PDL :: Volume #4

#343: The long separation meets by chance

Father!” “爹爹!” Two such as the oriole leaves the valley clear sweet sound, making those present be all shocked. 两道如黄莺出谷般清脆的甜音,令在场的人全都惊呆了。 The people of quiet clan so, the profound groups and hundred disciples are also so, Qin Shi are also blurry getting muddled. 幽族的人如此,玄组和百家的弟子亦是如此,就连秦石自己也是迷迷糊糊的发蒙。 Father? What situation? 爹爹?什么情况? Paternal aunt, miss, your admitting mistakes person? I less than 20 looked that this year your age was older than me probably, happy, when the father at least also does depend on the point spectrum?” In the future will draw back the most step, Qin Shi hurried to wave the hand to deny. “姑,姑娘,您认错人了吧?我今年才不到20看您的年纪好像比我都大了,喜当爹至少也靠点谱吧?”往后退了大半步,秦石赶忙摇手否认道。 Cracks a joke, this life affects, suddenly falls a daughter from the space? Who dares to recognize? 开玩笑,这生命攸关的时候,突然从天上掉下来个女儿?谁敢认啊? This radically is the ficticious matter. 况且,这根本就是子虚乌有的事吗。 Even if he and Qin Xuexin already private decided life-long, but own of their flesh does not have yeah, which from braves such big miss? 就算他和沁雪心早已私定终生了,但俩人连肌肤之亲都没有哎,从哪冒出来这么大个姑娘? But the girl does not give the opportunity that Qin Shi regresses, Feng Hunjie in her front exists in name only, sees only her tip of the toe lightly, one throws the Qin Shi bosom. 但女孩根本不给秦石退步的机会,封魂结界在她的面前形同虚设,只见她脚尖轻点,一把就扑进秦石的怀里。 Wandering about destitute that in the Qin Shi bosom, two lines of bright tears not been able to stop, the female is angry to say lightly: Father, has not admitted mistakes, has not admitted mistakes, is I, didn't you recognize me? I am Xiaomi Cai!” 秦石怀里,两行明泪已止不住的流落,女子轻嗔道:“爹爹,没认错,没认错,是我啊,你不认得我了吗?我是小米彩啊!” Xiaomi Cai?” 小米彩?” Qin Shi that just wanted to overrule, heartstrings were moved suddenly. 刚欲否决的秦石,心弦突然被拨动一下。 What? Xiaomi Cai? 什么?小米彩 At once, his whole person fierce is excited, wipes happy intent that cannot cover such as overflow Jiang Hong, after two grasp in the bosom the fragrant shoulder of female, shoves open her, high and low sizes up to the impeccable elegant face on her fine, trembles saying: You, are you really Xiaomi Cai?” 旋即,他整个人猛的激动起来,一抹遮挡不住的喜意如泛滥江洪,两手握怀中女子的香肩后将她推开,上下在她精致到无可挑剔的俏脸上打量一番,颤道:“你,你真的是小米彩?” Yes, is I!” “是,是我啊!” Under point that the girl makes an effort, at once sees only her whole body flood Mingxia, transforms half meter seven color small snakes instantaneously, the small snake once for a while putting out tongue letter, comforts on the cheeks of Qin Shi gently. 女孩使劲的点下头,旋即只见她全身泛起明霞,瞬间转变成一条只有半米长的七彩小蛇,小蛇时不时的吐出舌信,在秦石的脸颊上轻轻抚慰。 This, Qin Shi has been shocked thoroughly, the split throat is somewhat sultry, at once in his profound black pupil, falls to wipe the thorough tear stains unexpectedly, he hugs the small snake in the bosom: Xiaomi Cai, is really you!” 这一下,秦石彻底惊呆了,干裂的嗓子有些烦热,旋即在他深邃的黑眸中,竟滑落出一抹透彻的泪痕,他一把将小蛇抱在怀中:“小米彩,真的是你!” Did he cry? 他哭了? Is surprised in nearby Yu Luocha extremely, she has not seen Qin Shi to be like this excited. 在旁边的玉罗刹惊讶万分,她从来没见秦石这样激动过。 