Luocha leads. 玉罗刹领头的人倒吸口冷气。 Resurrecting? How will the world have this abnormal ability?” “复活?世上怎么会有这种变态的能力?” False?” “假的吧?” The raising silk on the faces of several profound group disciples is scared and despairs. 在几个玄组弟子的面庞上升起丝恐慌和绝望。 Is, Phoenix, reason that is called Phoenix, is that not resurrecting that refuses stubbornly to extinguish, no matter receives the how serious wound, even if the heart were pierced, can the bath hot rebirth.” Xiaomi Cai is somewhat dignified, shaking the head that sighed painstakingly. “是真得,不死鸟,之所以称为不死鸟,便是那不死不灭的复活,不管受到多么严重的伤,哪怕心脏被刺穿,都能够浴火重生。”小米彩有些凝重,苦叹的摇摇头。 Has been affirmed, all people were all silly. 得到肯定,所有人全傻了。 Cannot die, what vigor does that also hit? 死不了,那还打个什么劲? The white hands of Yu Luocha pinch tightly, the white teeth bites shivering of lower lip to say lightly: „, Don't means have?” 玉罗刹的玉手捏紧,皓齿轻咬下唇的颤抖道:“难道,就一点办法都没有吗?” Means, definitely have.” “办法,肯定是有。” In the despair, the pigeon the Chinese-style gown that clads in silvery white from the behind wear steps goes forward, said: Is only, was too difficult, the bath hot rebirth, as the name implies needs to reactivate from the fire, so long as can the Phoenix three Qingshen hot destruction, it unable the bath hot rebirth.” 在绝望中,白鸽从后面穿着银装素裹的袍子迈上前,道:“只是,太难了,浴火重生,顾名思义是需要从火中复活,只要能够将不死鸟的三青神火覆灭,它就再也不能浴火重生了。” But, wants to destroy completely three Qingshen fires is really too difficult. Perhaps only then that goes forward several to have the big energy of river system or ice department in god list, can achieve “但是,想灭掉三青神火真是太难了。恐怕就只有那在神榜上前几名拥有水系或冰系的大能,才做得到吧” Speaking of finally, the voice of pigeon was getting more and more weak, because his clear feeling despair of that being able hardly be removed on a surroundings person of face. 说到最后,白鸽的声音越来越弱,因为他清晰的感觉到在周围人面庞上那种挥之不去的绝望。 Falling that three Qingshen fires, extinguish? 三青神火,灭的掉么? The petrification of Nirvana Sword, cannot cut to extinguish it, those present or the thing, who can also achieve? 就连寂灭剑的石化,都没能将它斩灭,在场的人或物,有谁还能做到? Bang! 砰! In all people low and deep, such as mountain bang but actually sticks out suddenly loudly, at once sees only Qin Shi in midair, the body is thrown to go to the kilometer like the bubble by three Qingshen fires. 在诸人低沉中,一声如山倒的巨响轰然暴起,旋即只见在半空中的秦石,身躯如泡影般被三青神火抛去上千米。 Loudly, that frail black robe hit in the ruins, making billowing fire beacon everywhere ascend. 轰然间,那单薄的黑袍撞击在废墟中,令滚滚的狼烟漫天升腾。 ! 咻! The next instant, the blue vulture such as the advantage arrow punctures, the eagle claw works on Qin Shi in the ruins, makes by the Qin Shi black robe space disruption, the black remnant robe flutters under. 下一霎,青雕如利箭刺出,鹰爪在废墟中生生将秦石抓起,令秦石黑袍旁的空间碎裂,黑色的残袍飘荡而下。 Worked Qin Shi, is similar to the blood person is the same, two letting fall does not have the least bit vitality, the pupil heart that only then rotates showed that he is also living. 被抓起的秦石,如同血人一样,两手垂落的没有半点生机,只有转动的眸心证明他还活着。 