PDL :: Volume #4

#349: Bath hot rebirth

„Hasn't blue vulture died?” “青雕没死?” What's wrong, how to be possible? That fearful attack, did he keep off a moment ago unexpectedly?” “怎么,怎么可能?刚才那么可怕的攻击,他竟然挡下来了?” The joyful expression has not stayed, when the green flame in gunsmoke jumps, all people the face coagulated completely. 欣喜的表情尚未停留,当硝烟中的青色火焰跃起,诸人的面庞全部凝固了。 A huge messenger bird of number hundred zhang (333m), the whole body is burning the blazing flame, often flutters in the cold wind, burns down the wooden flowers and plants between world all. 一尊数百丈的庞大青鸟,全身燃烧着炽烈的火焰,不时在冷风中飘荡,将天地间的古木花草尽数焚烧。 Is the Phoenix true body.” “是不死鸟真身。” The tiger thousand change with the alone horse and other quiet clan clansmen, while the blue vulture changes into the beast condition by that bloodlines pressure shocks trembles, withdraws several steps. 虎千变和独马等幽族族人,在青雕化为兽态后被那血脉威压震撼的同时一颤,退后几步。 Qin Shi crosses the hands behind the back Yu Kong, is dragging the cold snake body of hundred zhang (333m), stares at the blue vulture in that raging fire to be dignified the black pupil: „To kill him easily, really isn't good?” 秦石负手于空,拖着百丈的寒冷蛇身,盯着那烈火中的青雕凝重起黑眸:“想轻易杀死他,果然不行吗?” Brat, can compel me to melt the true body, was you have the skill, but all finished! Died!” The blue vulture angry opening blood-stained mouth, Youlan color roaring flame burning down, then sprays toward Qin Shi following the clear sky one after another. “臭小子,能逼我化出真身,也算是你有本事了,但一切结束了!死去吧!”青雕愤怒的张开血口,一道一道幽兰色的烈焰焚烧而出,顺着晴空便朝秦石喷洒而出。 ! 咻! In roaring flame, Qin Shi dark snort, personal appearance rapid escapes toward the flank, in he just interlocked with two green flame, only listens to behind mountain massif to blast out with a crash, the elevation kilometer fog shade mountain, changes into the rock magma in that roaring flame. 在烈焰中,秦石暗哼一声,身形迅速的朝侧方遁开,就在他刚和两道青色火焰交错间,只听身后的山体砰然炸开,海拔千米的雾影山,就在那烈焰中化为岩浆。 The boiling hot precipice, seems volcanic eruption is common. 滚烫的山岩,好似火山爆发一般。 Bang! 轰隆! The blue vulture does not give the opportunity that Qin Shi thinks, on that the wing of hundred zhang (333m) wields, the body such as the advantage arrow speeds away , after ripping open the nighttime sky of entire world, air all around becomes fabricated. 青雕根本不给秦石多想的机会,那上百丈的羽翼挥动中,身躯如利箭般疾驰而下,撕开寰宇的夜空后,周遭的空气都变得虚妄起来。 Fuzzy mirages, follow close on the blue vulture baseless to reappear side Qin Shi, that bone-chilling cold eagle claw rips open fabricatedly, in wisp of green raging fire, splits several bright red, chest of serious Qin Shi. 一片一片模糊的海市蜃楼,紧跟着青雕就凭空浮现在秦石身旁,那凛冽的鹰爪撕开虚妄,在一缕青色的烈火中,分裂出几道嫣红,郑重秦石的胸膛。 Bang! 砰! Qin Shi like shell fierce flying upside down, the wicked hit in that halfway up the mountainside, making his tiger body tremble, the back mountain massif directly broken became the powder. 恍惚间,秦石如炮弹般猛的倒飞出去,恶狠狠的撞击在那半山腰上,令他的虎躯一颤,背后的山体直接碎成粉末。 Father!” “爹爹!” Shi’tou!” 石头!” Jiao Hou that Xiaomi Cai and the others worried about. 小米彩等人担忧的焦吼一声。 In ruins, Qin Shi strenuous setting out, back covered with blood somewhat scary. 在废墟中,秦石吃力的挺起身,背后血肉模糊的有些骇人。 He is supporting Netherworld Sword, looks slightly is lax to the vision of blue vulture, making him wrinkle the brow: Damn, a moment ago that four golden light Buddhist relics, making the psychic force overdraw too?” 