PDL :: Volume #4

#319: Jade demons

( Full text reading) (全文阅读) Bang! 砰! The fist palm confrontation, Xuan Hao's offensive is very strong, under the attack surely will curl each time up everywhere dust sand, savage spiritual power such as Heba is in flood, rolling welcomed. 拳掌交锋,玄浩的攻势很强,每次攻击下都必定会卷起漫天尘沙,凶残的灵力如河坝泛滥,滚滚迎上。 Bang! 轰隆! Has this other to bend down, Qin Shi is not backward, although he just entered Middle Stage, will repair slightly will be worse than Xuan Hao for on, but he will not be is a vegetarian, the card in a hand will turn out one after another, meets the approaching enemy Xuan Hao. 起此彼伏,秦石并不落后,虽说他刚入中期,修为上可能会比玄浩稍差一些,但他可不是吃素的,一张一张底牌翻出,迎击玄浩。 In side, all people were shocked. 在旁边,诸人都惊呆了。 The unrivalled showdown, blustery curls up the wild with rage fallen leaf. 旷世的对决,风起云涌中卷起狂怒的落叶。 After the soughing fallen leaf falls, such as rain water dripping in the black robe shoulder of Qin Shi, then immediately by spiritual power shaking powder. 飒飒落叶落下后,如雨水般淋漓在秦石的黑袍肩头,然后马上就被灵力给震成粉末。 Bang! 砰! During wild with rage fighting, Xuan Hao tries to imprison Qin Shi by spiritual power, but actually does not think that the Qin Shi movement is very lithe, shining scales impervious to blades and spears, several attacks made him admit defeat in secret. 狂怒的交手间,玄浩试图靠灵力禁锢住秦石,但却不想秦石的身法很轻盈,一身金灿灿的鳞甲刀枪不入,几番攻击都令他暗中吃瘪。 A little skill! 有点本事! Xuan Hao moves several steps, roars lowly. 玄浩挪动几步,低吼一声。 Qingfeng and Luoyi stared staring in side fearful and apprehensive: Spirit King Realm Middle Stage? Originally big brother Shi Qin also breakthrough to Middle Stage?” 青峰和洛邑在旁边心惊肉战的瞪了瞪眼:“王灵境中期?原来石秦大哥也突破中期了?” Um, no wonder dares to offend this Xuan Hao.” “嗯,怪不得敢得罪这玄浩。” Jie Jie, with is Middle Stage, thinks that can win our big brother Xuan Hao? overestimate one's capabilities!” “桀桀,同为中期,以为就能赢过我们玄浩大哥了?不自量力!” Two sides have own axe to grind, the discussion sound resounds unceasingly. 两方各怀鬼胎,议论声不断响起。 Smack! 碰! Two of fighting do not let, Xuan Hao silent, he sees puff passes the fist palm unable to injure to arrive at Qin Shi, concentrates single-handed the hand imprint, the blazing purple glow rips open the highest heaven together, then in that opening, the anger steaming birds and beasts claw searches together. 交手的两人却丝毫不让,玄浩沉默一下,他见噗通拳掌无法伤到秦石,单手凝成手印,一道炽热的紫芒撕开九霄,然后在那裂口里,一道怒气腾腾的禽爪探下。 Kunpeng broken day!” “鲲鹏碎天!” Green pines illusory image foot!” “苍松幻影脚!” Meeting the approaching enemy that Qin Shi does not dare to show weakness on, the giant stone of rolling up and pushing along ground on his tip of the toe, then sees only the giant stone to split the infinite opening, transforms the deep green time, one point two, two points four, four points eight, eight points of all phenomena on earth. 秦石不敢示弱的迎击而上,在他的脚尖上卷动地面的巨石,然后只见巨石裂开无穷裂口,其中幻化出碧绿的流光,一分二,二分四,四分八,八分万象。 Bang! 轰隆! The collision, the mountain of half wall poor rapid trembles once again. 再度碰撞,半壁的山穷迅速一颤。 The Kunpeng birds and beasts claw struggles in the fantasy, then sees only the earth to split the Wudaogou gully, natural moat proliferation to distant place jungle. 鲲鹏禽爪在幻想中挣扎,接着只见大地裂开五道沟壑,天堑般的扩散向远处密林。 