PDL :: Volume #4

#346: Gratitude and grudges rival in love 30 years

„The second Holy Ghost flower, I have!” “第二株圣灵花,我有!” That sound in shivering, reverberates by the ears of all people. 那声音在颤抖中,回荡在所有人的耳旁。 The Qin Shi black robe was curled up by the cold wind, suddenly wipes surprisedly flashes through in the pupil heart: What? Do you have?” 秦石的黑袍被冷风卷起,蓦然间一抹惊讶在眸心闪过:“什么?你有?” Various people puzzled looks toward Yu Luocha, this news was too astonishing. 诸人不解的朝玉罗刹望去,这消息实在太惊人了。 Under several blazing vision, the Yu Luocha ice-cold pupil bottom flashes through together limpid easy, but nodded finally, said: Um.” 在十几道炽热的目光下,玉罗刹冰冷的眸底闪过一道清澈的优柔,但终是点了点头,道:“嗯。” Visits her to nod, all person To be Wild with Joy. 看着她点头,所有人欣喜若狂 Only Qin Shi knit the brows, loosens spiritual power that transports to hold her single-handed: Actually what's the matter? Have I to never listen to you raised?” 唯独秦石皱了皱眉,单手松开输送出的灵力抓住她:“究竟怎么回事?我为从未听你提过?” Shouted “呼” Yu Luocha struggles, for a long time, feels relaxed begins to look supinely to Qin Shi, said: You remember that I had said you before 30 years ago does Hua Ling capture the Holy Ghost colored matter?” 玉罗刹挣扎一下,许久后才释然的仰起头望向秦石,道:“你记得,我之前和你说过30年前花零夺取圣灵花的事吗?” Remembers, with this related?” “记得,和这有关?” Under Qin Shi, the 30 years ago Holy Ghost flower wars in the desolated jungle are not the secrets, unreliably permits to hear with the Nangong ice. 秦石点下头,30年前的圣灵花大战在荒芜丛林不是秘密,就连玄允和南宫冰都听闻过。 Um “嗯” The Yu Luocha broad and handsome forehead, somewhat timid looking approaches She Xi'er lightly at once, said: 30 years ago, Hua Ling captures the Holy Ghost flower, for me!” 玉罗刹螓首轻点,旋即有些胆怯的望向蛇曦儿,道:“30年前,花零夺取圣灵花,就是为了我!” For you?” “为了你?” Um, when I enter desolated jungle, is seriously injured and fatal certainly poisonous, the toxin 30 years ago has invaded the whole body, is terminally ill.” “嗯,我入荒芜丛林时,身受重伤和致命绝毒,在30年前毒素已侵染全身,病入膏肓。” Yu Luocha begins supinely, looks to float Gu Mu under that brutal moonlight, alone falls into 30 years ago recollections, superior Judo: At that time, Hua Ling did not hesitate the self-ignition to cultivate is, tried to help me discharge the toxin in within the body repeatedly, but how the toxin of my within the body to be extremely cunning, finally ended in failure, only a method, can suppress it to contend with the attraction with the aid of the Holy Ghost flower, making the toxin in my within the body unbalanced , to continue life.” 玉罗刹仰起头,望向那残酷月光下的悬浮古木,独自陷入30年前的回忆中,优柔道:“当时,花零不惜自燃修为,多次试图帮我排出体内的毒素,但奈何我体内的毒素太过刁钻,最终都以失败告终,唯有一种方法,才能够压制住它就是借助圣灵花抗衡引力,令毒素在我体内失衡,来延续生命。” Afterward, Hua Ling knew that the Holy Ghost flower is in full bloom, killing that she then disregards all consequences the fog shade mountain, is in front of quiet clan over ten thousand clansmen to win the Holy Ghost flower to treat an illness to me.” “后来,花零得知圣灵花盛开,她便不计后果的杀上雾影山,当着幽族上万名族人的面夺走圣灵花只是为了给我治病。” Here, she did not have downward said again. 说到这,她没再往下说。 But in the future matter, all people also knew, that is 30 years ago unrivalled wars. 但往后的事,所有人也都已经知道了,那就是30年前的旷世大战。 