PDL :: Volume #4

#321: Dying out sword

( Full text reading) (全文阅读) „” “” Opened mouth, Qin Shi has not put out half character actually. 张了张嘴,秦石硬是没吐出半个字。 Among the short three respites, all occur too was hard to make one accept quickly, the green luxuriant quiet forest, changed into thousand Ribiragawa instantaneously. 短短的三个喘息间,一切发生的实在太快太难以令人接受了,本来葱郁繁茂的幽林,瞬间化为千里平川。 This is the human can create really? 这真的是人能造成的吗? Just, had anything “刚刚,发生了什么” Qin Shi can feel clearly, his heart is trembling. 秦石能清晰感受到,他的心在打颤。 A moment ago that in an instant strength, even if compared not to flaunt with initial Luan Muhua lets, wiped the unprecedented sense of fear to arrive at the heart spleen. 刚才那刹那间的力量,就算和当初的栾慕华比起来都不逞多让,一抹前所未有的恐惧感降临心脾。 Rumble, is this Nirvana Sword strength?” Qingfeng at this time , the opening eye slowly, looks at the present picture to reveal frightened everywhere. “咕噜,这就是寂灭剑的力量么?”青峰在这时,也缓缓的睁开眼睛,望着眼前的画面流露出满目惊悚。 Nirvana Sword?” 寂灭剑?” Um, the name of that sword “嗯,那把剑的名字” Why did you want me to close one's eyes a moment ago?” “你刚才为何要我闭眼?” Before I have said that saw the Nirvana Sword people dead, without exception Qingfeng deep somewhat depressing, followed his area north of the Great Wall prisoner, several have not closed one's eyes with enough time, was affected completely in an instant. “之前我说过,见过寂灭剑的人都死了,无一例外”青峰深沉的有些压抑,跟随他的塞外囚犯,有几个没来得及闭眼,全部在刹那间被波及了。 Stares at heart, Qin Shi transfers the black robe to look into the distance toward the rear area, discovered that several area north of the Great Wall day firm prisoners were petrified unexpectedly completely, the expression before petrification is such scary, the pupil squeezes out the eye socket, cheekbone deep hollow getting down. 心里一愣,秦石转过黑袍朝后方眺望,才发现有几名塞外天牢的囚犯竟全部被石化了,石化前的表情是那样骇人,眸子挤出眼眶,颧骨深深的凹陷下去。 Petrification?” “石化?” In heart terrified one startled, Qin Shi is then suddenly enlighted, originally that saw the Nirvana Sword people dead, did not refer to cut-throat of Yu Luocha, but referred to that sword having to go against heaven's will the petrified the fearful strength? 心中悚然一惊,秦石这才恍然大悟,原来那句看见寂灭剑的人都死了,并非是指玉罗刹的凶狠,而是指那剑有逆天石化的可怕力量? Buzz humming sound ~! 嗡嗡嗡~! In the heart moves restlessly, the Qin Shi eyebrow peak wrinkles suddenly, in the space ring transmits fierce shivering, will read in the strength to regard, sees only Netherworld Sword to upturn the inexplicable halo. 在心中躁动的时,秦石的眉峰突然皱起,空间戒指里传递起剧烈的颤抖,将念力内视其中后只见幽冥剑上翻起莫名的光晕。 „Is this Netherworld Sword whining noise?” “这是幽冥剑的鸣声?” Grips Netherworld Sword, in feels the intense tumult, pours into spiritual power until Qin Shi after the center gradually its comforting. 握住幽冥剑,在其中感受到强烈的骚动,直到秦石朝中央灌入灵力后才渐渐将其安抚。 But Netherworld Sword emperor soul will, feel unexpectedly panic-stricken for this Nirvana Sword? 幽冥剑可是帝魂器,竟会为这寂灭剑感受到惊恐? ! 咻! Suddenly, when Qin Shi frustrated, clearly discernible working off anger suddenly such as unescapable net shows the thousand li(500 km) dust, covers its. 戛然,在秦石惘然不懂时,有一股清晰可见的杀气突然如天罗地网的透出千里尘埃,笼罩其身。 ! 咣啷! At heart anxious, he recovers immediately, at once sees only in the dust together the frail beautiful figure, just like the sharp sword speeds away toward him. 心里紧张一下,他马上回过神来,旋即只见在尘埃里一道单薄的倩影正如利剑般朝他疾驰而出。 