PDL :: Volume #4

#338: Trilateral cooperation

Roar The dragon shark circles in airborne deafening calling out. 龙鲛盘旋在空中震耳欲聋的嚎叫。 The profound groups, hundred, Qin Shi and tripartite person encircle by the lakeside, no one dares to begin easily. 玄组、百家、秦石、三方人就围剿在湖畔旁边,谁都不敢轻易动手。 Nangong ice, Yu Luocha!” “南宫冰,玉罗刹!” In refusing to compromise, permits suddenly the Chaonan Gong ice and Yu Luocha unreliably lowers roars, after capturing their attention, he said again: Now this situation everyone / influential family also saw, if waits for the quiet clan to come the human again, we no one can get away!” 在僵持中,玄允突然朝南宫冰和玉罗刹低吼一声,吸引两人的目光后他再次道:“现在这情况大家也都看见了,如果再等下去幽族来人,咱们谁都走不了!” Your what meaning?” The Nangong ice knit the brows. “你什么意思?”南宫冰皱了皱眉。 Permits unreliably silent, said: My meaning is, trilateral cooperation.” 玄允沉默一下,道:“我的意思是,三方合作。” Cooperation?” “合作?” The Nangong ice is somewhat accidental to this proposition. 南宫冰对这个提议有些意外。 Permits under the point that strikes while the iron is hot unreliably: Um, everyone / influential family seizes the Holy Ghost flower, nothing but is to leave the desolated jungle, why not we such as turn swords into plowshares, so long as we, certainly can together exceed this Bloodthirsty Dragon.” 玄允趁热打铁的点下头:“嗯,大家夺圣灵花,无非就是想要离开荒芜丛林,我们何不如化干戈为玉帛,只要我们一起,一定能胜过这嗜血龙鲛。” Heard this saying, the Nangong ice changed countenance obviously, he and hundred many disciples captured the Holy Ghost flower truly to leave the desolated jungle, now only depends on hundred obviously is not the Bloodthirsty Dragon match, but additional heaven group and Yu Luocha, that not necessarily. 听到这话,南宫冰明显动容了,他和百家的诸多弟子夺取圣灵花确实是为了离开荒芜丛林,如今光靠百家显然不是嗜血龙鲛的对手,但加上玄组和玉罗刹,那就未必了。 Yu Luocha, two Profound Spirit Realm Initial Stage peak, unite with more than 4000 disciples, rubs also to rub this bloodthirsty flood dragon. 一个玉罗刹,两个玄灵境初期巅峰,和4000多名弟子联合,磨也能磨死这嗜血蛟龙。 But he not blind complying, but casts aside to look at excessively toward Yu Luocha the vision, after all Yu Luocha and Qin Shi their strengths, on the scene are existences of ranking among the best, especially Qin Shi got rid to save him a moment ago, that vigorous and resolute method, even if he must give way to traffic three points. 但他并未盲目的答应,而是将目光撇过头朝玉罗刹望去,毕竟玉罗刹秦石两人的实力,在场都是数一数二的存在,特别是刚才秦石出手救他,那种雷厉风行的手段,就算是他都要避让三分。 This, Qin Shi and Yu Luocha become the focal points in field, the meaning of Nangong ice was very clear, whether that eventually can achieve consistently, visited them. 这一下,秦石玉罗刹成为场上的焦点,南宫冰的意思已经很明确,那最终能否达成一致,就看他们两人了。 Yu Luocha sweeps away one, said to Qin Shi: Shi’tou, how do you see?” 玉罗刹横扫一眼,冲秦石道:“石头,你怎么看?” Cooperation? Truly is good means.” “合作?确实是个不错的办法。” The Qin Shi sound is not too big nor too small, but made the audience hear sufficiently clearly. 秦石声音不大不小,但却足以令全场听得清楚。 Happy intent that hears that sound, permits unreliably unknowingly reveals: Said that you did comply?” 