PDL :: Volume #4

#332: Wang Lingjing later 【Monthly ticket ten】

( Full text reading) (全文阅读) Bleeds off.” “放走吧。” Hoarse sound that a cavity feels weak puts out in the girl mouth. 一句空洞乏力的沙哑声在女孩口中吐出。 She is red in the eye does not have the least bit look, the heart such as the deathly stillness is ordinary. 她红着的眼中没有半点神色,心如死寂一般。 The tiger body under black robe trembles, Netherworld Sword that Qin Shi faces forward to send to like this is stiff in the palm. 黑袍下的虎躯一颤,秦石朝前送去的幽冥剑就这样僵硬在手掌心中。 His some do not understand: „Did you determine?” 他有些不明白:“你确定?” Um mother said that does not make me hate, does not make me revenge, gratitude and grudges right and wrong reprisal breeds reprisal, after all does not have the end.” “嗯娘说,不让我憎恨,不让我报仇,恩怨是非冤冤相报,终归没有尽头。” Raising broad and handsome forehead that the girl shivers: I know that she is hopes I can grow happily, hopes that I was not hated have hoodwinked both eyes, live can like her beautiful.” 女孩颤抖的扬起螓首:“我知道,她是希望我能开心的成长下去,希望我不被仇恨蒙蔽了双眼,活的可以像她一样美丽。” Bang! 砰! Indifferent words, actually like a timely exhortation to virtue and purity rap in the atrium of Qin Shi, Yu Luocha thousand years cold ice accommodates tenderly, in melts to open at this moment. 一段漠然的话,却如暮鼓晨钟般声声敲击在秦石的心房,玉罗刹千年寒冰般的娇容,在此时此刻都融化而开。 Is this what kind realizing? 这是何等的悟彻? Puts aside the hatred, the four characters of simple and short festival, but is the four characters of this simple and short festival, how many common people making world crash into the abyss for it? 放下仇恨,简单而短节的四个字,但就是这简单而短节的四个字,令天下多少苍生为其坠入深渊? Said simply, is achieving what kind difficult? 说得简单,做到是何等的难? Since practice, includes Qin Shi not also in the hatred of that raging flame for the heart? 从修炼至今,就包括秦石不也是为了心中那熊熊烈火的仇恨吗? But most made people not understandable is, so free and easy was stems from one to be carved by humanity unexpectedly in the ominous beast mouth in extremely evil milestone. 但最令人不可理解的是,这般洒脱竟是出自一个被人类刻在万恶丰碑上的凶兽口中。 Ominous beast really damn? 难道,凶兽真的该死吗? Is the quiet clan certainly an unprincipled person? 难道,幽族就一定是坏人吗? Qin Shi does not understand that his heart such as was twined by the bludger wicked water in this moment. 秦石不明白了,他的心在这一刻如被混混恶水缠绕起来。 I want to inherit her most Late Stage Xu to go on living.” “我想继承她的最后期许活下去。” Spirit silent has cried, drop of clear tears fall the cheeks along the eye socket. 灵儿无声的哭了,一滴晶莹的泪水顺眼眶中滑落脸颊。 Psst! 吱吱! The fist heart pinches sends firmly, Qin Shi a few words could not say. 拳心捏的牢牢发死,秦石一句话都说不出来。 He is looking in Qiu Ming who the under foot pain twitches, he wishes one could Netherworld Sword to strip his skin bone, but he knows that he cannot this. 他望着在脚下痛苦抽搐的邱明,他恨不得有幽冥剑将他的皮骨生生剥离,但他知道他不能这样做。 Finally long implored one in the pain, loosening Netherworld Sword that he felt relaxed finally, smiles to spirit: Um, has put them, you certainly like her beautiful is living.” 最终在痛苦中长吁一声,他终于释然的松开幽冥剑,冲灵儿笑笑:“嗯,放了他们,你一定会像她一样美丽的活着。” You walk.” “你们走吧。” The Yu Luocha ice-cold appearance is also low-spirited, after falling dies out, is angry to all Renqing. 玉罗刹冰冷的容颜也黯然下来,落下寂灭后冲着诸人轻嗔一声。 The sound falls to resemble the remitting command to be the same, making Qiu Ming's under the hands / subordinates mention that the heart of throat puts down finally, in head cold sweat thunderclap Bang! clip clop tumbling. 