PDL :: Volume #4

#327: Plot 【Monthly ticket five】

Bang! 砰! In Nirvana Sword is away from the position between Qin Shi nape of the neck square inches, a Daoist believers star light space, speeds away to fall. 寂灭剑距离秦石脖颈方寸间的位置,一道流星光宇,疾驰而落。 Following close on, is Nirvana Sword, such as the broad wild animal takes advantage of opportunity from the ground meets the approaching enemy to shoulder. 紧跟着,同是一把寂灭剑,如恢弘野兽般顺势从地上迎击挑起。 Bang! 轰隆! Two swords touch, row evil of earth vacillation. 两剑相触,大地动摇的列害。 To Yu Luocha wrist numb that Qin Shi wields a sword, after following close on is backing up several steps, has actually feared, is staring at front tender Rong Chi: Yu Luocha!” 秦石挥剑的玉罗刹手腕一阵酥麻,紧跟着倒退几步后却惊住了,盯着面前的娇容斥道:“玉罗刹!” Sure enough, what wants to kill Qin Shi is Yu Luocha, rescues Qin Shi is also Yu Luocha. 果不其然,想杀秦石的是玉罗刹,救下秦石的也是玉罗刹 Two Yu Luocha. 两个玉罗刹 Coming out that purple monster, such humble idea, thanks to you can also think.” “紫妖,这样低贱的想法,亏你也能想的出来。” Keeps off Yu Luocha before Qin Shi body accommodates tenderly lonely, such as freezes these thousand years cold ice to be ordinary, her skilled artist one, gentle ripples rip open the space. 挡在秦石身前的玉罗刹娇容冷清,如冻结这千年寒冰一般,紧接着她妙手一摊,一道柔和的涟漪撕开空间。 Buzz! 嗡! Under air all around ripples, before wanted to cut to kill Qin Shi that Yu Luocha, the muscle on face suddenly starts to twist, appearance big change. 在周遭的空气荡漾下,之前想要斩杀秦石的那名玉罗刹,面庞上的肌肉突然开始扭曲,容颜大变。 He, unexpectedly is the purple monster. 他,竟是紫妖所化。 Mean!” Looks at the purple monster is appearing the primary form, after Yu Luocha inquiry lower part of the body , the Qin Shi severe wound, cannot bear cursed angrily one. “卑鄙!”望着紫妖显出原形,玉罗刹打探下身后秦石的重伤,忍不住的怒骂一句。 Purple monster visualization, not accidental sneers: Drinks, cannot think that you such quickly caught up unexpectedly, but no matter who do not want to block me today, he must die!” 紫妖显形,并不意外的冷笑一声:“喝,想不到,你竟然这么快就赶过来了,但今天不管是谁都别想拦我,他必须死!” ! 咻! Spoke, the purple monster while the Yu Luocha absent-minded instance, bented to search suddenly toward the Qin Shi palm of ground, in the palms punctures two sharp swords. 说完话,紫妖趁玉罗刹失神的瞬间,猫下腰猛然朝地上的秦石一掌探去,掌心间刺出两道利剑。 You dare!” “你敢!” Yu Luocha coquettish look one hurried, after turn over body, Nirvana Sword shoulders rapidly, strikes the purple monster two sharp swords shakes flies. 玉罗刹媚眼一慌,翻转个身子后寂灭剑急速挑起,一击将紫妖的两把利剑震飞。 You court death!” “你找死!” Yu Luocha has gotten angry, the biting cold obvious cold air multiplies from within the body, is following close on her body like the ghosts and demons, before one compels the imminent purple monster body, the Nirvana Sword sword hilt starts greatly gathers greatly, chops straightly. 玉罗刹怒了,彻骨可见的寒气从体内滋生,紧跟着她身如鬼魅,咻一下就逼迫近紫妖身前,寂灭剑的剑柄大开大合,笔直劈下。 Buzz! 嗡! Bang! Bang! Bang! 砰!砰!砰! Fierce attack command purple monster mind one hurried, follows close on the fingers to twine the purple powder, drops out to the oronasal of Yu Luocha. 剧烈的攻击令紫妖心神一慌,紧跟着手指间缠绕起紫色的粉末,冲着玉罗刹的口鼻抛下。 Whoosh! 