PDL :: Volume #4

#341: Quiet Lin talked

Um.” “嗯。” Is listening to the Qin Shi words, honeyed words, confidential also good, no matter is really false, in brief Yu Luocha believed. 听着秦石的话,花言巧语也罢,推心置腹也好,不管是真是假,总之玉罗刹是信了。 She does not want to go to think really again, she cares has Qin Shi to her security sense, with this unflinching regard. 她真的不想再去多想,她在乎的只有秦石所给她的这份安全感,和这份坚定不移的心意。 Naturally, Yu Luocha knows, although this less than 20-year-old youth, occasionally an unconventional shape small ruffian, occasionally glib teased her, but this youth's commitment, was actually the true excellent poetry. 当然,玉罗刹知道,虽说这个不足20岁的少年,偶尔会放荡不羁的像一个小痞子,偶尔会油嘴滑舌的调侃她,但是这个少年的承诺,却是真真正正的一字千金。 Sunlight, is waiting for me!” “曦儿,等着我!” Begins in the silence supinely, in the Qin Shi black pupil dodges the corridor limpid cold current. 在沉默中仰起头,秦石黑眸中闪过道清澈的寒流。 He did not have for a long time like this earnestly. 他已经许久没这样认真过了。 The previous time, in Burning Sky Sect, the poem blue Yin-Yang two separates, making him not want to experience the pain of that parting forever. 上一次,是在焚天宗,诗兰的阴阳两隔,让他再也不想体验那种生离死别的痛苦。 This time, no one want to claim them in my side!” “这一次,谁都别想在我身边夺走她们!” In the following time, Qin Shi and Yu Luocha on static sitting cross-legged in corner, but with the lapse of time, profound group and hundred disciples flurried also finally gradually subsides, starts to adjust the condition. 在接下来的时间里,秦石玉罗刹就静静的盘坐在角落中,而随着时间的推移,玄组和百家弟子们的慌乱也终于渐渐平息,纷纷开始调整状态。 They know that could not solve the means in the flurry, now can do was the time is maintaining vigilant, greeted evening's war. 他们知道,在慌乱中是解决不了办法得,现在能够做的就是时刻保持着警惕,迎接晚上的大战。 Buzz! 嗡! How long has not known, in jet black does not see in the space of five fingers, finally has the dazzling ray to prick from the north together, when thin pale golden color to various people actually such as dusk puts on the bride of nuptial dress, such kindness. 不知过了多久,在漆黑不见五指的空间里,终于有一道刺目的光线从北方刺入,稀薄的淡金色对诸人来讲却如黄昏时穿着婚纱的新娘,那样的亲切。 For a very long time the closed black pupil opens indifferently, Qin Shi looks following the luminous position, looks that the space do not tear the person height the opening. 久久闭合的黑眸漠然睁开,秦石顺着光亮的位置望去,看着空间别撕裂开一个一个人高矮的裂口。 Outside the opening, is several faces wins the Song Yu youth. 裂口外,是几名颜胜宋玉的青年。 Looks at the appearance of several people, Qin Shi twists the mouth sidewise toward on the corners of the mouth: He he, can come finally? Quiet clan, no matter you want to play any trick, I will not allow you to injure sunlight and Yu Luocha slightest, cannot!” 看着几个人的打扮,秦石将嘴角朝上咧开:“呵呵,终于要来了吗?幽族,不管你们想耍什么花样,我不会允许你们伤害曦儿和玉罗刹分毫,一定不会!” In this moment, his heart is exceptionally firm, after gripping Yu Luocha pink / white, first setting out, striding bravely forward steps in the direction of opening. 在这一刻,他的心异常坚定,握住玉罗刹的粉手后第一个起身,昂首阔步的朝裂口的方向迈去。 Is the luck is the calamity, he all recognized. 是福是祸,他全认了。 In his, permits to draw out the dignified face with the Nangong ice same model unreliably, before standing the profound groups and hundred bodies, on more than 4000 people of faces view death as a return home, imposing manner is broad. 在他的身后,玄允和南宫冰同样板起凝重的面庞,一个一个站到玄组和百家的身前,4000多人的面庞上视死如归,气势恢宏。 