Brat, dares to injure me, do you continue wildly? What's wrong, didn't have the card in a hand? I deliver you to see snake ceratop now!” Roared, blue vulture eagle claw held up void, at once fierce pounded down toward the ruins in loudly, the wild strength made the Qin Shi rib completely break, warm-blooded sprayed. “臭小子,敢伤我,你继续猖狂啊?怎么,没有底牌了?那我现在就送你去见蛇角龙!”咆哮一声,青雕鹰爪虚空举起,旋即猛的朝废墟中轰然砸下,狂野的力量令秦石肋骨尽断,一口热血喷洒而出。 Shi’tou!” 石头!” Father!” “爹爹!” Yu Luocha and Xiaomi Cai and the others worried roars tenderly, looks under the broken black robe, stood up continually difficult Qin Shi, Xiaomi Cai finally cannot endure, lightly the silver tooth bit roared: I and he spelled!” 玉罗刹小米彩等人担忧的娇吼一声,看着残破黑袍下,连站起身都困难的秦石,小米彩终于忍不下去了,银牙轻咬的咆哮道:“我和他拼了!” Lord!” Roar that the pigeon worries about. “主子!”白鸽担忧的吼声。 Seven color multi-colored sunlight shoot up to the sky, are welcoming the blue vulture on the rolling up and pushing along tornado, howls under. 七彩的霞光冲天而起,迎着青雕就卷动旋风,呼啸而下。 Xiaomi Cai!” 小米彩!” Lies down looks askance to look toward seven color beautiful figures in ground Qin Shi, Chest twitches, when but he wants to set out, the whole body is almost paralyzed, calf convulsion does not have the least bit consciousness. 躺在地上的秦石侧目朝七彩倩影望去,心口一阵抽搐,但当他想起身时,全身几乎瘫痪,小腿痉挛的没有半点知觉。 While at this time, the Yu Luocha graceful body also jumped to set out, approaches to the blue vulture. 正当这时,玉罗刹的曼妙身躯也跟着跳起身来,冲着青雕逼近。 Next, She Xi'er. 下一个,蛇曦儿 The alone horse, permits unreliably, pigeon, the tiger thousand change, the Nangong ice, the increasing number of people place oneself the dangerous situation, they prepare to give it all. 独马,玄允,白鸽,虎千变,南宫冰,越来越多的人置身险境,他们准备放手一搏。 Damn! Comes back! Xiaomi Cai, Yu Luocha, you come back to me! If not think that I hate you, comes back to me!” “该死!都回来!小米彩,玉罗刹,你们给我回来!若不想我恨你们,就给我回来!” Is looking at that broken form, the Qin Shi pain calls out one, but nobody responded radically, obtained, only then Yu Luocha and Xiaomi Cai and the others renounced the facial expression that went. 望着那残破的身影,秦石痛苦的嚎叫一声,但却根本没人回应,得到的只有玉罗刹小米彩等人决绝赴死的神情。 In the future, gives us.” “往后,交给我们吧。” Yu Luocha is hitting the sign language, responded in a soft voice. 玉罗刹打着哑语,轻声回应。 Shivers, after Qin Shi closes tightly jaw , the fierce mention fist, on the blood-stained mouth to that calf pounds fully, a fist, two fists, three fists, several fists, in an instant the entire left leg becomes covered with blood: Quick paralysis, the quick paralysis, I must fight!” 颤抖一下,秦石咬紧牙关后猛的提起拳头,冲着那小腿上的血口全力砸下去,一拳,两拳,三拳,十几拳,转眼间整条左腿变得血肉模糊:“快麻痹,快麻痹啊,我要战斗!” Bang! 轰! In vault of heaven, in the roaring flame under that three Qingshen fires, seven pink clouds light, deep blue lonesome and quiet, blazing flame, alone angle Saint light, all kinds of attacks, blotting out the sky falls like the rainstorm. 苍穹上,在那三青神火下的烈焰中,七彩霞光,碧蓝幽静,炽烈火焰,独角圣光,各式各样的攻击,铺天盖地的如暴雨般落下。 Bang! 轰隆! Bang, but the next instant, all people despaired, sees only shoulders contemptuously on the face of that blue vulture, follows close on the withstanding next myriad attacks that he is not hiding does not dodge, actually the bath fire in the body distortion lives. 