PDL :: Volume #4

#315: Colored zero

Who?” “谁?” Qin Shi is excited, so long as some people can leave, that explained that this knot can only enter by no means that cannot leave, is hopeful. 秦石激动起来,只要有人能离开,那就说明这结界并非只能进,不能出,就有希望。 Now Mysterious Palace palace host: Hua Ling.” “当今玄殿殿主:花零。” Inspiration of pigeon low and deep face, said. 白鸽低沉个脸的吸口气,道。 Hua Ling? Two character heavy falling, probably the vault of heaven highest heaven for this reason becomes darker. 花零?两字沉重的落下,好像天穹九霄都为此变得更加幽暗。 Rumble. 咕噜。 Qin Shi surprised opening mouth, Mysterious Palace palace host? 秦石惊讶的张大嘴,玄殿殿主? In East District the control of strongest influence, Scarlet Flame Empire five big to high influence, endures the Mysterious Palace palace host compared with palace wall?” 东方区域中最强势力的掌控,赤炎帝国五大至高势力中,堪比皇城的玄殿殿主?” „Had she once also entered the desolated jungle?” “她也曾进过荒芜丛林?” Under pigeon, lazily [say / way]: Evidently, aren't you East District person? The Mysterious Palace palace advocates the desolated jungle in East District is not the secret, here fortunate matter is since she spreads.” 白鸽点下头,懒洋洋的道:“看样子,你不是东方区域的人吧?玄殿殿主进荒芜丛林在东方区域可不是秘密,这里充满机遇的事就是从她流传出去。” So that's how it is “原来如此” Under after Qin Shi, pursues question: How does she leave?” 秦石点下头后追问句:“那她是怎么离开的?” Does not know, nobody knows that this issue for dozens years throughout is a riddle.” The pigeon shakes the head, said: Hua Ling palace host goes out of desolated jungle, at one fell swoop overawes East District, and will take office the Mysterious Palace palace host to strike to kill, captures the position of palace host.” “不知道,也没人知道,这个问题在几十年来始终是个谜。”白鸽摇摇头,道:“花零殿主走出荒芜丛林,就一举威震东方区域,并且将上任玄殿殿主击杀,夺取殿主之位。” But before, nobody knew her, therefore everyone / influential family started to guess that was what opportunity she has met in the desolated jungle, from now on person group by group will start crazily fell into the desolated jungle.” “但在之前,没有人认识她,所以大家就开始猜测,是不是她在荒芜丛林里遇到了什么样的机遇,自此一批一批的人开始疯狂的陷入荒芜丛林。” She controls Mysterious Palace, exiles the desolated jungle the elder of Mysterious Palace older generation completely, and pledged them, if can live coming back, entrusts with heavy responsibility surely.” “她掌控玄殿,将玄殿老一辈的长老全部流放进荒芜丛林,并且承诺他们若是能活着回来,必定重用。” Later, East District influential or small clan imitates, but nobody can leave this desolated jungle from beginning to end, even if Mysterious Palace these old monsters do not have.” Strokes the mouth call, pigeon said painstakingly. “之后,东方区域大家小家纷纷效仿,但至始至终都无人能离开这荒芜丛林,就算玄殿那些老妖怪也没有。”捋一捋嘴叫,白鸽苦道。 Under Qin Shi, in the heart is somewhat frightened. 秦石点下头,心中有些惊悚。 But he has not given up, since initially Hua Ling can leave, he certainly can leave, he does not think that he is worse than anybody. 但他并未放弃,既然当初花零能离开,那他就一定能离开,他不认为他比任何人差。 Looks at Qin Shi to be silent, the pigeon said: Looked that you just entered desolated jungle, the desolated jungle is an inhuman place, the person here to survive any matter can do, your words are really the danger. Might as well with me together? In that my also some friends, the everyone / influential family same place, has to take care.” 秦石沉默,白鸽道:“看你刚入荒芜丛林,荒芜丛林是个人吃人的地方,在这里的人为了生存什么事都能做出来,你自己的话实属危险。