PDL :: Volume #4

#317: Strange girl

( Full text reading) (全文阅读) Miss, miss!” “姑娘,姑娘!” Looks at the beautiful figure to drop down in the field of vision, after Qin Shi knit the brows, cannot bear steps goes forward, shouted two lightly: „Are you how is it?” 望着倩影在视野中倒下,秦石皱了皱眉后还是忍不住的迈上前,轻喊两声:“你怎么样?” But nearby when he arrives, this girl fainted. 但他到跟前时,这女孩已经昏了。 Hey, do not faint, just killed two ominous beasts, how also in the booth this matter girl sudden stupor, making him somewhat be caught off guard. “喂,别晕啊,刚弄死两头凶兽,怎么又摊上这事”女孩突然昏迷,令他有些措手不及。 What to do? Can't make him see somebody in danger and do nothing? 怎么办?总不能让他见死不救吧? Under have no alternative, the Qin Shi squatting lower part of the body helps up the girl. 无可奈何下,秦石蹲下身将女孩扶起。 But just helped up the girl, all complaints vanished into thin air. 但刚扶起女孩,一切的抱怨就都烟消云散了。 Pouring that the girl body trembles in his arms, looks at that moving tenderness to allow to stare. 女孩身躯微颤的倒在他怀里,望着那动人的娇容不禁一愣。 This girl, is quite beautiful 这女孩,好美 A pitch-black long hair such as falls the day waterfall, flows in the Qin Shi referring to seams, under the slender willow eyebrows is the closed big eye, the bridge of the nose turns upwards slightly, cherry lips sometimes opens sometimes gathers, somewhat rapid respite. 一头乌黑的长发如落天瀑布,沿着秦石的指缝间流淌而下,纤细的柳眉下是闭合的大眼,鼻梁微微翘起,樱唇时张时合,有些急促的喘息。 The five senses are very delicate, is the rare beautiful woman silkworm embryo. 五官很清秀,是个罕见的美人胚子。 „, When all the hero rescued beautifully.” The sighing sound of Qin Shi forced smile, girl smoothing gently on the lawn, in the palms turns over to wipe spiritual power to paste on girl's flesh. “得,全当英雄救美了。”秦石苦笑的叹声,将女孩轻轻的抚平在草地上,掌心间翻转去一抹灵力贴上女孩的肌肤。 Her flesh is very smooth, after receiving spiritual power, slightly flood red, spiritual power is very relaxed sneaks into within the body. 她的肌肤很光滑,受到灵力后微微泛红,然后灵力很轻松就窜入体内。 Induces spiritual power in regards, Qin Shi shock, this seems like the frail thin and pale girl, really has the Spirit King Realm peak strength? 感应灵力的内视,秦石不由的震惊一下,这看似单薄憔悴的女孩,竟然有王灵境巅峰的实力? From Profound Spirit Realm, has half remote. 距离玄灵境,就只有半步之遥。 He he, is really the accident.” Qin Shi light nan, but follows close on the brow to wrinkle, suction port cold air/Qi that but actually cannot bear: Hissing “呵呵,真是意外。”秦石轻喃一声,但紧跟着眉头不禁皱起,忍不住的倒吸口冷气:“嘶” Wound is so heavy?” “伤的这么重?” He discovered that the girl no doubt has formidable cultivation is, but within the body is actually bad randomly cannot withstand, forgetting sad corpse insect already densely covered in her spirit vein and various dantian places. 他发现,女孩固然有强大的修为,但体内却是糟乱不堪,忘忧尸虫已经密布在她的灵脉和丹田各处。 What is more important, her five main internal organs (entrails) complete dislocation, the new wound old wound adds over a hundred, especially the three shocking blood-stained mouths of back, the blade blade sees the bone. 更重要的是,她五脏六腑全部错位,新伤旧伤加起来足足有上百处之多,特别是背部的三道惊世血口,刀刀见骨。 Three blood-stained mouths, the vertebra under her, with two shoulder blades on, become the appearance of triangle block her separately firmly. 三道血口,分别在她项下脊椎,和两根肩胛骨上,成三角形的模样牢牢将她封锁。 Locks the shoulder blade? 锁肩胛骨? Really sufficed heartless. 真是够狠心了。 