Naturally, she will not understand that story between Qin Shi and Xiaomi Cai, calculates they from burning the day mystical place one since parting, one year have not seen. 当然,她不会理解,秦石小米彩之间的故事,算下来两人从焚天秘境一别后,真的有一年没见了。 Reunion after this long separation, is other people are unable to understand. 这种久别后的重逢,是旁人无法理解得。 Looks to transform Xiaomi Cai of seven color small snakes, the clansmen of quiet clan simultaneously shrank the neck, probably to Xiaomi Cai unusual dreading and fear. 望着幻化成七彩小蛇的小米彩,幽族的族人同时缩了缩脖子,好像对小米彩非常的忌惮和恐惧。 Yu Luocha black eyebrow coloring eyebrow slightly pressed, in hand is pinching Ancient Ferocious Beast List of surviving record, but above simply does not have the record of least bit about Xiaomi Cai, secret passage: Good fearful bloodlines 玉罗刹黛眉微蹙,手中捏着残存记载的远古凶兽榜,但上面根本没有半点关于小米彩的记载,暗道:“好可怕的血脉” Hug after a long separation, Xiaomi Cai changes the slim and graceful beautiful woman once more, walks arm in arm in the bosom of Qin Shi is such clever. 一阵久别后的拥抱,小米彩再次变化成亭亭玉立的美人,依偎在秦石的怀中是那样乖巧。 Looks is turning into Xiaomi Cai of causing the downfall of the nation female, Qin Shi somewhat is hard to accept, has to say in this year, Xiaomi Cai has grown up, not only became attractive, the strength was also the several fold climbs up. 望着变成倾国女子的小米彩,秦石还是有些难以接受,不得不说这一年里,小米彩真的长大了,不仅变得漂亮了,实力也是数倍攀爬。 One year ago, she selects, has Broken Spirit Realm. 一年前,她才那么点,只有破灵境 But nowadays, actually stands in peak of quiet clan, making the quiet clan myriad ominous beasts submit to for it, thought of this, Qin Shi smiled bitterly: Originally, are you new king who the quiet clan will soon take office?” 而现如今,却站在幽族的巅峰,令幽族万千的凶兽为其臣服,一想到这,秦石不禁苦笑:“原来,你就是幽族即将上任的新王?” I am not, I not the rare this anything quiet clan new king, I must with the father in the same place!” Mentioned that new king two characters, Xiaomi Cai is immediately disgruntled, toot toot the mouth ahem was saying. “我才不是,我才不稀罕这什么幽族新王,我要和爹爹在一起!”提到新王两字,小米彩马上就不悦起来,嘟嘟着嘴哼唧道。 ! 咻! At this time, holy silver light such as threw the meteor of Milky Way together, fell on the Xiaomi Cai side. 在这时,一道圣洁银光如抛去银河的流星,落在小米彩的身旁。 Pigeon big brother? You how in this?” “白鸽大哥?你怎么在这?” Sees this silver light the form, after Qin Shi knit the brows, wipes joyfully, hadn't this form initially been rescuing his pigeon? 望见这银光的身影,秦石皱了皱眉后一抹欣喜,这身影不正是当初救过他的白鸽吗? Young Master, the big brother two characters I may receive it.” 公子,大哥两字我可受之不起啊。” Pigeon bitter and astringent smiles one, then everywhere the loyal station earnestly side Xiaomi Cai, said: Young Master has not to know, when you just entered the desolated jungle the lord she induced, but tied up by the quiet clan cannot withdraw the body, therefore sent me to protect Young Master in secret!” 白鸽苦涩的笑一声,然后满目忠恳的站到小米彩身旁,道:“公子有所不知,早在你刚入荒芜丛林时主子她就感应到了,只是被幽族捆住脱不开身,所以才派我在暗中保护公子!” Lords? 主子? Sees the pigeon to appearance that Xiaomi Cai always does as one is told, Qin Shi immediately understands completely. 望见白鸽对小米彩唯命是从的模样,秦石恍惚中顿时彻悟。 