PDL :: Volume #4

#339: False Holy Ghost flower

Came?” “来了么?” The black pupil of Qin Shi like the sharp sword is bringing vigilantly toward the quiet forest in throws, has wisp of dense spiritual power to flash past in his Sea of Consciousness in the quiet forest, making his mind is heavy. 秦石的黑眸如利剑般带着警惕的朝幽林中抛去,在幽林中有一缕森然的灵力在他识海一闪而过,令他心神不禁的沉重下来。 Bang! 轰! Suddenly, in the quiet forest bang, the ancient wood avalanche all around, the earth splits all such as winds the Longji gully, gives the incision the peak unexpectedly. 突然,幽林中巨响一声,周遭的古木尽数崩塌,大地裂开如蜿蜒龙脊般的沟壑,竟然生生将峰顶给切开。 At once sees only four light beams to leap in gully however lifts off, is producing the intense resonance, square knot such as the shackles is together common, the profound group, hundred, over a thousand disciples locks sleepy in. 旋即只见四道光柱在沟壑中腾然升空,在彼此间产生强烈的共鸣,一道正方形的结界如牢笼一般,生生将玄组,百家,上千名弟子锁困其中。 Jie Jie, the kid, very has the skill, this thinks that only depends on Bloodthirsty Dragon to level you, it seems like I looked down on you.” Following close on, is seeing only ringing in the clear sky the residual sound reverberation, dozens forms are exploding to shoot in all directions. “桀桀,小家伙,挺有本事吗,本以为光靠嗜血龙鲛就能摆平你们,看来我还是小瞧你们了啊。”紧跟着,只见朗朗晴空上余音回荡,数十道身影在四处爆射而起。 Is the quiet clan?” “是幽族?” all Renyang begins, is looking, in the square shape ties outside clear sky, the remnant shade that one crowd such as the wind comes, the Chest is startled. 诸人仰起头,望着在方形结界外的晴空中,一群如风而来的残影,心口不由一惊。 Going forward has probably thirty people, if this crowd of person complete appearances Pan An, or devastatingly beautiful. 上前的大约有三十几人,这群人全部貌若潘安,或倾国倾城 Not is just the characteristics of quiet clan? 不正是幽族的特征? In the instance that the quiet clansman presents, She Xi'er from the Yu Luocha bosom shivers, after beginning supinely, looks two who the quiet clan is leading to shout the sentence excitedly: Silver looks like the uncle, dark green wolf uncle!” 在幽族人出现的瞬间,蛇曦儿玉罗刹怀里颤抖一下,仰起头后望着幽族领头的两人兴奋喊句:“银象叔叔,苍狼叔叔!” Sunlight?” “曦儿?” Sees She Xi'er in Yu Luocha bosom, they have surprised obviously, but surprised moment, the face is then pale. 望见在玉罗刹怀中的蛇曦儿,两人明显有惊讶,但只是惊讶了片刻,面庞便铁青下来。 The middle-aged silent meeting of named dark green wolf, shows the strange smiling face immediately, wields single-handed, She Xi'er space all around is then fierce trembles, was grasped suddenly: Sunlight is clever, on uncle this comes!” 名为苍狼的中年沉默一会,马上露出诡异的笑容,单手一挥,蛇曦儿周遭的空间便剧烈一颤,猛然被抓了上去:“曦儿乖,上叔叔这来!” Sunlight!” “曦儿!” The sudden difference made the Yu Luocha tender body one startled, but she just wanted leapt the body to grasp She Xi'er instant, in dark green wolf nearby silver was likely single-handed wields, wiped the silver light space to break to tie, straight pricked to the Yu Luocha forehead. 突然的异样令玉罗刹娇躯一惊,但她刚欲跃身去抓蛇曦儿的刹那,在苍狼旁边的银象单手一挥,一抹银色的光宇破开结界,笔直的冲玉罗刹眉心刺入。 Bang! 