Various people heavy, She Xi'er actually suddenly trembles by Yu Luocha, does not dare to believe withdraws half startled [say / way]: That, that i.e., my father's death, all because of elder sister?” 诸人沉重中,蛇曦儿玉罗刹旁边却突然一颤,不敢置信的退后半步惊道:“那,那就是说,我爹爹的死,全都是因为姐姐?” Sunlight “曦儿” Told me, was?” Does not give the Yu Luocha explanation the opportunity, She Xi'er struggles is almost being roaring clashes the Yu Luocha low roar. “告诉我,是不是?”不给玉罗刹解释的机会,蛇曦儿挣扎着几乎是咆哮的冲玉罗刹低吼。 The pain of timely exhortation to virtue and purity, raps in the atrium of Yu Luocha. 暮鼓晨钟的痛,敲击在玉罗刹的心房。 She was suddenly silent, min the cherry lips helpless broad and handsome forehead lightly, at the same time She Xi'er body similarly is finally weak, sitting that puff passes on the ground. 她一时间沉默了,最终抿着樱唇无奈的螓首轻点,与此同时的蛇曦儿身躯同样瘫软,噗通的坐在地上。 She Xi'er raises head, one line of bright tears silent cutting cheeks. She has smiled, smiles special strange and self-ridiculed: He he, he he, really has suffices funnily, the sentiment I mistake an enemy for a friend, follow by my killing father personal enemy, I have not hesitated the Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality that uses the father to leave behind to save you! Yu Luocha, I hate you!” 蛇曦儿仰着头,一行明泪无声的划破脸颊。她笑了,笑的特别诡异和自嘲:“呵呵,呵呵呵,真是有够好笑的啊,感情我认贼作父,跟在我的杀父仇人旁边,我还不惜动用爹爹留下的内丹来救你!玉罗刹,我恨你!” Sunlight!” Qin Shi pinches tightly the fist, exclaiming that some hears: Do not talk nonsense, Yu Luocha is also passive, have you forgotten your mother's words?” “曦儿!”秦石捏紧拳头,有些听不下去的吼道:“你别胡说,玉罗刹也是被动,难道你忘了你母亲的话了吗?” Right, right, is my mother, I am same as the fool, what forgets to hate forgets the gratitude and grudges, Brother Shi you tells me, can you achieve? Your killing father personal enemy before you, can you achieve?” “对,对,都是我母亲,我才跟傻子一样,什么忘记仇恨忘记恩怨,石头哥你告诉我,你能做到吗?你的杀父仇人就在你面前,你能做到吗?” Told me!!!” “告诉我啊!!!” Sound grating broke sound, the She Xi'er petite elegant face distortion, she is almost goes crazy same roaring. 声音刺耳的都破了音,蛇曦儿娇小的俏脸扭曲,她几乎是发疯一样的咆哮。 ! 咣啷! The Qin Shi heart such as the giant stone crush, was all of a sudden silent. 秦石心如巨石碾压,一下子沉默了。 Yes, engages in introspection, can he achieve? 是啊,扪心自问,他能够做到吗? Forgets to hate, forgets the gratitude and grudges, how many people in does this world have to be able to achieve? 忘记仇恨,忘记恩怨,这世上又有几个人能做得到呢? Yu Luocha has also cried, crying despair of that is looking to She Xi'er that she whooshes and roars, is such loving dearly, is actually such dumbness, shaking the head that finally can only shiver: I owe him 玉罗刹也哭了,哭的那么绝望,望着冲她嘶吼和咆哮的蛇曦儿,是那样的心疼,却又是那样的无言,最终只能颤抖的摇头:“我欠他得” In one silent, no one went to open the mouth to question. 在一段沉默中,谁都没去开口问话。 After Qin Shi focuses low and deep, tightened the black robe, question: That, doesn't snake ceratop know in your body violently poisonous? He and aren't you brother and sister who the righteousness ties the sworn brother?” 秦石低沉着眼后紧了紧黑袍,问句:“那,蛇角龙不知道你身中剧毒?他和你不是义结金兰的兄妹吗?” Trembles suddenly, Yu Luocha lowered the head to struggle has not opened the mouth for a long time, She Xi'er was actually the beautiful pupil in a flash, does not dare to believe was staring at Yu Luocha. 