I depend, hasn't given up?” “我靠,还没放弃?” Looked at that beautiful figure, Qin Shi is not daring immediately negligently, if before place, he has not possibly cared at all, then knows that the Yu Luocha terrifying and status, his where also dares to stop slightly. 望着那倩影,秦石马上不敢大意了,若是放在之前他可能还满不在乎,这下知道玉罗刹的恐怖和身份,他哪里还敢稍作停留啊。 Although he called Shi’tou, but does not want to be petrified becomes ugly broken Shi’tou. 他虽说叫石头,但可不想被石化成难看的破石头啊。 Big brother Qingfeng, this is 30 Continued life fruit, you divided with the following person first, one if the people of profound group have not survived, remembers that took their space rings, should also be able to support your period of time!” Qin Shi rapid pulls out 30 Continued life fruit to force in Qingfeng, at once anxious turning around runs, keeps the evil ways: I did not accompany you, the mountain did not change, the green water long class, had a lot of time for that!” “青峰大哥,这是30枚续命果,你和下面的人先分了吧,一会若是玄组的人没有存活,记得把他们的空间戒指都拿下来,应该还能支撑你们一段时日!”秦石急促的掏出30枚续命果塞进青峰手里,旋即紧张的转身就跑,留下道:“我就不陪你了,青山不改,绿水长流,来日方长!” ! 咻! Spoke, picking up black robe that he wants not to think, back to green quiet Linza. 说完话,他想都不想的托起黑袍,背对着葱郁幽林扎了进去。 Stone big brother Qin! Hey!” “石秦大哥!喂!” The sudden transformation made Qingfeng somewhat puzzled, has sucked the tongue just when wanted searched the hand to draw Qin Shi, the body is startled. 突然的转变令青峰有些不解,咂了咂舌的刚欲探手去拉秦石时,身躯不由一惊。 ! 咻! His hand has not lifted, the jet black wonderful graceful beautiful figure such as the severe gale has swept together, shaking draws back several steps him, follows close on is listening to a getting angry tender roar: Obscene thief! Halts!” 他的手尚未抬起,一道漆黑妙曼的倩影如厉风扫过,生生将他给震退数步,紧跟着就听一声嗔怒娇吼:“淫贼!站住!” I must kill you!” “我一定要杀了你!” They one after the other, quick vanishes to disappear. 两人一前一后,很快就消失不见了。 The people leave behind Qingfeng several people, [say / way] that Luoyi ba the mouth, shocks: What's all this about? Yu Luocha shouted that Shi Qin big brother very big brother Shi Qin did peep Yu Luocha to take a bath obscenely?” 徒留下青峰几人,洛邑吧唧吧唧嘴,惊呆的道:“这是怎么回事?玉罗刹喊石秦大哥淫贼难道石秦大哥偷看玉罗刹洗澡了?” Who knows? Instead on him, all is having the possibility.” Qingfeng shrugs, false smile twitches. “谁知道?反正在他身上,一切皆有可能。”青峰耸了耸肩,皮笑肉不笑的抽搐一下。 Their helpless shaking the head, help up Meng Tian. 两人无奈的摇摇头,将蒙恬扶起。 Under calculates prisoner who survives, original 28 people of remaining few 15 people. 盘算下存活的囚犯,本来28人就剩下寥寥15人。 Is looking at petrified 13 people, Qingfeng heaved a deep sigh: Yeah, cannot guarantee them finally.” 望着被石化的13人,青峰长叹一声:“哎,最终还是没能保下他们啊。” Ok, buries them, the people of profound group are impossible to have the living witness, one will go to seize their Continued life fruit, a bit faster leaves this, otherwise troubled.” “算了,安葬他们吧,玄组的人不可能有活口,一会去把他们的续命果夺来,快点离开这,否则就麻烦了。” Three people equal mutually, starts to plunder the person of profound group. 三人相互合计一下,开始搜刮起玄组的人。 ! 咻! The beautiful figure drops many old trees together center. 一道倩影落进诸多古树的中央。 About Yu Luocha looks all around, after seeing not to have the Qin Shi form, stamps the feet indignantly, after getting up to pinch tightly dead out soars to overtake. 玉罗刹左右环顾一圈,见没有秦石的身影后气愤跺脚,在起捏紧寂灭后腾空追上。 When she after far, Qin Shi relaxing slowly on a crotch, erases hiding that the sweat of forehead second half squats under the green leaf, in the hand is pinching Soul Sealing Tourmaline: „, Really he rigid, if not for there is Soul Sealing Tourmaline, it is estimated that does not know that died several times!” 