The Qin Shi board has the dignified face, cannot bear tremble saying: Actually is who? To a delicate female, can under result in the so heavy hand unexpectedly?” 秦石板起凝重的脸庞,忍不住颤道:“究竟是谁?对一个柔弱女子,竟能下得了如此重手?” The wound in this girl within the body, even if compared not to flaunt with initial him lets. 这女孩体内的伤口,就算和当初的他比起来也不逞多让。 Qin Shi toot toot the mouth, then first is pulls out two Continued life fruit to force in the girl mouth. After two Continued life fruit is suppressed by spiritual power triggers , the forgetting sad corpse insect. 秦石嘟嘟起嘴,然后先是掏出两颗续命果塞进女孩口中。两枚续命果受到灵力触发后才将忘忧尸虫压制下来。 But forgetting sad corpse insect said that the remaining wounds troubled. 但忘忧尸虫好说,剩下的伤就麻烦了。 That over a hundred unmentionable diseasea did not say that a day two days can cure, especially the behind three blood-stained mouths, 32 months are impossible to convalesce. 那上百道的暗疾不是说一天两天就能治愈了的,特别是背后的三道血口,没有32月根本不可能痊愈。 Yeah, meets me to calculate that you were lucky.” “哎,碰见我算你幸运了。” But androcentrism is rich, Qin Shi cannot throw her in this remote forested mountain, therefore has to carry her to behind looked for a dark jungle. 但大男子主义浓郁,秦石总不能将她扔在这深山野林啊,所以只好将她背到身后找了一处幽暗的密林。 Here is quite covert, then he supposes to tie in the surroundings, girl smoothing gently in the place, looks at her pain the expression, does not have loving dearly of reason. 这里算是比较隐蔽,然后他又在周围设下结界,才将女孩轻轻的抚平在地,看着她痛楚的表情,没来由的心疼。 Hope can save her.” “希望能救她吧。” All prepare, Qin Shi sits cross-legged to sit down, starts the miraculous glow of revolution within the body. 一切准备好,秦石盘膝坐下,开始运转体内的灵光。 The miraculous glow overflows, very temperate random walk enters girl within the body, but after one controls one's breathing, Qin Shi actually with amazement discovered that the wound tastes bone to inter the body of girl within the body, if not search into within the body from the flesh, is unable to cure. 灵光四溢,很温和的游走进女孩体内,但一番调息后秦石却惊讶发现,女孩体内的伤口道道入骨,若是不从肌肤探入体内,根本无法治愈。 But Shu Zhongyu is not , can't his warm-blooded side just man, begin personally? Will this be misunderstood unavoidably? 书中玉不在,他一个热血方刚的男人,总不能亲自动手吧?这难免会遭人误会啊? But does not slip off the clothing, perhaps soon this girl was really dying. 可是不褪下衣物,恐怕用不了多久这女孩就真要死了。 Yeah, doesn't this compel my crime?” “哎,这不是逼我犯罪呢吗?” The life affected, cannot attend to that many, Qin Shi meditated one in the heart: First reaches an agreement, I am not the amorist, but has no recourse slightly to offend, cannot mind.” 生命攸关,顾不得那么多了,秦石在心中默念一声:“先说好,我可不是好色之徒,只是迫不得已才稍有得罪,可不能介意啊。” Thinks that Qin Shi slips off the girl disorderly clothing, first is the fragrant shoulder appears externally, that fair ** is completely unmasked. 想了想,秦石将女孩凌乱的衣物褪下,先是香肩外露,那白皙的**暴露无遗。 Hissing The enticement of scarlet fruits. 赤果果的诱惑啊。 Discourteous do not regard, discourteous do not say, discourteous do not listen. 非礼勿视,非礼勿言,非礼勿听。 This girl is very beautiful, the 17 or 18 years old appearance was mature, front two vivid white rabbits, bountiful person mind. 这女孩真的很美,十七八岁的模样已经成熟,胸前两个呼之欲出的白兔,饶人心神。 In a flash, Qin Shi felt that the tip of the nose place wells up steam, if not for spiritual power suppresses reluctantly, it is estimated that must leave smelly. 一瞬间,秦石感觉鼻尖处涌上来一股热气,若不是灵力勉强压制,估计就要出糗了。 Realizes this, he hurries to close one's eyes, by spiritual Sea of Consciousness explores, the fingertip twines spiritual power to start to walk randomly in girl's flesh. 