Sees Qin Shi and the others, making the youth of several quiet clans be startled being startled, ridiculed one: He he, this group of people, real interesting, goes to so to be positive?” 望见秦石等人,令几个幽族的青年怔了怔,嘲笑一声:“呵呵,这群人,一个一个的真有意思,赴死都这么积极啊?” But in instant, Qin Shi that this youth just opened the mouth participates with him just in time, in lips and teeth slight start to talk, corners of the mouth one, ice-cold [say / way]: Advised politely one, who died who lived, has not arrived at the last minute, should better, let alone affirmation that otherwise not only lost face, perhaps also will lose the life.” 但在这青年刚开口的刹那,秦石正巧和他插身而过,唇齿间轻微的开口,嘴角一咧,冰冷道:“奉劝一句,谁死谁活,没到最后一刻,最好别说的那么肯定,否则不仅丢了人,说不定还会丢掉性命。” Um?” “嗯?” The youth of several quiet clans knit the brows, after Qin Shi looks low and deep under face. 几个幽族的青年皱了皱眉,朝秦石望去后不由的低沉下脸。 Person who opened the mouth a moment ago, a face was contemptuous and ridicule, just rubbed the instance of his personal appearance in Qin Shi, the palm searched toward the rear area. 刚才开口的人,一脸轻蔑和嘲弄,在秦石刚搓开他身形的瞬间,手掌朝着后方就探了下去。 Their bodies are equipped with tie, not by this space ties the influence, savage spiritual power shoots up to the sky like fierce tiger together, hits hard toward the Qin Shi surface gate under: „Did brat, die to being imminent was obstinate argumentative?” 他们的身上设有结界,并不受这空间结界的影响,一道凶残的灵力猛虎般冲天而起,朝着秦石的面门重击而下:“臭小子,死到临头了还敢嘴硬?” Whoosh! 唰! But has not moved the Qin Shi instance in his palm, the profound pupil heart is suddenly lax, together the golden light in nobody realized that maps the eye socket, making his body tremble, such as the fierce tiger miraculous glow rout, followed close on falling that he puff was passing unexpectedly suddenly on the ground. 但在他掌心尚未触碰到秦石的瞬间,幽深的眸心突然涣散一下,一道金光在无人察觉中映入眼眶,令他身躯一颤,如猛虎的灵光竟戛然溃败,紧跟着他噗通的摔在地上。 Third child!” “老三!” Looks at the brothers to faint, was all shocked in nearby several quiet younger clan cousin children, at once after supporting a moment ago that youth , the vision simultaneously stares toward Qin Shi: Brat, you 望着兄弟晕倒过去,在旁边的几个幽族弟子全愣住了,旋即扶住刚才那名青年后目光同时朝秦石瞪去:“臭小子,你” Several people just wanted to shout abuse, but one could not speak the words to the mouth. 几人刚欲破口大骂,但话到了嘴边却一下说不出话来了。 Sees only, in the black pupil of Qin Shi, is rolling up and pushing along the pale golden halo, what under the halo cannot conceal ridicules and cold Mie, they do not doubt, if said again, Qin Shi will have killed them immediately. 只见,在秦石的黑眸中,卷动着淡金色的光晕,光晕下掩饰不住的是嘲弄和冷灭,他们毫不怀疑,若再说下去的话,秦石会马上杀了他们。 What's wrong, how to be possible?” “怎么,怎么可能?” In the flurry, the person subconsciouses of several quiet clans withdraw several steps, is hard to cover up startled that to pupil heart place revealing of Qin Shi. 在慌乱中,几个幽族的人潜意识退后几步,面向秦石的眸心处露出难以遮掩的惊慌。 Sees this, permits to be scared with the Nangong pure-heart in unreliably intermittently, the strengths of these quiet clan youth are good, has in Spirit King Realm Late Stage, even one person is to go to the accurate Profound Spirit Realm situation. 看见这幕,玄允和南宫冰心里阵阵发毛,这几个幽族青年的实力不错,一个一个都有王灵境后期,甚至有一人更是达到准玄灵境的地步。 But so strength, Qin Shi can the relaxed second kill without spiritual power unexpectedly? What concept is this? Their dreading once more rich several points to Qin Shi. 