闻声,玄允的喜意不经意间露出:“这么说,你是答应了?” Qin Shi whips the tiger wing not to respond directly, instead is shakes down the head: Not, I thought that the cooperation truly is a good method, but before complying I must know actually first this does cooperate with what pattern? Who takes responsibility who to do auxiliary, can divide clearly?” 秦石拍打着虎翼并未直接回应,反是摇下头:“非也,我只是觉得,合作确实是个不错的方法,但在答应之前我要先知道这个合作究竟是以什么样的模式?谁做主谁做辅,总要分清楚吧?” Here him intentionally, then shrugged saying: After all, I do not think that my payout is giving others to make the springboard.” 说到这他故意顿下,然后耸了耸肩道:“毕竟,我可不想我的付出是在给别人做跳板。” This “这” Hears this saying, permitted to suck the tongue unreliably, suddenly has not responded. 听到这话,玄允咂了咂舌,一时间没有回应上来。 The Nangong ice also responded that after permitted threw probably to wait for a view the vision unreliably. 南宫冰也反应过来,将目光朝玄允抛去后好像在等待一个说法。 Therefore, the focal point shifts to profound permitting on immediately. 为此,焦点马上转移到玄允身上。 Under being a focus of public attention, the face that permits unreliably is pale, he has not thought that this seems like the 20-year-old youth, works completely is incompatible with his age, so is watertight unexpectedly. 在万众瞩目下,玄允的面庞铁青下来,他没有想到这看似20岁的少年,做起事来却和他的年纪完全不符,竟是这般滴水不漏。 Looks admits defeat permits unreliably, Yu Luocha contemptuously smiles, regards the 20-year-old child Qin Shi? That is very dangerous matter. 看着吃瘪的玄允,玉罗刹轻蔑一笑,把秦石当成20岁的孩子?那可是非常危险的事情。 You, various additional heaven groups and hundred place three Profound Spirit Realm, such everyone / influential family resists Bloodthirsty Dragon first together, after striking kills Bloodthirsty Dragon, what saying that doesn't know like this cooperation your satisfied?” Permits to consider unreliably, response said. “你们两人,加上玄组和百家各处三名玄灵境,这样大家先共同对抗嗜血龙鲛,击杀嗜血龙鲛后什么都好说,不知这样的合作你们可满意?”玄允斟酌一下,回应道。 To this cooperation, the Nangong ice lowers the head to equal, does not have the too big significance actually. 对这合作,南宫冰低头合计一下,倒是没有太大的意义。 But Qin Shi actually knit the brows, at once stretches to clear the way: I felt that this is not quite appropriate.” 秦石却皱了皱眉,旋即舒展开道:“我感觉,这不太合适。” Not to be how inappropriate, you said.” Permits to clench teeth to say unreliably. “怎么不合适,你说。”玄允咬着牙道。 Qin Shi lowers the head to ponder, had not proposed that the way of cooperation, instead interrogated one: First I have an issue, since we choose the cooperation, whether that original celebrating a holiday can put down first, each other trust?” 秦石低头沉思一下,并未提出合作的方式,反而质问一句:“首先我有个问题,咱们既然选择合作,那原来的过节是不是能先放下,彼此信任?” Permitted staring unreliably, does not know any medicine that in Qin Shi this bottle gourd sold, but he was very frank complied with one: This is natural, the everyone / influential family point is the same, to capture the Holy Ghost flower.” 玄允愣了愣,不知秦石这葫芦里卖的什么药,但他还是很爽朗的答应一声:“这是当然,大家的目地一样,都是为了夺取圣灵花么。” That is good!” “那就好!” hears that sound, the Qin Shi corners of the mouth select lightly, at once he raises the vision, looks to say toward the Holy Ghost flower: Such words, I thought that and Bloodthirsty Dragon puts together life and death with it, might as well by permit to manage a household unreliably with Nangong manages a household leads two to tie down Bloodthirsty Dragon respectively, then seizes the chance to rob the Holy Ghost flower by me.” 