PDL :: Volume #4

#325: Bites the day to bite 【Monthly ticket three】

„” “” Sucked the tongue, Qin Shi had not finally said the words. 咂了咂舌,秦石最终也没说出话。 But, these time makes him understand that a truth, that is no matter how to drop the biological mother, he uses Evil Spirit Baleful Qi time cannot break to protect the body miraculous glow, Evil Spirit one with can break! 但,这一次让他明白一个道理,那就是不管咋滴还是亲娘亲啊,他用邪魔煞气的时候就破不了护体灵光,邪魔一用就能破开! Natural justice where? 靠,天理何在? He he, is the strength of this small girl good?” “呵呵,这小丫头的力量不错?” Swallows arctic fox within the body all strengths, the nutrient in skeleton has not let off, Evil Spirit was a real treat moving fast meets in the middle of Totem. 吞噬掉白狐体内所有的力量,就连骨骸中的养分都没有放过,邪魔才饱了口福似的飘忽会图腾当中。 Lowered the head, looks bit by bit is becoming the arctic fox of snow white bones of the dead, Qin Shi at heart many are a little uncomfortable and heavy. 低下头,望着一点一点变为皑皑白骨的白狐,秦石心里多少还是有点难受和沉重。 After all three day he is only a mortal, has occurring together will have the sentiment, after the poem blue matter, the pain of parting forever, he does not want to experience the second time. 毕竟三日他只是个凡人,有交集就会有感情,诗兰的事情以后,生离死别之苦,他再也不想体验第二次了。 But this time, he forgave the reason of arctic fox to himself, finally was only shaking the head of have no alternative, heaved a deep sigh: Yeah, only hopes, if there is a next life, she can be a good person 但这一次,他真的给不了自己原谅白狐的理由,最终只是无可奈何的摇摇头,长叹一声:“哎,只希望,若有来生,她能做个善良的人吧” What's wrong? Didn't give up?” “怎么?舍不得了?” Hit Bao Ge, Evil Spirit looks that the face of Qin Shi balsam pear satirized: Has saying that this small fox inborn sycophancy, truly is the silkworm embryo of beautiful woman, but you may probably know, transvestite different way!” 打了个饱嗝,邪魔看着秦石苦瓜的脸讽刺道:“不得不说,这小狐狸天生媚骨,确实是个美人的胚子,但是你可要知道,人妖殊途!” Go away! I this and your different way!” “滚!我就该和你殊途!” Do not act sloppily, the main body I do not like the man, if you want to look for the junction of Longyang, might as well considered that the above that leopard, I can approve give you who gives up what one treasures, does not eat it!” The Evil Spirit expression said sentence very much earnestly. “别胡来,本尊我不喜欢男人,你若想要找龙阳之交,不妨考虑考虑上面那头豹子,我可以认同割爱的让给你,不吃它!”邪魔语气很认真的说句。 Go away!” “滚!” Yeah you said that you did not appreciate kindness rendered, said again your boy is young, how can like this? Yeah, is really sorrowful!” Evil Spirit ba mouth, discontented [say / way]. “哎你说,你怎么不领情呢,再说你小子年纪轻轻,怎么会爱好这口呢?哎,真是悲哀!”邪魔吧唧吧唧嘴,不满道。 All of a sudden, Qin Shi did not have the temperament, the depressing mood became hot tempered: Leave to me! Immediately leave!” 一下子,秦石没脾气了,本来压抑的心情变得暴躁起来:“给我滚!马上滚!” You said that if I rolled, this flock of ancient times ominous beasts can eat you exactly!” The Evil Spirit not to accept as correct ginseng about begins in Baleful Qi supinely, goes toward black Bao Wang: Or do I walk? Helped them to eat your desire, helped somebody in doing good, good deed!” “你说,我若真滚了,这群远古凶兽会不会活吃了你!”邪魔不以为然的参合在煞气里面仰起头,朝黑豹望去:“那要不我走?成全他们吃了你的愿望,成人之美吗,好事!” „” “” Qin Shi felt that he does not want to speak with Evil Spirit . 秦石感觉,他再也不想和邪魔说话了。 