PDL :: Volume #4

#331: False milestone 【Monthly ticket nine】

Quite cruel!” “好残忍!” Is looking at that to mother and daughter, gripping that Qin Shi ten fingers of drawing is tight. 望着那对母女,秦石十指收拢的攥紧。 He is away from beyond the kilometer, with that seems like, only then the 7 or 8-year-old girl looks at each other one, sees only that girl face pallidly does not have the scarlet, two pupils are empty and timid. 他距离千米外,和那看似只有七八岁的女孩对视一眼,只见那女孩面庞煞白的毫无血色,两眸空洞而胆怯。 Why does not know, when that pair of timid pupil heart, Qin Shi remembers suddenly was just transmitted East District, full is Xiao Yuyan of skeleton peaceful Lu Village. 不知为何,在那双胆怯的眸心中,秦石突然想起刚被传递到东方区域时,满是尸骸安路村的萧雨嫣。 Calculates that Xiao Yuyan and this girl's age, should be almost the same? 算一算,萧雨嫣和这女孩的年纪,应该相差无几吧? Thinks of this, he deeply inspired, then after alone tightened the black robe, welcomed the dim moonlight toward to take the step in mother and daughter thousand li (0.5km) away. 想到这,他深吸了口气,便独自紧了紧黑袍后迎着朦胧月色朝在千里外的母女迈出步子。 Bang!! But he just took, the white hands of Yu Luocha hold on him saying: „Do you want to do?” 但他刚迈出,玉罗刹的玉手就拉住他道:“你要干嘛?” Saves others!” Qin Shi neat [say / way]. “去救人!”秦石干净利落的道。 Do not mind others'business, the people who can enter the fog shade mountain are not simple.” The Yu Luocha ice-cold tenderness allows to shake down slightly. “别多管闲事,能进雾影山的人都不简单。”玉罗刹冰冷的娇容轻微摇下。 These words, made under wrinkle that Qin Shi loathed the eyebrow: What did you say? One group of men, under the killer to mother and daughter pains of two lacking the strength to truss up a chicken, they have in the strong strength cannot be joined to the person character!” 这一句话,令秦石厌恶的皱下眉:“你说什么?一群男人,对两个手无缚鸡之力的母女痛下杀手,他们有在强的实力也配不上人字!” Here, the pupil heart of Qin Shi was even more firm: However if I do not save him, I with them with difference? How also to match is on a human?” 说到这,秦石的眸心越发坚定:“而我若不救他,我又和他们又和区别?又怎么配的上是人?” ! 咣啷! These words are very succinct, but the sound is very vigorous. 这一段话很简洁,但声音很浑厚。 Middle renouncing, making the Yu Luocha atrium be startled immediately. 当中的决绝,令玉罗刹心房登时一惊。 She discovered that this Chang Ri unconventional little man is earnest, has transcending the mortal world of not being able to say actually. 她发现,这个常日放荡不羁的小男人认真起来,倒是有一种说不出的超凡入圣呢。 You do not rescue, I go!” “你不救,我去!” Qin Shi waves to break away Yu Luocha, but the Yu Luocha wonderful shade dodges at once, keeps off before his body once again. 秦石挥手挣开玉罗刹,但旋即玉罗刹妙影一闪,再度挡在他身前。 The face of Qin Shi under is pale: Your what meaning?” 秦石的面庞唰下铁青下来:“你什么意思?” He must save others, is not benevolent, but wish makes in the heart be redeemed, makes up for initially Xiao Yuyan. 他要去救人,并非是有多么仁慈,只是想要让心中得到救赎,算是弥补当初萧雨嫣吧。 But Yu Luocha over and over again, making him disgruntled. 玉罗刹三番五次,令他不悦。 You see clearly.” The Yu Luocha white hands find out, refers to toward mother and daughter thousand li (0.5km) away. “你看清楚。”玉罗刹玉手探出,朝千里外的母女指去。 Stares, when Qin Shi clashes beyond the kilometer to throw the vision once again actually frowned. 不禁一愣,秦石再度冲千米外抛去目光时却皱起眉头。 Discovered?” Yu Luocha said. “发现了?”玉罗刹道。 Qin Shi has not spoken, face of outstanding ability is embarrassed, sees only has not had opening knot in that to mother and daughter on, but can actually not be seeped by the malaria. 