PDL :: Volume #4

#344: The gravity is unbalanced

Bang! 轰! Holy Ghost flower under the Xiaomi Cai essence and blood incarnadine, appears somewhat miserable. 圣灵花在小米彩的精血下被染红,显得有些凄凉。 But in the misery, actually four projects ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ray, the pollution, but the rich delicate fragrance implements in the trim quiet forest, made originally the jet black nighttime sky in this moment well-illuminated. 但在凄凉中,却四射出万丈光芒,浑浊而浓郁的清香贯彻在整片幽林,令本来漆黑的夜空在这一刻都通亮起来。 ! 咻! Sees Holy Ghost colored lifting a ban, greedy meaning it goes without saying of blue vulture pupil heart place, his two trees grown into one will not have paid attention to all people at once, the back hundred zhang (333m) wing whips several, one step jumps onto the altar. 望见圣灵花的解禁,青雕眸心处的贪婪之意不言而喻,旋即他连理会都不曾理会诸人,背后的百丈羽翼拍打几下,一步跃上祭坛。 Stops behind, he looks at the bright red Holy Ghost flower to lick the split corners of the mouth: 30 years, I waited for 30 years, finally on the day of waited till!” 停下身后,他望着鲜红的圣灵花舔着干裂的嘴角:“30年了,我等了30年了,终于又等到这一天了!” Holy Ghost flower, Holy Ghost flower! Hua Ling, did snake ceratop, you look sees? Ha! This time no one can stop me!” The blue vulture excited sound somewhat is incisive, after the old hand grips the Holy Ghost flower, sends out the dense craftiness to smile. “圣灵花,圣灵花!花零,蛇角龙,你看们看见了吗?哈哈哈!这一次谁都阻拦不了我!”青雕兴奋的声音都有些尖锐,苍老的手握住圣灵花后,发出森然的诡笑。 ! 咣啷! Behind Qin Shi, saw that Holy Ghost flower under essence and blood incarnadine, the Yu Luocha tender body trembles fiercely, collapses all of a sudden on the ground, the pupil heart despairs: Ended to end!” 秦石后面,眼看着圣灵花在精血下染红,玉罗刹的娇躯剧烈一颤,一下子瘫倒在地上,眸心绝望:“完了一切都完了!” Yu Luocha!” 玉罗刹!” Various people simultaneously one startled, Qin Shi hurries to go forward to support her tender body, worries saying: You how?” 诸人同时一惊,秦石赶忙上前扶住扶住她的娇躯,担忧道:“你怎么了?” Pours in the bosom of Qin Shi, Yu Luocha appears especially thin and pale, despairs: „The Holy Ghost flower cannot fall in the blue vulture hand, otherwise destroyed!” 倒在秦石的怀中,玉罗刹显得格外憔悴,绝望道:“圣灵花不能落在青雕手上,否则就毁了!” Um?” “嗯?” Trembles at heart, Qin Shi has not seen Yu Luocha this. 心里一颤,秦石从来没见过玉罗刹这样。 Actually what's the matter? 究竟是怎么回事? Follows before Qin Shi behind gathers up, Xiaomi Cai looks at the Yu Luocha appearance, actually toot toot mouth stimulated [say / way]: Snort, the father do not fear that I must lead you to walk, no one want to stop me!” 跟在秦石身后凑上前,小米彩看着玉罗刹的模样,却嘟嘟起嘴亢奋道:“哼,爹爹别怕,我要带你们走,谁都别想阻拦我!” „To walk?” “想走?” But at this time, azure carved standing of loftily in the altar, his lowering the head bird's eye view Xiaomi Cai and Qin Shi and the others, the corners of the mouth revealed to despise and disdain: He he, depending on you, wants now?” 但这时,青雕傲然的站在祭坛上,他低头俯瞰着小米彩秦石等人,嘴角露出轻蔑和不屑:“呵呵,凭你们,现在还想要走?” Spoke, the blue vulture rapid holding up hand, the whole person buries under the Holy Ghost colored ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ray, at once spiritual power between world as if static, starts unexpectedly continuously gathers toward him. 说完话,青雕迅速的举起手,整个人埋没在圣灵花的万丈光芒之下,旋即天地间的灵力仿佛静止,竟开始源源不断的朝他汇聚。 Qin Shi knit the brows: „Does he want to do?” 