巨响一声,但下一霎,诸人绝望了,只见在那青雕的面庞上挑起轻蔑,紧跟着他不躲不闪的承受下万千攻击,却又在身躯扭曲中浴火而生。 How can “怎么会” This time, all people despaired, this blue vulture is similar to is invincibly same, no matter what attack, cannot kill him. 这一次,所有人绝望了,这青雕如同无敌一样,不管什么样的攻击,根本就杀不死他。 Jie Jie, one crowd of trash, you thinks really you can kill me?” The blue vulture that finds out the flame once again then, unruly sneering, his eagle claw finds out at once, after ripping open the entire world, clashes all people to brandish to go. “桀桀,一群垃圾,你们真以为你们能杀了我吗?”再度探出火焰的青雕,桀骜不驯的冷笑,旋即他鹰爪探出,撕开寰宇后便冲诸人挥舞而去。 Bang! 砰! Two attacks, Xiaomi Cai and Yu Luocha tender body shakes, entered in the middle of that ruins dust by the brand mark loudly. 两道攻击,小米彩玉罗刹娇躯一抖,轰然间被生生的烙印进那废墟尘埃当中。 Does not wait for all people to look back, a more turbulent rampant attack falls from the day, permits, pigeon, the alone horse and tiger thousand to change with unreliably the Nangong ice, was rumbled to depart over ten thousand meters directly. 不等诸人回首,更加汹涌猖獗的攻击从天落下,玄允、白鸽、独马、虎千变与南宫冰,直接被轰飞出上万米。 Entire desolated jungle, full forest fire beacon. 整个荒芜丛林,满林狼烟 That calm knot, shivers in this moment, drops ripples. 那波澜不惊的结界,在这一刻都为之颤抖,落下道道涟漪。 I have killed you, kills Hua Ling again.” “我杀了你们,再去杀花零。” Strikes to fly all people, the blue vulture eagle-eyed cold brightness strikes the eye obviously, after splitting the dense corners of the mouth, void toward alone mounted scouts, five flood the pale scarlet red light, is ripping open in the chest of alone horse suddenly. 击飞诸人,青雕鹰眼中的寒光触目可见,裂开森然的嘴角后虚空朝独马探下,五道泛着淡血色的红光,眨眼间在独马的胸膛撕开。 The alone horse died, next is the tiger thousand changes. 独马死了,下一个是虎千变。 Old mixed wool, you dare!” “老杂毛,你敢!” Is looking at that under the blue vulture devastates, the people of tragic death, the heart of Qin Shi as if sinks to the seabed abyss, psst makes noise, the sound of bone disruption the fist pinches implements the whole body. 望着那在青雕摧残下,一个一个惨死的人,秦石的心仿佛沉入海底深渊,拳头捏的吱吱作响,骨头碎裂的声音贯彻全身。 But he except for roaring, actually again also helplessly. 但他除了怒吼,却再也无能为力。 Buzz! 嗡! In the despair, does not know that induces to the Yu Luocha severe wound is what kind, Nirvana Sword fierce shivering between left hand. 在绝望中,不知是感应到玉罗刹的重伤还是怎样,左手间的寂灭剑狂烈的颤抖。 Looks Nirvana Sword that is shivering, Qin Shi is very painful: Sorry, is I am incompetent, protects is not good your master 望着那颤抖的寂灭剑,秦石痛苦不堪:“对不起,是我无能,保护不好你的主人” Bang! 轰! But at this time, followed shivering that died out, crashed explodes to shoot in Netherworld Sword of distant place suddenly, wicked inserting by the Qin Shi right hand. 但在这时,伴随寂灭的颤抖,坠落在远处的幽冥剑突然爆射而起,恶狠狠的插在秦石右手旁。 The insertion ruins, on sharp sword edge four shoot all round the black halo, the brand mark in that halo the mysterious mark is winding, is really mysterious. 插入废墟,锋利的剑刃上四射起团团黑色光晕,在那光晕上烙印着玄奥的纹络,甚是神奇。 Then, sees only that halo unexpectedly formation half-way soul slowly, the soul alone implicates the right hand of Qin Shi, lifts the hand to grasp him on the Netherworld Sword sword hilt. 