PDL :: Volume #4

#333: Quiet clan secret

Next day. 翌日。 In the fog haze of desolated jungle, the halfway up the mountainside resembles the peak to enter the fairyland between clouds, dim gorgeous. 在荒芜丛林的雾霾里,半山腰好像耸入云间的仙境,朦胧绚丽。 Along power and reputation, mountainous. 顺势望下,重峦叠嶂。 Puts on the youth of black robe to shuttle back and forth in jungle together, in his one such as the thousand years cold ice, is away from the female who dozens meters can feel the biting cold cold air. 一道穿着黑袍的少年在密林中穿梭,在他的身后有一名如千年寒冰,距离数十米就能感觉到彻骨寒气的女子。 The female long hair and waist, such as fall the day waterfall. 女子长发及腰,如落天瀑布。 But what is accidental, in female cherishes is hugging the little girl of Youlan color pupil, all biting cold cold currents as if intentionally go round the girl to be the same, is the pleasantly warm tender feelings that side the girl reveals. 但意外的是,在女子怀中抱着个幽兰色瞳孔的小女孩,一切彻骨的寒流仿佛故意绕开女孩一样,在女孩身旁流露的则是温软柔情。 These three people without doubt are Qin Shi, Yu Luocha and She Xi'er. 这三人无疑是秦石玉罗刹蛇曦儿 Had three day time Qin Shi breakthrough to Spirit King Realm Late Stage, this breakthrough made him feel that was especially smooth, successful. 秦石突破王灵境后期已经有三日时间,这次突破令他感觉到格外顺利,水到渠成。 Within the body mixes Kun's strength such as spirit snake You Cuan, is eager to try. 体内混坤的力量如灵蛇般游窜,跃跃欲试。 In the evening, three people in depending on the position ignition bonfire rest of cliff, after Qin Shi binds tightly the black robe, are holding She Xi'er, after She Xi'er since his breakthrough, holds to him, Elder Brother Shi long Elder Brother Shi short was lovable. 傍晚,三人在靠山崖的位置点燃篝火休息,秦石裹紧黑袍后抱着蛇曦儿,蛇曦儿自从他突破后就粘着他,石哥石哥短的可爱极了。 After Qin Shi raises the hand sleeve, hangs on the bridge of the nose of She Xi'er lightly: Sunlight, you know where leaves the desolated jungle the dense [say / way] to be at?” 秦石扬起手袖后在蛇曦儿的鼻梁上轻挂一下:“曦儿,你知道离开荒芜丛林的密道在哪吗?” Sunlight does not know that is the restricted area of quiet clan, only then the head of the clan and elders know.” She Xi'er shakes the head to say. “曦儿不知道,那是幽族的禁地,只有族长和长老们才知道。”蛇曦儿摇摇头道。 This answer Qin Shi early some expectations, but in the heart is disappointed unavoidably. 这个答案秦石早有预料,但心中还是不免的失望一下。 Later, he to had not asked that but after holding She Xi'er, warm Judo: Sunlight, how you and your mother meet that group of bastards?” 之后,他到没有在去多问,只是抱起蛇曦儿后温柔道:“曦儿,你和你娘是怎么碰见那群坏蛋的啊?” She Xi'er toot toot the mouth somewhat loses said: Was a short time ago, the Holy Ghost colored flower fragrance overflows, the head of the clan sends mother to go to peak Tianchi to examine, will therefore meet that group of unprincipled people.” 蛇曦儿嘟嘟起嘴有些失落道:“是前不久,圣灵花花香四溢,族长派娘去峰顶天池查看,所以才会碰见那群坏人。” Qin Shi knit the brows: Holy Ghost flower?” 秦石皱了皱眉:“圣灵花?” Sunlight, what did you say a moment ago?” But has not waited for Qin Shi to inquire that concentrates in nearby Yu Luocha beautiful pupil, she hears any startled day to startle the place the matter to be the same probably, said: „Can the Holy Ghost flower be in full bloom?” “曦儿,你刚才说什么?”