PDL :: Volume #4

#337: Bloodthirsty Long Jiao

Um?” “嗯?” Hears the Yu Luocha rapid sound suddenly, made Qin Shi surprise. 身后突然传来玉罗刹的急促声,令秦石不禁的诧异一下。 Throws away quickly! Without enough time!” The sound resounds once more rapidly. “快扔开!来不及了!”声音再次急促响起。 This Qin Shi has been startled being startled, looks askance at to Yu Luocha of lakeside, allows to raise in her ice-cold tenderness wipes unprecedented to be scared. 这一次秦石怔了怔,睨视向湖畔的玉罗刹,在她冰冷的娇容上升起一抹前所未有的恐慌。 Knew that Yu Luocha is so long, never sees her like this rude. 认识玉罗刹这么久,从未见她这样失态过。 Therefore, Qin Shi cannot attend to asked that the choice follows blindly, begins toward accordingly at once supinely permits to lower with the Nangong ice unreliably roars: „Don't you want this Holy Ghost flower? Gave you!” 为此,秦石顾不得多问,选择盲从的应声一下,旋即仰起头朝玄允和南宫冰低吼一声:“你们不是要这圣灵花吗?给你们了!” Spoke, he throws fully to them the Holy Ghost flower, follows close on the back wing to make an effort to whip, leaves to leap toward the lakeside. 说完话,他全力将圣灵花冲两人抛过去,紧跟着背后的羽翼使劲拍打一下,抽身朝湖畔跃过。 Holy Ghost flower!” “圣灵花!” Permits to see the Holy Ghost flower pupil heart with the Nangong ice unreliably simultaneously one happily, after not being able to attend to Qin Shi that escapes then simultaneously bends down, flushes away toward the Holy Ghost flower. 玄允和南宫冰望见圣灵花眸心同时一喜,顾不上远遁的秦石后便同时俯身而下,朝圣灵花冲去。 Gives me Scram!!” “给我滚开!” Permits to be angry unreliably, is sideways latter two to tie seal in the front, strikes such as the flood dragon enter the sea miraculous glow to plunge the Nangong ice. 玄允大怒一声,侧身后两手在胸前结印,一击如蛟龙入海般的灵光扑向南宫冰。 You gave up any idea of!” The Nangong ice is not jealous, three Lei Jie almost falls from the sky in the moment, the great hibernation of insects that such as the summer regains consciousness, the deafening roaring sound made peak turbulent. “你休想!”南宫冰也不吃醋,三道雷劫几乎是在片刻陨落,如夏日苏醒的巨蛰,震耳欲聋的咆哮声令峰顶动荡一下。 Bang! 轰! The water surface of Tianchi blasts out with a crash, everywhere Ruoshui becomes the rainstorm scatters under. 天池的水面砰然炸开,漫天的弱水成暴雨般散落而下。 The battle again and again, they east one west one, are away from the Holy Ghost flower, only then square inch distance, after the palm simultaneously finds out the sleeve robe, tears. 争斗连连,两人一东一西,距离圣灵花只有方寸距离,掌心同时探出袖袍后撕扯下去。 Roar But at the same time, transmits the sound rough and depressing beast roar under quiet Tianchi suddenly, at once sees only the entire fog shade mountain to tremble fiercely, the peak Tianchi dike collapses, the Ruoshui volume dusting sand that fills, billowing landslide. 但与此同时,在沉寂的天池下突然传来声粗犷而压抑的兽吼,旋即只见整座雾影山剧烈一颤,峰顶的天池堤坝坍塌,弥漫的弱水卷起尘沙,滚滚滑坡。 Sudden roaring made all people tremble, the profound groups and hundred people were affected again and again, some strengths frail was whirled away by the mud-rock flow directly. 突如其来的吼叫令诸人一颤,玄组和百家的人被连连波及,一些实力脆弱的直接被泥石流卷走。 all people flurried one startled: What's the matter?” 诸人慌乱一惊:“怎么回事?” Run, this fog shade mountain wanted the avalanche!” “快跑,这雾影山要崩塌了!” Good fearful strength permanent [say / way] was helped up by profound group several Profound Spirit Realm expert, float the pupil heart in the midair trembles with fear, looks toward shivering Tianchi, follows close on is staring suddenly, reveals unprecedented to be scared. “好可怕的力量”恒道被玄组几名玄灵境高手扶起,悬浮在半空中眸心惊颤,朝颤抖的天池下望去,紧跟着猛然瞪眼,露出前所未有的恐慌。 