PDL :: Volume #4

#348: War blue vulture

Six mark demon symbols, in cold wind becomes overcast the whereabouts on Qin Shi. 六纹魔符,在冷风凄凄下落在秦石手上。 He is pinching that blue demon symbol, is feeling vitality and snake that ceratop's belief has, in heart a pain. 他捏着那碧蓝色的魔符,感受着在其中存在的生命力和蛇角龙的信仰,心中不禁一痛。 Remembered initially the She Xi'er mother, Qin Shi cancould help laughing: He he, has not thought that this to cruel fate affectionate couple, 30 years later has a reunion unexpectedly in this manner.” 想起当初蛇曦儿的母亲,秦石不禁哑然失笑:“呵呵,没想到,这对苦命鸳鸯,30年后竟是以这种方式重逢。” Is looking at that six mark demon symbols, the blue vulture contemptuous face is dignified, in the presbyopia flashes through some hates: Demonic Talisman Master? The damn blue vulture, died for 30 years not to look that I did succeed?” 望着那六纹魔符,青雕轻蔑的面庞凝重起来,老眼中闪过些许的怨恨:“符魔师?该死的青雕,死了30年都看不得我成功吗?” „It is not did not look that you succeed, but cannot watch your sin!” “不是看不得你成功,而是看不得你的罪孽!” Qin Shi deep inspiration, his low and deep under eyes, are looking at demon Fu Qingtan one in hand at once: This time, again is protected her one time by you, but this is the last time, next time by me!” 秦石深深的吸口气,旋即他低沉下眼,望着手中的魔符轻叹一声:“这一次,就再由你来守护她一次吧,但这是最后一次,下一次由我!” Speaks, the index finger and middle finger of his left hand pinch out the demon symbol, after wiping spiritual power offers a sacrifice , the ignition demon symbol, at once the blue light space shoots up to the sky, fills to go against the forehead. 说着话,他左手的食指和中指掐灭魔符,一抹灵力祭出后点燃魔符,旋即碧蓝色的光宇冲天而起,灌顶眉心。 Buzz! 嗡! The Qin Shi whole body great change, follows close on the hard green snake large male deer to multiply from the flesh, on the crazy fierce arm muscle sticks out suddenly the blue vein, changes into the hundred zhang (333m) to have. 秦石全身巨变,紧跟着坚硬的青色蛇麟自肌肤滋生,狂猛的手臂肌肉上暴起青筋,化为百丈有余。 Is looking at Qin Shi that hundred zhang (333m) snake body, Yu Luocha and She Xi'er were silent, this time they do not have to sob again, is only merge both hands silently, prayed for snake ceratop. 望着秦石那百丈蛇身,玉罗刹蛇曦儿沉默了,这一次两人没有再去哭泣,只是默默的合并双手,为蛇角龙祈祷。 Seizes Heaven Realm. 天境 Feels within the body tuck dive spiritual power, as if breaks through the dantian spirit crystal is the same, Qin Shi pinching tightly fist. 感受体内翻腾的灵力,将丹田的灵晶仿佛冲破一样,秦石不由的捏紧拳头。 He can feel that the strength in within the body continuous overflowing. 他能感觉到,体内的力量正源源不断的四溢而出。 „Is this nine Heaven Realm strengths?” “这就是九层天境的力量吗?” Chuckle, Qin Shi then shows the dense smiling face, the bone-chilling cold black pupil stares like the sharp sword to the blue vulture: He he, the old mixed wool, it seems like that this time, cannot make you achieve wishes! Otherwise, I may really have shame!” 轻笑一声,秦石接着露出森然的笑容,凛冽的黑眸如利剑般瞪向青雕:“呵呵,老杂毛,看来这一次,不能让你如愿以偿了!否则,我可真是有愧啊!” Snort, the boy, should not be favorite, even if you achieve to seize Heaven Realm with the aid of the demon symbol, but most supports half double-hour, you cannot fight me!” The low and deep of blue vulture from the altar, in the sound as if has to rush to the thunder to be billowing, oppresses others the heart and soul. “哼,小子,你别得意,就算你借助魔符达到夺天境,但最多支撑半个时辰,你斗不过我!”青雕自祭坛上低沉一声,声音中仿佛有奔雷滚滚,压人心魄。 That tries!” “那就试试!” The idle talk of Qin Shi many character do not want to say that he only wants to kill the blue vulture immediately, seized the Holy Ghost flower afterward to maintain the Yu Luocha life. 秦石多一个字的废话都不想说,他只想马上杀了青雕,夺下圣灵花后来维持玉罗刹的生命。 ! 