声音落下好像赦免令一样,令邱明的手下提到嗓子眼的心终于放下,在头上的冷汗霹雳哒的滚落。 The next instant, this group of people take to one's heels to turn around along the fog shade mountain under to run. 下一霎,这群人撒腿就转身沿着雾影山下跑去。 Smack! 碰! But at this time, the jet black Baleful Qi winding went forward together, after one rolled up several people of under feet, Qin Shi lowered roars: Leave, carries off this bastard!” 但这时,一道漆黑的煞气缠绕上前,一把蜷缩住几人的脚下后,秦石低吼一声:“滚回来,把这畜生带走!” ! 咣啷! Qiu Ming distressed such as gusano was thrown to fly by Qin Shi. 邱明狼狈如蛆虫的被秦石抛飞出去。 Several by person who Qin Shi holds, frightens lowers the head to return several steps that the atmosphere does not dare to breathe heavily, after helping up Qiu Ming , the calf was soft, escaping of tumbling. 几个被秦石抓住的人,吓得大气都不敢喘的低着头退回几步,扶起邱明后小腿都软了,连滚带爬的逃开。 Looks at the scattered about form to vanish before the pupil, the heart of Qin Shi follows their disappearances, such as falls into the vast deep sea, for a very long time cannot be redeemed. 望着七零八落的身影在眸前消失,秦石的心就伴随他们的消失,如陷入进一望无际的深海中,久久不能得到救赎。 On the contrary is the little girl, she is actually freer and easier, broad and handsome forehead gently after being supine, looks to the jet black new moon night, seems seeking for mother's form in group star. 反倒是小女孩,她倒是洒脱一些,螓首轻轻的仰起后望向漆黑的朔夜,仿佛是在群星中寻找着母亲的身影。 Did not say, after the human died, will change into the sky the star, forever is protecting the beloved person? The mother, which are you?” “不是说,人死后会化为天空的星星,永远的守护着自己心爱的人吗?娘,你是哪一颗?” Squeek! 吱! Qin Shi gets hold of the fist once more. 秦石再次握紧拳头。 If he can early, even if early, will avoid this disaster again. 他如果能早一点,哪怕再早一点,就会避免这场灾难了。 Although he is not the ominous beast, but he actually indirectly harmed spirit to lose mother. 虽说他不是凶兽,但他却间接的害了灵儿失去母亲。 Remembers these, he cannot bear angrily raises the blood red vision, full is blames and staring of secret grudge to Yu Luocha: Yu Luocha! Saw? This is you wants?” 想起这些,他就忍不住愤怒的扬起血红目光,满是责怪和幽怨的瞪向玉罗刹:“玉罗刹!看见了吗?这就是你要的吗?” I “我” Yu Luocha as if also realizes this point, the beautiful pupil moves aside does not dare with Qin Shi looking at each other, to allow to raise tenderly some remorses and guilty. 玉罗刹仿佛也意识到这一点,美眸躲闪的不敢和秦石对视,娇容上升起些许的自责和愧疚。 She sobbed, regretted. 她哽咽了,后悔了。 But after all , can only not help matters. 但终归,也只能无济于事了。 Pays no attention to Yu Luocha, Qin Shi is having the heavy heart, before arriving at the corpse of woman gradually, his deep bowing of: Rests, I will take care of her!” 不理玉罗刹,秦石带着沉重的心情,一步一步走到妇女的尸首前,他深深的鞠了一躬:“安息吧,我会照顾她!” Buzz! 嗡! On the blue snake large male deer glitters suddenly, in wipes in the light halo to transmit sound that only then Qin Shi can hear. 碧蓝色的蛇麟上突然间闪烁一下,在一抹淡淡的光晕中传递出只有秦石能听见的声响。 Is two characters: Thanks. 是两个字:谢谢。 Qin Shi trembles, is looking at the ice-cold woman corpse. 秦石哆嗦一下,望着冰冷的妇女尸首。 Her spirit body is going to dwelling place of the dead, but before she ascends to heaven on the corpse glitters suddenly, sees only that to tumble, but the Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality helps up slowly, bit by bit sends in the Qin Shi forehead. 她的灵体正在前往九泉,但在她升天前尸体上突然间闪烁一下,只见那枚滚落而出的内丹缓缓扶起,一点一点的送入秦石眉心。 ! 咣啷! Qin Shi at heart one cool, does he match to accept? 