PDL :: Volume #4

#323: All is the false appearance 【Monthly ticket one】

Yu Luocha!” 玉罗刹!” The beautiful figure that suddenly drops, made in the Qin Shi heart one startled, at once the manic anger sweeps across his face: „Were you insane?” 突然落下的倩影,令秦石心中一惊,旋即狂躁的怒火席卷上他的面庞:“你疯了?” Insane person is you!” “疯的人是你!” Yu Luocha sound icy scary, unemotionally reprimanding sound. 玉罗刹声音冷冰冰的骇人,面无表情的斥声。 „The seductively attractive girl of judge heart!” “不识人心的妖女!” The severe wound of snow hawk, making the Qin Shi mood be aroused thousand overlapping waves, the unprecedented anger blasts out in the dantian, without hesitation wielded two miraculous glows toward Yu Luocha. 雪鹰的重伤,令秦石情绪被激起千层浪,前所未有的怒火在丹田炸开,不假思索的就朝玉罗刹挥出两道灵光。 Bang! 砰! But the attack under anger often is vulnerable, Yu Luocha is only the saber lifts lightly, by the veil about in a flash, then with ease keeps off. 但在愤怒下的攻击往往是脆弱不堪,玉罗刹只是佩剑轻举,在面纱旁左右一晃,便轻松挡下。 ! 咻! Just kept off sword-light, her graceful form moved, did not give the Qin Shi thinking the opportunity, then like the ghosts and demons sped away, but crossed him, held the palm to fall, strikes to fly they. 刚挡下剑光,她曼妙的身影动了,根本不给秦石思索的机会,便如鬼魅般疾驰而出的越过他,掌起掌落,击飞两人。 Bang! 轰隆! Two thin and weak forms were shaken directly depart over a hundred meters. 两个瘦弱的身影直接被震飞出上百米。 Yu Luocha, is really you!” 玉罗刹,果然是你!” Was struck instance that flies in them, black Bao Xingying dodges, welcomes Yu Luocha, two palms produce the wild with rage spiritual power air current in the confrontation. 在两人被击飞的瞬间,黑豹形影一闪,迎上玉罗刹,两掌在交锋间产生狂怒的灵力气流。 Monstruous talent, suffer to death!” The palm and black leopard move, in the Yu Luocha forehead flood the dense black air/Qi, follows close on is reaching the waist single-handed, holds the Nirvana Sword sword hilt. “妖孽,受死!”掌心和黑豹触碰,玉罗刹的眉心间泛起森然黑气,紧跟着单手伸向腰间,一把抓住寂灭剑的剑柄。 Nirvana Sword?” In black Bao Xin one tight. 寂灭剑?”黑豹心中一紧。 The arctic fox is holding the snow hawk, looks at the Yu Luocha movement to be frightened. 白狐扶着雪鹰,望着玉罗刹的动作不禁惊悚一下。 Bang! clatter! 嗒! But at this time, a slender finger found out unexpectedly, held down Nirvana Sword of Yu Luocha waist. 但这时,一只修长的手指蓦地探出,一把按住玉罗刹腰间的寂灭剑 You!” “你!” The chapter heading looks at the eye, Yu Luocha looks that the Qin Shi dark face gawked has gawked, got angry: Does not want dead, lets go!” 回目望眼,玉罗刹看着秦石灰沉沉的面庞愣了一愣,跟着嗔怒一声:“不想死,松手!” Yu Luocha, no matter how before you chased down me, I when only you were the womenfolk, did not haggle over with you!” 玉罗刹,之前不管你怎样追杀我,我都只当你是女流之辈,不和你计较!” The Qin Shi low and deep face, the black hair covers his eyebrow peak, actually cannot block the blood red anger in his pupil heart: But this time, why you must injure randomly innocently!!!” 秦石低沉个脸,青丝遮挡他的眉峰,却挡不住他眸心中的血红愤怒:“但这次,你为何要乱伤无辜!!!” Speaks, he makes an effort to entrain single-handed, buckles from the waist of Yu Luocha Nirvana Sword tears off, maliciously abandons toward the distant place. 说着话,他单手用力一拽,一把将寂灭剑玉罗刹的腰扣间扯下,狠狠的朝远处抛开。 ! 咣啷! Nirvana Sword was seized, in Yu Luocha heart one hurried. 寂灭剑被夺,玉罗刹心中一慌。 But is following close on, Qin Shi lifts fist, wields on a fist toward the Yu Luocha forehead. 