不如和我一起?在那面我还有些朋友,大家一起,有个照应。” The Qin Shi silent meeting, rejects the pigeon finally, thanked: Many thanks pigeon big brother, a little brother person has been used to sloppily, did not put to trouble to you.” 秦石沉默一会,最终还是拒绝白鸽,谢道:“多谢白鸽大哥,小弟一个人散漫惯了,就不给你们添麻烦了。” Hears this saying, the pigeon is some accidents, after all in this desolated jungle, a person is almost impossible to survive, but he just about to opens the mouth, actually sees the face of Qin Shi to renounce resolutely, making him start to speak but hesitate. 听到这话,白鸽是有些意外的,毕竟在这荒芜丛林里,一个人几乎不可能生存下去,但他刚要开口,却见秦石的面庞刚毅决绝,令他欲言又止。 Finally is silent, the pigeon could see that the Qin Shi status is uncommon, how many status but also has in this desolated jungle mediocrely? 最终沉默一下,白鸽看得出秦石身份不凡,但在这荒芜丛林里又有几个身份平庸的呢? But he not in reluctantly Qin Shi, but pulls out two Continued life fruit to give Qin Shi, said: Since you decide yourself, I do not force, Continued life fruit may make the forgetting sad corpse insect quiet on the 3rd, Continued life fruit on my hand are not many, these two fruits you take away, in the future must depend on you.” 但他并未在勉强秦石,只是掏出两枚续命果递给秦石,道:“既然你决定自己,那我也不勉强了,一枚续命果可令忘忧尸虫沉寂三日,我手上的续命果也不多了,这两枚果子你拿去,往后就要靠你自己了。” Qin Shi is somewhat accidental. 秦石有些意外。 They usually meet by chance, the pigeon waited him to be very good, especially half step treadonned the place of Gate of Death in this type, making Qin Shi be moved. 两人平时相逢,白鸽待他很不错了,特别是在这种半步脚踏进鬼门关的地方,令秦石不由感动一下。 But actually his silent, has not gone to shirk received two fruits, the laughter: Many thanks pigeon big brother, this sentiment little brother has remembered, day will certainly repay to you.” 他沉默一下,倒没去推脱的接过两枚果子,笑声:“多谢白鸽大哥,这份情小弟记住了,有一天一定会偿还给你。” He he, everyone / influential family in this desolated jungle takes the head to live, said that whom does not permit to live how long, perhaps tomorrow will be, or next year , may be the next second.” The pigeon spoke of this, said: Therefore, repays anything, when lives fortunately is saying goodbye, was discussing.” “呵呵,在这荒芜丛林里大家都是提着脑袋活着,说不准谁能活多久,说不定是明天,或者明年,也可能是下一秒。”白鸽说到这,顿道:“所以,偿还什么,等有幸活着再见时,在谈论吧。” Good luck.” “祝你好运。” The pigeon beckoned with the hand with a smile, after speaking these words, then sets out to vanish in the dark jungle. 白鸽笑着摆了摆手,说完这段话后便起身消失在幽暗的密林里。 Display of vigour and vitality, dawn motley in forest. 旭日东升,晨曦斑驳在林中。 Spacious standing is tying mouth, Qin Shi feels the gentle dawn, looks the back that the pigeon is vanishing to smile free and easy: He he, bye? Certain meeting.” 空旷的站在结界口,秦石感受到温柔的晨曦,望着白鸽消失的背影洒脱一笑:“呵呵,再见吗?一定会。” The pigeon walked, he suddenly does not know that should make anything, does not know where should go. 白鸽走了,他一时间也不知道该做什么,更不知道该去哪里。 This desolated jungle is very big, but does not have his institute of taking shelter. 这荒芜丛林很大,但却没有他的容身之所。 First looks to select Continued life fruit, otherwise nine days later knows where should go, when the time comes wants to cry not to have the place to cry on the road to Hades.” Qin Shi has patted the chest, once more thorough desolated jungle. “先找点续命果吧,否则九天以后就知道该去哪里了,到时候在黄泉路上想哭都没地方哭。”秦石拍了拍胸口,再次深入荒芜丛林。 