秦石的心里一凉,他怎么配收下呢? But the girl held his black robe at this time: Brother, accepts, you have saved me, such mother will rest in the dwelling place of the dead.” 但女孩这时却抓住他的黑袍:“大哥哥,收下吧,你救了我,这样娘在九泉才会安息。” Looked at the sensible girl, Qin Shi silent for a long time, finally is being point under accordingly, once more mother who then he flushed the girl bowed a bow: She gives me, I will make her not be hated and influence of hatred, happy going on living.” 望着懂事的女孩,秦石沉默了许久,终于还是应声的点下头,然后他再次冲女孩的母亲鞠上一躬:“她交给我,我会让她不受仇恨与憎恨的影响,幸福的活下去。” Buzz! 嗡! Has been responded, that spirit body feels at ease, then sees only on the ice-cold snake the blood sputtering, blood one after another binds on girl's frail immature body. 得到回应,那灵体才安心下来,然后只见冰冷的蛇身上鲜血溅射,一股一股的血液裹在女孩的单薄幼小躯体上。 The girl's in being bathed in blood whole body trembles, the blood pricks her flesh like the acupuncture needle one after another, at once sees only her tender body somewhat to become flushed, is following close on the spiritual power Yusheng. 女孩在浴血中全身一颤,一道一道血液如银针般刺入她的肌肤,旋即只见她的娇躯有些涨红,紧跟着灵力裕盛。 Broken Spirit Realm. 破灵境 Broken Spirit Realm Middle Stage. 破灵境中期 Broken Spirit Realm peak. 破灵境巅峰 Spirit King Realm. 王灵境 Spirit King Realm Middle Stage. 王灵境中期 Short instant, the girl from Spirit Seal Realm Late Stage, leaps forward to Spirit King Realm Middle Stage at one fell swoop. 短短的刹那,女孩从封灵境后期,一举跃入到王灵境中期 Yu Luocha changed countenance, Qin Shi has sucked the tongue: „Is this Desolate Beast the strength of bloodlines?” 玉罗刹不由的动容一下,秦石咂了咂舌:“这就是荒兽的血脉之力吗?” Um girl body float rotation, absorbs all blood completely, then low-spirited nod, said: Brother, I called She Xi'er.” “嗯”女孩身躯悬浮的转动一下,将所有血液全部吸收,然后黯然的点点头,道:“大哥哥,我叫蛇曦儿。” Um, the elder brother called Qin Shi, later called me Brother Shi.” “嗯,哥哥叫秦石,以后叫我石头哥。” Brother Shi!” 石头哥!” As if sees the daughter and Qin Shi harmonious appearance, the spirit body exudes the sound joyfully buzz the whining noise, is following close on frail spirit body one revolution, flees unexpectedly once more on the ice-cold corpse, then initiative and Qin Shi Sea of Consciousness constructs the link. 仿佛看见女儿和秦石和睦的样子,灵体发出声愉悦的嗡鸣声,紧跟着单薄的灵体一转,竟再次窜回进冰冷的尸体上,然后主动的和秦石识海构建起链接。 Buzz!!! 嗡!!! The vibration that Sea of Consciousness transmits suddenly, making Qin Shi tremble, at once one not wonderful premonition well ups, startled [say / way]: Does not want 识海突然传来的震动,令秦石一颤,旋即一种不妙的预感涌上心头,惊道:“不要” But when he opens the mouth late, the corpse started unceasingly changes in the Sea of Consciousness compression is small, finally turns into ice blue four mark demon symbols unexpectedly, falls in the Qin Shi hand. 但他开口时已经晚了,尸体开始不断的在识海压缩中变小,最终竟是变成一张冰蓝色的四纹魔符,落在秦石手中。 Why, dies does not leave behind the entire corpse to pinch being bewitched symbol for oneself, the heart of Qin Shi is very painful, does not have the joyfulness of least bit. “为什么,连死都不为自己留下全尸呢”捏着魔符,秦石的心很痛,没有半点的愉悦。 He silent for a long time, has given She Xi'er the demon symbol finally: Is taking her, never use, forever remembers her, for her happy going on living!” 他沉默了许久,最终才将魔符递给蛇曦儿:“拿着她,永远不要用,永远的记住她,为她幸福的活下去!” Lowers the head to look at being bewitched symbol, She Xi'er cannot bear the teardrops in eye socket finally, she cried. 