PDL :: Volume #4

#329: The scarlet flame first person 【Monthly ticket seven】

Um!” “嗯!” Yu Luocha broad and handsome forehead molecule: You think, emperor soul compared with profound soldier sharply? Each emperor soul having mystical powers body, has consciousnes and ability alone.” 玉罗刹螓首微点:“你真以为,帝魂器就是比玄兵锋利一点?每一把帝魂器都有灵体,都拥有独自的神智和能力。” If dies out, cultivates for the insufficient person, seeing it then to be petrified becomes the sculpture, if the nether world ability did not remember incorrectly, will be the corrosion.” “如寂灭,修为不足的人,看见它便会被石化成雕塑,幽冥的能力如果没记错,是腐蚀。” Originally is this “原来是这样” Under the Qin Shi earnest point, he knows these, these have not said with him including Elder Sister Yu. 秦石认真的点下头,他是才知道这些,这些连玉姐都没和他说过。 It seems like, must find the way to submerge the palace wall, nether world other half looks spirit, otherwise such flamboyant Divine sword, makes with the west peeling knife that I make same, fell the share!” Is meditating one at heart, Qin Shi sets firm resolve. “看来,得想办法潜入皇城,把幽冥另一半的器灵找出来,否则这么牛逼一把神剑,让我弄的跟西瓜刀一样,太掉份了!”在心里默念一声,秦石下定决心。 The silent meeting, Qin Shi remembers anything suddenly and asked one: Was right, the empire three big magical instruments, what third is? How to have listened to you to raise?” 沉默一会,秦石突然想起什么的又问一句:“对了,帝国三大神器,第三件是什么?怎么没听你提过?” Third “第三件” The tenderness of Yu Luocha accommodates low-spirited, somewhat changes countenance in the miserable cold wind, for a long time [say / way]: Soul Sealing Tourmaline.” 玉罗刹的娇容不由黯然,在凄凉的冷风中有些动容,许久道道:“封魂碧玺。” What, what what what?” “啥,啥啥啥?” What's wrong?” Sees the Qin Shi difference, Yu Luocha puzzled question. “怎么?”看见秦石的异样,玉罗刹不解的问句 Does not have, nothing.” Qin Shi hurries to beckon with the hand to say. “没,没什么。”秦石赶忙摆手道。 Elegant face silent, Yu Luocha puts aside to keep off the black hair before beautiful pupil, said: Soul Sealing Tourmaline, is the heads of three big magical instrument, in the past was broken by the enemy in the chaos caused by war spirits, finally drains in the endless river of history, is the shame of empire.” 俏脸沉默一下,玉罗刹才撇开挡在美眸前的青丝,道:“封魂碧玺,是三大神器之首,当年在战乱中被敌人震碎器灵,最终在漫漫的历史长河中流失,算是帝国的耻辱吧。” What is its ability?” “它的能力是什么?” Unsurpassed seal.” Yu Luocha said. “无上封印。”玉罗刹道。 Qin Shi tightened the sucking tongue of black robe, this short moment made him somewhat shocked, his did really have two empire magical instruments? 秦石紧了紧黑袍的咂舌,这短短的片刻令他有些震惊,他一人身上竟然有两件帝国神器? In other words, this surrounding area in hundred meters, was counted dies out three empire magical instruments all in? 也就是说,在这方圆百米中,算上寂灭在内的三把帝国神器全都在了? This was too inconceivable. 这太不可思议了。 The silent meeting, he has not told Yu Luocha the Soul Sealing Tourmaline news, but the calculation in heart actually started to hit. 沉默一会,他并未将封魂碧玺的消息告诉玉罗刹,但心中的小算盘却已经开始打起。 Sneaks the empire, seeks for the nether world by the other half of seal, with trying to find the solution restores Soul Sealing Tourmaline spirits. 潜入帝国,寻找幽冥被封印的另一半,和想办法恢复封魂碧玺的器灵。 