PDL :: Volume #4

#340: Brother and sister?

In a piece of jet black space. 一片漆黑的空间里。 Puts out a hand not to see the five fingers in this, and cut off all relations with the world probably, a fluctuation of spiritual power does not have. 在此伸手不见五指,并且和天地间好像断绝了所有联系,一点灵力的波动都没有。 This, where is this?” “这,这是哪里?” Puts us to exit quickly! Bastard!” “快放我们出去!畜生!” Here, over a thousand people of calling out in alarm and calling out, the incisive sound is somewhat grating, even is having the weeping voice. 在这里,有上千人的惊呼和嚎叫,尖锐的声音有些刺耳,甚至带着哭腔。 Shi’tou, Shi’tou, you in?” 石头,石头,你在吗?” The charmingly angry sound reverberates in the blackness together, Yu Luocha is panic-stricken looked all around, loses spiritual power to make in her heart uneasy, in the easy beautiful pupil was somewhat blurred. 一道娇嗔的声音在漆黑中回荡,玉罗刹惊慌失措的四下环顾,失去了灵力令她心中忐忑不安,优柔的美眸中有些迷离。 Until there is a pair of strong palm to block her fragrant shoulder from one side, made her facial expression more moderate: I, me by you.” 直到有一双健硕的手掌从侧面拦住她的香肩,才令她的神情缓和一些:“我在,我就在你旁边。” Was hugged by Qin Shi in the bosom, she relieved many light nan: Where is this?” 秦石搂在怀里,她安心不少的轻喃一声:“这是什么地方?” Space ties.” “空间结界。” Serious response of Qin Shi in blackness. 秦石在漆黑中沉重的回应一句。 The space ties, he listened to Shu Zhongyu to raise, is one type has the equally good results from different methods with the space ring wonderful knot, has the mustard seed to accept the strength of Xumi. 空间结界,他曾经听书中玉提过,是一种和空间戒指有着异曲同工之妙的结界,有芥子纳须弥的力量。 When before, the profound groups and hundred family members to the silver shape started martial arts, sees all over the sky seven color miraculous glows baseless vanished, he guessed correctly that this was the space ties. 早在之前,玄组和百家人对银象发动武学时,看见满天七彩的灵光凭空消失时,他就猜到这是空间结界。 What makes his curious is, the construction space ties needs very huge spiritual power and resources, can rip open the space crack, and fabricated establishes alone the domain in the crack, the establishment ties. 只是让他好奇的是,建造空间结界需要非常庞大的灵力和资源,才能撕开空间裂缝,在裂缝和虚妄中建立独自领域,成立结界。 The quiet clan such big vigor builds the space to tie waste, actually for what? 幽族废这么大劲打造空间结界,究竟是为了什么? More and more questionable points flash through in the Qin Shi mind, but is puzzling to order his mind to be bad, the brow wrinkles is tighter. 越来越多的疑点在秦石脑海中闪过,但百思不得其解下令他心神糟乱,眉头皱的更紧。 He can feel that these time will be absolutely unfriendly, is very likely to become him since birth the most serious dead end. 他能感觉出来,这一次绝对不会善了,很可能成为他有生以来最为严重的穷途末路。 Hope, can pass this disaster.” “希望,能度过这一劫吧。” Smiles bitterly in the heart, is good, in this space ties, although can spiritual power between barrier world, not be actually able to hinder the production of psychic force. 在心中苦笑一声,好在这空间结界虽说能隔阂天地间的灵力,却无法阻碍精神力的产生。 Realizes this, the Qin Shi pupil heart place scatters the light golden light, wipes the purple dark spirit fire to beat to leap along Sea of Consciousness, illuminates the surroundings. 意识到这点,秦石的眸心处散射起淡淡的金光,一抹紫色的幽暗灵火顺识海中跳动跃出,将周围照亮。 Quick, looked quickly, has luminously.” “快,快看,有光亮了。” The ray that suddenly dodges, making nearby person grab the straw to grasp to be the same, such as locust transit crazy emerged toward the quiet hot place. 