PDL :: Volume #4

#320: Drawing a sword

( Full text reading) (全文阅读) „, The people of profound group had gotten down the hand to Yu Luocha, but all finished in the instance that she draws a sword, all people, entire.” “曾经,玄组的人对玉罗刹下过手,但一切就结束在她拔剑的瞬间,所有人,全死了。” Qingfeng cautious and solemn and supplements the sentence. 青峰小心翼翼的又补充句。 Rumble! 咕噜! This news listens, the shock of Qin Shi full brain. 这个消息听完,秦石满脑子的震惊。 Calm, Qin Shi toward is looking with the tiger Péng that Yu Luocha fights, asked: That this profound group what's the matter?” 冷静一下,秦石朝正在和玉罗刹交手的虎鹏望去,问道:“那这玄组又是怎么回事?” Mentioned the profound group, must mention hundred.” “说起玄组,就要提到百家。” Hundred?” “百家?” Um, in the desolated jungle, there are three certainly one group of one.” Qingfeng nods, explained: Three big brother Shi Qin knew certainly, this group of one separately are two influences, one group is the profound group, one is hundred.” “嗯,在荒芜丛林,有三绝一组一家。”青峰点点头,解释道:“三绝石秦大哥已经知道了,这一组一家分别是两个势力,一组就是玄组,一家则是百家。” These two influences, are in the desolated jungle do not calculate in the situation of quiet clan the hugest two influences.” “这两个势力,是荒芜丛林里不算幽族的情况下最庞大的两股势力。” Qingfeng, said: „, In the profound group majority are comprised of the elder and disciple of Mysterious Palace exile, the strength or the status are very strong.” 青峰顿了顿,道:“其中,玄组里大多数是由玄殿流放的长老和弟子组成,无论是实力还是地位都很强。” Especially their big: Permits unreliably, the hearsay said that is the upper boundary Mysterious Palace palace main big disciple, afterward the Hua Ling palace main superior, then exiled desolated Cong Li it, has the Profound Spirit Realm Initial Stage strength.” “特别是他们的大当家:玄允,传闻说是上界玄殿殿主的大弟子,后来花零殿主上位,便将其流放进荒芜丛里,有玄灵境初期的实力。” Hissing Profound Spirit Realm?” “嘶玄灵境?” Qin Shi suction port cold air/Qi but actually. 秦石不由的倒吸口冷气。 Really, cultivation of Yu Luocha for is not highest, but cannot think that really has the appearance of Profound Spirit Realm in this desolated jungle. 果然,玉罗刹的修为不是最高,只是想不到在这荒芜丛林里竟然有玄灵境的出现。 That hundred?” Under considers, Qin Shi asked. “那百家呢?”斟酌下,秦石问道。 Hundred, built up the East unreliably with over a hundred disciples, some influential or small clan exiled disciples enter the desolated jungle to look for a dependence, therefore had hundred.” “百家,是集结了东方玄与上百家的弟子,一些大家小家被流放的弟子进入荒芜丛林都想要找个依靠,所以就有了百家。” Perhaps by the strength, hundred compares the profound group, but hundred superiority are the population, their population enough are several times of profound group, moreover hundred leaders: The Nangong ice, is in the East District four everyone / influential family clans, small young master of Nangong, similarly is the Profound Spirit Realm strength.” “或许论实力,百家比不过玄组,但百家的优势在于人数,他们的人数足足是玄组的几倍,而且百家的领袖:南宫冰,是东方区域大家族中,南宫家的小少爷,同样是玄灵境实力。” Is Profound Spirit Realm?” “又是玄灵境?” Qin Shi surprised roars lowly. 秦石惊讶不已的低吼一声。 Cannot think really that in this desolated jungle, really also some these many views, has several Profound Spirit Realm big those who are able. 真想不到,在这荒芜丛林里,竟然还有这么多说法,更有好几名玄灵境的大能者。 Worthily is in four wide ranges, most formidable region. 不愧是四大区域中,最强大的区域。 Big pile of news silent meetings, Qin Shi is starting to digest at heart. 一大堆的消息沉默一会,秦石在心里开始消化。 Is looking at the Qin Shi appearance, Qingfeng not in start to talk, but moves the vision to Yu Luocha and tiger Péng. 