Can tell me, who are you? How to know these many?” The Qin Shi black robe flutters in the sword wind, question that hesitant under he cannot bear. “能告诉我,你是谁么?怎么会知道这么多?”秦石的黑袍在剑风中飘荡,犹豫下他还是忍不住的问句 He always thought that person who this Yu Luocha has the story very much. 他总觉得,这个玉罗刹是个很有故事的人。 Hears this saying, the Yu Luocha tender body trembles fiercely, probably heard any exceptionally terrifying matter, is pressed with her black eyebrow coloring eyebrow, said: You , if not want dead, do not ask that will never want.” 听到这话,玉罗刹的娇躯剧烈一颤,好像听见了什么异常恐怖的事,跟着她黛眉蹙紧,道:“你若不想死,就不要问,永远不要。” ! 咣啷! The Qin Shi tiger body trembles, black robe was blown Lao tall by the cold wind all of a sudden. 秦石虎躯一颤,黑袍一下子被冷风吹起老高。 Just that sound, seemed the thousand years cold ice is the same, ice-cold to making Qin Shi nearly suffocated. 刚刚那声音,好似千年寒冰一样,冰冷到令秦石险些窒息。 A person, how can ice-cold arrive at this, cannot feel the least bit on her the temperature, probably quiet thousands of year ancient human body in ice coffin. 一个人,怎么会冰冷到这样,在她身上感觉不到半点的温度,就好像在冰棺中沉寂千万年的古尸。 Supine beginning that Qin Shi changes countenance slightly, looks toward Yu Luocha. 秦石略微动容的仰起头,朝玉罗刹望去。 She is very cold, with Xu Qiao'er and Qin Xuexin ice-cold differs from, behind both's ice-cold as a result of certain matters and phenomenon, causing the personality to change. 她真的很冷,和许巧儿沁雪心的冰冷有所不同,后面两者的冰冷是由于某些事与异象,导致性情大变。 But her cold, originates cold in bone. 而她的冷,是来源于骨子里的冷。 Sigh long implored one, Qin Shi not to go to ask really why did not know, he felt that absolutely was the restricted area that Yu Luocha cannot be moved. “呼”长吁一声,秦石真的没去问,不知道为什么,他感觉那绝对是玉罗刹不可触碰的禁地。 Later, he begins toward and is dying out to look supinely in the central ring closure joyful nether world. 之后,他仰起头朝正在中央环合愉悦的幽冥和寂灭望去。 Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! Sees only, two sword absorbed being on good terms, will send out the joyous songs and calls once for a while. 只见,两把剑正忘我的交好,时不时会散发出欢悦的鸣叫声。 „, I said two, was almost good, they in the nearby look that many isn't good?” Really was unable to continue watching, Qin Shi curls the lip to say. “咳咳,我说两位,差不多也行了,俩人在边上看着呢,多不好啊?”实在看不下去了,秦石撇撇嘴道。 Bang! 砰! Actually does not think that is following close on two sword edge sexual intercourse halo places, the cold black glow flashes through from Netherworld Sword on together, pierces to the Qin Shi under foot. 却不想,紧跟着在两把剑刃交合的光晕处,一道冷冽的黑芒自幽冥剑上闪过,冲着秦石脚下就洞穿下来。 Thump! 咚! This heavy, the ground was blasted open -and-a-half meter deep trenching. 这一下不轻,地面被炸裂开一个半米深的挖沟。 Looked at trenching of under foot, Qin Shi has been choking dry a spit, hurried to withdraw several steps to obloquy one: I depend, see the color to forget the righteousness! Brothers?” 望着脚下的挖沟,秦石干噎了口吐沫,赶忙退后几步的大骂一声:“我靠,见色忘义啊!是不是兄弟了?” Beats with a club the affectionate couple.” “棒打鸳鸯。” Glimpses the Qin Shi distressed appearance, Yu Luocha ice-cold tender Rong Huakai little, long light snort. 瞥见秦石狼狈的模样,玉罗刹冰冷的娇容滑开少许,悠悠的轻哼一声。 „” Qin Shi complexion changes, when just wanted to refute, actually saw Yu Luocha already to turn round toward nearby rock to walk. “”秦石面色一变,但刚欲反驳时,却见玉罗刹早已回过身朝旁边的岩石走去。 