闻声,秦石嘴角轻挑,旋即他将目光扬上,朝圣灵花望去道:“如此的话,我觉得与其和嗜血龙鲛拼个你死我活,不如由玄允当家和南宫当家各带两人缠住嗜血龙鲛,然后由我趁机去抢夺圣灵花。” What did you say?” “你说什么?” Hears this word, permits also to knit the brows with the Nangong ice unreliably. 听得此言,玄允和南宫冰同时皱了皱眉。 Permits to be disgruntled unreliably: „Do you want alone to take the Holy Ghost flower? Why do we believe you?” 玄允不悦道:“你想独自去取圣灵花?我们凭什么相信你?” Permits to manage a household unreliably, you did not say a moment ago that everyone / influential family can each other trust? Don't the words that you spoke make the number? Perhaps said that you do leave leeway selfishness?” Qin Shi opens the mouth to speak frankly that a few words stop up the words that permits unreliably. “玄允当家,你刚才不是才说,大家要彼此信任么?难道你说的话不作数?或是说,你本身就留有私心?”秦石开口直言,一句话把玄允的话堵住。 hears that sound has gawked staring, permits to open mouth unreliably has not said the words to come actually, he has not expected the Qin Shi words, will be waiting for him in this unexpectedly. 闻声愣了愣,玄允张了张嘴硬是没说出话来,他万万没料到秦石刚才的话,竟会在这等着他呢。 In side, Yu Luocha cannot bear smile to make noise. 在旁边,玉罗刹忍不住笑出声来。 Suddenly is unable to back down, permits to sink a face to say unreliably: Yu Luocha? She and we together?” 一时间骑虎难下,玄允沉个脸道:“玉罗刹呢?她和我们一起?” Seemed already expected permits to say unreliably like this that Qin Shi let go to say with a smile: She? Ok, her Spirit King Realm Late Stage, on the scene selects individual casually compared with her, moreover she cannot the flying apsaras escape, lets her and you copes with Bloodthirsty Dragon, insufficiently holds back.” 好似早就料到玄允会这样说,秦石摊手笑道:“她?算了吧,她一王灵境后期,在场随便挑个人都比她强,况且她又不能飞天遁地,让她和你们去对付嗜血龙鲛,不够拖后腿的呢。” What? 啥? All people have sucked the tongue, permitted to be shocked unreliably. 所有人咂了咂舌,玄允被惊呆了。 Dares saying that Yu Luocha does hold back? The Qin Shi estimate is the first person, wasn't this is speaking the joke? Who is Yu Luocha? Desolated three certainly one. 敢说玉罗刹拖后腿?秦石估计是第一人,这不是在说笑话呢吗?玉罗刹是什么人?荒芜三绝之一啊。 Truly, Yu Luocha only then Spirit King Realm Late Stage, but her strength may nobody dare to question in the desolated jungle, even if permits not to dare with her to meet the tough head-on with toughness unreliably, Qin Shi this clarifies is shielding her. 确实,玉罗刹只有王灵境后期,但她的实力在荒芜丛林可没人敢质疑过,就算玄允都不敢和她硬碰硬,秦石这摆明是在袒护她。 In side, Yu Luocha is also ill-humored in vain his one eyes. 在旁边,玉罗刹也是没好气的白他一眼。 Two manage a household, how doesn't know my proposition?” Is seen the human to be silent, Qin Shi is hanging shrugging of faint smile, said: Naturally, if this trust does not have continually, I think that I do not participate in this to cooperate, after all has the life to keep this desolated jungle, always compares striving to excel that cannot leave.” “两位当家,不知我的提议如何?”见诸人沉默,秦石挂着浅笑的耸了耸肩,道:“当然,如果连这点信任都没有,我想我还是不要参加这合作好了,毕竟有命留在这荒芜丛林,总比没能离开的要强。” You “你” Permits by illness brought on by the obstruction of flow of vital energy that Qin Shi makes unreliably. 