PDL :: Volume #4

#324: With the aid of demon 【Monthly ticket two】

The great wild goose sound reverberates in within the body beginning of the universe together. 一道鸿音在体内混元回荡。 The resentment read dreadful below Qin Shi, was startled suddenly: Evil Spirit ?” 怨念滔天下的秦石,突然间怔愣一下:“邪魔?” „Does Jie Jie, the kid still remember me? Good good, evidently you are safe runs from that nonsense Burning Sky Sect?” The sound resounds once more, Evil Spirit Totem on Qin Shi left arm glitters the weak halo. “桀桀,小家伙还记得我啊?不错不错,看样子你是安全的从那狗屁焚天宗跑出来喽?”声音再次响起,秦石左臂上的邪魔图腾闪烁起微弱光晕。 Follows close on the intense resentment to read from Sea of Consciousness is rolling swallowed by Evil Spirit Totem, winds in the quiet low-spirited for a long time mark, plunders black Baleful Qi. 紧跟着强烈的怨念自识海邪魔图腾滚滚吞噬,在沉寂黯然许久的纹络上,掠出黑色煞气 Baleful Qi soars, covers Qin Shi. 煞气腾升,笼罩秦石 Baleful Qi that the winding around monster flatters is confusing, becomes the hurricane shape separates the space of Qin Shi and outside. 缭绕妖媚的煞气扑朔迷离,成飓风状将秦石与外界的空间隔开。 At once, sees only the five blood-stained mouths of his chest, just like restores in the with naked eye obvious speed unexpectedly: Yeah, how long I rest, creates itself this appearance, you give me to cherish the body well, when the time comes do not let me seize to abandon a broken body!” 旋即,只见他胸口的五道血口,竟在以肉眼可见的速度俨然恢复:“哎,我才睡多久,就把自己造成这副模样,你给我好好爱护身子,别到时候让我夺舍来一个残破的躯体!” „” “” The Qin Shi full heavy line, seized the shed also to say such negligent abundant? Then grew in experience. 秦石满头黑线,原来夺舍也可以说的这么大意盎然?这下长见识了。 What's the matter? This boy in why?” “怎么回事?这小子在干吗?” These black air/Qi are somewhat strange!” Black leopard several people smell Baleful Qi, the low and deep face reveals some loathings, the following several people are to change into the beast condition, roars lowly several. “这些黑气有些诡异!”黑豹几人嗅到煞气,低沉个脸露出些许厌恶,后面的几人更是化为兽态,低吼几声。 This phenomenon. The Yu Luocha ice-cold pupil is also changes countenance, twittering snort said in a soft voice: Good fearful resentment read, to save me, was he fascinated?” 这一异象。玉罗刹冰冷的眸子也是动容一下,轻声呢喃的哼道:“好可怕的怨念,难道为了救我,他想入魔?” Had not realized several people of differences, Evil Spirit suddenly regains consciousness to make the Qin Shi great happiness, raises the hand to aim at black leopard several people, secret grudge reprimands: First rubbish, just right that you awake, tidies up these bastards to me!” 并未察觉到几人的异样,邪魔的突然苏醒令秦石大喜,举起手指向黑豹几人,幽怨斥道:“先别废话,你醒的正好,给我收拾这几个王八蛋!” „” “” Evil Spirit almost does not have to spit blood, the forehead full is the anger of heavy line: What? The main body just regained consciousness, do you want to direct the main body? Do you work as the main body are your servant?” 邪魔差点没一下吐血,额头满是黑线的怒道:“啥?本尊刚苏醒,你就想使唤本尊?你当本尊是你的仆人呢?” Well?” “咦?” But his voice just fell, has not waited for Qin Shi to speak, several wisps of Baleful Qi unknowingly plunder toward the black leopard and arctic fox, simultaneously frightens them to withdraw several steps, but was moved by Baleful Qi. 但他话音刚落,没等秦石在说话,几缕煞气在不经意间朝黑豹与白狐掠去,吓得两人同时退后几步,但还是被煞气触碰。 Day demon cheetah, charming fox?” “天魔猎豹,妩媚狐?” Montenegro poisonous spider, Millennium Illusion Demon?” “黑山毒蛛,千年幻妖?” Unexpectedly all was the ancient times ominous beast? Jie Jie, really picked treasure.” Full is complaint Evil Spirit , after seeing clearly black leopard several people are excited immediately, greedy said with strong attachment: Such many ancient times ominous beast, although cultivates for some low level, but was only the strength of bloodlines under cost price Venerable enjoys one time well.” “竟全是远古凶兽?