然后,只见那光晕竟缓缓的形成半道魂魄,魂魄独自牵连住秦石的右手,将其抬起手握在幽冥剑的剑柄上。 Um?” “嗯?” This movement made Qin Shi be startled being startled. 这一动作令秦石怔了怔。 At once, Netherworld Sword alone hiked up, makes an effort to puncture several toward the blue vulture of distant place, sent out intermittently buzz cry. 旋即,幽冥剑独自飘起,使劲朝远处的青雕刺了几下,发出阵阵的嗡鸣。 You said that you do want to kill him?” “你是说,你要去杀他?” Qin Shi strenuous knitting the brows, gets the affirmation response of Netherworld Sword at once immediately, making him be shocked. 秦石吃力的皱了皱眉,旋即马上得到幽冥剑的肯定回应,令他愣住了。 Not is only the nether world, died out also the independent float at this time, dragging the left hand of Qin Shi to brandish carelessly several, aimed at the blue vulture. 不光是幽冥,在这时寂灭也自主的漂浮而起,拖着秦石的左手胡乱挥舞几下,指向青雕。 „Do you also want to go?” “你也要去?” Buzz! Dies out the tremor, is the response. 嗡!寂灭颤动,算是回应。 Induces to renouncing of two swords, his Chest sudden stabbing pain, he casts aside at once strenuously passes away, sees that dead out all people of round extinguishing, in black pupil flood red light. 感应到两剑的决绝,他的心口突然刺痛一下,旋即他吃力的撇过身,望见那被寂灭轮灭的诸人,黑眸中泛起红光。 Looks at these corpses, Qin Shi was suddenly tranquil, after his deep inspiration, raises wipes to self-ridicule: He he, really sufficed distressedly, had said must protect, finally actually anything also protected 看着那些尸首,秦石突然平静了,他深深的吸口气后扬起抹自嘲:“呵呵,真是够狼狈了,明明说过要守护,最后却什么也守护住” Thinks of this, he lowered the head to look to the two sharp knife blade of right-hand man, the forced smile sound: „, Dies in any case, I accompany your insane.” 想到这,他低下头望向左右手的两把利刃,苦笑声:“也罢,横竖一死,我就陪你们疯一把。” Following close on, his god was reading pours into Sea of Consciousness, sought to be burnt through the snake ceratop demon symbol of final root in Sea of Consciousness. 紧跟着,他神念注入识海,在识海中寻找到已经被燃尽成最后根源的蛇角龙魔符。 Presses firmly between the fingers the demon symbol, he smiles bitterly: Finally , helping my again!” 捏住魔符,他苦笑一声:“最后,再助我一把!” The voice drops, sees only the demon symbol in Sea of Consciousness to be wrapped by the wild psychic force all round, follows close on in an instant is obliterated the dissipation. 话音落下,只见识海中的魔符被狂野的精神力团团包裹,紧跟着只是在刹那间被磨灭消散。 Bang! 轰! Loses the demon symbol, spiritual power rapid outflow in within the body Heaven Realm, but Qin Shi knows in this moment, will have a very boundless strength. 失去魔符,体内天境灵力迅速流失,但秦石知道在这一刻,会产生一股很磅礴的力量。 This strength, before enough delivers to the blue vulture body, him. 这力量,足够将他送到青雕身前。 ! 咻! The strength of that rapid outflow, curls up the Qin Shi black robe instantaneously, immediately a fearful momentum ascends, fierce command Qin Shi explodes to shoot. 那迅速流失的力量,瞬间将秦石的黑袍卷起,当即一股可怕的冲力升腾,猛的令秦石爆射出去。 Yu Luocha falls down one startled: Shi’tou!” 玉罗刹倒在地上一惊:“石头!” Father!” “爹爹!” Xiaomi Cai has been startled being startled, sheds tears calls out one. 小米彩怔了怔,洒泪的嚎叫一声。 Similarly induces to approaching of Qin Shi, when the blue vulture looks back looks, the strength of Qin Shi within the body actually dissipated does not see, only then broken Spirit King Realm Late Stage. 