PDL :: Volume #4

#335: Cannot go forward

Ruoshui?” “弱水?” Qin Shi puzzled casts aside to look excessively toward Yu Luocha. hundred degree celsius searches the book title to add 800 novel networks to look at the quickest renewal 秦石不解的撇过头朝玉罗刹望去。百度搜索书名加800小說网看最快更新 The beautiful pupil follows the watermark of Tianchi to cause the ripples, the Yu Luocha broad and handsome forehead lightly: Um, Ruoshui, in the world the weakest thing, the hearsay can prevent the earth's attraction, making the insignificant thing not float, bird!” 美眸伴随天池的水纹引起涟漪,玉罗刹螓首轻点:“嗯,弱水,世上最弱的东西,传闻能阻挡地心引力,令鸿毛不浮,飞鸟不过!” Hissing the insignificant thing does not float, bird?” The surprised suction port cold air/Qi but actually, Qin Shi frowns to wrinkle: That why Holy Ghost flower can grows?” “嘶鸿毛不浮,飞鸟不过?”惊讶的倒吸口冷气,秦石横眉皱起:“那为何圣灵花能在其中生长?” This is the Holy Ghost colored marvelous place.” “这就是圣灵花的奇妙之处。” Yu Luocha light nan: Holy Ghost flower and Ruoshui equally good results from different methods, similarly not by the influence of earth's attraction, even if throws it airborne, it can also float on airborne does not fall.” 玉罗刹轻喃一声:“圣灵花与弱水异曲同工,同样不受地心引力的影响,就算是将其抛掷空中,它也能够浮在空中而不落。” Is this?” Under point that Qin Shi is suddenly enlighted, somewhat is at once helpless: That such words, said that nobody can take down it?” “是这样?”秦石恍然大悟的点下头,旋即有些无奈:“那如此的话,岂不是说没人能取下它?” Not, Holy Ghost flower in full bloom instant, will bring in the world phenomenon, has the rough gravity to counter-balance Ruoshui, instantaneous beginning that so long as is in full bloom in the Holy Ghost flower, can avoid this influence of Ruoshui!” Here, Yu Luocha was silent, probably fell into for a very long time recollection. “非也,圣灵花在盛开的刹那,会引来天地异象,产生粗犷的重力来抵消弱水,所以只要在圣灵花盛开的瞬间动手,就能避开这弱水的影响!”说到这,玉罗刹沉默不语,好像陷入久久的回忆。 „When is in full bloom gets rid?” “盛开时出手么?” Sees the Yu Luocha appearance, Qin Shi has not broken her, after is only light nan one , the slender finger income sleeve robe, but actually will flash through in the jet black pupil heart to the strangeness of not easy detection. 望见玉罗刹的模样,秦石并未打断她,只是轻喃一声后将修长的手指收入袖袍,但在漆黑的眸心中却闪过到不易察觉的诡异。 Gets rid twice continually inadequately, permits to become flushed a face to pinch tightly the fist unreliably. 连番两次出手不成,玄允涨红个脸捏紧拳头。 The complexion of Nangong ice is similarly pale, they are hear the Holy Ghost flower are the quiet clan halidoms, therefore braves to offend the price of quiet clan to enter the fog shade mountain, but if cannot take the Holy Ghost to be colored, but troubled. 南宫冰的脸色同样铁青,他们都是听闻圣灵花是幽族圣物,所以才冒着得罪幽族的代价进入雾影山,但若取不走圣灵花的话,可就麻烦了。 At that time, whether the whole body could draw back is very difficult to say. 那时候,能否全身而退都很难说。 Who?” “谁?” But in the silence, permits suddenly startled to change unreliably, is following close on his face toward rear one revolution, cold Li the pupil heart locks in the dark jungle, wipes spiritual power such as the flood dragon to go to sea, speeds away to go: Stealthy, leave to me!” 但在沉默中,玄允突然惊变,紧跟着他面庞朝后方一转,冷厉的眸心锁定在幽暗的密林里,一抹灵力如蛟龙出海,疾驰而去:“鬼鬼祟祟,给我滚出来!” Was discovered?” “被发现了吗?” Qin Shi on branch is quite accidental. 在枝条上的秦石颇为意外。 Bang! 砰! Wild spiritual power just entered the jungle, then blasts open in the forest opens broken. 