PDL :: Volume #4

#322: Solid new friend

( Full text reading) (全文阅读) He he, the little elder brother comes shortly after the desolated jungle?” Arctic fox very gentle sitting side Qin Shi, the sound is pretty, making his mind sway. “呵呵,小哥才来荒芜丛林不久吧?”白狐很温柔的坐在秦石身旁,声音却是楚楚动人,令他心神晃荡。 Um, soon, soon “嗯,不久,不久” Qin Shi curled the lip, simple-hearted response. 秦石撇了撇嘴,木讷的回应一句。 Is looking at the Qin Shi dull silly appearance, the surrounding several girls have all smiled, their this smiles, Qin Shi felt that resembled the day to shine. 望着秦石呆呆傻傻的样子,周围几个女孩全都笑了,她们这一笑,秦石感觉好像天都亮了。 Really quite beautiful. 真的好美。 Shocking of beautiful. 美的惊艳。 The youth who began a moment ago sat down, blocks the arctic fox to say with a smile: Fennec, do not tease Brother Shi, Brother Shi I called the black leopard, was here lead, does not know where brothers this was must go to?” 刚才动手的青年坐下,拦住白狐笑道:“小狐,别逗石兄弟了,石兄弟我叫黑豹,是这里的领头,不知兄弟这是要去哪里啊?” I?” “我?” Qin Shi laughs said: Does not have the destination, a person strolls the tour blindly, finally also runs into a crazy woman, full world pursues me to shout that hits!” 秦石笑哈哈的笑说:“没去处,就一个人瞎逛游,结果还遇到个疯婆子,满世界的追着我喊打!” Crazy woman? I looked that little brother strength is good, how to be pursued by the womenfolk was shouting that hits?” “疯婆子?我看小兄弟实力不错,怎么会被个女流之辈追着喊打呢?” Also is not “还不是” Qin Shi opens the mouth to say, when but the Yu Luocha three characters will soon export, his forehead draws in suddenly rapidly, felt that some do not suit. 秦石开口欲言,但当玉罗刹三字即将出口时,他的眉心突然间急促收拢,感觉有些不太对劲。 Was this? He does not have the least bit to be vigilant facing this group of people unexpectedly and protection? If placed the past, response that he will not block absolutely like this. 这是怎么了?面对这群人他竟是没有半点警惕和防备?若是放在以往,他绝对不会这样毫无遮拦的回应。 Thinks of this, he looks at suddenly toward the arctic fox vision. 想到这,他猛然将目光朝白狐瞄去。 The arctic fox and he looks at each other one, tender body shivers: Whoops, little elder brother such ominous is staring at others, others will be afraid.” 白狐和他对视一眼,娇躯不禁的颤抖一下:“哎呦,小哥这么凶的盯着人家,人家会害怕啦。” Really, flatters the technique!” “果然,是媚术!” Stares at the black pupil of arctic fox to refuse to compromise changes, he feels one on the body of arctic fox with the Liu Tingting same aura, but that aura contrast ratio Liu Tingting did not know formidable many times. 盯着白狐的黑眸僵持一变,他在白狐的身上感觉到一股和刘婷婷相同的气息,只是那气息照比刘婷婷来讲不知道强大了多少倍。 Arctic fox, nonsense!” At this moment, the black leopard roars suddenly, blamed: How long said with you, cannot release to flatter the technique easily, how don't you listen?” “白狐,胡闹!”就在这时,黑豹突然怒吼一声,责怪道:“都和你说了多久,不许轻易释放媚术,你怎么就不听呢?” By sudden scolding, arctic fox somewhat anxious lowering the head of: Big brother, you are not do not know that my inborn sycophancy this flatters the technique is not I reveals intentionally, but sees the little elder brother to be so handsome cannot control.” 被突然的呵斥,白狐有些紧张的低下头:“大哥,你也不是不知道,我天生媚骨这媚术不是我故意流露的啊,只是看见小哥这么英俊就就控制不住啦么。” The sound more said is weaker, probably received the huge grievance to be the same. 声音越说越微弱,好像受了巨大的委屈一样。 Inborn sycophancy?” “天生媚骨?” Qin Shi surprised light nan. 秦石惊讶的轻喃一声。 Behind the black leopard, the diminutive youth, this youth has one pair like the goshawk bright pupil, said: Stone Brother Qin, you should not be mad arctic fox, her inborn beautiful sycophancy, once after revealing the true feelings, will flatter the technique then unknowingly to release.” 