PDL :: Volume #4

#347: Three Holy Ghost flowers

Shangguan surpasses!” “上官超!” Is looking under the form to over ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) halo, Qin Shi and the others the faces instantaneously change. 望着冲上万丈光晕下的身影,秦石等人的面庞瞬间一变。 The Nangong ice pale face exclaimed lowly: Bastard!” 南宫冰铁青的脸低吼道:“畜生!” Jie Jie, this Holy Ghost flower, gives to anyone, might as well make me come to share!” Makes great strides forward Shangguan under halo to surpass, in the mouth exudes the grating laughter. “桀桀,这圣灵花,给谁都是给,不如就让我来替诸位分享了吧!”迈进光晕下的上官超,口中发出刺耳的笑声。 At once, in light shining in all directions, his gradually fuses with the Holy Ghost flower, the hand grasps is controlling . Moreover the world attraction, starts to shut the item to enter the Holy Ghost colored baptism. 旋即,在光芒四射中,他渐渐的和圣灵花融合,手握之间操控着况且的天地引力,开始闭目进入圣灵花的洗礼。 Shangguan surpasses, you die like a dog!” “上官超,你不得好死!” Damn, unexpectedly this villain forgetting!” “该死,竟把这个小人给忘了!” Ended, then really ended “完了,这下真的完了” „The Holy Ghost flower did not have, these thorough was incurable, what to do should we?” “圣灵花没了,这一下彻底没救了,我们该怎么办?” Profound group hundred disciple weak, fall down completely. 玄组百家的弟子瘫软一下,全部倒在地上。 Reviles, desperate, frightened, various mood move between two attractions, making the natural moat horst unceasing dislocation transfer, the rise drops. 唾骂,绝望,惊悚,各种情绪在两道引力间触碰,令天堑地垒不断的错位挪移,上升下降。 Now what to do?” “现在怎么办?” The tiger thousand change after all hundred years of stories, compared all people is calm, lowered the head to sigh: This Holy Ghost flower, the stop blue has not carved, when he passed this time Lei Jie, we must die without doubt!” 虎千变毕竟有百年阅历,相比起诸人算是沉稳了,低头叹道:“没有这株圣灵花,就阻拦不了青雕了,待他度过这次雷劫,我们将必死无疑!” The Qin Shi five senses almost twist, the unprecedented torrential anger sweeps across the highest heaven, but that Holy Ghost flower Yu Luocha is inferior to the safety, is the final hope of everyone / influential family creation. 秦石的五官几乎扭曲,前所未有的滔滔怒火席卷九霄,那圣灵花可是玉罗刹不及生命安危,为大家创造的最后希望。 How can by this bastard tarnishing? 怎么能被这个畜生给玷污了? I have killed him!” “我去杀了他!” Stands up, Baleful Qi four shoot, after Qin Shi binds tightly the black robe, as if changed individual, in a pair of bone-chilling cold pupil heart the sclera seemed being swallowed. 站起身,煞气四射,秦石裹紧黑袍后仿佛变了个人,一双凛冽的眸心中眼白仿佛在被吞噬。 Evil Spirit , hears to give father to leave, otherwise father died you not to seize to abandon me!” Taking gradually, Qin Shi in cursing angrily of innermost feelings. 邪魔,听见就给老子滚出来,否则老子死了你也别想夺舍我!”一步一步的迈出,秦石在内心的怒骂。 But unfortunately, Evil Spirit simply does not have the least bit to respond. 但不幸的是,邪魔根本没有半点回应。 Only can control Baleful Qi in Totem, if cannot open the forehead blood pupil, depending on him now radically is not the match of Shangguan Chao and blue vulture. 只能操控图腾内的煞气,若是不能打开额头血眸的话,凭他现在根本就不是上官超与青雕的对手。 The Holy Ghost flower, was too strong. 圣灵花,实在太强了。 Good, Evil Spirit , feigning death? Ok, you together die with me!” Pinches tightly the fist, clenches teeth, Qin Shi somewhat lost the reason in the indignation, supports two haughty attractions to tread on the split land. “好,邪魔,装死是吧?行,那你就跟我一起死吧!”