唰! The purple powder disperses before the Yu Luocha elegant face, follows close on her field of vision is changing, the personal appearance contraction of purple monster, a black robe baseless, unexpectedly transforming bit by bit becomes the Qin Shi appearance. 紫色的粉末在玉罗刹俏脸前散开,紧跟着她的视野一变,紫妖的身形收缩,一席黑袍凭空而出,竟一点一点的幻化成秦石的模样。 ! 咣啷! Sudden transforming of purple monster, making Nirvana Sword in Yu Luocha hand do to stop slightly. 紫妖的突然幻化,令玉罗刹手中的寂灭剑稍作停顿一下。 Has the opportunity!” “有机会!” But is moment of this stop, the purple monster studies Qin Shi to bind the black robe, the bow sets out unexpectedly to flush away toward Yu Luocha, the sharp sword points to the chest of Yu Luocha. 但就是这停顿的片刻,紫妖学着秦石裹下黑袍,弓起身就蓦地朝玉罗刹冲去,利剑直指玉罗刹的胸口。 ! 咻! Puff! 噗! Lonely, a dull thumping sound, follows close on is dyeing the full horizon bright red. 一声冷清,一声闷响,紧跟着鲜红染满天际。 But, this blood actually does not flow off from the Yu Luocha chest, what is opposite is the purple monster, Nirvana Sword straight inserting in his chest, making him stare the big eye puzzled. 但,这鲜血却不是从玉罗刹胸口流下,相反的是紫妖,寂灭剑笔直的插在他的胸口,令他不解的瞪大眼睛。 What's wrong, how can?” “怎么,怎么会?” Receives your wrap imaginary technique, is useless to me.” When the Yu Luocha form appears again, in the purple monster behind a about two meters position, the control toward previous one has raised, will die out to extract. “收起你那套幻术,对我没用。”玉罗刹的身影再出现时,已是在紫妖身后近两米的位置,手心朝上一扬,将寂灭抽出。 Puff passes! 噗通! Purple monster pain hits to tremble, knees down all of a sudden, the bright red bloodstain by his chest flow direction earth slowly, goes through many places to open. 紫妖痛苦的打个哆嗦,一下子跪倒在地,嫣红的血迹由他胸膛缓缓的流向大地,辗转而开。 Really is very changes countenance, is ten thousand li (0.5km) acts alone worthily, the blood dyes Yu Luocha of Qian mountain! Enough ruthless, is cold enough!” “真是好不动容,不愧是万里独行,血染千山的玉罗刹!够狠,够冷!” Is covering chest strenuous extension lower part of the body, the purple monster looks at Yu Luocha to laugh wildly suddenly: Ha Ha, ha, but do not think that this will finish! I early feed in quiet clan the news, you are waiting for the retaliation of quiet clan! At that time, he is you, no one want to go on living! You wait for death!” 捂着胸口吃力的转下身,紫妖望着玉罗刹突然狂笑起来:“哈哈,哈哈哈,但你不要以为,这样就会结束了!我早将消息传回幽族,你就等着幽族的报复吧!那时候,无论是他还是你,谁都别想活下去!你们等死吧!” Idle talk are really many!” “废话真多!” Bang! A bang, Nirvana Sword such as ice cone falls, strikes the purple monster dantian passes through. 砰!一声巨响,寂灭剑如冰锥而落,一击将紫妖的丹田贯穿。 The Yu Luocha eyebrow peak is pressed, but she has not spoken again, but after taking back Nirvana Sword, arrives at Qin Shi gradually nearby. 玉罗刹的眉峰蹙紧,但她并未再多说话,只是收回寂灭剑后,一步一步走到秦石的跟前。 The Qin Shi lethargic sleep on the ground, the forehead was covered entirely by the cold sweat. 秦石昏睡在地上,额头被冷汗布满。 This time, was really serious, before a front sword, the back withstood a palm, now under the back wound has been made up a sword by the purple monster, making his body twitch, was very painful. 这一次,真的严重了,之前胸前一剑,背后承受一掌,如今背后的伤口下又被紫妖补了一剑,令他身躯抽搐,痛苦不堪。 