Walks!” “走!” Qin Shi falls side Yu Luocha, after holds down her fragrant shoulder, draws support from the tiger wing, the soaraway vault of heaven. 秦石落在玉罗刹身旁,一把按住她的香肩后借助虎翼,腾飞苍穹。 Is looking at the Tianchi manic ripples, pours the suction port cold air/Qi at heart. 望着天池狂躁的涟漪,心里不由倒吸口冷气。 Sees only, blue Tianchi suddenly becomes dim, thousand zhang (3.33 m) have shadows to float off like the precipice in the Tianchi deep place together rapidly. 只见,碧蓝色的天池突然变得昏暗,一道千丈有余的黑影正在天池深处如山岩般迅速浮起。 Under Tianchi has the biology?” “天池下有生物?” Under Tianchi the sudden dim command permits with the Nangong ice unreliably in airborne one startled, after lowering the head looks , the mind to tremble. 天池下突然的昏暗令玄允和南宫冰在空中一惊,低头望去后心神一颤。 Bang! 嘭! But when they want to leave to depart, all already late. 但在两人想抽身离去时,一切已经晚了。 Roar Fierce beast roar reverberates once more, has a kilometer high water monster to roar to find out under Tianchi, the whole body full is the wound flesh, sentences such as the overlord shark of deep sea, after finding out the clear sky , the blood-stained mouth of heavy rain wants Tun Tian to be the same probably, the sharp fang is firm. 狂烈的兽吼再次回荡,一头足足有千米高的水怪在天池下咆哮探出,全身满是伤口的肌肤,判如深海的霸主鲨鱼,探出晴空后瓢泼的血口好像要吞天一样,锋利的獠牙刚硬骇人。 The person on the scene is one startled, was scared completely. 在场人皆是一惊,全部被吓坏了。 This is Bloodthirsty Dragon!” Tender body of She Xi'er in the Yu Luocha bosom trembles suddenly, in the gloomily blue beautiful pupil reveals unprecedented to be panic-stricken. “这是嗜血龙鲛!”蛇曦儿玉罗刹怀中娇躯突然一颤,幽蓝的美眸中露出前所未有的惊恐。 „Does Ancient Ferocious Beast List, rank 730 Bloodthirsty Dragon?” Hears the She Xi'er sound, the Yu Luocha ice-cold tenderness to allow to raise to wipe rare dreading. 远古凶兽榜,排名730名的嗜血龙鲛?”听得蛇曦儿的声响,玉罗刹冰冷的娇容下升起抹罕见的忌惮。 Nod that um She Xi'er shivers, said: „In the past, my father was quiet the clan head of the clan, Bloodthirsty Dragon is popular the wind to do evil, was suppressed by my father under Ruoshui, cannot think that 30 years it has not died!” “嗯”蛇曦儿颤抖的点点头,道:“当年,我爹爹还是幽族族长时,嗜血龙鲛兴风作恶,被我爹爹镇压在弱水之下,想不到30年它还没死!” Qin Shi suddenly one startled, looks at the pupil heart of Bloodthirsty Dragon to be once more dignified, in heart somewhat rejoiced that was just Yu Luocha shouts luckily promptly, otherwise he now already to turn into a dragon jiao grain ration? 秦石恍然一惊,望着嗜血龙鲛的眸心再次凝重,心中不由的有些庆幸,刚刚幸好是玉罗刹呼喊及时,否则他现在已经成龙鲛的口粮了吧? Damn, Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage?” “该死,玄灵境中期?” Is competing for Holy Ghost colored profound to permit with the Nangong ice indifferently one startled, the shadow of colossus has covered them, wipes unprecedented to well up scared. 正在争夺圣灵花的玄允和南宫冰漠然一惊,庞然大物的黑影已经将两人笼罩,一抹前所未有的恐慌涌上心头。 Bang! 轰! When, they forget to select Holy Ghost colored with a crash, the personal appearance speeds away to back up in the midair, permits to stare to wave unreliably then to offer a sacrifice to two water glares, throws to Bloodthirsty Dragon. 砰然间,两人都忘记摘取圣灵花的时,身形在半空中疾驰倒退,玄允盯着挥手间便祭出两道水光,冲嗜血龙鲛扑下。 Bang! 砰! Taotao's turbulent water glare actually such as scratches on Bloodthirsty Dragon is itchy same, latter superficial calls out one, even if at once jumps Tianchi, the sturdy fish tail flings horizontally, the wild strength will permit to strike to fly hundred meters far unreliably. 