玄允被秦石弄的气结。 Before, he always treated as the archenemy the Nangong ice, Qin Shi was hides in Yu Luocha behind jumping the beams clown in his eyes, but he knows now his wrong odd. 之前,他始终把南宫冰当做大敌,秦石在他眼中就是个躲在玉罗刹身后的跳梁小丑,但现在他才知道他错的有多离谱。 The short contact, he and Yu Luocha in the same place, probably again are the pillars. 短暂的接触下来,他和玉罗刹在一起,好像再是主心骨。 Therefore, made his origin curious several points to the Qin Shi. 为此,令他对秦石的来历好奇几分。 But is refusing to compromise, the Nangong ice actually suddenly steps goes forward, crosses the hands behind the back vertical saying with a smile: Good, such cooperates, my hundred complied!” 但在僵持中,南宫冰却突然迈上前,负手而立的笑道:“好,就这么合作,我百家答应了!” Hundred do comply?” “百家答应?” Permits to be once more surprised unreliably, hasn't he expected the Nangong ice to promise Shi Qin at this time unexpectedly? 玄允再次惊讶一下,他万万没料到南宫冰竟会在这个时候答应石秦? Looks at the Nangong ice to stand, Qin Shi feels relaxed smiles, secret passage: He he, in vain has not really saved him.” 望着南宫冰站出来,秦石释然一笑,暗道:“呵呵,果然没白救他。” Yu Luocha actually lowered the head in side, looks at the Qin Shi vision to transform once more, then under the wave light clear water glare, the resolute face made her feel the shock, for a long time, light nan: Originally, these in his plan?” 玉罗刹在旁边却低下头,望着秦石的目光再次转变,那在波光粼粼的水光下,刚毅的面庞令她感觉到震惊,许久后才轻喃一声:“原来,这些都在他的计划当中?” Hundred comply, permits the pale face unreliably, wants not to comply not to be good. 百家答应,玄允铁青个脸,想要不答应都不行了。 After all, the matter of cooperation is he raises, each other matter of trust is also he nods to comply mutually, if reneged on a promise at this time that is slapping the face of scarlet fruits. 毕竟,合作的事是他提出来,彼此相互信任的事也是他点头答应,如果这时反悔的话那就是赤果果的打脸。 Snort, was planned by this infant unexpectedly!” In criticizes one at heart, permits actually only to brace oneself under unreliably: Good, my profound group also complies, but the boy I told you, if you want to misappropriate the Holy Ghost flower, I ensure made you vanish in the desolated jungle!” “哼,竟被这小毛头个算计了!”在心里暗骂一声,玄允却只能硬着头皮点下头:“好,我玄组也答应,但小子我告诉你,你若想私吞圣灵花,我保证让你在荒芜丛林里消失!” Under peak that Qin Shi thinks little of shoulder: He he, my Qin Shi lives up to one's words, will not look like certain people affectedly virtuous, said that makes one, permits to manage a household unreliably!” 秦石不以为意的耸下肩:“呵呵,我秦石说到做到,不会像某些人道貌岸然,说一出做一出,玄允当家!” You “你” Was good, since cooperates, that everyone / influential family prepares.” The Nangong ice in the rear area, waves to break directly permits unreliably, then hints Shangguan Chao, manages a household with three of hundred lofty, standing by. “好了,既然合作,那大家准备一下。”南宫冰在后方,直接挥手打断玄允,然后示意上官超,和百家的三当家高远,准备战斗。 Permits to become flushed a face to stare unreliably to Qin Shi, finally after clenching teeth, huh, then looks back in the profound group chooses them. 玄允涨红个脸瞪向秦石,最后咬了咬牙后哼哧一声,然后才回首在玄组中挑选两人。 Permanent [say / way] severe wound, therefore has not participated, what goes to battle is one elite disciple who called Lin Feng, a girl with named clock Lanshan. 