PDL :: Volume #4

#314: Forgetting sad corpse insect

( Full text reading) (全文阅读) General Gongsun, old?” “公孙将军,苍老?” Peng Song has not recovered, was shaken by two strong gales draws back, looks that sudden two opened mouth, startled [say / way]. 彭松没回过神来,就被两股烈风震退,看着突如其来的两人张了张嘴,惊道。 They have not managed him, is only palm one, after wiping the invisible miraculous glow departs, in smelling that the desolated jungle surrounding makes an effort, probably digs three feet also to dig out the Qin Shi position to be the same, but actually carelessly is finally in a tumult, then rushes completely fully that is on knot of ripples. 两人并未理他,只是手掌一摊,一抹无形的灵光飞出后在荒芜丛林外围使劲的嗅嗅,好像掘地三尺也要挖出秦石的位置一样,但最终却只是胡乱骚动一番,然后全部涌向那满是涟漪的结界上。 Looks askance at to explore the spiritual power difference, frowned old, cold sound track that flower sends: It seems like, was late one step?” 睨视探索灵力的异样,花发的苍老皱起眉头,冷声道:“看来,还是晚了一步?” In this sound, many somewhat blamed. 这声音中,多少有些责怪。 hears that sound, male Sun Yan's complexion is somewhat ashamed: „ Um, but well enters the desolated jungle in him, the desolated jungle besides that person, nobody lives radically is coming out he also to be no exception. 闻声,公孙岩的面色有些羞愧:“嗯,但好在他是进入荒芜丛林,荒芜丛林除了那个人以外,根本没有人活着出来过他一定也不会例外。 Was a pity that his Demonic Talisman Master ability cannot use for us.” “只是可惜,他符魔师的能力不能为我们所用啊。” He he, you looked down on him, before I had said with you, this child, if cannot use for oneself, must eliminate it!” “呵呵,你太小瞧他了,之前我就和你说过,此子若不能为己所用,必除之!” The old sound is somewhat dignified: You prayed that this line of he, if dies in the desolated jungle, all are actually senseless, but he, if can come out, the consequence is not your I can withstand!” 苍老的声音有些凝重:“你祈祷吧,此行他若死在荒芜丛林,一切倒是无谓,但他若是能从中出来,后果不是你我能承受住的!” Um?” “嗯?” Male Sun Yan's voice somewhat shivers: What leaves this word? A Spirit King Realm boy, even if Demonic Talisman Master, can turn the big spray?” 公孙岩的声音有些颤抖:“何出此言?一个王灵境的小子,就算是符魔师,又能翻起多大浪花?” He he, initial Burning Sky Sect, with your same idea.” Sneers old densely, has not been talking too much, in a flash disperses. “呵呵,当初的焚天宗,也是和你一样的想法。”苍老森然冷笑,没在多言,一晃而散。 The voice such as the morning bell falls to the ground, the person keeps male Sun Yan to be in-situ. 话音如晨钟落地,徒留公孙岩愣在原地。 Desolated jungle deep place. 荒芜丛林深处。 After Qin Shi swayed back and forth on the weed ground, crawls frisking and scampering that sets out not to return to escape. 秦石在杂草地上打了个滚,爬起身后头都不回的撒欢远遁。 Until being sweating profusely, he is supporting the stopping body of knees. 直到满头大汗,他才撑着双膝的停下身。 Looks back in the wooded mountains bustling branches and leaves, sees nobody to pursue Qin Shi to relax at heart, traces the sweat of forehead to say with a smile: Hasn't pursued?” 回首透过山林间熙攘的枝叶,见无人追来秦石心里才松了口气,摸摸额头的汗水笑道:“没追进来吗?” It seems like is too confident to this desolated jungle, did not have the confidence to me. He he, has no person exited? I want to take a look but actually, actually this desolated jungle has any fearful place.” “看来是对这荒芜丛林太有信心,还是对我太没信心了。