桀桀,真是捡到宝贝了。”本来满是抱怨的邪魔,在看清黑豹几人后顿时兴奋起来,贪婪的恋恋道:“如此之多的远古凶兽,虽说修为有些低级,但光是血脉之力就够本尊好好享受一次了。” „Does kid, deal with these fellows?” “小家伙,是不是对付这几个家伙?” Um, is they, does not remain!” “嗯,就是他们,一个不留!” Qin Shi is staring at the pupil heart of black leopard, starts gradually becomes dim, was swallowed including the sclera finally, Baleful Qi soars. 秦石盯着黑豹的眸心,开始渐渐变得昏暗,连眼白最终都被吞噬,煞气腾升。 Said!” “好说!” Evil Spirit cracks into a smile, follows close on manic spiritual power to pour into the Qin Shi dantian all round, said: With your strength, you comes.” 邪魔咧嘴一笑,紧跟着团团狂躁的灵力灌入秦石丹田,道:“借你力量,你自己来吧。” Bang! 轰! Spirit King Realm Late Stage. 王灵境后期 Spirit King Realm peak. 王灵境巅峰 Half Profound Spirit Realm! 半步玄灵境 Under the Baleful Qi subsidization of winding around, the Qin Shi dantian as if such as blossoms and bears fruit, first company crosses three boundaries, manic spiritual power oppresses instantaneously the black leopard. 在缭绕的煞气资助下,秦石的丹田仿佛如开花结果,一连越过三个境界,狂躁的灵力瞬间将黑豹压迫住。 Bang! 轰隆! Bang, the earth splits dozens openings. 巨响一声,大地裂开几十条裂口。 Bang! 砰! Rapid, black leopard and arctic fox anxious pinches the fist heart, simultaneously withdraws several steps to stare the big eye: How is this possible?” 急促下,黑豹和白狐紧张的捏起拳心,同时退后几步的瞪大眼:“这怎么可能?” Half Profound Spirit Realm?” “半步玄灵境?” „Has he, what he made?” “他,他做了什么?” In the spider web, the Yu Luocha ice-cold pupil heart changes countenance slightly: „Was he really fascinated?” 在蛛网内,玉罗刹冰冷的眸心稍有动容:“他真的入魔了?” Bang! 轰! Roar Also wants deafening roaring compared with roaring of kings of hundred beast, under thousand Baleful Qi that fills, Qin Shi opens finally fiercely, eyebrow peak place for the first time presently together bright red blood pupil. 一声比百兽之王的吼叫还要震耳欲聋的咆哮,弥漫的千层煞气下,秦石终于狰狞而开,眉峰处乍现着一道鲜红血眸。 Actually, his strength can also be increased, so long as looks like Evil Spirit with the aid of the second blood pupil. 其实,他的实力还可以在提升,只要像邪魔借助第二道血眸就可以。 But, he does not dare, together the blood pupil makes his present consciousnes absent-minded, the pupil heart is lax, he does not dare to imagine, if two he living whether to control. 但,他真的不敢,就一道血眸都令他现在的神智恍惚,眸心涣散,他不敢想象若是两道的话他能否驾驭的住。 Recalled that initially in Burning Sky Sect, he did not divide slaughtering of enemy friend, in the heart somewhat dreaded. 回想起当初在焚天宗,他不分敌友的大开杀戒,心中就有些忌惮。 Bang! 轰! If Long Rufeng loftily spiritual power floats the spatial highest heaven, Qin Shi has pinched the fist, felt that the whole body by the comfort of strength full, the corners of the mouth was shouldered to wipe smiles evilly: Black leopard, the arctic fox, you owes my present to repay!” 如龙如凤的傲然灵力浮空九霄,秦石捏了捏拳,感觉全身被力量充盈的舒适,嘴角不禁挑起抹邪笑:“黑豹,白狐,你们欠我的现在就偿还吧!” ! 咻! Following close on, his black robe in Baleful Qi in a flash, directly same place is vanishing, speed quick command various people are hard to distinguish. 紧跟着,他黑袍在煞气中一晃,就直接在原地消失,速度快的令诸人难以辨别。 Black leopard mind one tight, he feels a loathing frightened fearfulness on Qin Shi Baleful Qi, low roar: This boy is fishy, everyone / influential family draws back!” 黑豹心神一紧,他在秦石身上的煞气上感觉到一股厌恶恐惧的可怕,低吼声:“这小子有鬼,大家退开!” Arctic fox several people had been shocked all by the Qin Shi appearance, does not dare negligently after jumps. 