捏紧拳,咬着牙,秦石在气愤中已经有些丧失理智,挺着两股狂傲的引力踏在干裂的土地上。 Each step, steps on earth broken becomes fire beacon raises. 每一步,都将大地踩碎成狼烟升起。 Shi’tou!” 石头!” Father!” “爹爹!” Stone Brother Qin!” “石秦老弟!” Yu Luocha is focus all Rendi roars one, but under bad chaotic such as the attraction of hurricane, they want to block Qin Shi actually already without enough time. 玉罗刹为主的诸人低吼一声,但在糟乱如飓风的引力下,他们想去拦住秦石却已经来不及了。 Little brother, do not impulse.” “小兄弟,别冲动。” But at this time, the broad sound rolling reverberated on the vault of heaven together, as if the singing in praise of the Buddha circled Liang Ban not to be loose for a very long time, expansive sky. 但在这时,一道恢弘的声响在天穹上滚滚回荡,仿佛梵音绕梁般久久不散,长空兮兮。 Qin Shi raises head stares: Who?” 秦石仰头一愣:“谁?” Listens to the hears that sound sound, the Yu Luocha body is violent trembles, in the almond eyes is somewhat lax and blurred, trembling that does not dare to believe said: Is he?” 闻声响,玉罗刹的躯却猛烈一颤,杏眼中有些涣散和迷离,不敢置信的哆嗦道:“是他?” Sees only, when broad sound reverberation, beast pill of She Xi'er front four projects the blue dazzling halo, the halo becomes the watermark shape covers the surrounding area hundred meters. 只见,在恢弘的声音回荡时,蛇曦儿胸前的兽丹四射出碧蓝色刺目的光晕,光晕成水纹状笼罩起方圆百米。 By space that the watermark covers, the float wooden flowers and plants crash suddenly, that two intense such as the attraction of great antiquity wild animal diverges suddenly, restored the earth's attraction unexpectedly? 被水纹笼罩的空间,悬浮的古木花草突然间坠落而下,那两股强烈如洪荒野兽的引力戛然散去,竟恢复了地心引力? Whoosh! 唰! The next instant, beast pill blasts out, in myriad light spaces mixed with some ancient times grains to wind, continuous toward the central gathering, formed a person's shadow. 下一霎,兽丹炸开,万千光宇中夹杂着些许远古的纹络,源源不断的朝中央汇聚,形成一名人影。 Sees that form, Yu Luocha, tiger thousand change, alone horses as well as quiet clan all people simultaneously one stiff: Second Brother? Ceratop head of the clan!” 看见那身影,玉罗刹,虎千变,独马以及幽族所有的人同时一僵:“二哥?角龙族长!” „Are you snake ceratop?” “你是蛇角龙?” Returns to the head, Qin Shi has narrowed the eyes focuses on full Han being surprised. 回过首,秦石眯眯着眼满含惊讶。 That form crosses the hands behind the back vertical float Yu Kong, throughout is hanging under the faint smile point: Um, said accurately that I am snake ceratop one wisp remnant spirit.” 那身影负手而立的悬浮于空,始终挂着浅笑的点下头:“嗯,准确的说,我是蛇角龙得一缕残灵。” Remnant spirit?” Qin Shi frowned. “残灵?”秦石皱起眉头。 30 years ago, when falling from the sky I then guessed correctly that the blue vulture will not give up, then remnant spirit forcefully splits to inject among beast pill one wisp, present I can only have half double-hour.” Snake ceratop said is very optional, can see free and easy on his face. “30年前,在陨落时我便猜到青雕不会善罢甘休,便将一缕残灵强行分裂出来注入进兽丹当中,现在的我只能存在半个时辰。”蛇角龙说的很随意,在他的面庞上能看出一种洒脱。 Father!” She Xi'er falls down his bosom. “爹爹!”蛇曦儿扑倒他的怀里。 Held in the arms the small girl in bosom, snake ceratop smiles: He he, 30 years, long so were big, only blamed the father unable to visit you born, hope that do not blame the father.” 搂住怀中的小丫头,蛇角龙笑了:“呵呵,30年,都长这么大了,只怪爹爹没能看着你出生,希望你不要怪爹爹吧。” „It is not strange, is not strange, how to blame, the father is the big hero of quiet clan!” She Xi'er sheds tears to shake the head, what crying is such annoys the human to love tenderly. “不怪,不怪,怎么会怪呢,爹爹是幽族的大英雄!”