呵呵,从来没有人出去过吗?我倒想瞧瞧,这荒芜丛林究竟有什么可怕之处。” The spout foul air, after he has bound the black robe, along all around looks all around, he discovered that he already in the center of desolated jungle, the surroundings are somewhat miserable darkly. 吐出口浊气,他裹了裹黑袍后沿着周遭环顾,他发现他已经在荒芜丛林的中央,周围有些凄凉幽暗。 But except for miserable dark, has not actually discovered the difference. 但除了凄凉幽暗,却并未发现异样。 Therefore, he on the contrary and restless wrinkling brow, this type hides the potential hazard in darkness, is he most repugnant. 为此,他倒反而不安的皱紧眉头,这种隐藏在黑暗里的潜在危险,是他最讨厌的了。 Walks in the desolated jungle along the way, he had not discovered the least bit the difference, is only in the heart slightly somewhat sad. 沿途在荒芜丛林里行走一圈,他仍是未找出半点的异样,只是心中略微的有些沉闷。 Starts not to care, but sad feeling is even more intense, until resembles the giant stone to press finally in his chest, making him feel suffocated pain. 开始到不在意,但沉闷感越发强烈,直至最后好像有一块巨石压在他的胸口,令他感觉到窒息般的痛苦。 Virulent?” “有毒?” The long-time depression, Qin Shi partly squats down behind spreads out the palm, stares at one toward above, at heart one tight. 长久的苦闷,秦石半蹲下身后摊开掌心,朝上面凝望一眼,心里不由一紧。 In the miraculous glow, he sees over a hundred over a thousand green differences suddenly the facula, these faculae are similar to the toxin differences, very tiny, mingles among the air, enters within the body following his oral cavity, is nibbling his spiritual power unceasingly. 在灵光中,他突然看见有上百上千的青色异样的光斑,这些光斑如同毒素异样,非常的渺小,就混迹在空气里,顺着他的口腔进入体内,正在不断的蚕食他的灵力 „Is this desolated jungle fearful place?” “这就是荒芜丛林的可怕之处吗?” Stares toxin that on spiritual power is walking randomly, Qin Shi look low and deep revolution spiritual power, tries to discharge outside body it. 盯着灵力上游走的毒素,秦石眼神低沉的运转灵力,试图将其排出体外。 But actually will discover for a long time from now on fruitless, can only light snort: Really is the cut-throat toxin, this toxin Profound Spirit Realm big energy, if doesn't have the antidote also only to be nibbled? No wonder nobody can live departure.” 但许久过后却发现无果,只能轻哼一声:“真是凶狠的毒,这种毒就算玄灵境大能,若是没有解药的话也只能被生生蚕食吧?难怪没人能活着离开。” Qin Shi is suddenly enlighted, this toxin is truly fierce, perhaps suffices very terrifying deterrent force to the Profound Spirit Realm person, but he actually unhurriedly sneers, one bottled the jade bottle of Yin red bloodstain was finding out, falls in the hand. 秦石恍然大悟,这毒确实厉害,或许对玄灵境的人够有非常恐怖的威慑力,但他却不慌不忙的冷笑一声,一瓶装着殷红色血迹的玉瓶探出,落在手中。 Rumble! 咕噜! He lifts the hand, then a light min drop in bottle mouth, this toxin is perhaps useful to others, but his fearless, purple Ling blood has not actually restrained hundred toxins, world not puzzled toxin. 他抬起手,便在瓶口上轻抿一滴,这毒或许对别人有用,但他却不曾无惧,紫玲莎的血液克制百毒,天下无不解之毒。 The purple Ling blood emerges oral cavity, wipes the scarlet irritating the nose taste to irrigate the whole body. 紫玲莎的血液涌入口腔,一抹猩红的刺鼻味灌溉全身。 But followed close on Qin Shi actually to be startled being startled, he discovered that the luminous spot in within the body has not diverged, instead probably saw the treasure to be the same, invaded toward the purple Ling blood drop. 