Wound quite heavy “伤的好重” Yu Luocha narrows the eyes focuses, strenuous helps up Qin Shi, in a quiet wooded mountain under the picture ties, slowly sets level Qin Shi. 玉罗刹眯眯着眼,吃力的将秦石扶起,在一个静谧的山林里画下结界,才缓缓将秦石放平。 After setting level, she needs to be Qin Shi therapy, waves then to remove the Qin Shi broken black robe, but slips off in the black robe she has been shocked instantaneously, the cherry lips open and close slightly: „Will he have these many scabs?” 放平后,她需要为秦石疗伤,一挥手便将秦石残破的黑袍褪去,但就在黑袍褪下的瞬间她惊呆了,樱唇略微开合:“他怎么也会有这么多伤疤?” Sees only, on the body of Qin Shi, from the small arm to the chest to the both legs, was almost covered by over a hundred over a thousand cutting edge tangs again, horrible to look. 只见,在秦石的身上,从小臂到胸膛再到双腿,几乎被上百上千的刀口剑口覆盖,惨不忍睹。 Naturally, in addition she does not know that this is only the shocking start, in her regards Qin Shi within the body, whole person been shocked could not speak. 当然,她尚且不知,这只是令人震惊的开始,当她内视秦石体内后,整个人被惊呆的说不出话来。 Obscene thief!” “淫贼!” Is looking at that strong body, Yu Luocha after is a girl, many somewhat will be shy, wipes crimson to bind under the nape of the neck directly, made her min closing one's eyes of cherry lips, poured into Qin Shi within the body spiritual power. 望着那健硕的身躯,玉罗刹毕竟是个女孩,多少会有些羞涩,一抹绯红直接裹到脖颈下,令她抿了抿樱唇的闭上眼,将灵力注入秦石体内。 The next instant, her expression sudden change, has almost the clearly discernible scar on within the body each inch blood vessel of Qin Shi, several tall and slender spirit vein folds are unceasing, is the unmentionable diseasea. 下一霎,她的表情骤变,在秦石的体内每寸血管上几乎都有清晰可见的疤痕,几条细长的灵脉褶皱不断,全是暗疾。 What's wrong, how to be possible?” “怎么,怎么可能?” Received such wound, hasn't died unexpectedly? 受了这样的伤,竟然没死? Is this what kind miracle? Actually to have what, can create such many wounds? 这是何等的奇迹?究竟发生了什么,才能造成如此之多的伤口? Moreover, Yu Luocha surveys the discovery once more, actually has several different spiritual power in Qin Shi within the body. 而且,玉罗刹再次探测发现,在秦石的体内竟然有着数股不同的灵力 And one, was before swallows the evil strength of black leopard that group of people. 其中有一股,就是之前吞噬黑豹那群人的邪恶力量。 Near his dantian, regarding over a hundred golden Fu Wen, these Fu Wen is repairing the injured five main internal organs (entrails) in driving body Qin Shi. 在他丹田附近,更是围绕着上百枚金色的符文,那些符文正在主动的体秦石修复受伤的五脏六腑。 Really is a strange person!” “真是个奇怪的人!” In unknowingly, Yu Luocha has produced the bewildered curiosity to Qin Shi. 在不知不觉中,玉罗刹秦石产生了莫名其妙的好奇。 Her skilled artist comforts along the chest of Qin Shi upwardly, does not know is her palm slides thin the pruritus, making Qin Shi not comfortable trembled. 紧接着她妙手沿着秦石的胸膛向上抚慰,不知是她手掌的细滑还是瘙痒,令秦石不自在的哆嗦一下。 Well!” “咦!” Is this trembles, the Yu Luocha actually control receives, then after seeing Qin Shi is motionless, booth bit by bit goes forward to move Qin Shi, Qin Shi trembles. 就是这哆嗦一下,玉罗刹却手心一收,接着见秦石不动后,再一点一点的摊上前触碰秦石,秦石又哆嗦一下。 This time, she is surprised immediately, probably had discovered the new continent is the same, several times back and forth, making her ice-cold tenderness allow to reveal a filament for the rare and weak smiling face unexpectedly. 