但未等秦石询问,在旁边的玉罗刹美眸一凝,她好像听见什么惊天骇地的事一样,道:“圣灵花要盛开了?” Um, has had the flower bud.” “嗯,已经结出花骨朵了。” Hissing Yu Luocha suction port cold air/Qi, on the ice-cold elegant face shows the silk rare look but actually throughout: It seems like, can the quiet clan appear can greatly?” “嘶”玉罗刹倒吸口冷气,始终冰冷的俏脸上露出丝罕见的神色:“看来,幽族又要出现大能了么?” Sees the Yu Luocha difference, Qin Shi wrinkles the brow tip the hesitant meeting, finally asks one, this is he after the She Xi'er mother passed away first time with Yu Luocha speaks, calculates that also forgave her: This Holy Ghost flower what's the matter?” 看出玉罗刹的异样,秦石皱紧眉梢的犹豫一会,最终还是开口询问一句,这是他自蛇曦儿母亲去世后第一次和玉罗刹说话,算一算也原谅她了:“这圣灵花是怎么回事?” Yu Luocha has not responded, is only silently is low and deep the face in side, wipes the bonfire mapping in her pupil heart, refracts rare easy. 玉罗刹却并未回应,只是默默的在旁边低沉着脸,一抹篝火映射在她的眸心,折射出罕见的优柔。 „The Holy Ghost flower is the halidom of quiet clan.” “圣灵花是幽族的圣物。” She Xi'er in Qin Shi bosom begins to respond to one supinely, said: Blames me, if not I entangles mother to with her, finally implicates her, will not lose to that group of evil people depending on putting out a hand of mother.” 秦石怀中的蛇曦儿仰起头回应一句,道:“都怪我,如果不是我缠着娘要跟着她,最终拖累她的话,凭娘的伸手才不会败给那群恶人。” Hears this words, Qin Shi low-spirited lowering the head. 听得此话,秦石黯然的低下头。 This saying said right, the She Xi'er mother Spirit King Realm Late Stage strength, in addition ancient times ominous beast powerful fleshly body, depending on Qiu Ming they at all was not a match. 这话说的没错,蛇曦儿母亲王灵境后期的实力,加上远古凶兽强悍的肉身,凭邱明他们根本不是对手。 Whom but can this blame? 但这又能怪谁呢? Therefore, under comforting that he loves dearly She Xi'er said: Sunlight is clever, this does not blame you, she can bless you in the dwelling place of the dead, which you told the elder brother your family , did the elder brother deliver you to go home to be good?” 为此,他心疼的抚慰下蛇曦儿道:“曦儿乖,这不怪你,她在九泉会保佑你得,你告诉哥哥你家在哪,哥哥送你回家好不好?” Family?” “家?” Trembles compared with the small body, the pupil of She Xi'er Youlan opens lax, shakes the head: Mother did not have, sunlight did not have the family.” 较小的身躯一颤,蛇曦儿幽兰的眸子涣散开,摇摇头:“娘没了,曦儿就没有家了。” Qin Shi stares: Um? Your father?” 秦石一愣:“嗯?你爹爹呢?” Sunlight did not have the father to listen to mother saying that the father when 30 years ago captured the Holy Ghost colored war for the quiet clan had sacrificed, therefore sunlight entangled mother to have a look at the Holy Ghost flower!” She Xi'er mentioned when father somewhat loses, but more truly proud. “曦儿没有爹爹听娘说,爹爹在30年前夺取圣灵花的大战时就替幽族牺牲了,所以曦儿才缠着娘想要去看看圣灵花!”蛇曦儿提到父亲时有些失落,但更多的确实骄傲。 Hears this words Qin Shi to be startled, but has not waited for him to answer silent Yu Luocha under the flame raises head suddenly, said: Sunlight, what did you say a moment ago? Did your father that war 30 years ago sacrifice?” 听得此话秦石不由一怔,但没等他回话在火光下沉默的玉罗刹猛然仰头,道:“曦儿,你刚才说什么?你爹是在30年前那场大战牺牲得?” Yes, he is the big hero of quiet clan!” “是啊,他是幽族的大英雄!” The Yu Luocha pupil heart dodges the corridor to be astonished: „Did your father, call the snake ceratop?” 玉罗刹眸心闪过道惊异:“你爹,是不是叫蛇角龙?” She Xi'er surprised [say / way] extremely: „Does elder sister know my father?” 蛇曦儿惊讶万分的道:“姐姐认识我爹?” Really!” “果然!” The Yu Luocha fierce suction port cold air/Qi but actually, the ice-cold pupil heart becomes exceptionally stern. 玉罗刹猛的倒吸口冷气,冰冷的眸心变得异常严峻。 Silent pinching tightly pink / white fist by bonfire, the thin flame mapping on her elegant face, maps a heaviness and sadness of not easy detection. 在篝火旁沉默的捏紧粉拳,稀薄的火光映射在她的俏脸上,映射出一股不易察觉的沉重和忧伤。 