By my palm!” “受我一掌!” Setting out that once more Xuan Hao clenched teeth, sees only his palm quick and violent unexpectedly, such as the sharp sword forces toward Qin Shi, Qin Shi looks back on one startled, after benting, suffers a palm hardly. 玄浩咬了咬牙的再次起身,竟跟着只见他掌心迅猛,如利剑般朝秦石逼迫,秦石回首一惊,猫下腰后硬挨一掌。 Bang! 砰! This palm is heavy, making Qin Shi move the latter several steps, spout essence and blood on his instep. 这一掌不轻,令秦石挪后几步,在他的脚面上不禁吐出口精血。 The earth caves, one after another in chap spider web fissure, incarnadine. 大地塌陷下去,一道一道龟裂的蛛网裂痕上,被染红。 Stone Qin, big brother Shi Qin!” “石秦,石秦大哥!” Bastard, the big Buddhist relics decides!” “畜生,大舍利决!” The pain in the back transmitting, Qin Shi struggles, roars. 背部上传来的痛楚,秦石不禁的挣扎一下,怒吼一声。 Follows close on two nether world purple fires to leap, becomes the spider web shape evening however the air package, at once is ground the powder including everywhere sand and crushed stone, integrates the purple fire. 紧跟着两道幽冥紫火跃出,成蛛网状暮然将空气包裹,旋即连漫天的砂石都被碾成粉末,融入紫火。 Two golden light Buddhist relics for the first time presently. 两道金光舍利乍现而出。 Bang! 砰! The speed of Buddhist relics is extremely fast, strikes the shake in Xuan Hao's chest, at once sees only some collar distortions of his chest, explodes the powder directly. 舍利的速度极快,一击震荡在玄浩的胸膛,旋即只见他的胸口的衣领都有些扭曲,直接炸成粉末。 Strong tiger body exposition, chest two points blood red. 健硕的虎躯暴露,胸膛两点血红。 Bang! 轰隆! The next instant, he was struck to fly directly, departs over a hundred meters far fully. 下一霎,他直接就被击飞出去,整整飞出上百米远。 Just climbed up the joy of cheeks, coagulates on the face of profound group instantaneously, changes into is frightened and inconceivable: „Did big brother Xuan Hao defeat?” 本来刚攀爬上脸颊的喜悦,瞬间在玄组的人脸上凝固,换成惊悚和不可思议:“玄浩大哥败了?” Is impossible?” “不可能吧?” Qin Shi is holding Gu Mucan, said fierce: My Continued life fruit, do you also want?” 秦石扶着古木残枝,厉声道:“我的续命果,你还要吗?” In this words has been full of ice-cold and satire. 这一声话语中充满了冰冷和讽刺。 Xuan Hao strenuous was held, was already horrible to look in his earth, stares at the Qin Shi air/Qi to clench teeth very much, could not speak. 玄浩吃力的被人扶起来,在他脚下的大地早已惨不忍睹,盯着秦石气很的直咬牙,却说不出话。 ! 咻! The form that but suddenly, makes noise together cool and refreshingly raids from out of the blue. 但突然,一道泠泠作响的身影破空袭下。 This form wears the red robe, among the robes is embroidering a gigantic noble appearance, a palm pats toward the Qin Shi surface gate: Boy, injures my profound group person, looked that you sufficed exactly!” 这身影穿有红袍,袍间绣着颗硕大虎头,一掌朝秦石面门拍下:“小子,伤我玄组人,看你是活够了!” Is three manages a household!” “是三当家!” Xuan Hao and profound group people simultaneously pleasantly surprised roar. 玄浩和玄组人同时惊喜吼声。 Profound group three manages a household: Tiger Péng!” Qingfeng and the others truly the face changes, simultaneously is anxious. “玄组三当家:虎鹏!”青峰等人确实面庞一变,同时紧张起来。 Looks is meeting the approaching enemy, but below palm, Qin Shi was oppressed firmly on the earth, does not have including the strength of setting out unexpectedly, startled [say / way]: „Is this Spirit King Realm Late Stage?” 