PDL :: Volume #4

#326: Back dying out sword 【Monthly ticket four】

Boy!” “小子!” Evil Spirit drags winding around Baleful Qi to be startled to roar. 邪魔拖着缭绕的煞气惊吼一声。 That strikes to bite the day to bite, strikes hits completely in the back of black robe, the badly-damaged black robe was broken the powder to crash directly. 那一击噬天噬地,一击全部击中在黑袍的背后,本就残破不堪的黑袍直接被震碎成粉末坠落。 Coughs!” “咳咳咳!” Qin Shi eats the pain coughs, he stands in their center, before the body, by the next sword, the back was intimate a palm, the bright red blood welcomed the moonlight puff to scatter puts out. 秦石吃痛的干咳一声,他就站在两人的中央,身前受下一剑,背后挨上一掌,嫣红的鲜血迎着月光噗撒吐出。 You, why can you like this?” The Yu Luocha ice-cold face melted probably, stares is inserting in Nirvana Sword of Qin Shi chest, a bursting out laughing. “你,你为什么要这样?”玉罗刹冰冷的面庞好像都化了,盯着插在秦石胸膛的寂灭剑,一下哑然。 Puff! 噗! Gripping Nirvana Sword that Qin Shi uses energy, after enduring the piercing ache, draws out it fully, throws in the Yu Luocha under foot. 秦石费劲的握住寂灭剑,忍受刺骨的疼痛后全力将其拔出,咣啷一声,扔在玉罗刹脚下。 This strikes, I have suffered for you, our enmity, write off!” The corners of the mouth hang bloodstain Qin Shi to tremble weakly, the cold black pupil shoots a look at to Yu Luocha, after speaking, turns around then to depart toward the rear area. “这一击,我替你挨了,咱们的仇,一笔勾销!”嘴角挂着血迹的秦石微弱颤出一声,冷冽的黑眸瞥向玉罗刹,说完话后转身便朝后方离去。 „” “” Yu Luocha just wanted to open the mouth, but turns around in Qin Shi instant, she was silent. 玉罗刹刚欲开口,但就在秦石转身的刹那,她沉默了。 Sees only, in the Qin Shi back, the scary scabs, alarmed of covered with blood, the rib that protrudes breaks together completely, distortion, place above also unceasingly remnant around fearful black air/Qi. 只见,在秦石的背后,一道骇人的伤疤,血肉模糊的触目惊心,凸出的肋骨全部断裂,扭曲,上方还不断残绕着可怕的黑气。 Rumble 咕噜 The wound of that degree, if intimate directly, will die? 那种程度的伤,若是正面挨上,会死吧? At heart one tight, Yu Luocha meditates one, could not speak unexpectedly again. 心里一紧,玉罗刹默念一声,竟再也说不出话来。 She looks at increasingly estranged Qin Shi, in the white teeth unceasing Zhang Zhanghe, actually does not know that should say anything, can say anything. 她就看着渐行渐远的秦石,皓齿间不断的张张合合,却不知道该说些什么,能说些什么。 Until the Qin Shi back vanishes, she such as thousand years cold ice-out are ordinary, after lowering the head picks up Nirvana Sword, the beautiful pupil changes countenance trembles, puzzled light nan: Just, was Nirvana Sword saving him unexpectedly?” 直到秦石的背影消失,她才如千年的寒冰融化一般,低下头拾起寂灭剑后,美眸动容的一颤,不解的轻喃一声:“刚刚,寂灭剑竟在救他?” Leaves Yu Luocha. 离开玉罗刹 Qin Shi is dragging the serious wound, gradually difficult going out by the open land that Evil Spirit swallows, throws into the dark jungle. 秦石拖着沉重的伤,一步一步艰难的走出被邪魔吞噬的荒地,一头扎进幽暗的密林里。 Kid, is your this why?” “小家伙,你这又是何必?” In the quiet forest, Evil Spirit waits and sees severely wounded Qin Shi to be somewhat helpless: She must kill you a moment ago obviously, do you also save her?” 在幽林里,邪魔观望着重伤的秦石有些无奈:“她刚才明明要杀你,你还救她?” She looks like very much, to I very important person!” Qin Shi is dragging the severe wound, throughout concentrates looks at the eye length to implore one, in Sea of Consciousness actually cannot help but to transform full Toubi a blue beautiful figure. “她很像,一个对我很重要的人!”