砰! Flurried, the Yu Luocha beautiful pupil stares in a big way, when has gotten back one's composure in wants to move aside is without enough time, is good, in the black robe speeds away together, flashes before her, the next instant bone-chilling cold cold glow cold glow meets the approaching enemy together on, has the four directions wan character sword-light, keeps off the light space. 慌乱中,玉罗刹美眸瞪大,回过神时在想躲闪已是来不及了,好在一道黑袍疾驰而下,在她面前一晃而过,下一霎一道凛冽的寒芒寒芒迎击而上,产生四方的卍字剑光,将光宇挡下。 Well? Kept off?” “咦?挡下了?” The silver shape crosses the hands behind the back Yu Kong somewhat accidental. 银象负手于空的有些意外。 Looks at the silver alike movement, She Xi'er is hugged by the dark green wolf in the bosom makes an effort to struggle: Silver looks like the uncle, cannot you injure Brother Shi!” 看着银象的动作,蛇曦儿被苍狼抱在怀中使劲挣扎一下:“银象叔叔,不许你伤害石头哥!” Wants the hand again, after She Xi'er breaks away, has put silver alike carrying on the back, the pink / white fist pounds down toward the silver alike back like the raindrop. 再欲起手,蛇曦儿已经挣开后扑在银象的背上,粉拳如雨点般朝银象的背脊砸下。 Withstands is scratching the itchy ache, the silver stares likely, after dorsal general She Xi'er grasps smiles bitterly saying: Good, the silver looks like the uncle not to injure him, do you go back to be good with the dark green wolf uncle first? I bring immediately to you your Brother Shi.” 承受着抓痒痒的疼痛,银象不禁一愣,在后背上将蛇曦儿抓下来后苦笑道:“好,银象叔叔不伤害他,你先和苍狼叔叔回去好不好?我马上就把你石头哥给你带回去。” Really?” “真得?” She Xi'er half believing, half doubting nature question. 蛇曦儿将信将疑的质问句 Naturally is , does silver look like the uncle to deceive you?” Silver likely with a laugh cheated one, at once clashes the dark green wolf to wield starts, said: You send back sunlight first.” “当然是真得,银象叔叔骗过你吗?”银象笑呵呵的哄骗一声,旋即冲苍狼挥下手,道:“你先把曦儿送回去。” The dark green wolf in the silver hand received She Xi'er likely hesitant, at once nods saying: You a bit faster, in the evening are to hold a memorial service for the big ritual, if delayed has offered a sacrifice to exactly troubles.” 苍狼在银象手中接过蛇曦儿后犹豫一下,旋即点头道:“那你快点,晚上就是祭奠大礼,若是耽误了活祭就麻烦了。” Um.” The silver shape nods accordingly. “嗯。”银象点头应声。 Looks that the silver shape complies, dark green wolf holds She Xi'er to set out to look back, welcomes the vault of heaven to make a pilgrimage to a famous mountain temple outside leaps under. 看着银象答应,苍狼才抱着蛇曦儿起身回首,迎着天穹朝山外飞跃而下。 In four directions light beam ties, Qin Shi supports Yu Luocha, the rapid care said: „Are you how is it? Was injured?” 在四方的光柱结界中,秦石扶住玉罗刹,急促的关心道:“你怎么样?受伤了吗?” I am all right, sunlight?” The Yu Luocha elegant face is pale, white hands forced swings to Qin Shi, then raises head to look toward the vault of heaven. “我没事,曦儿呢?”玉罗刹俏脸苍白,玉手牵强的冲秦石摆动一下,然后仰头朝苍穹上望去。 Qin Shi was startled being startled, the forced smile said: Relax, sunlight is in itself the person of quiet clan, the quiet clan should not feel embarrassed her.” 秦石不由的怔了怔,苦笑道:“放心吧,曦儿本身就是幽族的人,幽族应该不会为难她。” Yu Luocha nodded, has not spoken again. 玉罗刹点了点头,没再说话。 Under comforting Yu Luocha, the Qin Shi black pupil raises, said to the silver shape: He he, the solemn quiet clan, under the so heavy hand to a woman of lacking the strength to truss up a chicken, did not fear that was scoffed?” 