PDL :: Volume #4

#334: Tianchi accumulation

The turbulence of feeling mountain massif, Qin Shi raises eyes to look. 感受山体的动荡,秦石举目望去。 Sees only in the east side foot of fog shade mountain, a series of several fulminations precipice surrounding of half wall, fie beacons on all sides, the beacon-fire are along the way unceasing. 只见在雾影山的东侧山脚,一连串的几声爆鸣沿途将半壁的山岩包围,狼烟四起,烽火不断。 By billowing fire beacon, sees is only covering over a thousand forms. 透过滚滚狼烟,只见其中笼罩着上千的身影。 Is the profound group?” “是玄组?” Sees form, Qin Shi knitting the brows head , the wear of this group of people are unified, is a white embroidery long gown, on the chest has a forceful profound character. 看见其中的身影,秦石皱了皱眉头,这群人的穿着非常统一,是一件白色的刺绣长袍,胸口上都有一个铿锵有力的玄字。 Bang! 轰! But this shake had not ended, reverberates once more in the west side of fog shade mountain the deafening fulmination. 但这面的震荡尚未结束,在雾影山的西侧再次回荡起震耳欲聋的爆鸣。 Two fulmination sounds such as billowing perpetual flow. 两段爆鸣声如滚滚长河。 Holds Gu Song's Qin Shi to be dignified the eye, looks back wooden sees only in the west at the foot of the hill similarly is beacon-fire Lianshan, is wrapping several thousand forms in fire beacon. 扶着古松的秦石凝重起眼,木然回首中只见在西侧的山脚下同样是烽火连山,在狼烟中包裹着数千名身影。 Hundred?” “百家?” The pupil light of black pupil penetrates west fire beacon, falls Qin Shi is startled after form. 黑眸的眸光透过西侧狼烟,落在其中的身影上后秦石不由一怔。 !!! 咻!咻!咻! The both sides fire beacon billowing ascension, are following close on hundred and thousand of spiritual power ascension, almost explodes to shoot when the same gate pulse fog shade mountain peak top. 两侧狼烟滚滚升腾,紧跟着成百上千道的灵力升腾,几乎是在同一时间冲雾影山峰顶爆射而出。 Looks at the form of that rolling up and pushing along rumor in the halfway up the mountainside, the Yu Luocha ice-cold elegant face cold glow is overflowing once more: It seems like, they also received the news that the Holy Ghost flower was in full bloom.” 在半山腰望着那卷动风声的身影,玉罗刹冰冷的俏脸再次寒芒四溢:“看来,他们也接到圣灵花盛开的消息了。” They enter the fog shade mountain, doesn't fear the malaria?” “他们进入雾影山,不怕瘴气?” This malaria is knot under quiet clan cloth, both sides simultaneously inspired to shake day spiritual power to break a moment ago to tie, naturally is not receiving the malaria to puzzle.” Yu Luocha shakes the head to say. “这瘴气是幽族布下的结界,刚才双方同时引动撼天灵力破开结界,自然不在受瘴气困扰。”玉罗刹摇摇头道。 Qin Shi has been startled being startled, this discovered that the surrounding malaria truly dissipates in the with quick speed: It seems like they early are prepared.” 秦石怔了怔,这才发现周围的瘴气确实在以很快的速度消散:“看来他们是早有准备啊。” Um, these time somewhat troubled.” “嗯,这一次有些麻烦了。” The Yu Luocha thousand years motionless tenderness allow to reveal some struggles, is somewhat awkward. 玉罗刹千年不动的娇容上露出些许挣扎,有些为难。 Shrugs Qin Shi not to respond, instead cracks into a smile, unloads the back heavy mammoth ivory, said: He he, this is also good, did not use at the back of the thing of this being in the way finally.” 耸了耸肩秦石却并未回应,反而咧嘴一笑,将背后沉重的猛犸象牙卸下,道:“呵呵,这样也好,总算不用背着这个碍事的东西了。” This crucial point, can you also smile?” “这个节骨眼,你还能笑出来?” Yu Luocha ill-humored staring Qin Shi, ill-humored being angry no wonder that: „The strength of profound group and ruined family is very strong, many Profound Spirit Realm powerhouses, especially profound group manages a household greatly permits unreliably, in the past I and he handed over to fight evenly, if not for there are dead out, perhaps I defeated.” 