PDL :: Volume #4

#336: Holy Ghost flower of blooming

Injures him, death!” “伤他者,死!” The ice-cold being angry sound spreads in the Yu Luocha cherry lips together, making various people on the scene cannot help but hit to tremble, permits the step of lifting to refuse to compromise unreliably is in-situ. 一道冰冷的嗔声在玉罗刹樱唇中传出,令在场的诸人不由自主的打个哆嗦,玄允抬起的步伐僵持在原地。 Yu Luocha, do you want to oppose with the entire profound group?” 玉罗刹,你想和整个玄组作对?” I said that injures him, death!” Stares is permitting unreliably, Yu Luocha duplicates the words once more, and sound ice-cold. “我说了,伤他者,死!”盯着玄允,玉罗刹再次将话语重复一遍,并且声音更加的冰冷。 Permits gives a tongue-lashing the tooth to roar unreliably: You 玄允呲牙的怒吼一声:“你” Ka! Cha! 咔嚓! But does not wait for his voice to fall, the clear drawing a sword sound then resounds in the Yu Luocha waist, her white hands are grasping the Nirvana Sword sword hilt, extraction inch by inch. 但不等他声音落下,清脆的拔剑声便在玉罗刹腰间响起,她玉手握着寂灭剑的剑柄,一寸一寸的抽出。 ! 咣啷! Sees to reveal square inch dying out, has not left the sheath cold glow to harass the clear sky, those present all are retreat in fear several steps, the Nangong ice looks back on the startled roar: Hundred disciples obey orders, close your eyes!” 望见露出方寸的寂灭,尚未出鞘寒芒已扰乱晴空,在场的人皆是吓退几步,南宫冰回首惊吼:“百家弟子听令,闭眼!” Profound group disciples obey orders, close your eyes!” “玄组弟子听令,闭眼!” Simultaneously flusters the [say / way] in the several stewards of rear profound group. 在后方玄组的几个管事同时慌道。 Yu Luocha actually thinks little, Nirvana Sword still drew out in cuns (2.5cm), to permits to say unreliably: You also three seconds of considerations, otherwise died out the consequence of sheath not to need me saying that you should understand!” 玉罗刹却不以为意,寂灭剑仍在寸寸拔出,冲玄允道:“你还有三秒的时间考虑,否则寂灭出鞘的后果不用我说,你应该明白!” Permits the blue vein of forehead to stick out suddenly unreliably, the root bites psst makes noise. 玄允额头的青筋暴起,牙根咬的吱吱作响。 Nirvana Sword skill he from, when has listened, has revealed half meter silver spear sword blade shortly, making the production that he is afraid of some dread. 寂灭剑的本事他自当听过,眼看着已经露出半米的银戈剑身,令他不寒而栗的产生些许忌惮。 His strength in meditation is good, but actually does not dread the petrified ability that dies out, but his profound group high and low thousand disciples are different. 他的定力算是不错,倒不畏惧寂灭的石化能力,但他玄组上下千名弟子却不一样。 Pinches tightly the fist, he finally under wicked point: Good, good, good, is really great, cannot think that ten thousand li (0.5km) acting alone blood will dye Yu Luocha of Qian mountain also to get rid for others, today I was grow in experience!” 捏紧拳,他最终恶狠狠的点下头:“好,好,好,真是好样的,想不到万里独行血染千山的玉罗刹也会替别人出手,今天我算是长见识了!” But you remember, this matter we have not ended.” “但你记住,这事咱们没完。” Roars, permits no longer the idle talk unreliably lifts up the permanent [say / way], one step leaps returns to the profound group all people side. 怒吼一声,玄允不再废话的扛起恒道,一步跃回到玄组诸人的身旁。 Perhaps two sides begin, permits not to dread Yu Luocha unreliably, although Qin Shi the strength is good, but also absolutely is not the profound group thousand people of matches. 或许两方动手,玄允并不畏惧玉罗刹,秦石虽说实力不错但也绝对不是玄组千人的对手。 But he can work as heaven group leaders definitely to have the uncommon brains, therefore he will definitely not begin in this crucial point, after all side also has hundred of eying covetously to stare. 但他能当上玄组领袖肯定有着不凡的头脑,所以他肯定不会在这个节骨眼上动手,毕竟旁边还有个虎视眈眈的百家在盯着呢。 Also sees this, Yu Luocha dares to force to permit like this unreliably. 也正是看准这点,玉罗刹才敢这样逼迫玄允。 