PDL :: Volume #4

#342: Father?

Quiet clan tribe. 幽族部落。 In these over ten thousand people, making Qin Shi feel one probably soon burying to suffocate by the huge crowd. 在这上万人中,令秦石感觉自己好像快要被人海给埋没到窒息了。 The men of quiet clan encircle by several piles of bonfires, that night being doomed regarding them is difficult to sleep, all people are cheering, was excited, dancing with joy drew the dance partner to dance the sensuous dance. 幽族的男男女女们围在几堆篝火旁,对于他们来说这一夜注定难眠,所有人都欢呼雀跃着,一个一个兴奋极了,手舞足蹈的拉着舞伴跳着艳舞。 Has saying that the girls of quiet clan are really pretty, each movement can circle the person heartstrings, charming enticement just right, occasional raising skirt pendulum, occasional swings the lower hem corner on fragrant shoulder. 不得不说,幽族的女孩真是漂亮,每个动作都能绕人心弦,妩媚的诱惑又恰到好处,偶尔的掀起裙摆,偶尔的将香肩上的衣角荡下。 But is very obvious, Qin Shi they do not have the least bit interest to the beauty now, the full brain thinks how only then should withdraw. 但很显然,秦石他们现在对美色没有半点兴趣,满脑子想的就只有该如何脱身。 Qin Shi by an old tree that in Feng Hunjie covers, the old tree is very thick, needs three people to surround can enclasp. 秦石靠在封魂结界中笼罩的一棵古树旁,古树很粗,需要三个人环抱才能抱紧。 He both hands before the old tree holds the fist in the other hand, slightly the facial expression ripples moves toward central altar the vision, sees only under the central altar, six dark golden chairs, above sits six cranes to send the old man of young face respectively. 他在古树前双手抱拳,神情略微荡漾的将目光朝中央祭坛处挪去,只见在中央祭坛下,有六把暗金色的座椅,上面分别坐着六名鹤发童颜的老者。 These six people, very strong “这六个人,好强” Bi Mu of six people on the chair rest up, Qin Shi is away from Feng Hunjie, although induces less than six people of strengths, but the light is looks that six people of makings then made him tremble, he discovered that on these six people of bodies, brought a terrifying aura of thorough marrow to him. 六人在椅子上闭目养息,秦石隔着封魂结界虽说感应不到六人的实力,但光是看着六人的气质便令他不由的哆嗦一下,他发现在这六人的身上,给他带来一种深入骨髓的恐怖气息。 This type of aura is very rare to Qin Shi, the initial silver shape did not have. 这种气息对秦石来讲很罕见,就连当初的银象都没有过。 Under point of Yu Luocha approval, ten fingers thread up saying: These six people, are the elder groups of quiet clan, in the center by the left position, is the big elder: The tiger thousand change, what by him is two elders, alone horse.” 玉罗刹认可的点下头,十指紧扣道:“这六个人,是幽族的长老团,在中央靠左的位置,是大长老,名:虎千变,他旁边的是二长老,独马。” Three elders: Blue cat, four elders: Ices the sea mink, five elders: Tun Tian mouse, six elders: Yuan Li.” Before Yu Luocha skilled artist extends, 11 has referred to six people, said the given name. “三长老:青猫,四长老:冰海貂,五长老:吞天鼠,六长老:袁狸。”玉罗刹妙手前伸,在六人身上11指过,道出名号。 Then, she stops desirably, has the vigilance pursing the lips mouth of: Their six people are in the quiet clans, the powerhouse of ranking among the best, the especially big elders and two elders, the big elder is on Ancient Ferocious Beast List, ranks 663 Thousand Mountain White Tiger, 30 years ago, have the Profound Spirit Realm peak strength.” 然后,她刻意的停顿一下,带有警惕性的抿了抿嘴嘴:“他们六人都是幽族中,数一数二的强者,特别是大长老和二长老,大长老是远古凶兽榜上,排名663名的千山白虎所化,早在30年前的时候,边有玄灵境巅峰的实力。” Hissing Profound Spirit Realm peak?” “嘶玄灵境巅峰么?” Suction port cold air/Qi that but actually Qin Shi cannot bear. 秦石忍不住的倒吸口冷气。 