Hey!” Qin Shi, overtook goes. “喂!”秦石顿了顿,追上前去。 Under they in the rock are implicated, Qin Shi thinks to be closer Yu Luocha, but the latter is callous like the ice, does not give Qin Shi close opportunity. 两人在岩石旁坐下,秦石想接近些玉罗刹,但后者就是冷酷如冰,根本不给秦石接近的机会。 I and you in the same place.” “我和你在一起。” But, when Qin Shi must give up, Yu Luocha suddenly indifferent start to talk sentence. 但,正当秦石要放弃时,玉罗刹突然间冷漠的开口道句。 „?” The words that this says suddenly, making Qin Shi somewhat blurry: „Did you, what you say? With me in the same place? I am not casual person!” “啊?”这突然冒出的话,令秦石云里雾里的有些迷糊:“你,你说啥?和我在一起?我可不是随便的人!” What do you think?” “你想什么呢?” The Yu Luocha expression changes, gets angry to say. 玉罗刹表情一变,嗔怒道。 Volume, with me in the same place?” The Qin Shi awkward grasping back of the head, the latter artillery depends in the below of rock, on Yu Luocha on the rock. “额,你不是要和我在一起吗?”秦石尴尬的抓了抓后脑勺,后炮就靠在岩石的下面,玉罗刹上岩石上。 You are dirty! I meant that goes to Mt. Wuying with you, do not go that?” White that Yu Luocha has turned head, that such as the ten thousand wisps of black hair of waterfall ripple against the wind, occasionally several wisps of not careful moving on the Qin Shi cheeks, made his being out of sorts. “你龌龊!我是说,和你一起去无影山,你不是要去那么?”玉罗刹扭过头的白一眼,那如瀑布的万缕青丝迎风荡漾,偶有几缕不小心的触碰在秦石脸颊上,令他不禁的失神。 „Do you want to go to the fog shade mountain with me?” “你要和我去雾影山?” Um, so long as you do not injure me, I am willing to keep off all from the rear unexpected blow for you.” The Yu Luocha broad and handsome forehead molecule, the sound is somewhat timid. “嗯,只要你不伤害我,我愿为你挡下所有来自后方的冷箭。”玉罗刹螓首微点,声音有些怯懦。 Hears this sound, Qin Shi Chest colic, is looking at that such as by the girl of seal in ice coffin, has one type to want her to hug inexplicably in loving dearly of bosom. 听得此音,秦石心口绞痛,望着那如被封印在冰棺中的女孩,莫名有一种想要将她搂在怀里的心疼。 Injures her? Why does she think? 伤害她?为什么她会这么想? Really does not have the fellow of security sense, Qin Shi to smile bitterly one, said: He he, this saying said listens movingly, what do you want to go to the fog shade mountain to make?” 真是个没有安全感的家伙,秦石苦笑一声,道:“呵呵,这话说的听动人,你要去雾影山做什么?” Was the time must leave this.” “是时候要离开这了。” You know how to leave?” Qin Shi one happy. “你知道怎么离开?”秦石一喜。 Considers, original Yu Luocha somewhat is conservative to Qin Shi, but when that blazing black pupil is staring at her, making her elegant face somewhat fiery, finally nodded gently: Um, in fog shade mountain, the channel, that channel thorough underground kilometer, can block knot of surrounding.” 斟酌一下,本来玉罗刹秦石还是有些保守,但当那炽烈的黑眸盯着她,令她俏脸有些火热,最终轻轻点头:“嗯,在雾影山内,有一条通道,那条通道深入地下千米,能够将外围的结界阻断。” So that's how it is “原来如此” If Qin Shi such disposition, cannot bear changes countenance, one month in this desolated jungle, he sufficed really: Initially, did Hua Ling like this leave?” 秦石这样的心性,都忍不住的动容起来,在这荒芜丛林里一个多月,他是真的够了:“当初,花零就是这样离开的?” No, she is not.” “不,她不是。” Um?” Qin Shi has been startled being startled, in rock very gets up by the body: „Isn't she? How does she leave?” “嗯?”