PDL :: Volume #4

#328: Three big magical instrument 【Monthly ticket six】

You kill me!” “你杀我吧!” The Yu Luocha sound ice-cold is somewhat disappointed. 玉罗刹的声音冰冷中有些失望。 Looks Nirvana Sword that the under foot shivers, Qin Shi somewhat is startled to stare suddenly, he as if realized that does not suit, arrives at the Yu Luocha front gradually, in that moving beautiful pupil, realizes dim mist? 看着脚下颤抖的寂灭剑,秦石突然有些怔愣,他似乎察觉到不太对劲,一步一步走到玉罗刹的面前,在那动人的美眸中,察觉到一丝一丝朦胧的水雾? Um? Is she crying? 嗯?她在哭? At heart one tight, Qin Shi puts out a hand to block her fragrant shoulder, the sound very gentle patted the racket saying: Country bumpkin, you with me said actually, any matter you said that I can know.” 心里不由一紧,秦石伸出手拦住她的香肩,声音很轻柔的拍了拍道:“傻帽,你倒是和我说啊,什么事情你说出来,我才能知道啊。” I said that you believe me?” “我说,你就会相信我吗?” Country bumpkin, so long as you said that I believe that forever believes!” Qin Shi is feeling shivering in bosom, Chest colic. “傻帽,只要你说,我就相信,永远都信!”秦石感受着怀中的颤抖,心口绞痛一下。 Um hum!” This, Yu Luocha cries is getting more and more ominous, probably received the huge suffering from injustice child. “嗯呜呜呜!”这一下,玉罗刹哭的越来越凶,好像受了天大委屈的孩子。 Is looking at the beautiful woman in bosom, Qin Shi at heart low and deep, actually has this girl experienced what? The tears that sobs made one feel ice-cold. 望着怀中的美人,秦石心里不由的低沉,这个女孩究竟经历过什么?就连哭泣的泪水都令人感觉到冰冷。 Is the purple monster, he has used the imaginary technique to you.” “是紫妖,他对你用了幻术。” Sobs, Yu Luocha slowly calms down. 抽泣一阵,玉罗刹才慢慢的冷静下来。 Qin Shi under pinches tightly the fist, in the black pupil dodges the corridor bone-chilling cold cold glow: Unexpectedly is he! I will certainly not let off him.” 秦石唰下捏紧拳头,黑眸中闪过道凛冽的寒芒:“竟然是他!我一定不会放过他。” He died.” “他死了。” Yu Luocha shoves open Qin Shi, after erasing tears that accommodates tenderly, starts to be calm, that thousand years cold ice freezes once more. 玉罗刹推开秦石,抹掉娇容上的泪水后,情绪开始稳定下来,那千年的寒冰再次冻结。 Died?” Qin Shi has gawked staring. “死了?”秦石愣了愣。 This, is suddenly enlighted, then in he lowered the head regards within the body, discovered that within the body is walking randomly Yu Luocha spiritual power, the Chest is somewhat warm. 这一下,才恍然大悟,然后他低下头内视体内,发现体内正游走着玉罗刹灵力,心口有些温暖。 This you try, look appropriately.” “这个你试试,看合适吗。” Sutured black robe of Yu Luocha in the bosom gives Qin Shi. 玉罗刹将怀中被缝合的黑袍递给秦石 Sees on the white hands some folds black robe Qin Shi to stare, after putting out a hand result, he discovered originally already badly-damaged black robe, unexpectedly smallest bits of property was sutured. 望见玉手上有些褶皱的黑袍秦石一愣,伸出手结果以后,他才发现本来早就残破不堪的黑袍,竟一针一线的被缝合了。 She unexpectedly for do sew clothing personally? 她竟然为了自己亲手缝制衣物? Actually, in his space ring, several black robes, have not needed completely like this, but so touches him somewhat. 其实,他空间戒指里,还有几件黑袍,完全不需要这样,但正是如此让他有些感动。 Although, this stitchery is really hard to think highly, big patch exposition one after another outside, but such Qin Shi also likes. 虽说,这针线活实在难以恭维,一块一块的大补丁暴露在外,但就算这样秦石也非常喜欢。 