Um, now perhaps has aspired to seize accurate Heaven Realm, the strengths of two elders and he is equally matched, is on Ancient Ferocious Beast List, ranks 675 single-horned Pegasus, similarly has the Profound Spirit Realm peak strength.” Yu Luocha serious [say / way]. “嗯,现在恐怕已经问鼎准天境了,二长老的实力和他不相上下,是远古凶兽榜上,排名675名的独角天马所化,同样拥有玄灵境巅峰的实力。”玉罗刹郑重道。 Hears this word, Qin Shi nervous. 听得此言,秦石的神情紧张起来。 Two Profound Spirit Realm peak, are not existences that he can contend with now. 两名玄灵境巅峰,已经不是他现在能抗衡的存在了。 Not is only they, perhaps in this their side four, the strength will not have compared them to be low on are too many, this fearful lineup had not appeared in Burning Sky Sect. 况且,不光是两人,在这他们身旁还有四名,恐怕实力不会比他们低上太多,这种可怕的阵容就算曾经在焚天宗都未曾出现过。 Cannot think that this desolated jungle so is unexpectedly fearful. 想不到,这荒芜丛林竟然如此可怕。 It seems like, this is field tough battle.” Has pinched the fist diligently, Qin Shi raises a smile, hopes that can bring relieved to Yu Luocha, what he has not said that his palm was been densely covered by the cold sweat. “看来,这是场硬仗啊。”捏了捏拳,秦石努力的扬起一丝微笑,希望能给玉罗刹带来安心,但他没有说的是,他掌心已经被冷汗密布。 Time one minute one second of passing , the dusk under setting sun then substituted for by the dark night quickly, fills the stars in Milky Way to flick, somewhat satirized and miserable. 时间一分一秒的流逝,残阳下的黄昏很快便被黑夜取代,弥漫在银河中的繁星一闪一闪,有些讽刺和凄凉。 Arrives with the dim light of night, the person gathering of quiet clan are getting more and more, the crowd soon over 20,000, have covered the back side of the mountain of entire fog shade mountain shortly, the dense piece, is somewhat scary. 伴随着夜色降临,幽族的人汇聚越来越多,人群眼看着就快要超过20000了,将整个雾影山的后山笼罩,黑压压一片,有些骇人。 But Qin Shi and the others in the center of crowd, often some people throw the vision and teasing that questioned toward them: This time, the head of the clan has gotten down the initial capital, one time all made the profound groups and hundred people, the next head of the clan had the luck to enjoy.” 秦石等人在人群的中央,不时有人朝他们抛来质疑的目光和戏谑:“这一次,族长真是下了血本啊,一次性将玄组和百家的人全弄回来了,下一届族长有福可享了。” Um, this time finished, the desolated jungle can restore in the past was peaceful, did not have repugnant humanity to disturb us again.” Can listen from the mouth of quiet clansman, they fill to despise and loathe to humanity. “嗯,这次结束,荒芜丛林就能恢复以往的安静了,再也没有讨厌的人类打扰咱们了。”从幽族人的口中能听出来,他们对人类充满鄙夷和厌恶。 ! 咻! Shortly, in cheering of various person, a series of sounds from out of the blue rips open the dark night, then several forms fall like the sharp sword before the altar, lead person Qin Shi is not strange, is the silver likely and dark green wolf. 顷刻,在诸人的欢呼中,一连串的破空声撕开黑夜,然后十几名身影如利剑般落在祭坛前,领头的人秦石并不陌生,正是银象和苍狼。 Silver alike appearance is somewhat distressed, just after falling to the ground, then makes an effort breathed heavily the mouth thick air/Qi. 银象的模样有些狼狈,刚落地后便使劲的喘了口粗气。 Sees the silver shape, the tiger that under sits thousand change knits the brows: „Did she comply?” 看见银象,在下方坐着的虎千变皱起眉来:“她答应了?” Answered, complied!” “答,答应了!” The silver shape cancels the sweat of forehead, is full of the fear that could not conceal in his pupil heart. 银象抹去额头的汗水,在他的眸心中充满了掩饰不掉的恐惧。 Hears the silver alike response, six elders relaxing of slowly, at once more take care of the natural lifespan by chair, Bi Mu did not say. 听到银象的回应,六名长老才缓缓的松了口气,旋即再次颐养天年的靠在座椅上,闭目不言。 