He knows that just left the area north of the Great Wall day firm that tiger's den, the present enters Lungtan thoroughly, in a short time wanted to leave this desolated jungle to fear that was not quite realistic, can only try to find the solution slowly. 他知道,刚离开塞外天牢那个虎穴,现在算是彻底进入龙潭了,短时间内想要离开这个荒芜丛林怕是不太现实,只能慢慢想办法了。 A wave has not put down one wave to get up, were takes possession by the fading god? 一波未平一波又起,难道自己是被衰神附体了吗? Qin Shi cannot bear shouted curses, direction that then faced north, was welcoming northern vault of heaven light nan one: Does not know that in the family how, Burning Sky Sect did have to feel embarrassed Qin sect and Qin Family.” 秦石忍不住的叫骂一声,然后所面对的方向正是北方,迎着北方的苍穹不禁轻喃一声:“不知道家里那面怎么样了,焚天宗有没有为难秦宗和秦家。” Elder Sister Yu and Qiao'er do not know where is at! Yeah, real his mother is upset!” Somewhat is at heart rash, thorough jungle gradually. 玉姐巧儿也不知道在哪!哎,真他妈闹心!”心里有些毛躁,渐渐的深入丛林。 Mingles among the jungle, quick 34 days of pass by, he has swallowed second Continued life fruit, but Continued life fruit had not actually found. 在丛林里混迹,很快34天的时间过去,他已经吞下第二枚续命果,但却一枚续命果都没找到。 Somewhat is angry. 不禁有些恼怒。 If in this way, that may really only be able to wait for that the forgetting sad corpse insect nibbled dead him. 如果在这样下去,那可就真的只能等待忘忧尸虫将他蚕食而死了。 Cannot die, certainly cannot die, some of his also many matters must do. 不能死,一定不能死,他还有许多事要做。 Roar Suddenly, roars the turbulence shockingly in the wooded mountain. 突然,一声惊世怒吼在山林中动荡。 This sound is scary, among the jungle that makes the fallen leaf soughs, the bird is startled to fly, evidently at least is roaring that Heaven Rank Desolate Beast can send. 这声音非常骇人,弄的密林间落叶飒飒,鸟雀惊飞,看样子至少是天阶荒兽才能发出来的吼叫。 Qin Shi pats the withered branches and leaves that on the black robe contaminates, concentrates to focus to take advantage of opportunity escapes in the sound transmission direction, in five feeling unusual his pupils the none remaining opens and closes, pierces beyond the kilometer. 秦石拍下黑袍上沾染的干枯枝叶,凝着眼顺势朝声音传递的方向远遁,五感超凡的他眸中精光开合,洞穿千米之外。 By the dense and numerous trunk and branches slits, the field of vision kilometer away falls in his pupil, sees only in the jungle two kilometers away, the spacious open areas, the air-to-surface center has an old tree towering to the skies. 透过密密麻麻的枝干缝隙,千米外的视野落在他的眸中,只见在两千米外的密林中,有一处空旷的空地,空地中央有一颗参天古树。 The old tree reaches to the sky, some branch shape willow tree that the thickness that the bough has three people of surrounding, lets fall, but stated differently the leaf for the fresh and tender orange, occasionally blossoms and bears fruit, orange fruit. 古树高耸入云,树干有三人环抱的粗细,垂落的枝条有些像柳树,但不同的是叶子为鲜嫩的橙色,偶有开花结果,橙色果实。 Is Continued life fruit?” “是续命果?” One in the Qin Shi pupil kilometer away bright, was that fruit not just he sought for four days of Continued life fruit? 远在千米外的秦石眸中一亮,那果实不正是他寻找了四天的续命果吗? After, he is low and deep. 只是临近后,他不由低沉一番。 Has two wild wild animals to confront to stand in the open area under old tree, one is the bleached hair blue eyes, carries the minister to have fierce tiger of two strong wings, forehead scary Wang Ziman Venerable the prestige. 在古树下的空地上有两只蛮荒野兽对峙而立,一头是金毛碧眼,背部长有两只健硕羽翼的猛虎,额头骇人的王字满是尊威。 