望着迎击而下的掌心,秦石被牢牢压迫在大地上,竟连起身之力都没有,惊道:“这是王灵境后期?” Damn, could not shunt!” “该死,躲不开了!” Under the attack facing welcoming, the Qin Shi mind is intense, if placed said in the past but actually fortunately, even if could not fight this tiger Péng but also to be insufficient to make so distressed. 面对迎下的攻击,秦石心神紧张起来,若是放在以往倒还好说,就算斗不过这虎鹏但也不至于弄的这般狼狈。 But just displayed the big Buddhist relics to make his psychic force somewhat lax definitely, now wants to hide actually already without enough time. 但刚刚施展大舍利决令他的精神力还有些涣散,现在想躲却已经来不及了。 Who dares to injure him!” “谁敢伤他!” Unexpectedly, while the tiger Péng present, the beautiful figure becomes common practice to fall for the first time together, fierce welcoming that panic-stricken palm. 不料,在虎鹏乍现的同时,一道倩影成风而落,猛的迎上那惊骇一掌。 Bang! 砰! Bang! 轰隆! Two palms interweave, wild spiritual power like is the volcanic eruption, blooms following 1.4 of palm, shattering earth. 两掌交织,狂野的灵力像是火山爆发一样,顺着掌心的1.4下绽放,震裂大地。 Several old trees that approaches collapse directly. 临近的几棵古树直接坍塌。 Is she?” The shake that penetrates, making Qin Shi withdraw several steps, somewhat is at once accidental. “是她?”突入起来的震荡,令秦石退后几步,旋即有些意外。 all Renzheng being startled, did not have look yes what's the matter. 诸人怔了怔,都没看明白是怎么回事。 When getting back one's composure, sees only tiger Péng to be compelled to draw back unexpectedly several steps, looks at front beautiful figure to reveal some dreaded: Yu Luocha?” 当回过神时,只见虎鹏竟被逼退几步,望着面前的倩影露出些许忌惮:“玉罗刹?” Yu Luocha?” 玉罗刹?” Three characters resound, making the surrounding person clamor immediately. 三个字响起,令周围的人顿时喧哗一声。 Yu Luocha? Is that ten thousand li (0.5km) single-mindedness, the blood dyes Yu Luocha of Qian mountain?” 玉罗刹?是那个万里孤行,血染千山的玉罗刹?” Otherwise? In this desolated jungle, can shake draws back three people, not over ten fingers!” “不然呢?在这荒芜丛林,能震退三当家的人,不超过十根手指!” The body of Qingfeng and Luoyi trembles, complexion is somewhat pale. 青峰和洛邑的身躯一颤,面色有些铁青。 The day, what people are this? 天啊,这都是些什么人? The tiger Péng stands firm the body, looking at steadily is staring at Yu Luocha, exclaimed lowly: Yu Luocha, what do you mean?” 虎鹏稳住身子,目不转睛的盯着玉罗刹,低吼道:“玉罗刹,你这是什么意思?” His life is my, no one want to take away except for me!” Yu Luocha is staring at the tiger Péng, ice-cold unemotionally. “他的命是我的,除了我谁也别想拿走!”玉罗刹盯着虎鹏,冰冷的面无表情。 You “你” Hears this saying, tiger Péng angry, but actually the anger does not dare to say. 听到这话,虎鹏愤怒一番,但却怒不敢言。 „Can you meddle?” “你非要插手?” Yu Luocha does not give the opportunity that the tiger the Péng opens the mouth, ice-cold [say / way]: I count to three, if you do not roll, that waits for death.” 玉罗刹不给虎鹏开口的机会,冰冷道:“我数到三,你们若不滚,那就都等死吧。” One!” “一!” Yu Luocha, you leave extremely!” 玉罗刹,你别太过!” Two!” “二!” You “你” Three, do not walk!” “三,都别走了!” The next instant, the Yu Luocha wonderful graceful body in a flash, such as the ghosts and demons under cross the tiger Péng, the consecutively two palms puncture toward his chest. 下一霎,玉罗刹妙曼的身躯一晃,如鬼魅般咻下越过虎鹏,连续两掌朝他胸口刺下。 Bang! 砰! Tiger Péng one startled, hurries the hand to keep off, but this was shaken draws back several far. 虎鹏一惊,赶忙起手去挡,但就这样还是被生生震退十几步远。 Yu Luocha Spirit King Realm peak, tiger Péng Spirit King Realm Late Stage. 玉罗刹王灵境巅峰,虎鹏王灵境后期 A boundary, seems like the least, the regulations thousand li(500 km). 