低头望着魔符,蛇曦儿终于忍不住眼眶中的泪珠,她哭了。 Holds being bewitched Fu Ku rending. 抱着魔符哭的撕心裂肺。 Cries, cries!” Qin Shi blocks her in the bosom, who can imagine this is a 7 or 8-year-old girl? She should not bear such pain. “哭吧,哭吧!”秦石一把将她拦在怀里,谁能想象这是个只有七八岁的女孩呢?她不应该承受这样的痛苦。 The dim light of night went, the first wisp of dawn disperses in the snake large male deer, but on elegant face, probably in smooths the tears in pupil for her. 夜色已去,第一缕晨曦散在蛇麟而的俏脸上,好像在为她抚平眸中的泪水。 The warmth of dawn, She Xi'er draws back from the bosom of Qin Shi, from now on, she has not sobbed again, instead is proud for her mother, in the heart meditates: Mother, relax, I will not be hated hoodwink, can with Brother Shi happy going on living.” 晨曦的温暖,蛇曦儿秦石的怀中退开,自此后她再也没有哭泣,反而为她的母亲感到骄傲,心中默念:“娘,放心吧,我不会被仇恨蒙蔽,会和石头哥幸福的活下去。” Looks at the She Xi'er appearance, Qin Shi thought that is a comfort. 看着蛇曦儿的模样,秦石觉得算是一种安慰吧。 In the world always some people, sacrificed in the silence, is actually the greatest person, obviously the She Xi'er mother or She Xi'er, are this person. 世上总有些人,在无声中牺牲,却是最伟大的人,显然无论是蛇曦儿的母亲还是蛇曦儿,都是这种人。 Bang! 轰隆! At this time, the face of Qin Shi became flushed suddenly, in the Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality rough spiritual power integrated within the body, making his body tremble. 在这时,秦石的面庞突然涨红,内丹中粗犷的灵力融入体内,令他的身躯不由一颤。 The dantian spirit crystal of following close on place transmits weakly buzz cry. 紧跟处的丹田灵晶传来微弱的嗡鸣。 This is the spirit crystal disruption, wanted breakthrough?” “这是灵晶碎裂,要突破了?” A thought wells up the atrium, in the Qin Shi bone-chilling cold eyebrow peaks is suddenly dignified. 一个念头涌上心房,秦石凛冽的眉峰间突然凝重起来。 This breakthrough is very important to him, so long as can take successfully this step, he must achieve Spirit King Realm Late Stage. 这一次突破对他来讲很重要,只要能够成功迈出这一步,他就要达到王灵境后期了。 Yu Luocha also realized that near approaching Qin Shi difference, follows close on her skilled artist to wield, an invisible gentle strength launches in the surrounding area hundred meters, forms a piece of vacuum knot. 玉罗刹在傍边也察觉到秦石的异样,紧跟着她妙手一挥,一道无形的柔和力在方圆百米展开,形成一片真空的结界。 Ties opens, a silence. 结界一开,一片寂静。 Qin Shi has gawked, at once he looks to the black pupil of Yu Luocha relaxes some, but he has not spoken, after is only under comforting She Xi'er, hints her to look for Yu Luocha, alone sits cross-legged to sit down. 秦石愣了一下,旋即他望向玉罗刹的黑眸缓和些许,但他并没有说话,只是安抚下蛇曦儿后,示意她去找玉罗刹,独自盘膝坐下。 In tying the center sits down, in regards within the body blue gentle spiritual power, such as the broad nourishment is common, is pouring into toward his dantian continuously. 在结界中央坐下,内视体内碧蓝色的柔和灵力,如恢弘的养料一般,正源源不断朝他的丹田注入。 Has the She Xi'er mother's Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality, in addition protects over a hundred younger sister Fu Wen who country Gu Zhen survives, is quick he then to open the Spirit King Realm Late Stage breakthrough mouth. 蛇曦儿母亲的内丹,加上护国古阵残存下来的上百妹枚符文,很快他便打开王灵境后期突破口。 The pale golden fluorescence spreads in the body surface, appears quite marvelous. 淡金色的荧光在体表流传,显得颇为奇妙。 Qin Shi starts to fall into quietly. 秦石开始陷入沉寂。 Stars night in the sky, Yu Luocha looks after She Xi'er in tying in lights the bonfire, hugs She Xi'er to clean dust for her. 繁星当空的夜晚,玉罗刹照看着蛇曦儿在结界里点燃篝火,搂着蛇曦儿为她擦拭身上的灰尘。 