这一次,她马上惊讶起来,好像发现了新大陆一样,来来回回的几次,令她冰冷的娇容上竟露出一丝极为罕见又微弱的笑容。 That smiles, devastatingly beautiful. 那一笑,倾国倾城 In seal knot, she probably is a 7 or 8-year-old child, naive, free of evil intention, ignorant, adorable, acts alone with that ten thousand li (0.5km), the blood dyes Qian mountain simply is two people. 在密封的结界里,她就好像是一个七八岁的小孩子,天真,无邪,懵懂,可爱,和那万里独行,血染千山简直就是两个人。 If were seen Yu Luocha to have like this one by the bystander, perhaps will be insane? 若是被外人看见玉罗刹有这样得一幕,恐怕会疯掉吧? Snow heart “雪心” Um?” When Yu Luocha plays with, this sound frightened Yu Luocha to jump, probably was the child of wrong thing to be the same, hurried to take back the white hands. “嗯?”正当玉罗刹玩弄时,这声音吓了玉罗刹一跳,好像做错事的孩子一样,赶忙将玉手收回。 Bang! clatter! 嗒! But at this moment, lethargic sleep Qin Shi puts out a hand suddenly, grips tightly firmly holds on her: Snow heart, Qin Xuexin, do not leave me 但就在这时,昏睡的秦石突然伸出手,一把牢牢的将她拉住:“雪心,沁雪心,不要离开我” Snow heart? His lover? 雪心?他的恋人吗? The Yu Luocha train of thought flutters intense, that smiling face is nothing left immediately, instead toot toot mouth depressed of somewhat: Why, why hears him to shout others, my heart with pain?” 玉罗刹的思绪紧张飘动,那一丝笑容顿时荡然无存,反而嘟嘟着嘴的有些沮丧:“为什么,为什么听到他喊别人,我的心就会跟着痛呢?” „Did I like him?” “难道我喜欢上他了?” A train of thought braves above, the Yu Luocha facial features were red immediately, making an effort vacillates several, probably must fling outside the brain to be the same that train of thought: Is impossible, how will I like this obscene thief?” 一个思绪冒上头,玉罗刹的面容马上红了起来,使劲的左右摇摆几下,好像要将那种思绪甩出脑外一样:“不可能,我怎么会喜欢上这个淫贼?” I for also his favour, um, certainly is this!” Yu Luocha makes an effort warned itself, cannot want to get down again in the future. “我是为了还他人情,嗯,一定是这样!”玉罗刹使劲的告诫自己,不敢再往后想下去。 Flurried, her blurry hurrying is Qin Shi therapy, wisp of wisp of spiritual power injects into his within the body, first stops his front and back blood-stained mouth, then has poured into several wisps of spiritual power toward his within the body, is maintaining his vitality. 慌乱中,她迷迷糊糊的赶忙为秦石疗伤,一缕一缕的灵力注入进他的体内,先将他胸前和背后的血口止住,然后又朝他体内注入了几缕灵力,维持着他的生机。 Like this is busy at work, a night passes by. 就这样忙活忙活,一夜过去。 Perhaps this is the causes and effects, before Qin Shi worked to a frazzle looked after her, in an instant a half month was one's turn her to look after Qin Shi. 或许这就是因果吧,之前秦石累死累活的照看她,转眼半个多月的时间就轮到她来照看秦石了。 Daytime, she sets out is Qin Shi seeks for some herbal medicines, in the evening is Qin Shi transports spiritual power and therapy. 白日,她起身为秦石寻找些草药,晚上就为秦石输送灵力和疗伤。 Quick passed by the 7 th, she who the sign that but Qin Shi had still not regained consciousness, made was somewhat anxious. 很快七日过去,但秦石仍然没有苏醒的迹象,弄的她有些紧张。 When bored, she pieces together the Qin Shi broken black robe, takes spiritual power to congeal for the needlework, bit by bit sutures the black robe for Qin Shi. 无聊时,她将秦石残破的黑袍拼凑起来,以灵力凝为针线,一点一点的替秦石将黑袍缝合。 