But is looking at the black robe, he remembers a serious issue suddenly. 但望着黑袍,他突然想起个严重的问题。 „It is not right! Black robe?” “不对!黑袍?” Instantaneous, Qin Shi fierce lowering the head, sees only his upper part to expose in the cold wind, whole body scarlet fruits has underpants. 瞬间,秦石猛的低下头,只见他的上半身暴露在冷风中,全身赤果果的只有一件底裤。 A wisp of miserable cold wind has stroked. 一缕凄凉的冷风拂过。 Qin Shi trembles, hurries to wield the sleeve the black robe set on the body, on the resolute face raised wipes awkwardly. 秦石哆嗦一下,赶忙挥下袖子将黑袍套在身上,本来刚毅的面庞上升起一抹尴尬。 I have not seen.” “我没看见。” Yu Luocha not warm not hot [say / way]. 玉罗刹不温不热的道。 „” “” She did not say fortunately, her such saying, Qin Shi was more awkward. 她不说还好,她这样一说,秦石更加尴尬了。 Deceived people such has not deceived? Stared that quite a while big eye a moment ago, now tells him not to see? 骗人也没这么骗的吧?刚才瞪了那么半天大眼睛,现在告诉他没看见? In order to avoid awkwardly, hum that he hurries to stick out chest: Snort, your other To take Joy in Calamity and Delight in Disaster, do not forget me also to visit you, moreover your may compared with my have the quality of being worth looking at!” 为了避免尴尬,他赶忙挺起胸膛的哼声:“哼,你别幸灾乐祸,别忘了我也看过你的哦,而且你的可比我的有看头!” Whoosh! 唰! Wipes crimson is the same like the rocket, climbs up on Yu Luocha all of a sudden accommodates tenderly: You want dead!” 一抹绯红如火箭一样,一下子攀爬上玉罗刹的娇容:“你想死!” Yeah, do not begin, I think your one time, you look at my one time, we no one owe who!” Moving latter step of Qin Shi subconscious, one shunts the pink / white fist of Yu Luocha. “哎,别动手,我看你一次,你看我一次,咱俩谁也不欠谁!”秦石潜意识的挪后一步,一下躲开玉罗刹的粉拳。 Snort, obscene thief!” “哼,淫贼!” I am the obscene thief, what are you?” “我是淫贼,你是什么?” You Yu Luocha become flushed a face, indignant could not speak. “你”玉罗刹涨红个脸,气愤的说不出话来。 Looks at that adorable appearance, Qin Shi bursting out laughing chuckle, the wound place transmits some aches once more, made his suction port cold air/Qi but actually: Hissing 看着那可爱的模样,秦石捧腹轻笑一声,伤口处再次传来些许的疼痛,令他不由的倒吸口冷气:“嘶” „Are you how is it?” “你怎么样?” All right, holds me to pass to sit.” Qin Shi partly is squatting the waist, the hand not independent holding down Yu Luocha fragrant shoulder, making her tender body tremble. “没事,扶我过去坐坐。”秦石半蹲着腰,手不自主的按住玉罗刹香肩,令她的娇躯不由一颤。 Held down suddenly, Yu Luocha somewhat charming white: Obscene thief!” 被突然按住,玉罗刹有些娇羞的白一眼:“淫贼!” But she is very gentle holds Qin Shi to sit down on nearby rock, is Qin Shi up and down sizes up the condition in within the body, sees and is not affected much felt relieved. 但她还是很温柔的扶着秦石在旁边的岩石上坐下,然后为秦石又上下打量起体内的状况,见并无大碍才放下心来。 Looks at gentle Yu Luocha, Qin Shi smiles bitterly: You said that we live in peace together like this are not good, why daily must shout that hits to shout " kill "?” 看着温柔的玉罗刹,秦石苦笑一声:“你说,咱俩这样和平相处不是挺好,何必天天非要喊打喊杀呢?” You are the obscene thief!” “你是淫贼!” „, We do not mention this matter, I rescue your one time, you rescue my one time, you look at my one time, I think your one time, this time we calculate that has averaged the line not?” Some Qin Shi dumbfounded, he could not leave the obscene very these two characters. “得,咱不提这事,我救你一次,你救我一次,你看我一次,我看你一次,这次咱俩算扯平了行不?”