玉罗刹没好气的瞪眼秦石,没好气的嗔怪道:“玄组和败家的实力都很强,其中不乏玄灵境强者,特别是玄组的大当家玄允,当年我和他交战斗成平手,若不是有寂灭在,恐怕我就败了。” Fights evenly with you?” “和你斗成平手?” This point made Qin Shi somewhat accidental actually, Yu Luocha strength he is clear, in addition Nirvana Sword ordinary Profound Spirit Realm at all was not her match, can fight tie this to permit with her not to allow to look down upon obviously unreliably. 这一点倒是令秦石有些意外,玉罗刹的实力他再清楚不过,加上寂灭剑普通的玄灵境根本不是她对手,能和她斗成平局可见这个玄允不容小视啊。 But this has not made him be discouraged, instead raises the unprecedented confidence on the resolute face, holds the white hands of Yu Luocha saying: He he, I have said that before your body, I rise to challenges, no matter any profound groups or hundred have me, you, so long as hid in me behind suffices.” 但这并未令他灰心,反而在刚毅的面庞上升起前所未有的信心,一把抓住玉罗刹的玉手道:“呵呵,我说过,你的身前又我来披荆斩棘,不管什么玄组或百家有我在,你呢只要躲在我身后就够了。” The graceful body trembles, the Yu Luocha control transmits made her somewhat shy warm, wiped rose the collar bone crimson lax, the pupil heart does not have the focal distance. 曼妙的身躯不由一颤,玉罗刹手心传来的温暖令她有些羞涩,一抹绯红升到锁骨,眸心涣散的没有焦距。 But this saying falls on her atrium, made her heart, one rare mood made her feel that whole body some felt hot slightly. 但这话落在她心房,却令她的心暖暖得,有一种罕见的情绪令她感觉全身有些微微发烫。 Why does not know, on looking at the youth between square inches, Yu Luocha is always having the restlessness of tossing and turning, a little small moving restlessly, casts aside finally goes to drop nan one excessively: Obscene thief!” 不知为何,每逢望着方寸间的少年,玉罗刹总有种辗转反侧的不安,有一点小小的躁动,最终撇过头去滴喃一声:“淫贼!” Walks, we let us not be fallen!” “走吧,咱们也别被落下!” After loosening Yu Luocha, Qin Shi laughs, after peak some shoulders of being sore, binds tightly the black robe to walk toward the position that She Xi'er sleeps soundly. 松开玉罗刹秦石哈哈一笑,耸了耸有些酸痛的肩膀后,裹紧黑袍朝蛇曦儿熟睡的位置走去。 Looks at the black form of walking away, the Yu Luocha pupil heart place is actually having the rare change, after she silent for a long time, begins to look at the vault of heaven supinely: Hua Ling, did you see? Some people will be good to me really 望着走远的黑色身影,玉罗刹的眸心处却产生罕见的变化,她沉默许久后仰起头望去天穹:“花零,你看见了吗?真的会有人对我好” Was a pity why cannot appear in early dozens years, now my life already was not my assigning.” In the future she cannot think that her ice-cold pupil heart is low-spirited in this moment. “只是可惜,为何不能在早几十年出现,现在我的命早已不是我的命了。”往后她不敢去想,她冰冷的眸心在这一刻黯然。 Mountain massif turbulence. 山体动荡。 In fog shade mountain deep place, piece of alienation knot. 在雾影山深处,有一片狂乱的结界。 Ties under is over a thousand appearance delicate and pretty men, one group of people encircle before a central altar, in the altar sits a seventy years of age old man. 结界下是上千容颜俊美的男男女女,一群人围在中央的一座祭坛前,祭坛上坐着一名古稀之年的老者。 The old man crane sends the young face, is full of the years baptism the pupil heart during following the mountain massif turbulence opens unexpectedly, spiritual power that made one shiver covers the surrounding area kilometer. 老者鹤发童颜,充满岁月洗礼的眸心在伴随山体动荡中蓦地睁开,一股令人颤抖的灵力覆盖方圆千米。 It seems like, couldn't some people repress?” “看来,有人按耐不住了吗?” The old man corners of the mouth place splits dense smiling, the vision takes advantage of opportunity toward the peak observation goes. 老者嘴角处裂开森然的笑,目光顺势朝峰顶瞭望而去。 Under the altar, two middle age of outstanding ability cup one hand in the other across the chest saying: azure carves the head of the clan, profound groups and hundred people have broken miasma illness brought on by the obstruction of flow of vital energy, whether our plans could start.” 