Arctic fox!” “白狐!” Fox, fox!” “狐狸,狐狸!” The death of arctic fox, made black leopard and periphery ominous beast almost violent walks, the black leopard was insane in the great hand that Baleful Qi formed, the five senses of outstanding ability changed fierce fearful. 白狐的死,令黑豹和周围的凶兽几乎暴走,黑豹在煞气形成的巨手上都疯了,本来俊逸的五官变的狰狞可怕。 Volume, I must kill you!” “额啊,我要杀了你!” Hey, I have eaten you first!” But when the black leopard is wild with rage, under Evil Spirit greedy licking the corners of the mouth, are actually towing the jet black long star tail, whiz under enters in the middle of the fabricated superhuman hand. “嘿嘿,还是我先吃了你吧!”但就在黑豹狂怒的时候,邪魔却贪婪的舔下嘴角,拖着漆黑悠长的星尾,嗖下窜进虚妄巨掌当中。 Bang! 轰! Unexpectedly, in that jet black such as night Baleful Qi superhuman hand center, is blooms unexpectedly the bright quiet flower, the cane that under the quiet flower multiplies locks such as the firm shackle, firmly black leopard bundle. 蓦地,在那漆黑如深夜的煞气巨掌中央,竟是绽放开灿烂的幽花,幽花下滋生的藤锁如刚强铁链,牢牢将黑豹捆绑。 Volume!” “额啊!” Was surrounded by that cane lock, black leopard exceptionally painful calls out one. 被那藤锁困住,黑豹异常痛苦的嚎叫一声。 At once, sees only the black leopard to move the flesh that cane locks, the flash becomes withers completely, that was fair the appearance of outstanding ability, the twist deformation, the moisture evaporation. 旋即,只见黑豹触碰藤锁的肌肤,一瞬间全部变得萎缩起来,那本来白皙俊逸的模样,扭曲变形,水分蒸发。 The flesh shrinks, the scary skeleton exposes to come out. 肌肤抽缩,骇人的骨骸裸露出来。 Black big brother Bao!” “黑豹大哥!” Leopard, black big brother Bao!” The arctic fox just died a tragic death, the black leopard falls into the pain, all Desolate Beast have been shocked, was thrown the black widow who flies by Qin Shi, has poked head to put out the white silk toward the distant place unexpectedly, sets out to escape. “豹子,黑豹大哥!”白狐刚刚惨死,黑豹又陷入痛苦之中,所有的荒兽惊呆了,那被秦石抛飞的黑寡妇,竟探过头就朝远处吐出白丝,起身远遁。 Snort, is really the good brothers, sells the teammate decisively!” The Qin Shi split vision looks askance at the black widow, he knows that the black leopard has Evil Spirit not to be impossible to escape, immediately then draws to control the left hand of Baleful Qi, soars to go toward the black widow. “哼,真是好兄弟,果断卖队友啊!”秦石的余光睨视黑寡妇,他知道黑豹有邪魔在不可能逃脱,当即便收拢控制煞气的左手,朝黑寡妇腾飞而去。 Bang! 轰! In the fist palms condenses is the light of hundred zhang (333m) large, strikes to the back that hangs black fully. 拳掌间凝聚起长达百丈的光硕,冲着黑挂的背后全力一击。 Bang! 轰隆! The black widow calls out one, was struck to depart several meters far. 黑寡妇嚎叫一声,被击飞出十几米远。 ! 咻! At this time, the great hand of that black Baleful Qi was defeated and dispersed suddenly, after changing into the rich billowing smoke sand, together drags the waist that the shadow of star tail was then twining to hang black, the suction stuck out suddenly, swallows completely. 这时,身后那黑色煞气的巨手突然溃散,化为浓郁的滚滚烟沙后,一道拖着星尾的黑影便缠绕上黑挂的腰肢,吸力暴起,吞噬而尽。 Qin Shi astonished looking back, sees only on the split land of great hand rout, where also has the form of black leopard? Remaining is only everywhere crisp skeleton. 秦石惊愕的回首,只见在巨手溃败的干裂土地上,哪里还有黑豹的身影?剩下的就只是满地酥脆的根根骸骨 Rumble, is really cruel!” “咕噜,真残忍!” Meditates one at heart, when but he looks back again, the black widow also disappears, his on only skeleton of remaining black widows. 