蛇曦儿洒泪摇头,哭的是那样惹人怜爱。 Yu Luocha shivers tender body brace to set out: Second Brother.” 玉罗刹颤抖着娇躯的撑起身:“二哥。” He he, Younger sister, sorry, your words I heard, 30 years ago was we have made a mistake, should not decide your life for you “呵呵,小妹,对不起,你刚才的话我都听见了,30年前是我们错了,不应该替你决定你的人生” Speaking of these, even if were snake ceratop who looked through life and death, was some shaking the head of changing countenance, said: But, do not blame Hua Ling, that sword is I compels her to puncture last!” 提起这些,就算是看破生死的蛇角龙,也是有些动容的摇摇头,道:“但,你别怪花零,那最后一剑是我逼着她刺下去得!” What?” “什么?” Pinching tightly pink / white fist that Yu Luocha cannot believe. 玉罗刹不敢相信的捏紧粉拳。 Silly younger sister, she makes all, for you.” Snake ceratop chuckle, the simple and honest palm has stroked the cheeks of Yu Luocha, erases her tear stains. “傻妹妹,她所做得一切,都是为了你啊。”蛇角龙轻笑一声,憨厚的手掌拂过玉罗刹的脸颊,将她的泪痕抹掉。 In the shock, Yu Luocha was silent: Elder sister 在震惊中,玉罗刹沉默了:“姐姐” She does not remember that previous time shouted when Sister Hua Ling is, but she knows that very remotely was very remote, remotely to as if time static, years losing. 她不记得,上一次喊花零姐姐是什么时候,但她知道那真的很遥远很遥远了,遥远到仿佛时间静止,岁月遗失。 Bang! 砰! At this time, the thunder disaster on vault of heaven died, the bucket thick crazy thunder divided straightly, that broad altar scrap, was split up. 在这时,天穹上的雷劫陨落,水桶粗的狂雷笔直劈下,生生将那恢弘的祭坛炸碎,四分五裂。 Bang! 轰隆! At once, the blue vulture whole body does not seep in Lei Guang, wipes the torrential evil spirit the strength shock everybody, connects the attraction to make the altar float. 旋即,青雕全身沁没在雷光中,一抹一抹滔滔凶煞的力量惊世骇俗,连接着引力令祭坛都悬浮起来。 Looks to the altar, people desperate shivers: „Did he succeed?” 望向祭坛,众人绝望的颤抖一下:“他成功了?” Heaven Realm, Second Rank?” 天境,第二层?” Again emerges the body and mind desperately. 再一次的绝望涌入身心。 Bang! 轰! The misfortune never singly comes, while blue is carving breakthrough seizes Heaven Realm Second Rank, Shangguan Chao completes the baptism under the Holy Ghost colored ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ray finally, controls the attraction between world to laugh rampant: He he, ha, did the Nangong ice, see? I endured humiliation these many years, finally should become outstanding to me!” 祸不单行,就在青雕突破天境二层的同时,上官超终于在圣灵花的万丈光芒下完成洗礼,操控着天地间的引力猖獗大笑:“呵呵,哈哈哈,南宫冰,看见了吗?我忍辱负重了这么多年,终于该到我出人头地了!” Bang! 轰隆! During the speeches, that bone-chilling cold attraction approaches like the vortex Chaonan Gong ice, the flash shakes him departs over a hundred meters far airborne. 说话间,那凛冽的引力如漩涡般朝南宫冰靠近,一瞬间将他震飞出上百米远的空中。 Ha Ha, this is strength, only then can I defeated world person, who the world person dare defeated me?” Shangguan Chao indulges in that self- achievement, both hands have raised wild laughing of top of the head. “哈哈,这就是力量,只有我能负天下人,天下人谁敢负我?”上官超沉溺在那自我成就中,双手扬过头顶的狂野大笑。 Bang! 砰! Only is the remaining prestige in that laughter, then made the Qin Shi backing up several steps, Xiaomi Cai supported him in behind. 光是那笑声中的余威,便令秦石倒退数步,小米彩在后面扶住他。 Various will of the people such as deathly stillness gets down low and deep: This time, died.” 