恒道重伤,所以并未参加,出战的是一个叫林枫的精英弟子,和一名叫钟兰山的女孩。 Begins!” “动手吧!” The candidates are good, permits first to set out to rush to the vault of heaven unreliably, the hand imprint congeals the latter two blue flood dragons to go to sea to go, fires into Bloodthirsty Dragon. 人选好,玄允第一个起身冲上苍穹,手印凝结后两条碧蓝色的蛟龙出海而去,冲向嗜血龙鲛 Bastard, suffers to death!” “畜生,受死!” The Nangong ice follows, Shangguan Chao and lofty stands side him, three Lei Guangru bolt from the blue, the ripping open clouds able to move unhindered, rolling fall. 南宫冰紧随其后,上官超和高远站在他身旁,三道雷光如晴天霹雳,纵横的撕开云霄,滚滚落下。 Roar Bloodthirsty Dragon sees permits with Nangong ice and the others unreliably, is angry roars, the fish tail seethes in Tianchi, follows close on is seeing only the water surface such as to curl up thousand wild waves, explodes shoots to open. 嗜血龙鲛望见玄允和南宫冰等人,率先大怒的怒吼一声,鱼尾在天池中翻腾一下,紧跟着只见水面如卷起千层骇浪,爆射而开。 Shunts quickly!” “快躲开!” Looks wild waves that is forcing to enter, permits to roar unreliably lowly, follows close on the Nangong ice to detour Bloodthirsty Dragon behind, in Lei Maopi Bang! congealing makes, the pen straight thrust leaves. 望着逼迫而进的骇浪,玄允低吼一声,紧跟着南宫冰绕道嗜血龙鲛身后,一把雷矛噼里啦的凝造而出,笔直刺出。 Roar Bloodthirsty Dragon looks back to roar, at once sees only him to look back to stare to the Nangong ice, two blue time, approach the Nangong ice from out of the blue the surface gate. 嗜血龙鲛回首咆哮一声,旋即只见他回首瞪向南宫冰,两道碧蓝色的流光破空而出,逼近南宫冰的面门。 The time scatters, making in the Nangong pure-heart cold, rapid leaving shunt toward the lakeside: Drinks, this dragon shark compared with imagination in must trouble many!” 流光散射,令南宫冰心里一寒,迅速的抽身朝湖畔躲开:“喝,这龙鲛比想象中的要麻烦的多啊!” all people is dashing with the dragon shark unceasingly, soon could not resist obviously, the huge fish tail able to move unhindered flaps, making under Tianchi blast out with a crash. 诸人在和龙鲛不断冲撞间,明显快要招架不住了,庞大的鱼尾纵横拍动,令天池下砰然炸开。 Bang! 砰! Under both arms overlapping keeping off fish tail, permits the pale face lowers unreliably to Qin Shi roars: Boy, you begins actually, wants to visit us to refuse stubbornly?” 双臂交叉的挡下鱼尾,玄允铁青个脸的冲着秦石低吼一声:“小子,你倒是动手啊,难道想看我们死不成?” Does not have the patience really!” “真没耐心!” hum that Qin Shi snorts at contemptuously, has not actually begun, but covers the psychic force above Tianchi, microscopic all slightest signs of trouble in vault of heaven, will be calculating his in the future each movement. 秦石嗤之以鼻的哼声,却并未动手,只是将精神力笼罩在天池上方,微观着苍穹上的所有风吹草动,计算着他往后的每个动作。 In two sides fight, the bloodthirsty flood dragon was enraged obviously, the huge body from the sky flaps, breaks out nine days of clouds to fire into Tianchi, at once in his body crashes into Tianchi instant, sees only in Tianchi Ruoshui to seethe with excitement, four explode projects myriad water columns, fires into permits with the Nangong ice unreliably and other people. 在两方交手间,嗜血蛟龙明显被激怒了,庞大的身躯在空中拍动一下,劈开九天云霄冲向天池,旋即就在他身躯坠入天池的刹那,只见天池内弱水沸腾,四下爆射出万千水柱,冲向玄允和南宫冰等六人。 