秦石没说话,俊逸的面庞却难堪下来,只见在那对母女身上并未有撑开的结界,但却能不受到瘴气沁入。 They are the people of quiet clan.” Yu Luocha sighed one painstakingly. “她们是幽族的人。”玉罗刹苦叹一声。 Quiet clan? 幽族? Qin Shi suddenly one startled, the heart that renounces resolutely vacillates. 秦石恍然一惊,刚毅决绝的心不由动摇一下。 Beyond thousand li (0.5km), dozens encircle mother and daughter personally. 在千里外,几十个人围剿母女。 Lead is the guy of whole face ziff, the Spirit King Realm Middle Stage strength, his face obscene clever is staring at the central mother and daughter: Hey, is really the good luck, just entered the fog shade mountain to meet two juicy maidservants.” 领头是个满脸络腮胡子的大汉,王灵境中期的实力,他一脸淫贼的盯着中央的母女:“嘿嘿,真是好运,刚进雾影山就碰见两个水灵灵的女奴。” Qiu Ming ge, this woman is good, in the evening gives the brothers to be crisp?” Sobbed in nearby several people immediately. “邱明哥,这娘们不错,晚上是不是给兄弟们爽爽?”在旁边的几个人马上跟着唏嘘一声。 Ha Ha, that looked that this cuticula mother was obedient.” The winding cheek guy who is called Qiu Ming, after laughing , before arriving at mother and daughter body, works on mother's chin, said: Young woman, told the elder brother, the channel that exiting where, I guaranteed you in the evening ****!” “哈哈,那就看这小皮娘听不听话了。”称为邱明的络腮大汉,哈哈一笑后走到母女身前,一把抓起母亲的下巴,道:“小娘们,告诉哥哥,出去的通道在哪里,我晚上保证你****!” Bah!” “呸!” Freely that mother whole body wound, actually the pupil heart has made up mind told the spit to Qiu Ming. 那名母亲尽管全身伤口,却眸心决意的冲着邱明吐口吐沫。 Bang! clatter!! 嗒!! Qiu Ming is angry, a palm of the hand pulls out toward this woman, ablazing with anger shouted to clear the way coldly: Really is not tactful, the brothers gave me to dig up her first, took a look at her also to make noise under the young master body!” 邱明大怒,一个巴掌就朝这妇女抽下,怒气冲冲的冷喝道:“真是不识趣,兄弟们给我先扒了她,瞧瞧她在小爷身下还能不能喧闹出来!” Hears this saying, nearby person is excited immediately, being ready to fight steps to that mother goes forward, comes up to draw and pull to mother's frail clothing. 听到这话,旁边的人马上兴奋起来,一个一个摩拳擦掌的冲那母亲迈上前,上去就对着母亲单薄的衣物又拉又扯。 In the distant place, Qin Shi stares at this, under low and deep of snorting contemptuously the eye: „It is not the human!” 在远处,秦石凝望这一幕,嗤之以鼻的低沉下眼:“不是人!” Does not have the means that regardless of any race, has the division of good and evil finally.” Shaking the head of Yu Luocha similar loathing, white hands seethe in the hip, a halo of wisp of not easy detection becomes the thin striation plunges beyond the kilometer. “没办法,无论任何种族,终有善恶之分。”玉罗刹同样厌恶的摇摇头,玉手在胯间翻腾一下,一缕不易察觉的光晕成细线状扑向千米之外。 ! 咣啷! Has not been getting back one's composure to several people who mother pulls, the under foot slips, falling maliciously on the ground. 正在对母亲拉扯的几个人没回过神,脚下一打滑,狠狠的摔在地上。 What, what person?” “什么,什么人?” Several people crawl about to look all around, but is impossible to realize Yu Luocha and Qin Shi depending on their strengths, instead all anger centralized on that mother and daughter. 几个人爬起来左右环顾一圈,但凭他们的实力不可能察觉到玉罗刹秦石,反而将所有的怒火集中在那母女身上。 Smelly woman, the brothers have abandoned her!” “臭娘们,兄弟们废了她!” Roars, several person consecutively several palms of the hand, wicked pulling out on that mother, making her pale complexion unable to withstand thinly and pale. 