PDL :: Volume #4

#318: Profound group

( Full text reading) (全文阅读) Is really bad luck enough.” “真够倒霉。” Leaves the girl, Qin Shi somewhat is at heart helpless. 离开女孩,秦石心里有些无奈。 The girl does not know the will of the people completely, wastes ten days. 那丫头完全不识好人心,浪费自己十天的时间。 Ok, saves others a life, victory makes the seven-story pagoda, when all did good deeds to oneself. 算了,救人一命,胜造七级浮屠,全当给自己积德好了。 Consoles oneself, Qin Shi falls into once more spacious. 自我安慰一下,秦石再次陷入空旷中。 Walks along the way, calculates that had in this desolated jungle quickly for half a month, but to leaving here did not have the least bit brow. 沿途行走,算一算在这荒芜丛林里快有半个月了,但是对离开此处却是没有半点眉头。 Obscene thief, suffers to death!” “淫贼,受死!” When he is annoying, suddenly behind is transmitting the tender roar that gets angry, making the hair of Qin Shi somewhat terrified: „, Such quickly struggled?” 正当他懊恼之时,突然在身后传来嗔怒的娇吼,令秦石的毛发有些悚然:“靠,这么快就挣扎开了?” Qin Shi somewhat is scared at heart, does not dare to escape to go forward in sluggish flying. 秦石心里有些发毛,不敢在懒散的飞遁上前。 In the future is half a month. 往后又是半月。 For half a month, Qin Shi somewhat aggrieved, he discovered that girl is really the person who keeps the word, spoke of must kill him fully to chase down his half a month to have. 这半个月,秦石过的有些憋屈,他发现那女孩真是个守信用的人,说到要杀了他就整整追杀了他半月有余。 Really unyielding is not bountiful! 真是不屈不饶! The resentment of full belly read at heart, Qin Shi like was the desperado, was chased down by her. 心里满肚子的怨念,秦石像是亡命之徒一样,一路被她追杀。 What most dumbfounded is, short for half a month, the strength of this girl restores quickly, restored to Spirit King Realm Late Stage, it is estimated that several days can achieve peak again. 无语的是,短短半个月,这丫头的实力恢复很快,已经恢复到王灵境后期了,估计再有几天就能达到巅峰了。 The midway several times fight, Qin Shi is admits defeat escapes. 中途几次交手,秦石都是吃瘪逃跑。 Yeah, chart what? Chart what? He is filled with reluctantly, early knows that like this was inferior did not save her. 哎,图点啥吧?图点啥吧?他满心无奈,早知道这样不如不救她了。 Sigh Partly squats looks in the woods has been fleeing the beautiful figure, Qin Shi smiles bitterly: He he, can the pure meeting, this girl suffice finally really rigid.” 半蹲在树林间望着窜过的倩影,秦石苦笑一声:“呵呵,总算能清净一会,这丫头真够执着的了。” Their cat catch mouse for half a month, issue was the mouse runs tired, this cat did not have the meaning that the least bit gave up, thinks that this made Qin Shi a little grasp crazily. 两人猫捉老鼠了半个月,问题是老鼠都跑累了,这猫却没有半点放弃的意思,一想到这就让秦石就有点抓狂。 Bang! 轰隆隆! Does not think that just cast off the girl, a bang transmits beyond the kilometer. 不想,刚甩开女孩,一声巨响在千米外传递而来。 „Are some people fighting?” “有人在交手?” Hears this, Qin Shi astonished, at once about hundred spiritual power fluctuations emerge Sea of Consciousness, how many have to make him feel inexplicable familiar unexpectedly? 听到这声,秦石惊愕一下,旋即近百道的灵力波动涌入识海,其中竟有几股让他感觉到莫名的熟悉? Therefore, he looks back in the direction that the bang transmits runs away. 为此,他回首朝巨响传递的方向遁去。 