涛涛汹涌的水光在嗜血龙鲛身上却如抓痒痒一样,后者不痛不痒的嚎叫一声,旋即纵然跃起天池,粗壮的鱼尾横甩而出,狂野的力量将玄允击飞上百米远。 Bang! 轰隆! Permits such as the shell of flying upside down unreliably, falls in the quiet forest suddenly, is following close on same place raising everywhere fire beacon, the earth fierce collapse. 玄允如倒飞的炮弹,猛然摔进幽林里,紧跟着原地升起漫天狼烟,大地猛的塌陷下去。 Permits the big brother unreliably!” “玄允大哥!” The permanent [say / way] gives a tongue-lashing the tooth to lower roars, profound group all Renquan was chaotic. 恒道呲牙低吼一声,玄组诸人全乱了。 Looks permits unreliably, the Nangong ice that was being struck to fly shrank the neck surprisedly, the strength that permits unreliably he understood that Profound Spirit Realm Initial Stage peak and he is equally matched, but so can't withstand under this Bloodthirsty Dragon unexpectedly? 望着被击飞的玄允,南宫冰惊讶的缩了缩脖子,玄允的实力他了解,玄灵境初期巅峰和他不相上下,但在这嗜血龙鲛下竟然如此不堪? Strikes to fly to permit unreliably, Bloodthirsty Dragon looks askance in a flash, the gigantic pupil heart stares to the Nangong ice, at once she cries loud and long, the bright red blood-stained mouth worries to the Nangong ice. 击飞玄允,嗜血龙鲛侧目一晃,硕大的眸心瞪向南宫冰,旋即她长啸一声,鲜红的血口冲着南宫冰就撕咬下去。 Damn!” “该死!” In Nangong pure-heart one cold, the Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage ominous beast is not he now can cope, for this reason he does not dare to make turning around of stay to run. 南宫冰心里一寒,玄灵境中期的凶兽可不是他现在能对付得,为此他不敢在多做逗留的转身就跑。 But Bloodthirsty Dragon does not want obviously to the opportunity that he sneaks off, after digging the body, to be about than on several times of speeds to seethe under Tianchi him, after several ripples cause, such as the flood dragon goes to sea, whooshes under. 嗜血龙鲛显然不想给他溜走的机会,一撅身躯后以比他快上几倍的速度在天池下翻腾一番,几道涟漪引起后如蛟龙出海,嘶吼而下。 Roar Nangong pure-heart first one tight, looks back to look, only then full is the bright red blood-stained mouth, criticizes one: Went bad!” 南宫冰心头一紧,回首望去只有满是鲜红的血口,暗骂一声:“坏了!” Big brother Nangong!” “南宫大哥!” Ultra elder brother, Shangguan second in command, saves Nangong Boss quickly!” Hundred disciples were all chaotic, encircles in the flurried [say / way] of hundred seconds in command. “超哥,上官二当家,快救南宫老大啊!”百家弟子全乱了,围在百家二当家的身后慌乱道。 Actually does not think that unknowingly is looking by the Nangong ice that Bloodthirsty Dragon is encumbered, the named Shangguan Chao male corners of the mouth select toward on suddenly, reveal to make dense sneering of person not easy detection. 却不想,在不经意间望着被嗜血龙鲛缠身的南宫冰,名为上官超的男子嘴角突然朝上一挑,露出令人不易察觉的森然冷笑。 Ices the elder brother to be unusual, we do not need to be worried.” “冰哥超凡脱俗,咱们不用担心。” Shangguan Chaochong behind disciple waves to be perfunctory one, at once looks to the distressed Nangong ice, smiles the secret passage craftily: „The Nangong ice, cannot think that you also do have today? Endured humiliation these many years my Shangguan ultra to become outstanding finally!” 上官超冲身后的弟子挥手敷衍一声,旋即望向狼狈的南宫冰,诡笑暗道:“南宫冰,想不到你也有今天吧?忍辱负重这么多年我上官超终于要出人头地了!” Naturally, Shangguan ultra as everyone knows, this small detail was realized in airborne Qin Shi quietly, making the latter brow wrinkle: „Do hundred the seconds in command, want to revolt?” 