怒吼一声,几个人连续几把巴掌,恶狠狠的抽在那名母亲身上,令她本就苍白的面色憔悴不堪。 Your Scram!, quick Scram!, do not bump my mother!” In the side immature daughter looks that mother was devastated by the unprincipled person, flurried cries to make noise, her tender and delicate tootsy one step takes, the long uneven small tooth has not grabbed the person arm of woman to nip to one. “您们滚开,快滚开啊,别碰我母亲!”在旁边幼小的女儿看着妈妈被坏人摧残,慌乱的哭出声来,她娇嫩的小脚一步迈出,没长齐的小牙冲着一名抓着妇女的人手臂咬下。 „!” “啊!” That person roars, looks at tooth seal on arm to roar, waves then pulling out the girl departs beyond several meters. 那人怒吼一声,望着手臂上的牙印怒吼一声,挥手间便将小姑娘给抽飞出几米外。 This he has not calmed down, several strides step go forward to work on girl's whip, gets angry: Smelly girl, I kills you now!” 这他还没有消气,几个大步迈上前一把抓起女孩的鞭子,怒道:“臭丫头,我现在就弄死你!” ! 咻! Wipes the bright red miraculous glow, from robust man holds surges, such as the sharp knife punctures to the girl nape of the neck. 一抹鲜红的灵光自壮汉掌间涌起,如利刀般冲女孩脖颈就刺下。 No! Roar “不!吼” Looks at own flesh and blood to receive the crisis, mother who throughout has not hit back erupts finally, the whole body shows the blue snake large male deer, the rough snake tail curls and shrinks, strikes then to sweep to fly that robust man. 望着亲生骨肉受到危机,始终不曾还手的母亲终于爆发,全身展现出碧蓝色的蛇麟,粗犷的蛇尾卷缩一圈,一击便将那壮汉扫飞出去。 Mother “娘” The daughter falls on the ground cries loudly one. 女儿摔在地上嚎哭一声。 Changes into the deep blue python the woman, walks randomly on the ground of pits, the little girl curls and shrinks angrily in the body center, the vision is staring at Qiu Ming rank. 化为碧蓝巨蟒的妇女,在坑洼的地上游走一圈,将小女孩卷缩在身体中央,目光愤怒的盯着邱明等人。 Drinks, changed the prototype?” “喝,变出原型了吗?” Qiu Ming corners of the mouth excited splitting, said excitedly: Unexpectedly is ominous beast list 992 Ice Unicorn Water Python, is really rousing!” 邱明嘴角兴奋的裂开,兴奋道:“竟是凶兽榜992名的冰麟水蟒,真是令人兴奋!” Brothers, have killed her together!” “弟兄们,一起杀了她!” Qiu Ming gets angry, the snake large male deer snake balls of Ice Unicorn Water Python, that may be the unsurpassed treasure. 邱明红着眼,冰麟水蟒的蛇麟蛇胆,那可都是无上的珍宝啊。 So long as can leave this desolated jungle, enough he does not need to worry about food or clothing, serene natural lifespan for a lifetime. 只要能离开这荒芜丛林,足够他衣食无忧,安详天年一辈子了。 Bang! 砰! Bang! 轰隆隆! Silver spear of blotting out the sky rocks, in vault of heaven all kinds of seven color miraculous glows such as pink clouds thunderclap, rainstorm toward the gigantic snake body bang of woman under. 铺天盖地的银戈晃动,苍穹上各式各样的七彩灵光如彩霞霹雳,暴雨般朝妇女的硕大蛇身轰下。 Roar The painful woman calls out one, but she of model mother world actually must tighten the snake body once more, holds in the arms the daughter in bosom firmly, does not dare to have slight profaning. 痛苦的妇女嚎叫一声,但母仪天下的她却只得将蛇身再次紧了紧,牢牢将怀中的女儿搂住,不敢有丝毫的亵慢。 The painful woman, in the mouth spits blood again and again. 痛苦的妇女,口中连连吐血。 In Qin Shi kilometer away, blood was given the ignition angrily, becomes flushed a face. 在千米外的秦石,血液被愤怒给点燃,涨红个面庞。 If not for Yu Luocha is blocking him throughout, he already killed. 若不是玉罗刹始终拦着他,他早就杀上去了。 He is not clear, humanity cursed the ominous beast, was not just because their cruelties and did slaughter blindly? But human this, what also has to distinguish with them? 