一个境界,看似毫厘,实则千里。 Bang! 轰隆! Yu Luocha does not give the opportunity that the tiger the Péng dodges, the tiger Péng sets out to move aside, Yu Luocha will attack to shift to the people of other profound groups, slaughters. 玉罗刹根本不给虎鹏躲闪的机会,虎鹏起身躲闪,玉罗刹就将攻击转移到其他玄组的人身上,大开杀戒。 The bright red blood rolling flows, incarnadine earth. 鲜红的血滚滚流淌,染红大地。 Looks at the beautiful figure from the sky to keep an evil ways remnant shade, Qin Shi at heart absent-minded: Finally was given to rescue by her unexpectedly, really suffices to satirize!” 望着倩影在空中留下道道残影,秦石心里不由的失神:“最后竟被她给救了,真是够讽刺得!” Yu Luocha, her name? Very conforms to her individuality actually.” 玉罗刹,她的名字吗?倒是挺符合她的个性。” Qingfeng, Luoyi and Mongolian resolute three people, rushed to side Qin Shi to puff at this time question: Stone big brother Qin, were you all right?” 青峰、洛邑和蒙毅三人,这时冲到秦石身旁喘着粗气问句:“石秦大哥,你没事吧?” Um, all right.” “嗯,没事。” Qin Shi has gotten back one's composure, beckoned with the hand to them. 秦石回过神,冲两人摆了摆手。 „Did stone big brother Qin, how you know Yu Luocha?” Under Qingfeng and Luoyi size up Qin Shi up and down, after seeing Qin Shi truly greatly has not obstructed, curious question. “石秦大哥,你是怎么认识玉罗刹的?”青峰和洛邑上下打量下秦石,见秦石确实没有大碍后才好奇问句 Heard this word, Qin Shi to be startled the stalemate train of thought of being startled, remembered him and Yu Luocha acquaintance somewhat is annoying: Yeah, does not raise. Right, is she very famous?” 听得此言,秦石怔了怔的陷入思绪,想起他和玉罗刹的相识却不禁有些懊恼:“哎,不提也罢。对了,她很出名吗?” Famous? Naturally!” “出名?当然了!” The Qingfeng three people look at each other one mutually, simultaneously reveals some helplessness. 青峰三人相互对视一眼,同时露出些许的无奈。 , Qingfeng said: Desolated jungle has three certainly, she calculates its one.” 顿了顿,青峰道:“荒芜丛林有三绝,她算其一。” Three certainly? What meaning?” “三绝?什么意思?” Three certainly, are refers to three not being able to move absolutely.” Qingfeng mentioned three certainly, the somewhat dignified silent meeting, said: First certainly is quiet clan, it is said that they are here aborigines, nobody knows their origins, but offended their people dead.” “三绝,是指三个绝对不能触碰。”青峰提起三绝,有些凝重的沉默一会,道:“第一绝是幽族,据说他们是这里的土著人,没有人知道他们的来历,但是得罪他们的人都死了。” Um, has this matter unexpectedly?” “嗯,竟有这种事?” Qin Shi has sucked the tongue, in this desolated jungle also has the aborigines unexpectedly? 秦石咂了咂舌,这荒芜丛林里竟还有土著人? Um, second certainly is the fog shade mountain, this mountain in the center of desolated jungle, was covered by the malaria in fog shade mountain surrounding area over ten thousand meters, the hearsay said that leaves the desolated jungle the way. But actually never some people can after is living coming out “嗯,第二绝是雾影山,这座山在荒芜丛林的中央,在雾影山方圆上万米都被瘴气笼罩,传闻说离开荒芜丛林的方式就在其中。但却从未有人能进入后活着出来” What?” “什么?” Qin Shi calls out in alarm one, leaves the desolated jungle the method? 秦石惊呼一声,离开荒芜丛林的方法? This news, to Qin Shi without doubt is the bolt from the blue, he sought for the way of such for a long time leaving to have the clue finally. 这个消息,对秦石来讲无疑是晴天霹雳,他寻找了这么久离开的方式终于有了头绪。 „Doesn't stone big brother Qin, you want to go to the fog shade mountain?” Sees the Qin Shi surprised appearance, Qingfeng has gawked the rapid [say / way]. “石秦大哥,你不会想去雾影山吧?”