狂野的灵力刚入密林,便在林中炸裂碎开。 At once, in fire beacon that blasts out, the golden light bright dazzling ray lifts off together straightly, punctures fire beacon. 旋即,炸开的狼烟里,一道金光灿烂的刺目光线笔直升空,刺开狼烟 !! 咻!咻! Two forms dodge void, agile after leaping fire beacon, falls on the lakeside. 两道身影虚空一闪,敏捷的跃出狼烟后落在湖畔。 Sees clearly two forms, permits with Nangong ice and the others unreliably simultaneously one startled: Yu Luocha!?” 看清两道身影,玄允和南宫冰等人同时一惊:“玉罗刹!?” Yu Luocha how in this?” 玉罗刹怎么会在这?” „Does she also want to seize the Holy Ghost flower?” “难道她也想要夺圣灵花?” Person Qin Shi and Yu Luocha that leaps, after all people sees clearly them neglect Qin Shi of subconscious, starts to the Yu Luocha much discussion. 跃出的人正是秦石玉罗刹,当诸人看清两人后潜意识的忽略秦石,开始对玉罗刹纷纷议论起来。 Regarding this, in the Qin Shi black pupil flashes through together the clearly discernible disgruntledness. 对此,秦石黑眸中闪过一道清晰可见的不悦。 Cracks a joke, was inferior by a woman, which man will be happy? Therefore his false smile twitches: He he, your fame may really be big.” 开玩笑,被一个女人比下去,哪个男人会开心?为此他皮笑肉不笑的抽搐一下:“呵呵,你的名气可真是大啊。” „Are you are envying me?” “你这是在嫉妒我么?” The Yu Luocha beautiful pupil is looking at the Qin Shi indignant appearance, rare teased one. 玉罗刹美眸望着秦石愤愤不平的模样,罕见的调侃一声。 A tumult, on the face of crowd simultaneously reveals frightened and dreaded. 一阵骚动,人群的面庞上同时露出恐惧和忌惮。 But at this time, after seeing Yu Luocha, permitted a man actually to fly into a rage unreliably, his root exuded psst the sound, was the second in command of profound group: Permanent [say / way]. 但这时,望见玉罗刹后玄允身旁的一名男子却勃然大怒,他的牙根发出吱吱的响声,正是玄组的二当家:恒道。 …… The permanent [say / way] filled with kills getting angry of intent, grasps the saber of waist, then suddenly from out of the blue before rushing: Yu Luocha, you kill my profound group over a hundred people, today I make your blood debt blood recompense!” 恒道满腔杀意的红着眼,一把握住腰间的佩剑,便猛然破空的就冲上前:“玉罗刹,你杀我玄组上百人,今日我就让你血债血偿!” The permanent [say / way] gets rid suddenly, those present have all sucked the tongue, permits to stop him unreliably not with enough time. 恒道突然出手,在场的人皆是咂了咂舌,玄允想阻拦他都没来得及。 The Nangong ice actually reveals a happy intent in the lakeside opposite shore: He he, the second in command of this profound group, is really the four limbs of living up to reputation developed simpleminded.” 南宫冰在湖畔对岸却露出一丝喜意:“呵呵,这玄组的二当家,真是名不虚传的四肢发达头脑简单啊。” Snort, courts death!” “哼,找死!” Is looking at the permanent [say / way] of approaching, Yu Luocha contemptuous one, after picking up She Xi'er , the white hands turn in the hip, then wants to set out to go forward. 望着逼近的恒道,玉罗刹轻蔑一哼,托起蛇曦儿后玉手在胯间一翻,便欲起身上前。 Bang!! But she just wanted to lift the foot, on the fragrant shoulder actually trembles. 但她刚欲抬脚,香肩上却不由一颤。 A slender palm holds down her, follows close on by the ear to transmit light nan: When, I have been saying, before your body, is risen to challenges by me!” 一只修长的手掌将她按住,紧跟着耳旁传来声轻喃:“待着,我说过,你身前由我来披荆斩棘!” Um?” “嗯?” In the beautiful pupil of Yu Luocha flashes through together the different kind brilliance. 玉罗刹的美眸中闪过一道别样光彩。 ! At once, the jet black long gown makes noise in the wind together cool and refreshingly, after rolling up and pushing along everywhere dust sand, explodes to shoot, in black robe next two spiritual power gentle one revolutions, such as the great antiquity beast of prey roared, welcomed the permanent [say / way]. 