突然闪起的光芒,令旁边的人抓住救命稻草一样,如蝗虫过境般疯狂的朝幽火处涌入。 Just produced luminously, permits then to set out to leap with the Nangong ice unreliably to Qin Shi side, although does not have spiritual power, but their fleshly body are very formidable. 光亮刚刚产生,玄允和南宫冰便起身跃到秦石身旁,虽说没有灵力,但两人的肉身还是很强大得。 Stone Brother Qin, this outcome what's the matter?” Inquiry that the station the Qin Shi side, the Nangong ice looks distressed. “石秦老弟,这究竟是怎么回事?”站到秦石的身旁,南宫冰愁眉苦脸的询问一声。 Qin Shi is low and deep: Was planned by the quiet clan.” 秦石低沉道:“被幽族算计了。” Obtains the reply of Qin Shi, permits to be simultaneously pale with the Nangong ice unreliably a face, the fist pinches psst makes noise: Quiet clan group of bastards!” 得到秦石的回答,玄允和南宫冰同时铁青个脸,拳头捏的吱吱作响:“幽族这帮畜生!” In their voice except for the anger, can realize many easily reluctantly. 在两人声音中除了怒火,可以轻易的察觉到诸多无奈。 Pours also no wonder, they are two side leaders, under the hands / subordinates over a thousand disciples, because trusts them, braves the life and death to intrude the fog shade mountain with them, now actually makes into so the predicament, how lets them with the following person confession. 倒也难怪,他们身为两方领袖,手下上千名弟子因为信任他们,才和他们冒着生死闯入雾影山,现在却弄成这般窘境,让他们怎么和下面的人交代。 Is looking at their appearance, Qin Shi is smiles bitterly similarly one, ahead of time now this situation, who can expect? 望着两人的模样,秦石同样是苦笑一声,现在这种情况,谁又能提前预料的到呢? But Qin Shi knows that now is not intertwines, but should find the way to clarify the point of quiet clan, with resisting the method of quiet clan, therefore under he considers, to two humanity: Two manage a household, I have a matter always not to understand, whether to inquire your.” 秦石知道,现在不是纠结的时候,而是应该想办法弄清楚幽族的目地,和抵抗幽族的方法,所以他斟酌下,冲两人道:“两位当家,我有件事情始终不懂,可否询问你们一下。” They look at each other sigh one painstakingly, the Nangong ice road: Yeah, Brother Shi Qin had any matter although asked that reduces to this predicament now, but also there is any matter does not say.” 两人对视苦叹一声,南宫冰道:“哎,石秦兄弟有什么事就尽管问吧,现在都沦落到这副窘境了,还有什么事是说不得的啊。” Good, I always too did not understand that two from where learned news that the Holy Ghost flower is in full bloom?” Qin Shi nods, question frankly. “那好,我始终不太理解,两位是从何处得知圣灵花盛开的消息?”秦石点点头,直言不讳的问句 Permits with Nangong ice frowning of unreliably, at once looks in the hesitations to each other. 玄允和南宫冰不由的皱起眉头,旋即在犹豫间望向彼此。 The silent meeting, permits to open the mouth unreliably: I in the desolated jungle, hear from a quiet clan female spigot, she had clashes of opinion with the quiet clan probably.” 沉默一会,玄允率先开口:“我是在荒芜丛林里,从一个幽族女子口中听见得,她好像和幽族闹了矛盾。” What?” “什么?” Hears the words that permits unreliably, to be deeper, pursues question that the Nangong ice brow wrinkles: „Did the female, call the blue leopard cat?” 听见玄允的话,南宫冰眉头皱的更深,追问句:“那女子,是不是叫蓝山猫?” How do you know?” Permitted to be startled being startled unreliably. “你怎么知道?”玄允怔了怔。 The Nangong ice focuses low and deep, after silent for a long time, heaved a deep sigh: I also from her mouth knew news that the Holy Ghost flower must be in full bloom!” 