秦石有些无语,他就离不开淫贼这俩字了。 Yu Luocha hears that sound begins supinely, looks angrily at Qin Shi saying: Has a dream, you are listening, this time I save you, is also your previous time keeps off that move to bite the day to bite for me, has not related with the beforehand matter!” 玉罗刹闻声仰起头,怒视着秦石道:“做梦,你听着,这次我救你,是还你上次替我挡下那招噬天噬地,和之前的事没有关系!” You were good, I kill you again!” “等你好了,我再杀你!” „” Qin Shi bursting out laughing, what logic is this? “”秦石哑然,这是什么逻辑? Thinks that Yu Luocha is he cracks a joke, actually does not think three days later Qin Shi wound healing, is the noontime hot sun overhead, dazzling sunlight motley in quiet forest. 本来以为,玉罗刹是和他开玩笑,却不想在三天后秦石伤口痊愈的时候,正是午时烈日当头,刺目的阳光斑驳在幽林里。 You run now, I chase down you!” “你现在跑吧,我追杀你!” Yu Luocha waves the knot cancellation under cloth, grasps Nirvana Sword after the hand, ice-cold is allowing snort to say to Qin Shi tenderly. 玉罗刹挥手将布下的结界撤销,将寂灭剑握在手上后,冰冷着娇容冲秦石哼道。 „” “” „, Did you say really?” “靠,你说真得呢?” Um!” “嗯!” „Are you sick?” Qin Shi really could not endure, what logic was this? “你有病啊?”秦石真是忍不了了,这是什么逻辑? „Do you run?” “你跑不跑?” Yu Luocha allows to change tenderly, Nirvana Sword in had been lifted the top of the head by her in an instant. 玉罗刹娇容一变,寂灭剑在刹那间被她举过头顶。 Is looking in the scabbard of scarlet Yangxia twinkle, a Qin Shi at heart hemp, he can the clear feeling, transmit the dense cold current and murderous intention on that scabbard. 望着在赤阳下闪烁的剑鞘,秦石心里一麻,他能清晰的感受到,在那剑鞘上传来森然的寒流与杀机。 She is earnest. 她是认真得。 ! 咻! After the moment, Yu Luocha saw Qin Shi still not to move, Nirvana Sword dodged, Lian Lieguang chopped into pieces general, straight fell toward the Qin Shi forehead. 片刻后,玉罗刹秦石仍然未动,寂灭剑一闪,连烈光都劈碎一般,笔直的朝秦石额头落下。 The black pupil stares, Qin Shi has not expected Yu Luocha to start, although this strikes is not fatal, but if the hard surface is intimate, decides to meet the severe wound. 黑眸一瞪,秦石万万没料到玉罗刹真会下手,虽说这一击并不致命,但若是硬面挨上的话,定会重伤。 Bang! 砰! The subconscious, Qin Shi extracts Netherworld Sword to welcome day on. 潜意识,秦石抽出幽冥剑迎天而上。 ! 咣啷! The clear sound transmits in the confrontation of two sword edge, but at this moment, made one feel that the strange picture suddenly appeared. 清脆的声响在两把剑刃的交锋间传递,但就在这时,一幕令人感到诡异的画面突然出现。 Bang! 轰隆隆! Slating bang, the rough gully splits in their one after another, the kilometer earth was broken the chap directly. 雷鸣般的巨响一声,一道一道粗犷的沟壑在两人脚下裂开,千米的大地直接被震碎成龟裂。 Straight halo You Jianfeng interface point implements the clouds together. 一道笔直的光晕由剑锋交接处贯彻云霄。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Qin Shi surprised opening mouth, their strengths were absolutely impossible to create so the might. 秦石惊讶的张了张嘴,两人刚才的力量绝对不可能造成这般威力。 The tenderness of Yu Luocha allows to be also flurried. 玉罗刹的娇容也慌乱起来。 Buzz! 