咻!旋即,一道漆黑的长袍在风中泠泠作响,卷动起漫天尘沙后爆射而出,在黑袍下两股灵力柔和一转,如洪荒猛兽般咆哮而出,迎上恒道。 Bang! 轰隆隆! Two light fight suddenly, the earth does not have to shiver several points for it. 两道光影突然交手,大地为其不有颤抖几分。 The disciple brow wrinkle of profound group, simultaneously shows the contemptuous facial expression: Who a moment ago was that boy?” 玄组的弟子眉头不由一皱,同时露出轻蔑的神情:“刚才那小子是谁?” Does not know, but dares to the second in command, to visit him does not want really awfully!” “不知道,但敢对二当家,看他是真不想要命了!” Opposes with the profound group, doesn't this boy want to live?” In the Nangong ice, several hundred disciples stared being surprised different way of staring. “和玄组作对,这小子不想活了?”在南宫冰的身后,几个百家弟子瞪了瞪眼的诧异道。 Nangong ice congealing eye looking straight ahead, has not responded. 南宫冰凝眼直视,没有回应。 ! 咣! Trembles fiercely, in the position light shining in all directions of confrontation, the earth clears the way toward the broken below suddenly three meters deep gully. 剧烈一颤,在交锋的位置光芒四射,大地猛然朝下裂开道三米多深的沟壑。 Follows, Qin Shi leaps the body to back up dozens meters in the gully, at once the lowering the head successor dynasty of the palm is looking, sees only his palm covered with blood, the blood crossflow. 紧随其后,秦石在沟壑中跃身倒退出数十米,旋即低下头后朝着掌心望去,只见他的掌心血肉模糊,鲜血横流。 But this wound he has not actually had the vacillation, but helpless shaking down head: He he, Profound Spirit Realm, is not really good to cope.” 但这伤却并未他产生动摇,只是无奈的摇下头:“呵呵,玄灵境,果然不好对付啊。” ! 咻! In the gully, permanent [say / way] setting out float Yu Kong, crosses the hands behind the back vertical is hanging some contemptuously, toward below Qin Shi sizes up: Well? Really interesting, trivial does Spirit King Realm, depending on you also want for others over? You do not ask that her Yu Luocha does buy your this tack!” 在沟壑中,恒道起身悬浮于空,负手而立的挂着些许轻蔑,朝下方的秦石打量一番:“咦?真是有趣,区区王灵境,凭你也想替别人出头?你不问问她玉罗刹领不领你这个情!” After hears that sound, begins supinely, Qin Shi smiles: He he, the people of your profound group before fighting, must always install to compel a meeting first, is willing to begin?” 闻声后仰起头,秦石笑笑:“呵呵,你们玄组的人在交手前,难道总是要先装逼一会,然后才肯动手吗?” You “你” The permanent [say / way] stares, at once dreadful anger loftily raises, wipes the pressure to make the earth between world shiver, speeds away with him under: Is unappreciative, I help you!” 恒道不禁一愣,旋即滔天的怒火傲然升起,一抹威压令天地间的大地颤抖一下,跟着他疾驰而下:“不识抬举,我就成全你!” Stares at the light of falling, the Qin Shi body is tightening. 盯着落下的光影,秦石身躯绷紧。 Facing Profound Spirit Realm, even if after is breakthrough , is hard to contend, if a wisp of wisp of psychic force the invisible air wave, covers in the surrounding area kilometer, is inducing periphery each inch slightest sign of trouble. 面对玄灵境,就算是突破后也是难以抗衡,一缕一缕的精神力如无形气浪,覆盖在方圆千米,感应着周围每寸的风吹草动。 Bang! 砰! The palm welcomed near, the Qin Shi black pupil bone-chilling cold congealed, at once the body in a flash, after just shunted the attack, dexterously the knee took advantage of opportunity to welcome toward on. 掌心迎近,秦石黑眸凛冽一凝,旋即身躯轻巧一晃,刚躲开攻击后膝盖顺势朝上迎上。 Bang! 轰隆! Bang, transforms myriad illusory images on the knee of Qin Shi, the green light of vault of heaven illusory image foot like the rattan toward the permanent [say / way] winding on. 