他不明白,人类咒骂凶兽,不正是因为它们的残忍和盲目杀戮吗?可人类这样,又和他们有什么区别? Isn't the bastard? 不就是畜生吗? Because the human is a human, should eternal was carved in the just milestone? Because that beast is the beast, should be forever silent in the dust cannot gain ground? 难道,因为人是人,就应该永恒的被刻在正义的丰碑上?那兽因为是兽,就应该永远沉默在尘埃中抬不起头吗? What nonsense logic is this? 这是什么狗屁逻辑? Roar The painful woman calls out unceasingly, but she does not dare to hit back, for fear that she leaves, the daughter was injured by the least bit. 痛苦的妇女嚎叫不断,但她不敢还手,生怕她一离开,女儿受到半点的伤害。 The girls are rolling up under the ice-cold snake large male deer, feels the analgesia and blazing blood of mother, weeping bitterly is hugging mother: Mother! Mother! Mother!” 小姑娘在冰冷的蛇麟下蜷缩着,感受到母亲的镇痛和炽热的鲜血,痛哭的抱着母亲:“娘!娘!娘!” Has killed it!” “杀了它!” Finally, after Qiu Ming wields two blood red sword-light, the snake body of woman is vertically and horizontally broken out, three meters snake tail rumble tumbling in dark forest. 终于,在邱明挥出两道血红剑光后,妇女的蛇身被纵横劈开,三米长的蛇尾咕噜的滚落在幽暗的林中。 Gathers completely spiritual power in nearby person, a rivers and streams gathering point that such as is in flood, making the trees in wooded mountain humming sound shiver, the fallen leaf soughed. 在旁边的人集合全部灵力,如泛滥的江河般汇聚一点,令山林中的树木嗡嗡颤抖,落叶飒飒。 Roar!” “吼!” Painful roars, induces to that fearful spiritual power, the woman's snake pupil in the despair is suddenly firm, at once sees only her to open the blood-stained mouth, puts out a blue Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality unexpectedly. 痛苦的怒号一声,感应到那股可怕的灵力,妇女在绝望中突然间蛇眸坚定,旋即只见她张开血口,竟吐出一颗碧蓝色的内丹。 The Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality revolves in the tongue letter, disperses the cold quiet glow. 内丹在舌信上旋转,散出寒冷幽芒。 Sees the Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality Qiu Ming's heart to sink: „Does it want from exploding the Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality?” 望见内丹邱明的心不由一沉:“它想自爆内丹?” Stops it!” “阻拦它!” Roar!” “吼!” The women roar to all people fully, follows close on her to turn round to fishtail sends out over a hundred meters far the little girl in bosom, wipes the sound that nobody realizes to transmit gently in airborne: Sunlight, run, the farther the better of running, never turn head to look!” 妇女冲诸人全力怒吼一声,紧跟着她回身摆尾将怀中的小女孩送出上百米远,一抹无人察觉的声音轻轻传递在空中:“曦儿,快跑,跑的越远越好,永远不要回头望!” Mother! Sunlight does not walk!” “娘!曦儿不走!” Walks quickly, never turn head to look, mother forever is in your heart the most beautiful woman, do not look that do not look “快走,永远不要回头望,娘永远是你心中最美的女人,不要看,不要看” „!!! Roar “啊啊啊!!!吼” The little girls fall in the position hundred meters away, uses up calling out in bottom already some distortions. 小女孩摔在百米外的位置,竭斯底里的嚎叫已经有些扭曲。 Do not hate, do not revenge, going on living well, mother will forever be protecting you woman ** the supple sound reverberates once more. “不要憎恨,不要报仇,好好的活下去,娘永远都会守护着你”妇**柔的声音再次回荡。 Qiu Ming concentrates a low roar: Do not let small running!” 