PDL :: Volume #4

#345: Fearful blue vulture

Buzz! 嗡! The Holy Ghost colored halo is getting more and more rich, the suction that has gone far beyond the center of earth, in the quiet forest the vegetation of shallot eradicates completely, half float in miserable nighttime sky. 圣灵花的光晕越来越浓郁,产生的吸力已经远远超过地心,幽林中青葱的植被全部连根拔起,半悬浮在凄凉的夜空中。 Occasionally some cold wind, curl up the float remnant leaf to make the soughing sound. 偶有的冷风,卷起悬浮的残叶发出飒飒声响。 Help!” “救命啊!” I do not want dead, I do not want dead!!” “我不想死,我不想死!啊啊啊!” Run, run, deceased person!” Varying wailing sound reverberates in quiet forest, the clansman of quiet clan, or the profound group hundred disciples, in this panic-stricken were completely flurried. “快跑,快跑啊,死人了啊!”各异的嚎啕声在幽林中回荡,无论是幽族的族人,亦或是玄组百家的弟子,全部在这惊恐中慌乱了。 But is this, when some people of starting to walk footsteps, that wild such as starry sky wormhole wild suction, eliminates spiritual power of their within the body, nibbles, presses out to do. 但就是这样,当有人迈开脚步时,那狂野如星空虫洞般的狂野吸力,生生将他们体内的灵力剥夺,蚕食,榨干。 Strength, the strength, all strengths are me!” Blue vulture excited brandishes the Holy Ghost flower to dazzle the color ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ray, the place of ray passing over gently and swiftly must be the world is dim, spiritual power is exhausted. “力量,力量,所有的力量都属于我!”青雕兴奋的挥舞着圣灵花炫彩的万丈光芒,光芒掠过之处必是天地昏暗,灵力匮竭一空。 The dry corpses, are hanging the vault of heaven. 一具一具的干尸,悬挂苍穹。 Under this hopeless situation, Qin Shi felt that he was about unable to support, immediately must under the imbalance of gravity float: Damn, isn't good?” 在这种绝境下,秦石感觉他已经快支撑不住了,马上就要在重力的失衡下悬浮起来:“该死,不行了么?” Shi’tou! Cannot float, once float, spiritual power in within the body again did not come back!” In the Qin Shi vacillation, the white hands of Yu Luocha one ties down his tiger body. 石头!不能悬浮,一旦悬浮起来,体内的灵力就再也回不来了!”在秦石动摇中,玉罗刹的玉手一把缠住他的虎躯。 Breaking by biting lower lip diligently makes itself sober, under Qin Shi. 咬破下唇努力的让自己清醒,秦石点下头。 „Does Jie Jie, have the mood to save others? Yu Luocha, 30 years, is you and Hua Ling harms me to wait on this day with hardship for 30 years, I wanted your life now, when I attracted have accommodated here all people, looked for Hua Ling again!” “桀桀,有心情救别人?玉罗刹,30年了,这一天就是你和花零害我苦苦等了30年,我现在就要了你的命,待我吸容纳了这里的所有人,再去找花零!” The blue vulture fierce roar on altar, sees only his palm to find out in the nihility at once, wipes the great hand of beginning of the universe to open Tianqing, is tearing to pieces space grasps toward the Yu Luocha tender body. 祭坛上的青雕厉声一吼,旋即只见他的掌心在虚无中探出,一抹混元的巨手翻开天擎,撕破着空间般的朝玉罗刹娇躯抓下。 Bang! 轰隆! The strength of that superhuman hand particularly exaggerates, the light is the vast air current that produces, then able to move unhindered separates the world , the arid earth caves in a crash, spider web gully that fills one after another, finally becomes the natural moat. 那巨掌的力量分外夸张,光是所产生的浩繁气流,便将天地间给纵横分开,枯燥的大地砰然塌陷,一道一道弥漫的蛛网沟壑,终成天堑。 Yu Luocha!” 玉罗刹!” Qin Shi black pupil one startled, without hesitation turns sets out to keep off before the Yu Luocha body, at once he a psychic force wisp of wisp of sacrifice, produces the purple bright quiet fire in the clear sky. 