猛然一颤,玉罗刹低着头挣扎了许久也没有开口,蛇曦儿却是美眸一晃,不敢置信的盯着玉罗刹 Snort, how can he not know?” “哼,他怎么会不知道?” At this time, the blue vulture in altar laughed wildly suddenly, in the laughter has been full of the anger and hate, got angry: In the past, snake ceratop with a Hua Ling war, he has not been thinking must win, must be willing to sacrifice! Otherwise, he does not turn on the water, you think that Hua Ling can win the Holy Ghost flower easily?” 这时,在祭坛上的青雕突然狂笑,笑声中充满了愤怒和怨恨,怒道:“当年,蛇角龙在和花零一战,他根本就没想过要赢,根本就是要甘愿牺牲!否则,他不放水,你以为花零能轻易的夺走圣灵花吗?” What?” “什么?” Hears the anger of blue vulture, all people cannot believe stares the big eye, the tiger thousand change with the alone horse also pinches tightly the fist. 听得青雕的愤怒,所有人不敢相信的瞪大眼,就连虎千变和独马也是捏紧拳头。 Qin Shi has gawked staring, looks to Yu Luocha. 秦石愣了愣,望向玉罗刹 In that bone-chilling cold black pupil, Yu Luocha finally is helpless nod of: Right, the Second Brother already knows, but he is the quiet clan head of the clan, cannot make to violate the matter of quiet clan, therefore he to let Hua Ling wins the Holy Ghost flower to save me, only one dies to extricate.” 在那凛冽的黑眸中,玉罗刹终是无奈的点了点头:“没错,二哥早就知道,但他身为幽族族长,不能做出违背幽族之事,所以他为了让花零夺走圣灵花救我,唯有一死才能解脱。” I cannot forgive Hua Ling, I will never forget for 30 years ago at that moment, she to save me pricks the picture of Second Brother chest the long sword!” “我不能原谅花零,我永远都不会忘记30年前那一刻,她为了救我将长剑刺入二哥胸膛的画面!” Mentioned these, the Yu Luocha tears like wandering about destitute that the bubbling spring could not stop: They never have the human to ask me, I do not need them to save me obviously, bright tomorrow morning 50 years ago I am the damn person, why they must do to decide why to let my load bearing for me 30 years of pain and remorse! Why 说起这些,玉罗刹的泪如涌泉般止不住的流落:“他们从来没有人问过我,我明明不需要他们救我,明明早在50年前我就是该死之人,为什么他们要替我做决定为什么让我承载了30年的痛苦和自责!为什么” ! 咣啷! All suddenly, Qin Shi hears the Yu Luocha brokenhearted sound probably. 一切恍然,秦石好像听见玉罗刹心碎的声音。 In this gravity unbalanced quiet forest, all people were silent. 在这重力失衡的幽林里,所有人都沉默了。 Originally, the whole story of matter, unexpectedly so miserable? 原来,事情的原委,竟是这般的凄凉? Who has the mistake? Who is right? Hua Ling, or snake ceratop, their original intentions to rescue Yu Luocha, even if dies. 试问,谁有错?谁又对呢?无论是花零,或是蛇角龙,他们的初衷全是为了救玉罗刹,哪怕是死。 But, perhaps the most innocent person, should be Yu Luocha. 但,恐怕最无辜的人,应该就是玉罗刹吧。 Her anything has not done obviously, has actually struggled in the pain for 30 years, lived on dishonorably for 30 years! 她明明什么都没做,却在痛苦中挣扎了30年,苟活了30年! Elder sister “姐姐” She Xi'er has also cried, is listening to the Yu Luocha filled with secret grudge monologue, in her heart all hates vanish into thin air, fall down the Yu Luocha bosom. 蛇曦儿也哭了,听着玉罗刹满腔幽怨的独白,她心中所有的恨都烟消云散,扑倒玉罗刹的怀里。 Sunlight Yu Luocha is holding She Xi'er, she opened mouth does not wait for the speech, the bitter and astringent tear stains are included within the corners of the mouth, sobbed. “曦儿”玉罗刹抱着蛇曦儿,她张了张嘴不等说话,苦涩的泪痕划入嘴角,哽咽了。 