PDL :: Volume #4

#316: wisdom fights the wing tiger

Roar The light protecting body fluorescence blocks Baleful Qi, after fierce tiger gives a tongue-lashing the fang, angry calls out one, then turbulently throws toward Qin Shi. 淡淡的护体荧光将煞气阻绝,猛虎呲起獠牙后愤怒的嚎叫一声,便朝秦石汹涌扑来。 Sinks at heart: Damn!” 心里一沉:“该死!” Under gigantic tiger body is rolling up and pushing along the billowing spiritual power heat wave, making the Qin Shi black robe be howled to curl up, after the tip of the toe selected the place, gently rapid evacuation. 硕大的虎躯下卷动着滚滚灵力热浪,令秦石的黑袍被呼啸卷起,脚尖轻轻点地后迅速撤离。 Moves dozens meters, shunts the attack reluctantly. 挪动开几十米,才算是勉强躲开攻击。 Bang! 轰! But sees only, he just the place, about several meters openings threw off by the fang of fierce tiger, two gullies are similar to extend unceasing Longji to approach the under foot. 但只见,他刚刚所处之地,一个约有十几米的裂口被猛虎的獠牙掀翻,两道沟壑如同延绵不断的龙脊逼近脚下。 „, So to be how ominous?” “靠,怎么这么凶?” Clenches teeth, Qin Shi jumps once more, but greets is actually the fierce tiger flying apsaras that comes, the strong wing blocks the sky, covers toward Qin Shi under. 一咬牙,秦石再次跃起,但迎接而来的却是猛虎飞天,健硕的羽翼遮天蔽日,朝着秦石就笼罩而下。 Smack! 碰! Stagnant Yu Kong, the doping spooky spiritual power rumor is similar to the waterfall falls in torrents, hit of slam in the Qin Shi chest, making his rib numb, departed dozens meters far. 停滞于空,掺杂幽幽灵力的风声如同瀑布倾泻,满贯的击中在秦石胸口,令他肋骨都酥麻一下,飞出几十米远。 Bang! 轰隆! Falling maliciously flies in the place, Qin Shi to pick up very long filling the heavens dust. 狠狠的摔飞在地,秦石托起很长的弥天尘埃。 Concentrates to focus, the mind is somewhat deep, recently worked is always frustrated, probably took possession to be the same by the fading god. 凝着眼,心神有些深沉,最近做事总是出师不利,好像真被衰神附体一样。 Shouted curses, after he crawled set out, Baleful Qi draws, since were the ancient times ominous beast, that can only win by spiritual power. 叫骂一声,他爬起身后将煞气收拢,既然是远古凶兽,那就只能靠灵力取胜了。 Roar Flutters in the midair, fierce tiger immensely pleased with oneself roared, probably was satirizing Qin Shi to be the same. 飘荡在半空中,猛虎洋洋得意的吼叫一声,好像是在讽刺秦石一样。 More listens more to come to be mad, Qin Shi explores in the space ring, will be dust-laden for a long time Netherworld Sword to pull out, initially firm does not dare to use in the area north of the Great Wall day, but enters this desolated jungle not to have that many to dread now. 越听越来气,秦石在空间戒指中探索一把,将尘封许久的幽冥剑掏出,当初在塞外天牢不敢动用,但现在进了这荒芜丛林就没有那么多忌惮了。 Although others fierce tiger is unarmed, he uses Netherworld Sword somewhat to act shamelessly, but this tiger has not met right? It is not considered as that the victory not military. 虽说人家猛虎赤手空拳,他用幽冥剑有些耍赖,但这老虎还会非呢对吧?不算是胜之不武。 Bah bah! 呸呸呸! With a tiger, haggles over anything. 和一头老虎,计较什么。 Shook the head, Qin Shi self-ridicules one, then after the side sets out, able to move unhindered is lifting the sword to divide toward fierce tiger. 摇了摇头,秦石自嘲一声,然后侧起身后纵横着举剑朝猛虎劈下。 This long-time does not use the weapon, hand somewhat was unfamiliar. 这长久不用兵器,手都有些生疏了。 Bang! 砰! Wild with rage the collision in the midair, the electric light flint, the blown sand fills the air. 在半空中狂怒的碰撞,电光火石,飞沙弥漫。 The fierce tiger strength is very big, resembles daughter's great cauldron, making Qin Shi grasp the Netherworld Sword tigers mouth slightly ache, one was struck to fly back to the earth. 