看见秦石惊讶的模样,青峰愣了愣急促道。 May not!” “不可啊!” Luoyi follows close on is urging. 洛邑紧跟着劝道。 Is looking at their appearance, Qin Shi is calm. 望着两人的模样,秦石冷静不少。 He will not enter the fog shade mountain rashly, but since initially Hua Ling can leave, he can also certainly live departure, no matter what, has the clue is the good deed. 他不会冒然进入雾影山,但既然当初花零能离开,他一定也能活着离开,不管怎样,有线索就是好事。 Relax, I will not show off power.” “放心,我不会逞强。” Therefore he beckons with the hand to them, then keeps firmly in mind after Mt. Wuying firmly, said on own initiative: This third decides, is Yu Luocha?” 为此他冲两人摆摆手,然后将无影山牢牢记在心中后,主动道:“这第三决,便是玉罗刹?” Um.” “嗯。” The Qingfeng split vision looks at one toward Yu Luocha, under timid point: Yu Luocha, ten thousand li (0.5km) act alone, the blood dyes Qian mountain! This is the bystander delivers her title, nobody knows that she came from where, but knows that she has treated many years in the desolated jungle, was rumored that reached an agreement initially the Mysterious Palace palace to advocate Hua Ling likely, she in desolated jungle.” 青峰余光朝玉罗刹瞄一眼,怯怯的点下头:“玉罗刹,万里独行,血染千山!这是外人送她的称号,没有人知道她是从何而来,只是知道她在荒芜丛林里待了很多年,谣传说好像当初玄殿殿主花零在的时候,她就在荒芜丛林里了。” What?” “什么?” Qin Shi has sucked tongue in consternation, does not dare to believe looks at one toward Yu Luocha. 秦石愕然的咂了咂舌,不敢置信的朝玉罗刹瞄去一眼。 But saw that what specialness cannot see to have, because of Spirit King Realm peak? Shouldn't be only so? If by the strength, can surpass her on nobody? 但怎么看,都看不出有什么特殊,难道是因为王灵境巅峰吗?不应该只是如此吧?若论实力,难道就无人能超过她? Her strength is very strong, especially that sword.” Sees puzzled of Qin Shi, Qingfeng refers to one finger toward the waist of Yu Luocha, there is a black sword able to move unhindered in her slender waist. “她的实力很强,特别是那把剑。”看出秦石的不解,青峰朝玉罗刹的腰间指一指,有一把黑色的剑纵横在她纤细的腰间。 Qin Shi looked that is startled to that sword. 秦石看向那剑不禁一怔。 The sword is very long, about two meters, but actually exceptionally thin, Qin Shi measures with the eye, almost only then his pinky is thick or thin. 剑很长,近两米,但却异常的细,秦石目测一下,差不多只有他的小拇指粗细。 „Can such sword, offend somebody?” “这样的剑,能伤人?” Regarding this strange appearance, Qin Shi questioned. 对于这种奇异的模样,秦石不禁质疑。 Do not look down on this sword, until now nobody has seen its complete picture.” Mentioned that sword, the Qingfeng face became exceptionally tight. “不要小瞧这把剑,至今没人见过它的全貌。”提到那剑,青峰面庞变得异常紧张。 Why?” “为何?” Because, seeing the person who Yu Luocha drew a sword to die!” “因为,看见玉罗刹拔剑的人全都死了!” Qin Shi is surprised extremely, the psychic force in Sea of Consciousness tries to search toward the saber of Yu Luocha waist, but his Sea of Consciousness just moved the sword hilt, whole person mind corona, was rebounded unexpectedly. 秦石惊讶万分,识海中的精神力试图朝玉罗刹腰间的佩剑探去,但他的识海刚刚触碰剑柄,整个人脑海一晕,竟被反弹回来。 Has knot?” “有结界?” Qin Shi started somewhat to believe. 不由间,秦石开始有些相信了。 But his puzzled is actually, if she looked like the hearsay to say is really so fierce, before is who can create such horrible to look at severe wound to her? 但他不解的却是,如果她真像传闻所说那么厉害,之前是何人能对她造成那样惨不忍睹的重伤? On her, Qin Shi saw the innumerable riddles. 在她身上,秦石看见了无数个谜团。
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