巨响一声,在秦石的膝盖上幻化出万千幻影,苍穹幻影脚的绿色光影如藤条般朝恒道缠绕而上。 Scram!!” 滚开!” Meteor sword-light rips open the space together, the jet black crack that launches crushes the illusory image, the next instant black robe one strokes in the front together, the palm approaches. 一道流星剑光撕开空间,展开的漆黑裂缝将幻影击碎,下一霎一道黑袍在面前一拂而过,掌心逼近。 Bang! 砰! The fist palm encounters, the blown sand walks the stone, Longji that the earth such as extends splits several deeply not to see the bottom the gully. 拳掌交锋间,飞沙走石,大地如延绵的龙脊般裂开几道深不见底的沟壑。 A series of fighting are rock the earth, facial expression on all people the face rotates, profound group people from contemptuous transformation astonished puzzled. 一连串的交手震天动地,诸人面庞上的神情随之转动,玄组人更是从轻蔑不由的转变成惊愕不解。 The Nangong ice crosses the hands behind the back to look to Qin Shi: This boy, is not simple.” 南宫冰负手望向秦石:“这小子,不简单。” Bang! 轰隆隆! The opening that winds one after another expands along the peak, the gully has as if made a connection with Tianchi, howls such as Jiang Hong's Ruoshui to take advantage of opportunity flows, withers in the surrounding flowers and plants all, the profound number of classes person was affected. 一道一道蜿蜒的裂口沿着峰顶扩开,沟壑仿佛打通了天池,呼啸如江洪的弱水顺势从中流淌而过,在周围的花草尽数枯萎,玄组数人被波及其中。 Looks back to see the disciples of profound group to fall into the middle of Ruoshui, the permanent [say / way] hangs in airborne flies into a rage, contorting one's face in agony roars: Brat, you court death!” 回首望见玄组的弟子陷入弱水当中,恒道悬于空中勃然大怒,呲牙咧嘴的怒吼一声:“臭小子,你找死!” Anger builds up to hold up the day palm!” “怒炼擎天掌!” Suddenly the peak fiercely trembles, forms the wild flame in the palm winds of permanent [say / way], the flame rolls up and pushes along such as the sharp knife blade in the wind is ordinary, dodges the place of plundering to be remnant mark everywhere. 蓦然间峰顶剧烈一颤,在恒道的掌风间形成狂野的火光,火光卷动在风中如利刃一般,闪掠之处必是残痕漫天。 Rumble, is the anger builds up to hold up the day palm, did this boy compel the second in command to use this move unexpectedly?” The surging emotions of profound group person mentioned, follow the permanent [say / way] palm to fall. “咕噜,是怒炼擎天掌,这小子竟然逼得二当家用了这招?”玄组人的心潮提起,伴随恒道掌心落下。 He also calculates that had the skill, but the anger built up to hold up the day to hold Lian Da to manage a household must give way to traffic three points, this boy this time died.” “他也算有本事了,但怒炼擎天掌连大当家都要避让三分,这小子这次死定了。” Whoops, holds the flame between winds to be getting more and more abundant, Yu Luocha for this reason congealing eye somewhat dreaded. 议论纷纷,掌风间的火光越来越盛,玉罗刹都为此凝眼的有些忌惮。 She Xi'er shouts one: Elder sister, rescues Brother Shi quickly.” 蛇曦儿呼喊一声:“姐姐,快救石头哥啊。” The Yu Luocha skilled artist grips tightly, finally actually shakes the head: His matter, he does not hope others to meddle, sunlight believes Brother Shi.” 玉罗刹妙手攥紧,最终却摇摇头:“他的事,他不希望别人插手,曦儿相信石头哥吧。” Bang! 轰! Welcomed the day a palm, permanent [say / way] rolling up and pushing along all colors thunderclap, to the Qin Shi forehead straight bang under. 迎天一掌,恒道卷动五彩霹雳,冲着秦石的额头笔直轰下。 Feels on the brow tip like the sharp sword strong gale, Qin Shi is unprecedented is also serious. 感受眉梢上如利剑般的烈风,秦石也是前所未有的郑重起来。 