Her fine face raises slightly toward the nighttime sky observation, in black pupil silent as if must pierce the starry sky to be the same, wipes the sad aura to cover eight sides. 她精致的面庞略微扬起头朝夜空瞭望,黑眸中沉默的仿佛要洞穿星空一样,一抹忧伤的气息笼罩八方。 In lax pupil raising corners of the mouth that she ridicules, meditates one: He he, Hua Ling, did you see? Is this causes and effects? The good fortune makes the human, you cannot expect absolutely, 30 years later is I am taking care of his child?” 在涣散的眸中她嘲弄的扬起嘴角,默念一声:“呵呵,花零,你看见了吗?这就是因果吧?造化弄人,你万万料不到,30年后是我在照顾他的孩子吧?” The ambiguous words, hearing Qin Shi, in addition the Yu Luocha unusual appearance to make him feel that some accidents, said: Actually what's the matter??” 模棱两可的话语,听得秦石云里雾里,加上玉罗刹反常的模样令他感觉到些许意外,道:“究竟是怎么回事??” Yu Luocha hear that, gradually is tranquil, under after broad and handsome forehead, smiles bitterly: Snake ceratop, is in quiet clan a head of the clan.” 玉罗刹闻言,才渐渐的平静下来,螓首底下后苦笑一声:“蛇角龙,是幽族上一届的族长。” Hissing “嘶” But actually Qin Shi suction port cold air/Qi, does not dare to believe looks at one toward the bosom, cannot think of She Xi'er this kid, unexpectedly imperial family blood relationship. 秦石倒吸口冷气,不敢置信的朝怀中瞄一眼,想不到蛇曦儿这小家伙,竟然还是皇室血统啊。 „That 30 years ago war?” “那30年前的大战呢?” Qin Shi binds tightly She Xi'er with the black robe, lets go to say. 秦石用黑袍裹紧蛇曦儿,摊手道。 Speaking of the 30 years ago matters, the Yu Luocha tender body trembles, probably unusual pain. 提起30年前的事,玉罗刹娇躯不由一颤,好像非常的痛苦。 But is silent, she throws two branches to the bonfire in: Mentioned the 30 years ago matters, must speak of the Holy Ghost flower.” 但沉默一阵,她还是冲着篝火中抛去两根树枝:“说起30年前的事,就要说到圣灵花。” „The Holy Ghost flower, is six Pin Lingcao.” “圣灵花,是一株六品灵草。” Six Pin Lingcao?” Qin Shi has sucked the tongue, knows about him who the spirit grass some knows slightly that this existence entire Scarlet Flame Empire was perhaps extremely rare? “六品灵草?”秦石咂了咂舌,对灵草稍有了解的他知道,这种存在恐怕整个赤炎帝国都是凤毛麟角了吧? If passes on, perhaps five wide ranges can be involved greatly. 若是传出去,恐怕五大区域的大能都会纷纷置身其中。 Um, but the Holy Ghost colored flower season is unique, possibly is one year, possibly is hundred years, even is over a thousand years does not open one time.” “嗯,但圣灵花的花季非常独特,可能是一年,也可能是百年,甚至是上千年不开一次。” What is most marvelous, on the Holy Ghost flower is in full bloom, in the quiet clan must present a big energy, therefore has an unwritten stipulation when the quiet clan, is the Holy Ghost flower is in full bloom, is the quiet clan head of the clan giving up one's post to a more qualified person date!” “最奇妙的是,每逢圣灵花盛开时,在幽族必会出现一名大能,所以在幽族有个不成文的规定,便是圣灵花盛开时,便是幽族族长让贤日!” Yu Luocha Yang Qitou looks at nighttime sky stars to be somewhat depressing, for a long time, continues saying: „In full bloom on the Holy Ghost flower, the new head of the clan will then absorb the Holy Ghost colored baptism, then can be the quiet clan new King.” 玉罗刹仰起头望着夜空繁星有些压抑,许久后继续道:“每逢圣灵花盛开,新任族长便会吸收圣灵花的洗礼,然后才能算是幽族新的王者。” Has this matter?” Qin Shi amazed [say / way]. “有这种事?”秦石惊诧道。 The Yu Luocha broad and handsome forehead, said lightly: But 30 years ago, the Holy Ghost flower was saved to be in full bloom by the day cloudy evil spirits, actually does not think that some people intrude the fog shade mountain to capture, for this reason the quiet clan fought for three days with this person three nights, taking office head of the clan snake ceratop had also sacrificed in the war, but this still had not fought this person, the Holy Ghost perianth seized!” 