Is looking at the retreat permits unreliably, Yu Luocha relaxes vigilantly receives Nirvana Sword, then turns around to say toward the Qin Shi care: „Are you how is it?” 望着退去的玄允,玉罗刹放松警惕的收起寂灭剑,然后转身朝秦石关心道:“你怎么样?” Shaking the head of Qin Shi forced smile, said: Did not say that doesn't make you go forward?” 秦石苦笑的摇摇头,道:“不是说不让你上前么?” You turned around a moment ago.” “你刚才转身了。” [Say / Way] of Yu Luocha rebuttal. 玉罗刹并未反驳的道。 hears that sound Qin Shi stares, this recalled that he truly had turned a moment ago around, Yu Luocha had said that must after he keeps off below all unexpected blows. 闻声秦石一愣,这才回想起刚才他确实转过身了,玉罗刹说过要替他挡下背后所有的冷箭。 Really is reliable.” “真是可靠啊。” Reveals smiling of satisfied, Qin Shi has not been speaking, but takes advantage of opportunity to look at toward central Tianchi the vision. 露出一丝满意的笑,秦石没在说话,而是将目光顺势朝中央的天池望去。 This small interlude, made the profound groups and hundred people's to Qin Shi and Yu Luocha simultaneously dreads that was divided into three waves of crowds by Tianchi all of a sudden. 这一个小插曲,令玄组和百家的人对秦石玉罗刹同时忌惮起来,一下子在天池旁分为三波人群。 The waiting is the long and painful process. 等待是个漫长而痛苦的过程。 In this process, the vision that permits unreliably looks angrily at Qin Shi and Yu Luocha throughout, some both regarding this early feelings, but actually also and does not care. 在这个过程中,玄允的目光始终怒视秦石玉罗刹,两者对此早有感觉,但倒也并不在意。 At this time, She Xi'er immature the body of deep sleep in the Yu Luocha bosom trembled throughout suddenly, awakened from the dream suddenly. 在这时,始终在玉罗刹怀中沉睡的蛇曦儿幼小的身躯突然哆嗦一下,猛然从梦中惊醒。 Induces to the She Xi'er difference, Qin Shi lowers the head question: Sunlight, how?” 感应到蛇曦儿的异样,秦石低头问句:“曦儿,怎么了?” „The Holy Ghost flower must bloom.” She Xi'er trembling tone channel. “圣灵花要开了。”蛇曦儿颤音道。 hears that sound, the pupil heart of Qin Shi and Yu Luocha also draws , after looking at each other one, moves mutually the vision to Tianchi Central committee. 闻声,秦石玉罗刹的眸心同时收拢,相互对视一眼后将目光挪向天池中央。 Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! Really, Tianchi that for a very long time subsides seethes with excitement suddenly, the lotus leaf of central float flutters suddenly, the ripples of watermark proliferate toward the lakeside one after another. 果然,久久平息的天池突然沸腾起来,中央漂浮的荷叶突然间飘动起来,一道一道水纹的涟漪朝湖畔扩散。 This phenomenon simultaneously alarmed has permitted with the Nangong ice unreliably, the profound groups and hundred disciples were vigilant immediately that simultaneously held up the silver spear sharp knife blade. 这一异象同时惊动了玄允和南宫冰,玄组和百家的弟子马上警惕起来,同时将银戈利刃举起。 „A meeting, leaves anxiously going forward first.” “一会,先别急着上前。” When two sides are eager to try, Yu Luocha is dignified the pupil heart toward Qin Shi light nan one. 在两方跃跃欲试时,玉罗刹却凝重起眸心的朝秦石轻喃一声。 Qin Shi stares puzzled: Why?” 秦石不解一愣:“为何?” What don't you think little?” Yu Luocha has not responded, but asked one. “你不觉得少点什么吗?”玉罗刹没有回应,只是反问一句。 Little what? 少点什么? Qin Shi somewhat gets muddled first, then suddenly one startled: You said that quiet clan?” 秦石先是有些发蒙,然后恍然一惊:“你是说,幽族?” Right.” “没错。” The Yu Luocha broad and handsome forehead molecule, reveals some dreading in pupil heart, said: „When profound groups and hundred break fog shade big has caused that big sound, the people of quiet clan impossible not to have realized, but until now had the half day time, a person of quiet clan has not appeared, you did not think that this is somewhat strange?” 