This strikes, making him feel a danger, sacrifice without hesitation two purple flames, ignition clear sky of flame in vault of heaven. 这一击,令他感觉到一股危险,不假思索的祭出两道紫色火光,火光在苍穹上点燃晴空。 Big Buddhist relics decide!” “大舍利决!” Together golden light dazzling, in ascending to heaven, but in the purple flame builds up, two shining Buddhist relics keep revolving, in revolving causes the hurricane. 一道金光刺目而出,在升天而起的紫色火焰中炼化而出,两道金灿灿的舍利不停旋转,旋转中引起飓风。 Bang! 砰! , Vault of heaven explosive, sees only that two golden Buddhist relics to welcome in the palms of permanent [say / way] loudly, broad mutually unceasing collision. 轰然间,苍穹爆响一声,只见那两枚金色舍利迎上恒道的掌间,恢弘中相互不断的碰撞。 Bang! 轰隆隆! In the friction, the world causes the ripples unceasingly, after being blustery, in calm Tianchi produces continually some ripples. 在摩擦间,天地不断引起涟漪,风起云涌后连波澜不惊的天池上都不禁产生些许荡漾。 The body of permanent [say / way] speeding away kept off suddenly, the complexion becomes flushed somewhat embarrassed, looking at steadily is staring at two [gold/metal] pill: What's wrong, how to be possible?” 恒道疾驰的身躯突然被挡下,脸色涨红的有些难堪,目不转睛的盯着两枚金丹:“怎么,怎么可能?” He, did he keep off?” “他,他挡下来了?” In contending, all people one startled, permits simultaneously to stare the big eye with the Nangong ice unreliably, looks in two golden light Buddhist relics somewhat to be dignified. 在抗衡间,诸人一惊,玄允和南宫冰同时瞪大眼睛,望着两道金光舍利中不禁有些凝重。 The Yu Luocha pink / white fist pinches tightly, seeps out cold sweat. 玉罗刹粉拳捏紧,渗出冷汗。 Ka! Cha! 咔嚓! But in astonished, withstands directly holds the wind on two golden light to split the opening completely suddenly, the dazzling ray takes advantage of opportunity low-spirited some. 但在惊愕中,正面承受全部掌风的两道金光上突然裂开豁口,刺目的光芒顺势黯然些许。 Sees that opening, all people one startled: „Does second in command want to win?” 望见那豁口,诸人一惊:“二当家要赢了?” Permits to relax unreliably, permanent [say / way] excitedly great happiness: Brat, you lost!” 玄允跟着松了口气,恒道勃然大喜:“臭小子,你输了!” Stone Qin!” “石秦!” Yu Luocha charmingly angry, grasps Nirvana Sword to set out then to want single-handed to rush toward Qin Shi. 玉罗刹娇嗔一声,单手一把握住寂灭剑起身便欲朝秦石冲上去。 Do not move!” “别动!” But fierce puts out in the Qin Shi mouth together, making the Yu Luocha tender body that just lifted starts tremble, is stiff is in-situ. 但一道厉声在秦石口中吐出,令刚抬起脚的玉罗刹娇躯一颤,僵在原地。 I said that your front is stood by me, that cannot you go forward!” Resolute sound every single word or phrase, such as timely exhortation to virtue and purity in the atrium rap of Yu Luocha, making her unable to speak again. “我说你的面前由我站,那就不许你上前!”一字一句的刚毅声音,如暮鼓晨钟般在玉罗刹的心房敲击,令她再也说不出话来。 Snort, dies to being imminent also dares to show off power!” “哼,死到临头还敢逞强!” But hears the Qin Shi words, the permanent [say / way] actually disdains roars, holds the prevailing custom not to fall then makes the dust rise of earth, the ground loudly hollow avalanche. 但听到秦石的话,恒道却不屑的怒吼一声,掌风尚未落下便令大地的尘土上升,地面轰然凹陷的崩塌。 Yes?” “是么?” The Qin Shi corners of the mouth select strangely, reveal beyond comprehension free and easy and feels relaxed: Does not know is really who to your superiority feeling, turns head to have a look at you behind!” 秦石嘴角诡异一挑,露出令人费解的洒脱和释然:“真不知道是谁给你的优越感,回头看看你身后吧!” ! 咻! The sound just fell, the golden light has delimited in the permanent [say / way] sky together unexpectedly, rips to clear the way the grating sound from out of the blue. 