玉罗刹螓首轻点,道:“但在30年前,圣灵花受天阴地煞积攒而盛开,却不想有人闯入雾影山进行夺取,为此幽族与这人大战了三天三夜,上任族长蛇角龙也在战争中牺牲,但就算这样仍然没有斗过此人,圣灵花被夺!” Qin Shi under black robe in great surprise, one stands up to say suddenly: What? Can a person of strength resistance entire quiet clan also win the Holy Ghost flower? Who is this person?” 黑袍下的秦石猛然大惊,一下站起身道:“什么?一人之力对抗整个幽族还能夺走圣灵花?这人是谁?” Is Hua Ling!” “是花零!” Hissing pours suction port cold air/Qi once more, although Qin Shi early knows Hua Ling to endure the ratio to go against heaven's will, actually cannot think that goes against heaven's will to this degree unexpectedly? “嘶”再次倒吸口冷气,虽说秦石早知花零堪比逆天,却想不到竟逆天到这种程度? This Hua Ling, actually strong? 花零,究竟有多强? Seizes Heaven Realm? 天境 Uneven Heaven Realm? Perhaps rises Heaven Realm? 天境?或是升天境 Pays no attention to astonished of Qin Shi, Yu Luocha said again: As a result of Holy Ghost perianth Hua Ling plundering, therefore current quiet clan head of the clan not by the Holy Ghost colored baptism, but is survives in name only, therefore the people of quiet clan will be hoping next time the date of Holy Ghost colored being in full bloom!” 不理秦石的惊愕,玉罗刹再次道:“由于圣灵花被花零掠夺,所以现任的幽族族长并未受圣灵花的洗礼,只不过是名存实亡而已,所以幽族的人都在盼望着下次圣灵花的盛开之日!” Originally is this.” “原来是这样。” Qin Shi earnest nod , it seems like that this Holy Ghost flower to the quiet clan is not common important. 秦石认真的点了点头,看来这圣灵花对幽族不是一般的重要啊。 The silent meeting, he Shu launches the brow saying: That present Holy Ghost flower is in full bloom once more, i.e. can the quiet clan change the head of the clan immediately?” 沉默一会,他才舒展开眉头道:“那如今圣灵花再次盛开,就是说幽族马上要换族长了?” Allows actually to flash through in the Yu Luocha ice-cold tenderness some struggles, the nod that then ridiculed said: Um, when is in full bloom, traded the date of king!” 玉罗刹冰冷的娇容下却闪过些许挣扎,然后才嘲弄的点头道:“嗯,盛开之时,换王之日!” Understands the whole story of matter, Qin Shi not in the idle talk, but under, gives Yu Luocha She Xi'er, alone has roasted the hand by the bonfire, was She Xi'er has made some food, swallowed two Continued life fruit to rest with Yu Luocha. 了解事情的原委,秦石没在废话,只是点下头后将蛇曦儿递给玉罗刹,独自在篝火旁烤了烤手,为蛇曦儿弄了些食物,和玉罗刹又吞下两枚续命果才休息下来。 Night 11 p.m. to 1 a.m, She Xi'er already slept soundly. 夜晚子时,蛇曦儿早已熟睡。 In bonfire nearby position, Qin Shi sits cross-legged to sit under a Gu Song, after the psychic force in Sea of Consciousness finds out, covers at a surrounding area three kilometers slightest sign of trouble. 在篝火旁边的位置,秦石盘膝坐在一颗古松下,识海中的精神力探出后笼罩在方圆三千米的风吹草动。 Unexpectedly, the beautiful figure floats together lives in Sea of Consciousness, making he jet black profound pupil heart however open bright, sees only Yu Luocha to stand before him. 蓦地,一道倩影浮生在识海中,令他漆黑深邃的眸心焕然睁开,只见玉罗刹正站在他面前。 Sees Yu Luocha, he not accidental moved the body toward side, pats he had sat a moment ago the position to hint Yu Luocha to sit down. 望见玉罗刹,他并不意外的朝旁边挪了挪身子,拍下刚才他坐过的位置示意玉罗刹坐下。 They sit under the tree. 两人就坐在树下。 Somewhat is suddenly awkward, no one has opened the mouth. 一时间有些尴尬,谁都没有开口。 In miserable cold wind in serious atmosphere, finally Yu Luocha cannot bear said: „Are you still blaming me?” 