望着秦石的模样,青峰也没在开口,只是将目光挪动向玉罗刹和虎鹏。 Bang! 砰! In their fist palm confrontation, the strength of tiger Péng is inferior to obviously, can only withdraw under pursuing to the end and hit hard of Yu Luocha unceasingly, share that only then comes under attack. 在两人拳掌交锋中,虎鹏的实力明显不及,在玉罗刹的穷追猛打下只能不断退后,只有挨打的份。 But so, after over a hundred moves, the tiger Péng can still be in an impregnable position, this little was inconceivable. 但就算如此,上百招下来后,虎鹏仍然能立于不败之地,这点就有点令人不可思议了。 Qingfeng and Luoyi have sucked tongue: How possible? Depending on the Yu Luocha strength, three moves should be able to want the life of this tiger Péng to be right.” 青峰和洛邑咂了咂舌:“怎么可能?凭玉罗刹的实力,三招应该就能要这虎鹏的命才对。” She was injured.” “她受伤了。” Um? Was injured?” “嗯?受伤了?” Opening mouth that Qingfeng and Luoyi frighten: Actually is, can injure to her?” 青峰和洛邑惊吓的张大嘴:“究竟是何人,能够伤到她?” Binds tightly Qin Shi of black robe to shake the head, is staring at Yu Luocha each time slightly slow getting rid on the old tree, the secret passage: It seems like, hasn't the unmentionable diseasea in within the body convalesced?” 裹紧黑袍的秦石摇摇头,靠在古树上盯着玉罗刹每次略显迟钝的出手,暗道:“看来,体内的暗疾还是没有痊愈吗?” Three manage a household, can win?” “三当家,能赢吗?” The people of profound group are anxious, in Xuan Hao xin a little did not regret that early knows will draw out Yu Luocha, he will kill will not provoke Qin Shi. 玄组的人焦急起来,玄浩心中不不禁有点后悔,早知道会引出玉罗刹,他打死都不会去招惹秦石 After all, the Yu Luocha prestige they have heard, restricted area that may not move. 毕竟,玉罗刹的威名他们都听说过,那是不可触碰的禁地啊。 Bang! 轰! The ripping open space that the skilled artists become common practice, Yu Luocha movement graceful random walk in the fallen leaf, will cause the soughing sound piece by piece each time surely, such as the sound of guitar and lute, the rhyme of Xiaoxiang. 妙手成风的撕开空间,玉罗刹身法曼妙的游走在落叶中,每次必定会引起片片的飒飒声响,如琴瑟之音,潇湘之韵。 Bang! 砰! The pupil light of tiger Péng in the unceasing resistance dodges suddenly, closely stares on two arms of Yu Luocha, he discovered that Yu Luocha lifts the hand each time, will affect the willow eyebrows, probably is painful. 虎鹏在不断抵抗中眸光突然一闪,紧紧盯在玉罗刹的两臂上,他发现玉罗刹每次抬手,都会牵动柳眉,好像非常痛苦。 Realizes this, in the tiger Péng heart one happy. 察觉到这点,虎鹏心中一喜。 Bang! 轰隆! Compels to draw back the tiger Péng once more, the Yu Luocha setting out handle, points at the sharp sword toward forehead of tiger Péng under. 再次逼退虎鹏,玉罗刹起身提手,手指成利剑般朝虎鹏的眉心点下。 But this time, the tiger Péng has not actually moved aside, but after bented, shunts the attack, takes advantage of opportunity after leaps a about hundred meters distance, spreads out with Yu Luocha. 但这次,虎鹏却并未躲闪,而是猫下腰后躲开攻击,顺势朝后飞跃出近百米的距离,和玉罗刹拉开距离。 On dragon from out of the blue!” “应龙破空!” Follows close on his Shan Zhang to turn out, the haze clouds beyond nine days shiver, splits two openings in the midpoint position, comprised of the miraculous glow takes advantage of opportunity on the dragon , after Long Xi finds out, sends out deafening Long to recite. 紧跟着他单掌翻出,九天外的阴霾云霄颤抖一番,在正中央的位置裂开两道裂口,一条由灵光组成的应龙顺势而下,龙息探出后发出震耳欲聋的龙吟。 6-Step martial arts?” 六阶武学?” The tympanum under the shake must disrupt to be the same probably, Qin Shi one tight. 在震荡下耳鼓好像要碎裂一样,秦石不由一紧。 