秦石黑眸一惊,不假思索的翻起身挡在玉罗刹身前,旋即他将精神力一缕一缕的祭出,在晴空中产生紫色明亮的幽火。 Bang! 砰! But that purple quiet fire is holding up day of great under the hands / subordinates to sentence, if ants, but shivers, then direct rout. 但那紫色幽火在擎天巨手下判若蝼蚁,只是颤抖一下,便直接溃败。 The blue vulture despises one: Snort, overestimate one's capabilities.” 青雕蔑视一声:“哼,不自量力。” A bang, the Qin Shi back transmits the pain of remembering with eternal gratitude again, several rib flash are then hollow, at once said a green jack-o '- lantern climbs up rapidly, has several nobility mark wounds in his back, shakes it directly departs over a hundred meters far. 再一声巨响,秦石背后传来镂骨铭心的痛楚,几根肋骨一瞬间便凹陷下去,旋即道道青色的鬼火急速攀爬,在他背部产生几番爵迹般的伤口,直接将其震飞出上百米远。 Xiaomi Cai and Yu Luocha charmingly angry: Shi’tou! Father!” 小米彩玉罗刹娇嗔一声:“石头!爹爹!” Stone Brother Qin! Young Master!” All people call out in alarm one. “石秦老弟!公子!”所有人惊呼一声。 But does not give the opportunity that various people get back one's composure, sees only of that day arched within flashes through one after another bone-chilling cold cold glow once again, blazing and savage holds up a day of great hand, covers toward the Yu Luocha forehead once again. 但不给诸人回神的机会,只见那天穹间再度闪过一道一道凛冽的寒芒,炽热而凶残的擎天巨手,再度朝玉罗刹眉心笼罩。 Drinks!” “喝!” The pupil in beautiful pupil shrinks, Yu Luocha extracts Nirvana Sword between waist sheaths rapidly, gathers a point spiritual power, full centralized on sword point, was welcoming under the great calling card. 美眸中的瞳仁一缩,玉罗刹迅速抽出腰鞘间的寂灭剑,将灵力汇聚一点,全力的集中在剑尖上,迎着巨手刺下。 Bang! 砰! But in this instantaneous, the Nirvana Sword ray is low-spirited immediately, just moved the instance of great hand, was swept across to fly by the green flame. 但就在这瞬间,寂灭剑的光芒顿时黯然,刚刚触碰巨手的瞬间,被青色火焰席卷而飞。 ! 咣啷! Departs near kilometer Nirvana Sword of directly, one punctures on the earth. 直接飞出近千米的寂灭剑,一下刺在大地上。 Trembles at heart, when Yu Luocha looks back again the great hand has covered her present stars nighttime sky, such as the abyss is looking back general, vertical falls. 心里一颤,玉罗刹再回首时巨手已经遮挡住了她眼前的繁星夜空,如深渊在回首一般,垂直落下。 Yu Luocha!!!” 玉罗刹!!!” Painful crawling sets out, Qin Shi demeanor Li Ren desperate startled roar: No!!! Yu Luocha!” 痛苦的爬起身,秦石声色厉荏的绝望惊吼:“不!!!玉罗刹!” all people atrium one cold. 诸人的心房一寒。 That desolated three certainly one, so cannot withstand in this great under the hands / subordinates unexpectedly. 那荒芜三绝之一,在这巨手下竟是这般不堪。 Elder sister!” “姐姐!” But in the despairs of all people, the graceful Youlan beautiful figure, treads the step of flying high to go forward together rapidly, with unfolds for the green cold current together hundred meters, indifferent keeping off under holding up a day of great hand. 但在所有人的绝望中,一道曼妙的幽兰倩影,踏着凌空的步伐迅速上前,一道同为青色的寒流铺开百米,漠然的挡在擎天巨手之下。 Sunlight!” “曦儿!” Before the body, sudden petite body, making Yu Luocha beautiful pupil one draw, at once sees only her to roar threw to go forward: Does not want!” 身前突然出现的娇小身躯,令玉罗刹的美眸一阵收拢,旋即只见她咆哮的扑上前:“不要!” Sunlight!” Qin Shi crawls to set out desperate shouting. “曦儿!”秦石爬起身绝望的呼喊。 Sees sudden She Xi'er, tiger thousand change with the alone horse two elders crawls to set out on the split earth, raises head to roar: Blue vulture, you deceives us! Sunlight hasn't she died?” 看见突然出现的蛇曦儿,虎千变和独马两名长老在干裂的大地上爬起身,仰头咆哮:“青雕,你骗我们!