Looks at two to interlock the thin and pale frail form, the heart of Qin Shi such as the needle grips the ache, he holds in the arms Yu Luocha and She Xi'er, pats gently: Does not cry, in the future 30 years, in 300 years, you will have me.” 望着两道交错间憔悴的单薄身影,秦石的心如针扎般的疼痛,他一把搂住玉罗刹蛇曦儿,轻轻拍下:“不哭,往后的30年,300年里,你们有我。” In this moment, Qin Shi does not know that his thoughts are anything, but he knows that he must protect these two girls, forever forever. 在这一刻,秦石不知道他的心思是什么,但他知道他要保护这两个女孩,永远永远。 Does not want her the life and death like poem orchid to leave. 再也不要她像诗兰那样的生死离别。 Bang! 轰! But in all people indulges the history that 30 years ago sorrowful, a ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ray on altar is even more dazzling, dazzling to making all people trembles with fear, among the earth the natural moat horst slowly floats spatially, essence adverse current. 但在诸人沉溺在那30年前的历史悲痛中,祭坛上的万丈光芒越发刺眼,刺目到令所有人惊颤,大地间天堑地垒都缓缓浮空,精气逆流。 30 years, Hua Ling and snake ceratop, Yu Luocha, you harmed me to wait the entire 30 years, this time no one want to stop me!” “30年了,花零和蛇角龙,玉罗刹,你们害我等了整整30年,这一次谁都别想阻拦我!” The blue vulture ringing laughs wildly in the altar, at once such as sea tide vortex essence, coming in swarms gathers toward his within the body all round, bit by bit in extrusion in the sky makes up for the thunder clouds, the thunder snake interlocks. 青雕在祭坛上朗朗狂笑,旋即如海潮的漩涡精气,蜂拥而至的朝着他体内团团汇聚,在一点一点的挤压中天空上弥补雷云,雷蛇交错。 Heaven Realm Lei Jie?” 天境雷劫?” In thunder clouds buzz in the whining noise, all people all close tightly jaw, startled roars: „Does he want to cross Heaven Realm second Lei Jie? Blocks him quickly!” 在雷云的嗡鸣声中,所有人皆是咬紧牙关,惊吼一声:“他想要渡天境的第二道雷劫?快拦住他!” Qin Shi Yang Qitou is looking at that all round Lei Jie, at heart one cold. 秦石仰起头望着那团团雷劫,心里一寒。 That covers ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) thunder clouds, compared to be initially more formidable when Burning Sky Sect, making his heart such as quiet in the dead sea general. 那笼罩万丈的雷云,相比起当初在焚天宗时更加强大,令他的心如沉寂在死海中一般。 Whoosh! 唰! In the despair, all people change Yu Luocha the vision. 在绝望中,所有人将目光转向玉罗刹 Now, is only the hope is the Yu Luocha that second Holy Ghost flower. 现在,唯一得希望就是玉罗刹那第二株圣灵花。 The Qin Shi breaking by biting tongue, trembles saying: Can be good?” 秦石咬破舌头,颤道:“能行么?” Um!” “嗯!” Yu Luocha stands up under supporting by the arm of She Xi'er, sees only her closed beautiful pupil slowly, emerges on that pale elegant face wipes struggling of pain. 玉罗刹蛇曦儿的搀扶下站起身,只见她缓缓的闭合美眸,在那苍白的俏脸上涌现一抹痛苦的挣扎。 At once, her whole body halo four shoot, wipes is not inferior to the suction on altar to transmit from her within the body, making the suspension in midair shiver unceasingly. 旋即,她全身光晕四射,一抹不亚于祭坛上的吸力自她体内传递,令半空中的悬浮物不断颤抖。 While the suction produces, her within the body scatters the difference the halo, a Holy Ghost flower of overflowing flower fragrance, puts out following her cherry lips. 在吸力产生的同时,她体内散射出异样的光晕,一株四溢花香的圣灵花,顺着她的樱唇中吐出。 Really is the Holy Ghost flower!” “果然是圣灵花!” Sees colored halo in Yu Luocha mouth, all person hearts one happy. 望见玉罗刹口中的彩色光晕,所有人心头一喜。 