Half a month later night. 半个月后的夜晚。 Yu Luocha sits on a quiet forest rock, in the hand holds has been suturing the similar black robe, the bustling moonlight sprinkles, beautiful in a complete mess. 玉罗刹坐在幽林旁的一块岩石上,手中捧着已经缝合差不多的黑袍,熙熙攘攘的月光洒下,美的一塌糊涂。 Quiet half a month, Qin Shi had the sound finally, first was his pinky has cancelled the check, a wisp of vitality returned to within the body finally, ate crawling of pain to set out. 沉寂的半月,秦石终于有了动静,先是他的小拇指勾了勾,一缕生机终于回归体内,吃痛的爬起身。 Where is this?” “这是哪里?” Just supported, Qin Shi felt that the whole body unusual ache, vision somewhat lax about looked all around, saw coincidentally on the rock sutures Yu Luocha of black robe. 刚撑起来,秦石感觉全身异常的疼痛,目光有些涣散的左右环顾一圈,刚巧望见在岩石上缝合黑袍的玉罗刹 Yu Luocha!!” 玉罗刹!!” The Qin Shi body trembles, the picture fluctuation in Sea of Consciousness, recalled that the picture before his stupor, wipes the anger to going to the head the top. 秦石的身躯一颤,识海中的画面浮动,回想起他昏迷前的景象,一抹怒火冲上脑顶。 „Did you awake?” The sudden shout, grasps Yu Luocha of needlework to tremble, at once begins after supinely sees Qin Shi, on elegant face changing countenance somewhat. “你醒了?”突然的喊声,握着针线的玉罗刹不由一颤,旋即仰起头看见秦石后,俏脸上不禁的有些动容。 You, hope that I do die?” “你难道,就那么希望我死吗?” Pays no attention to her regards, psst makes noise, Qin Shi that fist heart pinches almost by roaring shouted. 不理她的问候,拳心捏的吱吱作响,秦石几乎是以咆哮的喊出来。 Hissing roared, affected the wound in within the body, made his suction port cold air/Qi but actually. “嘶”一声咆哮,牵动体内的伤口,令他不由的倒吸口冷气。 Do not move, the wound has not convalesced!” Yu Luocha anxious, hurries handsome to leap from the rock, supports Qin Shi. “你别动,伤还没有痊愈!”玉罗刹惶急一下,赶忙从岩石上翩翩跃下,扶住秦石 Bang!! Wields starts, Qin Shi one breaks away Yu Luocha: Makes way, is short strikes an attitude in this hypocritically, you are not hope that I do die?” 挥下手,秦石一下挣开玉罗刹:“让开,少在这假惺惺作势,你不就是希望我死吗?” Was shoved open suddenly, Yu Luocha toward retroceding two steps, this ordered her tenderness to accommodate somewhat low-spirited, looks frail body that was showing off power strenuously, bit the lower lip. 被突然推开,玉罗刹朝后退开两步,这一下令她的娇容有些黯然,望着那吃力逞强的单薄身躯,不由咬住下唇。 In your eyes, am I that type seize the chance to sneak attack your villain?” “在你眼里,我就是那种趁机偷袭你的小人吗?” Not? I hope but actually am not, but do I personally see have the vacation? You give me actually a reason!” Qin Shi looks back suddenly, roared to Yu Luocha. “难道不是吗?我倒希望不是,但我亲眼所见难道有假吗?你倒是给我个理由啊!”秦石猛然回首,冲玉罗刹咆哮一声。 A deafening sound, Yu Luocha hears her brokenhearted sound probably: He he, you think that I am right?” 一声震耳欲聋的声音,玉罗刹好像听见她心碎的声音:“呵呵,你就是这么想我对吗?” ! 咣啷! A resounding, Nirvana Sword was thrown by Yu Luocha, throws in the under foot of Qin Shi all of a sudden: Good, you think are I, that was I was good, Nirvana Sword in your, you can kill me now! You have rescued my life, I give back to you now, my Yu Luocha never owes others.” 一声脆响,寂灭剑玉罗刹扔出,一下子扔在秦石的脚下:“好,你觉得是我,那就是我好了,寂灭剑在你脚下,你现在可以杀了我!你救了我的命,我现在还给你,我玉罗刹从不欠别人。”
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