诸人心如死寂的低沉下去:“这一次,死定了。” Damn! How I should do, can protect them!” Qin Shi of breaking by biting lower lip began supinely, looks at the blue vulture with Shangguan over two side terrors strengths, in the heart is vacillating. “该死!我该怎么做,才能保护她们!”咬破下唇的秦石仰起头,望着青雕和上官超两方恐怖的力量,心中动摇了。 Buzz! 嗡! But in instant, that he vacillates such as ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) thunderous halo from the sky, covers in which him suddenly. 但就在他动摇的刹那,一股如万丈雷鸣的光晕忽然从天空而下,将他笼罩其中。 The sudden ray made in the Qin Shi heart the raising warm feeling, one after another pure white luminous spot motley black robe, when he looked back on looked up to actually the tiger body to tremble: Holy Ghost flower?” 突然的光芒令秦石心中升起暖意,一道一道洁白的光点斑驳黑袍,当他回首仰望时却虎躯一颤:“圣灵花?” Sees only, in his top of the head, dazzles the color, but the fragrant flowers, project ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ray, is transmitting the rich attraction to flow in toward his within the body. 只见,在他的头顶,一朵炫彩而芳香的花朵,四下射出万丈的光芒,正传递着浓郁的引力朝他体内流入。 Is you?” “是你?” In shocking, Qin Shi fierce looking askance at snake ceratop, sees only under the point that the latter smiled faintly, said: Is taking it, promises me, protects them!” 在震撼中,秦石猛的睨视蛇角龙,只见后者浅笑的点下头,道:“拿着它,答应我,保护她们!” Has been responded, Qin Shi pinches tightly the fist under the ray. 得到回应,秦石在光芒下捏紧拳。 He has not expected desperately when this, was snake ceratop offers a sacrifice to him to be at the taking office Holy Ghost flower unexpectedly, firing a salvo ray of three Holy Ghost flowers in ten thousand meters quiet forest. 他没料到在这绝望中,竟是蛇角龙祭出了他在上任时的圣灵花,三株圣灵花在万米幽林中齐放光芒。 I promise you!” “我答应你!” Point under accordingly, the Qin Shi no longer hesitant closed double pupil, the load bearing attractions under myriad ray, making the essence between world clash within the body to emerge continuously. 应声的点下头,秦石不再犹豫的闭合双眸,承载着万千光芒下的引力,令天地间的精气源源不断冲体内涌入。 Three Holy Ghost flowers were really insane.” “三株圣灵花真是疯了。” The pigeon stands behind Xiaomi Cai, forced smile. 白鸽站在小米彩后面,不禁的苦笑一声。 The tiger thousand change with the alone horse and other quiet clan clansmen, was shocked completely. 虎千变和独马等幽族族人,全部被震撼了。 Yu Luocha, Xiaomi Cai and She Xi'er, throw to think Qin Shi their beautiful pupils, was praying in the anticipation silently: Shi’tou, father 玉罗刹,小米彩蛇曦儿,将她们的美眸抛掷想秦石,在期待中默默的祈祷着:“石头,爹爹” Bang! 轰! The fierce essence fills the top, Qin Shi felt that the whole body has been full of the strength, he does not know that actually now he is any boundary, but he knows that he must kill the blue vulture with Shangguan Chao, wants! 剧烈的精气灌顶,秦石感觉浑身充满了力量,他不知道现在他究竟是个什么境界,但是他知道,他要杀了青雕和上官超,一定要! Shangguan surpasses! Suffers to death!” “上官超!受死!” Wild with rage, Qin Shi is dragging ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) pink clouds, cuts the vault of heaven in the nighttime sky, at once the bone-chilling cold attraction makes the earth disrupt in dashing, after continuous collision, mountain massif avalanche, everywhere dust. 狂怒中,秦石拖着万丈彩霞,在夜空中划破天穹,旋即凛冽的引力在冲撞间令大地碎裂,源源不断的碰撞后山体崩塌,漫天粉尘。 Stone Qin, this time you gave up any idea of that goes bad my good deed, on this day under will belong to my Shangguan Chao!” “石秦,这一次你休想坏我好事,这天下都将是属于我上官超的!” Shangguan Chao sticks out chest, twitches the bone-chilling cold silver sword straight to puncture toward Qin Shi. 