意识到这,他赶紧闭上眼,凭借精神识海的去探索,指尖缠绕起灵力在女孩的肌肤开始游走。 Well along sliding, is good to have feel. 好顺滑,好有手感。 Discourteous do not regard, but had not said that discourteous don't want not to worry? Under the psychosexuality under the psychosexuality, should not be unimportant? 非礼勿视,但没说非礼勿想勿念是吧?意淫下意淫下,应该不要紧吧? Qin Shi feels being suitable of fingertip to slide, dragging the pale golden fluorescence to walk randomly on girl's each inch flesh, smooths her within the body manic spiritual power. 秦石感受着指尖的顺滑,拖着淡金色荧光在女孩的每一寸肌肤上游走,抚平她体内狂躁的灵力 The stars Beidou, takes turn day and night. 星辰北斗,日夜交替。 Entire, the unmentionable diseasea in girl within the body was cured by Qin Shi on the 3rd, later after he alone leaves ties, is the girl adopts some herbal medicines to come back, spreads in girl's wound. 整整三日,女孩体内的暗疾才被秦石治愈,之后他独自离开结界后,为女孩采取些草药回来,在女孩的伤口上敷下。 In an instant was on the 7 th, Qin Shi daytime will leave to look for some Continued life fruit, how under the inquiry to leave the desolated jungle, night will return to tie in takes care of the girl. 转眼又是七日,秦石白天会离开找些续命果,打探下如何离开荒芜丛林,夜晚就会回到结界里照顾女孩。 For ten days, girl throughout deep sleep does not have the least bit sound, but has the careful recuperation of Qin Shi in the injury well, is thorough was gentle, the breath also became even many. 一连十天,女孩始终沉睡的没有半点动静,但好在伤势有秦石的精心调养,算是彻底的平缓下来了,呼吸也变得均匀不少。 Wasted on the 10 th, making Qin Shi somewhat grieved. 浪费十日,令秦石有些心痛。 But does not have the means that he cannot leave this desolated jungle in any case, can't throw this weak girl in this barren hill Yelinli? 但没有办法,反正他也离不开这荒芜丛林,总不能将这较弱的女孩扔在这荒山野林里吧? Next day, when the East weak flood is once more red, the Qin Shi spout foul air, is looking at the breath already the symmetrical girl, the splitting corners of the mouth of satisfied: He he, saves others a life, this has little made a seven-story pagoda.” 翌日,东方再次微弱泛红时,秦石吐出口浊气,望着呼吸已经匀称的女孩,满意的裂开嘴角:“呵呵,救人一命,本少又造了个七级浮屠啊。” …… In lips and teeth weak Zhang He, probably was that wipes the dawn stabbing pain girl's beautiful pupil, after making she tightened the bridge of the nose, to open the big eye. 唇齿间微弱的张合,好像是那抹晨光刺痛了女孩的美眸,令她紧了紧鼻梁后睁开大眼。 „Did you awake?” “你醒了?” Qin Shi joyful shouting. 秦石欣喜的喊道。 Has saying that girl's eyes are very beautiful, is that somewhat thin and pale lax morbid state beautiful. 不得不说,女孩的眼睛很美,是那种有些憔悴涣散的病态美。 Just opened eyes, first seeing is Qin Shi. 刚睁开眼,第一个看见的就是秦石 A black robe falls into the eye socket, making girl's tender body shiver, followed close on the pupil to receive, appearance great change. 一席黑袍落入眼眶,令女孩的娇躯不禁颤抖一下,紧跟着瞳仁一收,容颜巨变。 ! 咻! The females turn very much cleverly set out, an invisible dagger after the palms finds out the thorn to Qin Shi: Said that who you are!” 女子很灵巧的翻起身,一把无形的匕首在掌间探出后刺向秦石:“说,你是谁!” Hey! Hey! Hey! The sword does not have the eye, the sword does not have eye, you lightly!” The cold that on the nape of the neck transmits suddenly, frighten Qin Shi to quickly grasp the meaning of something. “喂!喂!喂!刀剑无眼,刀剑无眼,你轻一点!”脖颈上猛然传来的阴寒,吓得秦石一激灵。 Few idle talk, said! Is who sends you to come?” “少废话,说!是谁派你来的?” Girl's sound cold Li, probably is under ten thousand Caspian Sea the thousand years ice pieces. 