但紧跟着秦石却怔了怔,他发现体内的光点并未散去,反而好像看见珍宝一样,朝着紫玲莎的血滴蜂拥而上。 The short several rests, the purple Ling blood was then nibbled by surely the luminous spot, after nibbling the purple Ling blood, the luminous spot is not only poisoned, instead has grown up much. 短短几息,紫玲莎的血液便被千万光点蚕食,蚕食掉紫玲莎的血液以后,光点不但没有被毒害,反而长大了不少。 How possible? Couldn't the purple Ling blood solve this toxin unexpectedly?” “怎么可能?紫玲莎的血竟解不了这毒?” This, Qin Shi realized that serious of matter, follows close on him to twist the eyebrow to spy on within the body, is looking by the bloodlines that the toxin covers suddenly one startled: Damn, isn't this poisonous? Is this insect?” 这一下,秦石才意识到事情的严重,紧跟着他拧眉窥探体内,望着被毒素覆盖的血脉才恍然一惊:“该死,这不是毒?这是虫子?” Is staring in within the body by the purple Ling bloodlines the toxin of growth, these toxin unexpectedly completely are the small insects, is growing the translucent wing, in his within the body unscrupulous random walk, nibbles. 盯着体内受紫玲莎血脉而成长的毒素,这些毒素竟然全部是小小的虫子,一个一个长着半透明的羽翼,在他体内肆无忌惮的游走,蚕食。 Forgetting sad corpse insect. 忘忧尸虫。 A fearful word wells up the Qin Shi mind. 一个可怕的词涌上秦石脑海。 He once had looked in the ancient book: The forgetting sad corpse insect, one of the antiquity ominous beasts, was one type is tiny, closes right up against nibbles the human body spiritual power flesh and blood the parasite of survival. 他曾在古书上看过:忘忧尸虫,上古凶兽之一,是一种非常渺小,靠着蚕食人体灵力血肉而生存的寄生虫。 In antiquity, some hundred zhang (333m) thousand zhang (3.33 m) savage beast of prey, defeat that if by the forgetting sad corpse insect parasitism , can only be incapable of finally in their hands, degenerates into skeleton. 在上古,一些百丈千丈的凶残猛兽,但一旦被忘忧尸虫寄生,最终也只能无力的败在他们手上,沦为骸骨 This is the fearfulness of forgetting sad corpse insect. 这就是忘忧尸虫的可怕。 Unexpectedly is the forgetting sad corpse insect?” Qin Shi is at heart anxious, this realized that he looked down on this desolated jungle, was extremely proud. “竟然是忘忧尸虫?”秦石心里紧张一下,这才意识到他太小瞧这荒芜丛林了,太过自负了。 But he has not given up, even if not the toxin, treats Desolate Beast he also to have his original way, that is Evil Spirit Totem. 但他并未放弃,即便不是毒素,对待荒兽他也有他独到的方式,那就是邪魔图腾 Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! Thinks of this, he starts to stimulate to movement Totem, black Baleful Qi rolls along within the body, fires into the forgetting sad corpse insect in within the body blood. 想到这,他开始催动图腾,黑色的煞气沿着体内滚动,冲向体内血液中的忘忧尸虫。 Bang! 轰! But what is accidental, Baleful Qi will soon be moving the instance of forgetting sad corpse insect, actually by together halo impediment outside, was made him in consternation. 但意外的是,煞气在即将触碰到忘忧尸虫的瞬间,竟然被一道光晕生生的阻挡在外,令他愕然。 This protects the body miraculous glow?” “这是护体灵光?” The low and deep under eye, Qin Shi then recalls that will have them alone to protect the body miraculous glow from the ancient times ominous beast, like initial Xiaomi Cai. 低沉下眼,秦石这才回想起来,来自远古的凶兽会有他们独自的护体灵光,就像当初的小米彩一样。 Evil Spirit is not good, that 邪魔也不行,那么 Must find the way to leave immediately. 