猛虎的力量很大,就好像千金的巨鼎,令秦石握着幽冥剑的虎口略微疼痛,一下又被击飞回大地。 Both fight, fierce tiger occupies in fine weather and favorable geographical position, the Qin Shi actually continually final person and does not have, series sword-light in the palm such as sharp sword continuous ejection, bribes the vault of heaven. 两者交手间,猛虎占据天时地利,秦石却连最后的人和都没有,连环的剑光在掌心如利剑源源不断的射出,染指苍穹。 Roar The wing tiger huge body had ancient times the protecting body miraculous glow of bloodlines, sword-light is unable to injure to its slightest, superficial under crawled once more glide, approached Qin Shi. 翼虎庞大的身躯有远古血脉的护体灵光在,剑光根本无法伤到它分毫,不痛不痒下再次匍匐滑翔,逼近秦石 Spreads out void, cold wind. 虚空摊开,冷风兮兮。 Several junction under the hands / subordinates come, the share that Qin Shi was being pursued hitting, made in his heart be annoyed, his solemn seven feet son was being pursued hitting by the robust stupid tiger unexpectedly, was really the great shame. 几番交手下来,秦石只有被追着打的份,不禁令他心中懊恼起来,他堂堂七尺男儿竟被个虎头虎脑的笨虎追着打,真是奇耻大辱。 But he does not have the means that occasionally has the opportunity of hitting back to rip open void, under making the surrounding air ripple not to injure the fierce tiger half minute. 但他却没有办法,偶有还手的机会撕开虚空,令周围的空气荡漾下也是伤不到猛虎半分。 Swastika Sword , cannot break that to protect the body miraculous glow. 就连卍剑,都破不开那护体灵光。 Damn protecting body miraculous glow!” Shouted curses, Qin Shi swayed back and forth once more, rolls into the green dark jungle, some benefitted to him in the forests actually. “该死的护体灵光!”叫骂一声,秦石再次打了个滚,滚进葱郁幽暗的密林里,在林间对他来讲倒是有些地利。 Roar The fierce tiger huge body is somewhat strenuous in the forests, is looking at Qin Shi shuttles back and forth between the slits of bough and bough, many places made it move about with difficulty, is unable to pursue the shop. 猛虎庞大的身躯在林间有些吃力,望着秦石在树干和树干的缝隙间穿梭,很多地方令它行动不便,无法追铺。 Big fellow, aren't you very strong?” Lithe treading in the fallen leaves, after Qin Shi jumps jumps onto the bough, suddenly to receive Netherworld Sword, the congealing eye gets back one's composure. “大块头,你不是很强吗?”轻盈的踏在落叶间,秦石纵身跃上树干后突然收起幽冥剑,凝眼回神。 Big Buddhist relics decide!” “大舍利决!” , The black robe surrounding space sways suddenly, follows close on his forehead to have the purple string of pearls, is filling the spooky purple light flame ignition air together. 戛然间,黑袍周围的空间晃荡一下,紧跟着他的眉心处有紫色璎珞,一道弥漫着幽幽紫光的火焰点燃空气。 Following close on, the flame center seemed being broken out by the natural moat, beats in the air that divides into two, spiritual power in air receives the entire world black hole same suction probably, closes up toward the flame all round. 紧跟着,火焰中央仿佛被天堑劈开,一分为二的在空气中跳动,空气中的灵力好像受到寰宇黑洞一样的吸力,团团朝火焰靠拢。 But just closed up, actually just like liking a moth to the flame. 但刚刚靠拢,却宛如飞蛾扑火。 Under long-time saving, two golden luminous ** the rebirth is common, congeals passes through the branches and leaves for the thorough Buddhist relics, throws toward the wing tiger. 在长久的积攒下,两道金色的光亮**重生一般,凝结为透彻的舍利穿过枝叶,朝翼虎扑上。 Roar Under the oppressions of two Buddhist relics, Wang Word of wing tiger forehead wrinkles, made him feel one to dread unexpectedly. 在两道舍利的压迫下,翼虎眉心的王字皱紧,竟令他感受到一股忌惮。 Whips the wing hastily hovers over a hundred meters clear sky. 连忙拍打羽翼的翱翔上百米晴空。 