玉罗刹螓首微点,在眸心中露出些许的忌惮,道:“玄组和百家破开雾影大阵时引起了那么大的动静,幽族的人不可能没有察觉,但至今为止已有半日时间,却一名幽族的人都没出现,你不觉得这有些诡异么?” Qin Shi knitting the brows head, before mostly energy delivery on the Holy Ghost flower, therefore has not detected this, but listened to a Yu Luocha such saying, somewhat was truly strange. 秦石皱了皱眉头,之前是将大多精力投放在圣灵花上所以才没有发觉这点,但听玉罗刹这么一说,确实有些诡异。 The quiet clan impossible not to have realized, but why hasn't sent for? 幽族不可能没有察觉,但为什么没派人来呢? That only then two possibilities \; first, to dread the profound groups and hundred purposely evades it, but this almost can remove does not count, therefore on only the remaining second points: Has the plot. 那就只有两种可能,一是畏惧玄组和百家故意避之,但这点几乎可以排除不计,所以就只剩下第二点:有阴谋。 The silent meeting, Yu Luocha said once again: Moreover, you did not think that this time hundred and movement of profound group somewhat is also strange? Holy Ghost flower is the halidom of quiet clan, how possibly knew by the profound groups and hundred easily? Moreover both sides probably are approximately are also quite same, gets rid.” 沉默一会,玉罗刹再度道:“况且,你不觉得这次百家和玄组的动作也有些奇怪么?圣灵花是幽族的圣物,怎么可能会被玄组和百家轻易得知?而且双方又好像是约好一样,同时出手。” Looking that a Qin Shi pupil heart revolution, is suddenly enlighted at once approaches Yu Luocha, startled [say / way]: You meant that is quiet clan intentionally directs the profound groups and hundred?” 秦石眸心一转,旋即恍然大悟的望向玉罗刹,惊道:“你的意思是说,是幽族故意将玄组和百家引过来?” Um, but I cannot think through, actually they such do for anything, if the Holy Ghost flower falls to the profound groups or hundred hands in, does not have the least bit advantage to the quiet clan.” The Yu Luocha silent meeting, shakes the head to say. “嗯,但我想不通,他们这么做究竟为了什么,如果圣灵花真落到玄组或百家的手中,对幽族没有半点好处。”玉罗刹沉默一会,摇头道。 Regarding this, Qin Shi also discovers many suspicious places. 对此,秦石也发现诸多可疑之处。 But is puzzling, he is not the heart that cannot let loose, after patting the shoulder of Yu Luocha, said: Do not think that knows has the plot to be careful, one will act according to circumstances first, if there is any accident, you bring sunlight to walk first 但百思不得其解,他也不是放不开的心,拍下玉罗刹的肩膀后道:“别多想,知道有阴谋就小心一点,一会先见机行事,若是有什么意外,你先带着曦儿走” „It is not good!” “不行!” You listened to me to say.” “你听我说完。” Glancing at Yu Luocha of Qin Shi blame, said: Sunlight must some people look , if there is accident you to lead her instead to implicate me, relax I assign to be hale and hearty, definitely will not have the matter.” 秦石责怪的瞥眼玉罗刹,道:“曦儿必须有人照顾,如果出现意外的话你带着她反而会连累我,放心吧我命硬朗着呢,肯定不会有事。” Moreover, the present is I before your body, do not forget that you complied with my matter, to give you!” His corners of the mouth slight raising toward on, shallowly very pale somewhat is very dense, making nearby Yu Luocha elegant face change countenance, has not said half a word words unexpectedly actually. “况且,现在是我在你身前,不要忘记你答应我的事,身后就交给你了!”他嘴角轻微朝上的扬起,很浅很淡却有些森然,令旁边的玉罗刹俏脸动容,竟硬是没说出半句话来。 Yu Luocha has not opened the mouth again, ice cold-hearted actually gradually firm. 玉罗刹没有再开口,冰冷心却渐渐坚定。 Shi’tou, I have said that keeps off your behind all unexpected blows, certainly will help you keep off, no matter the quiet clan has any plot, even if jade Ju Fen, I certainly will also achieve. 石头,我说过,挡下你身后的所有冷箭,就一定会帮你挡下,不管幽族有任何阴谋,哪怕玉石俱焚,我也一定会做到。 Puff! 噗! At this time, a dull thumping sound transmitted in Tianchi Central committee, at once the rich flower fragrance overflows, fills the air in the trim peak fog. 在这时,一声闷响在天池中央传递,旋即浓郁的花香四溢,弥漫在整片峰顶的云雾中。 This fragrance actually does not irritate the nose richly, swings the person heartstrings. 