秦石皱了皱眉:“他要干嘛?” Blue vulture! What are you making?” Surprised , is not only Qin Shi and the others, six elders under altar sets out similarly frightened, the tiger thousand change gets angry: „Do you want to offer a sacrifice to the grand ceremony in this opening exactly? Were you insane?” “青雕!你在做什么?”惊讶的不光是秦石等人,在祭坛下的六名长老同样惊悚起身,虎千变怒道:“你想在这开启活祭大典?你疯了?” The clansmen of quiet clan tremble, show the frightened expression. 幽族的族人一颤,露出恐惧的表情。 Hears, blue vulture contempt looks toward , the vision in turn in the tiger thousand change and other on the elders has swept, sneers saying: He he, ha, tiger thousand change, you are not to me, when the quiet clan head of the clan do have the objection? Don't you want to esteem She Xi'er? I make you take a look now, who is the genuine quiet clan head of the clan!” 听闻,青雕轻视的朝下方瞄去,目光依次在虎千变等六名长老身上扫过,冷笑道:“呵呵,哈哈哈,虎千变,你们不是对我当幽族族长有异议吗?你们不是想要推崇蛇曦儿吗?我现在就让你们瞧瞧,谁才是真正的幽族族长!” You dare!” “你敢!” The tiger thousand change with the alone horse, six elder standing up of as if by prior agreement, startled Rong He everywhere is angry. 虎千变和独马,六名长老不约而同的站起身,满目的惊容和愤怒。 Bang! 轰! But obviously stopped without enough time, covers the blue vulture under Holy Ghost flower halo, the absorption that the whole body pore performs world spiritual Qi, at once sees only to he near flowers and plants trees, the chair bonfire loses the center of gravity unexpectedly completely, float bit by bit. 但显然已经来不及阻拦了,笼罩在圣灵花光晕下的青雕,全身毛孔尽开的吸收着天地灵气,旋即只见离他较近的花草树木,座椅篝火竟全部失去重心,一点一点的漂浮起来。 Bang! 轰隆隆! Following close on, the earth continuous disruption, is degenerating into the natural moat horst, interlocks starts lift-off slowly unexpectedly, the gigantic rock resembles the nighttime sky stars to be common, is hanging airborne. 紧跟着,大地连绵碎裂,沦为天堑地垒,交错间竟然开始缓缓的升空,硕大的岩石就好像夜空繁星一般,悬挂空中。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” In the rear area, the Qin Shi mind trembles, he felt that has an intense suction to pull toward him, including spiritual power of his within the body for this reason manic, continuous outward gushing out. 在后方,秦石心神一颤,他感觉到有一股强烈的吸力正在朝他拉扯,连他体内的灵力都为此狂躁起来,源源不断的朝外涌出。 Has this feeling , is not only Qin Shi, permits with the Nangong ice unreliably similarly so, some strength low profound group hundred disciples, cultivation is spiritual power is stripped the dantian directly, after the body float, faints. 有这感觉的不光是秦石,玄允和南宫冰同样如此,一些实力较低的玄组百家弟子,修为灵力直接被剥离丹田,身躯悬浮起来后昏倒过去。 Gravity in unbalanced?” Xiaomi Cai knit the brows. “重力在失衡?”小米彩皱了皱眉。 This time, the pigeon was pinching the fist to sigh dignifiedly: „The Holy Ghost flower lifted a ban again, offered a sacrifice to the grand ceremony to start exactly!” 在这时,白鸽凝重的捏了捏拳叹道:“圣灵花再次被解禁,活祭大典就要开始了!” Qin Shi is holding the Yu Luocha rapid [say / way]: Exactly actually does this offer a sacrifice to the main hall is what?” 秦石扶着玉罗刹急促道:“这活祭大殿究竟是什么?” Mentioned that offers a sacrifice to the main hall exactly, the pigeon reveals the silk to dread with the terrifying obviously. 提到活祭大殿,白鸽明显露出丝忌惮和恐怖。 At once his silent meeting, is looking at all around by the eradication wooden flowers and plants, but said: Offers a sacrifice to the main hall exactly, when is each Ren Xinwang rank, by grand ceremony that the Holy Ghost flower baptism carries on, with the aid of the strength of Holy Ghost flower making a false counter-accusation world essence, for new king baptism!” 