Escapes the kilometer, a dark open area falls into the view, sees only has about hundred people in the open area, the middle has encircled 20-30 frail statures, finds the central crowd Qin Shi mind one startled: Is they?” 远遁上千米,一个幽暗的空地落入眼帘,只见在空地上有近乎百人,中间围剿了二三十名单薄的身躯,瞧见中央的人群秦石心神一惊:“是他们?” Their wear are very unified, is the area north of the Great Wall day firm prison uniform. 他们的穿着很统一,便是塞外天牢的囚服。 Three people of Qin Shi that inside leads knew that is Liufeng under the hands / subordinates person: Qingfeng, Luoyi, Meng Tian. 里面领头的三人秦石认识,是柳峰手下的人:青峰,洛邑,蒙恬。 Was once firm in the area north of the Great Wall day, three people were that type to have the person of eyesight price very much, with the Qin Shi place was good, helping him be many. 曾经在塞外天牢,三人都属于那种很有眼力价的人,和秦石处的还算不错,帮过他不少忙。 Hey, are you this year's area north of the Great Wall day firm people?” Encircles in hundred people of Qingfeng, what lead is a youth, a youth embroidery long gown, is really magnificent. “嘿嘿,你们就是今年塞外天牢的人?”围剿青峰的百人中,领头的是个青年,青年一席刺绣长袍,甚是华丽。 Looks to dress up, once should be the Young Master elder brother. 看装扮,曾经应该是个公子哥。 „Are you people of profound group?” Qingfeng clenched teeth, in the heart is unavoidably anxious. “你们是玄组的人?”青峰咬了咬牙,心中不免紧张起来。 Yo? Good, just entered desolated jungle to recognize us?” Youth Jie Jie of lead smiles: Right, my name was Xuan Hao, handed over your Continued life fruit, today puts your horse.” “呦?不错嘛,刚进荒芜丛林就能认出我们?”领头的青年桀桀一笑:“没错,我叫玄浩,把你们的续命果交出来,今天就放你们一马。” Continued life fruit?” 续命果?” The face of Qingfeng is low and deep immediately. 青峰的面庞马上低沉下来。 He and area north of the Great Wall day firm another 48 prisoners enter the desolated jungle, for several days then died about 30 people, the remaining these is a little strengths, lives. 他和塞外天牢的另外48名囚犯进入荒芜丛林,短短几日便死了近30人,剩下这些都是有点实力,才活下来。 But, Continued life fruit on their hand are about fifty, words everyone who gets down on average links two both not to divide on, now Xuan Hao wants them to hand over Continued life fruit, what with wanting their lives has to distinguish? 但,他们手上的续命果不过五十几颗,平均下去的话每个人连两颗都分不上,现在玄浩要他们交出续命果,和要他们的命有什么区别? If we don't hand over?” “如果我们不交呢?” He he, I snatch, such simple truth does not understand, naturally such words you possibly continually this final three days could not live.” Smiling that Xuan Hao does not care at all. “呵呵,那我就抢呗,这么简单的道理都不懂,当然那样的话你们可能连这最后的三天都活不上了。”玄浩满不在乎的笑笑。 A few words, made the heart of Qingfeng like the deathly stillness. 一句话,令青峰的心如死寂。 They have 20-30 people, at is not this Xuan Hao's their matches, Xuan Hao's strength in Spirit King Realm Middle Stage, they strongest is also Qingfeng, but Broken Spirit Realm Late Stage. 他们只有二三十人,根本不是这玄浩他们的对手,玄浩的实力在王灵境中期,他们最强的也就是青峰,不过才破灵境后期 Xuan Hao under the hands / subordinates these people year to year lick the person ready dead of blood in the cutting edge, the experience or the method are not they can look disdainfully. 况且,玄浩手下的这些人都是常年在刀口舔血的死士,无论是经验还是手段都不是他们能睥睨的啊。 What to do, hands over does not hand over. 