待她离远后,在一棵树杈上秦石才缓缓的松口气,抹掉额头的汗水后半蹲的躲在绿叶下,手中捏着封魂碧玺:“靠,真他么的执着,若不是有封魂碧玺,估计都不知道死几次了!” Ok, looked, in this time in the share that gets rid to rescue, the elder brother my does not haggle over with you!” “算了,看在这次出手相救的份上,哥哥我的不跟你计较!” Whispered at heart, Qin Shi has stopped on the treetop for a long time, after cannot induce the Yu Luocha aura again, the racket the withered leaf residual on black robe, jumped to leap. 心里嘀咕一声,秦石在树梢上又停顿了许久,直到再也感应不到玉罗刹的气息后,才拍拍黑袍上的枯叶残渣,纵身跃下。 Sizes up, which he did not know. 四下打量一下,他又不知道去哪了。 The quiet meeting, he prepares first toward the desolated jungle central advance, since now had the clue of departure, no matter can enter the fog shade mountain, at least must pass to take a look first. 沉寂一会,他准备先往荒芜丛林中央前进,现在既然有了离开的线索,不管能不能进入雾影山,至少要先过去瞧瞧。 In the midway he is careless, the mouth is holding in the mouth a subtilis, sense of urgency that after losing was chased down by Yu Luocha, instead made him feel to be bored to death, was somewhat senseless. 中途上他吊儿郎当,嘴里叼着一支枯草,在失去被玉罗刹追杀的紧迫感后,反而令他感觉到百无聊赖,有些无趣。 Actually, was pursued by the beautiful woman is also very happy.” “其实,被美人追也挺幸福。” Thinks that this he hurries to curl the lip, criticizes one: Yeah, the human is violates inexpensively!” 想到这他赶紧撇了撇嘴,暗骂一声:“哎,人就是犯贱!” Obscene thief! Suffers to death!” Who thinks, when he is pinching waist bored walk, transmits the sound incisive charmingly gentle voice startled roar suddenly. “淫贼!受死!”谁想,他正掐着腰无聊的行走时,身后突然间传来声尖锐的娇脆惊吼。 Frightens trembles, Qin Shi hurried to shrink the neck after looked, saw only Yu Luocha such as the beautiful figure of wind to approach in his kilometer, making him somewhat be scared: „, Did the mouth leave blank?” 吓得一哆嗦,秦石赶忙缩了缩脖的朝后瞄去,只见玉罗刹如风的倩影已经逼近他千米之内,令他心里有些发毛:“靠,嘴开光了?” I have killed you!” “我杀了你!” The speed that anger torrential Yu Luocha is difficult to distinguish by the naked eye approaches toward Qin Shi. 怒气滔滔的玉罗刹以肉眼难辨的速度朝秦石逼近。 Is looking at that and he has several deep enmity Yu Luocha probably, Qin Shi painstakingly loses at heart: „It is not really clear, her rigid what vigor, shouted that hit to chase down nearly for one month, wasn't she tired?” 望着那和他好像有几世深仇的玉罗刹,秦石心里不禁苦丧起来:“真不明白,她执着个什么劲,喊打追杀快一个月了,难道她就不累吗?” Some big enmity, did not look at her body, is not traces her body! Real stingy, is trivial superficial appearance, a follower!” “有多大仇啊,不就是看了看她的身子吗,不就是摸了摸她的身子吗!真小气,区区一副皮相,是不是修炼者啊!” The full resentment read, but in movement actually does not dare to have the least bit to delay, saw Yu Luocha his sole on such as rubbed the oil to be the same instantaneously, under escaped to open toward the distant place. 满腔的怨念,但动作上却不敢有半点耽搁,望见玉罗刹的瞬间他脚底就如抹油一样,咻下朝远处远遁而开。 Bang! 轰! The earth blasted out by the spirit pressure directly, Qin Shi long implored one, ran luckily quickly. 大地直接被灵压炸开,秦石长吁一声,幸好跑得快。 Starts the game of cat catch mouse once more, after three day, Qin Shi already, in Yu Luocha under pursues tightly fiercely attacks enters the desolated jungle the central section. 再次开始猫捉老鼠的游戏,三日后秦石已经在玉罗刹的紧追猛打下进入荒芜丛林的中央地段。 Qin Shi discovered that is thorough jungle, the density of forgetting sad corpse insect is richer, nowadays two days must swallow Continued life fruit. 