曦儿她没死?” The blue vulture bird's eye view, looks at the tiger thousand is changing with the alone horse distressed appearance contemptuously smiles: He he, deceives you to be also what kind of? Now isn't dying immediately?” 青雕俯瞰而下,望着虎千变和独马狼狈的模样轻蔑一笑:“呵呵,骗你们又怎样?现在不是马上要死了吗?” The tiger thousand change with the alone Ma Quan heart pinches tightly firmly, is staring in the presbyopia of blue vulture flood blood red. 虎千变和独马拳心牢牢捏紧,盯着青雕的老眼中泛着血红。 Bang! 砰! But all shouting and angry without enough time, that manic such as palatial precipice green great hand, is burning the blazing flame, howls under. 但所有的呼喊和愤怒都来不及了,那狂躁如巍峨山岩般的青色巨手,燃烧着炽烈的火焰,呼啸而下。 Bang! 轰隆! Bang, in the world the wind and cloud mutation, splits in the clouds of highest heaven, the trim nighttime sky changes dazzling is bright, the mountain massif of Lian Wuying mountain around the middle crushes. 巨响一声,天地间风云异变,在九霄的云朵裂开,整片夜空变的刺目般明亮,连雾影山的山体都拦腰粉碎。 Float in the airborne wooden flowers and plants, is the flying ash. 悬浮在空中的古木花草,伦为飞灰。 How can “怎么会” The flash, the Qin Shi heart such as crashes in ten thousand li (0.5km) abyss serious colic, he looks at the wrapped hundred li (0.5km) roaring flame, She Xi'er, Yu Luocha, was buried completely in the billowing gunsmoke. 一刹那,秦石心如坠落在万里深渊般沉重的绞痛,他看着被包裹的百里烈焰,蛇曦儿,玉罗刹,全部被埋没在滚滚的硝烟中。 Puff passes! His calf soft, kneeling maliciously on the ground, his first time felt that so weak, he had said must protect them. 噗通!他小腿一软,狠狠的跪在地上,他第一次感觉到这般无力,他明明说过要保护他们。 But in the end, his anything has not achieved. 但到头来,他什么也没做到。 The fist grasps on that split earth, bloodstain incarnadine dust after nail break, he painful and angry is hitting trembling: No!!!” 拳头抓在那干裂的大地上,指甲断裂后的血迹染红尘土,他痛苦和愤怒的打着哆嗦:“不!!!” Father “爹爹” The Xiaomi Cai silver tooth bites lightly, she has not thought that the matter will turn into this, but she can feel now, only then helpless. 小米彩银牙轻咬,她万万没想到事情会变成这样,但现在她能感觉到的只有无能为力。 I and you spelled!” “我和你拼了!” The Qin Shi blood pupil is red, the whole body is winding around rich black Baleful Qi, flew upwards by exciting everywhere under the continuous anger. 秦石血眸通红,全身缭绕着浓郁的黑色煞气,在源源不断的怒火下被刺激的漫天飞扬。 Induces to that fearful Baleful Qi, making the clansman of surrounding quiet clan tremble, the blue vulture also knit the brows: This boy, does within the body have the demon air/Qi unexpectedly?” 感应到那可怕的煞气,令周围幽族的族人不由一颤,就连青雕也是皱了皱眉:“这小子,体内竟有魔气?” Volume!!!” “额啊啊!!!” Qin Shi fierce is jumping same place, black Baleful Qi binds tightly him, punctures the Holy Ghost colored myriad halos unceasingly. 秦石狰狞的在原地跃起,黑色的煞气将他裹紧,将圣灵花的万千光晕不断刺破。 Under the altar, the alone horse and tiger thousand change looks at each other one. 在祭坛下,独马和虎千变对视一眼。 Boy, we help you!” “小子,我们来助你!” The alone horse gets back one's composure, one breaks by biting the lower lip, at once the essence and blood drops among the lip angles together, at once sees only the muscle of his arm to stick out suddenly, on the forehead the incisive alone angle punctures together, changes into single-horned Pegasus. 独马率先回神,一下将下唇咬破,旋即一道精血自唇角间滴落,旋即只见他臂膀的肌肉暴起,额头上一道尖锐的独角刺出,化为独角天马 Bang! 轰! The next instant, the tiger thousand change the crawling lower parts of the body, the purple black hair punctures, changes into dozens meters huge ominous tiger, that rough tiger claw tears to pieces the clouds. 