秦石拖着重伤,始终凝眼望眼的长吁一声,识海里却不由自主的幻化出一名满头碧蓝色的倩影。 Nearly one year, somewhat has thought her. 快一年了,有些想她啊。 Is looking at with emotions already deep Qin Shi, Evil Spirit puzzled shaking the head: I do not understand your humanity these sentiment love loves, but I know that this time you do not kill her, next time she will kill you!” 望着动情已深的秦石,邪魔不解的摇摇头:“我不理解你们人类那些情情爱爱,但是我知道,这一次你不杀她,下一次她就会杀了你!” Took back the vision, Qin Shi has actually gawked, then gentle shaking down head: „, Her heart will not go bad, in the desolated jungle that but suffers injustice in this was long, some distortions.” 收回目光,秦石却愣了一下,然后温婉的摇下头:“不会,她的心地不坏,只是在这不见天日的荒芜丛林里久了,才会有些扭曲。” „Are you so definite?” “你那么确定?” Um, she does not belong to here.” “嗯,她不属于这里。” Yeah, you show off power, a moment ago that sword, if not for that sword is forgiving spirit on own initiative, perhaps you already the life went to the underground spring.” Curling the lip of Evil Spirit dissatisfied. “哎,你就逞强吧,刚才那一剑,若不是那剑灵主动留情,恐怕你早就命赴黄泉了。”邪魔不满意的撇撇嘴。 „Is sword forgiving spirit?” Qin Shi stares. “剑灵留情?”秦石一愣。 Um, that sword is not simple, little said that is also Emperor Upper Tier soul, in which sword spirit has repaired consciousnes, before jabbed into your chest a moment ago, that sword spirit intentionally Jianfeng deflects the square inch, otherwise your heart was already passed through!” Evil Spirit nods, said. “嗯,那剑不简单,少说也是上品帝魂器,其中的剑灵已修出神智,在刚才刺进你胸口之前,那剑灵故意将剑锋偏转方寸,否则你的心脏早就被贯穿了!”邪魔点点头,道。 Hears this matter, Qin Shi suddenly remembers the Nirvana Sword petrified ability, follows close on is raising wipes the fear, sucked the tongue saying: Drinks, no wonder after I see Nirvana Sword, hadn't been petrified unexpectedly is the sword was forgiving spirit?” 听到这事,秦石才恍然间想起寂灭剑的石化能力,紧跟着升起一抹后怕,咂了咂舌道:“喝,难怪我看见寂灭剑后竟没有被石化原来是剑灵留情?” But strange, why will it be forgiving to me?” “但奇怪,它为何会对我留情?” Does not know that sword spirit consciousnes is very weak, who knows that it pulls out any wind, if I it will definitely not let off you.” Letting go of Evil Spirit not to accept as correct, senseless [say / way]. “不知道,那剑灵神智很弱,谁知道它抽什么风,我要是它肯定不会放过你。”邪魔不以为然的摊了摊手,无谓道。 „” “” Clenching teeth of Qin Shi air/Qi, some wound affected aches: „, You hope that I do die? Do not forget, I was dying you also, but also wanted to seize to abandon me, had a dream!” 秦石气的咬咬牙,伤口被牵动的有些疼痛:“靠,你就那么希望我死啊?你别忘了,我是要死了你也好不了,还想要夺舍我呢,做梦去吧!” Who thinks, under Evil Spirit words directly have not made Qin Shi spit blood dead: Nonsense, this is angle issue, what Nirvana Sword if I that my master obscene had been very bullied, I can let off you?” 谁想,邪魔下句话差点没直接令秦石吐血身亡:“胡扯,这是角度问题,我若是那什么寂灭剑,自己的主人被淫贼欺负了,我能放过你?” Go away!” “滚!” After Qin Shi , the root bites psst makes noise. 秦石后牙根咬的吱吱作响。 He discovered that this Evil Spirit is more exasperating than Shu Zhongyu. 他发现,这邪魔书中玉还气人。 Bah! How can take this monster and may neatly person's Elder Sister Yu contrast? 呸!怎么能拿这妖怪和楚楚可人的玉姐对比呢? Damn, was mad confused. 该死,都被气糊涂了。 