这香气浓郁却并不刺鼻,荡人心弦。 Bang! 轰隆! In quiet Tianchi splutters like the fountain waterdrop, the waterdrop forms the heavy rain that drifts dripping in the profound the bodies of groups and hundred disciples, at the same time reveals in their facial features joyfully: „The Holy Ghost flower bloomed!” 沉寂的天池中溅射起如喷泉般的水滴,水滴形成漂泊的大雨淋漓在玄组和百家弟子的身上,与此同时在他们的面容上露出欣喜:“圣灵花绽放了!” Begins!” “动手!” Permits to get back one's composure unreliably, single-handed revolution spiritual power pats in the earth, fierce shake, follows close on his body then to jump onto Tianchi like the shell loudly. 玄允率先回神,单手运转灵力在大地拍下,轰然间剧烈的震荡一下,紧跟着他身躯便如炮弹般跃上天池。 Permits unreliably, you gave up any idea of!” “玄允,你休想!” The Nangong ice almost sets out at the same time, the fair face reveals to be serious and resolute, lets go, contains the vast spirit pressure. 南宫冰几乎是在同一时刻起身,白皙的面庞露出郑重和刚毅,摊手而下,蕴含起浩繁灵压。 Bang! 砰! Their the palm bumps into suddenly, seven color halos form piece by piece the time in the palms, follows close on to see only Ruoshui below Tianchi to be spluttered suddenly, forms hundred meters high water column. 戛然间两人掌心相撞,七彩的光晕在掌间形成片片流光,紧跟着只见下方天池中的弱水被猛然溅射起来,形成百米多高的水柱。 They were separated by the water column, permits to look by the water column unreliably to the Nangong ice, exclaimed lowly: „The Nangong ice, you are playing with fire!” 两人被水柱隔开,玄允透过水柱望向南宫冰,低吼道:“南宫冰,你这是在玩火!” Few idle talk! The Holy Ghost flower, my hundred received!” Nangong cannot ice the idle talk, miraculous brandishes in the fair palm together ejects, at once under he bends the side to clash Holy Ghost flower plundering under. “少废话!圣灵花,我百家收了!”南宫冰不去废话,一道灵光在白皙的手掌中挥舞击出,旋即他弓下身边冲圣灵花掠夺而下。 You court death!” “你找死!” Keeps off the miraculous glow, realized that the Nangong ice the movement permits to be angry unreliably, contorting one's face in agony roars lowly, at once the five fingers are uneven from the sky delimits the next five fabricated halos, straightly: Swims the dragon all sea!” 挡下灵光,察觉到南宫冰的动作玄允大怒,呲牙咧嘴的低吼一声,旋即五指齐出的在空中划下五道虚妄光晕,笔直而起:“游龙四海!” The central water column was cut baseless, air all around twists, follows close on is finding out in the water column central flood dragon, such as the great hibernation of insects rips saying that plunges the Nangong ice. 中央的水柱被凭空划开,周遭的空气扭曲一下,紧跟着在水柱中央一条蛟龙探出,如巨蛰撕云,扑向南宫冰。 Looks back to see the blue flood dragon, the Nangong ice low and deep under eye, at once stops the body of speeding away rapidly, then and puts the front on the palm, the congealment hand imprint. 回首望见碧蓝色的蛟龙,南宫冰低沉下眼,旋即迅速停下疾驰的身躯,然后在掌心并放胸前,凝结手印。 Falls Lei Qiang!” “落雷枪!” The hand imprint to the vault of heaven, the clouds that fills is gathering to form the thunder clouds all round, then the hundred zhang (333m) thunder (spear|gun) chops unexpectedly together straightly, rises together simultaneously with the deep blue flood dragon winding. 手印正对苍穹,弥漫的云霄团团汇聚形成雷云,然后蓦地间一道百丈雷枪笔直劈下,并起与碧蓝蛟缠绕而起。 Bang! 轰! In the midair ripples once more, making water column blast open everywhere rainstorm. 半空中再次荡漾,令水柱炸裂成漫天暴雨。 Two side disciples look that each other lead from the sky fights, the light is the remaining prestige then shakes it draws back several steps. 两方弟子看着彼此的领头在空中交手,光是余威便将其震退数步。 Saw that the Holy Ghost flower succeeds in obtaining, the coming shop day rough water flood dragon, making the Nangong ice helpless twitched, must give up for the time being, gave way to traffic to open toward the sky. 眼看圣灵花到手,却迎面而来铺天的汹涛蛟龙,令南宫冰无奈的抽搐一下,只得暂且放弃,朝上空避让而开。 