南宫冰低沉着眼,沉默了许久后才长叹一声:“我也是从她口中得知圣灵花要盛开的消息!” Sees their appearances, Qin Shi and Yu Luocha looking at each other as if by prior agreement, saw reluctantly some in each other pupil heart place. 望见两人的模样,秦石玉罗刹不约而同的对视一眼,在彼此的眸心处看见了些许无奈。 Qin Shi to permits them to shake the head unreliably, smiles bitterly: He he, it seems like I guess really right, two managed a household is used by this blue leopard cat, the quiet clan should draws onto the fog shade mountain you intentionally.” 秦石冲着玄允两人摇摇头,苦笑一声:“呵呵,看来我猜的果然没错,两位当家都被这蓝山猫利用了,幽族应该是故意将你们引上雾影山。” Permits to be suddenly enlighted with the Nangong ice unreliably, are all these a plot? 玄允和南宫冰恍然大悟,这一切原来都是个阴谋? Why do they want this?” “他们为什么要这样做?” But they did not understand why quiet clan can draw onto the fog shade mountain them? Profound groups and hundred, although wrests away a side in the desolated jungle, but has not always had the contradiction with the quiet clan. 但他们不理解,幽族为何要将他们引上雾影山?玄组和百家虽说在荒芜丛林中霸占一方,但从来未曾和幽族有过矛盾啊。 Sees their questions, Qin Shi similarly puzzled shaking the head: Does not know, but actually the truth is anything, such as the silver said likely general, in the evening can know.” 看出两人的质疑,秦石同样不解的摇摇头:“不知道,但真相究竟是什么,如银象所说一般,晚上就能知道了。” Now, what we should think how to resist the quiet clan, no matter in any case their points are anything, to us is the same.” Qin Shi lowered the head to consider, shouts to them. “现在,我们应该想的是怎样对抗幽族,反正不管他们的目地是什么,对我们来说都一样。”秦石低下头斟酌一下,冲两人喊道。 Nod of they approve, quiet clan, no matter holds any point, for them can is not the good deed, how now thinks to deal is the top priority, after all no one wants dead in this. 两人认可的点了点头,幽族不管抱有什么目地,对他们来说都会不是好事,现在想想如何应对才是硬道理,毕竟谁都不想死在这。 After reaching agreement, the Nangong ice curls up his long gown, at once begins after supinely, said to Qin Shi: Stone Brother Qin, you had any idea to say to look that our hundred all listened to you!” 在达成共识后,南宫冰将他的长袍卷起,旋即仰起头后冲着秦石道:“石秦老弟,你有什么想法说说看,我们百家全听你得!” hears that sound, Qin Shi accident has gawked staring, beckons with the hand to say hastily: Brother Nangong, this may not be applicable, the little brother my age is really small, the experience is also inferior to big brother 闻声,秦石意外的愣了愣,连忙摆手道:“南宫老哥,这可使不得,小弟我年纪甚小,经验也不如大哥” Brother Shi, you do not shirk, Nangong said right, here is your drop are many, my profound group also gives you, can everyone / influential family live is leaving this, all visited you.” Actually does not think that permits unreliably this time, extraordinary accident has not opposed with Qin Shi, instead especially trust also gives Qin Shi the profound group. “石老弟,你就别推脱了,南宫说的没错,这里就属你点子多,我玄组也交给你,大家能不能活着离开这,就全看你了。”却不想,玄允这一次,出奇意外的没和秦石作对,反而格外信任的将玄组也交给秦石 In several associate, strength in meditation and calm that Qin Shi displays, is some old monster no experienced, permits to know with the Nangong ice unreliably that now is not when makes, how the urgent matter leaves. 在几番交往下来,秦石所表现出的定力和沉稳,是一些老妖怪都没有的老练,玄允和南宫冰知道,现在不是在闹下去的时候,当务之急是怎么离开。 Before several issues, Qin Shi has shown his clear mentality. 之前几个问题,秦石已经将他清晰的思路展现出来。 