咻! Broken wind speeds away, Qin Shi in the blown sand walks in the stone to fire into the blue vulture like the shell, green palm one, the blue cold mark winds to walk randomly the four directions together. 一声破风疾驰,秦石在飞沙走石中如炮弹般冲向青雕,青色的掌心一摊,一道碧蓝色的寒冷纹络游走四方。 Bang! 轰! Bang, blue vulture pupil heart one cold, at once his back wing extends rapidly, the flame of green reassignment such as must burn down the vault of heaven, billowing under. 巨响一声,青雕眸心一寒,旋即他背后的羽翼迅速伸展,青色调动的火焰如要焚烧天穹,滚滚而下。 Moving that an ice fire, the water and fire blends suddenly in midair, the giant vortex that forms instantaneously made the entire fog shade mountain shiver, was similar to the Yangtze River breakage of billowing wave, howled under. 戛然间,一冰一火,水火交融的触碰在半空中,瞬间形成的巨大漩涡令整座雾影山都为之颤抖,如同滚滚潮涌的长江破裂,呼啸而下。 The mountain massif turbulence, already changed beyond all recognition. 山体动荡,早已面目全非。 The load bearing myriad strengths, below Xiaomi Cai and Yu Luocha and the others simultaneously pinch tightly the fist, the dignified look looks at steadily, looks at them to move the opening. 承载着万千的力量,下方的小米彩玉罗刹等人同时捏紧拳头,凝重的眼神目不转睛,望着两人触碰间的裂口。 Bang! 轰隆! Then on affecting, but below flame or ice crystal, made the gully disruption of mountain massif completely, natural moat mountain peak in attractions of two collisions float, blasted out, in float, was blasting out. 那每逢波及而下的火光或冰晶,全部令山体的沟壑碎裂,天堑般的山峰在两股碰撞的引力间悬浮,炸开,在悬浮,在炸开。 fie beacons on all sides, permits rapid withdrawing that unreliably lowers the head with the Nangong ice. 狼烟四起,玄允和南宫冰低头的迅速退后。 Is looking up to unceasingly and Qin Shi of blue vulture collision, they were silent. 仰望着不断和青雕碰撞的秦石,两人沉默了。 No one has thought that the matter will delay to the situation of this exaggeration, must look at Qin Shi to be able in these half double-hour, reversal universe. 谁都没想到,事情会延展到这种夸张的地步,如今就要看秦石能不能在这半个时辰内,逆转乾坤了。 Bang! 轰隆! In two green one cold one warm, during ice hot collisions, cold Re made mountain peak shiver alternately, the openings of several earth thorough underground. 在两道青色一寒一暖,一冰一火的碰撞间,冷热交替中令山峰颤抖,几番大地的裂口深入地下。 The bang is unceasing, the highest heaven thunder clouds were lit by that raging fire, was frozen by the cold ice. 巨响不断,九霄处的雷云都被那烈火点燃,然后又被寒冰冻结。 Bang! 砰! Holds the wind to interlock, the Qin Shi withdrawing several steps, he lower the head toward bringing the tigers mouth of snake large male deer unexpectedly at once are looking, sees only the snake large male deer on tigers mouth to disrupt several fissures, knit the brows: Heaven Realm Second Rank, really some disparities.” 掌风交错间,秦石蓦地退后数步,旋即他低头朝带着蛇麟的虎口望下,只见虎口上的蛇麟不由碎裂出几块裂痕,不禁皱了皱眉:“天境二层,果然还是有些差距啊。” „Does Jie Jie, the boy, know the disparity now? Late!” The blue vulture grins to laugh wildly one, at once sees only his form to plunder suddenly, dragging the star tail of raging fire to dry the earth, everywhere is desolated. “桀桀,小子,现在才知道差距吗?晚了!”青雕咧嘴狂笑一声,旋即只见他身影猛然掠夺而出,拖着烈火的星尾将大地烘干,漫天荒芜。 Makes use under the suppression, Qin Shi mind one cold, at once rapid moves out of the way toward the rear area, then sees only his five fingers to search, grasps Netherworld Sword in the palm, even if within the straight streamer gets down. 趁势打压下,秦石心神一寒,旋即迅速的朝后方挪开,然后只见他五指一探,一把将幽冥剑握在掌心,纵然间笔直的横批下去。 Swastika Sword !” 卍剑!” Congealment spiritual power is sharp in Netherworld Sword like the mountain torrent gathering, after fierce expansion, forms the hundred zhang (333m) to have wan characters. 凝结灵力如山洪般汇聚在幽冥剑尖,狂烈的展开后形成百丈有余的卍字。 