怎么办,交还是不交。 Handed over died, did not hand over or dies. 交了是死,不交还是死。 When Luoyi in side silent, has not opened the mouth while Qingfeng steps goes forward saying: He he, big brother Xuan Hao, you looks at our these many people, gave you Continued life fruit, we did not have the means to live, didn't your this want us to assign?” 洛邑在旁边沉默一下,趁青峰没开口时迈上前道:“呵呵,玄浩大哥,你看我们这么多人,把续命果都交给你了,我们也没办法活了,你这不是要我们命吗?” Was inferior that we hand over 30, is filial piety you, did you also leave behind the strip means of livelihood to us are not?” Luoyi compensates saying that smiles. “不如,我们交出30枚,算是孝敬您了,您也给我们留下条活路不是?”洛邑赔笑的说道。 Under Xuan Hao sizes up Luoyi, interesting smiling: He he, the boy will handle matters actually, but thread of conversation to this suddenly one revolution: Snort, but 30, you are send to beg for food? Your these many people, a person hands over two, I have put you!” 玄浩打量下洛邑,有趣的笑笑:“呵呵,小子倒是会办事”但话锋到此猛然一转:“哼,但30枚,你是打发要饭的吗?你们这么多人,一人交出两颗,我就放了你们!” Hissing two? 嘶两颗? The prisoners have all scared, loses a face painstakingly, two were their entirety. 囚犯们全吓坏了,一个一个苦丧个脸,两颗就是他们的全部了啊。 complexion of Luoyi is somewhat embarrassed, clenched teeth and said: Big brother Xuan Hao, isn't your this forces someone to do something against his will?” 洛邑的面色有些难堪,咬了咬牙又道:“玄浩大哥,你这不是强人所难呢吗?” Junction, or does not hand over!” “交,或不交!” Xuan Hao does not want rubbish, low and deep. 玄浩不想废话,低沉一声。 Is the whole face contemptuously evilly smiles in the Xuan Hao following person, a face probably writes is not handing over begins to be the same. 在玄浩后面的人都是满脸轻蔑邪笑,一脸的都好像写着不交就动手一样。 You some Luoyi moral courage, have no alternative throws the vision to Qingfeng. “你”洛邑有些气节,无可奈何的将目光抛向青峰。 What to do, does not hand over to fear Xuan Hao to begin immediately. 怎么办,不交恐怕玄浩马上就会动手。 Since these many prisoners followed them, they cannot disappoint everybody's trust. 这么多囚犯既然跟了他们,他们不能辜负大伙的信任。 Clenched teeth, Qingfeng heaved a deep sigh: Junction, everyone / influential family hands over, so long as can maintain a livelihood, would the means that we cannot die in this!” 咬了咬牙,青峰长叹一声:“交,大家交出去,只要能活命,就总会有办法,我们不能死在这!” Jie Jie, understands what has to done!” “桀桀,识时务!” Nod of Luo porch satisfied, waves to say toward behind little brother: Goes, receives.” 洛轩满意的点点头,挥手朝身后的小弟道:“去,接过来。” Unexpectedly, Liufeng several people collect, actually discovered that they have 28 people, has 54 Continued life fruit, with number that Xuan Hao wants, but also misses two. 谁料,柳峰几人凑了凑,却发现他们有28人,却只有54枚续命果,和玄浩要的数目,还差两枚。 Big brother Xuan Hao, you looks at this difference two “玄浩大哥,你看这差两枚” He he, misses two? All right, died to suffice.” Interruption Qingfeng that Xuan Hao sneers, follows close on sees only his palm to search, a 70-80 old man on painful calls out one. “呵呵,差两枚?没事,死一个就够了。”玄浩冷笑的打断青峰,紧跟只见他掌心一探,一名七八十的老者就痛苦的嚎叫一声。 This old man, initially and Qin Shi had the reason of seeking a meeting uncle. 这老者,正是当初和秦石有过谋面之缘的老大爷。 