当然,上官超殊不知,这一个小小的细节悄然被在空中的秦石察觉,令后者眉头不由皱起:“百家的这二当家,想要造反?” Yu Luocha broad and handsome forehead lightly: „Is Shangguan ultra betrayal only time issue, Shangguan Family and Nangong this is four everyone / influential family clans, Shangguan Chao will be together resigned to make the Nangong ice under the hands / subordinates? The Nangong ice was proud.” 玉罗刹螓首轻点:“上官超背叛只是时间问题,上官家和南宫家本齐为四大家族,上官超又怎么会甘心做南宫冰的手下呢?南宫冰太自负了。” Finds out the situation, under point that Qin Shi is suddenly enlighted, at once he has the profound meaning surpasses to look toward Shangguan, Shangguan Chao gives his feeling more fearful than the Nangong ice. 了解情况,秦石恍然大悟的点下头,旋即他颇有深意的朝上官超望去,上官超给他的感觉比南宫冰更加可怕。 If the Nangong ice is frank gentleman, this Shangguan Chaojue to is behind the li (0.5km) holds the villain of knife, both human relations handle matters on completely are two styles. 如果说南宫冰是光明磊落的君子,这上官超绝对是背后里捅刀子的小人,两者交际处事上完全是两种风格。 Bang! 砰! Long Jiao the fish tail moves, the ripping open space of blotting out the sky, the Chaonan Gong ice brushes. 龙鲛鱼尾甩动,铺天盖地的撕开空间,朝南宫冰就抽打下去。 The thick crazy cold wind sweeps across, Ruoshui under Tianchi blasts open to open. 粗狂的冷风席卷,天池下的弱水炸裂而开。 In Nangong pure-heart one cold, two arms simultaneously hug around the chest hurry to open together Lei Wangjie, but ties has not condensed under the fish tail appears vulnerable, after being ground the powder, directly numerous striking fly the Nangong ice. 南宫冰心里一寒,两臂同时抱在胸前后赶忙撑开一道雷网结界,但结界尚未凝聚在鱼尾下显得脆弱不堪,直接被碾成粉末后重重的击飞南宫冰。 Puff! 噗! The Nangong ice body trembles fierce, the whole person welcomed the day spurted the blood clashes under Tianchi to crash to go. 南宫冰身躯狂烈一颤,整个人迎天喷血的就冲天池下坠落而去。 Roar Strikes to fly the Nangong ice, the Bloodthirsty Dragon blood-stained mouth opens, crawling then worries to the Nangong ice. 击飞南宫冰,嗜血龙鲛血口张开,匍匐的冲着南宫冰便撕咬下去。 Was swallowed by the blood-stained mouth shortly, Nangong pure-heart first one tight: This time, died!” 眼看着被血口吞噬,南宫冰心头一紧:“这一次,死定了!” Finally died, finally died, hundred are my Shangguan Chao!” Looks at silent the Nangong ice in blood-stained mouth, on Shangguan Chao face is revealing the joy of not being able to conceal. “终于死了,终于死了,百家就是我上官超的了!”望着沉默在血口中的南宫冰,上官超的面庞上露出掩饰不住的欣喜。 ! 咻! But at this time, a shadow sped past, broke in the abdomen of bloodthirsty flood dragon rapidly, at once in the instance that the bloodthirsty flood dragon blood-stained mouth will gather, three shining halos exploded from its oral cavity, getting it to call out one. 但这时,一道黑影疾驰而过,迅速冲入嗜血蛟龙的腹中,旋即就在嗜血蛟龙血口将合的瞬间,三道金灿灿的光晕从它口腔中爆开,领它不禁嚎叫一声。 Calls out while the dragon shark, the shadow works on the Nangong ice to escape from the blood-stained mouth. 趁龙鲛嚎叫,黑影抓起南宫冰自血口遁出。 After being rescued, Nangong ice puffing in gulps looks toward the side, sees only Qin Shi ease standing by him, making him stare: Is you?” 被救出后,南宫冰大口大口的喘着粗气朝身旁望去,只见秦石正悠然的站在他旁边,令他一愣:“是你?” Under, the Shangguan Chao joyful expression is suddenly stiff, stares is binding tightly Qin Shi of black robe almost to curse angrily fiercely: Damn boy!” 在下方,上官超欣喜的表情戛然僵硬,盯着裹紧黑袍的秦石几乎是狰狞怒骂:“该死的小子!” Why do you want to save me?” “你为何要救我?” The Nangong ice is somewhat puzzled to the Qin Shi achievement. 南宫冰对秦石的作为有些不解。 Qin Shi cracks into a smile, the vision surpasses to look toward below Shangguan, light [say / way]: Um is prompted by a sudden impulse, you consider to owe me a favour.” 