心里默念一声,但当他再回首时,黑寡妇也不见了,他脚下的就只剩下黑寡妇的骸骨 ! 咻! Swallows them continuously, under after scratching of Evil Spirit satisfied corners of the mouth, returns to the middle of Totem. 连续吞噬两人,邪魔满意的擦下嘴角后回到图腾当中。 Can eat really!” “真能吃!” Has sucked the tongue somewhat reluctantly, Qin Shi railed one. 咂了咂舌,秦石有些无奈的谩骂一声。 Does not have the means that how does not eat to the full to seize to abandon you, right?” Evil Spirit has hit Bao Ge negligently, said: Be not gawking, goes to that several to make, I must eat!” “没办法啊,不吃饱了怎么夺舍你,对吧?”邪魔大咧咧的打了个饱嗝,跟着道:“别愣着,去吧那几个弄过来,我也要吃!” „” “” Hey, with doesn't use this? 喂,用不用这样? Is you must seize to abandon me, after I also want the saddle lead horse helps you, asked you? What logic? 是你要夺舍我啊,我还要鞍前马后的帮你,求你?什么逻辑? Blushes with shame, Qin Shi but actually rubbish, he does not want really with this non- human conversation, the bone-chilling cold vision sways from side to side, sweeps away in the several other quiet clans of not far away. 一阵汗颜,秦石倒没废话,他是真不想和这个非人类对话,凛冽的目光扭动间,横扫在不远处的其余几名幽族。 Runs!” “跑!” The quiet clan has flustered, the black leopard that leads continually died, they keep that and court death have almost not distinguished, for this reason does not know that is who shouts loudly one, first escapes to go toward the rear open land. 幽族慌了,连领头的黑豹都死了,他们留下来那和找死几乎没区别,为此不知是谁率先高喊一声,第一个朝后方的荒地中远遁而去。 ! 咻! Cracks a joke, together under the boost of blood pupil, even if Profound Spirit Realm Qin Shi has a confidence war, will make this group of ineffective and worthless troops run? 开玩笑,一道血眸的助力下,就算是玄灵境秦石都有信心一战,会让这群虾兵蟹将跑了? Today, this little teaches you a truth, that is dishonorable, must by the retribution, suffer to death!” The body of suddenly vertical having, void searches to several target of universal detestation same quiet clan ominous beasts, in five fingers and causes the boundless spirit pressure. “今天,本少就教你们个道理,那就是伤天害理,是要遭报应的,受死!”猛然纵起的身躯,冲着几名过街老鼠一样的幽族凶兽就虚空探去,五指间的并去引起磅礴的灵压。 Bang! 轰隆隆! Bang, that several disciples directly under his bone-chilling cold devastates, all of a sudden by unwavebering according to the earth, the strength that struggles continually does not have. 巨响一声,那几个弟子直接在他的凛冽摧残下,一下子被死死的按在大地上,连挣扎的力量都没有。 Hey, is really fresh, the life biggest happiness, after nothing but is sleeps full, unexpectedly has this grade of good food!” Evil Spirit walks randomly when Qin Shi control Baleful Qi unceasingly, is the cruel hurricane sweeps across the village likely, the ominous beasts of these quiet clans are the villages. “嘿嘿,真是新鲜,人生最大的幸福,无非就是睡饱觉后竟有这等美食!”邪魔不断游走在秦石操控的煞气时,像是残暴的飓风席卷村庄,那些幽族的凶兽就是村庄。 Evil Spirit crosses, full is dust. 邪魔一过,满是尘埃。 Suddenly, several people degenerate into the snow white bones of the dead completely, the Qin Shi vision rotate once more, move to the purple long hair youth of last survival. 眨眼间,十几人全部沦为皑皑白骨,秦石的目光再次转动,挪动向最后一个存活的紫色长发青年身上。 Qin Shi remembers that this youth called: The purple monster, he very delicately and prettily, delicate and pretty some not like man. 秦石记得这青年叫:紫妖,他长得非常俊美,俊美的有些不像男人。 This you!” Qin Shi lowers roars, body is the same to the shell, same place is vanishing, plunges that purple monster unexpectedly. “该你了!”