Do not kill him, my gives him!” “别杀他,我的给他!” Qingfeng one anxious, makes an effort to exclaim to Xuan Hao nu. 青峰一急,使劲冲玄浩怒吼道。 Oh? did you determine?” Xuan Hao was startled, quite had saying with a smile of profound meaning: Your gives him, I will kill you!” 哦?你确定?”玄浩怔愣了下,颇有深意的笑道:“你的给他,我就会杀了你!” I know!” “我知道!” He he, good!” “呵呵,好!” Xuan Hao searches the palm void, the dazzling light space strikes to depart several meters far Qingfeng together: Today, gives on you a class, making you know that here has the pity kills own toxicant!” 玄浩虚空探掌,一道刺目光宇将青峰击飞出十几米远:“今天,就给你们上一课,让你们知道知道,在这里有怜悯之心就是害死自己的毒药!” ! 咻! Following close on, Xuan Hao is trembling same place, after the embroidery long gown floats off, covers half wall vault of heaven, the form full is the deep blue fluorescence has leapt Luoyi and Meng Tian, presses up to Qingfeng. 紧跟着,玄浩原地一颤,刺绣长袍浮起后笼罩半壁苍穹,身影满是碧蓝荧光的跃过洛邑、蒙恬,直逼青峰。 Big brother Qingfeng! Qingfeng!” “青峰大哥!青峰!” all people one startled, worries roars lowly. 诸人一惊,担忧的低吼一声。 ! 咻! But at this time, two orange luminous spots such as the sharp sword sped away suddenly, after tearing to pieces the space, blasts out from the quiet forest, shot down toward Xuan Hao's surface gate. 但这时,突然有两道橙色的光点如利剑疾驰,撕破空间后从幽林中炸开,就朝玄浩的面门击落。 Bang! 砰! Xuan Hao one startled, the speeding away body side opens suddenly, then the single palm under imperial robe sleeve pinches tightly, presses firmly between the fingers two orange luminous spots: Um? Continued life fruit?” 玄浩一惊,疾驰的身躯猛然侧开,然后龙袍手袖下的单掌捏紧,一把将两枚橙色光点捏住:“嗯?续命果?” Is taking it, go away!” “拿着它,滚!” Together ice-cold fierce reverberates in the wooded mountain. 一道冰冷的厉声在山林中回荡。 All people have simultaneously gawked gawking, Luoyi and Meng Tian go forward to help up Qingfeng, after Qingfeng coughs several, to spit a blood. 所有人同时愣了楞,洛邑和蒙恬上前扶起青峰,青峰干咳几声后吐了口血。 Is pinching two Continued life fruit in hand, Xuan Hao somewhat accidental silent, cold Dao: He he, does not know that who your excellency is, whether to come out to see?” 捏着手中的两颗续命果,玄浩有些意外的沉默一下,冷道:“呵呵,不知阁下是谁,可否出来一见?” Whiz! 嗖! Binds the remnant shade of black robe to fall from the day together, keeps off before the Qingfeng body. 一道裹着黑袍的残影从天而落,挡在青峰身前。 Stone, big brother Shi Qin?” “石,石秦大哥?” Qingfeng and many prisoners simultaneously one happy. 青峰和诸多囚犯同时一喜。 Qin Shi stands firm the body, pays attention has not paid attention to Xuan Hao, arrives directly before the uncle body of ground, puts out a hand to help up him: Sir, all right?” 秦石稳住身,理会都未曾理会玄浩,直接走到在地上的老大爷身前,伸手扶起他:“大爷,没事吧?” Does not have, all right many thanks stone Qin little brother!” “没,没事多谢石秦小兄弟!” Is looking at Qin Shi and various people recognizes, Xuan Hao has swept Qin Shi up and down: He he, Spirit King Realm Middle Stage? Really big courage!” 望着秦石和诸人认得,玄浩上下扫过秦石:“呵呵,王灵境中期?真是好大的胆子!” Two that he he, they miss, I have supplied you, haven't you dared quickly to get the hell out?” Qin Shi looks back unexpectedly, in ice-cold pupil the thousand years cold deep pools, can block to be the same including the time space probably. “呵呵,他们差的两枚,我已经补给你了,你还不敢赶快滚蛋?”