嗡! Next instant, in they refuse to budge, Nirvana Sword with the Netherworld Sword sword hilt suddenly fierce shivers, wipes the stabbing pain to transmit in their tigers mouth places, probably receives an electric shock to be the same, shakes them departs several meters far. 下一霎,在两人僵持中,寂灭剑幽冥剑的剑柄突然狂烈的颤抖一下,一抹刺痛在两人的虎口处传来,就好像触电一样,将两人震飞出十几米远。 Withdraws several steps, tigers mouth covered with blood of Qin Shi. 退后十几步,秦石的虎口血肉模糊。 He begins supinely astonished is looking at two sword edge, sees only two swords after shaking flies them, simultaneously escapes the sheath unexpectedly, blends the winding in the midair. 他仰起头惊愕的望着两把剑刃,只见两把剑在震飞两人以后,竟然同时脱鞘而出,在半空中交融缠绕。 Black red two sword-light, final mixing such as water breast, from time to time will transmit joyfully, joyful and excited buzz whining noise. 一黑一红的两道剑光,最终混合如水乳,在其中时而会传递来愉悦、欣喜、兴奋的嗡鸣声。 What's wrong, what's the matter?” “怎么,怎么回事?” Looked at the picture of that exaggeration, Qin Shi was being shocked, whispered low voice: „, Was nether world that boy was too graceful, died out for ganging up with this?” 望着那夸张的画面,秦石被惊呆了,小声嘀咕道:“难道,难道是幽冥那小子太帅了,把这寂灭给勾搭上了?” „It is not right, they who male whose mothers do not know, if male or female what to do can?” Qin Shi ba mouth somewhat forgets oneself. “不对啊,他俩谁公谁母都不知道,万一都是男的或女的可咋办啊?”秦石吧唧着嘴的有些忘乎所以。 In opposite Yu Luocha, looks after Netherworld Sword appearance , the appearance is actually startled changes: Netherworld Sword? No wonder before , dies out will be forgiving to him.” 在对面的玉罗刹,看着幽冥剑的模样后却容颜惊变:“幽冥剑?难怪之前寂灭会对他留情。” ! 咻! Thinks of this, Yu Luocha goes round two in sword edge that the center tries to please mutually, gathers by the Qin Shi black robe, said: Netherworld Sword how in your hand?” 想到这,玉罗刹绕开两把在中央互相取悦的剑刃,凑到秦石的黑袍旁,道:“幽冥剑怎么会在你手上?” Qin Shi has gawked staring, recalled obtains the Netherworld Sword process, the Chi Huo School back side of the mountain cliff, also fights with Cui Yunhai finally. 秦石愣了愣,回想起得到幽冥剑的过程,离火宗后山悬崖的底下,最后还和崔云海大战一番。 Thinks, he said: Picks in the ravine.” 思索一下,他道:“就在山沟里捡来的啊。” In ravine? Are you North District person?” “山沟里?你是北方区域的人?” How do you know?” Suddenly was recognized, under Qin Shi vigilant congealing the eye, remembers anything at once suddenly, calls out in alarm said: „It is not right, how do you know Netherworld Sword?” “你怎么知道?”突然被认出来,秦石警惕的凝下眼,旋即突然想起什么,惊呼道:“不对,你怎么认识幽冥剑?” One of Im­pe­r­ial Cap­i­tal three big magical instruments, I knew certainly!” 帝都三大神器之一,我当然认识!” Im­pe­r­ial Cap­i­tal three big magical instruments?” 帝都三大神器?” Qin Shi accident calls out in alarm one, is only this reputation sounds not to be simple. 秦石意外的惊呼一声,光是这名头听起来就不简单啊。 Um, dies out, the nether world, these two swords are female and male one pair, belongs to three big magical instruments completely, the hearsay is to stem from the thousand years ago the empire first skilled worker, the skilled worker forges myriad profound soldiers his entire life, but regarding this achievement actually and dissatisfied, then wants to work wholeheartedly builds two unrivalled Divine