在黑豹后面,有一个矮小的青年,这青年有一双如苍鹰般明亮的眸子,道:“石秦兄弟,你别生白狐气,她天生妖艳媚骨,一旦流露出真情后媚术便会不经意的释放。” Yes, we have usually not been short are affected!” “是啊,平时我们也没少受影响!” Starts to cater to say in black leopard nearby person, in pupil each limpidly without doubt. 在黑豹旁边的人开始迎合道,眸中各个都清澈无疑。 Hears this saying, Qin Shi under the half believing, half doubting point, the inborn sycophancy he truly has heard, is enchantment of a brand mark in bone, after this female often grows into, is shocking enchanting, the arctic fox is an example. 听到这话,秦石将信将疑的点下头,天生媚骨他确实听说过,是一种烙印在骨子里的妖娆,这种女子往往长成后都是惊艳妖娆,白狐就是个例子。 Verifies the situation, shaking the head that Qin Shi relaxed actually, not to the [say / way] that the arctic fox has blamed: Unobstructive, she does not have a mind, I am not the narrow-minded person.” 查明情况,秦石倒是松了口气的摇摇头,并未对白狐有所责怪的道:“无碍,她并非有心,我不是小心眼的人。” Spoke this saying, this regret. 说完这话,他心里这个后悔啊。 Was flattered technique enticing. 靠,无意间又被媚术给诱惑了。 How can not care? Even if asks for a fragrant kiss also to calculate that gained. 怎么能不在乎呢?哪怕讨个香吻也算赚了啊。 Was right, I called the snow hawk, the brothers said the matter that a moment ago chased down what situation was? What woman I am very truly curious, can make the brothers dread unexpectedly like this?” The eagle-eyed man smiled a moment ago, said. “对了,我叫雪鹰,刚才兄弟说被人追杀的事是什么情况?我确实很好奇什么样的女人,竟能令兄弟这样忌惮?”刚才鹰眼的男子笑了笑,道。 Snow hawk? 雪鹰? Really interesting, Qin Shi discovered that in the name of this group of people, can have a beast name surely, black leopard, arctic fox, snow hawk. 真是有趣,秦石发现,这群人的名字里,一个一个必定会带一种兽的名,黑豹,白狐,雪鹰。 Looked that Qin Shi does not make noise, before snow hawk gathers up, said: Said quickly that won't be Yu Luocha in that legend?” 秦石不出声,雪鹰凑上前跟着道:“快说说,不会是那传说中的玉罗刹吧?” ! 咣啷! At heart inexplicable one tightly, Qin Shi shakes down the head immediately, said with a laugh: Where can, I, if were chased down by her, that also does have the life to live in this?” 心里莫名一紧,秦石马上摇下头,笑呵呵道:“哪能,我若被她追杀,那还有命活着在这吗?” Also right, Yu Luocha that woman was too fearful.” Snow hawk eagle-eyed is staring at Qin Shi firmly, at once after receives stern, laughs “也对,玉罗刹那女人太可怕了。”雪鹰的鹰眼牢牢盯着秦石,旋即才收起正色后哈哈一笑 Encircles the human by bonfire to look at each other one, pours does not have was asking to Qin Shi. 围在篝火旁的人对视一眼,倒也都没在对秦石多问。 On the black leopard corners of the mouth unknowingly shoulders to wipe the vicious tendencies, later the holding up wine class with a laugh, will have given Qin Shi in the grilled fish barbecue that the bonfire bumper crop will pass: Brothers, since has no place to go, might as well with us, if that insane young married woman in dares to chase down you, we also happen to can help you!” 黑豹嘴角上不经意间挑起抹戾气,之后笑呵呵的举起酒杯,将已经在篝火上熟透的烤鱼烤肉递给秦石:“兄弟既然无处可去,不如就跟着我们,若是那疯婆娘在敢追杀你,我们也正好能帮帮你!” Yes, little elder brother and we together.” “是啊,小哥和我们一起吧。” The arctic fox lives in Qin Shi in side happy pulling immediately. 白狐马上在旁边开心的挽住秦石 Is looking at surrounding all people, Qin Shi silent, he truly had no place to go, unable to find the fog shade mountain now, tied a partner by no means not to be good with this group of people, then nodded should under: I was impolite with elder brother.” 望着周围的诸人,秦石沉默一阵,他确实无处可去,现在又找不到雾影山,和这群人结个伴也并非不行,便点头应下:“那我就不跟诸位哥哥客气了。” Ha Ha, polite anything, drinks!” In black leopard very straightforward Yin Jin Cup liquor, pours out one cup for oneself, said with a smile: To celebrate Brother Shi Qin joined us! Cheers!” “哈哈,客气啥,来喝酒!”