Hissing “嘶” The wound affects, makes the Qin Shi but actually suction port cold air/Qi, this time injury is very serious, the tang of chest to said fortunately, but is the skin flesh wound, but of back records to bite the day to bite, wanted his half life simply. 伤口牵动,令秦石倒吸口冷气,他这次的伤势很重,胸膛的剑口到还好说,只不过是点皮外伤,但背部的那记噬天噬地,简直是要了他的半条命。 What is most important, back that winds around decayed Baleful Qi, permeating his five main internal organs (entrails) bit by bit, some have been compelling to the dantian. 最重要的是,背后那缭绕腐朽的煞气,正一点一点的渗入他的五脏六腑,有一些都已经逼向丹田了。 Old monster, quickly does not take back Baleful Qi, wants to visit me dead?” “老妖怪,不赶快把煞气收回,难道是想看着我死吗?” You show off power, this my what matter?” “你逞强,该我什么事?” „Do you actually want to seize to abandon me? If my this body leaves behind the unmentionable diseasea, but later seizes has abandoned enduring hardships you! I think of you!” “你到底想不想夺舍我?我这躯体若是留下暗疾,以后夺舍了遭罪的可是你!我是为你着想!” „” “” Looks the appearance that Qin Shi shouted curses, Evil Spirit does not have the temperament immediately, he was also the first time hears to coerce the human like this, was really drunk. 看着秦石叫骂的模样,邪魔顿时就没脾气了,他也是头一次听见这样来要挟人的,真是醉了。 These two tease the ratio. 这俩逗比。 Stimulated Evil Spirit tumbles in Totem, the air/Qi scolded: „, Your hero rescues beautiful, finally also wants me to show respect for somebody's ability to you! Does not know really the ancestors owed you this brat more!” 亢奋的邪魔图腾里翻滚一圈,气的骂道:“得,你英雄救美,最后还要我给你买账!真不知道上辈子欠你这兔崽子多些!” ! 咻! Jet black Totem glitters on the left arm, place above follows close on is seeing only brutal Baleful Qi to be summoned probably, bit by bit withdraws from the Qin Shi flesh, then collects in the middle of Totem. 漆黑的图腾在左臂上闪烁一下,紧跟着只见上方残酷的煞气好像受到召唤,一点一点的退出秦石肌肤,然后归拢进图腾当中。 Takes back Baleful Qi, the scolding sound that Evil Spirit Boss does not want: Has done well, you give me to take care of this body well, if I seized the shed time which components has been short, is held responsible with you!” 收回煞气,邪魔老大个不愿意的骂声:“弄好了,你给我好好保管这副躯体,若是等我夺舍的时候少了哪个零件,拿你是问!” „” “” Baleful Qi retreats, Qin Shi instantaneous relaxed many. 煞气退去,秦石瞬间轻松了不少。 Follows close on is hearing Evil Spirit words full Tou to blush with shame: Sweat, I was seized to abandon, you are held responsible your younger sister to be held responsible! 紧跟着听见邪魔的话满头汗颜:汗,我都被夺舍了,你是问你妹啊是问! Naturally, this saying he is at heart is thinking, losing blood of two severe wound made him somewhat feel weak, after looking for an old tree, gently depended on weak sound question: What's wrong, your this time thoroughly regained consciousness?” 当然,这话他就是在心里想想,两次重伤的失血令他有些乏力,找一棵古树后轻轻的靠上去弱声问句:“怎么,你这次就算是彻底苏醒了呗?” hears that sound, Evil Spirit is earnest: „It is not good, the previous time to save you, making the injury that Suppressing Jade creates very heavy, I practiced over a hundred years of embryonic form to be crushed with hardship directly, now is just the frail spirit body.” 