秦石低吼一声,身子向炮弹一样,咻一声就在原地消失,蓦地间扑向那名紫妖。 Puff! 噗! The five fingers rise together simultaneously, the opportunity that the purple monster dodges continually does not have, then such as the palm of wormhole was pierced by Qin Shi, falling that puff passes on the ground. 五指并起,紫妖连躲闪的机会都没有,便被秦石如虫洞的掌心洞穿,噗通的摔在地上。 Um?” “嗯?” But strikes to pass through, Qin Shi looks back to look at the purple monster that such as the ice-cold skeleton is falling to the ground, in the heart unexpectedly somewhat is strange, lowered the head toward winding around the jet black palm visits, always feels little anything. 但一击贯穿,秦石回首望着如冰冷尸骸般倒地的紫妖,心中却蓦地间有些奇怪,低下头朝缭绕漆黑的掌心探望,总感觉少点什么。 Just that struck, he can the clear feeling, in the palms not transmit the least bit to move the feeling, that felt that feeling probably put on to be the same from the purple monster. 刚刚那一击,他能清晰的感觉到,掌间没有传来半点触碰感,那感觉那感觉就好像是从紫妖身上穿过来一样。 Was I wants?” “是我想多了?” Qin Shi is looking at palm silent meeting, but should not be right, his five feeling far supernormal people, he will not induce absolutely wrong. 秦石望着掌心沉默一会,但不应该才对,他的五感远超常人,他绝对不会感应错。 That struck a moment ago, should not hit the purple monster. 刚才那一击,应该没击中紫妖。 But did he die? What's all this about? 但他死了?这是怎么回事? Idiot, he is Millennium Illusion Demon!” Evil Spirit cursed one, tightens Baleful Qi that wound around to throw to the purple monster skeleton, saw only the purple monster ice-cold corpse to move the Baleful Qi instance, such as a wisp of blue smoke dissipated certainly. “白痴,他是千年幻妖!”邪魔咒骂一声,旋紧缭绕的煞气冲着紫妖尸骸扑去,只见紫妖冰冷的尸体在触碰煞气的瞬间,如一缕青烟般当然消散。 Imaginary monster? Damn!” “幻妖?该死!” Has gotten back one's composure suddenly, Qin Shi deliberately considered that overflows toward all around psychic force. 猛然回过神,秦石寻思将精神力朝四周溢出。 Do not look, he when you get rid to the arctic fox ran!” Evil Spirit somewhat helpless ba mouth. “别找了,他早在你对白狐出手的时候就跑了!”邪魔有些无奈的吧唧吧唧嘴。 Hears this word, Qin Shi to open mouth, but has long to implore one finally. 听得此言,秦石张了张嘴,但最终还是只好长吁一声。 ! 咻! Qin Shi is not the puzzled person, for this reason the vision rotation to hanging in airborne Yu Luocha, the form in a flash, breaks that spider web void: Gets down!” 秦石不是纠结的人,为此将目光转动向吊挂在空中的玉罗刹,身影虚空一晃,将那蛛网破开:“下来吧!” Actually does not think, after the spider web was broken, Yu Luocha float skilled artist in midair, Nirvana Sword fierce shivers, whiz falls into her hand. 却不想,蛛网被破开后,玉罗刹悬浮在半空中妙手一番,寂灭剑剧烈的颤抖一下,嗖的落入她手中。 Obscene thief! Comes with the life!” “淫贼!拿命来!” Grips Nirvana Sword, the Yu Luocha almost holding up scabbard without hesitation, chops straightly to the Qin Shi forehead. 握住寂灭剑,玉罗刹几乎不假思索的举起剑鞘,冲着秦石的额头笔直劈下。 Bang! 砰! Had a scare, single-handed Qin Shi kisses the ground withdraws dozens steps: I depend, were you insane? I have saved you yeah!” 吓了一跳,秦石单手伏地的退后数十步:“我靠,你是不是疯了?我救了你哎!” Saves me? Snort, is not you, will I fall into their hands?” Yu Luocha rebukes one, in the hand does not have the least bit to change countenance. “救我?哼,不是你,我会落入他们手中吗?”玉罗刹嗔怪一声,手上却没有半点动容。 ! 咣! Long and narrow Nirvana Sword such as the rainstorm pear is colored, the speed quick becomes says in the front the remnant shade surely, making Qin Shi stare reluctant moving aside of staring. 