PDL :: Volume #4

#330: Ancient times ominous beast list 【Monthly ticket eight】

Next day. 翌日。 In the desolated jungle center, the slightly moist open areas, the dim malaria is sending the lavender halo one after another slightly, making flowers and plants all around wither on the wane. 在荒芜丛林中央,有一处略显潮湿的空地,一团一团朦胧的瘴气略微发着淡紫色光晕,令周遭的花草凋零枯萎。 The halo of toward evening is refined and vulgar, drops the tip motley luminous spots in the dark jungle outside malaria. 黄昏时分的光晕雅俗温润,在瘴气外的幽暗密林中落下点点滴滴的斑驳光点。 !! 咻!! First company two from out of the blue, produce some ripples in the motley halo. 一连两声破空,在斑驳的光晕上产生些许涟漪。 Before the mark that the ripples have winds, falls on two black forms, edges and corners are clearly binding the black robe, is Qin Shi, side him, is Yu Luocha that the black hair lets fall like a waterfall. 涟漪产生的纹络前,落在两名黑色的身影,一名棱角分明裹着黑袍,正是秦石,在他身旁,是青丝如瀑布般垂落的玉罗刹 Is matching the nether world and dying out in their waists separately. 在两人的腰间分别配着幽冥和寂灭。 Between two sharp knife blade, very shallow miraculous glows, link both's sword hilt very much thin quietly. 两把利刃之间,有一道很细很浅的灵光,将两者的剑柄悄然链接。 Since the nether world sees dead out, said that anything is not willing to return to the space ring, Qin Shi several forcefully take back it has not succeeded, was almost given the puncture wound by the violent anger nether world. 自从幽冥见到寂灭,就说什么都不肯回到空间戒指里了,秦石几番强行将其收回不禁没有成功,差点还被暴怒的幽冥给刺伤。 Therefore, he cannot bear obloquy: Sees the color to forget the righteousness!” 为此,他忍不住大骂:“见色忘义!” Looks at admitting defeat Qin Shi, the Yu Luocha ice-cold tenderness is allowing to change countenance slightly, before following close on them to arrive at the fog shade mountain the malaria: Was this, poured into spiritual power to the mammoth ivory, then can produce with the malaria coordinated barrier.” 望着吃瘪的秦石,玉罗刹冰冷的娇容上稍有动容,紧跟着两人走到雾影山的瘴气前:“就是这了,冲猛犸象牙中注入灵力,便能够产生和瘴气对等的屏障。” The Yu Luocha light explanation sentence, then hangs the mammoth ivory, gentle such as water spiritual power fuses following the ivory peak, three meters barrier launches together. 玉罗刹淡淡的解释句,然后将猛犸象牙挂在项上,一丝温柔如水的灵力顺着象牙顶端融合,一道三米长的屏障展开。 „, Why?” “靠,为什么?” Looked at the Yu Luocha pretty appearance, Qin Shi has been sucking the tongue, was discontented. 望着玉罗刹貌美的模样,秦石咂了咂舌,却不满起来。 He lowered the head, is looking at the mammoth ivory in his hand, knocks chen is very huge, carries in the waist appears very towering, let alone brought on the neck. 他低下头,望着他手中的猛犸象牙,不禁磕碜还很庞大,就是背在后腰都显得很突兀,更别说是带在脖子上了。 But the Yu Luocha ivory is very attractive, silver shining sends out the light fluorescence in the dusk. 玉罗刹的象牙却很漂亮,银灿灿的在黄昏中发出淡淡荧光。 A these two comparison, simply is the beautiful woman and wild animal of scene version. 这两者一比较,简直就是现场版的美女与野兽啊。 What is more helpless, in the Qin Shi five fingers will twine forever the fierce miraculous glow, when will attempt the appearance that the ivory will build him to want, actually the accident discovered that this ivory will be firm, is unable to polish. 更无奈的是,秦石五指间缠绕起永烈的灵光,试图将象牙打造成他想要的模样时,却意外发现这象牙坚固无比,根本无法打磨。 Depending on why? My ugliness such!” “凭为什么啊?