秦石蓦地回首,冰冷的眸中好像千年寒潭,连时间空间都能封锁一样。 Trembles. 不由一颤。 Under pupil light of that woods experience, Xuan Hao is somewhat accidental, said: He he, truly, but since you and they knew that your Continued life fruit also hands over!” 在那森历的眸光下,玄浩有些意外,顿了顿道:“呵呵,确实,但既然你和他们认识,你的那份续命果也交出来吧!” „Does Oh? link my also wants?” 哦?连我的也要?” The Qin Shi corners of the mouth select lightly, in that superficial radian has a spell probably, made to fight a shiver to the people who he competed, withdrew several steps. 秦石嘴角轻挑,那浅淡的弧度上好像有种魔咒,令离他较劲的人都不禁打个寒战,退后几步。 He he, naturally, since dares to come, should not be parsimonious.” Xuan Hao has also been startled being startled, he feels one type on Qin Shi with Qingfeng their different aura, but he does not dread. “呵呵,当然,既然敢来,就别吝啬了。”玄浩也是怔了怔,他在秦石身上感觉到一种和青峰他们不同的气息,但他并不畏惧。 On population, by strength, Qin Shi insufficient to fear. 论人数,论实力,秦石都不足为惧。 Qin Shi has smiling of interest, smiles is very dense: He he, I, if doesn't give?” 秦石颇有兴致的笑了笑,笑的很森然:“呵呵,我若是不给呢?” My free means make you give!” Xuan Hao leng said. “我自由办法让你给!”玄浩冷道。 You may try greatly!” “那你大可试试!” Wipes the golden dense fog that winds around to blast out side Qin Shi. 一抹缭绕的金色迷雾在秦石身旁炸开。 Sees them to confront, Qingfeng and Luoyi somewhat worried that Qingfeng is grasping nearby gathering Qin Shi of chest: Stone big brother Qin, some words gave them, if incorrect words my, my gave back to you, do not offend them, they were profound group 看见两人对峙,青峰和洛邑有些担忧,青峰握着胸口的凑到秦石跟前:“石秦大哥,有的话交给他们吧,如果不行的话我那份,我那份还给你,别得罪他们,他们是玄组” The voice has not fallen, Qin Shi wields to Qingfeng starts. 话音未落,秦石冲青峰挥下手。 Hey, a moment ago was your matters, since you chose to obey, that trivial two Continued life fruit I naturally can give him for you.” “嘿嘿,刚才是你们的事,既然你选择顺从,那区区两枚续命果我自然可以替你给他。” Qin Shi smiles to Qingfeng, then language wind instantaneous 360 degrees big revolving: But, the present is my matter, wants with my thing, must think him to have that skill!” 秦石冲青峰笑笑,然后语风瞬间360度的大旋转:“但,现在是我的事,想要拿我的东西,就要看他有没有那个本事了!” Qingfeng is startled, Qin Shi smiling face free and easy self-confidence, does not have the least bit to fear unexpectedly. 青峰一怔,秦石的笑容洒脱自信,竟是没有半点恐惧。 Qin Shi said right, actually he does not care about two Continued life fruit but actually, for half a month in the avoidance chases down his girl, collected dozens. 秦石说的没错,其实他倒不在乎两枚续命果,这半个月在躲避追杀他的女孩时,一路又收集了几十颗。 But, him, this is the matter of principle. 但,在他来看,这是个原则问题。 He can pay for Qingfeng, but he will not give to tolerate Xuan Hao because of absolutely. 他可以替青峰支付,但他绝对不会因为自己而给纵容玄浩。 Young fellow, you, since does not give, I personally take!” Xuan Hao loses one's temper obviously, air/Qi laughs, throws to Qin Shi. “好小子,你既然不给,我就亲手来取!”玄浩显然动怒,气的大笑一声,冲秦石扑上来。 Bang! 轰! Qin Shi is not weak, two palms dash with a crash on. 秦石丝毫不弱,两掌砰然冲撞而上。
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