狭长的寂灭剑如暴雨梨花,速度之快在面前成千万道残影,令秦石瞪了瞪眼的勉强躲闪。 Bang! 砰! Moves aside, Qin Shi chest fierce pain. 躲闪不及,秦石的胸口剧烈一痛。 This sword, punctures coincidentally on Evil Spirit Totem of left shoulder, made was digesting the Evil Spirit anger of good food: „The cuticula mother who which comes, dares to injure me, courts death!” 这一剑,刚巧刺在左肩膀的邪魔图腾上,令其中正在消化美食的邪魔一怒:“哪来的小皮娘,敢伤我,找死!” Shout! 呼! At once, everywhere Baleful Qi such as nine quiet masiakasauruses, become the hurricane shape welcome Yu Luocha sword-light to throw. 旋即,漫天煞气如九幽恶龙,成飓风状迎着玉罗刹剑光扑去。 Sees this, in the Qin Shi heart one startled, hurries to hold down the Evil Spirit roaring sentence on left shoulder: Comes back, cannot injure her!” 望见这幕,秦石心中一惊,赶忙按住左侧肩膀上的邪魔怒吼句:“回来,不许伤她!” Roar But Evil Spirit does not listen, to tow hundred meters Baleful Qi, becomes in blown sand walks the stone surely, swallows to Yu Luocha. 邪魔根本不听,拖着百米长的煞气,成千万里的飞沙走石,冲着玉罗刹就吞噬下去。 The hurricane that suddenly curls up, frightens Yu Luocha to be startled. 忽然卷起的飓风,吓得玉罗刹一惊。 No!” “不!” The Qin Shi thoughts sink the valley, the Evil Spirit skill he has seen, initially Lian Luan Muhua had eaten the invisible losses in his hand, this strikes Yu Luocha to die without doubt. 秦石的心思沉到谷底,邪魔的本事他是见过,当初连栾慕华在他手上都吃了暗亏,这一击下去玉罗刹必死无疑。 Dies out Qian mountain!” “寂灭千山!” Under the compact crisis, a Yu Luocha outstanding foot place, extracts the scabbard Nirvana Sword, space as if static, follows close on suddenly sets pen to paper the straight thrust to leave. 紧凑的危机下,玉罗刹翘脚点地,一把将寂灭剑抽出剑鞘,戛然间空间仿佛静止一下,紧跟着笔直刺出。 Bites the day to bite!” “噬天噬地!” Originally is the fairyhood, Evil Spirit such as violent walks general, the bright star light of overflowing becomes strangely, Baleful Qi that the black winds around as if made the nighttime sky low-spirited. 本属魔性,邪魔如暴走一般,四溢的灿烂星光成诡异而出,黑色缭绕的煞气仿佛令夜空都为之黯然。 A person of demon, a sword palm. 一人一魔,一剑一掌。 ! 咻! Bang! 砰! , The desolated jungle surrounding area kilometer earth entire avalanche of gets down loudly, this collision produces unprecedented to be scared, in the wooded mountain the bird is startled to fly, the ominous beast walks randomly. 轰然间,荒芜丛林方圆千米的大地整个崩塌下去,这一次的碰撞产生前所未有的恐慌,山林中鸟雀惊飞,凶兽游走。 Dreadful fire beacon curls up hundred meters. 滔天的狼烟卷起百米有余。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” All people in desolated jungle almost also gain ground, welcome the position of fog shade mountain peak under foot to stare, looks that even soon surpasses fire beacon of malaria, was shocked. 在荒芜丛林内的所有人几乎同时抬头,迎着雾影山峰脚下的位置瞪去,看着那甚至快要超过瘴气的狼烟,惊呆了。 In the fire beacon center, the Yu Luocha mind is startled. 狼烟中央,玉罗刹的心神一惊。 Next instant, Evil Spirit also restless shivers, First Rank First Rank fire beacon sways in the cold wind, together scary picture for the first time presently. 下一霎,邪魔也是不安的颤抖一下,一层一层狼烟在冷风中吹拂,一道骇人的画面乍现。 Is you?” “是你?” The Yu Luocha tender body trembles fiercely, looks at the picture before pupil to loosen the sword hilt indifferently, sees only that about two meters Nirvana Sword, under deep jabbing into together black robe. 玉罗刹的娇躯剧烈一颤,望着眸前的画面漠然松开剑柄,只见那近两米长的寂灭剑,深深的刺进一道黑袍之下。
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