我的这么难看!” My this, is the ivory of childhood mammoth, and becomes after the several years mill, after your hunted and killed at that time, thinks that with conveniently has not thrown in the space ring, can find you to be content.” Yu Luocha not to accept as correct spooky [say / way]. “我这块,是幼年猛犸的象牙,并且经过数年的碾磨才成,你那块当时猎杀后以为没有用就随手扔在空间戒指里了,能找到你就知足吧。”玉罗刹不以为然的幽幽道。 „” Qin Shi has sucked tongue, finally after being disinclined to haggle over, has the mammoth ivory back after behind, to feel that like a back deceased person, knocked chen. “”秦石咂了咂舌,最后懒得计较后,只好将猛犸象牙背在身后,感觉像背个死人一样,磕碜极了。 This little inborn beauty! Does not fear the influence!” “本少天生丽质!不怕影响!” Throws!” If Yu Luocha ice-cold, cannot bear the elegant face smile. “扑哧!”如玉罗刹般冰冷,都忍不住俏脸一笑。 They simultaneously haunch the barrier, pours does not have wastes the time again, sneaks into the middle of the malaria directly. 两人同时撑起屏障,倒也没再多浪费时间,直接窜入瘴气当中。 Really, has the barrier, malaria just moved the barrier was assimilated instantaneously then, and barrier after absorbing the malaria becomes more reliable, is in inverse proportion. 果然,有屏障在,瘴气刚刚触碰屏障的瞬间便被同化,并且屏障在吸收瘴气后变得更加牢固,此消彼长。 Really is the good thing.” “真是好东西。” The slender five fingers find out the black robe, after raising upwardly, starts ripples in the halo of barrier, in the ripples has weak spiritual power to spread to within the body unexpectedly. 修长的五指探出黑袍,向上扬起后在屏障的光晕上掀起一丝涟漪,涟漪中竟有很微弱的灵力传入体内。 Um, Silver Spear Mammoth, crashes in the Ancient Ferocious Beast List apex ominous beast, his ivory can transfer filthily to holily, is the rare treasure.” Yu Luocha nods to say. “嗯,银戈猛犸,乃是冲进远古凶兽榜的顶尖凶兽,他的象牙能够转污浊为圣洁,是罕见的珍宝。”玉罗刹点点头道。 Ancient Ferocious Beast List?” 远古凶兽榜?” The Qin Shi brow wrinkled, before he when burning day mountain peak use blood Long Mofu then listened to Zhao Yan and the others to raise, but he actually for did not know. 秦石眉头皱了一下,之前他在焚天山峰上动用血龙魔符时便听赵岩等人提过,但他却始终不为所知。 Hears once more, attracted his curiosity. 再次听闻,不禁吸引了他的好奇。 „Don't you know?” Yu Luocha is somewhat surprised. “你不知道?”玉罗刹有些惊讶。 „Do I want to know?” Qin Shi blinked, is looking at the appearance that Yu Luocha surprised and despises, he somewhat is not feeling well. “呃我一定要知道吗?”秦石眨了眨眼睛,望着玉罗刹一脸惊讶和鄙夷的模样,他心里有些不爽。 Was being looked down upon by others, but does not have the beautiful woman to look down upon that is the shame. 被别人瞧不起也就算了,但没美女瞧不起那可是耻辱吧。 That actually, does not know Ancient Ferocious Beast List regarding the average man but actually also normally, but Demonic Talisman Master about four mark, if said does not know that truly was surprising.” Yu Luocha spooky [say / way]. “那倒不是,对于常人来讲不知道远古凶兽榜倒也正常,但一个近四纹的符魔师若说不知道,确实令人意外。”玉罗刹幽幽道。 ! 咣啷! At heart one tight, the black robe sways to send out some being vigilant in wind slightly: How do you know?” 心里一紧,黑袍在风中微微吹拂中散发出些许的警惕:“你怎么知道?” Before, when therapy for you felt, if not for your psychic force were formidable, even if Nirvana Sword were forgiving intentionally, was covered by its sword-light, you will also be petrified.” The beautiful pupil that Yu Luocha conceals nothing whatsoever selects. “之前,在替你疗伤时就感觉到了,况且若不是你精神力强大,就算寂灭剑故意留情,被它的剑光所笼罩,你也会被石化。”玉罗刹毫不隐瞒的美眸微挑。 Hears this word, Qin Shi to be suddenly enlighted. 听得此言,秦石恍然大悟。 