旋即他沉默一会,才望着周遭被连根拔起的古木花草,无奈道:“活祭大殿,乃是每任新王等级时,受圣灵花洗礼所进行的大典,借助圣灵花之力来反噬天地精气,为新王洗礼!” Making a false counter-accusation world essence?” “反噬天地精气?” Qin Shi inconceivable has held breath a cold air/Qi: How is this possible?” 秦石不可思议的倒吸了口冷气:“这怎么可能?” But when he is surprised, Yu Luocha actually terrified cherishes from him haunches, sorrowful shaking the head said: Possibly, the Holy Ghost flower has to jump out the earth's attraction the strange energy, by the instantaneous surrounding area of lifting a ban in ten thousand meters, will be at the gravity unbalanced condition.” 但在他惊讶时,玉罗刹却惶恐的从他怀中撑起,哀痛的摇摇头道:“可能,圣灵花拥有跳出地心引力的诡异能量,在被解禁的瞬间方圆万米之内,将会处于重力失衡的状态。” For this reason, without gravity, the world essence will also lose the contact with world, but in this moment, around the only Holy Ghost flower, its unique attractions, can absorb these essence completely.” “为此,在没有重力的情况下,天地精气也将失去和天地的联络,而在这一刻,唯独圣灵花四周,有一股它独特的引力,能够将这些精气全部吸收。” spiritual power in human body, meets the adverse current to go.” “就算人体内的灵力,也会逆流而去。” The Yu Luocha thin and pale face is pale, is dignified the flood red pupil heart to stare at the tight blue vulture, looks the essence between world continuous gathers toward him, the pink / white fist pinches tightly: He lifts a ban the Holy Ghost flower in this, it seems like wants to swallow completely our spiritual power!” 玉罗刹憔悴的面庞苍白无血,凝重着泛红的眸心盯紧青雕,看着天地间的精气源源不断的朝他汇聚,粉拳捏紧:“他在这解禁圣灵花,看来是想要将我们所有人的灵力全部吞噬掉!” What?” “什么?” Listens to the Yu Luocha words, in the Qin Shi and other will of the people simultaneously to be startled. 听完玉罗刹的话,秦石等人心里同时一惊。 spiritual power adverse current? Is the gravity unbalanced? 灵力逆流?重力失衡? Swallows spiritual power? Is he quiet the clan clansmen not to be willing to let off? Is this human?” All people were flurried. “吞噬灵力?难道他连幽族的族人也不肯放过吗?这还是人吗?”所有人都慌乱了。 He radically is not a human!” “他根本就不是人!” Yu Luocha bites the silver tooth to send out the desperate low roar. 玉罗刹咬着银牙发出绝望的低吼。 In all people flurried, blue vulture peak a near altar, his both hands becomes opening of big font, the unceasing tensity four proliferate, the quiet clan clansmen and profound group hundred disciples who approaches one after another by far, under the function that in the Holy Ghost flower attraction flows backwards was drained cultivates for with the vitality, like dry corpse being separated center of earth. 在诸人慌乱中,青雕位临祭坛的顶端,他双手成大字型的撑开,一股一股远远不断的张力四下扩散,临近的幽族族人与玄组百家弟子,在圣灵花引力倒流的作用下被生生抽干修为和生机,一具一具如干尸般的脱离地心。 Blue vulture! Your bastard!” “青雕!你个畜生!” Six quiet head of the clan always look at clansman tragic death one after another, being in deep sorrow sends out to roar. 六名幽族长老看着族人一名一名的惨死,痛不欲生的发出咆哮。 Snort? Dares to scold me?” The blue vulture is indulging in the bright essence of spiritual power full, after listening hears that sound makes a sound , the head to move toward below slightly. “哼?敢骂我?”青雕正沉溺在灵力充盈的明亮精气中,听闻声响后头颅略微朝下挪动。 !!!! 咻!咻!咻!咻! Four point out frankly the rumor to resound unexpectedly, at once sees only to split four intense rays under the Holy Ghost flower, the ray was piercing the chests of three elders, four elders, five elders and six elders like the sharp sword instantaneously. 四道破风声蓦地响起,旋即只见在圣灵花下分裂出四道强烈的光线,光线如利剑般在瞬间洞穿了三长老、四长老、五长老和六长老的胸膛。 Puff! 