他支撑着幽冥剑,望向青雕的目光中略显涣散,令他皱紧眉头:“该死,刚才那四枚金光舍利,让精神力透支太多了吗?” This way, lost.” “再这样下去,就输定了。” Breaking by biting lip of making an effort, made itself more sober diligently, Qin Shi was supporting on the Netherworld Sword once again float vault of heaven, but that blazing green roaring flame, such as the incessant river water, he counter-attacked radically without enough time, moved aside continually is strenuous. 使劲的咬破嘴唇,努力令自己清醒一些,秦石撑着幽冥剑再度悬浮上天穹,但那炽烈的青色烈焰,如滔滔不绝的江水,他根本来不及回击,连躲闪都非常吃力。 ! 咻! Thunders, the earth disrupts, the fog shade mountain surrounding area ten thousand meters were wrapped by the green raging fire all round, entire is one side mountains of daggers and seas of flames. 轰鸣中,大地碎裂,雾影山方圆万米被青色烈火团团包裹,整个就是一边刀山火海 Cries loudly the sound, the ghost cry, all Renquan was flurried. 嚎哭声,鬼叫声,诸人全慌乱了。 The clansmen and profound groups of quiet clan, hundred disciples tremble with fear in abundance, some mental not mature kneels on the ground directly, despairs: „, It is not good?” 幽族的族人和玄组、百家弟子们纷纷惊颤,有一些心智不成熟的直接跪在地上,绝望道:“难道,还是不行吗?” „Were we dying?” “我们还是要死了吗?” I do not want dead, I do not want dead.” “我不想死,我不想死啊。” But in all people the spiritual Ben Kui instance, then four shoots the dim light in the blue vulture above Holy Ghost flower once more, the intense attraction and world contend, produce one after another silver silk thread, penetrates these desperate the crowds, nibbles their spiritual power. 但在诸人精神奔溃的瞬间,那在青雕上空的圣灵花再次四射幽光,强烈的引力和天地抗衡,产生一道一道银色的丝线,穿透那些绝望中的人群,将他们的灵力蚕食一空。 Jie Jie, dies in any case, offers your strengths to me.” Under blue vulture greedy tracing corners of the mouth, see only the green flame on his wing to be once again rich at once, whips continuously submits to including the world probably. “桀桀,横竖都是死,就将你们的力量奉献给我吧。”青雕贪婪的摸下嘴角,旋即只见他羽翼上的青色火焰再度浓郁,连续拍打间好像连天地都为期臣服。 In that universe, full is ease. 那乾坤中,满是悠然。 Looks at these low and deep all people to be swallowed by the blue vulture, the brow of Qin Shi wrinkled the wrinkle: Damn, this way, if makes his breakthrough arrive at 30% Heaven Realm, was impossible to reverse!” 望着那些低沉的诸人被青雕吞噬,秦石的眉头皱了皱:“该死,再这样下去,如果让他突破天境,就再也不可能逆转了!” What to do!” “怎么办!” Pinches the fist, Qin Shi was actually feeling that various types are incapable. 捏着拳,秦石却感觉到各种无力。 Can be defeated like this? 难道就要这样失败了吗? Promised snake ceratop obviously, complies to protect them, actually should what to do! 明明答应了蛇角龙,答应好要保护她们得,究竟该怎么办! Shi’tou, then!” 石头,接着!” At this moment, the sweet sound reverberation of Yu Luocha, sees only her skilled artist to raise at once, toward airborne throws suddenly Nirvana Sword between waists. 就在这时,玉罗刹的甜音回荡,旋即只见她妙手扬起,将裤腰间的寂灭剑猛然朝空中抛去。 Nirvana Sword?” 寂灭剑?” Qin Shi has been startled being startled first, at once after he finds out single-handed, holds the sword hilt, the corners of the mouth place raises a superficial radian toward on. 秦石先是怔了怔,旋即他单手探出后抓住剑柄,嘴角处不禁的朝上扬起一个浅淡的弧度。 Sees that Nirvana Sword, the blue vulture knit the brows, contemptuously said: He he, Yu Luocha, said that you have dozens years cultivate for the human, will make this naive matter unexpectedly? Like Nirvana Sword this type the weapon that has consciousnes, can it be that who wants to use can use? Has not recognized the host, perhaps does this boy pull out unable to pull out including Nirvana Sword?” 望见那寂灭剑,青雕皱了皱眉,轻蔑道:“呵呵,玉罗刹,怎么说你也是有数十年修为的人,竟会做出这种天真的事?像寂灭剑这种拥有神智的兵器,岂是谁想使用就能使用的吗?没有认主,恐怕这小子连寂灭剑拔都拔不出来吧?” Naive person, is you!” “天真的人,是你!” With blue vulture looking at each other, in beautiful pupil of Yu Luocha flood the ridicule of faint trace. 