但紧跟着,秦石抬起拳头,朝着玉罗刹的额头就一拳挥下。 Bang!! 砰!! In the Yu Luocha heart the resentment read sticks out suddenly: Bold!” 玉罗刹心中怨念暴起:“大胆!” Bang! 轰隆! Spirit King Realm Late Stage peak strength such as overflow river tide, in all directions the Qin Shi imprisonment, follows close on is seeing only the Yu Luocha skilled artist tuck dive, shakes him stiffly departs several meters far. 王灵境后期巅峰的力量如泛滥江潮,四面八方的将秦石禁锢,紧跟着只见玉罗刹妙手翻腾,硬生生将他震飞出十几米远。 Is this instance, the black leopard signaled with the eyes to nearby person, two forms jump rapidly, palm such as wind tears under toward Yu Luocha. 就是这个瞬间,黑豹冲旁边的人使了个眼色,两名身影迅速跃起,掌心如风的朝玉罗刹撕扯下。 Go away!” “滚!” Roars lowly, the Yu Luocha palm changes, shooting first with one hand and then the other holds two nape of the neck, the control makes an effort to pinch toward below, only listens to two bone splits, they died directly. 低吼一声,玉罗刹掌心一变,左右开弓的抓住两人脖颈,手心用力朝下捏死,只听咔嚓的两声骨裂,两人直接断气。 No!!!” “不!!!” The Qin Shi pupil gives a tongue-lashing wants the crack roars. 秦石眸呲欲裂的怒吼一声。 They and his these days place is very harmonious, now visits them, because he was extinguished by Yu Luocha kills, the anger in heart prosperously. 两人和他这些天处的很融洽,如今看着两人因为他被玉罗刹灭杀,心中的怒火鼎盛而起。 Yu Luocha 玉罗刹 You want to say that I do slaughter innocents?” “你是想说我滥杀无辜吗?” Does not wait for the Qin Shi sound to fall, the Yu Luocha tender body dodges, such as the ghosts and demons arrive in his front, pinches his chin single-handed: Stares greatly your eye, sees clearly!” 不等秦石声音落下,玉罗刹的娇躯一闪,如鬼魅般抵在他的面前,单手捏起他的下巴:“瞪大你的眼睛,看清楚!” Bang! 轰! Spoke, her skilled artist tuck dive, one after another jet black winding around Baleful Qi billowing, sees only air all around to cause several points of ripples, after rippling , the picture does not have. 说完话,她妙手翻腾,一道一道漆黑的缭绕煞气滚滚而出,只见周遭的空气引起几分涟漪,荡漾后景象全无。 Looked at present picture, Qin Shi is being shocked at present for the first time. 望着眼前乍现的画面,秦石惊呆了。 This, can this, how? What is this?” His whole body is suddenly weak, all resentment change into completely astonished with cannot believe. “这,这,怎么会?这是什么?”他全身突然瘫软,所有的怨气全部化为惊愕与不敢相信。 The bonfire, the ominous beast and liquor water, all, completely changed the appearance. 篝火、凶兽、酒水,一切一切,全部都变了模样。 The bonfire becomes everywhere skeleton, ominous beast becomes countless deceased people, the blood of liquor native of Shuicheng. 篝火成满地骸骨,凶兽成无数的死人,酒水成人的鲜血。 Actually who was insane, was actually who slaughtered innocents, you saw clearly!” Yu Luocha sound cold Li, is similar to roars to be the same. “究竟谁是疯了,究竟是谁滥杀无辜,你看清楚!”玉罗刹的声音冷厉,如同咆哮一样。 How possible?” “怎么可能?” The Qin Shi body trembles, the whole person was stupid. 秦石身子一颤,整个人痴呆了。 He just ate is not the ominous beast, but is the flesh? 他刚刚吃下去的不是凶兽,而是人肉? A moment ago you saw is the fairyland!” The Yu Luocha sound is cold. “你刚才看见的全是幻境!”玉罗刹声音冷冽清寒。 ! 呜! An intense disgusting feeling wells up the sang mouth, the Qin Shi fierce vomit. 一股强烈的恶心感涌上颡口,秦石猛的呕吐出来。 Yang Qitou who he does not dare to believe is staring at the black leopard and arctic fox, said fierce: What's the matter? You told me, told me this is not really!!!” 