下一霎,虎千变匍匐下身,紫黑色的毛发刺出,化为数十米的庞大凶虎,那粗犷的虎爪撕破云霄。 Under the roar roars, two raging fire all round such as mountain massif avalanche, in the alone angle of blood-stained mouth neutralization alone horse in the tiger thousand change jumps. 吼怒吼下,两道团团的烈火如山体崩塌,在虎千变的血口中和独马的独角上蹦出。 Qin Shi is rolling up and pushing along black Baleful Qi, is treading the rapid beat of step of flying high on the float ancient wood, punctures the black sharp knife blade in the nails, straight was welcoming the blue vulture trundle. 秦石卷动着黑色煞气,踏着凌空的步伐在悬浮的古木上迅速跳动,在指甲间刺出黑色利刃,笔直的迎着青雕滚动。 Scoffs, wants dead? Helps you!” “嗤,想死?成全你们!” Is looking at three savage attacks, blue vulture actually contemptuous sneers, palm void raising, the spiritual power winding in ten thousand meters quiet forest, is at once ordinary like one after another resolute chains, covers sweeps away in the world under. 望着三道凶残的攻击,青雕却轻蔑的冷笑一声,旋即掌心虚空的扬起,在万米的幽林中灵力缠绕,像一条一条刚毅的锁链一般,笼罩在天地间横扫而下。 Does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish, fills in the cracks in the earth!” “不死不灭,填断地裂!” Eight forceful large characters, reverberate in the gravity unbalanced ten thousand meters, at once that green wing flashing raging fire, such as the spooky sharp knife blade, blots out the sky. 八个铿锵有力的大字,在重力失衡的万米中回荡,旋即那青色的羽翼闪动烈火,如幽幽利刃,铺天盖地。 Under the sweep of raging fire, Qin Shi, the alone horse, the tiger thousand change, by three person space absent-minded, simultaneously are torn several black holes at once unexpectedly. 在烈火的笼罩下,秦石,独马,虎千变,三人身旁的空间一阵恍惚,旋即竟同时被撕裂开数道黑洞。 Bang! 轰! Bang, that three savage attack does not strike bursts, in alone was nibbled by Holy Ghost flower attraction in an instant, black Baleful Qi is also unavoidable. 巨响一声,那三道凶残的攻击不击自溃,在刹那间被圣灵花独自的引力蚕食,就连黑色的煞气也无法避免。 Bang! 砰! At once, three statures such as the broken line kite, was struck to depart over a hundred meters far in an instant. 旋即,三道身躯如断线的纸鸢,在刹那间被击飞出上百米远。 Puff! 噗! In violent flying upside down, Qin Shi strikes to hit on two float old trees, the five main internal organs (entrails) subverts to make him face upward to spray together the bloody water. 猛烈的倒飞中,秦石一击撞到在两棵悬浮的古树上,五脏六腑颠覆中令他仰天喷洒出一道血水。 Bloody water float in midair, is gradually dry. 血水悬浮在半空中,渐渐干涸。 Father!” “爹爹!” In Xiaomi Cai heart colic calls out one, is dragging seven color long rosy clouds, even if sets out. 小米彩心中绞痛的嚎叫一声,拖着七彩长霞纵然起身。 Ha Ha, collapses at the first blow! On this day the place, is my blue vulture!” Is looking at a surrounding area ten thousand meters fabrication and pitiful condition, blue vulture excited laughing wildly, expansive sky full is dense. “哈哈,不堪一击!这天地,是属于我青雕得!”望着方圆万米的虚妄和惨状,青雕兴奋的狂笑,长空兮兮的满是森然。 At once, sees only his both arms to hold up, thousand changes to Qin Shi, Xiaomi Cai and tiger, the alone horse four people void grasps, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) dazzling color light space such as the spider's silk punctures generally, twines four people with a crash, has lifted over a hundred meters high. 旋即,只见他双臂举起,冲着秦石小米彩、虎千变、独马四人虚空一握,万丈的炫彩光宇如蛛丝一般刺出,砰然间将四人缠绕而起,举过上百米高。 „Before at the point of death, hands over your spiritual power!” “临死前,将你们的灵力交出来吧!” Among the blue vulture dense smiling faces, after the arm places the chest place, getting hold of gradually, follows drawing of his five fingers, four people in airborne pain calls out one, at once spiritual power of Qin Shi feeling within the body such as the wiredrawing is ordinary, continuous gushes out within the body following the Holy Ghost colored silk thread. 青雕森然的笑容间,将手臂放在胸口处后渐渐的握紧,伴随他五指的收拢,四人在空中痛苦的嚎叫一声,旋即秦石感觉体内的灵力如抽丝一般,源源不断的顺着圣灵花的丝线涌出体内。 Was dying?” “要死了么?” In despair, Qin Shi, but closes one's eyes. 在绝望中,秦石无奈闭眼。 He hates, to hate the not formidable strength, cannot protect good Xiaomi Cai, She Xi'er and Yu Luocha. 他恨,恨自己没有强大的实力,没能保护好小米彩蛇曦儿玉罗刹 Bang! 砰! But suddenly, in him desperate, four blue halos in that gunsmoke such as to string advantage arrow, after buzz whining noise, cuts void, immediately dazzles the color silk thread to cut off four. 但突然,在他绝望中,四道碧蓝色的光晕在那硝烟中如离弦利箭,一声嗡鸣声后划破虚空,顿时将四道炫彩的丝线斩断。 ! 咣啷! Four people break away from the control of silk thread, the intense suction made four people hit maliciously in the wooden flowering shrubs in void, Qin Shi was the tumbling fell down. 四人脱离丝线的控制,强烈的吸力令四人狠狠的撞击在虚空中的古木花丛间,秦石更是翻滚的摔倒在地。 In he is startled has not set out, sees only the gentle white hands to hold in the arms him together, made he supine beginning, at once the heart probably stops beating several rackets: Sunlight, Yu Luocha?” 在他怔愣中尚未起身,只见一道温柔的玉手搂住他,令他不禁一愣的仰起头,旋即心都好像停止跳动了几拍:“曦儿,玉罗刹?” Sunlight!” “曦儿!” Sees the following person, the tiger thousand change with the alone horse simultaneously one happy. 看见下面的人,虎千变和独马同时一喜。 Xiaomi Cai is dragging the pink clouds strenuous falling body. 小米彩拖着彩霞吃力的落下身。 Grips the Yu Luocha skilled artist, in the Qin Shi vibrato full is excited: „Haven't you died?” 握住玉罗刹的妙手,秦石颤音中满是激动:“你们没死?” Yu Luocha is hugging She Xi'er single-handed, one is hand-held the Qin Shi broad and handsome forehead lightly: Does not have, is sunlight, she has saved me.” 玉罗刹单手搂着蛇曦儿,一手扶着秦石螓首轻点:“没,是曦儿,她救了我。” Sunlight?” “曦儿?” all Renza has sucked the tongue, the vision simultaneously throws toward She Xi'er. 诸人砸了咂舌,目光同时朝蛇曦儿抛去。 Sees only, in the palms of She Xi'er, pinches Youlan color to fall together, falls is a glittering and translucent carving blue round bead. 只见,在蛇曦儿的手掌间,捏着一道幽兰色的项坠,项坠是一条晶莹剔透的蓝色圆珠。 Sees that round bead, the tiger thousand change with the alone horse, all quiet clan clansmen including blue vulture trembles in abundance, blue vulture fierce standing up: This is, beast pill of snake ceratop? Originally in your hand?” 望见那圆珠,虎千变和独马,包括青雕在内的所有幽族族人纷纷一颤,青雕猛的站起身:“这是,蛇角龙的兽丹?原来在你手上?” Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality of snake ceratop?” “蛇角龙的内丹?” Qin Shi has sucked the tongue, stares at the mark on that Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality to wind, a series of ease deep blue halos, show that Heaven Realm wild pressure clearly. 秦石咂了咂舌,盯着那内丹上的纹络,一连串悠然碧蓝的光晕,清晰展现出那天境狂野的威压。 No wonder, the strength can tear into shreds the Holy Ghost colored strength. 难怪,刚才的力量能够撕碎圣灵花的力量。 