Bang!! 轰隆隆!! But the speed of golden light Buddhist relics, obviously compared with the fierce tiger fast point, the golden light Buddhist relics including the move that Profound Spirit Realm big those who are able must dread, moreover Qin Shi has achieved Spirit King Realm Middle Stage now, the lethality is more intrepid. 但金光舍利的速度,显然还是要比猛虎迅捷一分,金光舍利可是连玄灵境大能者都要忌惮的招数,况且现在秦石已经达到王灵境中期,杀伤力更加强悍。 Looks in the clear sky such as the fireworks bright explosion, Qin Shi is smiling free and easy: Drinks, finished finally? Really entangles the stupid tiger of person.” 望着晴空上如烟花灿烂的爆炸,秦石洒脱一笑:“喝,总算结束了吗?真是缠人的笨虎。” Roar Does not think that just relaxed vigilant him, only listens to the vault of heaven to transmit regrets the world startled roar, the wing tiger in the dust of explosion finds out, two buckteeth puncture, is exceptionally angry. 不想,刚放松警惕的他,只听天穹上传来憾世惊吼,在爆炸的尘埃中翼虎探出,两只獠牙刺起,异常愤怒。 Has two clearly discernible holes in the protecting body miraculous glow of its side, but the hole quickly then restores under the world spiritual power nourishment such as beginning. 在它身旁的护体灵光上有两个清晰可见的窟窿,但窟窿很快便在天地灵力的养料下恢复如初。 The Qin Shi mind shakes: Damn, this protects body miraculous glow, can't injure including the big Buddhist relics definitely?” 秦石心神一震:“该死,这护体灵光,连大舍利决都伤不到吗?” Roar Although two Buddhist relics have not injured to the wing tiger, but was it of ancient times ominous beast is compelled to draw back by humanity, felt that the greatest shame, roared, everywhere star meteor. 虽说两道舍利并未真的伤到翼虎,但身为远古凶兽的它被人类逼退,感觉到莫大耻辱,怒吼一声,漫天星陨。 Bang!! 轰隆隆!! Long and narrow star tail picks up, covered the surrounding area kilometer fully, pounding of blotting out the sky entered the jungle. 狭长的星尾托起,整整笼罩了方圆千米,铺天盖地的砸入密林。 Shivers on the branch, Qin Shi calls out in alarm: „Does this stupid tiger, want levelling off this surrounding area kilometer dark jungle of?” 在树枝上颤抖一下,秦石惊呼:“这笨虎,难道想要将这方圆千米的幽暗密林给夷平?” At heart restless, if this jungle were extinguished, he once again hiding place, in the situation at that time in breaking the wing tiger protecting the body miraculous glow, he can only wait for death. 心里不安起来,若这密林被灭,他将再度藏身之处,那时候在破不了翼虎护体灵光的情况下,他只能等死。 What to do? 怎么办? Three character raps in the heart, the Qin Shi split vision fall on the severely wounded quiet wolf suddenly, a bold idea raises in the heart. 三个字敲击在心头,秦石的余光突然落在重伤的幽狼身上,一个大胆的想法在心中升起。 ! 咻! The black robe in a flash, his form disappears on the branch. 黑袍一晃,他的身影消失在枝条上。 At once, he falls before the quiet wolf body, the quiet wolf actually reveals to disdain and despise facing Qin Shi, since he is unable to break the protecting body miraculous glow of wing tiger, that impossible wound. 旋即,他落在幽狼身前,幽狼面对秦石却露出不屑和轻视,他既然无法破开翼虎的护体灵光,那也不可能伤到它。 Whiz! 嗖! But does not think that Qin Shi stands firm behind has not attacked, but takes advantage of opportunity two psychic forces in Sea of Consciousness finds out, after splitting three air waves, becomes the triangle regarding before the quiet wolf body. 但不想,秦石稳住身后并未攻击,而是将两道精神力顺势在识海中探出,分裂成三道气浪后成三角形围绕在幽狼身前。 Roar The translucent air wave made the quiet wolf tremble, he looked probably clear Qin Shi must make anything, frightened low roared. 半透明的气浪令幽狼一颤,他好像看明白秦石要做什么,恐惧的低吼一声。 