但如此实力,秦石在没有灵力的情况下竟能轻松秒杀?这是什么概念?不由间,两人对秦石的忌惮再次浓郁几分。 Urged you rubbish, after all everyone / influential family was not a friend, my anti- person to the enemy was limited.” Qin Shi contemptuously selected has been a fussy eater angle, then in the dense pupil heart revealed that type to belong to the pressure of King specially. “劝你们别废话,毕竟大家不是朋友,我对敌人的耐人可是非常有限得。”秦石轻蔑的挑了挑嘴角,然后森然的眸心中露出那种专属于王者的威压。 Rumble. 咕噜。 Several people under the intense deterrent, do not dare to say actually again much half character, is finally low and deep the head helps up that to be broken the Sea of Consciousness youth by the psychic force, sets out to tie toward the space outside departs. 几人在强烈的威慑下,硬是没敢再多说半个字,最终只是低沉着头的扶起那名被精神力震碎识海的青年,起身朝空间结界外离去。 With it simultaneously. 与其同时。 In fog shade mountain, in a dark corner. 在雾影山,一处幽暗的角落里。 The wonderful graceful varied beautiful figure back to sits, but on the light is the back then such as the poem like the picture, the beautiful number receives extremely. 妙曼多姿的倩影背对而坐,但就光是背影便如诗如画,美的数不胜收。 Goes to Yuanwang, probably does not eat the world smoke and fire to the feeling of person highest heaven fairy. 离远望去,给人的感觉就好像是不食人间烟火的九霄仙女 But what is accidental, in her beautiful pupil actually limpid like water, the 7 or 8-year-old child who as if has little experience of the world, does not have the impurity of least bit, holy such as the ice lotus is common. 但令人意外的是,她的美眸中却清澈如水,仿佛涉世未深的七八岁孩童,没有半点的杂质,圣洁如冰莲一般。 She being hidden alone in corner, the corners of the mouth actually throughout brims with unable to cover up delightful smiles tenderly: „Does one year, need to meet finally?” 她就独自的隐没在角落里,嘴角却始终洋溢着遮掩不去的甜美娇笑:“一年时间,终于要见面了么?” Does not know that he still does remember me, is really good to anticipate that” in her mind, on reappearing that familiar form, will make her To be Wild with Joy. “不知道他还记不记得我,真的好期待”在她的脑海中,每逢浮现出那熟悉的身影,就会令她欣喜若狂 Scoff! 嗤! The corners of the mouth that but at this moment, in her limpid beautiful pupil the sudden cold brightness one presently, raises upwardly put down, hears a bone-chilling cold broken rumor beyond thousand li (0.5km), made her disgruntled narrowed the eyes the eye: Snort, hasn't been willing to be resigned?” 但就在这时,她清澈的美眸中突然寒光一现,向上扬起的嘴角跟着放下,在千里外传来道凛冽的破风声,令她不悦的眯眯起眼:“哼,还不肯甘心吗?” ! 咻! The bone-chilling cold cold wind cuts the clear sky together, falls in the rear green woods. 一道凛冽的冷风划破晴空,落在后方葱郁的树林间。 Bang! 轰隆! But sees only his not yet coming to a stop personal appearance, such as the startled great wild goose color light blooms to open from the corner, at once bolt from the blue curls toward him. 但只见他尚未站稳身形,一道如惊鸿般的彩光自角落绽放而开,旋即晴天霹雳的朝他卷来。 Bang! 砰! Flurried, this person draws back hastily dozens steps, if Qin Shi and the others will then discover that this person was initially arrogance ice the silver shape however in Tianchi. 慌乱中,这人连忙退开数十步,若是秦石等人在的话便会发现,此人正是当初在天池上傲气凌然的银象。 But at this moment, him early did not have the initial manic arrogance, after trembling shunting attack, he is looking at the beautiful figure in corner , is timid and fears. 但在此刻,他早没了当初的狂躁气焰,颤巍巍的躲开攻击后,他望着角落里的倩影只有胆怯和恐惧。 