Really is the pleasant surprise, I impolite accepting!” In the altar, the blue vulture stares at the Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality of snake ceratop fully is being greedy, at once sees only his palm to raise high, the five fingers are uneven. “真是意外的惊喜,那我就不客气的收下了!”在祭坛上,青雕盯着蛇角龙的内丹满是贪婪,旋即只见他手掌高扬,五指齐出。 On the five fingers, dozens are full of the evil spirit attraction the silk thread, equally is densely and numerously motley like the rainstorm, presses up to Qin Shi rank. 在五指上,数十道充满凶煞引力的丝线,密密麻麻如暴雨一样斑驳而下,直逼秦石等人。 Damn!” “该死!” In all Renxin one hurried, before jumping onto that Xiaomi Cai very sets out, everywhere seven pink clouds light billowing, launches the barrier before the chest. 诸人心中一慌,小米彩率先挺起身的跃上前,漫天七彩霞光滚滚而出,在胸膛前展开屏障。 Qin Shi, Yu Luocha and tiger thousand change with the alone horse, wraps the pigeon, to permit, Nangong ice all people unreliably, spiritual power that simultaneously will survive offers a sacrifice, wells up the Xiaomi Cai back color skirt. 秦石玉罗刹、虎千变和独马,包裹白鸽、玄允、南宫冰在内的所有人,同时将残存的灵力祭出,涌上小米彩的背后彩裙。 Bang! 轰! But all people the union, can keep off for a while, actually keeps off more than first, under that Holy Ghost flower wild suction, the spiritual power rapid outflow in barrier, the fissure continuously appears one after another. 但诸人的联合,能挡下一时,却挡不下一世,在那圣灵花狂野的吸力下,屏障上的灵力迅速流失,一道一道裂痕不断出现。 Forced is supporting spiritual power, tiger thousand change closes tightly jaw exclaimed lowly: „It is not good, the Holy Ghost flower has controlled a surrounding area ten thousand meters attraction, many spiritual power are unable to contend.” 牵强的挺着灵力,虎千变咬紧牙关的低吼道:“不行,圣灵花掌控了方圆万米的引力,再多的灵力都无法抗衡。” Doesn't have the means?” “难道就没有办法吗?” The tiger thousand change with the alone horse looks at each other one, shows the look that is miserable beyond description: Means, one, is only that is actually impossible!” 虎千变和独马对视一眼,纷纷露出苦不堪言的神色:“办法,倒是有一个,只是那根本就不可能!” Qin Shi knit the brows, rapid [say / way]: What means?” 秦石皱了皱眉,急促道:“什么办法?” The tiger thousand change grins silent for a long time, shakes the head saying: Only if can have the second Holy Ghost flower, synthesizes the Holy Ghost colored attraction that carves to plant blue.” 虎千变咧着嘴的沉默许久,摇头道:“除非能有第二株圣灵花,来综合青雕有种的圣灵花引力。” „The second Holy Ghost flower?” “第二株圣灵花?” Um, but the Holy Ghost spends for dozens years to be in full bloom, this is impossible tiger thousand changes with alone horse desperate shaking the head. “嗯,但圣灵花数十年才能盛开一株,这根本不可能”虎千变和独马绝望的摇摇头。 The Qin Shi thoughts are also serious, now makes them look for the second Holy Ghost flower? 秦石心思也沉重下来,现在让他们去找第二株圣灵花? This radically is dream of a fool, not to mention Holy Ghost flower strange blossoming cycle, even if were the present has second them not to be separated from the attractions within these ten thousand li (0.5km). 这根本就是痴人说梦,且不说圣灵花诡异的开花周期,就算是现在有第二株他们也脱离不了这万里内的引力。 „, Only can wait for death?” “难道,就只能等死了么?” The Qin Shi not willingly breaking by biting lower lip, the smell of blood of irritating the nose faints in the oral cavity. 秦石不甘心的咬破下唇,刺鼻的血腥味在口腔中晕开。 But at this time, the Yu Luocha black eyebrow coloring eyebrow was pressed, in struggling under that ice-cold face melted suddenly. 但在这时,玉罗刹的黛眉蹙紧,在挣扎中那冰冷的面庞下突然化开。 „The second Holy Ghost flower, I have!” “第二株圣灵花,我有!”
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