他不敢置信的仰起头盯着黑豹和白狐,厉声道:“怎么回事?你们告诉我,告诉我这不是真得!!!” He he, you see is really!” “呵呵,你看见的都是真得!” The picture transforms, after the black leopard has been startled, is somewhat helpless, but is very free and easy smiling. 景象幻化,黑豹怔了怔后有些无奈,但还是很洒脱的笑。 Words such as the bolt from the blue, made the Qin Shi about tooth unceasing linking, he felt that he wanted probably insanely, what had he made before? 一声话语如晴天霹雳,令秦石的上下牙不断咬合,他感觉自己好像要疯了,他之前都做了些什么? ! 呜! Follows close on is being the intermittent vomit. 紧跟着又是阵阵呕吐。 Until spits the gastric juice, Qin Shi diligently maintains the calm brace sets out, stares at the black leopard to say fierce: Told me, why? Why do you want such to do?” 直到将胃酸都吐出来,秦石才努力保持冷静的撑起身,盯着黑豹厉声道:“告诉我,为什么?你们为什么要这么做?” Why, we usually have not eaten these.” The black leopard shrugged, says was very free and easy, probably became accustomed to be the same. “没有为什么,我们平时就吃这些。”黑豹耸了耸肩,说的很洒脱,好像习以为常一样。 You “你” They are the quiet clans.” “他们是幽族。” Yu Luocha stands by Qin Shi, cold Dao. 玉罗刹站在秦石旁边,冷道一声。 Quiet clan? Desolated three certainly one?” The Qin Shi surprised haunching ground, questioned. “幽族?荒芜三绝之一?”秦石惊讶的撑起地面,质疑道。 Mentioned the quiet clan, the black leopard was proud immediately: Right, we are the quiet clans, this desolated jungle master originally, all because of your involvements, breaks our tranquilities, shouldn't we eat you?” 提到幽族,黑豹马上骄傲起来:“没错,我们就是幽族,这荒芜丛林原本的主人,全是因为你们的介入,才打破我们的平静,难道我们不该吃掉你们吗?” That is the human life! It is not worthless!” “那是人命!不是草芥!” He he, in my opinion, you and worthless have not distinguished.” The black leopard changed a person to be the same probably, the face of outstanding ability made Qin Shi feel that unprecedented was ugly, that fierce countenance made him want to feel sick once again. “呵呵,在我看来,你们和草芥没有区别。”黑豹好像换了一个人一样,俊逸的面庞令秦石感觉到前所未有的丑陋,那张狰狞的嘴脸令他想要再度作呕。 Bastard! Aren't you human?” “畜生!难道你们不是人吗?” They are not the human!” In side, Yu Luocha long cold snort, follows close on to see only among her skilled artists to turn over wild with rage spiritual power, grasps void, catches nearby the snow hawk. “他们本身也不是人!”在旁边,玉罗刹悠悠的冷哼一声,紧跟着只见她妙手间翻转起狂怒的灵力,虚空一抓,将雪鹰抓到跟前。 Bang! 轰! Bang, wipes cruel spiritual power such as to break the snow hawk skeleton, the painful snow hawk voice changed, changes somewhat incisive, the body twitches gradually, the whole body multiplies the thick feather unexpectedly, changes into a snow white goshawk. 巨响一声,一抹残暴的灵力如生生将雪鹰骨骸震碎,痛苦的雪鹰声音都变了,变的有些尖锐,身躯渐渐抽搐一下,竟然全身滋生出浓密的羽毛,化为一只雪白色的苍鹰。 The Qin Shi pupil heart stares: This, this 秦石眸心一瞪:“这,这” Quiet clan was in itself the ancient times ominous beast, reason that they each were much longer charmingly and attractive, was because they simply did not have the real appearance, all was defers to the thought that was completely false, was false!” “幽族本身就是远古凶兽所化,他们之所以各个长得俊逸俏媚,是因为他们根本没有真实的模样,全都是按照意念所化,全部都是假得,假得!” The Yu Luocha sound somewhat blamed, ice-cold [say / way]: Now, you know that actually who is demon beast, is actually who was insane?” 玉罗刹声音有些责怪,冰冷道:“现在,你知道究竟谁是妖兽,究竟是谁疯了吧?” Rumble! 