同样感应到秦石的逼近,青雕回首望去时,秦石体内的力量却已消散不见,只有残破的王灵境后期 He he, the demon symbol vanishes, do you also want to show off power?” Looks Qin Shi that is collapsing at the first blow, the blue vulture crosses the hands behind the back to laugh wildly. “呵呵,魔符消失,你还想要逞强吗?”望着那不堪一击的秦石,青雕负手狂笑。 Who told you, was the person of showing off power I?” “谁告诉你,逞强的人是我?” When the distance blue vulture hundred meters, the Qin Shi pupil light opens and closes suddenly, at once carries after behind two arms stretches out suddenly, the left hand dies out, right hand nether world. 在距离青雕百米的时候,秦石的眸光突然开合,旋即背在身后的两臂突然伸出,左手寂灭,右手幽冥。 Goes!” “去吧!” Spoke, the Qin Shi all-out effort the whole body final strength, will die out to throw toward the blue vulture with the nether world suddenly. 说完话,秦石拼劲了全身最后的力量,将寂灭和幽冥猛然间朝青雕投掷而出。 !! 咻!咻! Two sword-light, the pen straight thrust leaves. 两道剑光,笔直刺出。 Sees two sword edge that the sudden thorn goes forward, blue vulture contemptuous face dignified, when but he gets back one's composure Nirvana Sword jabbed into his chest, sticks out suddenly the ash-gray halo on that sword point suddenly, making the blazing three Qingshen fires start to petrify slowly. 望见突然刺上前的两把剑刃,青雕轻蔑的面庞凝重一下,但当他回神时寂灭剑已经刺进他的胸口,在那剑尖上突然暴起灰色光晕,令炽热的三青神火开始缓慢石化。 Nirvana Sword? Damn!” 寂灭剑?该死!” Even if there is the person of dying, is withstanding the petrification of Nirvana Sword, the blue vulture will still feel the pain, covers the flame of whole body rapidly in the front, the bath fire burns. 就算有不死之人,承受着寂灭剑的石化,青雕仍然会感觉到疼痛,迅速将全身的火焰覆盖在胸前,浴火而燃。 Next second of that petrified position, slow recovery in bath fire, makes to roar that the blue vulture despises: Does not grow the memory, you think that dies out to injure to me 下一秒那石化的位置,就在浴火中缓慢恢复,令青雕蔑视的怒吼一声:“不长记性,你以为寂灭能伤到我” Puff! 噗! Suddenly, when the voice has not fallen, together remains silent to suddenly resound, blue vulture face fierce twitches, at once lowers the head after suddenly, sees only Netherworld Sword to jab into his Chest firmly. 突然,在话音未落时,一道闷声突然响起,青雕面庞狰狞的抽搐一下,旋即猛然低头后只见幽冥剑正牢牢的刺进他的心口。 Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! The nether world jabs into the blue vulture, at once sees only that half wisp of remnant soul to offer a sacrifice to suddenly, welcomed sword edge to blast out in the midair unexpectedly with a crash, in that remnant spirit blasting open, wiped the wild corrosion strength to ascend to heaven suddenly. 幽冥刺进青雕,旋即只见那半缕的残魂突然祭出,竟在半空中迎着剑刃砰然炸开,在那残灵的炸裂中,一抹狂野的腐蚀力突然升天而起。 Sees this, various people simultaneously are startled. 望见这幕,诸人同时一惊。 Being surprised different way that the Yu Luocha silver tooth bites lightly: „Is Netherworld Sword this wants from exploding that half wisp of spirit?” 玉罗刹银牙轻咬的诧异道:“幽冥剑这是想要将那半缕器灵自爆?” Nether world!” “幽冥!” Qin Shi pinches tightly the fist roars lowly, he of getting angry has not expected, wanted to sacrifice unexpectedly remnantly in the final moment nether world spirit? 秦石捏紧拳的低吼一声,红着眼的他万万没料到,在最后关头幽冥竟想要牺牲残灵?
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