上官超挺起胸膛,抽搐凛冽的银剑笔直朝秦石刺下。 Bang! 砰! But in simultaneously, black glow raises the wind and cloud, in the Qin Shi hand grips tightens Netherworld Sword to be sharp to the sword that was welcoming to come, punctured savage. 但在同时,一道黑芒掀起风云,秦石手中攥紧着幽冥剑正对着迎上而来的剑尖,凶残刺下。 Bang! 轰! Two sword points in moving, overlapping adverse current that forms, rolls up and pushes along everywhere suspension to blast open loudly, the light space shoots up to the sky together. 两道剑尖在触碰间,所形成的交叉逆流,卷动着漫天的悬浮物轰然炸裂,一道光宇冲天而起。 Puff! 噗! The next instant, a shadow previous dodges when the Shangguan ultra pupil, making he has gotten back one's composure lowering the head slowly look, saw only the bright red blood-stained mouth to pierce his chest together. 下一霎,一道黑影在上官超的眸前一闪,令他回过神时缓缓的低头望去,只见一道鲜红血口洞穿了他的胸膛。 He begins supinely, Qin Shi has stood in his, shivers low roar that is not daring to believe: What's wrong, how to be possible? How can you kill me?” 他仰起头,秦石已经站在他的身后,颤抖着不敢置信的低吼:“怎么,怎么可能?你怎么能杀我?” Qin Shi has stood in his, the black robe by the bloodstain in the wind cool and refreshingly making noise is dyed fully, looks to the Shangguan ultra black pupil dense cold: Like your this jumping the beams clown, can be joined to Yu Luocha that Holy Ghost flower?” 秦石已经站在他的身后,黑袍在风中泠泠作响的被血迹染满,望向上官超的黑眸中森然寒冷:“像你这种跳梁小丑,也配得上玉罗刹的那株圣灵花?” Dies.” “去死吧。” Whoosh! Netherworld Sword looks back to divide, the opportunity that Shangguan Chaolian gets back one's composure does not have, able to move unhindered was pierced directly on sharp sword edge. 唰!幽冥剑回首劈下,上官超连回神的机会都没有,直接在锋利的剑刃上被纵横刺穿。 Puff passes! 噗通! Shangguan ultra to die with a remaining grievance tragic death in place, then float the Holy Ghost flower in the top of the head falls gradually, after Qin Shi puts out a hand, catches it, heaves a deep sigh: Had finished, goes back.” 上官超死不瞑目的惨死在地,那在头顶上悬浮的圣灵花渐渐落下,秦石伸出手后将其接住,长叹一声:“结束了,回去吧。” Bang! 砰! But does not think that Holy Ghost flower just moved in the palm of Qin Shi, changes into flying ash shatter unexpectedly. 但不想,那圣灵花刚刚触碰在秦石的掌心,竟是化为飞灰般的破碎。 Qin Shi stares: How can like this?” 秦石一愣:“怎么会这样?” Idiot, a Holy Ghost flower, can only withstand two baptism! That Holy Ghost flower, already lost the intelligence!” The blue vulture finds out in Lei Jie finally, the whole body scatters the blue purple thunderous raging fire, contemptuous. “白痴,一株圣灵花,只能承受起两次的洗礼!那株圣灵花,早已失去灵性了!”青雕终于在雷劫中探出,全身散射出青紫色的雷鸣烈火,轻蔑一声。 hears that sound, Qin Shi trembles, looks back to look suddenly toward Yu Luocha: What he said is really?” 闻声,秦石不禁一颤,猛然回首朝玉罗刹望去:“他说的是真得?” With looking at each other of Qin Shi , the Yu Luocha tender body trembles, finally min under cherry lips. 在和秦石的对视中,玉罗刹娇躯一颤,最终抿着樱唇点下头。 Damn!” “该死!” Under the Qin Shi anger, anger incessant soaring, the bone-chilling cold black pupil sweeps at once unexpectedly to the blue vulture: Snort, I have killed you, seizes the Holy Ghost flower!” 秦石愤怒下,怒火滔滔不绝的腾升,旋即凛冽的黑眸蓦地扫向青雕:“哼,那我就杀了你,夺下圣灵花!” Depends on you?” “就凭你?” Blue vulture contemptuous sneers, at once sees only float rocks in the airborne altar fiercely, then his space all around becomes fabricated, as if world each inch spiritual power of receives his trend. 