The wan character revolves with strength in the midair, the quick and violent speed such as a big windmill is the same, after curling up fire beacon and dust sand, inflates once again, is used to unexpectedly. 卍字在半空中借力旋转,迅猛的速度如一个大风车一样,卷起狼烟和尘沙后再度膨胀,蓦地惯出。 Snort, carves insect small technique.” “哼,雕虫小技。” Does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish day breaks the cracks in the earth.” “不死不灭・天断地裂。” Is looking at the front surface, but black sword-light, the blue vulture corners of the mouth despise selects lightly, at once the back roaring flame blue wing faces forward to whip rapidly, the hindrance of strong gale stops the rumor, at once the everywhere unruly flame such as the star meteor crashes. 望着迎面而起的黑色剑光,青雕嘴角蔑视的轻挑,旋即背后的烈焰青翼迅速朝前拍打,烈风的阻碍将风声停顿,旋即漫天桀骜不驯的火光如星陨坠落。 The entire world such as the avalanche is common, the fissure that produces rips open the dark night, the direct avalanche of fog shade mountain in dashing of two martial arts, the Banbishan waist transverse cutting opens. 寰宇如崩塌一般,所产生的裂痕撕开黑夜,雾影山在两道武学的冲撞间直接崩塌,半壁山腰横切而开。 Good, good fearful strength “好,好可怕的力量” Day, is this really the strength that the human can have?” “天啊,这真的是人能产生的实力吗?” In fire beacon that perishes, the Xiaomi Cai congealing eye changes, at once flings to draw the skirt rapidly, the spiritual power barrier covers hundred meters together. 在那沉沦的狼烟中,小米彩凝眼一变,旋即迅速甩开彩裙,一道灵力屏障将百米笼罩。 She Xi'er in the bosom of Yu Luocha, is looking at the airborne raging fire and cold ice, the silver tooth that somewhat worries about bites lightly: Elder sister sister-in-law, you said that the Brother Shi elder brother will win?” 蛇曦儿玉罗刹的怀中,望着空中的烈火和寒冰,有些担忧的银牙轻咬:“姐小姑,你说石头哥哥会赢吗?” Believes him, his certain possibility.” “相信他,他一定可能。” The white hands of Yu Luocha embrace tightly She Xi'er, at once chuckle: He, is the person who spoke of certainly can achieve.” 玉罗刹的玉手搂紧蛇曦儿,旋即轻笑一声:“他,是一个说到就一定能做到的人。” Um, I know.” She Xi'er nod accordingly. “嗯,我知道。”蛇曦儿点头应声。 Bang! 砰! In interweaving of everywhere, dazzling flame like rainstorm pouring, Heaven Realm spiritual power was too strong, interweaves each time must make the world vibrate, degenerates into the powder. 在漫天的交织间,刺目的火光如暴雨般倾盆而下,天境灵力实在太强了,每次交织间必会令天地抖动,沦为粉末。 azure clouds change, Swastika Sword shivers in the raging fire of rainstorm, in that raging fire the somewhat strange, green halo ripples weakly, has not actually extinguished. 青霄变化,卍剑在暴雨的烈火中颤抖,在那烈火中有些奇异,青色的光晕微弱荡漾,却又不曾熄灭。 Broken!” “破!” The blue vulture drinks one lightly, however sees only that Swastika Sword center to drink the moment that the sound drops in this, was pierced the center by the roaring flame blue fire together, the enchanting sword-light instantaneous rout, formed the air wave that howls. 青雕轻喝一声,然而只见那卍剑的中央就在这喝声落下的片刻,被一道烈焰青火洞穿中央,本来妖娆的剑光瞬间溃败,形成呼啸的气浪。 Snort, I said that you are not my match!” “哼,我说了,你不是我的对手!” Broken goes to Swastika Sword , the blue vulture opacitas presbyopia none remaining dodges, at once begins to Qin Shi supinely grasps void, the five fingers are uneven. 破去卍剑,青雕浑浊的老眼精光一闪,旋即仰起头冲秦石虚空一抓,五指齐出。 The five fingers are towing strange quiet fire, the quiet fire brings some to dazzle the color attraction in the beat, in the enticement the suspension in midair swallows, burns down the gunsmoke flying ash. 五指牵引着诡异的幽火,幽火在跳动中带着些许炫彩的引力,诱惑中将半空中的悬浮物吞噬,焚烧成硝烟飞灰。 Yes?” “是么?” But approaches in the quiet fire instant, Qin Shi reveals suddenly some smiles craftily, black sword-light flashes in the resolute face together, then sees only his black pupil closed, such as enters the absorbed domain. 