在祭坛下,有两名俊逸中年拱手道:“青雕族长,玄组和百家的人已经将瘴气结界破开,咱们的计划是不是可以开始了。” Profound group? Hundred? He he, came finally, let the silver likely and dark green wolf under the preparation, cast such long net is the time should draw.” Under the old man pupil cold-hearted severe racket of named blue vulture the hand, sees only that to blast out everywhere sawdust the hand in an instant. “玄组?百家?呵呵,终于来了吗,让银象和苍狼去准备下,撒下这么久的网是时候该收拢了。”名为青雕的老者眸心冷厉的拍下把手,只见那把手在刹那间炸开成漫天木屑。 Yes!” “是!” A middle-aged nod accordingly, follows close on to set out to draw back. 一名中年点头应声,紧跟着起身退下。 Looks middle-aged man who is drawing back, the blue vulture silent meeting, then sighed to another man: Was right, is the girl how is it?” 望着退下的中年男子,青雕沉默一会,然后冲着另一名男子叹道:“对了,那丫头怎么样?” Hears this word, the middle-aged man to show the bitter and astringent happy expression: Turns green carves the head of the clan, she is not willing to comply, said that anything does not comply!” 听得此言,中年男子露出苦涩的笑意:“回青雕族长,她还是不肯答应,说什么都不答应!” Nonsense!” “胡闹!” Under the robe of blue vulture gushes out Luan Luan Shayi excitedly, made the surrounding cold wind adverse current, low roar: Snort, no matter she does comply, this is the iron command of my quiet clan, ties up to me, must tie up to me!” 勃然间青雕的袍下涌出栾栾杀意,令周围的冷风都逆流而起,低吼声:“哼,不管她答不答应,这是我幽族的铁令,就是给我绑,也要给我绑上去!” Yes!” The middle-aged man tremble Venerable the boundary accordingly. “是!”中年男子哆嗦的尊境应声。 After the middle age draws back next, in the blue vulture pupil heart dodges greedy of corridor not easy detection, at once he raises toward the nighttime sky in fierce looks: 30 years, Hua Ling, snake ceratop, you have harmed me to wait the entire 30 years, this heaven enlarged ones vision finally!” 在中年退下后,青雕眸心中闪过道不易察觉的贪婪,旋即他扬起头朝夜空中狰狞的望去:“30年了,花零,蛇角龙,你们害我等了整整30年啊,这一次苍天终于开眼了!” With it simultaneously. 与其同时。 Is tying the deep place, there is a gloomy moist corner. 在结界的深处,有一处阴暗潮湿的角落。 In the corner, the graceful form back to sits, but on the light is the dim back then ** the eclipse bone, does not know that must make many men get sucked perishes. 角落中,有一名曼妙的身影背对而坐,但就光是着朦胧的背影便**蚀骨,不知要令多少男子深陷沉沦。 ! 咻! After behind behind, there is a skinny form to fall together. 在身后背后,有一道干瘦的身影落下。 Came back?” The start to talk of beautiful figure light nan said. “回来了?”倩影轻喃的开口道。 Um, the matter that the lord, you confesses I have completed.” This skinny form finds out the moonlight, to beautiful figure exceptionally respectful cups one hand in the other across the chest to hold the fist in the other hand. “嗯,主子,您交代的事我已经做好了。”这干瘦的身影探出月光,冲着倩影异常恭敬的拱手抱拳。 If Qin Shi, with amazement will then discover that this skinny form unexpectedly was initially when he initially entered the desolated jungle got rid to rescue the pigeon that. 若是秦石在,便会惊讶的发现这名干瘦身影竟是当初在他初入荒芜丛林时出手相救的白鸽。 I know that he will certainly come.” “我就知道,他一定会来。” Gets the response of pigeon, the female such as an ignorant child is naive, reveals smiling of flowing. 得到白鸽的回应,女子如一个懵懂的孩子般天真,露出潸然的笑。 In the fog shade mountain peak peak. 在雾影山峰的峰顶。 Here has an ease Tianchi, in Tianchi the water reflects the blue sky, some calm deathly stillness. 这里有一处悠然天池,天池中水映蓝天,波澜不惊的有些死寂。 But in the center of Tianchi, actually the emerald green lotus leaf of the independence and loftily, above the lotus leaf very has the flower bud that rich fragrance overflows. 但在天池的中央,却有一支独立而傲然的翠绿荷叶,荷叶上方挺起一株浓香四溢的花骨朵。 !!! 咻!咻!咻! A series of several hundreds point out frankly the wind to raid. 一连串数百道破风袭来。 