安抚下玉罗刹,秦石黑眸扬起,冲着银象道:“呵呵,堂堂幽族,对一个手无缚鸡之力的女人下如此重手,难道就不怕被人耻笑吗?” The silver in vault of heaven looks like hear that, the surprise smiles one: He he, you said that Yu Luocha is the woman of lacking the strength to truss up a chicken? Is joking with me?” 在苍穹上的银象闻言,诧异的笑一声:“呵呵,你说玉罗刹是手无缚鸡之力的女人?是在和我开玩笑嘛?” Qin Shi shrugs, is disinclined to intertwine in this topic with the silver likely, what cultivation no matter in his opinion Yu Luocha has is, after is only the womenfolk that needs to protect to love. 秦石耸了耸肩,懒得和银象在这个话题上纠结,在他看来不管玉罗刹有什么样的修为,终归只是个需要保护疼爱的女流之辈。 Since the quiet clansman supposes to tie in the, they definitely have premeditated, now looks at this premeditation is anything, the price was anything. 幽族人既然早在附近设下结界,那他们肯定是有所预谋,现在就看这个预谋是什么,代价是什么了。 We hope that this price will not be serious is good. 希望,这个代价不会太惨重才好。 Therefore, Qin Shi is pinching fist throughout, psychic force high degree of concentration in a surrounding area kilometer each inch space, if the silver got rid at this time likely suddenly, he can without the slightest hesitation put together jade Ju Fen with him. 为此,秦石始终捏着拳,精神力高度集中在方圆千米的每寸空间,如果银象在这时突然出手,他会毫不犹豫的和他拼个玉石俱焚。 Induces to the Qin Shi difference, on the Yu Luocha ice-cold elegant face melts to open, pulling of softness he, beautiful pupil and in his looking at each other, as if in Xuan Da renouncing, with his renouncing of syngenesis with dying. 感应到秦石的异样,玉罗刹冰冷的俏脸上融化而开,柔情似水的挽住他,美眸和他的对视中,仿佛在宣达一种决绝,和他同生同死的决绝。 No matter has anything, I will accompany you.” “不管发生什么,我会陪你。” Trembled at heart trembling, the face of Qin Shi obviously changed countenance slightly, was looking at Yu Luocha of rare tender feelings, raised the hand like a waterfall to caress on her black hair lightly: Country bumpkin, do not think that will not have the matter.” 心里颤了颤,秦石的面庞稍显动容一下,望着罕见柔情的玉罗刹,扬起手在她如瀑布般的青丝上轻抚一下:“傻帽,别多想,不会有事。” Under the Yu Luocha gentle point, the tender body has depended toward Qin Shi once again. 玉罗刹温婉的点下头,娇躯再度朝秦石靠了靠。 Holds in the arms the fragrant shoulder of Yu Luocha, Qin Shi long implores one, begins supinely the profound black pupil like the sharp sword staring silver shape: Said that are you what kind of?” 搂住玉罗刹的香肩,秦石长吁一声,仰起头深邃的黑眸如利剑般凝视银象:“说吧,你们想怎样?” The shaft and Nangong ice this is also leaps under the lakeside sets out, station abreast in row side Qin Shi, dignified waiting silver alike reply. 轩辕和南宫冰这是在湖畔下也跃起身,并排的站到秦石身旁,凝重的等待银象的回答。 Only fortunately, Holy Ghost flower now in their hands, this is their final chips. 唯一值得庆幸的是,圣灵花如今在他们手上,这是他们最后的筹码。 The silver bird's eye view all people, the corners of the mouth are raising together contemptuous killing intent likely: He he, is what kind of? Has abandoned such big vigor all your assembled, naturally wanted you dead!” 银象俯瞰着诸人,嘴角扬起一道轻蔑的杀意:“呵呵,想怎么样?废了这么大的劲才把你们聚齐,当然是要你们死了!” Drinks, big tone!” “喝,好大的口气!” Permits with the Nangong ice low and deep under face, in the sound to have the anger unreliably. 玄允和南宫冰低沉下脸,声音中带着怒火。 