噗! Four people were pierced by the slender ray, at once body fierce was held up the ground, then sees only spiritual power in four human body is the ebullition boiling water is likely ordinary, moves restlessly swims against the stream following the ray, toward blue vulture gathering. 四人被纤细的光线刺穿,旋即身躯猛的被举起地面,然后只见四人体内的灵力像是沸腾的开水一般,躁动间顺着光线逆流而上,朝青雕汇聚。 Third child! Fourth child!” “老三!老四!” Fifth child! Sixth child!” “老五!老六!” The tiger thousand change with the alone horse desperate calls out one, but all have not helped matters. 虎千变和独马绝望的嚎叫一声,但一切已经无济于事了。 Suddenly, four people change is thin like the dry corpse, the rib is one after another clearly discernible in the chest, all spiritual power and vitalities were swallowed. 在眨眼间,四人变的如干尸般精瘦,一根一根肋骨在胸膛清晰可见,所有的灵力和生机被吞噬一空。 This is the consequence that and I oppose!” “这就是和我作对的后果!” Is looking at four dry corpses, the blue vulture such as despises light snort, at once finds out after single-handed, pinches four spiritual power when the palm, catches up once again four people ran to depart over a hundred meters far directly. 望着四具干尸,青雕如蔑视的轻哼一声,旋即单手探出后将四股灵力捏在掌心,再度发力时四人直接被跑飞出上百米远。 Did four elders, like this die? The quiet clansman shows panic-stricken facial expression completely, nobody dares again with the blue vulture resistance. 四名长老,就这样死了?幽族人全部露出惊恐的神情,再也没人敢和青雕对抗。 Hugs the hand of Yu Luocha, Qin Shi is shivering slightly. 搂着玉罗刹的手,秦石微微颤抖着。 Since this has been he for a long time the first time, feels being incapable of the heart: What to do should, I promise her, will not let sunlight and she is injured, actually I must how do are good 这是他许久以来第一次,感觉到发自内心的无力:“该怎么办,我答应过她,不会让曦儿和她受伤,究竟我要怎么做才行” By Qin Shi, Xiaomi Cai by seven color miraculous glow reluctant gripping grounds, after inducing to the Qin Shi mood, looking angrily at that the silver tooth lightly bites offers a sacrifice to the blue vulture: Father should not be worried that visited me to break him!” 秦石旁边,小米彩凭借七彩灵光勉强的抓牢地面,感应到秦石的情绪后,银牙轻咬的怒视祭青雕:“爹爹别担心,看我破了他!” ! 咻! Seven color miraculous volumes, and shuttle back and forth in the trees that everywhere dances in the air, such as sharp sword edge straight punctures toward the blue vulture. 七彩灵光卷地而起,在漫天飞舞的树木和中穿梭而过,如一把锋利的剑刃般笔直的朝青雕刺下。 Scoffs, overestimate one's capabilities!” “嗤,不自量力!” Actually did not expect this time, blue vulture was only waves under the essence of filling the air slightly, at once is boundless such as mountain spirit pressure but actually to stick out all round, became thousand zhang (3.33 m) great hand grinds the smashing that seven color miraculous glows loudly. 却不料想这时,青雕在弥漫的精气下只是轻微挥手,旋即磅礴如山倒的灵压团团隆起,成千丈巨手轰然将那七彩灵光碾成粉碎。 Bang! 轰! In the spiritual power ground instance, charmingly angry of Xiaomi Cai pain, the tender body by greatly the heavy pressure, suddenly was fluttered. 灵力被碾碎的瞬间,小米彩痛苦的娇嗔一声,娇躯受到巨大的重压,猛然翻飞出去。 Xiaomi Cai! Lords!” 小米彩!主子!” Qin Shi and pigeon simultaneously worry shouts one. 秦石和白鸽同时担忧的呼喊一声。 The silver light in a flash, after the pigeon Xiaomi Cai supports , the startled [say / way]: Lord, are you how is it?” 银光一晃,白鸽将小米彩扶住后惊道:“主子,你怎么样?” What's wrong, how to be possible?” “怎么,怎么可能?” Pours in the bosom of pigeon, the Xiaomi Cai beautiful, if the pupil heart of almond eyes dodges surprisedly: He, can he resist my bloodlines pressure unexpectedly?” 