Roar This attack is very strong, the ripples that on the dragon body surface on flood the light fluorescence, the pink clouds after ten thousand li (0.5km) just like azure clouds, is forming the hurricane that fills Xiong Tao, probably must tear into shreds the space to be the same. 这道攻击很强,应龙体表上泛着淡淡荧光,宛如青霄万里后的彩霞,所形成的飓风弥漫起熊涛的涟漪,好像要撕碎空间一样。 Bang! 轰隆隆! In the sky, the dust sand is unceasing, the blown sand walks among the stones to make various people be hard to open eyes, has statures to leap to fly in circles on the dragon hundred zhang (333m) to fall, blood-stained mouth toward Yu Luocha on deep biting under. 天空上,尘沙不断,飞沙走石间令诸人难以睁眼,应龙百丈有余的身躯腾翔而落,血口朝玉罗刹就深深咬下。 ! 咻! But on instant, Yu Luocha that the dragon falls moved. 但就在应龙落下的刹那,玉罗刹动了。 She almost disappears under the speed that the naked eye cannot see clearly same place, at once shadow from out of the blue rips open the space together, causes the ripples. 她几乎是在肉眼看不清的速度下原地消失,旋即一道破空的黑影撕开空间,引起涟漪。 Bang! 砰! Is the direction that bang, the sound transmission comes unexpectedly on dragon within the body? 巨响一声,声音传递而来的方向竟是在应龙体内? Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! Fierce buzz the whining noise, sees only in the hundred zhang (333m) on Long Fu , the original pink clouds do not have the light low-spirited, swarthy such as the black air/Qi of carbon passes on its scales one after another. 剧烈的嗡鸣声,只见在百丈的应龙腹中,本来的彩霞黯然无光,一道一道黝黑如碳的黑气在它鳞甲上流逝而出。 Roar Follows the formation of black air/Qi, calls out one on the dragon pain. 伴随黑气的形成,应龙痛苦嚎叫一声。 Um? 嗯? Sees this, all people suppresses opening eyes of stabbing pain, the split vision looks in that myriad spirit optical center to be somewhat frightened, on swaying back and forth of dragon pain. 望见这幕,诸人强忍刺痛的睁开眼,余光瞄着那万千灵光心中有些惊悚,应龙痛苦的打起滚来。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Yu Luocha? Which did she run up to?” 玉罗刹呢?她跑到哪去了?” The people of profound group have sucked the tongue, on complexion cloudy clear uncertain somewhat embarrassed. 玄组的人咂了咂舌,面色上阴晴不定的有些难堪。 She on Long Fuli!” “她在应龙腹里!” The Qin Shi ice-cold vision is staring at vault of heaven, on the black mist that in Long Fu exposes, made him feel some dreading unexpectedly. 秦石冰冷的目光盯着苍穹,在应龙腹中裸露出的黑色雾气,竟令他感觉到些许的忌惮。 The tiger Péng pinches tightly the fist, knits the brows to stare to tighten on the dragon. 虎鹏捏紧拳头,皱着眉盯紧应龙。 Puff! 噗! Suddenly, a dull thumping sound reverberation horizon, sees only in the midair calls out two on the dragon, the central abdominal cavity blasts open indifferently, degenerates into seven color miraculous glows, falls like the raindrop shop day. 突然,一声闷响回荡天际,只见在半空中的应龙嚎叫两声,中央的腹腔漠然炸裂,沦为七彩的灵光,像雨点般铺天落下。 Ruptures on the dragon, the Yu Luocha lithe body waves, then dances in the air in airborne such as the color butterfly just like the waterfall black hair, falls to the ground slowly. 应龙爆裂,玉罗刹轻盈的身躯舞动一圈,那宛如瀑布般的黑发在空中如彩蝶飞舞,缓缓落地。 But after landing, her complexion is not quite attractive, holds up the saber of waist single-handed, stands in the ground reluctant support body, the mouth puffs. 但落地后,她的面色也不太好看,单手将腰间的佩剑举起,立在地上勉强的支撑身子,口喘粗气。 Was broken on the dragon, tiger Péng is not accidental, instead looks at Yu Luocha to eat the painful appearance, in the pupil the happy expression wins, secret passage: Really such as I guess am same.” 