Qin Shi has not spoken, is only the silent meeting, lifts to be high after the Holy Ghost flower, said with a smile: He he, making us die? Do not forget, Holy Ghost flower in our hands, if compelled us anxiously, perhaps you must wait again on for one 30 years.” 秦石却并未说话,只是沉默一会,将圣灵花举高后笑道:“呵呵,让我们死?你别忘了,圣灵花在我们手上,若是把我们逼急了,你们恐怕还要再等上一个30年。” Ha Ha, Holy Ghost flower? Do you determine in your hand are really the Holy Ghost flower?” The silver shape has gawked staring, probably heard the huge joke, crosses the hands behind the back vertical ringing laughs. “哈哈,圣灵花?你确定你手上真的是圣灵花么?”银象愣了愣,好像听见了天大的笑话,负手而立的朗朗大笑。 Um?” “嗯?” Qin Shi knit the brows, at once his god reads in a flash, not good reading wants to raise in the heart, follows close on to pinch the Holy Ghost flower in hand, pale golden spiritual power pours into the Holy Ghost flower among the five fingers together. 秦石皱了皱眉,旋即他神念一晃,一个不好的念想在心中升起,紧跟着捏起手中的圣灵花,一道淡金色的灵力自五指间灌入圣灵花中。 By the spiritual power contamination, the Holy Ghost flower was sent out the blue dim light weakly unexpectedly suddenly, is weak in the flash, finally melts to open. 受到微弱的灵力沾染,圣灵花竟突然间散发起碧蓝色的幽光,然后在一瞬间瘫软下来,最终融化而开。 Is looking at the Holy Ghost flower of melting, Qin Shi complexion is pale: Damn, was deceived?” 望着融化的圣灵花,秦石面色铁青下来:“该死,被骗了?” „Is boy, what you making?” “小子,你在做什么?” Sees the Qin Shi movement, permits to fly into a rage unreliably. 望见秦石的动作,玄允勃然大怒。 The Nangong ice has also been startled being startled, but has not waited for them to open the mouth once again, the Yu Luocha beautiful figure picks up, one step horizontally above holding up day, said fierce: „Hasn't idiot, you looked? This Holy Ghost flower is false!” 南宫冰也是怔了怔,但未等两人再度开口,玉罗刹倩影托起,一步横在擎天之上,厉声道:“白痴,难道你们还没看出来?这圣灵花是假得!” „Is vacation, false?” “假,假得?” Permits to shiver unreliably with the Nangong ice, follows close on the Holy Ghost flower in Qin Shi hand to be defeated and dispersed thoroughly, becomes a beach Ruoshui crashes into Tianchi. 玄允和南宫冰颤抖一下,紧跟着秦石手中的圣灵花彻底溃散,成一滩弱水坠入天池。 Sees this, in various will of the people one cold. 望见这幕,诸人心里一寒。 The black pupil of Qin Shi arrives into toward below, looks in the control residual Ruoshui to smile bitterly. 秦石的黑眸朝下抵入,望着手心上残留的弱水不禁苦笑。 The Holy Ghost flower is false, that i.e. they final chip did not have. 圣灵花是假得,那就是说他们连最后的筹码都没了。 Realizes this, the profound groups and hundred people were all flurried, like going crazy, all kinds of martial arts simultaneously offer a sacrifice. 意识到这点,玄组和百家的人全慌乱了,一个一个像发疯一样,各式各样的武学同时祭出。 Swims the dragon all sea!” “游龙四海!” Permits to draw out the hand unreliably, the tuck dive of flood dragon of water and sky docking from the level of the lake, in the silver shape toward vault of heaven worries together suddenly. 玄允跟着起手,一道水天相接的蛟龙自湖面上翻腾而起,猛然朝苍穹上的银象撕咬下去。 Nangong ice with two Lei Guang: Falls Lei Qiang!” 南宫冰跟着两道雷光:“落雷枪!” But Qin Shi, holds Yu Luocha to stand in only same place, begins he to look at all around bright light Yu Jiejie supinely, in the heart is falling into unprecedented to be dignified. 