白狐几人全被秦石的模样惊呆了,不敢大意的朝后跃起。 Hears that deafening shouting, Yu Luocha under the spider web is also surprised extremely, black eyebrow coloring eyebrow slightly pressed dark startled: „It is not right, is not fascinated, can he control the share dividend quantity unexpectedly?” 听得那震耳欲聋的呼喊,玉罗刹在蛛网下也是惊讶万分,黛眉微蹙的暗惊:“不对,不是入魔,他竟能操控股力量?” Drinks! I come to be able you!” “喝!我来会会你!” After all Renyue, black Bao Dang before them, the congealing eye stares at such as ghosts and demons Qin Shi to pose the stance, two gigantic leopard fingernails explode the clothes, brandishes under. 诸人跃后,黑豹挡在他们面前,凝眼盯着如鬼魅的秦石拉开架势,两只硕大的豹爪爆开衣裳,挥舞而下。 Scram!!” 滚开!” Does not think that Qin Shi basic disagreement black leopard idle talk, void revolution of palm in oversleeve, wipes roughy such as mountain torrent Tsunami Baleful Qi rolling to offer a sacrifice , the black Bao Bitui several steps. 不想,秦石根本不和黑豹废话,掌心在袖套中虚空一转,一抹粗犷如山洪海啸般的煞气滚滚祭出,生生将黑豹逼退数步。 Bang! 砰! Compels to draw back the black leopard, Qin Shi gives up him immediately, instead the goal moves the black widow in rearward, after the palm tuck dive, on the five fingers rolls up and pushes along Baleful Qi, strikes to compel. 逼退黑豹,秦石马上将他放弃,反而将目标挪动向后方的黑寡妇,掌心翻腾后在五指上卷动煞气,一击逼上。 Death!” “死吧!” Palm like thunder, winter thunder billowing, winds around Baleful Qi such as the flood dragon to go to sea, from place above straight punctures toward the black widow chest. 掌心如雷,冬雷滚滚下,缭绕煞气如蛟龙出海,从正上方笔直的朝黑寡妇胸膛刺下。 Black widow!” “黑寡妇!” Widow elder sister!” “寡妇姐!” The black leopards and arctic fox several people are startled. 黑豹和白狐几人一惊。 Is looking at the paint Black dragon air/Qi, the black widow same core sinking dead deep pool, does not dare negligently after leaping to set out, puts out two white silk in the cherry lips, hangs upside down on nearby old tree. 望着漆黑龙气,黑寡妇同样心沉死潭,不敢大意的跃起身来后在樱唇中吐出两道白丝,倒挂在旁边的古树上。 Leave to me!” “给我滚下来!” Because of the Yu Luocha matter, before was used is deceived, in addition by the innocent crowd that the imaginary technique cruelly harms, the Qin Shi anger is achieved in history to be highest. 因为玉罗刹的事,和之前被利用被欺骗,加上被幻术残害的无辜人群,秦石的怒火达到史上最高。 This anger, with was initially different in Burning Sky Sect, is the pain and condemnation of that innermost feelings, therefore he erupts all resentment, becomes a black great hand in the palms, hangs upside down the white silk on tree to grasp void to that shakes the black widow departs several meters far. 这种愤怒,和当初在焚天宗不一样,是那种内心的痛苦和谴责,所以他将所有怨气爆发,在掌间成一股黑色巨手,虚空冲那倒挂在树上的白丝抓下,一把将黑寡妇震飞出十几米远。 Widow elder sister!” Shouting of arctic fox pale face. “寡妇姐!”白狐苍白个脸的喊道。 Brat, I have killed you!” Black leopard demeanor Li Ren calls out one, after breaking away ties up his Baleful Qi, fierce approaches toward Qin Shi. “臭小子,我杀了你!”黑豹声色厉荏的嚎叫一声,挣开捆绑他的煞气后,凶猛的朝秦石逼近。 ! 咻! The bone-chilling cold cold pupil opens and closes, Qin Shi black robe slightly extension, but this seems like the slow movement, actually the command encircles in his Baleful Qi all around surges torrentially, blasts out like the fireworks, overflows to swallow. 凛冽的寒眸开合,秦石黑袍微转,但这看似缓慢的动作,却令围剿在他周遭的煞气滔滔涌起,像烟花般炸开,四溢吞噬。 Wooden flowers and plants that approaches, all for dust ruins. 临近的古木花草,皆为尘埃废墟。 Among the short respites, the surrounding area kilometer as if past Desolate Town back side of the mountain, did not have the vitality, incredible desolate. 