Offended!” “得罪了!” Qin Shi disregards, follows close on is seeing only his closed black pupil, starts to control the triangle the spirit to tie draws in gradually, such as thousand jin (0.5 kg) giant stone the personal appearance squash of quiet wolf, protects the body to tie becomes restless. 秦石不管不顾,紧跟着只见他闭合黑眸,开始操控成三角形的精神结界渐渐收拢,如千斤巨石般将幽狼的身形压碎,就连护体结界都变得不安起来。 Roar The quiet wolf struggles unceasingly, frightened low roar. 幽狼不断挣扎,恐惧的低吼。 This stupid tiger will not let off you, dies in any case, might as well change into the demon symbol to help my arm, such I can also revenge for you!” Qin Shi low-spirited hum, Shan Zhi finds out at once: Concentrates!” “这笨虎不会放过你,横竖一死,不如化为魔符助我一臂,那样我还能替你报仇!”秦石黯然的哼声,旋即单指探出:“凝!” Bang! 砰! Bang, quiet wolf by thorough seal. 巨响一声,幽狼被彻底封印。 Realized that the Qin Shi difference, loftily Yu Kong some fierce tiger surprise, the frightened crawling lower part of the body, sneaks into the jungle to sweep across toward Qin Shi at once. 察觉到秦石的异样,傲然于空的猛虎有些诧异,旋即惊悚的匍匐下身,窜入密林朝秦石席卷。 A point, was poor. 一点,差一点了。 Forehead billowing sweat wanders about destitute, Qin Shi looks at must concentrate about immediately the quiet wolf, anxiously to the extreme. 额头滚滚的汗水流落,秦石望着马上就要凝合的幽狼,紧张到了极点。 Does not calculate blood dragon that initially died and was reborn, this is Qin Shi refines above the Heaven Rank ominous beast for the first time, the additional shoulder wing tiger is approaching toward him unceasingly, making in his heart irritable. 不算当初死而复生的血龙,这是秦石首次炼制天阶以上的凶兽,加上翼虎正在不断朝他逼近,令他心中急躁。 Roar The speed of wing tiger is extremely fast, leaves behind the remnant shade in the fallen leaf and dust, the torrential blood-stained mouth has then forced under. 翼虎的速度极快,在落叶和尘埃中留下残影,滔滔的血口便已经逼迫而下。 Became! Concentrates!” “成了!凝!” At a crucial moment, the Qin Shi black pupil evening however opens. 千钧一发,秦石黑眸暮然睁开。 Bang! 轰隆! Follows close on bang one, the blood-stained mouth of wing tiger was falling, the trim open area was raised everywhere the sand and crushed stone, such as the spider web gully dense and numerous extends toward all around, presses up to the quiet forest. 紧跟着巨响一声,翼虎的血口已是生生落下,整片空地被掀起漫天的砂石,如蛛网般的沟壑密密麻麻朝四周延绵,直逼幽林。 But the next instant, only listens to dull thumping sound one, the dust sand to be curled up more than ten meters by the hurricane high, a werewolf of whole body blue color hair branches off the leg, two two claw opening wing tiger blood-stained mouths. 但下一霎,只听闷响一声,尘沙被飓风卷起十米多高,一个满身蓝色毛发的狼人岔开腿,两只两爪生生的撑开翼虎血口。 Greatly stupid tiger, you defeated!” “大笨虎,你败了!” The werewolves are Qin Shi, on whole body hair are walking randomly the dim light without doubt, two arm strong muscles stick out suddenly the blue vein, wipes Spirit King Realm Late Stage spiritual power to surge in the summit of wind and cloud. 狼人无疑是秦石,全身毛发上游走着幽光,两臂健硕的肌肉暴起青筋,一抹王灵境后期灵力涌动在风云之巅。 Bang! 砰! Qin Shi roars, pounds down to the surface gate of wing tiger maliciously. 秦石怒吼一声,冲着翼虎的面门狠狠砸下。 Bang! 轰隆! That has the hill high huge body, a fist was hit to depart dozens meters by Qin Shi unexpectedly, is following close on the Qin Shi crawling lower part of the body, under such as throws the shoulder wing tiger to the profound arrow. 那足足有小山高的庞大身躯,竟一拳被秦石打飞出几十米,紧跟着秦石匍匐下身,咻下如离玄之箭般扑上翼虎。 