Sees the silver shape to wait for the appearance of person, Yu Luocha immediately the spirit, about beautiful pupil seeks in the crowd, but after all had not found the She Xi'er form. 望见银象等人的出现,玉罗刹马上精神起来,美眸左右的在人群中寻找,但终归是没有找到蛇曦儿的身影。 This command Qin Shi and Yu Luocha thoughts heavy and intense. 这不禁的令秦石玉罗刹心思沉重和紧张起来。 Yu Luocha pinches tightly the pink / white fist, the knuckle place forced woods shines in vain, trembles saying: He is not really willing to let off sunlight! Sunlight has the danger, sunlight has dangerous Shi’tou, sunlight has the danger, what to do!” 玉罗刹捏紧粉拳,指关节处被勒的森白发亮,颤道:“他果然不肯放过曦儿!曦儿有危险,曦儿有危险石头,曦儿有危险,怎么办!” Induces to shivering of nearby tender body, the Qin Shi heart such as the colic one tight. 感应到旁边娇躯的颤抖,秦石心如绞痛得一紧。 He puts out a hand, makes an effort to hold in the arms the fragrant shoulder of Yu Luocha, the sound is very light very supple [say / way]: Believes me, I have said that you and sunlight will not have the matter.” 他伸出手,使劲搂住玉罗刹的香肩,声音很轻很柔的道:“相信我,我说过,你和曦儿都不会有事。” Yu Luocha had not answered that depends in the Qin Shi bosom, she is not that ten thousand li (0.5km) acting alone blood dyes Yu Luocha of Qian mountain likely, removed the ice-cold appearance. 玉罗刹没有回话,就靠在秦石的怀里,她再也不像是那万里独行血染千山的玉罗刹,也褪去了冰冷的容颜。 Perhaps, does everyone have inviting the wrath of the emperor that how many may not move? 或许,每个人都有那么几件不可触碰的逆鳞吧? ! 咻! Likely and dark green wolf stands firm in the silver behind, in remote Milky Way, the grating broken rumor such as rips open the space together the fissure, rolling covers toward the altar center under. 在银象和苍狼稳住身后,在遥远的银河中,一道刺耳的破风声如撕开空间的裂痕,滚滚朝祭坛中央覆盖而下。 By the old tree, the Qin Shi brow that the psychic force spreads wrinkles suddenly, the body under black robe is stiff, then the supine beginning successor dynasty the peak direction is looking, the pupil heart always completely dreads with scared: Quite fearful 靠在古树上,精神力扩散开的秦石眉头突然皱紧,黑袍下的身躯僵硬挺直,然后仰起头后朝着峰顶的方向瞄去,眸心总满是忌惮和恐慌:“好可怕” Is Heaven Realm?” “是天境?” This strength, gives the terrifying that he plants cannot be moved, the body that this type felt him once only in Luan Muhua and blood robe person Zhen Yuan felt to have been. 这力量,给他种不可触碰的恐怖,这种感觉他曾经只在栾慕华和血袍人甄渊的身上感觉到过。 Is he!” “是他!” After Yu Luocha begins in the beautiful pupil to dodge the corridor to fear supinely, unceasing shivering of ten fingers in overlapping. 玉罗刹仰起头后的美眸中闪过道恐惧,十指在交叉中不断的颤抖。 The hurricane when beyond the distance kilometer, this strength rolls up and pushes along then made all people in quiet forest tremble, bented. 在距离千米外的时候,这股力量所卷动的飓风便令幽林中的诸人哆嗦一下,纷纷猫下腰去。 Day, this is the strength of person!” “天啊,这是人的力量吗!” Bang! Bang, the old man of immortal wind crane bone wears the brocade clothes imperial robe together, as stable as the rock of Gibraltar falls in submitting to of various person on the altar center. 轰!巨响一声,一道仙风鹤骨的老者身着锦衣龙袍,在诸人的臣服中稳如泰山般落在祭坛中央。 Blue vulture!” The Yu Luocha emaciated body trembles, frightened it goes without saying in beautiful pupil. “青雕!”玉罗刹羸弱的身躯一颤,美眸中的恐惧不言而喻 The blue vulture stands erect in the altar, the non- fashion under his brocade clothes reveals the light fluorescence, in the opacitas presbyopia has an excitement, clearly discernible. 青雕矗立在祭坛上,在他的锦衣下不时流露出淡淡荧光,浑浊的老眼中有一股兴奋,清晰可见。 