Has the opportunity!” “有机会!” Looks at equally matched two, the Qin Shi psychic force is offering a sacrifice to completely, frequently maintains the vigilance, at once compels to take off the Holy Ghost colored instance in the Nangong ice sheet, his pupil heart one happy. 望着不相上下的两人,秦石精神力全部祭出,时时刻刻的保持警惕,旋即就在南宫冰被逼破离开圣灵花的瞬间,他眸心一喜。 Looks at sunlight!” “看着曦儿!” Pats Yu Luocha, at once does not wait for her to recover, binds tightly the Qin Shi palm after black robe to search void, [gold/metal] lovelace Fu Luo is in the palms together. 拍下玉罗刹,旋即不等她回过神来,裹紧黑袍后的秦石手掌虚空一探,一道金色魔符落在掌间。 Unexpectedly, his eyebrow peak place halo dodges, follows close on the whole body to explode the shining hair, the arm expands in vain several times, a pair of wing launches in the back. 蓦地,他眉峰处光晕一闪,紧跟着全身爆起金灿灿的毛发,臂膀徒然扩张几倍,一双翅翼在背后展开。 Ominous beast list 999 Heaven Defying Winged Tiger?” The Qin Shi sudden change made the Yu Luocha tender body tremble, was somewhat accidental. “凶兽榜999名的傲天翼虎?”秦石突然的变化令玉罗刹娇躯一颤,有些意外。 Changes into the wing tiger, the Qin Shi flapping wing without hesitation, tramples in the raindrop of midair continuously void, presses up to the central Holy Ghost flower to take off. 化为翼虎,秦石不假思索的拍动羽翼,连续在半空的雨点中虚空践踏,直逼中央的圣灵花摘下。 At this time, two who airborne fought induces Qin Shi similarly, was almost turning head of roaring exclaims lowly: Boy, you dares!” 在这时,空中交手的两人同样感应到秦石,几乎是咆哮的扭过头低吼道:“小子,你敢!” He he, many thanks two!” “呵呵,多谢两位!” But when they open the mouth, Qin Shi actually early fell on the lotus leaf, looks front is blooming seven pink clouds light Holy Ghost flowers, reveals some happy intent. 但在两人开口时,秦石却早已经落在荷叶上,望着面前绽放着七彩霞光的圣灵花,露出些许喜意。 The palm finds out the black robe, takes off the Holy Ghost flower. 手掌探出黑袍,一把将圣灵花摘下。 Succeeded?” Qin Shi pupil heart great happiness, sets out then to want toward behind to fly at once to escape. “成功了?”秦石眸心大喜,旋即起身便欲朝身后飞遁而出。 But does not wait for him to set out to leave lotus leaf, permits to arrive at the acme with the Nangong ice facial features unreliably pale, gets rid: Falls Lei Qiang, swims the dragon all sea!” 但不等他起身离开荷叶,玄允和南宫冰的面容铁青到极致,同时出手:“落雷枪,游龙四海!” Big Buddhist relics decide!” “大舍利决!” The back two fearful strengths made in the Qin Shi heart one cold, at once the tiger flank whips spatially turns over the half-turn, three bone-chilling cold purple quiet fire beats. 背后两股可怕的力量令秦石心中一寒,旋即虎翼侧空拍打间翻转半圈,三道凛冽的紫色幽火跳动而出。 Bang! 轰! Three enormous and powerful bone-chilling cold Buddhist relics scattering golden light, welcomed the flood dragon and fall the thunder, the world was dim. 三道浩荡凛冽的舍利散射金光,迎上蛟龙和落雷,天地昏暗。 Looked at eye-catching vault of heaven all people all shocked. 望着夺目的苍穹所有人全惊呆了。 But in the lakeside, Yu Luocha is looking at the Holy Ghost flower actually low and deep under eye in Qin Shi hand, she always felt that some do not suit, but also cannot say. 但在湖畔上,玉罗刹望着秦石手中的圣灵花却低沉下眼,她总感觉有些不太对劲,但却又说不上来。 Is where not to be actually right? 究竟是哪里不对? Suddenly, she suddenly one startled, at once lowers the head to look toward the Ruoshui of Tianchi, follows close on the black pupil to draw in instantaneously, probably saw any exceptionally terrifying matter, raises head exclaims to the Qin Shi anger: Shi’tou, throws away Holy Ghost flower quickly!” 恍然间,她猛然一惊,旋即低头朝天池的弱水下望去,紧跟着黑色的瞳仁在瞬间收拢,好像看见了什么异常恐怖的事,仰头冲秦石怒吼道:“石头,快把圣灵花扔开!” ---- ---- If writes quickly, 6 : 00 pm have 1. 如果写得快,晚上6点还有1更。
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