Pigeon? Pigeon character? Is he also the person of quiet clan? 白鸽?鸽字?他也是幽族的人? How early to have thought? Qin Shi made an effort to pat the forehead, originally these because of Xiaomi Cai? That is after if not Xiaomi Cai induces to him, promptly sends the pigeon to protect, present he already died in gnawing of forgetting sad corpse insect eats. 怎么早没想到?秦石使劲拍下了额头,原来这些都是因为小米彩?就是说如果不是小米彩及时感应到他后派白鸽保护,现在的他早就死在忘忧尸虫的啃食下了。 Originally is you?” “原来都是你?” Qin Shi has sucked the tongue stares at Xiaomi Cai to say. 秦石咂了咂舌的盯着小米彩道。 All these aren't all, the coincidences? 这一切得一切,原来都不是巧合? Xiaomi Cai gentle nod, timid sound track: „Won't father you be angry? Xiaomi Cai is not does not see you to blame the bastard of quiet clan crowd of being in the way really intentionally!” 小米彩温婉的点点头,怯声道:“爹爹你不会生气吧?小米彩真不是故意不去见你得都怪幽族这群碍事的王八蛋!” Hears this word, permits several people of suction port cold air/Qi but actually unreliably. 听得此言,玄允几人不由的倒吸口冷气。 Stands scolds the quiet clan in the quiet clan tribe loudly is the bastard, the day, was actually this world? 站在幽族部落大声骂幽族是王八蛋,天啊,这世界究竟是怎么了? Perhaps under this day, coming out that only then Xiaomi Cai can make? 恐怕这天底下,也就只有小米彩才能够做的出来吧? Is listening to the bastard three characters, the clansman complexion of quiet clan is not quite attractive, waits and sees in Feng Lingjie the sudden difference, entire was scared. 听着王八蛋三字,幽族的族人脸色都不太好看,观望封灵结界中突然出现的异样,全傻眼了。 You look at my one eyes, I look at your one eyes, suddenly feels helpless. 你瞧我一眼,我瞧你一眼,一时间不知所措。 Damn!” “该死!” Stands in the altar, the blue vulture pale fist pinches psst to make noise, he has not expected the perfect plan to have this accident unexpectedly. 站在祭坛上,青雕苍白的拳头捏到吱吱作响,他也没有料到本来完美的计划竟会出现这种意外。 Did quiet clan new king, shout the father toward a humanity? 幽族新王,朝一个人类喊爹爹? If this passes on, that was inadequate the laughingstock of world person? 这若是传出去,那还不成了天下人的笑柄? New king “新王” The blue vulture bites the root to shout one lightly. 青雕咬着牙根轻喊一声。 Actually does not wait for his sound to fall to the ground, Xiaomi Cai in the bosom of Qin Shi, at once the bone-chilling cold pupil heart like frozen punctures, reprimanded: Shut up! Snort, dares to catch my father, I with doing accounts of your old codger, not having urged you now to be best not to annoy me!” 却不等他声响落地,小米彩秦石的怀中顿了顿,旋即凛冽的眸心如冰封般刺出,斥道:“闭嘴!哼,敢抓我爹爹,我还没和你个老不死的算账,劝你现在最好别惹我!” „” Blue vulture obsolete body one startled, has glittered in the pupils of pollution unexpectedly panic-stricken of not easy detection. “”青雕老朽的身躯不由一惊,在浑浊的眸子间竟然闪烁过一道不易察觉的惊恐。 Listens words that the Xiaomi Cai aggressive side is leaking, how many person of corners of the mouth permitted to twitch unreliably, Qin Shi also stared staring, what situation? 听着小米彩霸气侧漏的话,玄允几人的嘴角抽搐一下,秦石也是瞪了瞪眼,什么情况? Tried every means to persuade, was this blue vulture also Heaven Realm expert? Did this wither? 好说歹说,这青雕也是天境高手吧?