In it opposite, is a quiet blue great wolf is dormant, is sharp the hair to stand upright is similar to the hedgehog, the build wants the huge several points compared with fierce tiger unexpectedly. 在它对面,是一头幽蓝色的巨狼蛰伏,尖尖着毛发挺立如同刺猬,体型竟比猛虎更要庞大几分。 What Desolate Beast is this? Have I seen unexpectedly never?” Is looking at two strange ominous beasts, hides screws tight in Qin Shi of distant place at heart. “这是什么荒兽?我竟从未见过?”望着两尊诡异的凶兽,躲在远处的秦石心里不由拧紧。 Is Demonic Talisman Master, he reads through hundred beasts, but these two Desolate Beast actually continually hear has not heard, simply did not have any record in the past books. 身为符魔师,他通读百兽,但这两只荒兽却是连听闻都未曾听闻过,在以往的书籍里根本没有任何记载。 Especially that has fierce tiger of wing. 特别是那带有羽翼的猛虎 These two Desolate Beast strengths in the Heaven Rank over five levels, are equal to human Spirit King Realm Middle Stage. 这两头荒兽的实力均在天阶五级以上,相当于人类王灵境中期 But stated differently, on the bodies of two ominous beasts, the Qin Shi induction arrival stems from dreading of moral nature deep place, this type dreaded, even if many Profound Spirit Realm big those who are able cannot take to him. 但不同的是,在两头凶兽的身上,秦石感应到来源于心底深处的忌惮,这种忌惮即便是许多玄灵境大能者都不能带给他的。 Roar Quiet wolf great roar, the war is ready to be set off, its claw faces forward to find out one meter only, at once opens the dense fang then to nip toward fierce tiger. 幽狼巨吼,大战一触即发,它单爪朝前探出一米有余,旋即张开森然的獠牙便朝猛虎咬下。 Roar Refusing to admit being inferior fierce tiger bows to meet head-on similarly. 不甘示弱的猛虎同样弓身迎战。 Bang! 轰隆隆! The miraculous glows of two big games move to make the wooded mountain turbulent, when fights each time the collision sound that has is deafening, trembles with fear for it including the earth several points. 两头巨兽的灵光触碰令山林动荡,每次交手时产生的碰撞声都震耳欲聋,连大地都为其惊颤几分。 An confrontation next week by affected life Tu Tan, some fierce tiger relative superiority, the back wing makes him circle in the orange branches and leaves in midair, once for a while initiates the sneak attack to the rough sea waves. 一番交锋下周遭被波及的生灵涂炭,猛虎相对来讲还是有些优势,背后的羽翼令他盘旋在半空中的橙色枝叶里,时不时的冲巨浪发起偷袭。 Looks at two sides to fight, the binding tightly black robe that Qin Shi throughout has not actually moved hides after the tree: He he, is this sits Shan Guanhu to fight? It is not right, should be observes oppressor to fight.” 望着两方交手,秦石却始终未动的裹紧黑袍躲在树后:“呵呵,这就是坐山观虎斗吗?不对,应该是观虎狼斗。” Hits, making me be the inferior elderly fisherman.” “打吧,让我做次渔翁。” In Qin Shi heart badly bad sneers, the vision calculates Continued life fruit on central old tree, actually has a look to have several. 秦石心中坏坏的冷笑一声,目光则盘算起中央古树上的续命果,看看究竟能有几颗。 Roar Fought to continue half double-hour. 打斗持续了半个时辰。 After half double-hour, great wolf is inferior to obviously, it in fierce tiger with sky does not have the least bit means that does not get the following to have four to run away. 半个时辰后,巨狼明显不及,它是拿天空上的猛虎没有半点办法,不得以下只得四下逃窜。 But obviously, fierce tiger impossible to the opportunity that it runs away, calls out one, the back wing extends the even glide, arrow of Cheng Lixuan the gives a tongue-lashing the tooth under. 但显然,猛虎不可能给它逃窜的机会,嚎叫一声,背部的羽翼伸平滑翔,成离玄之箭般呲牙而下。 Bang!! 