Follows close on several hundred forms to fall on the Tianchi river bank, on the long gown of this crowd of person fronts is all embroidering the sonorous profound character. 紧跟着几百名身影落在天池河畔,这群人胸前的长袍上皆是绣着铿锵玄字。 Before various people, appearance, if Pan An's good-looking youth, the youth crosses the hands behind the back to stand, is especially unusual. 在诸人身前,有一名貌若潘安的俊俏青年,青年负手而立,格外超凡。 He stands before various people, stares at the Tianchi central blue color quiet flower to reveal the joyful great kindness: News really right, is really the Holy Ghost flower!” 他站在诸人身前,凝望着天池中央的碧蓝色幽花不禁露出欣喜盛意:“消息果然没错,真是圣灵花!” ! 咻! The people of profound group have not arrived in full, in the opposite of Tianchi actually similarly is the everywhere broken wind, thousand forms die under. 玄组的人尚未到齐,在天池的对面却同样是漫天破风,千道身影陨落而下。 Was hand grasps the multicolored silk banner in this group of people, on the multicolored silk banner has filled up over a hundred Fu Wen, after hundred Fu Wen gathered, congealed hundred characters. 在这群人身上则是手握锦旗,锦旗上填满了上百家的符文,百道符文汇聚后凝成一个百字。 Without doubt, this group of people without doubt are hundred. 无疑,这群人无疑是百家。 In front of hundred crowds, the youth of wear white clothing, blue old good-looking, the fair flesh like the girl, is: Nangong ice. 在百家人群的前面,有一个穿着白衣的青年,青年长得俊俏,白皙的肌肤像女孩子一样,正是:南宫冰。 ! 咻! Follows closely all people, in the rear quiet forest, Qin Shi and Yu Luocha also holds She Xi'er to catch up with the peak. 紧随诸人,在后方的幽林里,秦石玉罗刹也抱着蛇曦儿赶上峰顶。 They have not gone forward, but stands on the crotch in quiet forest looks all around both sides, Qin Shi said: Desolated jungle one group of gather, now on difference quiet clan, such three big influences to.” 两人并未上前,而是站在幽林里的树杈上环顾双方,秦石道:“荒芜丛林一组一家聚集,现在就差幽族了,这样三大势力就全到了。” They will certainly come.” Under Yu Luocha. “他们一定会来。”玉罗刹点下头。 Under Qin Shi not accidental peak shoulder: Hey, that really lived it up.” 秦石并不意外的耸下肩:“嘿嘿,那才是真热闹了。” Looks that in the resolute facial features provoked the superficial radian, the Yu Luocha tender body has been startled being startled, she more and more did not know about Qin Shi, she can feel, in this could not seem like, but was on boy, sent out a gang of rare King to be aggressive. 看着刚毅的面容上挑起浅淡的弧度,玉罗刹的娇躯不禁怔了怔,她对秦石越来越不了解,她能感觉的到,在这看似不到而是的男孩身上,散发出一股罕见的王者霸气。 Probably “好像” In the hearts stopped beating half racket probably, the wonderful hand back of Yu Luocha in pinching tightly firmly, this type was after death aggressive she only to induce on a person has been, was: Hua Ling 心间好像停止跳动了半拍,玉罗刹的妙手背在身后牢牢的捏紧,这种霸气她只在一个人身上感应到过,便是:花零 By Tianchi, Nangong ice natural atmosphere steps Hu, permits to cross the hands behind the back to profound of opposite shore smiles: He he, permits the brother unreliably, is really does not see for a long time.” 在天池旁边,南宫冰落落大气的迈上虎牌,冲着对岸的玄允负手一笑:“呵呵,玄允兄,真是好久不见啊。” Sees the Nangong ice, permits to be disgruntled unreliably: „The Nangong ice, do you also think this turbid water?” 看见南宫冰,玄允不悦道:“南宫冰,难道你也想想趟这次浑水?” Permits brother word to be bad unreliably, this Holy Ghost flower affects me and brothers whether to leave the desolated jungle, is the supreme good news, what comes the word of turbid water?” The response of Nangong ice not inferior non- throat, follows close on hundred following people to start to gather all round, finally almost about 3000 people. “玄允兄此言差矣,这圣灵花攸关我和弟兄们能否离开荒芜丛林,可是至上的好消息啊,又何来浑水之言呢?”南宫冰不卑不吭的回应,紧跟着百家后续之人开始团团汇聚,最终差不多有近3000人之多。 