咕噜! Reveals the truth, Qin Shi feels his heart unusual pain. 真相大白,秦石感觉他的心异常疼痛。 No wonder, no wonder will have a beast phrase in their names, why early has not thought! 难怪,难怪在他们的名字里都会带有一种兽的字眼,为什么早没有想到! Rapidness that too all have, after he understands the deep understanding, lowers the head for a very long time speech, originally all is the false appearance, the beast is the human, the human is the beast? 一切发生的太快,当他明白彻悟以后,低着头久久的说不出话,原来所有的所有都是假象,兽是人,人是兽? Sees by Yu Luocha is devastated, but death snow hawk, the black leopard and arctic fox expression are exceptionally embarrassed, black Bao Nu: Snort, Yu Luocha, previous time made you run, this time looked how you escaped!” 望见被玉罗刹摧残而死的雪鹰,黑豹和白狐表情异常难堪,黑豹怒道:“哼,玉罗刹,上次让你跑了,这次看你怎么脱逃!” Lowering the head Qin Shi stares, is the Yu Luocha beforehand wound all the black leopard they make? Is the cruel way of that lock shoulder blade, unexpectedly they? 低着头的秦石一愣,玉罗刹之前的伤全是黑豹他们所造?那锁肩胛骨的残忍方式,竟然都是他们? Who runs, in addition is undecided!” “谁跑,尚且未定!” Regarding the black leopard, Yu Luocha disdains lightly, at once the white hands turn, to is grasped void by Nirvana Sword that Qin Shi abandons. 对于黑豹,玉罗刹不屑轻哼,旋即玉手一翻,冲着被秦石抛开的寂灭剑虚空握下。 Bang! 砰! But suddenly, the earth disruption of Yu Luocha under foot, sees only the viscous spider web inexplicably, unexpectedly one wraps separately Nirvana Sword and Yu Luocha. 但突然,玉罗刹脚下的大地碎裂,只见粘稠的蜘蛛网莫名而起,竟一下将寂灭剑玉罗刹给分别包裹住。 Under moves aside without enough time, Yu Luocha was surrounded by the spider web directly. 来不及躲闪下,玉罗刹直接被蛛网困住。 After lowering the head the beautiful pupil to look toward the black leopard behind, Yu Luocha mind one tight: Black widow?” 低下头后的美眸朝黑豹后方望去,玉罗刹心神一紧:“黑寡妇?” Sees only behind the black leopard, the flesh very black female, the female this time arm has dispersed eight, in the foreheads splits dozens compound eyes. 只见在黑豹后面,有一个肌肤很黑的女子,女子此时的手臂已经散成八只,眉宇间裂开数十只复眼。 He he, the snow hawk then drew support from the eagle-eyed strength before, spied on the innermost feelings of this boy, does not kill him to direct you takes the hook, you thought that we can not prepare?” “呵呵,之前雪鹰便借助鹰眼之力,窥探了这小子的内心,不杀他就是为了引你上勾,你觉得我们会没准备吗?” Laughing of black leopard joyfully satisfied: „The spider's silk of black widow, not being able to break of Profound Spirit Realm, in addition does not have Nirvana Sword, this time you are unable to escape even with wings!” 黑豹得意洋洋的大笑:“黑寡妇的蛛丝,就算玄灵境的破不开,再加上没有寂灭剑,这一次你插翅难飞!” ! 咣啷! The heart of Qin Shi shakes once again, don't they kill him to direct Yu Luocha take the hook? 秦石的心再度震荡,他们不杀他就是为了引玉罗刹上勾? Are all only the plot and use? 一切都只是阴谋和利用? Arctic fox injury, at this time already convalesced, does not have including the least bit scar, completely is the camouflages of deceiving people! 就连白狐身上的伤势,此时都早已痊愈,连半点疤痕都没有,全部都是骗人的伪装! Continuous anger, continuous hatred. 源源不断的愤怒,源源不断的憎恨。 Under his extreme anger, the black leopards and several under the hands / subordinates moved, before , manufacturing environment sends the youth blue, Qin Shi remembers that he called probably: The messenger bird, then sways everywhere to Yu Luocha the fluorescent powder. 