轰隆!! That great wolf just ran several meters, the body maliciously was then flown by collision, then falling loudly after the ground made the earth split several profound gullies, the gully greedy several old trees to pull up. 那巨狼刚跑出几米,身子便被狠狠的撞飞出去,然后轰然的摔在地上后令大地裂开几道深邃沟壑,沟壑贪婪的将几棵古树拔起。 Roar Strikes to fly the great wolf, fierce tiger holds up the head to throw out the chest calls out one, the bright red blood-stained mouth is announcing the victory likely. 将巨狼击飞,猛虎昂头挺胸的嚎叫一声,鲜红的血口像是在宣布着胜利。 ! 咻! But at this time, a shadow sped away along the rear jungle, the corners of the mouth of Qin Shi shouldered slightly: Hey, fierce tiger throws the wolf, Qin Shi after! Evil Spirit Totem!” 但这时,一道黑影顺后方密林疾驰而出,秦石的嘴角略微挑起:“嘿嘿,猛虎扑狼,秦石在后!邪魔图腾!” Bang!! 轰隆!! Evil Spirit Totem such as the boiling water ebullition, massive black Baleful Qi wind around to leap, unexpectedly corrodes toward fierce tiger in howling throws. 邪魔图腾如开水沸腾,大量的黑色煞气缭绕跃出,在呼啸间蓦地朝猛虎腐蚀的扑上去。 Sudden Baleful Qi made fierce tiger lower roars, after looking back saw Qin Shi, secret grudge and anger everywhere: Roar 突如其来的煞气猛虎低吼一声,回首望见秦石后满目的幽怨和愤怒:“吼” Calls out in the sound, probably is giving scolding Qin Shi to be mean. 嚎叫声中,好像在痛骂秦石卑鄙。 He he, there can never be too much deception in war, who called you are the tiger is not a soldier right?” The appearance of Qin Shi whole face rascal, saw that Baleful Qi will soon wrap fierce tiger, the corners of the mouth chuckle. “呵呵,兵不厌诈,谁叫你是虎不是兵呢对吧?”秦石满脸无赖的模样,眼看着煞气即将包裹住猛虎,嘴角轻笑。 Bang! 轰! But unexpectedly, that superficial radian was just supine, is similar to frozen stiff in corners of the mouth. 但不料,那浅淡的弧度刚刚仰起,便如同冰封的僵硬在嘴角。 The black pupil of Qin Shi stares suddenly, sees only in the time that fierce tiger soon and Baleful Qi will move, in its body all around will emerge the translucent halo miraculous glow. 秦石的黑眸猛然一瞪,只见在猛虎即将和煞气触碰的时刻,在它身躯的周遭涌现出半透明的光晕灵光。 Protects the body miraculous glow?” “护体灵光?” The vision does not dare to believe stares at that miraculous glow, in the Qin Shi heart is sinking: „, This was fierce tiger also the antiquity ominous beast?” 目光不敢置信的盯着那灵光,秦石心中一沉:“难道,这猛虎也是上古凶兽?” Not is only fierce tiger, after Baleful Qi cannot swallow fierce tiger, fierce exudes several howling sounds, starts unscrupulously throws toward the severely wounded great wolf. 不光是猛虎,煞气吞噬不下猛虎后狰狞的发出几道呼啸声,开始肆无忌惮的朝重伤巨狼扑去。 But in close great wolf, on the great wolf sends out the weak protecting body miraculous glow similarly. 但在接近巨狼,巨狼身上同样散发出微弱的护体灵光。 This, Qin Shi has been shocked, everywhere inconceivable and startled accommodates. 这一下,秦石惊呆了,满目的不可思议和惊容。 Did not say that the bloodlines in the ancient times war was broken, did the massive ancient times uncultivated land ominous beast already vanish? 不是说,在远古大战时血脉残破,大量远古荒凶兽早已绝迹了吗? The forgetting sad corpse insect, the Youlan great wolf, wing fierce tiger, just entered the desolated jungle short four days, presented three ancient times ominous beasts unexpectedly. 忘忧尸虫,幽兰巨狼,羽翼猛虎,刚进荒芜丛林短短四天,竟已经出现了三种远古凶兽。 When gets up, ancient times the ominous beast changed wasn't so valuable? 何时起,远古凶兽变的这么不值钱了? No wonder, the pigeon said that forgetting sad corpse insect, is only the tip of the iceberg of desolated jungle 难怪,白鸽说忘忧尸虫,只是荒芜丛林的冰山一角
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