应龙被破,虎鹏并不意外,反而望着玉罗刹吃痛的模样,眸中喜色更胜,暗道:“果然如我猜得一样。” Worthily is Yu Luocha!” “不愧是玉罗刹!” The tiger Péng cracks into a smile, some dense [say / way]: But, injures this, you think that you are my match?” 虎鹏咧嘴一笑,有些森然道:“但,伤成这样,难道你以为你还是我的对手吗?” ! 咻! The next instant, his body goes forward suddenly, after the five fingers find out the tiger robe has nothing to do with, to rise together simultaneously, follows close on is being similar to five profound iron sharp swords, is bringing the dense cold current, the thorn to Yu Luocha. 下一霎,他的身躯猛然上前,五指探出虎袍袖手后并起而出,紧跟着如同五把玄铁利剑,带着森然寒流,刺向玉罗刹 Yu Luocha one startled, forehead after is supine. 玉罗刹一惊,额头朝后仰起。 Puff! 噗! Strikes to bring, has cut off several black hair like a waterfall. 一击带过,斩断了数根如瀑布般的青丝。 But, this is not the point of tiger Péng, after looking at the Yu Luocha forehead, supine instantaneous corners of the mouth toward previous one, clears the way the strange radian. 但,这并不是虎鹏的目地,望着玉罗刹额头后仰的瞬间嘴角朝上一咧,咧开道诡异的弧度。 Qin Shi sinks in the rear area at heart: Was bad! Was discovered?” 秦石在后方心里一沉:“糟了!被发现了吗?” Bang! clatter! 嗒! The five fingers that punctures take advantage of opportunity to tumble, the rumor that toward below curls up blow the fallen leaf, holds two arms of Yu Luocha, digs toward on. 刺出的五指顺势朝下翻滚,卷起的风声吹开落叶,一把抓住玉罗刹的两臂,朝上撅起。 Drinks!” “喝!” Arm raising rapidly made the Yu Luocha shoulder blade have the intense pain immediately, making her pour the suction port cold air/Qi. 手臂急速的扬起顿时令玉罗刹肩胛骨产生强烈痛感,令她倒吸口冷气。 He he, is really this!” “呵呵,果然是这!” Hears that attractive charm in anger, the tiger Péng at heart one happy, once more effort intensifies raises the Yu Luocha two arms. 听到那诱人的娇嗔,虎鹏心里一喜,力度再次加剧的将玉罗刹两臂扬起。 Volume!” “额啊!” The intense pain made the Yu Luocha tender surface distortion, on the forehead the bean big sweat rolling fall, two knees twitched puff passed partly kneels in the place. 强烈的痛感令玉罗刹娇面扭曲,额头上豆大的汗水滚滚落下,两膝不由抽搐的噗通半跪在地。 Yu Luocha!” 玉罗刹!” Qin Shi at heart one startled, although he had been chased down a half month by her, but to she actually not too many hatred, on the contrary because of her and Qin Xuexin similar, some being intimate with silently. 秦石心里一惊,虽说他被她追杀了半个多月,但对她却并没有太多的憎恨,相反因为她和沁雪心的相似,有些默默的亲近。 Now, looks appearance that she is in deep sorrow, making Qin Shi love dearly the pinching tightly fist, the eruption that finally could not bear, two foot lift-offs such as the string sound shivered, fires into the tiger Péng. 如今,看她痛不欲生的模样,令秦石心疼不已的捏紧拳头,终于忍不住的爆发而出,两脚离地如弦音颤抖,冲向虎鹏。 Before following he rushes, two purple quiet fires offer a sacrifice, lights the air wave after the midair forms two [gold/metal] pill, the approaching tiger Péng of creakying. 伴随他冲上前,两道紫色幽火祭出,在半空中点燃气浪后形成两枚金丹,摇摇欲坠的逼近虎鹏。 Bang! 砰! Two [gold/metal] pill who suddenly approaches, making the brow of tiger Péng wrinkle, unexpectedly somewhat inexplicable fearing feeling, unavoidable loosened Yu Luocha toward retroceding ten several steps. 突然逼近的两枚金丹,令虎鹏的眉头皱一下,竟然有些莫名的惧怕感,不得已的松开玉罗刹朝后退开十数步。 Compels to draw back the tiger Péng, Qin Shi keeps off before the Yu Luocha body helps up her: How is it?” 逼退虎鹏,秦石挡在玉罗刹身前扶起她:“怎么样?” Bang!! Yu Luocha pulls out the hand of Qin Shi, alone sets out. 玉罗刹抽开秦石的手,独自起身。 Somewhat stunned, after shaking the head of Qin Shi forced smile, this movement makes but is actually also disinclined to haggle over, after having turned around, is staring at the tiger Péng, two control [gold/metal] pill: He he, I in the condition, am not your match by me a moment ago now!” 