黑豹很豪爽的饮尽杯中酒,又为自己斟上一杯,笑道:“为了庆祝石秦兄弟加入我们!干杯!” A night passes by, the Qin Shi negligent disposition, quick integrates the circle of black leopard group of people, is only he especially is careful to the arctic fox, the arctic fox that makes is extremely discontented. 一夜过去,秦石大咧咧的性格,很快就融入进黑豹这群人的圈子,只是他对白狐却格外小心,弄的白狐非常不满。 Cracks a joke, inborn sycophancy, if gives to cheat the small secret of his moral nature, he should shyly embarrassed? 开玩笑,天生媚骨,万一把他心底的小秘密都给诈骗出来,他该多羞涩多不好意思啊是不是? Next day, morning dew prehardening. 翌日,朝露初凝。 Very early black leopard and the others woke up, Qin Shi inquired where when they go, they unexpectedly are also idle, several people are the same with his idea, want the fog shade mountain. 很早黑豹等人就醒来了,秦石询问他们去哪里时,他们竟也是无所事事,有几个人和他的想法一样,想要去雾影山。 Qin Shi one happy: „Do you also want to go to the fog shade mountain?” 秦石一喜:“你们也要去雾影山?” Yes, we have been stranded in this desolated jungle for a long time, but could not find the means of leaving, the fog shade mountain hoped finally.” Arctic fox delicious is pulling Qin Shi, said with a smile. “是啊,我们都在这荒芜丛林里困了许久,但就是找不到离开的办法,雾影山是最后的希望了。”白狐美滋滋的挽着秦石,笑道。 The attractive soft and gentle words made the Qin Shi bone crisp, hurried to tremble, said accordingly: Then on the fog shade mountain, I also wants to take a look.” 诱人的软语令秦石骨头都酥了,赶紧哆嗦一下,应声道:“那就雾影山吧,我也想去瞧瞧。” But mentioned this, the black leopard was embarrassed: Stone Brother Qin, you may probably consider, the fog shade mountain is not friendly.” 但提到这,黑豹却难堪起来:“石秦兄弟,你可要考虑好了,雾影山不是什么善地。” Smiling that Qin Shi thinks little of: I know, no matter what, wants to leave this to rush, can't pass the remaining years of life in this dim wooded mountain?” 秦石不以为意的笑笑:“我知道,但不管怎样,想要离开这就要去闯闯啊,总不能在这昏暗的山林里度过余生吧?” Good, I can accompany you.” “好啊,我可以陪你。” The arctic fox meets, delicious [say / way]: Lives in this wooded mountain together, I give you to have the kid for you, has one group of kids.” 白狐跟着就接过去,美滋滋道:“一起在这山林住呗,我给你为你生娃,生一堆娃。” „” Qin Shi awkward shaking the head. “”秦石尴尬的摇摇头。 Looks at Qin Shi to be firm, in addition several other people must go, the black leopard just now complies, later confesses several with all people, the people are then thorough toward the central section of desolated jungle. 秦石坚定,加上其余几人也要去,黑豹方才答应,之后又和诸人交代几句,众人便朝荒芜丛林的中央地段深入。 In the future was on the 3rd, what making Qin Shi accidental was, entire three day hasn't Yu Luocha overtaken him unexpectedly? This made him somewhat curious. 往后又是三日,令秦石意外的是,整整三日玉罗刹竟然都没追上他?这令他不禁有些好奇。 If in the past, one day pure were the miracle. 若是往常,一日清净就算是奇迹了。 „, The girl finally cannot consume me, did the preparation give up?” In the Qin Shi heart whispered secretly, actually inexplicable had to plant to lose. “难道,那丫头终于耗不过我,准备放弃了吗?”秦石心中暗自嘀咕一声,却莫名的有种失落。 After three day night, dim malarias appear in the fields of vision of various person. 三日后的夜晚,一片朦胧的瘴气出现在诸人的视野里。 Is looking at the malaria, Qin Shi is dignified, in malaria he felt a loathing, making him unusual was uncomfortable: „Is this malaria of fog shade mountain?” 望着瘴气,秦石凝重起来,在瘴气中他感觉到一股厌恶,令他心里非常的不舒服:“这就是雾影山的瘴气?” Right, inside should be the fog shade mountain.” “没错,里面应该就是雾影山了。” The black leopard was supine Vung Tau, said the sentence: everyone / influential family in this rest, will be entering the fog shade mountain tomorrow morning.” 