和青雕对视,玉罗刹的美眸中泛着丝丝的嘲弄。 Ka! Cha! 咔嚓! Blue vulture puzzled knitting the brows, but follows close on is only listening to clear one, the silver Ge Se cold glow refracts on his face under the broken dawn together, making him stare. 青雕不解的皱了皱眉,但紧跟着只听清脆一声,一道银戈色的寒芒在残破晨曦下折射上他的面庞,令他一愣。 Well, how to be possible?” “咦,怎么可能?” Lowers the head to look, sees only Qin Shi to hold up single-handed, is grasping dark dying out, takes advantage of opportunity after on the scabbard twitches to scatter the dark yellow halo. 低头望去,只见秦石单手举起,一手握着幽暗的寂灭,顺势在剑鞘上抽搐后散射出暗黄色的光晕。 Range that the halo covers, the person who some strength in meditation are insufficient is instantaneously stiff, degenerates into the petrification. 光晕笼罩的范围,一些定力不足的人瞬间僵硬,沦为石化。 Closes the eye quickly!” “快把眼睛闭上!” The Nangong ice has pinched the fist, the person who looks back on to surviving lowers roars, after hears that sound, they do not dare negligently closes the black pupil. 南宫冰捏了捏拳,回首冲残存下来的人低吼一声,闻声后他们不敢大意的将黑眸闭合。 Whoosh! 唰! Vertically and horizontally brandishes, Qin Shi shakes hand Nirvana Sword, he discovered that Nirvana Sword is really the light oddness, probably a weight does not have. 纵横挥舞一下,秦石握着手中的寂灭剑,他发现寂灭剑真是轻的离谱,好像一点重量都没有。 Truly, the blue vulture said right, perhaps if the average man took this Nirvana Sword unable to use, but must know that he was not an average man, depending on dying out with the relations of nether world, dying out naturally cannot conflict him. 确实,青雕说的没错,若常人拿了这寂灭剑恐怕也使用不了,但要知道他可不是常人,凭寂灭和幽冥的关系,寂灭自然不会抵触他。 He he, is really a treasured sword!” “呵呵,真是把宝剑!” Qin Shi narrows the eyes to focus to look to slender sword edge in hand, wipes the courage vigor to scatter along the forehead, at once his pupil light opens and closes, after bone-chilling cold cold air volume dusting sand, stares suddenly to the blue vulture: I take you to try, the might of this treasured sword!” 秦石眯着眼望向手中的纤细剑刃,一抹血气沿着额头散射,旋即他眸光开合,凛冽的寒气卷起尘沙后猛然瞪向青雕:“我就拿你试一试,这宝剑的威力!” ! 咻! Spoke, his body explodes to shoot like the ghosts and demons. 说完话,他身如鬼魅般爆射而出。 The blue vulture opacitas presbyopia is low and deep, somewhat surprisedly and pinched the fist to exclaim angrily: Snort, thinks really emperor soul, can pull closer among us the disparity? Naive!” 青雕浑浊的老眼低沉,有些惊讶和愤怒的捏了捏拳吼道:“哼,真以为一把帝魂器,就能拉近咱们之间的差距了吗?天真!” Bang! 轰! The collision, everywhere green flame beat, in the flame dopes the strange mark to wind once again. 再度碰撞,漫天青色的火苗跳动,火苗中掺杂着诡异的纹络。 Nirvana Sword in the Qin Shi hand, brandishes each time cuts the horizon by a shocking everybody bone-chilling cold broken rumor, moves with that green quiet fire on. 寂灭剑秦石手中,每次挥舞都以一种惊世骇俗的凛冽破风声划破天际,与那青色幽火触碰而上。 That shake, astonishing. 那种震荡,惊人至极。 Blue vulture hawk present blood pupil shivers, on the wing of that green flame, was torn unexpectedly to pieces by Nirvana Sword, then wanders about destitute the bright red bloodstain. 青雕鹰眼下的血眸颤抖一下,在那青色火焰的羽翼上,竟被寂灭剑生生撕破,然后流落出嫣红血迹。 On wing superficial pain, makes after that he dreads moves out of the way several steps, roared: Boy, you courts death!” 羽翼上浅淡的痛感,令他忌惮的朝后挪开几步,咆哮一声:“小子,你找死!” Bath fire blue flame!” “浴火青炎!” Two green lotus flower roaring flame revolving, in the blue vulture incisive corners of the mouth tear to open, at once sees only him to roar, after the strong gale that raises suddenly was ripped open, fierce howling under. 