女孩的声音冷厉,就好像是万里海底下千年的冰块。 This which which? Does your this girl reason with? Do you such treat your savior? The one had only known, I did not manage you, threw on the mountain to feed the ominous wolf wild animal, but can also remaining several Continued life fruit!” Qin Shi is disgruntled, is he injust. “这哪和哪啊?你这丫头讲不讲理?你就这么对待你的救命恩人?早知如此,我就不管你了,扔到山上喂凶狼野兽,还能剩下几颗续命果!”秦石不悦起来,他冤不冤啊。 Savior?” “救命恩人?” Four characters made the girl has been startled being startled slightly slightly pressed, the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow. 四个字令女孩略微怔了怔,黛眉微蹙的顿了一下。 She felt forgetting sad corpse insect that within the body deposition, after wound by good cure stares: Was you have saved me?” 她感觉到体内沉积的忘忧尸虫,和伤口被良好的治愈后一愣:“是你救了我?” Nonsense!” “废话!” Qin Shi loftily throws out the chest: Knew mistakenly? Hurries to let loose 秦石傲然挺胸:“知道错了吧?赶紧放开” ! 咻! Has not thought that his voice has not fallen, the ice-cold dagger brought the cold wind to fall like the sharp sword, frightens him to hurry to shrink the neck, the lowering the head shunt. 不曾想,他话音未落,冰冷的匕首就如利剑般带着阴风落下,吓得他赶忙缩了缩脖子,低头闪开。 Bang! 轰! Invisible within, wipes to be shining, cuts off the old tree in distant place jungle. 无形间,一抹寒光四射,将远处密林中的古树斩断。 Sees this, Qin Shi cannot bear the holding breath tone: Hissing restores to be very quick, achieved Spirit King Realm Middle Stage?” 望见这幕,秦石忍不住倒吸口气:“嘶恢复挺快,都达到王灵境中期了吗?” Obscene thief, I have killed you!” “淫贼,我杀了你!” The girl actually does not give the opportunity that he rubbish, even if after striking fails, sets out, grasps the dagger once more to puncture toward the chest of Qin Shi. 女孩却根本不给他废话的机会,一击落空后纵然起身,握着匕首就再次朝秦石的胸膛刺下。 Obscene thief? Did the eldest sister you make a mistake?” “淫贼?大姐你是不是弄错了?” Wrong? The wound in my within the body, already thorough skeleton, to treat the necessary thorough flesh, this has not been considered as that the obscene thief?” The girl roars fierce, no longer idle talk punctures toward Qin Shi. “错?我体内的伤,早已深入骨骸,若想医治必要深入肌肤,难道这还不算是淫贼吗?”女孩厉声怒吼,不再废话的就朝秦石刺下。 Bang! 砰! Qin Shi squats down behind, finds out the sleeve robe , after single-handed holds the girl skilled artist, gets angry: „, Is that also desperatily compels to be good? I to not save you?” 秦石蹲下身后,单手探出袖袍后抓住女孩妙手,怒道:“靠,那也是情急所迫好不好?我不也是为了救你吗?” Who cherishes your pitying!” “谁稀罕你的怜悯!” wrist was held, rotation that the fragrant shoulder shivers, the girl jumps directly behind single foot rolling up and pushing along Ling Feng, kicks to Qin Shi. 手腕被抓住,香肩颤抖的转动一圈,女孩直接跃起身后单脚卷动凌风,冲秦石踢下。 Bang! 砰! This strikes heavily, making Qin Shi withdraw several meters. 这一击不轻,令秦石退后几米。 But he was actually startled being startled, these words sounded familiar. 但他却不由怔了怔,这句话听起来好熟悉。 Probably initially in the unfeeling cliff, Qin Xuexin also had said with him, is such truculent and unreasonable, he he, two person actually some similarities. 好像当初在绝情崖,沁雪心也和他说过,也是这样蛮横无理,呵呵,两个人倒是有些相同之处。 Does not know how she passes now. 只是不知道,她现在过得怎么样了。 Puff! 噗! Repels Qin Shi, wipes bright red scatters suddenly under the dawn, girl's body trembles, the footsteps that just took stop immediately. 击退秦石,一抹嫣红突然散落在晨曦下,女孩的身躯不由一颤,刚迈出的脚步马上停下。 