The pink clouds fail, the emanation sound that beautiful figure does not return to ridicules: He he, a stupid shape, the movement is actually very clever. Then, what do you make?” 彩霞落空,倩影头都不回的发出声揶揄:“呵呵,一头笨象,动作倒是挺灵巧。说吧,你又来做什么?” Head of the clan lets me “族长让我” !!! Did not wait for the silver shape saying that the pink clouds that just died gathered once more all round, became eight sides covers the silver shape along the way. 咻!咻!咻!不等银象开口说完,刚刚陨落的彩霞再次团团聚集,沿途成八方将银象笼罩其中。 By the multi-colored sunlight package, stopped suddenly to the words of mouth, on the silver forehead the bean big sweat rolling falls likely, he does not doubt, if he dares to speak again, this female can grind him in the minute minute absolutely. 被霞光包裹,到了嘴边的话戛然而止,银象额头上豆大的汗水滚滚而落,他毫不怀疑如果他再敢说话,这女子绝对能在分分钟将他碾碎。 I have said that I do not comply, if this matter, you will prepare to go with Yama that report next time!” The females control the multi-colored sunlight to revolve unceasingly, revolving then along with keeps the miserable remnant mark in the space each time, is following close on ice-cold reprimanded: Go away!” “我说过,我不答应,如果下次还是这事,你就准备好去和阎罗王那报道吧!”女子操控着霞光不断旋转,每次旋转便随在空间中留在凄凉的残痕,紧跟着冰冷的斥道:“滚!” The silver inverse image trembles, makes his atmosphere not dare to breathe heavily in the pressure that on that female induces, finally must smile bitterly, turns around then to leave. 银象原地哆嗦一下,在那女子身上感应到的威压令他大气都不敢喘,最终只得苦笑一声,转身便欲离开。 It seems like that can only ask the head of the clan to arrive. 看来,只能请族长亲临了。 ! 咻! But while silver shape turns around to depart, the holy silver white light space opposite sneaks into from the quiet forest together straightly. 但在银象转身离去的同时,一道圣洁的银白光宇从幽林对面笔直窜入。 At once, silver light stops in female, the pigeon skinny body takes the footsteps, by the ear of gathering female light nan several. 旋即,银光停在女子的身后,白鸽干瘦的身躯从中迈出脚步,凑到女子的耳旁轻喃几声。 Such as the ice lotus calm female, after hearing the words of pigeon the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow pressed tight, tender body shivers gradually, the anger cane fever. 本来如冰莲般沉稳的女子,在听见白鸽的话语后黛眉渐渐蹙紧,娇躯不由颤抖一下,怒火藤烧。 Good blue vulture, to dare to catch him!” “好个青雕,竟敢抓他!” The difficult situation anger covers the surrounding area kilometer suddenly, just took not the far silver likely heart one cold, follows close on the pulling up leg that he is wanting not to think to fly to escape toward the distant place on the desire. 惊涛骇浪般的怒火戛然间笼罩方圆千米,刚迈出不远的银象心头一寒,紧跟着他想都不想的拔起腿就欲朝远方飞遁。 Leave!” “滚回来!” Unexpectedly, in the instance that the silver just set out likely, on the vault of heaven the continuous multi-colored sunlight forms a slender great hand, able to move unhindered likely firmly grasps the silver in the world. 不料,在银象刚起身的瞬间,天穹上源源不断的霞光形成一只修长巨手,纵横在天地间将银象牢牢抓紧。 Silver likely painful struggling in great hand, hurries to call out one: Young host forgives!” 银象在巨手中痛苦的挣扎,赶忙嚎叫一声:“小主饶命!” Leave to tell the blue vulture, I complied!” “滚回去告诉青雕,我答应了!” Does not listen to silver alike whinning, on the female voice dense command all around ancient wood ties the ice crystal, torrential wild waves spiritual power becomes the complicated attire strikes to fly the silver shape one after another! 