sword.” “嗯,寂灭,幽冥,这两把剑本是雌雄一对,全部归属三大神器,传闻是出自千年前帝国第一巧匠,巧匠一生锻造万千玄兵,但对此成就却并不满意,便想要呕心沥血的打造出两把旷世神剑。” When, in the Divine sword will soon form, actually because of the exhaustion causes to sudden die, the skilled worker is unwilling then offers a sacrifice to the soul pours into a sword, casts the sword to work: Nether world.” “但在神剑即将成形之时,却因过度疲劳而导致猝死,巧匠心有不甘便祭于灵魂注入其中一剑,铸成剑灵,名:幽冥。” „The woman of skilled worker because of him sudden dies, but sad excessively, finally also changes into the sword to integrate another sword spirit: Dies out.” Yu Luocha in side low-spirited lowering the head, to Qin Shi explanation sentence. “巧匠的妇人因他猝死而伤心过度,最终也化为剑灵融入另外一剑,名:寂灭。”玉罗刹在旁边黯然的低着头,冲秦石解释句。 Hears the entire process, Qin Shi surprised opening mouth of: Has not thought that these two swords, do have such story unexpectedly?” 听见整个过程,秦石惊讶的张了张嘴:“没想到这两把剑,竟还有这样的故事?” „It is not right, that your dying out so is why fierce, how doesn't my nether world except for sharp, have the least bit to affect?” Deliberately considers that Qin Shi somewhat unwilling question. “不对啊,那为何你的寂灭那么厉害,我的幽冥怎么除了锋利点,却没有半点作用?”寻思寻思,秦石有些不甘的问句 God soldier who dying out can petrify, is the nether world actually the sharp point fruit knife? 寂灭是能石化的神兵,幽冥却是锋利点的水果刀? Does not conform to the common sense. 不合乎常理啊。 White Qin Shi, Yu Luocha said: You think really that what in your hand is the entire nether world?” 白一眼秦石,玉罗刹道:“你真以为,你手里的是整把幽冥?” Um? What meaning?” “嗯?什么意思?” Long ago, in the empire turmoil, the nether world and died out early the bright knowledge, and might extremely in huge, therefore the king worried that the nether world and died out to fall into evil person's hand, then ordered the nether world and dies out simultaneously the seal.” “早年,在帝国动乱,幽冥和寂灭早有神识,并且威力太过于庞大,所以帝王担心幽冥和寂灭落入恶人之手,便下令将幽冥和寂灭同时封印。” Seal?” Qin Shi knit the brows, recalled that initially captured the Netherworld Sword appearance, truly got down very reliable seal. “封印?”秦石皱了皱眉,回想起当初夺取幽冥剑的模样,确实是被下了很牢固的封印。 Um, dies out by seal Im­pe­r­ial Cap­i­tal , the nether world is sent to remote North District.” Yu Luocha, said: Afterward the chaos caused by war subsided, unties nether world seal the tears of quartz actually to lose other source, will know from now on then the Netherworld Sword turning over to institute in nobody.” “嗯,寂灭被封印帝都,幽冥则被送去遥远的北方区域。”玉罗刹顿了顿,道:“后来战乱平息,解开幽冥封印的水晶之泪却遗失他方,自此便在无人知道幽冥剑的归所。” What?” Qin Shi stared in a big way the eye. “什么?”秦石瞪大了眼睛。 Really, the tears of quartz, are such a matter. 果然,水晶之泪,原来是这么回事。 You said that the nether world isn't the entire nether world what's the matter?” “那你说,幽冥不是整个幽冥是怎么回事?” Emperor soul, all has mystical powers, but when nowadays nether world actually only then 50% spirits, are carrying on the seal to the nether world, the king then ordered to eliminate nether world half to work, seals in the palace wall!” “帝魂器,皆有灵,而现如今的幽冥却只有一半的灵,早在对幽冥进行封印之时,帝王便下令剥夺幽冥一半器灵,封在皇城!” Seals in the palace wall?” “封在皇城?” Qin Shi surprised low roars. 秦石惊讶的低吼一声。
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