必须要马上想办法离开。 How long otherwise does not need, not only will repair to be nibbled, the flesh and blood also will be swallowed by the forgetting sad corpse insect, finally only will then change into the fate of bones of the dead. 否则不需要多久,不仅修为会被蚕食,就连血肉也会被忘忧尸虫吞噬,最终只有化为白骨的下场。 Thinks of this, he deliberately considered that the thin psychic force will offer a sacrifice, all around along the way is swaying is seeking for the exit, until moving left desolated knot relaxed, wants not to think faces forward to directly soar. 想到这,他寻思将稀薄的精神力祭出,沿途在周遭晃荡的寻找着出口,直到触碰到左侧的荒芜结界才松了口气,想都不想的朝前直奔上去。 Less than 20,000 meters distance, once suddenly matter to Qin Shi, this time actually delayed half an hour reluctantly arrived. 20000米不到的距离,曾经对秦石来讲眨眼间的事,这次却耽搁了半个钟头才勉强抵达。 Found finally.” “总算找到了。” Arrives at left knot, Qin Shi is supporting the knee relaxes, no matter what is smooth. 来到左侧的结界,秦石撑着膝盖的不禁松口气,不管怎么说还算顺利。 The forgetting sad corpse insect in within the body are getting more and more, making the uphold hand that he does not do to delay shove open to tie. 体内的忘忧尸虫越来越多,令他不干耽搁的抬起手去推开结界。 Smack! 碰! But all arrived here not to be smooth smoothly, in his slender fingertip just moved in tying on instant, the spiritual power unexpectedly inexplicable disorder in within the body gets up, a wild with rage strength shakes him suddenly flies. 但一切的顺利到这里就不顺利了,在他修长的指尖刚刚触碰在结界上的刹那,体内的灵力竟莫名的紊乱起来,一股狂怒之力猛然将他震飞。 Um?” “嗯?” Shakes flies several meters to stop body, his forehead is dignified immediately. 震飞十几米才停下身,他的眉宇顿时凝重起来。 Can't open? 打不开? Not a good thought well ups: What's all this about? The strength in this knot is probably same like the quarry stone, once I move above, insane same will pour into my within the body, my spiritual power ignition.” 一个不好的念头涌上心头:“这是怎么回事?这结界中的力量好像如乱石一样,我一旦触碰到上面,就会疯一样灌入我的体内,将我的灵力点燃。” In heart restless is thinking, he once more exploratory uphold hand, toward light space in moves. 心中不安的想着,他再次试探性的抬起手,朝光宇上不禁的触碰一下。 Smack! 碰! The similar result, shakes him once more flies. 同样的结果,再次将他震飞。 This time, he realized that he had troublesome. 这一次,他才意识到他有麻烦了。 The forgetting sad corpse insect in within the body, has nibbled his spiritual power completely, if not for within the body has to protect country big Fu Wen to support, feared that was must start to nibble his flesh and blood. 体内的忘忧尸虫,已经将他的灵力蚕食殆尽,若不是体内有护国大阵的符文支撑,怕是已经要开始蚕食他的血肉了。 „It is not good, must leave this, some of my many matters have not done, certainly cannot die in this!” Qin Shi clenched teeth, lifts the hand toward tying once more tears under. “不行,必须要离开这,我还有很多事没做,一定不能死在这!”秦石咬了咬牙,再次抬手朝结界撕扯而下。 Bang! clatter! 嗒! But at this time, a dry hand found out, seemed like the 30-year-old middle age, actually whole body thin somewhat frightened, a vitality did not have. 但这时,一只枯手探出,一名看似只有30岁的中年,却全身上下精瘦的有些惊悚,一点生机都没有。 This person holds Qin Shi wrist, the forced smile life: Boy, do not take the effort, this knot can only enter, cannot leave!” 