秦石发现,越是深入密林,忘忧尸虫的密度便越加浓郁,现如今两天就必须要吞下一枚续命果了。 The night falls. 夜幕降临。 Full gets angry the resentful beast roar in the desolated jungle. 在荒芜丛林中满是怒怨的兽吼。 In beast roar is bringing appalling fearful spiritual power, the bird that makes is startled to fly, is somewhat terrorist. 声声兽吼中都带着令人毛骨悚然的可怕灵力,弄的鸟雀惊飞,有些恐怖。 ! 咻! Qin Shi casts off Yu Luocha once more, after binding tightly black robe, ambushes in the quiet forest. 秦石再次甩开玉罗刹,裹紧黑袍后潜伏进幽林里。 To rigid of Yu Luocha, he arrived at full of admiration admiring. 玉罗刹的执着,他已经到了五体投地的佩服。 Well? Has the human?” “咦?有人?” Inundates walk of non- point in the quiet forest, he actually could not find the so-called fog shade mountain, finally shines a flame in not far away suddenly, attracted his attention. 在幽林里漫无目地的行走,他却根本找不到所谓的雾影山,终于在不远处突然亮起一丝火光,吸引了他的注意。 He enters following the flame, this realizes by the flame gathers round many people. 他顺着火光走进,这才察觉在火光旁围着不少人。 The population about several, encircle by the bonfire is merry, because the reason of distance made him look at not too clear appearance. 人数大约有十几名,围在篝火旁有说有笑,由于距离的原因令他看不太清楚容貌。 Who!” “谁!” Qin Shi just approached, a delicate male then pupil heart by bonfire raises like the raging fire, stares on the body of Qin Shi, making his whole body tremble. 秦石刚临近,在篝火旁的一名清秀男子便眸心如烈火般扬起,一眼盯在秦石的身上,令他全身一颤。 !!! 咻!咻!咻! Afterward, three sharp swords pass through bonfire, suddenly rips open the fissure in the space, the thorn to Qin Shi. 随后,三道利剑穿过篝火,眨眼间就在空间中撕开裂痕,刺向秦石 Bang! 砰! Flurried, Qin Shi pulls out Netherworld Sword to arrive to place the front rapidly, this is reluctant blocks three flames, but so also was actually repelled several meters far. 慌乱下,秦石迅速掏出幽冥剑抵放在胸前,这才算是勉强的挡住三道火光,但就算如此也硬是被击退出十几米远。 Buzz! 嗡! The tigers mouth was broken, a Qin Shi at heart exclamation: Spirit King Realm peak?” 虎口被震碎,秦石心里一阵惊叹:“王灵境巅峰?” Leopard elder brother, calls a halt first.” “豹哥,先停手。” Three flames fail, the youth waves then to control spiritual power to hold up nearby giant stone, is good hurries the hand to block him because of the beautiful pointed chin female, made Qin Shi avoid the persecution. 三道火光落空,青年挥手便操控灵力将旁边的巨石举起,好在有一名妖艳的尖下巴女子赶忙起手拦住他,才令秦石免遭迫害。 After blocking the youth, the female moves nearby arriving Qin Shi of waist, wrinkles the brow: Is the human?” 拦下青年后,女子甩动腰肢的走到秦石跟前,皱下眉头:“是人?” Hears these two characters, encircles the men by bonfire to stare, at once on face raising happy expression as if by prior agreement: Really is the human?” 听到这两字,围在篝火旁的男男女女一愣,旋即面庞上不约而同的升起喜色:“真是人?” This little elder brother, was really sorry that is cruel in the night ominous beast of desolated jungle, my elder brother had no intention to affront a moment ago, but also looks at you not to bear in mind.” The beautiful female stops , helping up Qin Shi. “这位小哥,真是抱歉,在荒芜丛林的夜晚凶兽残暴,刚才我兄长只是无意冒犯,还望你别记在心里。”妖艳的女子停顿一下,扶起秦石 Did have no intention to affront ends? 一句无意冒犯就完了? The resentment that Qin Shi is filled with read stares to the female, but followed close on him to be feared. 秦石满心的怨念瞪向女子,但紧跟着他就被惊住了。 This female, beautiful cannot the personnel describe simply. 这女子,美的简直不能用人来形容。 Really is very beautiful, probably won't eat the world smoke and fire fairy, in the world will have the appearance of this whole world? Yu Luocha, Shu Zhongyu before her, must be overshadowed, only Qin Xuexin can with its one be high and low. 