黑豹仰起头顿了顿,道句:“大家在这休息,明早在进雾影山。” Regarding this, everyone / influential family does not have the significance, night climbs mountains somewhat to be truly dangerous, moreover this place is specially strange, Qin Shi at heart somewhat is absolutely terrified. 对此,大家都没有意义,夜晚上山确实有些危险,而且这地方特别诡异,就连秦石心里都有些毛骨悚然。 Starts to rest, the arctic fox holds bonfire to light in the center, her fair flesh by star flame mapping pretty of particularly, was swung the person heartstrings. 开始休息,白狐抱起篝火在中央点燃,她白皙的肌肤被星星火光映射的分外靓丽,荡人心弦。 Roar But at this time, transmitted a great roar suddenly. 但这时,突然传来声巨吼。 The flame just lit, sees only jumps out several beast of prey in nearby jungle, has probably several appearances, each devils is flowing the saliva. 火光刚点燃,只见在旁边的密林中窜出数名猛兽,大约有十几头的模样,各个凶神恶煞的流着口水。 Ominous beast?” Qin Shi one startled, but looks that this quantity somewhat is accidental, very small several ominous beasts are willing to live in groups in the same place. “凶兽?”秦石一惊,但看着这数量却有些意外,很小有十几头凶兽愿意群居在一起。 The black leopard pats, gets angry: Ties!” 黑豹拍地而起,怒道:“结阵!” The snow hawks and side several brothers, stand up immediately. 雪鹰和旁边的几名兄弟,马上站起身来。 Evil livestock, suffers to death!” The speed of snow hawk is quick, is controlling everywhere hurricane, probably in the world all winds use for him, such as sharp sword thorn to two ominous beasts. “孽畜,受死!”雪鹰的速度很快,一手操控着漫天的飓风,好像天地间所有的风都为他所用,如利剑般刺向两头凶兽。 Bang! 砰! One full is the lion of fang calls out one, wicked bites toward the black leopard. 一头满是獠牙的狮子嚎叫一声,恶狠狠的就朝黑豹咬下。 Snort, overestimate one's capabilities!” Is looking at the attack of falling, the black leopard is completely at ease, but single-handed sweeps in the hip, in the ground was raised a about ten meters high giant precipice by him. “哼,不自量力!”望着落下的攻击,黑豹却坦然自若,只是单手在胯间一扫,地面上被他掀起近十米高的巨大山岩。 Bang! 嘭! The giant precipice welcomed the day, exploded suddenly cultured is over a thousand over ten thousand crushed stones, the crushed stone was similar to the raindrop tears to pieces the space, passed through the screen this lion instantaneously. 巨大山岩迎天,猛然间爆炸开化为上千上万的碎石,碎石如同雨点般撕破空间,瞬间将这头狮子贯穿成筛子。 Roar The ominous beast sees the companion severe wound, roars once again. 凶兽见同伴重伤,再度怒吼。 Two obese great bears are wielding the sharp claws, strikes to fly the crushed stone in the motley air, the tranquil nighttime sky immediately becomes bad chaotic, ripples ripple to open, becomes the watermark shape in airborne four shoots. 两头肥胖的巨熊挥动着利爪,在斑驳的空气中将碎石击飞,本来平静的夜空顿时变得糟乱,一片一片涟漪荡漾而开,成水纹状在空中四射。 Everywhere miraculous glow such as seven rainbow rosy clouds, then made the earth disrupt quickly dozens eyelets, after that Qin Shi had no other choice leapt one step. 漫天的灵光如七彩虹霞,很快便令大地碎裂开数十个小孔,秦石不得已的朝后跃开一步。 Little elder brother, be careful!” “小哥,小心!” The Qin Shi step just jumped the second half step, arctic fox charmingly angry. 秦石步伐刚跳后半步,白狐娇嗔一声。 In the heart stares, Qin Shi looks back to look unexpectedly, together the simple and honest bear's paws become under the precipice wicked cliff, the bone-chilling cold rumor made his black robe make noise cool and refreshingly, is moves aside. 心中不由一愣,秦石蓦地回首望去,一道憨厚的熊掌成山岩般恶狠狠的崖下,凛冽的风声令他黑袍泠泠作响,已是躲闪不及。 Bastard! You dare!” “畜生!你敢!” Tender strange that the arctic fox worries about, the frail beautiful figure under jumps keeps off on Qin Shi, this strikes the bear's paws numerous by in her chest, made her flesh disruption, the blood seeped out. 