两道青色莲花般的烈焰旋转,青雕尖锐的嘴角间撕裂而开,旋即只见他咆哮一声,那陡然升起的烈风被撕开后,狰狞的呼啸而下。 The blue lotus from the sky explodes shoots, dodges the place of plundering fully is in confusion. 青莲在空中爆射,闪掠之处满是狼藉。 Good flame perhaps!” “好恐怕的火焰!” Under the sweep of blue lotus scalding hot, Qin Shi black pupil bone-chilling cold coagulation, but at this moment, dying out between his palms transmits two suddenly buzz the cry, after making him be startled, lowered the head to look. 在青莲灼热的笼罩下,秦石黑眸凛冽的凝紧,但就在这时,他手掌间的寂灭突然传来两道嗡鸣,令他不由的怔了怔后低头望去。 Nirvana Sword consciousnes with his Sea of Consciousness link, mysterious sword technique reappears unexpectedly together in the memory, making him stare: „Is this sword spectrum?” 寂灭剑神智竟和他识海链接,一道玄奥的剑法浮现在记忆里,令他一愣:“这是剑谱?” Buzz! 嗡! Nirvana Sword shivers, uncontrolled is holding up unexpectedly slowly, then four project the strange broad halo suddenly, covers eight sides. 寂灭剑颤抖中,竟在不受控制缓缓举起,然后突然间四射出诡异的恢弘光晕,覆盖八方。 Dies out thousand to kill!” “寂灭千杀!” Bang, that dies out eight sides to puncture suddenly, the air that sword edge moves coagulates grey pit-a-pat the rock, the bone-chilling cold sand dust stagnates unexpectedly. 巨响一声,那寂灭成八方突刺而出,剑刃触碰的空气都凝固成灰突突的岩石,凛冽的沙尘蓦地凝滞。 The beautiful pupil of Yu Luocha changes countenance, startled [say / way]: Dies out thousand to kill? He unexpectedly, can use Nirvana Sword spirit martial arts?” 玉罗刹的美眸动容,惊道:“寂灭千杀?他竟,能使用出寂灭剑的器灵武学?” Bang! 轰! In the blue lotus and dies out to move, all people can see clearly, revolving that continues such as encounters the great resistance immediately, produces the fierce manic fulmination and remaining prestige. 在青莲和寂灭触碰间,所有人都能清晰看见,那继续的旋转顿时如遇到巨大阻力,产生剧烈的狂躁的爆鸣和余威。 Bang! 轰! The earth shivers, the continuous ebullition of wind and cloud on vault of heaven in amazed, on the earth the innumerable crowds is shaken to fly, in the fearful collision causes six hurricanes, that blue lotus finally in stopping, after being petrified by Nirvana Sword , under crashes into spatial. 大地颤抖一下,天穹上的风云在惊诧中连绵沸腾,大地上无数的人群被震飞而出,可怕的碰撞中引起六道飓风,那青莲终于在停止中,生生被寂灭剑石化后坠入下空。 Blue vulture facial expression flurried: How possible?” 青雕神情慌乱一下:“怎么可能?” Worthily is one of the empire three big magical instruments, now starts the slaughter dog!” Feels the spirit pressure that in the palm is tumbling, Qin Shi reveals the strange faint smile, at once the vision such as the cold ice locking blue vulture, the pen straight thrust leaves. “不愧是帝国三大神器之一,现在就开始屠狗了!”感受着掌心中翻滚的灵压,秦石露出诡异的浅笑,旋即目光如寒冰般锁定青雕,笔直刺出。 Three Qingshen fires!” “三青神火!” Under approaching of Nirvana Sword, after the blue vulture presbyopia stares rapidly is big, after moves out of the way, spouts three following the hawk mouth in such as the roaring flame of tide. 寂灭剑的逼近下,青雕老眼瞪大后迅速朝后挪开,顺着鹰口中喷出三股如潮汐的烈焰。 Bang! 轰隆! But that roaring flame in the distance dies out the position between square inches to coagulate suddenly, after degenerating into grey pit-a-pat the stone, blasts out with a crash, making him timidly tremble. 但那烈焰在距离寂灭方寸间的位置戛然凝固,沦为灰突突的石块后砰然炸开,令他不禁胆怯的哆嗦一下。 ! 咻! Frightened, he whips the hundred zhang (333m) blue wing, looks back on then Qingfeng leap toward distant place unexpectedly, in the mouth gets angry: Boy, lets your wild one again, the demon symbol remaining less than ten minutes, after ten minutes, is your times of death!” 