但惟独秦石,扶着玉罗刹站在原地,仰起头他望着周遭灿烂的光宇结界,心中陷入前所未有的凝重。 Lowered the head, looks at attack of blotting out the sky completely at ease, the silver is cracking likely actually into a smile, hides crossing the hands behind the back that has not dodged to stand continually: Snort, overestimate one's capabilities, if such easily broke away by you, our over half a month time may really eat the excrement.” 低下头,望着铺天盖地的攻击,银象却坦然自若的咧嘴一笑,连躲都不曾躲闪的负手而立:“哼,不自量力,若是这么容易就被你们挣开,我们这大半个月的时间可真是吃屎去了。” Bang! 轰! Suddenly, sees only the everywhere bright only space, is moving ties refuses to compromise instantaneously, then has not caused including the ripples of least bit, edge baseless vanishes in the four directions tie. 恍然,只见漫天灿烂的光宇,在触碰结界的瞬间僵持一下,然后连半点的涟漪都尚未引起,就在四方结界的边缘处凭空消失。 Is looking at disappearance martial arts and spiritual power, the Qin Shi low and deep face is once more dignified: Really, is the space ties?” 望着消失的武学灵力,秦石低沉的脸再次凝重:“果然,是空间结界?” The silver shape crosses the hands behind the back is dragging long gown, float Yu Kong looks that Qin Shi sneers saying: He he, you thought now that you also with the qualifications that I did negotiate?” 银象负手的拖着长袍,悬浮于空的看着秦石冷笑道:“呵呵,现在你觉得,你还又和我谈判的资格么?” The heavy heart such as by giant stone crush, Qin Shi was been cold the face to begin supinely: Really takes great pains, what I am more curious, under the fee such flustered greatly cloth the space ties to seize us, actually do you have what point?” 沉重的心如被巨石碾压,秦石冷着脸庞仰起头:“真是煞费苦心,但我更好奇的是,费这么大周章的布下空间结界将我们擒住,你们究竟有什么目地?” Do not be anxious, in the evening you knew!” “别急,晚上你就知道了!” Lowered the head smiles one craftily, the silver shape waves to shout to nearby four quiet younger clan cousin children: Draws to tie, sends back them first, starts to prepare evening's live sacrifice!” 低下头诡笑一声,银象挥手冲着旁边的四名幽族弟子喊道:“收拢结界,将他们先送回去,开始准备晚上的活祭!” Yes!” “是!” Nearby four quiet younger clan cousin children result in the command, instead then respectively leaps toward nearby four light beams, at once sees only on four light beams raising mysterious Fu Wen, starts to draw in toward the center suddenly. 旁边的四名幽族弟子得令,反然后分别朝旁边的四道光柱跃去,旋即只见四道光柱上升起玄奥符文,猛然间开始朝中央收拢。 Bang! 轰! Suddenly, does a surrounding area hundred li (0.5km) space, unexpectedly become a space ring by the crush? 戛然间,方圆百里的空间,竟被碾压成一枚空间戒指? The silver shape grips the ring, waves saying: Walks!” 银象握住戒指,挥手道:“走!” In leaving the peak, silver various people return to by the back side of the mountain altar likely rapidly. 在离开峰顶,银象诸人迅速回到后山处的祭坛旁。 Before the altar, about thousand delicate and pretty men and women close up in this. 在祭坛前,有近千名俊美男女靠拢在此。 Blue vulture ease is holding Bai Xu, sits sees after the altar the silver shape comes back, shows the silk dense smiling face: He he, how is it?” 青雕悠然的扶着白须,坐在祭坛上看见银象回来后,露出丝森然的笑容:“呵呵,怎么样?” Returns to the head of the clan, all are ready.” “回族长,一切就绪。” Single knee of bowing the head kneels down, silver hands over likely to the blue vulture the space ring in hand. 俯首的单膝跪下,银象将手中的空间戒指冲青雕递上。 