PDL :: Volume #4

#313: The day leaves firmly

In the future three day. 往后三日。 In does not see livelihood day and night day to be firm, Qin Shi indulges in the winding around darkness, wipes the color butterfly of lithe time handsome fluttering flags dance in the air likely near the black robe contaminates, flutters. 在不见日月不分昼夜的天牢里,秦石沉溺在缭绕的黑暗中,一抹一抹轻盈的流光像翩翩旖旎的彩蝶般飞舞在黑袍附近沾染,飘荡。 Three day time, a posture, two feet sit cross-legged, the palm spreads out, the five fingers asked the day, held in the essence spiritual Qi in knee and world produces the resonance. 三日时间,一个姿势,两脚盘坐,手掌摊开,五指问天,扶膝间和天地中的精华灵气产生共鸣。 An operation, he is suppressed because in within the body tumult restless spiritual power that breakthrough causes gradually, starts calm and steady gentle winning over into the middle of the spirit crystal, was locked sleepily by the spell. 一番运作,他因突破而导致的体内骚动不安的灵力渐渐受到压制,开始安稳平和的收揽入灵晶当中,受符咒锁困。 Thump thump thump! 噔噔噔! In day firm outside, a series of rapid sounds of footsteps, such as the wild horse of galloping firm outside transmits by the day, expansive sky. 在天牢外,一连串的急促脚步声,如奔腾的野马般由天牢外传递而下,长空兮兮。 A pair of jet black shining pupil stares, in the pupil of Qin Shi flashes through the profound dim light, at once he welcomes the profound metal rail to visit in the direction that the sound conveys the vision: Almost, was the time?” 一双漆黑发亮的瞳仁瞪开,秦石的眸中闪过深邃幽光,旋即他将目光迎着玄铁栏杆朝声音传来的方向探望:“差不多,是时候了吗?” Following close on, dozens prison guards is binding the shining armor, grasps the imperial (spear|gun) compound to stand a row outside the prison cell, lead is really not Qingyun, is Broken Spirit Realm Middle Stage military officer who just promoted, wears the deep blue armor: Peng Song. 紧跟着,数十名狱卒裹着明晃晃的铠甲,握着御枪在牢房外并列站成一排,领头的果然不是青云,是一个刚提拔上来的破灵境中期将领,身着湛蓝铠甲,名:彭松。 Well? 咦? The attractive sexy look goes toward Peng Songpao, in Liu Tingting heart accidental has one to lose, under the lips and teeth puzzled unites: How can be he? Did not say that sends desolated jungle, needing the blue level fight above Armor the command ability?” 诱人的桃花眼朝彭松抛去,刘婷婷心中意外的带有一丝失落,唇齿间不解的张合一下:“怎么会是他?不是说,派送荒芜丛林,必须要青级战甲以上的将帅才行吗?” She actually as everyone knows, Qin Shi before 3rd ended after her and Han young the dialog, then alone has looked for Qingyun, opened him by male Sun Yan's name. 她却殊不知,秦石早在三日前结束与她和韩仔的对话后,便独自找过青云,假借公孙岩的名义支开了他。 Has saying that male Sun Yan's instruction from superior is truly fierce, Qingyun the hesitant moment, then accepted the request of Qin Shi at that time. 不得不说,公孙岩的口谕确实厉害,青云当时只是犹豫片刻,便答应了秦石的要求。 Starts to mention by name, was selected the person who arrives at to stand!” Peng Song stamped the feet, in his hands is pinching a kraft paper, above records dozens names densely and numerously: Zhao Leilong, Haoyu, Zhou Tong, Wang Zhaobin “开始点名,被点到的人站出来!”彭松跺了跺脚,在他的手中捏着一张牛皮纸,上面密密麻麻记录着几十个名字:“赵雷龙,浩宇,周通,王兆斌” Selected prisoner name was read by Peng Song, many several familiar forms, for example initially told him exchange the old man of shackles about Liu Tingting and Wang Pang. 一个一个被选中的囚犯名字被彭松念出,其中不乏几个熟悉的身影,譬如当初告诉他关于刘婷婷和王胖对换牢笼的老者。 Liufeng under the hands / subordinates person also has several. 柳峰手下的人也有几个。 Peng Song read one every time, the Han Zai thin and weak body trembled side Qin Shi, if not for Qin Shi throughout in side, he perhaps already leg soft kneeling down. 彭松每念一声,韩仔瘦弱的身躯在秦石身旁就不禁哆嗦一下,若不是秦石始终在旁边,他恐怕已经腿软的跪倒了。 Each was selected to the prisoner, probably such as died was the same, a pale face does not have the least bit scarlet, can feel in their unification infection that one type is full of the resentment. 每个被点到名的囚犯,好像如已经死了一样,一副惨白的面庞没有半点血色,在他们的身上统一能感觉到一种充满怨气的感染。 Han Zai.” “韩仔。” ! Finally, should come will always come, Peng Song died to judge that probably the book same sound, one has hit Han Zai atrium. 咣啷!终于,该来的总是会来,彭松好像死亡宣判书一样的声响,一下击中了韩仔的心房。 Was selected to arrive at the name, Han Zai white teeth nips, trembling that the thin and small body board keeps. 被点到名字,韩仔的皓齿咬了咬,瘦小的身板子不停的打颤。 