Also a little , is most important, is the present, in this space ties, all people are unable to use spiritual power, only Qin Shi has the psychic force support, this is also they chooses to obey a Qin Shi most important point. 况且还有一点,也是最重要得一点,便是如今在这空间结界里,所有人都无法动用灵力,唯独秦石有精神力支撑,这也是两人选择顺从秦石最重要的一点。 Obtains the approval of two, Qin Shi silent, he is not interested in this commander in chief, if only then he and Yu Luocha, his also somewhat assurance withdraws, but more than 4000 people instead will make his hands tied feet tied. 得到两人的认可,秦石沉默一下,他对这个主帅是真不感兴趣,如果只有他和玉罗刹两人,他还有几分把握脱身,但4000多人反而会令他束手束脚。 But finally hesitates, he nods to comply saying: Good, the little brother I do not shirk, no matter the point of quiet clan is anything, we cannot, whatever they prey.” 但最终犹豫一下,他还是点头答应道:“那好,小弟我就不推脱了,不管幽族的目地是什么,咱们都不能任由他们鱼肉。” Tonight they will certainly untie space to tie, at that time was acting according to circumstances, now please two manage a household comforts the following little brother first, do not let them get down flurriedly, otherwise we did not strike burst, will only make the quiet clan reap profits.” “今晚他们一定会解开空间结界,那时候在见机行事,现在请两位当家先安抚下面的小弟,别让他们在慌乱下去,否则我们不击自溃,只会让幽族坐收渔翁之利。” Good, all listens to Brother Shi!” “好,全听石老弟得!” Permits with the Nangong ice unreliably very refreshedly complies with one, then looks at each other one, then starts to call the following disciple. 玄允和南宫冰很爽快的答应一声,然后对视一眼,便开始召集起下面的弟子。 Looks analysis and arrangement that Qin Shi is watertight, Yu Luocha in side static is waiting and seeing, her idea to the Qin Shi completely changed at this moment, is maintaining under this hopeless situation the calm and clear brains, is no one can have this courage. 望着秦石滴水不漏的分析和安排,玉罗刹就在旁边静静的观望着,此时此刻她对秦石的想法彻底改变了,在这种绝境下保持着沉稳和清晰的头脑,可不是谁都能够有这种胆魄。 At least is losing spiritual power instant, including some of her vacillations. 至少在失去灵力的刹那,连她都有些动摇。 Under feels in the bosom blazing vision, Qin Shi searches chuckle one: Why thinks so me? Falls in love with me?” 感觉到怀中炽热的目光,秦石探下头轻笑一声:“这么看我干吗?难道是爱上我了?” Obscene thief!” “淫贼!” By sexually harassing of Qin Shi scarlet fruits, the Yu Luocha ice-cold tenderness was allowed to raise wipes crimson, has turned head ill-humoredly white Qin Shi. 秦石赤果果的调戏,玉罗刹冰冷的娇容上升起一抹绯红,扭过头没好气的白了秦石一眼。 Time one minute one second of passing. 时间一分一秒的流逝。 Qin Shi and Yu Luocha in tying corner holds on to your hat, train of thought rapid rotates in the mind, is conceiving various possibilities of night. 秦石玉罗刹在结界的角落处坐稳,思绪迅速的在脑海中转动,设想着夜晚的各种可能。 Looks Qin Shi edges and corners distinct the face under the quiet fire, Yu Luocha is nipping cherry lips hesitant, opens the mouth saying: Shi’tou, this plot, perhaps not like you think simple, if had the accident, you can comply with my matter?” 望着在幽火下秦石棱角分明的面庞,玉罗刹咬着樱唇犹豫一下,开口道:“石头,这一次阴谋,恐怕不像你想想的那样简单,如果真的出了意外,你能不能答应我一件事?” After hears that sound, receives the train of thought that Qin Shi narrows the black pupil to look toward Yu Luocha, saw only hangs all over on the elegant face of Yu Luocha was easy and dignified. 闻声后收起思绪,秦石眯着黑眸朝玉罗刹望去,只见在玉罗刹的俏脸上挂满了优柔和凝重。 