Sees this, saying with a smile of Qin Shi To take Joy in Calamity and Delight in Disaster: Silly thing, did the injury recur? Told you light point lightly, you not 望见这幕,秦石幸灾乐祸的笑道:“傻丫头,伤势复发了吧?都告诉你轻点轻点,你就是不” ! 咻! The girl punctured: Does not need you to care! Suffers to death!” 女孩又刺来了:“不用你关心!受死!” The Qin Shi black pupil concentrates, after body quick side, holds girl's arm to face forward to entrain, low roar: You leave have not ended!” 秦石黑眸一凝,身躯很快的侧开后,一把抓住女孩的手臂朝前一拽,低吼声:“你别没完!” I must kill you!” “我要杀了你!” The girl disregards, five internal organs tumbling to within the body, under dagger actually forceful wielding in hand. 女孩不管不顾,任由体内的五脏翻滚,手中的匕首却铿锵有力的挥下。 Bang! 砰! Getting rid that Qin Shi cannot bear finally, body is only slight, then moves sideways to the girl behind, rises together simultaneously single-handed the blade, falls on girl's fragrant shoulder. 秦石终于忍不住的出手,身躯只是轻微一荡,便闪身到女孩后方,单手并起成刀,落在女孩的香肩上。 Drawing back of staggering several steps, girl somewhat strenuous telling bloodstain. 踉跄的退开几步,女孩有些吃力的吐口血迹。 Looks at her thin and pale appearance, Qin Shi somewhat was being worried, but thinks, makes an effort to shake down the head, what relations does she refuse stubbornly dead with has? 望着她憔悴的模样,秦石有些担心,但想一想,又使劲摇下头,她死不死和自己有什么关系? The girl silver tooth bites lightly, whatever within the body injury is turbulent, is actually not willing to give up throws to go forward toward Qin Shi once again: Dies, I must draw you!” 女孩银牙轻咬,任凭体内伤势汹涌,却死活不肯放弃的再度朝秦石扑上前:“就是死,我也要拉着你!” „” “” Some Qin Shi dumbfounded, this girl does not listen to her to explain, after spiritual power offers a sacrifice to together, becomes the spider web shape surrounds the girl graceful waist firmly, controls her. 秦石有些无语,这丫头根本不听她解释,一道灵力祭出后成蛛网状牢牢的困住女孩曼妙的腰肢,控制住她。 You let loose me!” Getting angry that the girl struggles said. “你放开我!”女孩挣扎的嗔怒道。 Do not struggle, your body is seriously injured, is not my match.” By spiritual power controls the girl, Qin Shi satisfied has patted clapping. “别挣扎了,你体受重伤,不是我的对手。”靠灵力控制住女孩,秦石满意的拍了拍手。 After the girl was restrained, falls down, actually tender Rong Xiunu: Has the skill, you surround my life, otherwise after I break away, certainly has killed you!” 女孩被勒住后倒在地上,却娇容羞怒:“有本事,你就困住我一生,否则我挣开后,一定杀了你!” Really is the arbitrary fellow!” “真是蛮横的家伙!” Ba the lower jaw, Qin Shi high and low surveys, the injury of this girl has not obstructed greatly, remaining, so long as convalesced slowly is OK. 吧唧下嘴,秦石上下探测一番,这丫头的伤势已经没有大碍,剩下的只要慢慢静养就可以了。 Therefore he does not want to waste the time in this, this girls will not appreciate in any case kindness rendered, after taking out ten Continued life fruit, simply throws into her front, sluggish [say / way]: I may not have the time and you consume in this, after this spiritual power half double-hour, can naturally diverge, you will strive in the future for going fortunately.” 为此他也不想在这浪费时间,横竖这女孩都不会领情,索性取出十枚续命果后抛到她的面前,懒散道:“我可没时间在这和你耗,这灵力半个时辰后会自然散去,往后你就自求多福去吧。” Spoke, Qin Shi then turns around to leave. 说完话,秦石便转身离开。 Looks at the back of dissipation, girl is making an effort to wriggle on ground: Obscene thief, do not run, you die like a dog, I must kill you!” 望着消散的背影,女孩在地上使劲蠕动一下:“淫贼,你别跑,你不得好死,我一定要杀了你!” Must kill you!” “一定要杀了你!”
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