这人抓住秦石手腕,苦笑一生:“小子,别费力气了,这结界只能进,不能出!” What?” “什么?” Qin Shi dignified low roar: Only can enter, can't leave?” 秦石凝重低吼:“只能进,不能出?” The thin middle-aged person nods, then the dry hand searches, in the hand is grasping a cherry color fruit of nail size, said: This you eat up first, can alleviate the forgetting sad corpse insect of your within the body.” 精瘦的中年人点点头,然后枯手一探,手中握着一颗指甲大小的樱色果子,道:“这个你先吃下,能缓解你体内的忘忧尸虫。” Can alleviate the forgetting sad corpse insect? 能缓解忘忧尸虫? Has sucked the tongue, the Qin Shi half believing, half doubting receiving fruit, the psychic force, in the place above walks randomly, sees in swallowing lower belly that and is not affected much. 咂了咂舌,秦石将信将疑的接过果子,精神力在上方游走一番,见并无大碍的吞下腹中。 This fruit enters the abdomen, is suitable very much slippery then flows in the bloodlines the dantian. 这果子入腹,很顺滑的便在血脉中流动进丹田。 Quiet in dantian spiritual power, sees only on the fruit to give off the attractive fragrance, these fragrance made the forgetting sad corpse insect of Qin Shi within the body start excitedly, after giving up gnawed to eat Qin Shi spiritual power, plunging fruit of coming in swarms. 在丹田的灵力中沉寂一番,只见果子上散发出诱人的香气,这些香气令秦石体内的忘忧尸虫开始兴奋,放弃啃食秦石灵力后,蜂拥而至的扑向果子。 A fruit was swept in an instant then across to be spatial by surely only the forgetting sad corpse insect, follows close on is seeing only the forgetting sad corpse insects like is drunk, complete deep sleep in the middle of his dantian. 一颗果子转眼间便被千万只忘忧尸虫席卷而空,紧跟着只见忘忧尸虫们像是喝醉酒一样,全部沉睡在他的丹田当中。 This, what's all this about?” “这,这是怎么回事?” The deep sleep of forgetting sad corpse insect, making Qin Shi stare staring to the man puzzled. 忘忧尸虫的沉睡,令秦石不解的冲男子瞪了瞪眼。 Do not visit me, I do not know, but the people of desolated jungle know that this type of fruit can continue the life, therefore is called Continued life fruit.” Letting go of male whole face low-spirited non- light. “别看我,我也不知道,只是荒芜丛林的人都知道,这种果子能够续命,所以被称为续命果。”男子满脸黯然无光的摊了摊手。 Continued life fruit? 续命果 Qin Shi lowered the head, a short time does not clarify, no matter what the forgetting sad corpse insect in within the body stops moving restlessly finally, the poor life calculates that guaranteed. 秦石低下头,一时半会也弄不清楚,但不管怎样体内的忘忧尸虫总算停止躁动,小命算保下了。 Thinks of this, he holds the fist to the man very much sincerely: Little brother Shi Qin, many thanks this big brother got rid to rescue, didn't know the big brother given name?” 想到这,他很诚恳的冲男子抱下拳:“小弟石秦,多谢这位大哥出手相救,不知大哥名号?” I called the pigeon.” “我叫白鸽。” Many thanks pigeon big brother.” “多谢白鸽大哥。” Qin Shi plunders in Sea of Consciousness, does not have the least bit impression to this pigeon, question: Big brother, are you also the area north of the Great Wall day firm prisoner? Have I seen why never you?” 秦石识海中搜刮一番,却对这白鸽没有半点印象,不由问句:“大哥,你也是塞外天牢的囚犯吗?我为何从未见过你?” „Is the area north of the Great Wall day firm?” “塞外天牢?” Pigeon low-spirited complexion somewhat changes countenance, shakes the head saying: I am not. You do not think, in this desolated jungle only then area north of the Great Wall day firm person?” 