不听银象的哀嚎,女子声音森然的令周遭古木上都结起冰晶,一股一股滔滔骇浪般的灵力成千丝万缕装将银象击飞! Bang! 轰! If the shell were struck to depart over a hundred meters, followed close on the silver to hit two to leave on the ground likely continuously, setting out that the slightest does not dare to stop over escaped toward the distant place. 如炮弹般被击飞出上百米,紧跟着银象在地上连续打了两个滚,分毫不敢逗留的起身就朝远处遁开。 Looks at the silver shape of fleeing to the wilderness, the pigeon is revealing behind the female some startled accommodates, strikes the Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage silver shape shakes flies hundred meters, is this fearful strength? 望着落荒而逃的银象,白鸽在女子后面露出些许惊容,一击将玄灵境中期的银象震飞百米,这是何等可怕的力量啊? But what made him more startled accommodate, has her who such strength and pretty accommodated tenderly, actually had one person in the heart, but that person was actually only mediocre not wonderful every? 但令他更加惊容的是,拥有如此实力和貌美娇容的她,在心中竟然只有一人,而那个人却只是个平庸无奇的凡者? Who dares to injure him, whom I make die!” “谁敢伤他,我就让谁死!” In the torrential anger, female leaves the corner that she for a long time cannot sit finally, seven color long skirts after rub-down bath, such as ghosts and demons is vanishing same place. 在滔滔的怒火中,女子终于离开她久坐不起的角落,一抹身后的七彩长裙,如鬼魅般的在原地消失。 Qin Shi and the others, walk, in the long space ties, this knot very broad, enough after half double-hour, sees the end. 秦石等人,走在漫长的空间结界中,这结界非常的广阔,足足半个时辰后才看见尽头。 Goes out of the space to tie, is piece of very huge Feng Hun ties, ties is situated in the fog shade mountain peak back side of the mountain, all around is the shallot emerald green dark jungle, the dusk setting sun scatters in the forests, in the bustling branches and leaves, leaves behind a facula motley. 走出空间结界,是一片很庞大的封魂结界,结界坐落在雾影山峰的后山,周遭是青葱翠绿的幽暗密林,黄昏的残阳散落在林间,斑驳在熙攘的枝叶间,留下点点光斑。 Under the pleasantly warm facula, one group of over ten thousand pretty men and women encircle in the, Feng Hunjie builds in behind of crowd, before the crowd, is a broad altar. 在温软的光斑下,一群足足有上万的貌美男女围在附近,封魂结界打造在人群的后面,人群前则是一个恢弘的祭坛。 The altar is grand, on is carving forceful Fu Wen, a gigantic quiet character, such as ancient grave morning bell seal in the hearts of various person. 祭坛宏伟壮观,上刻着铿锵有力的符文,一个硕大的幽字,如古墓晨钟般印在诸人的心间。 Is the tribe of quiet clan!” “是幽族的部落!” Yu Luocha by side Qin Shi, after looking all around one all around crowd, finally narrows the beautiful pupil the vision to fall in the central altar, ten segregate heavily. 玉罗刹靠在秦石身旁,环顾一圈四周的人群后,最终眯着美眸将目光落在中央的祭坛上,十分凝重。 He he, is really fearful influence.” “呵呵,真是可怕的势力。” Has been responded, under the Qin Shi low and deep point, he already had guessed actually correctly, but is looking at over ten thousand people of quiet clan clansmen with own eyes, in the heart many are somewhat astonished. 得到回应,秦石低沉的点下头,其实他早就猜到了,只是亲眼望着上万人的幽族族人,心中多少还是有些惊愕。 More than 10,000 people, do not have a strength not in Spirit King Realm above, perhaps does the strength of this exaggeration place North District, the foot flattens with a roller entire North District? 10000多人,无一实力不是在王灵境以上,这种夸张的实力恐怕放在北方区域,足矣将整个北方区域碾平吧? Perhaps even if Burning Sky Sect, cannot keep off. 就算焚天宗,恐怕都挡不下。 This time, was really troublesome. 这一次,真是麻烦了。
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