The blue water column such as on waterspout, permits the heart to tremble unreliably, at once hurries to leave to draw back several steps, when was sideways in the arms was delimited the clearing the way blood-stained mouth suddenly, making him pour the suction port cold air/Qi. 碧蓝色的水柱如应龙吸水,玄允心头一颤,旋即赶忙抽身退开几步,侧过身时臂膀间被猛然划开道血口,令他不禁倒吸口冷气。 ! 咻! But at the same time, Qin Shi moved. 但与此同时,秦石动了。 Permits not to get back one's composure unreliably, a shadow brushes along the side like the shell, the black robe that makes noise cool and refreshingly is exceptionally clever, as if the budget quarter has the direction of attack of water column, can always in the previous second that the water column raises, shunts with ease. 玄允没回过神,一道黑影如炮弹般顺身旁擦身而过,泠泠作响的黑袍异常灵巧,仿佛预算处所有水柱的攻击方向,总能在水柱升起的前一秒,轻松躲开。 The Nangong ice and Shangguan over three people fly upside down dozens meters, raises to see Qin Shi one startled: Good strange movement 南宫冰和上官超三人倒飞出数十米,扬起头望见秦石不由一惊:“好诡异的身法” Roar Under Tianchi, Bloodthirsty Dragon induces to the Qin Shi movement similarly, making his strong body tremble angrily, was supine the blood-stained mouth then to run out of Tianchi. 在天池下,嗜血龙鲛同样感应到秦石的动作,令他健硕的身躯愤怒一颤,仰起血口便冲出天池。 Big Buddhist relics decide!” “大舍利决!” But when he leaves Tianchi already late, three purple quiet fires float sky over Tianchi, becomes the delta quenches gold metallurgy pill, explodes shoots under. 但在他离开天池时已经晚了,三道紫色幽火悬浮在天池上空,成倒三角形般淬炼金丹,爆射而下。 Bang! 轰隆! The bloodthirsty flood dragon that just left the water surface was suffering, permitted to look at each other one with the Nangong ice unreliably, at once simultaneously under point congealment hand imprint: Swims the dragon all sea!” 刚出水面的嗜血蛟龙正挨一下,玄允和南宫冰对视一眼,旋即同时点下头凝结手印:“游龙四海!” Falls Lei Qiang!” “落雷枪!” In the water column flood dragon tuck dive, the highest heaven falls the thunder. 水柱中蛟龙翻腾,九霄落雷。 At once, with Shangguan over four people that they simultaneously go forward, suddenly completely offers a sacrifice to the respective special skill, six martial arts shop days, Tianchi Central committee causes the fierce vortex loudly, blasted out. 旋即,和两人同时上前的上官超四人,一时间全部祭出各自的看家本领,六道武学铺天而下,轰然间天池中央引起剧烈的漩涡,被生生炸开。 Roar Rainstorm again and again, Bloodthirsty Dragon pain calls out one, the fierce body puff passes one, crashes into Tianchi once again, did not have the sound thoroughly. 暴雨连连中,嗜血龙鲛痛苦的嚎叫一声,狰狞的身躯噗通一声,再度坠入天池,彻底没了动静。 Permitted to breathe heavily unreliably mouth thick air/Qi: Shouted, finished?” 玄允喘了口粗气:“呼,结束了?” The Nangong ice and various people relaxed similarly, after Qin Shi finds out the black robe, single-handed the Holy Ghost colored income palm: Finally succeeded in obtaining?” 南宫冰和诸人同样松了口气,秦石单手探出黑袍后将圣灵花收入掌心:“终于到手了么?” Buzz! 嗡! But suddenly, moves the Holy Ghost colored instance in his palm, invisible buzz the whining noise transmits from Sea of Consciousness, at once his pupil heart stares suddenly in a big way, looks back on under quiet Lin Wang toward Tianchi to go, at heart one cold. 但突然,在他掌心触碰圣灵花的瞬间,一道无形的嗡鸣声自识海传来,旋即他眸心猛然瞪大,回首朝天池下的幽林望去,心里一寒。 Came?” “来了么?”
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