邱明凝眼低吼:“别让小的跑了!” Roar the woman gigantic snake body of looks back to roar, but actually does not want to follow close on is seeing only the snake at present the red glow one presently, Qiu Ming is grasping the blood red sword-light able to move unhindered world, the opening flashes through together, after the moment, woman in Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality not yet prominent, then forever was quiet. “吼”妇女硕大的蛇身回首咆哮一声,但却不想紧跟着只见蛇眼前红芒一现,邱明握着血红的剑光纵横天地,一道裂口闪过,片刻后妇女在的内丹尚未突出,便永远的沉寂了。 Silent that she dies, actually feels the day to move. 她死的无声无息,却又感天动地。 ! 咻! Cut off the woman, after Qiu Ming held up the crazy blade, has ripped open the nighttime sky the darkness, straight pursuing to the little girl side, the strength divided under. 斩断了妇女,邱明举起狂刀后撕开夜空的黑暗,笔直的追到小女孩身旁,力劈而下。 ! 咣啷! Qin Shi of black robe, black Baleful Qi, black light Netherworld Sword. 黑袍的秦石,黑色的煞气,黑光的幽冥剑 Qin Shi cannot endure, keeping off that he disregards in Qiu Ming qian, on Netherworld Sword transmits the loathing unceasingly and angry buzz cry. 秦石再也不忍不下去,他不管不顾的挡在邱明前,幽冥剑上不断传来厌恶和愤怒的嗡鸣。 Sudden Qin Shi made Qiu Ming stare staring: Boy, who are you?” 突然出现的秦石令邱明愣了愣:“小子,你是谁?” Person who comes to to demand/search. you to assign!” “来索你命的人!” Low and deep such as roaring of abyss big dragon, Qin Shi lifts instant, myriad light that sets out on Netherworld Sword punctures together, passes through over a hundred holes Qiu Ming's body. 低沉如深渊巨龙的怒吼,秦石抬起身的刹那,一道万千的光影在幽冥剑上刺出,生生将邱明的身躯贯穿成上百个窟窿。 Spirit King Realm Middle Stage Qiu Ming, does not have including the strength to hit back in the Qin Shi front. 王灵境中期的邱明,在秦石的面前连还手之力都没有。 Qiu Ming elder brother! Big brother Qiu Ming!” “邱明哥!邱明大哥!” The disciple who pursues in behind was shocked completely, at once just wanted to go forward sees only Yu Luocha to tow Nirvana Sword instant, keeps off before several people. 在后面追上来的弟子全部愣住了,旋即刚欲上前的刹那只见玉罗刹拖着寂灭剑,挡在几人身前。 Jade, Yu Luocha?” Looks at that ice-cold tenderness to accommodate, all people scared completely. “玉,玉罗刹?”望着那冰冷的娇容,所有人全部吓坏了。 Low and deep Qin Shi draws in the black robe, when he lifts the hand to look all around the countenance of surrounding that group of hateful people, is driven beyond the limits of forbearance. 低沉的秦石收拢黑袍,当他抬起手环顾周围那群可恶的人的嘴脸时,真的是忍无可忍。 He will never forget when the woman dies the appearance. 他永远都不会忘记,妇女死时的模样。 But Qin Shi has not opened the mouth, but made itself maintain calm diligently, he was shivering the body gently, was comforting the girl in bosom: Child, was all right 秦石并未开口,只是努力的令自己保持冷静,他颤抖着身的轻轻顿下,安抚着怀中的女孩:“孩子,没事了” The girl in the Qin Shi bosom, the small and weak pupil is empty, she has not sobbed again, has not made a tearful scene again, but numb is trembling: All right? Is that also what kind of? My mother did not come back again right?” 女孩在秦石怀中,弱小的眸子空洞涣散,她再也没有抽泣,再也没有哭闹,只是麻木的哆嗦着:“没事?那又怎样?我娘再也回不来了对么?” ! 咣啷! Qin Shi opened mouth, a few words could not say unexpectedly. 秦石张了张嘴,竟一句话都不说不出来。 Yes, the human dies cannot come back to life, the woman of dying was impossible to reactivate. 是啊,人死不能复生,死去的妇女再也不可能复活了。 Whoosh! 唰! The resenting ignition anger, the Qin Shi ice cold vision has swept in all people along Qiu Ming, gives the little girl Netherworld Sword in hand: Gives you them, how to handle you to decide.” 愤恨点燃怒火,秦石冰寒的目光沿着邱明在所有人身上扫过,将手中的幽冥剑递给小女孩:“把他们交给你,怎样处置你来决定吧。” Bleeds off.” “放走吧。”
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