白狐担忧的娇怪一声,单薄的倩影咻下跃起就挡在秦石身上,这一击熊掌重重的挨在她胸口,令她的肌肤碎裂,鲜血渗出。 Arctic fox!” The Qin Shi pupil gives a tongue-lashing to crack, grasps the arctic fox graceful extremely slender waist, worries saying: „Are you how is it?” “白狐!”秦石眸呲欲裂,一把抱住白狐曼妙的水蛇腰,担忧道:“你怎么样?” I, I am all right!” “我,我没事!” Has killed that bastard!” Realized this situation, snow hawk indignant calls out one, even if several people leaps sets out, eight side spiritual power pound down toward that great bear loudly, fully crushing several meters. “杀了那畜生!”察觉到这面的情况,雪鹰气愤的嚎叫一声,十几个人纵然的跃起身,八方灵力轰然朝那巨熊砸下,整整给击碎出十几米。 Arctic fox, how is it?” Before the snow hawk rushes, question that loves dearly. “白狐,怎么样?”雪鹰冲上前心疼的问句 Lies down the arctic fox elegant face in Qin Shi bosom is pale, the corners of the mouth are infiltrating the bloodstain coughs lightly, shakes the head: I, I am all right, having a look at the little elder brother to injure to not having!” 躺在秦石怀中的白狐俏脸苍白,嘴角渗着血迹的轻咳一声,摇摇头:“我,我没事,看看小哥伤到没!” ! 咣啷! Qin Shi is at heart warm trembles, fist pinches tightly suddenly. 秦石心里温暖一颤,拳头戛然捏紧。 This silly thing. 这傻丫头。 Has saying that black leopard and the others the strengths are very strong, among the time in respites then completely massacres several Desolate Beast, neat. 不得不说,黑豹等人的实力很强,在喘息间的功夫便将十几头荒兽全部残杀,干净利落。 One flock of bastards!” “一群畜生!” Finished these ominous beasts, black leopard indignant cursed angrily one, went forward to examine under the injury of arctic fox, then they unknowingly looked at each other one, in the pupil quite have the profound meaning. 结束这些凶兽,黑豹气愤的怒骂一声,上前查看了下白狐的伤势,然后两人在不经意间对视一眼,眸中颇有深意。 Then, this arranges the under the hands / subordinates person periphery Desolate Beast to pick up, digs the next several sturdy branches on the surrounding bough, will be ominous the beast skeleton to put on, places on the bonfire to light. 然后,这才安排手下的人将周围荒兽拾起,在周围的树干上撅下几根粗壮的树枝,将凶兽尸骸穿起来,放在篝火上点燃。 The night three, the injury of arctic fox had been cured, all Renwei before drinks wine to seek pleasure, Qin Shi that the bonfire is merry has eaten two thoroughly ripe beast meat in gulps, the flavor actually strange made him wrinkle the eyebrow: Burnt? How this taste?” 夜过三更,白狐的伤势被治愈,诸人围在篝火前有说有笑的饮酒寻欢,秦石大口大口的吃了两口熟透的兽肉,味道却怪异的令他皱下眉:“烤焦了吧?怎么这个味?” Ok, has eating was good.” “行啊,有吃的就好了。” The snow hawk has gawked, hurries to hold on Qin Shi to smile. 雪鹰愣了一下,赶紧拉住秦石笑笑。 ! 咻! Under point of Qin Shi approval has not gone to think but actually, but when he lowers the head once more, the bone-chilling cold cold glow dodges in the black pupil flank together, such as the light space of star meteor breaks to empty, rolls up and pushes along the soughing fallen leaf pump however to puncture, passes through the chest of snow hawk instantaneously. 秦石认可的点下头倒也没去多想,但就在他再次低头时,一道凛冽的寒芒在黑眸侧方一闪,一道如星陨的光宇破开清空,卷动着飒飒落叶泵然刺下,瞬间贯穿雪鹰的胸口。 Puff! 噗! Snow hawk complexion changes, a blood all sprays in the face of Qin Shi, penetrates the blazing feeling of coming to make a Qin Shi startled, flurried supporting snow hawk: Snow hawk big brother!” 雪鹰面色一变,一口鲜血全喷洒在秦石的面庞,突入而来的炽热感令秦石一惊,慌乱的扶住雪鹰:“雪鹰大哥!” Obscene thief! Quickly has not shunted!” “淫贼!还不赶快躲开!” But the next instant, the graceful beautiful figure takes advantage of opportunity together in the quiet forest falls, grasps is being two meters long sword aims at Qin Shi. 但下一霎,一道曼妙的倩影顺势在幽林中落下,握着长达两米的长剑指向秦石 Yu Luocha!” 玉罗刹!”
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