声响刚落,一道金光蓦地在恒道上空划过,撕开道刺耳的破空声。 Permits the heart to shake unreliably: Permanent [say / way]!” 玄允心头一震:“恒道!” The sudden difference made the permanent [say / way] be startled being startled, but when he looked back is already without enough time, saw only in the place above of his head does not know when condensed the ease purple fire, in the purple fire quenchinged together the shining halo, ripped to empty to fall. 突然的异样令恒道怔了怔,但当他回首是已经来不及了,只见在他头颅的上方不知何时凝聚起悠然的紫火,紫火中淬炼出一道金灿灿的光晕,撕空而落。 „Do this buddhist relics really have three?” “这舍利子竟然有三道?” All people were all shocked, cold such as in the facial features of cold ice reveals rare changing countenance including Yu Luocha. 所有人全被惊呆了,连玉罗刹寒如冷冰的面容上都露出罕见的动容。 Is starting, Qin Shi expects two Buddhist relics is not the match of permanent [say / way], in the psychic force that therefore in offering a sacrifice to strips the third quiet fire, now Spirit King Realm Late Stage he can definitely control three Buddhist relics. 早在开始,秦石就料到两枚舍利不是恒道的对手,所以在祭出的精神力中剥离出第三道幽火,如今王灵境后期的他完全能够驾驭三枚舍利。 Bang! 轰! At once has not waited for various people to get back one's composure, the permanent [say / way] was hit by the third golden Buddhist relics directly, the body such as receives thousand jin (0.5 kg) heavy pressure to be ordinary, pounding that falls from the sky with a crash in ground. 旋即没等诸人回神,恒道直接被第三道金色舍利击中,身躯如受到千斤重压一般,砰然陨落的砸在地面。 Bang! 轰隆! This, making permanent [say / way] fall into several meters deep underground directly, was good moves aside promptly in the final moment because of him is hit the cerebellum by the Buddhist relics, otherwise must die without doubt. 这一下,令恒道直接陷入几米深的地下,好在他在最后关头躲闪及时才未被舍利击中后脑,否则必死无疑。 But shunts the strategic point, permanent [say / way] still broke several ribs, the bright red blood sprays one after another. 但就算躲开要害,恒道仍是断了几根肋骨,一口一口鲜红的血液喷洒而出。 He he, hasn't died? Really was a pity.” “呵呵,没死吗?真是可惜。” By dust Sha Wang to permanent [say / way], Qin Shi somewhat helpless shaking down head, but he knows that he lost kills the opportunity of permanent [say / way], turning round that therefore has not shown off power, walks toward Yu Luocha. 透过尘沙望向恒道,秦石有些无奈的摇下头,但他知道他已经失去杀死恒道的机会了,所以并未逞强的回过身,朝玉罗刹走去。 ! 咻! By the lakeside in Tianchi, permits the pale face under to leap unreliably, holds the permanent [say / way] in the bosom, is looking at the permanent [say / way] serious injury anger such as the volcanic eruption same sputtering. 在天池的湖畔旁,玄允铁青的面庞咻下跃出,一把将恒道抱在怀中,望着恒道惨重的伤势怒火如火山爆发一样溅射而起。 Young fellow! You really have not died!” “好小子!你真是没死过!” , Wipes the manic spirit pressure of far ultra permanent [say / way] such as thousand rough sea waves to curl up on the vault of heaven loudly, rolling falls throws to strike to fall toward Qin Shi behind. 轰然间,一抹远超恒道的狂躁灵压如千层巨浪般在天穹上卷起,滚滚而落的朝秦石背后扑击而落。 Bang! 轰! But suddenly, flutters just like the black hair fluttering flags of waterfall, the Yu Luocha body stands like the ghosts and demons in Qin Shi behind, such as the double pupil of cold ice deters the audience: Injures him, death!” 但戛然,宛如瀑布的青丝旖旎飘荡,玉罗刹的身躯如鬼魅般立在秦石身后,如寒冰的双眸威慑全场:“伤他者,死!”
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