秦石咧嘴一笑,目光朝下方的上官超望去,轻道:“嗯心血来潮吧,你就当是欠我个人情。” Um?” “嗯?” The Nangong ice has been startled being startled, is prompted by a sudden impulse? Is this also good? 南宫冰怔了怔,心血来潮?这也行? The person but who he does not reside in the section, this Qin Shi has rescued his life, he will definitely engrave on mind, the beforehand matter also on the vanishing past animosity, follows close on is cuping one hand in the other across the chest to hold the fist in the other hand saying: Does not know the brothers given name.” 但他不是居于小节的人,这次秦石救了他的命,他肯定会铭记在心,之前的事也就冰释前嫌,紧跟着拱手抱拳道:“不知兄弟名讳。” Stone Qin!” “石秦!” Stone Qin brother, the obligation did not say thanks, later was useful my Nangong ice the matter to open the mouth freely, if I wrinkled the brow not to be surnamed Nagong!” The Nangong ice cups one hand in the other across the chest to hold the fist in the other hand to Qin Shi. “石秦兄,大恩不言谢,以后有用我南宫冰的事尽管开口,我若是皱下眉头就不姓南宫!”南宫冰冲着秦石拱手抱拳。 Ultra stares below Shangguan at heart, before following close on he is hurrying to leap the body, supporting Nangong ice that a face cares about: Big brother Nangong, are you how is it?” 在下方的上官超心里一愣,紧跟着他赶忙跃身上前,一脸关心的扶住南宫冰:“南宫大哥,你怎么样?” I “我” Does not wait for the Nangong ice to respond, Qin Shi draws out the hand to hold down his shoulder, to Shangguan Chaodao: He he, Shangguan brother, now probably is not talking about old days time?” 不等南宫冰回应,秦石起手按住他的肩膀,冲上官超道:“呵呵,上官兄,现在好像不是叙旧的时候吧?” Shangguan Chao stares, lowers the head to see that Bloodthirsty Dragon to set out to throw once more. 上官超一愣,才低头望见那嗜血龙鲛已经再次起身扑来。 Big brother, walks!” “大哥,走!” Shangguan Chao clenched teeth, supports the Nangong postglacial deposits to set out toward hundred to leap. 上官超咬了咬牙,一把扶住南宫冰后起身朝百家跃回。 Leaps with them, the Qin Shi rapid racket catching a tiger wing, leaves to return to side Yu Luocha. 同两人跃回,秦石迅速拍打虎翼,抽身回到玉罗刹身旁。 Yu Luocha looks at Qin Shi, said: Why do you want to save him?” 玉罗刹看着秦石,道:“你为何要救他?” I to not save him, but does not think that hundred fall in the Shangguan ultra hand, surpasses to compare with Shangguan, I thought that he is easier to cope.” Light nan that Qin Shi has not looked back on. “我不是为了救他,只是不想百家落在上官超的手上,和上官超相比起来,我觉得他更容易对付一些。”秦石尚未回首的轻喃一声。 „, Shangguan Chaotai was truly gloomy.” “确实,上官超太阴暗了。” To this, after Yu Luocha has gawked, approves actually. 对这点,玉罗刹愣了愣后倒是认同。 At this time, permitted to be held by Tianchi that returned to collapse by the disciples of profound group unreliably. 这时,玄允已被玄组的弟子扶回到坍塌的天池旁边。 In Tianchi, Holy Ghost flower float and vertical, Bloodthirsty Dragon circles in its side, the profound groups and hundred, actually nobody dare to go forward again easily. 在天池上,圣灵花悬浮而立,嗜血龙鲛就盘旋在它的旁边,玄组、百家,却没人敢再轻易上前。 Now what to do?” Yu Luocha light nan question. “现在怎么办?”玉罗刹轻喃问句 The split vision has swept the profound groups and hundred, Qin Shi corners of the mouth superficial smiling face restraining, after being long-time, sighed: „, Who cannot bear begin first, who lost.” 余光扫过玄组和百家,秦石将嘴角浅淡的笑容收敛,长久后叹道:“等,谁先忍不住动手,谁就输了。” Looks at the Qin Shi latent change, Yu Luocha is actually gawking. 望着秦石潜在的变化,玉罗刹却不禁一愣。 In the short contact, she discovered on youth who this 20 do not arrive, there is a one type with his age extremely incompatible experienced. 在短暂的接触中,她发现这个20不到的少年身上,有一种和他年纪极为不符的老练。 --- --- Said that has. 说有就有。
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