这就萎了? Is bloodlines pressure!” “是血脉威压!” Yu Luocha nips the thin and pale cherry lips, opens the mouth saying: Although, looks at the blue vulture according to the strength above Xiaomi Cai, but the bloodlines of Xiaomi Cai are quite legitimate, the ominous beast and humanity are different, the pressure of bloodlines for them, often compared with the spiritual power pressure fearful.” 玉罗刹咬了咬憔悴的樱唇,开口道:“虽说,按实力看青雕在小米彩之上,但小米彩的血脉却极为正统,凶兽和人类不同,血脉的威压对他们来说,往往要比灵力威压更加的可怕。” Is this?” Nod of Qin Shi ponder, recalled at once before , glances through the Ancient Ferocious Beast List matter, frowned question saying: Xiaomi Cai, does Seven Colored Auspicious Cloud Snake , how many rank on Ancient Ferocious Beast List?” “是这样?”秦石沉思的点点头,旋即回想起之前翻阅远古凶兽榜的事,不禁皱起眉头问句道:“小米彩,七彩祥云蛇,在远古凶兽榜上排名多少?” Ancient Ferocious Beast List? Several? Forgot.” 远古凶兽榜?十几名吧?忘了。” hears that sound, Xiaomi Cai thinking looking pensive, then digs the small mouth to shake the head. 闻声,小米彩若有所思的想了一想,然后撅起小嘴摇摇头。 Ten, several?” The Nangong ice trembled dull trembling. “十,十几名?”南宫冰呆愣的颤了颤。 Um? Was high? That also possibly is dozens, counter- first 100.” Xiaomi Cai felt that periphery surprised expression, has caressed the cheeks shyly. “嗯?难道是高了?那也可能是几十名,反正在前100。”小米彩感觉到周围惊讶的表情,羞涩的抚了抚脸颊。 First 100? 前100? Hissing! Yu Luocha has held breath a cold air/Qi: First 100? That was Divine List Ferocious Beast!” 嘶!玉罗刹倒吸了口冷气:“前100?那就是神榜凶兽了!” hears that sound, the fist under Qin Shi sleeve pinches tightly, reveals silk Xu's happy intent: I guess really right, Xiaomi Cai what's the matter these about 300 can look disdainfully?” 闻声,秦石手袖下的拳头不由捏紧,露出丝许的喜意:“我猜的果然没错,小米彩怎么回事那些300名开外的喽啰能睥睨的呢?” At this time, permitted with a Nangong ice painstakingly face unreliably mutual looks at each other one, in the heart feels to rejoice for own decision. 在这时,玄允和南宫冰苦个脸的相互对视一眼,心中都不由为自己的决定感到庆幸。 This Shi Qin, extraordinary. 这石秦,了不得啊。 Luckily choice with from him, otherwise dies does not know how dead. 幸好选择跟从他,否则死都不知道怎么死得。 Father, no matter these, I lead you to leave, recently was tired of me in the damned place that this suffered injustice, can leave finally.” Xiaomi Cai delicious pulling lives in Qin Shi, does not care about the vision of bystander. “爹爹,不管这些,我带你们离开,这些日子在这不见天日的鬼地方都烦死我了,总算能够离开了。”小米彩美滋滋的挽住秦石,根本不在乎外人的眼光。 Looks at Xiaomi Cai of delightful chuckle, the pigeon cannot help laughing. 望着甜美轻笑的小米彩,白鸽哑然失笑。 Recalled six months ago, when he was expelled the quiet clan in an extremely difficult situation, if not for the coincidence were rescued by Xiaomi Cai, he possibly early died, at that time Xiaomi Cai was also only an ignorant small girl. 回想起半年前,他被逐出幽族时狼狈不堪,若不是巧合被小米彩救下,他可能早已经没命了,那时小米彩还只是个懵懂的小丫头呢。 Afterward, by the blue vulture was known Xiaomi Cai is Divine List Ferocious Beast, after finding the human she please returns to the quiet clan, to let hold the post of the new king, she actually moved Mawei: Does not want, the father does not like me being any head of the clan, said again the father will protect me, does not need you.” 后来,被青雕得知小米彩神榜凶兽,找人将她请回幽族后让担任新王,她却只是甩动马尾,一句:“不要,爹爹才不喜欢我当什么族长,再说爹爹会保护我,不需要你们。” Recalled that at that time the complexion of blue vulture, the pigeon could not have borne want to smile now. 