In that easy, moved of wisp of not easy detection, but was thrown to seize by Qin Shi, made abandoning of his accident, said: What matter? You said that I definitely promise you.” 在那优柔下,有一缕不易察觉的伤感,但还是被秦石扑捉到,令他意外的撇下最,道:“什么事?你说,我肯定答应你。” The Yu Luocha tender body trembles, on the elegant face raises wipes to struggle, in struggling black the sending silk lets fall gently, finally min the cherry lips were saying: If had the accident, must protect sunlight the security, the quiet clan will not let off her!” 玉罗刹的娇躯一颤,俏脸上升起一抹挣扎,在挣扎中黑色的发丝轻轻垂落,最终还是抿着樱唇道:“如果出了意外,一定要保护曦儿的安全,幽族不会放过她!” Um?” “嗯?” Knitting the brows of Qin Shi accident, said: How can? Sunlight no matter what said that is also the daughter of quiet clan taking office head of the clan.” 秦石意外的皱了皱眉,道:“怎么会?曦儿不管怎样说,也是幽族上任族长的女儿啊。” Some woods that the Yu Luocha pink / white fist pinches tightly are white, to shaking the head of Qin Shi forced smile: Because of so, blue vulture will not let off her.” 玉罗刹粉拳捏紧的有些森白,冲秦石苦笑的摇摇头:“正是因为如此,青雕才不会放过她。” Blue vulture?” “青雕?” Um, the head of the clan of current quiet clan.” Yu Luocha nodded. “嗯,现任幽族的族长。”玉罗刹点了点头。 , Qin Shi felt suddenly leaves does not suit, especially on Yu Luocha face easy low-spirited facial expression, question: Actually what's the matter?” 恍然一下,秦石感觉出不太对劲,特别是玉罗刹面庞上优柔黯然的神情,不禁问句:“究竟是怎么回事?” Shouted, if possible, I never want to mention that past really again.” “呼如果可能,我真的永远都不想再提起那段过去。” The white teeth of Yu Luocha bites the cherry lips, wipes the hevelian halo the blood unknowingly to flow off, but she knows that did not say without enough time, finally has had to heave a deep sigh: Perhaps this matter, must from 30 years of premise 玉罗刹的皓齿咬住樱唇,一抹淡晕的鲜血在不经意间流下,但她知道再不说就来不及了,最终只好长叹一声:“这件事,恐怕要从30年前提起” 30 years ago?” “30年前?” The Qin Shi look moves slightly, is surprised the different way: You said when the previous Holy Ghost flower is in full bloom the war?” 秦石神色微动,诧异道:“你是说,上次圣灵花盛开时的大战?” Um.” Yu Luocha begins supinely, her pupil heart place is somewhat lax, allows as a result of falling into the recollection tenderly appears loses, for a long time spookily said: Actually, I and snake ceratop, are the brother and sister who the righteousness ties the sworn brother “嗯。”玉罗刹仰起头,她的眸心处有些涣散,娇容上由于陷入回忆而显得失落,许久才幽幽道:“其实,我和蛇角龙,算是义结金兰的兄妹吧” What?” “啥?” Qin Shi opened inconceivable mouth, said with amazement: You said that you and snake ceratop are brother and sister?” 秦石张了张不可思议的嘴巴,惊讶道:“你说,你和蛇角龙是兄妹?” Um, not only I and he, including Hua Ling are also, three of us are acquainted for dozens years, Hua Ling is the rank Boss, snake ceratop is a second child, I am youngest “嗯,不光我和他,包括花零也是,我们三人相识数十载,花零是排行老大,蛇角龙是老二,我最小” Including Hua Ling is also?” “连花零也是?” The day, the gold content of this news is not small, making Qin Shi quite a while not digest. 天啊,这个消息的含金量可不小,令秦石半天都没有消化。 Hua Ling, snake ceratop, Yu Luocha, is full breaks desolated knot by the brute force the scarlet flame first person, one is taking office head of the clan of quiet clan, three of desolated jungle certainly one, did this take a broad view 30 years ago perhaps is the strongest three people? 