白鸽黯然的面色有些动容,摇摇头道:“我不是。你不会以为,这荒芜丛林里只有塞外天牢的人吧?” Not?” “难道不是吗?” Qin Shi has sucked the tongue, he thinks really like this. 秦石咂了咂舌,他真这样以为。 He he, in the desolated jungle may not only be the area north of the Great Wall day firm person, here is the entire East District evil agglomeration.” “呵呵,荒芜丛林里可不光是塞外天牢的人,这里是整个东方区域邪恶的聚集地。” The pigeon shakes the head, said: In entire East District, influential or small clan, even supreme Mysterious Palace is also continually same, will feed here the evil grave disciple.” 白鸽摇摇头,道:“在整个东方区域里,无论是大家小家,甚至连至上的玄殿也一样,会将罪恶深重的弟子送进此处。” What?” “什么?” Heard this saying, Qin Shi has sucked the tongue, he knows that originally this desolated jungle did build up East District all the people of influence unexpectedly? 听到这话,秦石咂了咂舌,他才知道原来这荒芜丛林竟然集结了东方区域所有势力的人? That pigeon big brother came from” “那白鸽大哥是来自” I? unfilial son of small family.” Shaking the head of pigeon ridicule, does not want to mention the past obviously, the interruption said: But, this desolated jungle, although crisis on top of crisis, but actually coexists with the opportunity.” “我啊?一个小家族的孽子罢了。”白鸽嘲弄的摇摇头,显然是不想提及过去,打断道:“但,这荒芜丛林虽说危机重重,但却与机遇并存。” If some people can live are leaving and carry over the treasure, that then can have a meteoric rise, not only will be remitted, will gain attaching great importance to of we strength.” “若有人能活着离开并且带出珍宝,那便可以平步青云,不仅会得到赦免,更会得到本方实力的重视。” For this reason, some people of being proud, for has been approved, will choose to enter the desolated jungle on own initiative, but before has not come in the ideal is very always plentiful, only then after coming, will understand the desolated jungle genuine fearful place.” “为此,有一些自负的人为了得到认可,也会主动选择进入荒芜丛林,但在没进来前的理想总是很丰满,只有进来后才会明白荒芜丛林真正的可怕之处。” Has compared with forgetting sad corpse insect fearfully?” “难道有比忘忧尸虫更可怕的吗?” He he, forgetting sad corpse insect? The condition that however goes on living here , compared with the desolated jungle true fearfulness, is only the tip of the iceberg.” The pigeon is somewhat bitter and astringent. “呵呵,忘忧尸虫?不过是在这里活下去的条件,和荒芜丛林真正的可怕比起来,只是冰山一角。”白鸽有些苦涩。 . 咣啷。 At heart is frightened. 心里不由的惊悚起来。 The forgetting sad corpse insect, fearful was the so ancient times ominous beast, unexpectedly only the tip of the iceberg of this desolated jungle? Actually is here fearful? 忘忧尸虫,如此可怕的远古凶兽,竟才只是这荒芜丛林的冰山一角?这里究竟有多么可怕? Qin Shi focuses on the pupil low and deep, in the heart is somewhat anxious. 秦石不禁的低沉着眼眸,心中有些紧张。 But, he always felt that some do not suit, had unable saying that where was does not suit. 但,他总感觉有些不太对劲,却有说不上来是哪里不对劲。 Right! 对了! , Does he clearly become aware suddenly, the issue leaves in that and opportunity and existence, the person of outside will know in the desolated jungle to be fortunate? 恍然间,他明悟一下,问题就出在那句与机遇并存在,外界的人怎么会知道荒芜丛林里充满机遇? Thinks of this, Qin Shi startled [say / way]: „Do some people live have been exiting?” 想到这,秦石惊道:“有人活着出去过?” Um! Really has one person!” “嗯!确实有一人!”
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