回想起当时青雕的脸色,白鸽现在还忍不住想笑。 Broad the blue vulture of half a lifetime, in this small girl hand does not know that has suffered many hardships, but is such one aspires to seize existence of god list, before this less than 20-year-old black robe boy, is clever throughout lovably, delightful moving. 恢弘了半辈子的青雕,在这个小丫头手里不知道吃了多少苦头,但就是这样一个问鼎神榜的存在,在这个不足20岁的黑袍男孩面前,却始终乖巧可爱,甜美动人。 Whoosh! 唰! Skilled artist tuck dive, bending torqve of seven color aurora on vault of heaven, is only times between several respites, will cover several kilometers Feng Hun to tie the smashing. 妙手翻腾,七彩的极光在天穹上弯曲扭转,只是几个喘息间的功夫,就将笼罩数千米的封魂结界粉碎。 Yeah, it seems like imperceptibly, I helped the public enemies of quiet clan.” “哎,看来无形中,我就成全幽族的公敌了。” Was pinched tightly by that incorruptible white hands, Qin Shi feels on the face the burning ache, over ten thousand blazing vision can eat the human to be the same probably, the unification stares on his body. 被那冰洁的玉手捏紧,秦石感觉到脸上火辣辣的疼痛,上万道炽热的目光好像能吃人一样,统一盯在他的身上。 Father, we walks!” “爹爹,我们走!” Xiaomi Cai may, no matter these, seven color multi-colored sunlight gush out recklessly, made the clansman of surrounding quiet clan cannot help but resigned a road to her. 小米彩可不管那些,七彩的霞光肆意涌出,令周围幽族的族人不由自主的给她让出一条路来。 ! 咻! But at this time, the blue vulture clenched teeth in altar, finally the back launches a pair about hundred meters green wing, whips several rear bumpers continuously before various people: New king, may not 但这时,青雕在祭坛上咬了咬牙,最终背后展开一对近百米的青色羽翼,连续拍打几下后挡在诸人身前:“新王,不可啊” Was blocked the personal appearance, Xiaomi Cai black eyebrow coloring eyebrow slightly pressed fierce said: Snort, do you want to block me?” 被挡住身形,小米彩黛眉微蹙的厉声道:“哼,你想拦我?” Buzz! 嗡! The manic seven color bloodlines, are approaching the blue vulture in an instant, making the blue vulture tremble. 狂躁的七彩血脉,在临近青雕的刹那间,令青雕不由一颤。 But at this time, Qin Shi actually held on Xiaomi Cai, hinted Xiaomi Cai do not get rid, because before he left has a matter to need to solve. 但这时,秦石却拉住小米彩,示意小米彩不要出手,因为在他离开之前还有件事情需要解决。 That is, She Xi'er. 那就是,蛇曦儿 He also wants to take a look, actually this blue vulture must play any trick. 况且,他也想瞧瞧,这青雕究竟要耍什么花样。 Induces to rear pulling, Xiaomi Cai toot toot the mouth draws in the multi-colored sunlight reluctantly, looks said to the blue vulture: Said that are you how is it?” 感应到后方的拉扯,小米彩才嘟嘟起嘴的勉强收拢霞光,望向青雕道:“说吧,你到底要怎么样?” New king “新王” I said that I do not like this name!” “我说了,我不喜欢这个称呼!” This blue vulture bursting out laughing, he becomes flushed immediately at once the face silent meeting, changed a statement: Sir, this new king registration, the entire clan by the Holy Ghost flower baptism is the permanent ancient invariable iron rule, cannot break “这”青雕马上哑然了,旋即他涨红个脸庞沉默一会,改口道:“大人,这新王登记,全族受圣灵花洗礼乃是恒古不变的铁律,不可打破啊” The voice just fell, the clansmen of many quiet clans simultaneously clash Xiaomi Cai to throw to anticipate and hope. 话音刚落,诸多幽族的族人同时冲小米彩抛去期待和祈求。 