短短的喘息间,方圆千米仿佛当年的荒镇后山,了无生机,荒诞落寞。 This strength, very strong!” “这力量,好强!” Tender body of Yu Luocha under spider web trembles, in Baleful Qi that in this black winds around, made her feel that unexpectedly cannot move. 玉罗刹在蛛网下的娇躯一颤,在这黑色缭绕的煞气中,竟令她都感觉到不可触碰。 ! 咻! At once, his body vanishes in the Baleful Qi hurricane baseless, welcomes is running away toward the black leopard that he approaches, in an instant the black leopard pupil stares, the body is suddenly motionless, a tremendous strength lifts him to hundred meters upper air. 旋即,他身躯在煞气的飓风中凭空消失,迎着朝他逼近的黑豹遁去,刹那间黑豹眸子一瞪,身躯戛然不动,一股巨大的力量将他举到百米高空。 Bang! 轰隆隆! The resentment that wreaks havoc greedily read, formed the ghosts and demons great hand, after nibbling the vitality between world, picked up the black leopard, at once fits along with the palm of Qin Shi slowly, puff made the black leopard blood spray. 一只贪婪肆虐的怨念,形成鬼魅般的巨手,蚕食天地间的生机后托起黑豹,旋即随着秦石的手掌缓缓拟合,噗一声令黑豹鲜血喷洒。 Snort, the human is doing, the day was looking, since the day does not receive you, I received your this flock of bastards today!” The black pupil of Qin Shi is fierce, three day time and black leopard several people are together, unavoidably can some sentiments. “哼,人在做,天在看,既然天不收你,我今天收了你们这群畜生!”秦石的黑眸狰狞,三日时间和黑豹几人相处下来,难免会有些感情。 But because of these sentiments, instead made Qin Shi more painful, hated! 但正是因为这些感情,反而令秦石更加痛苦,更加憎恨! Qin Shi can forgive all mistakes, could not forgive only betrayed, like initially Yu Lin’er, dares to betray him, will never forgive. 秦石可以原谅所有错误,唯独原谅不了的就是背叛,像当初于琳儿一样,敢背叛他,永不原谅。 Black big brother Bao!” “黑豹大哥!” In the rear arctic fox, on the pale face cries loudly, she puts on the withered incredible earth, dragging the tutu to rub to the Qin Shi under foot, makes an effort to pull his bottom of pants leg: Lets off him, asking you to let off him!” 在后方的白狐,苍白的脸上嚎哭起来,她扑在干枯荒诞的大地上,拖着短裙蹭到秦石脚下,使劲拉扯着他的裤脚:“放过他,求求你放过他!” „Do you ask me now? I ask you, you when using and slaughtering these innocent people, may once think can let off them?” Lifts up high single-handed, Qin Shi lowered the head to stare at the arctic fox, demeanor Li Ren. “你现在求我?那我问问你,你在利用和屠杀那些无辜的人时,可曾想过要放过他们?”单手高举,秦石低下头盯着白狐,声色厉荏。 ! 咣啷! The arctic fox was silent, had nothing to say in reply all of a sudden. 白狐沉默了,一下子无言以对。 Visits me “看着我” But the next instant, her tender surface indifferently changes, one full is the ghosts and demons of enticement blooms, follows close on the tutu of whole body to slip off with the wind, cylinder exposition. 但下一霎,她娇面漠然一变,一副满是诱惑的鬼魅绽放,紧跟着全身的短裙随风褪下,筒体暴露。 Whiz! 嗖! The fabricated air wave that the ketone body exposition, the naked eye cannot see together, ascends under the arctic fox fair flesh, welcomes Qin Shi to head on. 酮体暴露,一道肉眼看不见的虚妄气浪,在白狐白皙的肌肤下升腾,迎着秦石扑面而来。 The picture in field of vision made the Qin Shi courage vigor combustion, saw only his pupil heart to be lax, has some vacillations by the pupil that swallowed dark unexpectedly. 视野中的画面令秦石血气燃烧,只见他的眸心不禁涣散一下,被黑暗吞噬的眸子竟然产生些许动摇。 Quite beautiful 好美 Yu Luocha sees that fair picture, the ice-cold tenderness allows to fly to wipe shy blushing, somewhat is at once angry: Snort, is really a lascivious obscene thief!” 玉罗刹望见那白皙的画面,冰冷的娇容上飞起抹羞涩的红晕,旋即有些愤怒:“哼,果然是个好色的淫贼!” Clever, little elder brother, lets loose him!” “乖,小哥,放开他!” The sound that the arctic fox whined resounded, the magnetism in sound was full of the charm probably, makes shivering that Qin Shi control some did not listen to direct unexpectedly, loosened slowly. 