青雕轻蔑的冷笑一声,旋即只见悬浮在空中的祭坛剧烈晃动一下,然后他周遭的空间都变得虚妄,仿佛天地每寸的灵力都受他的趋势。 Bang! 轰! Only is that remaining prestige, after making the clouds tumbling, blasted open to open, the natural moat horst of earth blasted out once again, various people suddenly after withdrew several steps. 光是那余威,令云霄翻滚后炸裂而开,大地的天堑地垒再度炸开,诸人猛然的朝后退后几步。 This seizes the Heaven Realm Second Rank strength?” “这就是夺天境二层的力量?” Qin Shi in fierce spirit pressure vortex, is fierce lowers the head: Hissing very strong!” 秦石在剧烈的灵压漩涡里,猛得一低头:“嘶好强!” He he, you think that the Holy Ghost flower, can oppose with me? overestimate one's capabilities!” The blue vulture despises smiles, palm finds out void, the revolution will certainly split everywhere gully each time the day after tomorrow, the space disruption. “呵呵,你以为有了圣灵花,就能够和我作对了吗?不自量力!”青雕蔑视一笑,掌心虚空探出,每次运转后天地必将裂开漫天沟壑,空间碎裂。 Quiet forest ten thousand meters, such as deathly stillness hell terrifying. 幽林万米,如死寂的地府般恐怖。 Life inch by inch, depresses in that cruel spirit grinds unceasingly extinguishes, Qin Shi closes tightly benting of jaw, a dilutedness sweeps across the whole body once again. 一寸一寸的生灵,在那残忍的灵压下不断碾灭,秦石咬紧牙关的猫下腰,一股无力感再度席卷全身。 All people tremble, they have forgotten an important issue, how even if can contend with the Holy Ghost colored attraction? Seizes Heaven Realm Second Rank, the foot extinguishes kills the audience. 所有人都是一颤,他们忘了个重要的问题,就算是能够抗衡圣灵花的引力又如何?夺天境二层,足矣灭杀全场。 In addition I?” “加上我呢?” But in all people desperate, even if snake ceratop sets out, after compound standing up Qin Shi side, pats on the shoulder of Qin Shi: Kid, fulfills your commitment, must protect them!” 但就在诸人绝望中,蛇角龙纵然起身,并列的站起秦石身旁后,拍在秦石的肩膀上:“小家伙,履行你的承诺,一定要保护她们!” Um?” Qin Shi knit the brows, at once in his Sea of Consciousness transmits the contact that buzz called suddenly, making him be startled: „Do you want from demon symbol?” “嗯?”秦石皱了皱眉,旋即他的识海中突然传来道嗡鸣的联络,令他不由一怔:“你想自化魔符?” Yu Luocha beautiful pupil one tight: Second Brother!” 玉罗刹美眸一紧:“二哥!” He he, do not worry, I already was the remnant spirit of dying, can have a look at the person who I treasured with this final half double-hour, my heart foot!” “呵呵,别担心,我早已是死去的残灵,能用这最后的半个时辰看看我珍爱的人,我心足矣!” At the last minute, his corners of the mouth were still hanging the free and easy confident faint smile, superficial that the blue personal appearance gradually changes, congealing synthesis fabricated demon symbol bit by bit: Younger sister, sunlight, promises me, going on living well!” 在最后一刻,他嘴角仍是挂着洒脱坦然的浅笑,碧蓝色的身形渐渐变的浅淡,一点一点的凝合成虚妄的魔符:“小妹,曦儿,答应我,好好的活下去!” Second Brother! Father!” Yu Luocha and She Xi'er charmingly angry low roar. “二哥!爹爹!”玉罗刹蛇曦儿娇嗔低吼。 But already without enough time, snake ceratop in the final sound falls, alone under link Qin Shi Sea of Consciousness, in within the body final spiritual power compression, pours into, becomes a deep blue demon symbol. 但已经来不及了,蛇角龙就在最后的声响落下时,独自链接下秦石识海,将体内最后的灵力压缩后注入其中,成一张湛蓝魔符。 In the demon symbol carves six forceful grains to wind. 魔符上刻着六道铿锵有力的纹络。 Six mark demon symbols. 六纹魔符。
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