是真的很美,好像不食人间烟火的仙女,世上怎会有这种举世的容颜?就连玉罗刹,书中玉在她面前,恐怕都要黯然失色,唯独沁雪心才能与其一较高低。 Her oval face, very standard that type, forehead Spanish red, under the thick brow tip is the bright eyes is long and narrow, the position that actually towering not obviously, slightly turns upwards is the purple smoking. 她瓜子脸,很标准那种,眉心一点朱砂,浓厚的眉梢下是明眸狭长,却不显的突兀,略微翘起的位置是紫色烟熏。 Has the silver string of pearls together on the fair collar bone, the whole body binds is winning the snow the white fox fur tutu, enchanting, shocking, ghosts and demons. 在白皙的锁骨上有一道银色璎珞,全身裹着胜雪的白色狐皮短裙,妖娆,惊艳,鬼魅。 Even, Qin Shi feels this woman, like puppet that fabricates artificially, will move to break to pieces gently, will be very unreal, will be very false. 甚至,秦石感觉这女人,像是人为捏造的玩偶一样,轻轻触碰一下就会碎掉,很虚幻,很假。 Cluck-cluck, the little elder brother always stares at others to look, others are shy.” The females conceal smile, smiles is the startled day sobbing ghost. “咯咯,小哥总是盯着人家看,人家可是会羞涩的哦。”女子遮羞一笑,笑的更是惊天泣鬼。 Hugs, sorry!” “抱,抱歉!” Makes an effort the breaking by biting lip, Qin Shi has gotten back one's composure from astonished. 使劲咬破嘴唇,秦石才从惊愕中回过神。 It is not he wallows the beauty, but this beautiful is really hard to make one believe that has probably a charm to attract to be the same him firmly, glance. 真不是他沉迷美色,只是这美的实在难以令人置信,好像有种魔力将他牢牢的吸引进去一样,惊鸿一瞥。 This brothers, were many to affront a moment ago, toward do not enter at heart is good.” The youth who got rid of a moment ago walked to go forward, similarly was very delicate is very of outstanding ability, smiles to Qin Shi. “这位兄弟,刚才多有冒犯,别往心里进才好。”刚才出手的青年走上前,同样很清秀很俊逸,冲秦石笑笑。 In the smiling face, has been full of the natural affinity. 笑容中,充满了自然的亲和力。 Unknowingly, the resentment in Qin Shi heart read all diverges: Does not have, all right, the big brother is also takes preventive measures, unavoidably! Unavoidably!” 不经意间,秦石心中的怨念全散去了:“没,没事,大哥也是防患未然吗,难免!难免!” He he, the brothers can understand that was really good!” The youth smile good-looking, later nearby beautiful female is drawing Qin Shi, enters toward nearby bonfire: Little elder brother, sits, I called the arctic fox, what did you call?” “呵呵,兄弟能理解真是太好了!”青年俊俏一笑,之后旁边妖艳的女子拉着秦石,就朝旁边的篝火走进:“小哥哥,过来坐,我叫白狐,你叫什么啊?” Qin Shi was held the mind to flutter, said simple-hearted: Stone, Shi Qin!” 秦石被扶着心神飘荡,木讷道:“石,石秦!” Yo, Shi Qin? Hale and hearty is such name, very definitely fierce on bed?” The voice of arctic fox is full of the magnetism and enticement. “呦,石秦?这么硬朗的名字,在床上肯定很厉害吧?”白狐的声音充满磁性和诱惑。 Qin Shi trembles, hurries to beckon with the hand to smile: Hey, the arctic fox miss chatted.” 秦石哆嗦一下,赶忙摆手笑笑:“嘿嘿,白狐姑娘说笑了。” Makes fun, Qin Shi sits to the bonfire by, followed close on him being shocked by the present scene. 打着哈哈,秦石坐到篝火旁边,紧跟着他被眼前的场景给惊呆了。 Sees only, this group of men of each are beautiful, if man each appearance Pan An, the face compares Song Yu, the female beautiful woman, shames the moon and flowers. 只见,这群的男男女女各个都是妖艳之极,男人各个貌若潘安,颜比宋玉,女子则沉鱼落雁,闭月羞花。 The day, will the world have the so pretty person? And also these many? 天啊,世上怎么会有如此貌美的人?并且还这么多? ------ ------ Is sorry that was really sorry, rested forgets excessively fixed time, hurried to crawl to make up, at noon already fixed time. 抱歉抱歉,实在抱歉,睡过头忘记定时了,赶紧爬起来补上,中午已经定时。
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