At once he looks at the pupil heart of Yu Luocha to be somewhat strange, he felt that this Yu Luocha nothing which is not knows to be the same probably, oneself before her completely are the transparence. 旋即他望着玉罗刹的眸心有些怪异,他感觉这玉罗刹好像无所不知一样,自己在她面前完全就是透明化。 But what on the contrary made Qin Shi not be feeling well, Yu Luocha all matters he did not have to know, even the most basic age and name do not know that Yu Luocha very obviously was the nickname. 但相反令秦石不爽的是,玉罗刹一切的事他却了无所知,甚至连最基本的年纪和姓名都不知道,玉罗刹很明显是绰号吗。 This is Ancient Ferocious Beast List, actually what?” “这远古凶兽榜,究竟是什么?” The silent meeting, after Qin Shi is disinclined to haggle over, opens the mouth question. 沉默一会,秦石懒得计较后开口问句 The broad and handsome forehead raises gently, Yu Luocha looks at haze Yun Kong who is filling the malaria, said: Ancient Ferocious Beast List as the name implies, what rank was the ancient times ominous beast, in the ancient times time demon territory able to move unhindered world, the ominous beast was in flood, that time ominous beast bloodlines were pure, the strength went against heaven's will tyrannicalally.” 螓首轻轻扬起,玉罗刹望着弥漫瘴气的阴霾云空,道:“远古凶兽榜顾名思义,排名的是远古凶兽,在远古时期魔域纵横天下,凶兽泛滥,那时候的凶兽血脉纯正,实力强横逆天。” Posterity, is then strongest 1000 ominous beasts to place to the strength, the list that but nowadays spreads was badly-damaged, record Desolate Beast is also few and few, first hundred Divine List Ferocious Beast were already lost the record.” “后人,便对实力最强得1000名凶兽进行排名,但现如今流传的榜单已经残破不堪,记录的荒兽也是少而又少,前百的神榜凶兽早已失传记载。” God list?” “神榜?” Um, the Ancient Ferocious Beast List first hundred ominous beasts, were called Divine List Ferocious Beast, any type in god list, the hearsay has to destroy the day to extinguish the place the strength.” Yu Luocha mentioned these to reveal rare dreading. “嗯,远古凶兽榜前百的凶兽,被称之为神榜凶兽,在神榜中的任何一种,传闻都拥有毁天灭地的力量。”玉罗刹提起这些都露出罕见的忌惮。 Originally is this “原来是这样” Qin Shi nodded, with his question: This Silver Spear Mammoth ominous beast in this list?” 秦石点了点头,跟着他问句:“这银戈猛犸就是在这榜单上的凶兽?” Um, ranks 997.” “嗯,排名997。” Hissing sucked in the mouth cold air/Qi, Qin Shi has sucked the tongue, shouted darkly: Tyrannical does so ominous beast, arrange 997 unexpectedly? Enters the list reluctantly?” “嘶”倒抽口冷气,秦石咂了咂舌,暗呼:“如此强横的凶兽,竟然才排997?勉强入榜?” This news, making Qin Shi tremble with fear. 这一个消息,令秦石惊颤不已。 Ominous beast that ranks the god list, is actually what kind existence? 那排名进神榜的凶兽,究竟是何等的存在啊? If can practice the demon symbol the ominous beast of god list, has gotten rich, got rich!” “若是能将神榜的凶兽练成魔符嘿嘿,发财了,发财了!” Looks Qin Shi that askew smiles obscenely, under Yu Luocha very natural racket trough cold water: Do not have a dream, first did not say Divine List Ferocious Beast when the ancient times go on an expedition with two demons falls from the sky, is only that type destroys the day to extinguish the place the strength, isn't the common person can control, refines the demon symbol? Has a dream!” 瞄一眼歪歪淫笑的秦石,玉罗刹很自然的拍下盆冷水:“别做梦了,先不说神榜凶兽早在远古征战时同两魔陨落,光是那种毁天灭地的力量,就不是寻常人能够控制,炼制魔符?做梦!” „” “” Heavy that trough cold water sprinkles, Qin Shi shoots a look at one, said easely: „, Has a dream does not let? Did I have a dream? I have a dream in broad daylight also take a wife!” 