被这个动作弄的有些愕然,秦石苦笑的摇摇头后倒也懒得计较,转过身后盯着虎鹏,两手操控金丹:“呵呵,刚才我不在状态,现在就由我来做你的对手吧!” Depending on you? Matches!” “凭你?配吗!” Despising of tiger Péng over the face, contemptuous [say / way]. 虎鹏满面的鄙夷,轻蔑道。 You may try greatly “你大可试” Tries, second tries character not to fall, a white hands sudden booth goes forward holds down he, follows close on is seeing only the Yu Luocha beautiful figure to go forward: Makes way!” 试试,第二个试字还没有落下,一只玉手突然摊上前的按住他,紧跟着只见玉罗刹倩影上前:“让开!” „Do you want to do?” Qin Shi astonished [say / way]. “你要干嘛?”秦石惊愕道。 I have said that does not cherish your pitying, leave is treating going to behind!” The Yu Luocha sound is unusual. Ice-cold, looks after the face of tiger Péng is somewhat dense. “我说过,不稀罕你的怜悯,滚到后面待着去!”玉罗刹的声音异常。冰冷,望向虎鹏的面庞后有些森然。 On her elegant face ices up to be the same probably, is fearful. 她的俏脸上好像结冰一样,非常可怕。 Qin Shi trembles, bewildered after withdraws one step, in the heart the frightened [say / way]: Good fearful working off anger 秦石哆嗦一下,莫名其妙的朝后退后一步,心中惊悚道:“好可怕的杀气” Sees Yu Luocha to go forward, the tiger Péng is more contemptuous: He he, Yu Luocha, do you also want to show off power? If you prosperous time, I truly fear several points, but you thought that injures depending on you 望见玉罗刹上前,虎鹏更加轻蔑:“呵呵,玉罗刹,你还想逞强?你若是鼎盛时间,我确实惧怕几分,但你觉得凭你伤成” Suddenly, voice static. 戛然,话音静止。 The vision of all people simultaneously stared staring, on the tiger Péng face climbed up unprecedented to fear. 所有人的目光同时瞪了瞪,虎鹏面庞上攀爬起前所未有的恐惧。 Bang! clatter! 嗒! Yu Luocha holds up single-handed, a about two meters saber grasps in her hand, follows close on the scabbard to vibrate, the black fog winds around, sword Qi four shoot. 玉罗刹单手举起,近两米的佩剑握在她手上,紧跟着剑鞘抖动,黑雾缭绕,剑气四射。 Qingfeng at heart one cold: „Does she want to draw a sword?” 青峰心里一寒:“她要拔剑?” Tears quickly!” Luoyi looks back to many prisoners lowers roars. “快扯开!”洛邑回首冲诸多的囚犯低吼一声。 Xuan Hao, the disciples of profound group has been shocked, tiger Péng under foot after moves two steps. 就连玄浩,玄组的弟子都惊呆了,虎鹏脚下不禁的朝后挪动两步。 Elder Brother Shi, shuts the eye quickly!” 石哥,快闭眼睛!” Why?” Qin Shi has been startled being startled. “为什么?”秦石怔了怔。 Do not ask that shuts eye quickly, otherwise without enough time!” In being shocked, Qingfeng and Luoyi almost want not to throw to go forward, one gives firmly Meng Jin the eye of Qin Shi. “别问,快闭眼睛,否则就来不及了!”在惊呆中,青峰和洛邑几乎想都不想都扑上前,一下将秦石的眼睛给牢牢蒙紧。 Whoosh! 唰! The sclera in Yu Luocha eye seemed swallowed, the beautiful pupil such as the black hole of jet black nighttime sky is profound, the skilled artist after the winking eye takes off and lands brings a jet black dim light. 玉罗刹眼中的眼白仿佛被吞噬掉,美眸如漆黑夜空的黑洞般深邃,妙手在眨眼睛起落后带起道漆黑的幽光。 Bang! 砰! Bang! 轰隆隆! The next instant, the surrounding area thousand li(500 km) of quiet forest ripples, the Qin Shi heart transmits inexplicable scared, short three respites the time, when he breaks away Qingfeng and Luoyi open the eye, the whole person is actually shocked. 下一霎,幽林的方圆千里荡漾一下,秦石的心头传来道莫名恐慌,短短三个喘息的功夫,当他挣开青峰和洛邑睁开眼睛的时候,整个人却被惊呆了。 Sees only, at present all completely changed the appearance. 只见,眼前一切全部变了模样。 Kilometer flat country. 千米平川。
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