Curling the lip of but Xiaomi Cai actually thinks little of: With my what Gan? I am not the person of your quiet clan, whom likes asking to look who goes.” 小米彩却不以为意的撇了撇嘴:“与我何干?我又不是你们幽族的人,爱找谁找谁去。” But, the Holy Ghost flower actually blooms for you.” “但,圣灵花却是为你而开啊。” The blue vulture is pinching fist rapid [say / way], no matter but he uses energy many argument, Xiaomi Cai is the oil salt does not enter, in brief this new king she is kills also improper. 青雕捏着拳头急促道,但不管他费劲多少口舌,小米彩就是油盐不进,总之这个新王她是打死也不当。 Under have no alternative, the blue vulture heaved a deep sigh finally, after having pinched the fist, said: Sir, you are iron core can walk?” 无可奈何下,青雕最终长叹一声,捏了捏拳头后道:“大人,您是铁了心的要走?” Um.” Under Xiaomi Cai neat point. “嗯。”小米彩干净利落的点下头。 Looks at the Xiaomi Cai appearance, all people somewhat are helpless, the thrones of how many person of hanging curtains the position of quiet clan head of the clan is, the dreams of how many quiet clansman lifetime? But before her, actually instead shuts out can die? 看着小米彩的模样,所有人都有些无奈,幽族族长之位是多少人垂帘的宝座,多少幽族人毕生的梦想?但在她面前,却反而嫌弃的要死? Good, but before the Sir leaves, does not know whether to do a matter for the quiet clan?” Sees unable to block Xiaomi Cai, the blue vulture cloudy clear uncertain silent meeting, said. “那好,但大人离开前,不知可否为幽族做一件事?”见拦不住小米彩,青雕阴晴不定的沉默一会,道。 Xiaomi Cai has gawked staring, at once looks back to look toward Qin Shi, two items of relative within Qin Shi have selected gently, she toot toot the mouth said: What matter?” 小米彩愣了愣,旋即回首朝秦石望去,两目相对间秦石轻轻点了下头,她才嘟嘟嘴道:“什么事?” Hopes that you can lift a ban the Holy Ghost flower for the quiet clan before departure.” “希望你在离开前能替幽族解禁圣灵花。” What meaning?” Xiaomi Cai has gawked staring. “什么意思?”小米彩愣了愣。 Blue vulture corners of the mouth one happy: „The Holy Ghost flower blooms for you, only then your legitimate bloodlines can lift a ban her, waited for the quiet clan to choose the new king at that time again, then withstood the Holy Ghost colored baptism to take office.” 青雕嘴角不由一喜:“圣灵花是为你而开,只有你正统的血脉才能将她解禁,等那时候幽族就能重新在挑选新王,然后承受圣灵花的洗礼上任了。” On this matter? Simple!” “就这事?简单!” Xiaomi Cai curled the lip, at once the palm of not to accept as correct wields, the vigorous essence and blood finds out from the fingertip together, wielding already goes. 小米彩撇了撇嘴,旋即不以为然的掌心一挥,一道浑厚的精血自指尖探出,挥之既去。 Not!” “不可以!” In instant, Yu Luocha that the fine blood sacrifice leaves allows suddenly to change tenderly, at once sees only her to spell to try throws to go forward, but finally was late. 在精血祭出的刹那,玉罗刹的娇容突然一变,旋即只见她拼尽全力的扑上前,但最终还是晚了。 The essence and blood such as to the profound arrow, whereabouts on the Holy Ghost flower that overflows fragrantly. 精血如离玄之箭,咻一下落在芬芳四溢的圣灵花上。 Buzz ~ buzz ~ buzz ~! 嗡~嗡~嗡~! Was watered by the essence and blood, the Holy Ghost flower was dyed instantaneously bright red, at once sees only it to send out ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ray, covers the world. 受到精血的浇灌,圣灵花瞬间被染成鲜红,旋即只见它散发出万丈的光芒,笼罩天地。
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