在他极度的愤怒下,黑豹和几个手下已经动了,有一个之前制造环境的蓝发青年,秦石记得他好像是叫:青鸟,冲玉罗刹便挥洒去漫天的荧光粉末。 Yu Luocha, this time you died!” 玉罗刹,这一次你死定了!” The black leopard jumps suddenly on the ground, the sleeve robe between arms blasts out with a crash, what exposed is jet black Bao Claw, howls under. 黑豹在地上猛然蹦起,手臂间的袖袍砰然炸开,裸露而出的是漆黑豹爪,呼啸而下。 A Yu Luocha startled, graceful body is to also shiver. 玉罗刹一惊,曼妙的身躯也是颤抖一下。 Bang! 砰! But at this time, Qin Shi speed quicker leaps sets out, keeping off that two arm rests open before the Yu Luocha body, the chest was ripped open the bloodstains of five deep obvious bones by the leopard claw. 但这时,秦石速度更快的跃起身,将两臂撑开的挡在玉罗刹身前,胸膛被豹爪撕开五道深可见骨的血印。 Puff! 噗! Pain, made his withdrawing several steps. 巨痛一下,令他退后数步。 Jie Jie, kid, but also wants to show off power?” Black Bao Luo satirized one on the ground. “桀桀,小家伙,还想要逞强啊?”黑豹落在地上讽刺一声。 Yu Luocha is somewhat accidental, is angry no wonder that: „Is obscene thief, what you making?” 玉罗刹有些意外,嗔怪道:“淫贼,你在做什么?” Was I have harmed you, I must save you to come out!” Qin Shi covers the blood-stained mouth of chest partly to squat on the ground, does not return roars lowly. “是我害了你,我一定要救你出来!”秦石捂住胸膛的血口半蹲在地上,头都不回的低吼一声。 The sound is very loud and clear, Yu Luocha has gawked staring, is following close on the blame of her actually voice big change: Go away, I said that I do not cherish your pitying!” 声音很洪亮,玉罗刹都是愣了愣,紧跟着她却声音大变的责怪道:“滚,我说了,我不稀罕你的怜悯!” Does not pity, is compensation!” “不是怜悯,是补偿!” Does not give the opportunity that Yu Luocha spoke, look of Qin Shi under awake song moonlight is exceptionally resolute. 不给玉罗刹说完话的机会,秦石在惺忪月光下的神色异常刚毅。 You “你” This edges and corners distinct face, making Yu Luocha stare staring, could not speak unexpectedly. 这一棱角分明的面庞,令玉罗刹愣了愣,竟说不出话来。 He he, very has strength of spirit actually.” “呵呵,倒是挺有骨气。” Black leopard accidental light hum, Bao Claw contracts after at once gradually, wields to the arctic fox starts: Arctic fox, this boy gave you!” 黑豹跟着意外的的轻哼声,旋即豹爪渐渐收缩后冲白狐挥下手:“白狐,这小子交给你了!” Good, little elder brother, accompanies others!” “好,小哥,来陪人家啊!” Charmingly gentle voice of arctic fox soft accent of the Wu dialect, builds single-handed in the shoulder general's snow white fragrant shoulder exposition, has thrown a coquettish look to Qin Shi: Little elder brother, come!” 白狐吴侬软语的娇脆一声,单手搭在肩膀上将雪白的香肩暴露,冲秦石抛了个媚眼:“小哥,来吗!” The sound enticed the acme, ** eclipse bone. 声音诱惑到了极致,**蚀骨。 But, more is such enticement, to exceed makes the Qin Shi resentment read then continually multiplies, looks at the white fox tail that on the arctic fox buttocks is exposing, the fist psst makes noise: Any inborn sycophancy, anything is not intentionally, all deceived people!” 但,越是这样的诱惑,越令秦石的怨念便不断滋生,望着白狐屁股上暴露出的白色狐尾,拳头吱吱作响:“什么天生媚骨,什么不是故意,一切都是骗人!” Is unforgivable! Unforgivable!” “不可原谅!不可原谅!” Jie Jie, kid, was this? My this just woke up, how to see your resentment to ascend to heaven, thinks that I have wanted to help me to regain consciousness?” “桀桀,小家伙,这是怎么了?我这刚醒来,怎么就看见你怨气升天,是不是想我了想助我苏醒啊?”
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