30 years, waited for 30 years, finally made me wait till today.” “30年,等了30年,终于让我等到今天了。” The bird's eye view of blue vulture in the altar below ten thousand people, crosses the hands behind the back vertical somewhat impatient, roars lowly: New king superior, holds a memorial service for opening!” 青雕在祭坛上俯瞰着下方的万人,负手而立的有些迫不及待,低吼一声:“新王上位,祭奠开启!” Bang! 轰! The atmosphere instantaneous full house under field, the people of all quiet clans in this moment, the hot water that as if seethes with excitement are ordinary, cheer, jump for joy, the applause is thunderous. 场下的气氛瞬间爆棚,所有幽族的人在这一刻,仿佛沸腾的热水一般,欢呼,雀跃,掌声雷鸣。 Releases the Holy Ghost flower!” “释放圣灵花!” Is feeling the ebullition atmosphere, supine beginning that blue vulture two spreading out, sees only at once in his space ring, seven colored Holy Ghost flowers hold to lift off in the spiritual power request slowly. 感受着沸腾的气氛,青雕两手摊开的仰起头,旋即只见在他的空间戒指中,一株七彩色的圣灵花在灵力的托扶下缓缓升空。 The rich flower fragrance overflows to open, elegantly simple is bringing some enchantingly, making one get sucked perishes. 浓郁的花香四溢而开,淡雅中带着些许妖娆,令人深陷沉沦。 Is looking at the Holy Ghost flower that central hangs in the altar floating, permits the faces to be ugly unreliably immediately with Nangong ice and the others, Qin Shi reveals bitter and astringent smiling: Struggles, finally falls in others hands.” 望着在祭坛中央飘挂的圣灵花,玄允和南宫冰等人的面庞顿时难看下来,秦石露出苦涩的笑:“争来争去,最后还是落在人家手上啊。” The Holy Ghost fireworks and firecrackers leave, the clansmen of quiet clan burst with joy once more, under all people submit to the head completely, slightly narrows the pupil, the breath shape that reveals enjoyment, is enjoying the Holy Ghost flower to take to their baptism probably. 圣灵花爆出,幽族的族人们再次沸腾起来,所有人全部臣服下头颅,微微的眯起眸子,露出一副享受的呼吸状,好像在享受着圣灵花所带给他们的洗礼。 My great clansmen, the Holy Ghost colored birth is symbolizing the great strength of my quiet clan, now makes us invite this time, summoned the Holy Ghost colored honored new king!” The blue vulture grips the fist to various people void, is tight along with gripping of his fist heart, under field suddenly silent. “我伟大的族人们,圣灵花的诞生象征着我幽族的强大,现在就让我们请出这一次,召唤起圣灵花的尊贵新王!”青雕冲着诸人虚空攥拳,随着他拳心的攥紧,场下戛然寂静。 Can hear to each other breath silent continually. 寂静到连彼此的呼吸都能够听见。 At once, all people throw completely toward the day beyond the pupil heart, sees only in the stars nighttime sky, the startled great wild goose pink clouds cause the world mighty waves together. 旋即,所有人全部将眸心朝着天外抛去,只见在繁星的夜空中,一道惊鸿彩霞引起天地波澜。 ! 咻! The next instant, the graceful beautiful figure renounces society and lives alone together, the broad and handsome forehead Ao Yang swinging colored long skirt, falls on the center of altar gently. 下一霎,一道婀娜多姿的倩影遗世独立,螓首傲仰的摆动彩色长裙,轻轻落在祭坛的中央。 Sees the emergence of this beautiful figure, the people of quiet clan turn very quiet completely. 望见这倩影的出现,幽族的人全部屏住呼吸。 Qin Shi, unreliably permitted, Nangong ice and the others in instant to be also peaceful, their strong statures that the female appeared trembled suddenly, has swallowed the mouth split spit in abundance. 就连秦石、玄允、南宫冰等人也在女子出现的刹那安静了,他们健硕的身躯猛然一颤,纷纷咽了口干裂的吐沫。 How can? 怎么会? In will the world have such beautiful woman peerless beautiful woman of? 