但就在幽火临近刹那,秦石突然露出些许的诡笑,一道黑色的剑光在刚毅的面庞一晃而过,然后只见他黑眸闭合,如进入忘我的领域。 !!! 咻!咻!咻! Suddenly, three purple quiet fires, in the tuck dive from that Sea of Consciousness jump out, in the flame is twining several invisible strange air waves, in the air wave flood the pale golden facula, made the time static be probably same in the short respites, the miserable cold wind blew together. 戛然,三道紫色幽火,自那识海中翻腾跳出,火焰中缠绕着几道无形奇异的气浪,气浪中泛着淡金色的光斑,在短暂的喘息间令时间好像都静止一样,一道凄凉的冷风拂面而过。 The cold wind curls up his black sending silk, then moves after that quiet fire such as is then swallowed by the greedy cheetah, integrates suddenly. 冷风卷起他黑色的发丝,然后触碰在那幽火后便如被贪婪的猎豹吞噬,猛然融入其中。 Bang! 砰! When five such as move the purple quiet fire to the blue fire of string sharp sword, seems sends out some fear low roars, has the meaning of running away unexpectedly greatly. 在五道如离弦利剑的青火触碰到紫色幽火时,好似散发出些许的恐惧低吼,竟大有逃窜之意。 But the quiet fire at all not to the opportunity that they run away, direct such as under the tide tuck dive swallows into which it. 但幽火根本不给他们逃窜的机会,直接如潮汐翻腾下将其吞入其中。 The five fingers and blue fires of blue vulture the break relation, frowned immediately: This purple flame is quite strange, what does he want to make?” 青雕的五指和青火顿时断裂联系,不由皱起眉头:“这紫色火焰好诡异,他想做什么?” Good fearful psychic force “好可怕的精神力” The tiger thousand change with the alone horse wrinkles the brow, presents all quiet younger clan cousin child in abundance withdrawing several steps. 虎千变和独马皱紧眉头,在场所有的幽族弟子纷纷退后数步。 They can feel, if Qin Shi wants, they will be ground in several respites extinguish Sea of Consciousness, degenerates into the demon symbol. 他们能感觉到,如果秦石愿意的话,他们会在几个喘息间被碾灭识海,沦为魔符。 Psychic force, cannot make him continue again.” The blue vulture presbyopia stared staring, produces in that moral nature some scared, then after very draws out the shoulder, rushes to the clouds, rips open the space to be ordinary in the clouds, grips three thunder clouds unexpectedly, speeds away once more under. “精神力,不能让他再继续下去。”青雕老眼瞪了瞪,在那心底间都产生些许恐慌,然后挺起肩膀后冲上云霄,在云霄中撕开空间一般,竟是握住三道雷云,再次疾驰而下。 Suffers to death!” “受死!” Big Buddhist relics decide!” “大舍利决!” But in instant, Qin Shi closed both eyes that the thunder clouds roll up and push along open unexpectedly, profound such as the nighttime sky pupil light opens and closes, bringing the continuous cold current to blow out, refracts the dazzling golden light. 但在雷云卷动的刹那,秦石闭合的双眼蓦地睁开,其中深邃如夜空的眸光开合,带起源源不断的寒流爆出,折射出刺目的金光。 , Three golden bright color buddhist relics explode to shoot suddenly. 戛然间,三道金色灿烂色舍利子爆射而出。 Bang! 轰! That thunder clouds just from the highest heaven, then submitted to under the ray of buddhist relics, rout. 那雷云刚从九霄而下,便在舍利子的光芒下臣服,溃败。 How can?” “怎么会?” The blue vulture face changes, demeanor Li Ren amazed, holds up the back two wings at once rapidly, gathers three groups of green quiet fires, has a fluctuation of ripples in the quiet fire: Three Qingshen fires!” 青雕面庞一变,声色厉荏的惊诧一声,旋即迅速举起背后的两道羽翼,聚集起三团青色幽火,在幽火中有一丝涟漪的波动:“三青神火!” Bang! 嘭! Among the respites, the world seems to be tranquil, all people is looking in the nighttime sky under Yang Qitou the dazzling halo, simultaneously has choked a spit. 喘息间,天地仿佛宁静,诸人在下方仰起头望着夜空中刺目的光晕,同时噎了口吐沫。 That golden light Buddhist relics, form the strange vortex with moving of three Qingshen fires, after the vortex rips open the space, probably forms impulsive, making ten thousand eternity wooden remnant flowers wither rapidly. 那金光舍利,和三青神火的触碰形成诡异的漩涡,漩涡撕开空间后好像形成冲动,令万千古木残花迅速枯萎。 Bang! 