花零,蛇角龙,玉罗刹,一个是足矣靠蛮力破开荒芜结界的赤炎第一人,一个是幽族的上任族长,一个荒芜丛林的三绝之一,这放眼在30年前恐怕是最强势的三人了吧? But what is most important, are three people unexpectedly the brother and sister? 但最重要的是,三人竟是兄妹? This too has exaggerated, Qin Shi has sucked the tongue, at once he thinks anything suddenly, said with amazement: You are the younger sister of snake ceratop, that said that sunlight is your niece?” 这太夸张了,秦石咂了咂舌,旋即他猛然间想起来什么,惊讶道:“你是蛇角龙的妹妹,那岂不是说曦儿是你的侄女?” Under point that Yu Luocha has not denied: Right, from me just knows when sunlight is his daughter, I know that sunlight is my niece, but I do not dare to recognize her 玉罗刹没有否认的点下头:“没错,从我刚知道曦儿是他的女儿时,我就知道曦儿是我的侄女,只是我不敢认她而已” „, Is this also good?” “靠,这也行?” No wonder, haven't you to sunlight childhood that icy feeling, the sentiment had this matter?” Qin Shi has swallowed a spit difficultly, at once whisper the winking eye said: „It is not right, that said that sunlight shouted I Brother Shi calculates you were my paternal aunt?” “难怪,你对曦儿时没有那种冷冰冰的感觉,感情有这事?”秦石艰难的咽了口吐沫,旋即叽咕挤咕眼睛道:“不对,那岂不是说,曦儿喊我石头哥算下来你还是我姑姑了?” Can a little proper type?” “能不能有点正经样?” Everywhere moved Yu Luocha, one was shocked to the lane by Qin Shi this saying, for a long time, ill-humored white. 本来满目伤感的玉罗刹,被秦石这话一下给弄愣住了,许久后才没好气的白了一眼。 „, The paternal aunt on the paternal aunt, in any case is not the biological paternal aunt, does this help us improving the relationship is not?” Under behind Qin Shi awkward grasping the head, the sound arrives is actually getting smaller, because he felt that he said again words that Yu Luocha could kill people. “呃,得,姑姑就姑姑,反正不是亲姑姑,这样更有利于咱们增进感情不是?”秦石尴尬的抓下脑袋,声音到后面却是越来越小,因为他感觉他再说下去的话,玉罗刹可能就要杀人了。 Therefore, he hurried not to say on this that ten fingers intersected question after the chest: Then? What did you have 30 years ago?” 为此,他赶忙不在这上面多说,十指交叉在胸口后问句:“然后呢?你们在30年前发生了什么?” Do not ask that I do not want to raise, so long as you know finally our noisy is not very happy, the Second Brother to protect the Holy Ghost flower dies, the eldest sister also breaks through the desolated jungle under the anger knot, one does not turn over, finally only leaves behind me.” Yu Luocha was saying easy was saying, the ice-cold pupil heart place dodges the corridor clear ray unexpectedly, did she cry? “不要问,我不想提,你只要知道最终我们三人闹的很不愉快,二哥为了守护圣灵花而死,大姐也在愤怒下冲破荒芜丛林的结界,一去不归,最终就只留下我一人。”玉罗刹优柔的说着说着,冰冷的眸心处竟闪过道晶莹的光芒,她哭了? Looks at the tears to fall Yu Luocha of cheeks, the Qin Shi heartstrings ripples, inexplicable loves dearly at present this girl. 看着泪水滑落脸颊的玉罗刹,秦石的心弦荡漾一下,莫名的心疼起眼前这个女孩。 He had not asked really again, but he knows, no matter has had anything, 30 years ago in this girl's the mind definitely has received the extreme serious grief, likely for this reason causes her in this desolated jungle, has sealed up fully for 30 years. 他真的没再去问,但他知道不管发生过什么,在30年前这个女孩的心灵上肯定受过极端严重的伤痛,很可能就是为此才导致她在这荒芜丛林里,整整封闭了30年。 Thinks of these, his low-spirited inspiration, blocks the fragrant shoulder of Yu Luocha: Relax, I promise you, no matter has anything, I will certainly protect you and sunlight, we will not have an accident!” 想到这些,他黯然的吸了口气,一把拦住玉罗刹的香肩:“放心吧,我答应你,不管发生什么,我一定会保护你和曦儿,我们谁都不会出事!”
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