在凄凉的冷风中沉重的气氛里,玉罗刹终是忍不住的率先道:“你还在怪我吗?” Strange, but is not angry.” “怪,但不生气了。” The Qin Shi indifferent raising corners of the mouth, two place on behind lawn to haunch the body: Sees you to the sunlight attendance, thinks that her mother will also feel in the day gratified?” 秦石淡然的扬起嘴角,两手放在身后的草地上撑起身子:“看见你对曦儿照顾有加,想必她母亲在天也会感到欣慰吧?” I should make up, I owed her to be too many.” “我应该弥补,我欠她太多了。” Yu Luocha actually shakes the head, reveals the rare tender feeling and remorse. 玉罗刹却摇摇头,露出罕见的温情和自责。 Pupil sharp Qin Shi, then sees the Yu Luocha difference, question: „Did you and father of sunlight already know?” 眸子犀利的秦石,一眼便看出玉罗刹的异样,问句:“你和曦儿的父亲是不是早就认识?” ! 咣啷! The Yu Luocha tender body shivers, in the pupil heart reveals rare panic-stricken, reprimanded: I have said that you do not want dead, do not inquire about my past, never inquire about!” 玉罗刹的娇躯颤抖一下,眸心中露出罕见的惊恐,斥道:“我说过,你不想死,就不要过问我的过去,永远都不要过问!” The biting cold cold current curls up, Qin Shi trembles. 彻骨的寒流卷起,秦石一颤。 He is looking at the elegant face of Yu Luocha, saved over ten thousand years of years and vicissitudes on that fine cheeks probably, actually has she experienced what? 他望着玉罗刹的俏脸,在那精致的脸颊上好像积攒了上万年的岁月和沧桑,她究竟经历过什么? Sooner or later, I will let relate all with me who you are willing!” Qin Shi meditates one in the heart, pours has not gone to ask. “早晚有一天,我会让你甘愿的和我诉说一切!”秦石在心中默念一声,倒真的没有去问。 He knows that now he asked cannot ask, will make finally only Yu Luocha vigilant. 他知道,现在他问也问不出来,最终只会令玉罗刹更加的警惕。 This girl, frozen was too been really long, is not blazing of short time can melt, needs with make her feel in society slowly softly hotly the tender feeling. 这个女孩,真的被冰封太久了,不是短时间的炽热就能融化得,需要慢慢的用软热令她感受到世间的温情。 This Holy Ghost flower is in full bloom, how do you see?” “这次圣灵花盛开,你怎么看?” Seizes!” The brief two characters, Yu Luocha said: In the quiet clan, sees the Holy Ghost flower such as to see the host, so long as can seize the Holy Ghost flower, certainly has the dense [say / way] that the means will make them leave to let.” “去夺!”简短的两个字,玉罗刹道:“在幽族,见圣灵花如见主,只要能夺到圣灵花,一定有办法让他们将离开的密道让出来。” Qin Shi nodded, he is also such idea. 秦石点了点头,他也是这样的想法。 Although he does not want to oppose with the quiet clan, but to leave also only then this means that is the expedient measure. 虽说他并不想和幽族作对,但为了离开也只有这种办法,算是权宜之计吧。 The nighttime sky appears somewhat mysterious in the dim malaria, they no one will have spoken from now on, actually as if by prior agreement begins to take advantage of opportunity toward the stars observation supinely. 夜空在朦胧的瘴气中显得有些玄奥,两人自此谁也没有说话,却不约而同的仰起头顺势朝繁星瞭望。 Bang! 轰! Suddenly, the earth of halfway up the mountainside shivers fiercely, this shivers unusual shock, making the bird between wooded mountains be startled to fly, fie beacons on all sides. 突然,半山腰的大地剧烈颤抖一下,这一声颤抖异常的震撼,令山林间的鸟雀惊飞,狼烟四起 A Qin Shi startled supporting Gu Song: What's the matter?” 秦石一惊的扶住古松:“怎么回事?” The beautiful figure jumps gracefully, takes advantage of opportunity transmits the direction that looks after sound, the Yu Luocha tender body hits to tremble, the congealing eye is staring at the east side foot. 倩影曼妙跃起,顺势朝声音传来的方向望去后,玉罗刹的娇躯不禁打了个哆嗦,凝眼盯着东侧山脚。 Sees only, was covered by everywhere fire beacon at the foot of the hill position, making her heavy: It seems like, some people are the same with our idea.” 只见,在山脚下的位置被漫天的狼烟覆盖,令她沉重起来:“看来,有人和我们想法一样啊。”
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