轰隆隆! The Banbishan body breaks, in the entire desolated jungle produces unprecedented to be turbulent, the crushed stone blasts out after the sharp sword batters flies to project randomly. 半壁山体震碎,整座荒芜丛林中产生前所未有的动荡,碎石如利剑般炸开后横冲直撞的乱飞射出。 In the complete silence, has continued the little while. 鸦雀无声中,足足持续了半刻。 When all dissipations diverge, the fog shade mountain already did not have the complete picture, blue vulture dirty partly squats on the airborne together mountain massif, puffing in gulps, pupil heart place full secret grudge: Brat, I must kill you!” 当一切的消散散去,雾影山早已没了全貌,青雕灰头土脸的半蹲在空中一道山体上,大口大口的喘着粗气,眸心处满腔的幽怨:“臭小子,我要杀了你!” Buzz! 嗡! But he roared, one group of flaming blazing purple quiet fires, the direction beat before his hundred meters, making his mouth close continually without enough time close: How is this possible?” 但就他咆哮中,一团熊熊炽热的紫色幽火,在他百米前的方向跳动而起,令他的嘴巴连合上都来不及合上:“这怎么可能?” Finished!” “结束了!” Qin Shi in the rear similarly unattractive low and deep face, but he was still concentrating on injected the quiet fire the psychic force, the quiet fire quenchinged the world in the ignition unceasingly, the casting became together the golden Buddhist relics of fist size. 秦石在后方同样不好看的低沉个脸,但他仍是全神贯注的将精神力注入幽火,幽火在点燃中不断淬炼天地,铸造成一道拳头大小的金色舍利。 „The fourth Buddhist relics.” “第四枚舍利。” , The universe for this reason is loudly turbulent. 轰然间,乾坤为此动荡。 ! 咻! In instance that Buddhist relics puncture, the first wisp of dawn raises from East, the eye-catching halo exceeds the rising sun unexpectedly, broken words azure clouds. 在那舍利刺出的瞬间,第一缕晨曦从东方升起,夺目的光晕竟胜过旭日,破话青霄。 No!!!” “不!!!” The blue vulture stares greatly frightened presbyopia, follows close on the opportunity of continually turning round without enough time, then buries under that shining halo. 青雕瞪大恐惧的老眼,紧跟着连回身的机会都来不及,便在那金灿灿的光晕下埋没。 ! 呜! Bang! 轰隆! The fourth Buddhist relics in silent decline in the chest of blue vulture, then sees only all around air to roll up and push along the invisible air wave, gathers all round, loudly blasts out. 第四枚舍利在无声中落在青雕的胸膛,然后只见四周的空气卷动成无形的气浪,团团汇聚成一点,轰然炸开。 The world is startled changes, all seem to be tranquil. 天地惊变,一切仿佛宁静。 Finished?” “结束了么?” Began supinely, looks in the vault of heaven the youth who dropped out to pant for breath black, after all Rentian has licked the split lip, was sobbing, the pupil heart that the tiger thousand changed vacillated. 仰起头,望着苍穹上在黑抛下喘息的少年,诸人舔了舔干裂的嘴唇后哽咽了,虎千变的眸心动摇。 Permits with cross-eyed one of the Nangong ice forced smile unreliably, recalled that initially first met the Qin Shi appearance in Tianchi, so is cutting to heat bamboo strips for writing material the vulture to today. 玄允和南宫冰苦笑的对视一眼,回想起当初在天池初次相见秦石的模样,在到今日这般斩杀青雕。 He is probably omnipotent, these time reverses the universe once again, the marvelous two characters probably forever with him in. 他好像无所不能,这一次再度逆转乾坤,奇迹两字好像永远和他同在。 He, was too inconceivable. 他,真的太不可思议了。 Buzz! 嗡! But when all people is mistaken finished, in that dust the sudden blown sand blasts out, at once the wings of two magical skill hundreds of zhang (333m) expand in depth and laterally, vibrates in the universe. 但在诸人误以为结束时,在那粉尘中突然飞沙炸开,旋即两道数百丈的羽翼纵横展开,在乾坤中抖动。 fire beacon divergence gradually, a near kilometer blue messenger bird, painful calls out one, the whole body feather is ascending Xiong Tao raging fire, burns daily. 狼烟渐渐的散去,一只近千米的碧蓝色青鸟,痛苦的嚎叫一声,全身羽毛升腾着熊涛烈火,焚天天地。 Brat, I have killed you!” “臭小子,我杀了你!”
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