世上怎么会有这样倾城绝世的美人? That slick appearance, may neatly the graceful physique of person, concave-convex ordered nearly perfect, does not have unnecessary existence, is such coordination. 那八面玲珑的容颜,楚楚可人的曼妙身姿,凹凸有序的近乎完美,没有一处多余的存在,是那样的协调。 Qin Shi does not dare to believe has pinched the fist, the pretty degree of this female, completely and Qin Xuexin in same rank. 秦石不敢置信的捏了捏拳头,这女子的貌美程度,完全和沁雪心在同一级别。 That degree, made the world female be overshadowed sufficiently, making the world man forget to return. 那种程度,足以令天下女子黯然失色,令天下男人流连忘返。 What is more important, this seems like young girl, actually has the Profound Spirit Realm peak strength? In spirit pressure that on her reveals, the six elders under altar are frightened, only blue vulture in can keep cool. 更重要的是,这一个看似十几岁的女孩,竟然有着玄灵境巅峰的实力?在她身上流露出的灵压,就连祭坛下的六名长老都惊悚一下,唯独青雕在其中能够保持镇定。 This is this time, awakens the Holy Ghost colored quiet clan new king?” “这就是这一次,唤醒圣灵花的幽族新王?” Yang Qitou looks to the female on altar, Yu Luocha changes countenance for it, some envy: She, very strong 仰起头望向祭坛上的女子,玉罗刹都是为其动容,有些嫉妒:“她,好强” Qin Shi cannot set at point under otherwise, but made him be what was surprised, on this girl's body, one type made his bewildered familiar, this being familiar he cannot say, but absolutely was not the misconception. 秦石不可置否的点下头,但令他感到意外的是,在这个女孩的身上,有一种令他莫名其妙的熟悉,这种熟悉他说不上来,但绝对不是错觉。 In instance that the female presents, the blue vulture is also again hard to suppress the excitement and spirit of pupil heart, at once he licks the split lip to raise both hands, summoned: Our new kings appeared, now invites our new kings, lights the Holy Ghost flower for us, starts to offer a sacrifice to the grand ceremony exactly!” 在女子出现的瞬间,青雕再也难以压制眸心的兴奋和激昂,旋即他舔了舔干裂的嘴唇扬起双手,呼唤道:“我们新的王出现了,现在就请我们的新王,为我们点燃圣灵花,开始活祭大典!” „!!” “哦!!” All people of quiet clan, excited stamps one's foot cheers. 幽族的所有人,兴奋的跳脚欢呼。 But unexpectedly, the female as if has not actually heard the words of blue vulture to be the same, after back excessively fine white hands, the pupil heart rapid explores in the crowd. 但却不料,女子仿佛没有听见青雕的话一样,背过精致的玉手后,眸心迅速在人群中探索。 At once, her vision frames in a direction suddenly, limpid such as in the pupil of ice lotus, flashes through a rich joy. 旋即,她的目光猛然在一个方向定格,清澈如冰莲的眸子中,闪过一丝浓郁的欣喜。 Feels the mood of female to fluctuate, all people puzzled throws following her vision, sees only over ten thousand pairs of pupils simultaneously to fall like the sharp sword on the body of Qin Shi. 感受到女子的情绪波动,所有人不解的顺着她的目光抛去,只见上万双眸子如利剑般同时落在秦石的身上。 „Is she visiting you?” “她在看你?” Pushing down Qin Shi of Yu Luocha accident. 玉罗刹意外的推下秦石 Qin Shi has sucked the tongue, he knows certainly that this female in visiting him, the issue he plunders in the memory, actually could not find the least bit of concerned this female to remember. 秦石咂了咂舌,他当然知道这女子在看他,问题他在记忆中搜刮一圈,却找不到有关这个女子的半点记忆。 Actually is she who? 她究竟是谁? So to be how familiar? 怎么会这么熟悉? But in Qin Shi vacant, the female on altar actually moved, the personal appearance such as the demon shade picks up the pink clouds, outstanding foot light point rapid leaps before Feng Hunjie, a clear delightful sound breaks silence, making those present completely eat to gawk. 但在秦石茫然中,祭坛上的女子却动了,身形如魅影般托起彩霞,翘脚轻点的迅速跃到封魂结界前,一声清脆的甜美声音打破沉寂,令在场的人全部吃楞。 Father!” “爹爹!”
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