倒在白鸽的怀里,小米彩美若杏眼的眸心一闪惊讶:“他,他竟然能抵抗我的血脉威压?” In the altar, looks that Xiaomi Cai inconceivable startled accommodates, the blue vulture has smiled, smiles unusual strange: He he, ha, god list: Seven Colored Auspicious Cloud Snake , your bloodlines are truly strong, but you think really I was once I?” 在祭坛上,看着小米彩不可思议的惊容,青雕笑了,笑的异常诡异:“呵呵,哈哈哈,神榜:七彩祥云蛇,你的血脉确实很强,但你真以为我还是曾经的我吗?” Bang! 轰! The sound falls, the blue vulture back clothes blast out indifferently, at once sees only such as the down of shallot to multiply thickly, in the wing of hundred zhang (333m) burns unexpectedly the blue purple flame. 声音落下,青雕背后的衣裳漠然炸开,旋即只见浓密如青葱的绒毛滋生而起,上百丈的羽翼上竟燃烧起青紫色的火焰。 The blazing flame is mysterious, floats along with the cold wind in the nighttime sky, makes everywhere float remnant wooden flowers and plants flying ash annihilation. 炽热的火焰玄奥诡异,在夜空中随着冷风漂浮,令漫天悬浮的残木花草飞灰湮灭。 Miserable cold wind, rolling up and pushing along flying ash. 凄凉的冷风,卷动飞灰。 Sees that purple flame, the people of audience quiet clan simultaneously trembles. 望见那紫色火焰,全场幽族的人同时一颤。 The tiger thousand change with alone Ma Guang under this remaining prestige, was shaken withdraws from over a hundred meters far, stunned stared at the blue vulture to be shocked: Phoenix?” 虎千变和独马光是在这余威下,就被震退出上百米远,愕然的盯着青雕惊呆了:“不死鸟?” How can?” “怎么会?” Shivering that the horridness of Yu Luocha pupil heart vibration, does not dare to believe said: This, this is Ancient Ferocious Beast List, 100 th Phoenix?” 玉罗刹眸心抖动的惶恐,不敢置信的颤抖道:“这,这是远古凶兽榜,第100名的不死鸟?” 100? Is Divine List Ferocious Beast?” “100名?是神榜凶兽?” Qin Shi has sucked the tongue, looks by myriad remnant wood to cooling down, is hugging palm pinching tightly of Yu Luocha cannot help but. 秦石咂了咂舌,透过万千的残木望向清火,搂着玉罗刹的掌心不由自主的捏紧。 The blue vulture, is Ancient Ferocious Beast List 500 Haidong blue, this point Qin Shi already knew, but suddenly turned into Phoenix? 青雕,本是远古凶兽榜500名的海东青所化,这一点秦石是早就知道的啊,但怎么就突然变成不死鸟了? He with the aid of the Holy Ghost colored strength, evolved!” “他借助圣灵花的力量,进化了!” Evolution?” The Qin Shi profound black pupil is lower and deeper, bad news one after another spreads to the mind unceasingly, the surrounding crowd was already in great confusion. “进化?”秦石深邃的黑眸更加低沉,一个接一个的坏消息不断传入脑海,周围的人群早已乱成一团。 The quiet younger clan cousin child under Phoenix bloodlines, completely is frightened timid crawling in the place, withstands myriad blue purple flame to cover, the courage of continually gaining ground does not have. 幽族弟子在不死鸟的血脉威亚下,全部是惊悚胆怯的匍匐在地,承受着万千青紫色火焰笼罩,连抬头的勇气都没有。 Xiaomi Cai is dragging the color skirt strenuous standing up body, stares at the green flame on altar to sink at heart. 小米彩拖着彩裙吃力的站起身子,凝望着祭坛上的青色火焰心里一沉。 Now, she final card in a hand also lost continually. 如今,她连最后的底牌也失去了。 On bloodlines, even if Phoenix, perhaps is not her match, but she and blue vulture cultivation to actually miss were too many, with was Divine List Ferocious Beast two, the strength of bloodlines was not so obvious. 论血脉,就算是不死鸟,或许也不是她的对手,但她和青雕的修为却差了太多,同为神榜凶兽的两人,血脉之力已经不那么明显了。 What to do?” “怎么办?” A surrounding area ten thousand meters quiet forest, covers by desperate and time of death. 方圆万米的幽林,被绝望和死期笼罩。 Actually should what to do!” “究竟该怎么办!”
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