Relative hundred huge crowds, the profound group obvious weak trend are many, has more than 1000 people, is one-third of hundred. 相对起百家庞大的人群,玄组明显弱势不少,只有1000多人,是百家的1不到。 But on these 1000 people of bodies, remains to reveal a same aura completely, is formidable. 但在这1000人的身上,全部留露出一种相同的气息,便是强大。 Snort, the good sentence to steal Liang Huandong, this Holy Ghost flower is not the thing that your ants useless person can bribe!” Abundant raises head, to that 3000 many hundred disciples, permits to be completely at ease unreliably. “哼,好句偷梁换栋,这圣灵花可不是你们这些蝼蚁废物能染指的东西!”盎然仰头,冲着那3000多的百家弟子,玄允坦然自若。 At once, after he draws out the hand, palm wields. 旋即,他起手后掌心一挥。 !!! 咻!咻!咻! Follows his palm to wield, three from out of the blue sounds bone-chilling cold, sees only the profound group following three form surging waves slightly steps, searches the palm to the Tianchi central flower bud under. 伴随他掌心挥动,三道破空声凛冽而起,只见玄组后面三道身影凌波微步,冲着天池中央的花骨朵探掌而下。 The face of Nangong ice is suddenly pale, draws out the hand to shout: Blocks them, do not let them prevail!” 南宫冰的面庞戛然铁青,起手喊道:“拦住他们,别让他们得逞了!” ! 咻! Three hundred disciples follow closely to set out, enormous and powerful spiritual power breaks the cold wind, both sides shoot to go toward the Tianchi central Holy Ghost fireworks and firecrackers like the shell. 三名百家弟子紧随起身,浩浩荡荡的灵力破开冷风,双方如炮弹般朝天池中央的圣灵花爆射而去。 Puff passes! 噗通! But sees only leaps the body, but on both sides disciples just entered Tianchi, the body violent trembles in the midair, follows close on entire such as is filled the lead to be the same, crashes into Tianchi suddenly. 但只见跃身而上的双方弟子刚入天池,身躯在半空中猛烈一颤,紧跟着全如被灌铅一样,猛然坠入天池。 Permits also to frown with the Nangong ice unreliably: What's the matter?” 玄允和南宫冰同时皱起眉头:“怎么回事?” The people who two sides sent out a moment ago had Spirit King Realm Late Stage, although cannot mount the clouds and ride the mist, but one step crossed this little Tianchi to be easy is right. 刚才两方派出的人都有王灵境后期,虽说不能腾云驾雾,但一步越过这小小天池应是轻而易举才对。 Permits to get back one's composure unreliably, shouts to a Profound Spirit Realm disciple of elite: On you!” 玄允回过神,冲一名精英的玄灵境弟子喊道:“你上!” Yes!” “是!” Results in the command, this disciple sets out rapidly, the void steps then jump onto the clear sky, searches the hand to take off toward the Tianchi central Holy Ghost flower. 得令,这弟子迅速起身,虚空踏步便跃上晴空,朝天池中央的圣灵花探手摘下。 Nangong ice facial expression one tight, but has not waited for him to open the mouth, then once more sees on the calm water surface to cause the ripples, puff passes water splash four to shoot, the profound group disciples who just rushed were been probably same by greatly the suction, crashes into from the sky directly. 南宫冰神情一紧,但尚未等他开口,便再次看见波澜不惊的水面上引起涟漪,噗通一声水花四射,刚冲上去的玄组弟子好像受到巨大的吸力一样,直接从天空上坠入其中。 „Isn't Profound Spirit Realm good?” 玄灵境也不行?” Unreliably permits the brow to wrinkle is very deep, immediately realized does not suit. 玄允眉头皱的很深,马上意识到不太对劲。 If said that the beforehand Spirit King Realm disciple crashes into Tianchi is because cannot hover Yu Kong, that this Profound Spirit Realm disciple somewhat was strange. 若说之前王灵境弟子坠入天池是因为不能翱翔于空,那这玄灵境弟子就有些诡异了。 The Nangong ice has sucked the tongue, hints the disciple do not act rashly. 南宫冰咂了咂舌,示意弟子不要轻举妄动。 Um? Good strange Tianchi.” On the crotch of rear quiet forest, Qin Shi sees the difference in Tianchi similarly, surprise locking brow. “嗯?好诡异的天池。”在后方幽林的树杈上,秦石同样望见天池内的异样,不由诧异的锁紧眉头。 Is Ruoshui!” “是弱水!”
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