Yu Luocha!” In all people joyful, Qin Shi actually looks back goes forward to support her who worries, said: How is it? Can endure?” 玉罗刹!”在所有人欣喜中,秦石却回首担忧的上前扶住她,道:“怎么样?能挺住吗?” Puts out the Holy Ghost flower, the Yu Luocha body is once again thin and pale, the pale tenderness accommodates the strong pushing dimple, beckons with the hand to say to Qin Shi: Quick, stops the blue vulture!” 吐出圣灵花,玉罗刹的身躯再度憔悴,苍白的娇容上强挤笑靥,冲着秦石摆摆手道:“快,阻拦青雕!” Um! Is waiting for me!” “嗯!等着我!” On Qin Shi resolute face again not hesitant, only then renounces. 秦石刚毅的面庞上再也没有犹豫,只有决绝。 Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! At this time, the second Holy Ghost flower wound around revolving Yu Kong, produced buzz the whining noise made the world dim, the quiet forest shivered. 在这时,第二株圣灵花缭绕旋转于空,产生的嗡鸣声令天地昏暗,幽林颤抖。 Stands the blue vulture mind one in altar cold, the congealing eye stares at the second Holy Ghost flower to sneer saying: Snort, wants to stop me by the Holy Ghost flower? Do not forget that Holy Ghost flower bloomed for me, no one want to lift a ban it without my essence and blood!” 站在祭坛上的青雕心神一寒,凝眼盯着第二株圣灵花冷笑道:“哼,想要靠圣灵花来阻拦我?你们别忘记了,那一株圣灵花是为我而绽放,没有我的精血谁也别想解禁它!” Yes?” “是么?” The Qin Shi corners of the mouth toward on shouldering gently, his strenuous standing up, see only at once in his Zuo Zhang spread out, in his fingertip, split bloodstain of not easy detection. 秦石嘴角朝上轻轻的挑起,旋即他吃力的站起身,只见在他左掌摊开,在他的指尖间,有一道不易察觉的干裂血迹。 That is “那是” The blue vulture opacitas presbyopia stares, reveals some fears. 青雕浑浊的老眼一愣,流露出些许的恐惧。 He he, you were negligent, although the attack cannot kill you, but took you to select the essence and blood not to have the issue!” Qin Shi sneers, slowly pricks in the nail the Holy Ghost flower. “呵呵,你大意了,刚才的攻击虽说不能杀你,但取你点精血还是没有问题得!”秦石冷笑一声,缓缓的将指甲刺入圣灵花中。 Buzz! 嗡! Penetrates the Holy Ghost colored instance in the nail, that Holy Ghost flower has the wild attraction suddenly, similarly scatters the dazzling ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ray. 在指甲深入圣灵花的瞬间,那圣灵花猛然间产生狂野的引力,同样散射出刺目的万丈光芒。 Two attractions in colliding, made all around the earth suddenly avalanche within hundred meters, the nighttime sky change of the seasons. 两道引力在碰撞中,令周遭百米内的大地戛然崩塌,夜空斗转星移。 Shi’tou, accepts the Holy Ghost colored baptism quickly!” 石头,快接受圣灵花的洗礼!” Qin Shi deeply inspires, is congealing the black pupil toward ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ray under enters into. 秦石深吸口气,凝着黑眸的朝万丈光芒下迈入。 ! 咻! But at this time, the form sped away in all Rendai together, at once sees only leaps forward under the Holy Ghost flower suddenly, stood erect in ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ray. 但在这时,一道身影在诸人呆愣中疾驰而出,旋即只见猛然的跃入圣灵花下,矗立在万丈光芒当中。 Sees that form, all people simultaneously stare. 望见那身影,所有人同时一愣。 The five senses of Nangong ice change, gets angry: Shangguan surpasses!” 南宫冰的五官一变,怒道:“上官超!” ------ ------ Three, renew some not to be unstable today, in the afternoon the small shallow graduation test delayed. Fellow readers are sorry. 三更了,今天更新有些不稳定,下午小浅结业考试耽误了。各位读者抱歉哦。
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