白狐嗲嗲的声音响起,声音中的磁性好像充满魔力,令秦石手心竟有些不听使唤的颤抖,缓缓松开。 Right, is this, clever!” “对,就是这样,乖!” Stares the hand that is shivering, the arctic fox is tempting Qin Shi slowly. 盯着那颤抖的手,白狐慢慢引诱着秦石 „Is this inborn sycophancy?” “这是天生媚骨?” Yu Luocha makes an effort to struggle under the spider web in midair, rebukes roars toward Qin Shi: Obscene thief! Obscene thief! Red light district, heroic tomb! You soberly!” 玉罗刹在半空中的蛛网下使劲挣扎一下,嗔怪的朝秦石怒吼:“淫贼!淫贼!温柔乡,英雄冢!你清醒点!” ! 咣啷! Trembles at heart, technique of Mysterious Heaven Scripture in Sea of Consciousness under flattering rotates unceasingly, wipes the brain of golden light sudden stabbing pain Qin Shi, making him sober immediately much. 心里一颤,识海中的玄天圣经在媚术下不断转动,一抹金光突然刺痛秦石的大脑,令他马上清醒不少。 This, he recovers, angry is staring at the arctic fox: Damn, you also dare with flattering the technique unexpectedly mislead me! I have killed you first!” 这一下,他才回过神来,愤怒的盯着白狐:“该死,你竟还敢用媚术蛊惑我!我就先杀了你!” Waking Qin Shi, another hand finds out like sharp sword quick and violent, pats fully toward the forehead of arctic fox. 醒过来的秦石,另一只手如利剑般迅猛探出,朝白狐的额头全力拍下。 Arctic fox!” “白狐!” Black leopard wild with rage in midair. 在半空中的黑豹狂怒一声。 Looks Qin Shi that waking up successor dynasty are approaching suddenly, the arctic fox sinks at heart, dies. 望着突然醒来后朝自己逼近的秦石,白狐心里一沉,死定了。 But, her closed beautiful pupil slowly. 无奈下,她缓缓的闭合美眸。 Buzz! 嗡! But at this time, the palm was away from her brow square inch distance to stop suddenly, the whole body of Qin Shi was probably uncontrolled is the same, but affected his strength to come from Evil Spirit Totem unexpectedly, making him be angry: „Is old monster, you up to mischief?” 但这时,掌心在距离她眉头方寸的距离突然停下,秦石的全身好像不受控制一样,而牵动他的力量竟来自于邪魔图腾,令他大怒:“老妖怪,你在搞什么鬼?” Jie Jie, such good nourishment, how can you kill to her?” The Evil Spirit incisive sound resounds, follows close on rolling up and pushing along black Baleful Qi to swarm like the greedy person, threw to the flesh of arctic fox. “桀桀,这么好的养料,你怎么能给她弄死呢?”邪魔尖锐的声音响起,紧跟着卷动的黑色煞气如饿狼般蜂拥而下,冲白狐的肌肤扑了上去。 „” “” Looks at the fair flesh to be wrapped by Baleful Qi all round, Qin Shi can only describe Evil Spirit with four characters finally: Amorist. 望着白皙的肌肤被煞气团团包裹,秦石最终只能用四个字来形容邪魔:好色之徒。 But has gawked, he has gotten back one's composure exclaimed lowly: Hey, Baleful Qi did not have to the ancient times ominous beast 但愣了一下,他才回过神的低吼道:“喂,煞气对远古凶兽无” The effect character has not put out, sees only the protecting body miraculous glow of arctic fox just to bloom, such as by the glass that the gravity crushes, is assumed spider web shape proliferation in all directions by a point, with a crash scrap. 效字尚未吐出,只见白狐的护体灵光刚刚绽放,就如被重力击碎的玻璃,由一个点而呈蛛网状四面八方的扩散,砰然炸碎。 Volume!!!” “额啊啊!!!” Follows close on Baleful Qi is entering the body, the arctic fox pain calls out one, in short several respites, attractive ** degenerates into the fox, among several respites, the fox changes into the snow white bones of the dead again. 紧跟着煞气入体,白狐痛苦的嚎叫一声,在短短的几个喘息间,诱人的**沦为狐妖,再有几个喘息间,狐妖化为皑皑白骨。 You, when I am same as you? Cannot break including this grade of low level protecting body miraculous glow! useless person!” “你当我和你一样?连这等低级的护体灵光都破不开!废物!” „” “”
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