Received the ring, the blue vulture has licked the split lip, revealed a rare excitement in the old facial features, after patting the hand, great happiness: Good, on the day of 4000 people of live sacrifices, made me wait till finally.” 接过戒指,青雕舔了舔干裂的嘴唇,在苍老的面容上露出一丝罕见的兴奋,拍下把手后大喜道:“好,4000人的活祭,终于让我等到这一天了。” In the silver side, dark green wolf lowers the head likely hesitant, finally steps goes forward saying: azure carves the head of the clan, the matter does not know , said that did not work as to say.” 在银象旁边,苍狼低头犹豫一下,最终还是迈上前道:“青雕族长,有一件事不知当说不当说。” What? Said!” “何事?说!” The blue vulture was very probably happy, being all smiles wields to the dark green wolf starts. 青雕好像很高兴,笑容满面的冲苍狼挥下手。 The dark green wolf hesitates, somewhat embarrassedly said: She Xi'er, it has not died 苍狼犹豫犹豫,却有些难堪道:“蛇曦儿,它没死” What?” The smiling face on blue vulture face is suddenly stiff, at once sees only his fierce standing up, an enormous and powerful spirit pressure made all around quiet forest one sway: „It is not in she and that cheap person leaves in the clan, did some people proliferate the news? How can she not die?” “什么?”青雕面庞上的笑容戛然僵硬,旋即只见他猛的站起身,一股浩荡的灵压令周遭幽林一阵晃荡:“不是早在她和那贱人离开族中时,就已经有人将消息扩散出去了吗?她怎么会没死?” Dark green cruel one cold, after hitting trembled, hurries the respectful squatting lower part of the body: Returns, returns to the head of the clan, was Yu Luocha has saved her.” 苍狼心中一寒,打了个哆嗦后赶忙恭敬的蹲下身:“回,回族长,是玉罗刹救了她。” Yu Luocha, Yu Luocha! Also is she!” 玉罗刹,玉罗刹!又是她!” 30 years, the entire 30 years, snake ceratop you have been possible really to recognize a good younger sister, but I to wanting to look, these time does not have Hua Ling, she also has any exceedingly high ability to go bad my good deed!” Hears the Yu Luocha three characters, the blue vulture seemed lit is the same, one after another agitated anger in-line clouds. “30年了,整整30年了,蛇角龙你可真是认了个好妹妹,但我到想要瞧一瞧,这一次没有花零,她还有什么通天的本领来坏我好事!”听到玉罗刹三个字,青雕仿佛被点燃一样,一股一股汹汹的怒火直插云霄。 Under the person under altar all shivers, in abundance low head. 祭坛下的人全都颤抖下,纷纷低下头颅。 Agitated anger combustion, after for a long time , the blue vulture pinches tightly the fist: „, Hides first her, do not let that group of old fogies of elder assembly know, when all plans prepare to improve, I have killed her personally!” 汹汹的怒火燃烧,许久后青雕才捏紧拳头:“罢了,先将她藏起来,别让长老会的那帮老家伙知道,待一切计划准备完善,我亲手杀了她!” Yes!” “是!” Under point that the dark green wolf trembles, hurries to draw back the body to get down. 苍狼哆嗦的点下头,赶忙退身下去。 Looks dark green wolf that is drawing back, the blue vulture by begins after behind chair supinely, the split corners of the mouth raise toward on wipe the strange radian, a miraculous glow of wisp of wisp of detection all around is pacing back and forth. 望着退下的苍狼,青雕靠在身后的椅子上后仰起头,干裂的嘴角朝上扬起一抹诡异的弧度,一缕一缕不已察觉的灵光在周遭徘徊。 „On the day of 30 years, I must wait till finally! Hua Ling, the past enmity, I met to look! From Yu Luocha!” “30年了,我终于要等到这一天了!花零,当年的仇,我一定会一个一个的找回来!就从玉罗刹开始!”
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