闻声,邪魔认真起来:“不行,上次为了救你,让崩玉造成的伤势很重,我苦苦修炼了上百年的雏形直接被击碎,现在只不过是脆弱的灵体。” Hears this matter, Qin Shi somewhat is sore at heart, he very much thanked Evil Spirit regarding the previous time matter, if not for Evil Spirit estimated that he already died in Burning Sky Sect now. 听到这事,秦石心里有些酸痛,对于上次的事他还是很感谢邪魔的,若不是邪魔估计他现在早就死在焚天宗了。 Although hates to Evil Spirit , but Qin Shi is likes hating the distinct person, Evil Spirit helped him help him, fact that may not quibble. 虽说对邪魔有恨,但秦石是爱恨分明的人,邪魔帮了他就是帮了他,那是不可狡辩的事实。 How did you awake?” “那你怎么醒了?” This time is because your resentment read the stack, awakened my spirit body, how long but could not continue.” Evil Spirit shrugs, does not evade Qin Shi anything. “这次是因为你的怨念堆积,才将我的灵体唤醒,但持续不了多久。”邪魔耸了耸肩,并不避讳秦石什么。 Hissing “嘶” But hears this saying, Qin Shi actually cannot bear but actually the suction port cold air/Qi. 但听到这话,秦石却忍不住倒吸口冷气。 Perhaps in black leopard several people any, sufficed Qin Shi to eat a pot, but is like that is vulnerable in front of Evil Spirit . 之前黑豹几人中任何一个,恐怕都够秦石吃上一壶,但在邪魔面前却是那般脆弱不堪。 Finally, is that strength only Evil Spirit very weak wisp of spiritual power? If Evil Spirit under peak, that can go against heaven's will? 结果,那力量只是邪魔很微弱的一缕灵力?若是巅峰下的邪魔,那岂不是能逆天了? Therefore, his dreading to Evil Spirit is more powerful. 为此,他对邪魔的忌惮更加强盛。 Was good, did not cross each family with your boy, harvested several ancient times ominous beasts to suffice me to play knife and fork a moment ago, first absorbed their spiritual power, next time I woke up, hopes that you were not that distressed appearance.” The Evil Spirit sound is at will free and easy, smiles. “行了,不跟你小子过家家了,刚才收获几个远古凶兽够我饱餐一顿,先去吸收他们的灵力了,下一次我醒来,希望你不是那副狼狈的模样。”邪魔的声音随意洒脱,笑一笑。 Qin Shi stares: You now on deep sleep?” 秦石一愣:“你现在就沉睡了?” Otherwise? Looked that you do die?” The Evil Spirit sound is somewhat disgruntled, ice road: Ok, do not show off power, quickly therapy, if I stay again a meeting, it is estimated that your boy really did die?” “不然呢?看你去死啊?”邪魔声音有些不悦,冰道:“行啦,别逞强,快疗伤吧,我若再呆一会,估计你小子就真死了?” Hears this saying, face of Qin Shi under moonlight stares, is following close on somewhat ashamed lowering the head, has not spoken. 听到这话,秦石在月光下的面庞一愣,紧跟着有些羞愧的低下头,没去说话。 Buzz! 嗡! Pays no attention to Qin Shi, Evil Spirit Totem on left arm dodges weakly, was full of the gloss the mark to wind, low-spirited that all of a sudden changes does not have up. 不理秦石,左臂上的邪魔图腾微弱一闪,本来充满光泽的纹络,一下子又变的黯然无光。 Puff! 噗! Totem was just low-spirited, the Qin Shi resolute face twitches continuously several, is following close on the sang mouth one sweet, a bloodstain of becoming dark sprays. 图腾刚黯然,秦石刚毅的面庞连续抽搐几下,紧跟着颡口中一甜,一口发黑的血迹喷洒而出。 Puts out the black blood, the face of his whole person is exceptionally pale, cannot see the least bit the scarlet, supports tread respite in gulps. 吐出黑血,他整个人的面庞异常苍白,看不出半点的血色,撑着地面大口大口的喘息起来。 Like this has continued for a long time, he erases the bloodstain of corners of the mouth to depend to set out, smiles bitterly: He he, did he already know?” 这样持续了许久,他才抹掉嘴角的血迹靠起身,苦笑一声:“呵呵,原来他早就知道了?” Actually, a sword palm, to the injury that Qin Shi creates, by far is not in the superficial phenomenon looks like such simple. 