The wild and primitive forms of defensive action, such as the raindrop clashes under the wing bamboo fence. 狂野而原始的攻击方式,如雨点般冲翼虎落下。 Among the quiet wolf sharp lackeys, the protecting body miraculous glow of wing tiger resembles the mountain massif avalanche, the rout becomes everywhere fluorescence, the next instant is the blood crossflow. 在幽狼锋利的爪牙间,翼虎的护体灵光好像山体崩塌,溃败成漫天荧光,下一霎便是鲜血横流。 Roar Calling out of wing tiger pain, it has not expected Qin Shi to refine the quiet wolf unexpectedly, flushed the victory that it beckons actually to change, becomes Gate of Death. 翼虎痛苦的嚎叫,它万万没有料到秦石竟能炼制幽狼,本来冲它招手的胜利却摇身一变,成为鬼门关。 Bang! 轰隆隆! The fearful strength tears into shreds fierce tiger, that bright red bloodstain moistens the full whole body, making Qin Shi happy called out one, was looking at the wing tiger of being on the verge of death, wiped the body the hair: Then, you have not died in vain, I also calculate that has revenged for you, rests above nine days well.” 可怕的力量生生将猛虎撕碎,那嫣红的血迹沾满全身,令秦石痛快的嚎叫一声,望着濒死的翼虎,抹下身躯的毛发:“这下,你没有白死,我也是算替你报仇了,在九天之上好好安息吧。” At once, he obliterates the Sea of Consciousness demon symbol, change human form bit by bit. 旋即,他才磨灭识海的魔符,一点一点的化为人形。 Tightened the black robe, he heaved a deep sigh. 紧了紧黑袍,他长叹一声。 Sits spits the foul air on the ground, then he is staring at the wing tiger of suffocation, lower jaw: Greatly stupid tiger, this you, made so distressed, that I mixed paid a price to compensate me!” 坐在地上吐了吐浊气,然后他盯着奄奄一息的翼虎,咧下嘴:“大笨虎,这次该你了,让我混的这么狼狈,那就付出点代价来补偿我吧!” ! 咻! Three psychic forces become the triangle find out in Sea of Consciousness, bit by bit covers on the wing tiger of suffocation, starts to ferment seals stamped certificate, then reduces gradually, builds up. 三股精神力成三角形在识海探出,一点一点笼罩在奄奄一息的翼虎上,开始酿制封印结界,然后渐渐缩小,炼化。 Concentrate! 凝! Had the experience of quiet wolf, this time is obviously smoother. 有了幽狼的经验,这次明显顺利很多。 Three points tie concentrate to gather, four mark golden demon Fu Luo in Qin Shi, made his together gratified smiled: Had this wing tiger demon symbol, the next time should not be distressed.” 三点结界凝合,一道四纹金色的魔符落在秦石手里,令他不由的欣慰一笑:“有了这翼虎魔符,下一次应该不会太狼狈了。” Shout! 呼! Long implored one, was enjoyed the spoils of war the time. 长吁一声,接下来就是享受战利品的时候了。 He pats the dust on black robe, after crawling sets out, arrives by the central old tree, takes off in this old tree general all Continued life fruit of blossoming and bearing fruit. 他拍掉黑袍上的灰尘,爬起身后走到中央的古树旁,在这古树上将所有开花结果的续命果摘下。 Calculates that has more than 30. 算一算,足足有30多枚。 Continued life fruit in thinking over hand, shouldering corners of the mouth of Qin Shi satisfied: This at least hundred days will not receive nibbling of forgetting sad corpse insect again, how then should think to leave this damned place.” 掂量掂量手中的续命果,秦石满意的挑起嘴角:“这样至少百天内不会再受忘忧尸虫的蚕食,接下来就该想想如何离开这鬼地方了。” Puff! 噗! But at this time, a dull thumping sound behind was resounding suddenly, makes just to relax in the vigilant Qin Shi heart one startled, the evening however looked back. 但这时,一声闷响突然在身后响起,令刚刚放松警惕的秦石心中一惊,暮然回首。 Sees only, in green dark forest, there is a frail beautiful figure whole body to be together bright red, falling that puff passes on the ground. 只见,在葱郁幽暗的林中,有一道单薄的倩影满身鲜红,噗通的摔在地上。
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