一盆冷水泼的不轻,秦石瞥一眼,悠然道:“靠,做梦也不让啊?我就做梦怎么了?我大白天做梦还娶媳妇呢!” „” “” Suddenly, trades Yu Luocha bursting out laughing dumbfounded, she discovered that Qin Shi is really a rascal, scolding sentence that finally cannot bear: Obscene thief!” 戛然,换玉罗刹哑然无语,她发现秦石真是个无赖,最后忍不住的骂句:“淫贼!” They once more are all the way silent, was really silent, Yu Luocha pities the character such as the [gold/metal], no matter Qin Shi said anything, is only, good, no, several characters jumps outward. 一路上两人再次沉默,就是真的沉默了,玉罗刹惜字如金的不管秦石说什么,只是嗯,哦,好,不,几个字的往外蹦。 Regarding this, under Qin Shi very senseless white eye, his pure sincerity dumbfounded to Yu Luocha. 对此,秦石很无趣的白下眼,他对玉罗刹的这种冰清玉洁真心无语 But is good because , after Yu Luocha is Qin Shi explained Ancient Ferocious Beast List, Ancient Ferocious Beast List Shan Lu who gives a Qin Shi broken record, above has recorded ominous beasts in many lists. 但好在,玉罗刹秦石解释完远古凶兽榜后,递给秦石一份残破记载的远古凶兽榜单录,上面记载了许多榜单上的凶兽。 Had this list record, Qin Shi reluctantly has whiled away the time. 有了这榜单录,秦石才勉强消遣。 Night, he copies the list under the mist misty grey moon/month, these made him pour the suction port cold air/Qi, some familiar Desolate Beast appeared. 夜晚时分,他在雾气蒙蒙的灰月下翻录榜单,这一番不禁令他倒吸口冷气,一些熟悉的荒兽出现在其中。 Heaven Defying Winged Tiger, ominous beast list rank: 999?” Pinched the ominous beast list, Qin Shi has been sucking the tongue, before this Heaven Defying Winged Tiger was not just him, wing tiger that met? 傲天翼虎,凶兽榜单排名:999名?”捏着凶兽榜,秦石不禁的咂了咂舌,这傲天翼虎不正是他之前碰见的翼虎吗? In his hand, Heaven Defying Winged Tiger demon symbol, for this reason joyful. 他手上,还有傲天翼虎的魔符呢,为此不由的欣喜一下。 Will turn again in the future, he saw Violent Bloodthirsty Dragon, ranks in 980, with day demon cheetah, Montenegro poisonous spider, Millennium Illusion Demon, charming fox. 再往后翻,他看见了嗜血狂龙,排名在980名,和天魔猎豹,黑山毒蛛,千年幻妖,妩媚狐。 Behind four, all in 970, this command Qin Shi remember the black leopard, arctic fox and snow hawk several people. 后面四者,皆是在970名,这不不禁的令秦石想起黑豹、白狐、雪鹰几人。 Has recorded the inborn sycophancy of charming fox in the list, the flattering technique of fox clan is among the world most prosperous existence, will have from now on the seductress. 在榜单上更是记录了妩媚狐的天生媚骨,狐族的媚术是天下间最为鼎盛的存在,自此才有了狐狸精吧。 Forgetting sad corpse insect, 900?” “忘忧尸虫,900名?” My goodness, can't think of forgetting sad corpse insect also in the list?” Qin Shi is looking at that rank suction port cold air/Qi but actually. “好家伙,想不到忘忧尸虫也在榜内?”秦石望着那排名不禁的倒吸口冷气。 Yu Luocha puts up under bonfire: Forgetting sad corpse insect, the water and fire does not invade, does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish, was Divine List Ferocious Beast is not willing to provoke them in the ancient times.” 玉罗刹搭起篝火点下头:“忘忧尸虫,水火不侵,不死不灭,在远古就算是神榜凶兽不愿意招惹他们。” Qin Shi nodded, truly so, if not for coincidence has Continued life fruit in this desolated jungle, perhaps even if Profound Spirit Realm big those who are able here do live are about three day? 秦石点了点头,确实如此,若不是巧合的在这荒芜丛林里有续命果,就算玄灵境大能者恐怕在这里都活不过三日吧? That strength, was too fearful. 那种实力,太可怕了。 Well?” “咦?” But will be glancing through in the future, brow actually unhappy wrinkling of Qin Shi, the turn over to placing more than 300 positions, the proceeding list was recording not to record, but he had still not found the Seven Colored Auspicious Cloud Snake position, was annoying. 