其实,一剑一掌,对秦石造成的伤势,远远不是表面现象上看起来的这样简单。 Nirvana Sword that blood-stained mouth, making the right rib of his chest cavity disrupt all, inserts makes him breathe the pain on the five internal organs. The back palm, that bit day to bite wanted the Qin Shi half destiny. 寂灭剑那一道血口,令他胸腔的右侧肋骨尽数碎裂,插在五脏上令他呼吸痛苦。背后一掌,那噬天噬地更是要了秦石的半天命。 But beforehand Evil Spirit , him actually does not dare to display, after all they have own axe to grind, he cannot guarantee that Evil Spirit can get sick to want him to assign while him, if Evil Spirit were carrying on to seize the shed really a moment ago, he died most likely. 但之前邪魔在,他却未敢表现出来,毕竟两人各怀鬼胎,他不敢保证邪魔会不会趁他病要他命,若邪魔真在刚才进行夺舍,他八成是死了。 It seems like, this time actually my villain's heart.” Qin Shi is grasping the chest strenuous expiratory port long air/Qi, feeling relaxed that cannot bear smiles. “看来,这一次倒是我小人之心了。”秦石握着胸口吃力的呼出口长气,忍不住的释然一笑。 Bang! 嘭! But while he helpless, back transmits a piercing severe pain suddenly, a bright red long sword straight punctures from the front, making the Qin Shi vision be startled. 但正当他无奈下,背后突然传来道刺骨的剧痛,一把鲜红的长剑笔直从胸前刺出,令秦石的目光不由一惊。 Puff! 噗! Under the severe pain jet blood, after the Qin Shi evening however looks back , the whole person has been shocked, sees only in his, together graceful beautiful figure, unemotionally is grasping Nirvana Sword, Nirvana Sword inserts in his carrying on the back. 剧痛下喷出口鲜血,秦石暮然回首后整个人惊呆了,只见在他的身后,一道曼妙的倩影,面无表情的握着寂灭剑,寂灭剑就插在他的背上。 Yu Luocha 玉罗刹 In the pain, the Qin Shi pupil gives a tongue-lashing to crack, he has not thought that when his severe wound to being hard to walk, person who the back holds the knife can be she unexpectedly. 痛苦中,秦石眸呲欲裂,他万万没想到,在他重伤到难以行走时,背后捅刀子的人竟会是她。 Yu Luocha is grasping the sword hilt, was still that such as the thousand years cold ice look, cold Dao: You already damn.” 玉罗刹握着剑柄,仍是那副如千年寒冰的神色,冷道:“你早就该死。” Is, why!” “为,为什么!” The pupil heart of Qin Shi is getting more and more lax, stares that may neatly the face of person, the field of vision changes is getting more and more lax, after finally cannot open eyes again, fainting that puff passes in place. 秦石的眸心越来越涣散,盯着那楚楚可人的面庞,视野变的越来越涣散,直至最终后再也睁不开眼,噗通的昏死在地。 Near closing one's eyes, his vision has not left Yu Luocha, has been full of the question and unwilling believing. 临闭眼,他的目光都未曾离开玉罗刹,其中充满了质疑和不甘置信。 How can like this? 怎么会这样? Owed he just like that to trust her with the Evil Spirit spoken language. 亏他刚刚和邪魔言语中是那般的信任她。 Said goodbye!” “再见了!” Is staring at fainting Qin Shi, on that beautiful woman does not have changing countenance of least bit, the Yu Luocha cherry lips twittering, Nirvana Sword to be lifted the top of the head in a soft voice, chops straightly. 盯着昏死的秦石,那明眸皓齿上没有半点的动容,玉罗刹樱唇轻声呢喃一句,寂灭剑已被举过头顶,笔直劈下。 ! 咻! Bang! 砰! But in this essential instant, the demon shade arrives from the nighttime sky like the meteor together, same being two meters sword-light, before the Qin Shi body, two swords moves horizontally, the earth vacillates. 但在这关键的刹那,一道魅影如流星般从夜空降临,同一把长达两米的剑光,横在秦石身前,两剑触碰,大地动摇。
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