秦石怔了怔,靠在岩石上的身子不由挺起:“她不是?那她是怎么离开的?” Speaking of Hua Ling, the pupil heart of Yu Luocha was somewhat lax, has probably remembered any terrifying matter, for a long time after for a long time, submerged said: She rushes hardly.” 提起花零,玉罗刹的眸心有些涣散,好像想起了什么恐怖的事,许久许久后沉没道:“她是硬闯出去的。” Hard, rushes hardly?” “硬,硬闯出去?” Opened mouth, Qin Shi everywhere startled accommodates with inconceivable. 张了张嘴,秦石满目的惊容和不可思议。 The surrounding ties him to know that type moves gently resembles the whole body to crash into the meat grinder same pain, is not the average man can withstand absolutely. 外围结界他知道,那种轻轻触碰就好像全身坠入绞肉机一样的痛苦,绝对不是常人能够承受住的。 But is so, can she rush unexpectedly hardly? 但就是如此,她竟然能硬闯出去? Actually does that need powerful strength? 那究竟需要何等强悍的实力? Sees the question of Qin Shi, Yu Luocha begins to look supinely to ringing the clear sky, for a long time, heaved a deep sigh: „The Hua Ling strength, throughout is a fan, nobody knows her strongly, but I can determine that can exceed her in trim Scarlet Flame Empire to nobody definitely, even if the empire is not good.” 看出秦石的质疑,玉罗刹仰起头望向朗朗晴空,许久后长叹一声:“花零的实力,始终都是个迷,没有人知道她有多强,但我敢确定,在整片赤炎帝国里决对无人能胜过她,就算是帝国也不行。” What?” “什么?” Qin Shi has opened the mouth: „Aren't the people in empire good? How could it not be is the scarlet flame first person?” 秦石张大了嘴:“连帝国的人都不行?如此说来岂不就是赤炎第一人?” Um “嗯” On mentioning Hua Ling, the Yu Luocha ice-cold pupil heart will then produce moved of not easy detection. 每逢说起花零,玉罗刹冰冷的眸心便会产生不易察觉的伤感。 The Qin Shi silent meeting, said: Your what knows? question that can take the liberty, your age?” 秦石沉默一会,道:“你怎么什么都知道?能冒昧的问句,您老贵庚吗?” If there is not remembered incorrectly, initially Qingfeng probably had said that Hua Ling when the desolated jungle this Yu Luocha, such did calculate for dozens years? 如果没记错,当初青峰好像说过,花零在荒芜丛林的时候这玉罗刹就在,那样算下来岂不是几十年了? Isn't an old monster? 不会也是个老妖怪吧? „” A few words, the Yu Luocha thousand years motionless ice accommodate lights the anger, but after deep inspiration, she has not actually erupted, but reprimanded: Person of the practice, is the age important? I do not remember that are many some years “”一句话,玉罗刹千年不动的冰容上都是点燃怒火,但深深的吸口气后她却并未爆发,只是斥道:“一个修炼之人,年龄重要么?我都不记得过去多些年了” „, Really is old monster!” “靠,果然是老妖怪!” Qin Shi subconscious says words, said that the age is unimportant? Cracks a joke, taking a wife can the important matter age of lifelong not be unimportant? 秦石潜意识的冒出句话,说年龄不重要?开玩笑啊,娶媳妇的终身大事年龄能不重要吗? The words said that he does not know Qin Xuexin is big, only hopes that Qin Xuexin is not the ghost peculiar genius is good. 话说,他都不知道沁雪心多大,只希望沁雪心不是老妖怪才好。 , Cannot 一定不会,一定不会 The bored sending next time, Qin Shi actually remembers anything's question: Outside fog shade mountain regarding the rich malaria, you have the means to go in?” 无聊的打发下时间,秦石却想起什么的问句:“雾影山外围绕浓郁瘴气,你有办法进去?” Um.” “嗯。” The Yu Luocha broad and handsome forehead, stands lightly from rock under the reorganization the attire, then dancing lightly and gracefully such as the flowering shrubs color butterfly leaps, explores in the space ring, spreads out to Qin Shi single-handed: This you are taking.” 