但在往后翻阅,秦石的眉头却不开心的皱紧,一直翻转到排名300多名的位置,在往前榜单录上就没有记载了,可他仍然没有找到七彩祥云蛇的位置,不禁懊恼。 His hasn't Xiaomi Cai been on the list? This is impossible, his Xiaomi Cai is so fierce. 他的小米彩没上榜?这不可能,他的小米彩那么厉害。 Somewhat after discontented, he tries hard to comfort itself, certainly has not recorded before 300, this feels better at heart. 有些不满后,他努力安慰自己,一定是在300名以前没有记载,这样心里才好受一点。 But similarly, after remembering Xiaomi Cai, calculates , since burning the day mystical place bids farewell, had more than half a year not to see her, where does not know her now. 但同样,想起小米彩后,算一算自从焚天秘境诀别后,已经有大半年没见过她了,不知道她现在在哪里呢。 Small girl, you fortunately?” “小丫头,你还好么?” Raises to look at the starry sky, Qin Shi light nan hum: Did not say that the starry sky will convey missing of innermost feelings? Small girl, you, if hears, must live well, when I look for you!” 扬起头望着星空,秦石轻喃哼声:“不是说星空会将内心的思念转达吗?小丫头,你若听见,一定要好好的活着,等我去找你啊!” Yu Luocha by bonfire looks askance at Qin Shi, looks at that edges and corners distinct the face under the flame actually to hang up some easy, stares. 在篝火旁的玉罗刹睨视秦石,望着那在火光下棱角分明的面庞却挂起些许优柔,不禁一愣。 The short moment, her beautiful pupil changes is lax. 短短的片刻,她美眸变的涣散起来。 Buzz! 嗡! Bang! Bang! Bang! 砰!砰!砰! But at this time, transmitted the reverberation that buzz called together in the wooded mountain suddenly, followed close on is being the consecutively three shocking bangs. 但这时,突然间在山林中传递起一道嗡鸣的回荡,紧跟着是连续三声震天巨响。 This carries over the train of thought Yu Luocha all of a sudden, she discovered after own malpractice, goes all out to shake down the head, in the heart meditates: „Was my this? These year of quiet hearts, why recently always ping beat? Because of him?” 这一下子将玉罗刹带出思绪,她才发现自己的失态后拼命摇下头,心中默念:“我这是怎么了?这么些年沉寂的心,为何最近总是砰砰跳动?难道是因为他?” Is impossible! Yu Luocha, have you forgotten your mission? Your time are not much, cannot to deep love between man and woman to waste the time!” Yu Luocha admonishes itself diligently, white teeth breaks by biting the tip of tongue, wipes the smell of blood that irritates the nose to faint in the oral cavity. “不可能!玉罗刹,难道你忘了自己的使命吗?你的时间不多了,不能为儿女情长而浪费时间!”玉罗刹努力的警戒自己,皓齿将舌尖生生咬破,一抹刺鼻的血腥味在口腔中晕开。 Sufficed to suppress. 真够狠了。 Had not realized that the change of Yu Luocha, after Qin Shi receives the list records, surprised standing up: What's the matter?” 并未察觉玉罗刹的变化,秦石收起榜单录后惊讶的站起身:“怎么回事?” Three fulminations unexpectedly, made the Qin Shi vigilant drawing in black robe, followed close on the vision such as two bone-chilling cold cold currents to take advantage of opportunity in the direction that the sound transmission came to look. 蓦地的三声爆鸣,令秦石警惕的收拢黑袍,紧跟着目光如两道凛冽寒流般顺势朝声音传递而来的方向望去。 Next instant, pupil heart one tight. 下一霎,眸心一紧。 Sees only, in the mist kilometer away, dozens is supporting the crowd collect of malaria, in the center of crowd is pair of mother and daughter, on mother and daughter is the bright red blood-stained mouth, kneels to bend down in front of the crowd. 只见,在千米外的雾气中,有数十名撑着瘴气的人群聚集,在人群的中央是一对母女,母女身上全是鲜红的血口,跪伏在人群面前。
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