惊悚中,他拍打百丈青翼,蓦地间回首便朝远处的青峰飞跃,口中怒道:“小子,再让你猖狂一阵,魔符剩下不足十分钟,十分钟后就是你们所有人的死期!” „To run?” “想跑?” Breaks out three blue fires, the Qin Shi cut-throat supineness begins to gaze at the blue vulture, his all-out effort all cards in a hand compel this type of dead end the blue vulture, if is really is towed the dozen minutes by him, that may waste all previous efforts. 劈开三道青火,秦石凶狠的仰起头注视青雕,他拼劲所有底牌才将青雕逼到这种死局,若真是被他拖上十几分钟,那可就前功尽弃了。 Therefore, he must kill the blue vulture immediately. 所以,他必须马上杀死青雕。 ! 咻! Speeds away, that Nirvana Sword sword cutting stylus points to the blue vulture, in the black pupil heart is mapping the green flame, then changes into the demon shade suddenly, will stand erect in the blue vulture behind, will die out to lift up high. 疾驰而出,那寂灭剑的剑尖笔直指向青雕,黑色眸心中映射着青色火光,陡然间便化为魅影,矗立在青雕身后,将寂灭高举。 Does not want!” “不要!” The back transmits cold air, when blue vulture instantaneous panic-stricken looking back calls out one, two eagle claws open the hundred zhang (333m) in the front rapidly the azure hot barrier. 背后传来一阵寒气,青雕瞬间惊恐的回首时嚎叫一声,两只鹰爪在胸前迅速撑开百丈的青火屏障。 But that barrier has not condensed, the ash-gray light space pricks together directly, coagulates that barrier for the hard stone wall directly, the avalanche of stone wall in shattering, all people were shocked. 但那屏障尚未凝聚,一道灰色的光宇直接刺入其中,直接将那屏障凝固为坚硬的石墙,石墙在震裂中崩塌后,所有人都惊呆了。 How can like this!” “怎么会这样!” The when wing of blue vulture trembles, lowers the head looks Nirvana Sword to prick his heart. 青雕的羽翼一颤,低头望去时寂灭剑已刺入他的心脏。 Qin Shi float in midair, looks place that Nirvana Sword is pricking, started to congeal the light gray stone there, making his black pupil ignore. 秦石悬浮在半空中,望着寂灭剑刺入的地方,在那里已经开始凝结起淡灰色的石块,令他黑眸漠视。 In this moment, did all eventually finish? 在这一刻,一切终于结束了么? „The Holy Ghost flower, I took.” “圣灵花,我取走了。” Extracts Nirvana Sword, Qin Shi not in the multi- stay moment, but after supine beginning, fires into float in the blue vulture above Holy Ghost flower. 抽出寂灭剑,秦石没在多停留片刻,而至仰起头后冲向悬浮在青雕上空的圣灵花。 Yu Luocha puts out the Holy Ghost flower, even if she did not say that Qin Shi can also look, started toward the whole body to make up in the violent poisonousness that her within the body saves, making her elegant face pale. 玉罗刹吐出圣灵花,就算她不说,秦石也看得出来,在她体内积攒的剧毒已经开始朝全身弥补,令她俏脸苍白。 Therefore, Qin Shi must take off the Holy Ghost flower of blue vulture, otherwise he cannot guarantee that Yu Luocha can support. 所以,秦石必须将青雕的圣灵花摘下,否则他不敢保证玉罗刹能不能撑过去。 Buzz! 嗡! But thinks in him, all completely conclusion instant, the foot link place transmits the needle grips the stabbing pain suddenly, a blazing burning down feeling covers the whole body. 但就在他以为,一切全部结束的刹那,脚环处突然传来针扎般的刺痛,一股炽热的焚烧感笼罩全身。 When Qin Shi knits the brows suddenly, lowers the head to look at the next whole body to be startled. 秦石猛然皱眉,低头望下时全身一惊。 In the quiet forest flurried ruins, Yu Luocha and the others looked in that midair to show the restless look similarly, sees only blue vulture that damn goes, unexpectedly by green flame package all round. 在幽林慌乱的废墟里,玉罗刹等人望着那半空中同样露出不安的神色,只见那本该死去的青雕,竟然被团团的青色火焰包裹。 In flame ejaculation, then the petrified heart starts to restore unexpectedly gradually. 火焰喷射中,那被石化的心脏竟然开始渐渐恢复。 When all people is flurriedly puzzled, the Xiaomi Cai tender body trembles, bites the silver tooth to tremble saying: „Is this Phoenix bath hot rebirth?” 在诸人慌乱不解时,小米彩的娇躯哆嗦一下,咬着银牙颤道:“这是不死鸟的浴火重生?”
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