玉罗刹螓首轻点,从岩石上站起来整理下衣着,然后翩翩起舞的如花丛彩蝶般跃下,在空间戒指中探索一番,单手冲秦石摊开:“这个你拿着。” Lowered the head to look, has silver-white ivory in the Yu Luocha control, after receiving, has gawked staring: What gives me this to make?” 低下头望去,在玉罗刹的手心中有一只银白色的象牙,接过来后愣了愣:“给我这个做什么?” This is the Silver Spear Mammoth ivory, the fog shade mountain is the territory of quiet clan, is taking the faith token of quiet clansman, naturally can enter.” Yu Luocha considers, said: Was right, had not said with you that before the purple monster fed in the quiet clan the matter of black leopard, perhaps enters the fog shade mountain troublesome not to be few, you must be mentally prepared.” “这是银戈猛犸的象牙,雾影山是幽族的领地,拿着幽族人的信物,自然可以进入。”玉罗刹斟酌一下,跟着道:“对了,没和你说,之前紫妖将黑豹的事传回幽族,恐怕进入雾影山麻烦不会少,你要做好心理准备。” Quiet clan?” “幽族?” Pinches the mammoth ivory, Qin Shi is gawking first, follows close on selects toward on that the corners of the mouth are disdaining lightly, reveals stock exceptionally rich self-confidence. 捏着猛犸象牙,秦石先是一愣,紧跟着嘴角不屑的朝上轻挑,露出股异常浓郁的自信 At once, he places chest the ivory, has rapped gently three, one step keeps off in front of Yu Luocha loftily said: He he, relax, since the back unexpected blow kept off by you, before your body, is rises to challenges by me surely.” 旋即,他将象牙放在胸膛,轻轻的敲击了三下,一步挡在玉罗刹面前傲然道:“呵呵,放心吧,既然背后的冷箭被你挡下,那你的身前必定是由我来披荆斩棘。” Expansive sky the words reverberation, the Yu Luocha ice-cold elegant face melted probably was the same, for a long time after for a long time, some opening mouth of changing countenance. 长空兮兮的话语回荡,玉罗刹冰冷的俏脸好像融化了一样,许久许久后有些动容的张了张嘴。 But she has not spoken. 但她并未说话。 Was looking that youth of outstanding ability under scarlet date, even if has bound tightly a black robe, is actually not able to cover him to overflow, but dazzling light. 只是望着那个在赤日下的俊逸少年,即便是裹紧了一席黑袍,却也无法遮挡住他四溢而出耀眼的光。 Glib!” “油嘴滑舌!” Unknowingly, she smiled finally. 在不经意间,她终于笑了。 Smiling of that moment, making the Qin Shi lifetime end, on the day of he will never forget, between one full was the desolated and dark forests, bloomed Yu Luocha of atrium. 那一片刻的笑,令秦石毕生收场,他永远都不会忘记这一天,在一个满是荒芜与幽暗的林间,一朵绽放了心房的玉罗刹 Buzz! 嗡! Trembles with fear, in the central open area, two sharp swords of tangled up deep attachment quan disperses, is rolling up and pushing along in the severe gale buzz the cry finally, one falls under two human feet respectively. 惊颤一下,在中央的空地上,两把缠绵缱绻的利剑终于散开,卷动着厉风中的嗡鸣,咻一下分别落在两人脚下。 Also lowered the head, is looking in dying out and nether world of tip of the toe, they look at each other one, stretches out the palm to grip the sword hilt together, pulls out. 同时低下头,望着在脚尖的寂灭、幽冥,两人对视一眼,共同伸出掌心握住剑柄,抽离而出。 Their vision also rotates, looks to the desolated jungle deep place, falls is covering the haze malaria clouds of clear sky. 跟着,两人目光同时转动,冲着荒芜丛林深处望去,落在笼罩晴空的阴霾瘴气云霄。 Next station, fog shade mountain! 下一站,雾影山!
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