Elder sister, you are quite attractive.” “姐姐,你好漂亮。” She Xi'er very clever is holding Yu Luocha. 蛇曦儿很乖巧的抱着玉罗刹 Sunlight is clever, later you also meet and elder sister are equally attractive.” “曦儿乖,以后你也会和姐姐一样漂亮。” Real?” “真的吗?” Um, certain meeting.” “嗯,一定会。” „Does the elder sister, you like the Brother Shi elder brother? Later sunlight did change attractive has also been able to like the Brother Shi elder brother?” She Xi'er after is a child, the naive issue made the Yu Luocha tender body tremble. “那姐姐,你是不是喜欢石头哥哥?以后曦儿变漂亮了也能喜欢石头哥哥吗?”蛇曦儿毕竟是个孩子,天真的问题令玉罗刹娇躯一颤。 She looks at the vision to fully breakthrough Qin Shi, under that light halo the edges and corners distinct face, different kind charms are attracting her. 她将目光望向正在全力突破秦石,那淡淡光晕下棱角分明的面庞,有一种别样的魔力正在吸引着她。 But is only the moment, shaking the head of her then heartless, blows the bridge of the nose of She Xi'er: Country bumpkin, your Brother Shi elder brother has the girlfriend, she is called Qin Xuexin, is a very beautiful girl, knew?” 但只是片刻,她便狠心的摇头,刮了刮蛇曦儿的鼻梁:“傻帽,你石头哥哥有女朋友,她叫做沁雪心,是一个很美的女孩,知道了吗?” „!” Lowering the head of She Xi'er loses. “哦!”蛇曦儿失落的低下头。 Rests.” Yu Luocha has patted She Xi'er with a smile, at once after she holds She Xi'er, rolls up in the shop good bedding, in the heart actually falls into heavily. “睡吧。”玉罗刹笑着拍了拍蛇曦儿,旋即她抱起蛇曦儿后蜷缩进铺好的被褥里,心中却陷入沉重。 Likes him? No, is impossible, I cannot like him! Certainly cannot 喜欢他?不,不可能,我不能喜欢他!一定不能 In beautiful pupil of Yu Luocha low-spirited absent-minded, falls into the deep sleep in suffering of train of thought. 玉罗刹的美眸中黯然失神,在思绪的折磨中陷入沉睡。 In an instant three day. 转眼三日。 Bang! 轰! Dusk peeps, the halo is very temperate, wipes the fierce tremor suddenly in tying in ripples, making on the earth split dozens like the spider web gully. 黄昏初现,光晕很温和,一抹剧烈的颤动突然在结界内荡漾,令大地上裂开数十道如蛛网般的沟壑。 At once sees only on quiet for a long time Qin Shi to scatter the dazzling halo. 旋即只见沉寂许久的秦石身上散射出刺目光晕。 This time his breakthrough is very smooth, successful. 这一次他突破的很顺利,水到渠成。 Indifferently, profound such as the nighttime sky black pupil opens, the Qin Shi black robe in cool and refreshing making noise that under the cold wind ripples, at once corners of the mouth shouldering wipes the enchanting radian: Finally, did breakthrough succeed?” 漠然,深邃如夜空的黑眸睁开,秦石黑袍在冷风下荡漾的泠泠作响,旋即嘴角不禁的挑起抹妖娆弧度:“终于,突破成功了吗?” Spirit King Realm Late Stage!” 王灵境后期!” ---- ---- Shouted, ten, were small shallow recorded. 呼,十更,算是小浅的记录了。 For serveral days, the symbol is about to have spat blood, is to a everyone / influential family such long support repayment. 这些天,码字都快吐血了,算是给大家这么久的支持一个回报吧。 Naturally has saying that the monthly ticket has owed, small shallow will make up in the future day with every effort. 当然不得不说,月票还是欠了一些,小浅会在往后的日子里尽力去补。 The refresh time is inconvenient, is 0.1, 12.1, next time exploded is on November 11, and noon today renewal will possibly postpone, in the life a little matter hopes that everyone / influential family can understand. 更新时间不便,还是0.1更,12.1更,下一次爆更是11月11日,并且今天中午的更新可能会推迟一下,生活里有点事希望大家能理解。 Moreover, new in one month, shallow family armed forces, started to ask the monthly ticket, do not let us be fallen! To!!! 另外,新的一月,浅家军的诸位,开始求月票了,别让我们被落下!冲吧!!!
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