All right, has me.” “没事,有我呢。” Sees Han Zai who trembles in side slightly, somewhat cries to smile, the courage of this boy Qin Shi cannot bear generally is not really small. 望见在旁边微微发颤的韩仔,秦石忍不住的有些哭笑,这小子的胆子真不是一般小。 But thinks that this does not blame him, perhaps of this day is firm year to year licks the blood except for him with Liufeng this type on the knife edge, already the person who the life and death disregarded, nobody heard the desolated jungle not to meet terroristly. 但想想,这也不怪他,在这天牢里恐怕除了他和柳峰这种常年在刀刃上舔血,早已将生死置之度外的人,没有谁听到荒芜丛林会不恐怖。 Suppose, initially mentioned the desolated jungle including Liufeng slightly somewhat dreaded that let alone was Han Zai of this having little experience of the world. 试想,当初连柳峰提起荒芜丛林都略微的有些忌惮,更何况是这个涉世未深的韩仔呢。 The Han young induces to the pleasantly warm supple strength that the shoulder transmits, the body of trembling slightly relaxes, but is looking in the Qin Shi big eye actually some changes: Big brother 韩仔感应到肩头传来的温软柔力,哆嗦的身子才稍微缓和一点,但望着秦石的大眼中却有些变化:“大哥” I came back, at that time accompanied you to go home, under worshipped you well in the parents of dwelling place of the dead, they should think you very much.” “等我回来吧,那时陪你回家,好好祭拜下你在九泉的爹娘,她们应该会很想你。” Um!” The Han young complies with one. “嗯!”韩仔答应一声。 Disagreement Han Zaiduo said that Qin Shi has patted his shoulder, then very free and easy steps goes forward, unknowingly reveals a praiseworthy King aura on his body. 不和韩仔多说,秦石拍了拍他的肩膀,然后很洒脱的迈上前,在他的身上不经意间流露出一股令人钦佩的王者气息。 Arrives at side Liu Tingting, Qin Shi has bound some folds black robes, said with a smile: You have said that you will help me.” 走到刘婷婷身旁,秦石裹了裹有些褶皱的黑袍,笑道:“你说过,你会帮我。” „Don't you fear death really?” “你真不怕死?” Early officially informed this, Liu Tingting gentle voice discussed. 早知会这样,刘婷婷柔声谈道。 Feared that fears certainly death.” “怕啊,当然怕死。” Why can you also for him? Actually are you clear the desolated jungle to mean what?” The Qin Shi answer, making Liu Tingting somewhat accidental startled ask one. “那你为何还要替他?你究竟清不清楚荒芜丛林意味着什么?”秦石的答案,令刘婷婷有些意外的惊问一声。 My not clear desolated jungle, but I know, I for him, am not necessarily able dead, but he goes, certainly will die.” “我不清楚荒芜丛林,但是我知道一点,我替他,未必会死,但他去,一定会死。” Here, the Qin Shi corners of the mouth selected lightly, had an inexplicable suction in his profound pupil light, probably suction Liu Tingting soul is the same, said with a smile toward her: Makes him bring death with it, why not such as to make me wrestle?” 说到这,秦石嘴角轻挑,在他深邃的眸光中有种莫名的吸力,好像把刘婷婷的魂都吸走一样,朝她笑道:“与其让他送死,何不如让我去搏一搏?” „Do you such do to be worth?” “你这么做值得吗?” Only then should, be worth, he is my younger brother, so long as he also shouted me the sound big brother, that all value.” Smiling that Qin Shi thinks little of: Moreover, I pity life very much, does not hate dead.” “只有该不该,没有值不值,他是我弟弟,只要他还喊我声大哥,那一切就都值了。”秦石不以为意的笑笑:“况且,我很惜命,舍不得死。” With the black pupil of Qin Shi relative, the Liu Tingting weak body shivers, probably the soul in joined bodies was found time to be the same, lets being in a stew that she cannot bear. 秦石的黑眸相对,刘婷婷较弱的身躯不禁颤抖一下,好像连体内的灵魂都被抽空一样,让她忍不住的着迷。 Han Zai!” “韩仔!” Crosses a meeting slightly, the Peng Song some impatient shout once more. 稍过一会,彭松有些不耐烦的再次喊声。 This, hauls back the reality Qin Shi and Liu Tingting, stands finds out in the behind Qin Shi slender finger, on the slender small waist promotes, the gratitude to flash past in the pupil. 这一声,将秦石和刘婷婷拖回现实,站在后面秦石修长的手指探出,在纤细的小蛮腰上推动一下,谢意在眸中一闪而过。 Really is the enemy!” “真是冤家!” The waist transmits made Liu Tingting be startled being startled gently, criticizes will always come, she who should come already expected to be this appearance. 腰间传来的温柔令刘婷婷怔了怔,暗骂该来的总是会来,她早就料到会是这幅模样。 White teeth silver tooth high and low nipping, after her helpless shaking the head, does not leave Qin Shi, looks back to Peng Songqing nan one: Peng Songge! How is you?” 皓齿银牙上下的咬了咬,她无奈的摇摇头后不离秦石,回首冲彭松轻喃一声:“彭松哥!怎么是你啊?” The charming soft sound, bites soul to sell the bone. 娇媚的软音,噬魂销骨。 On the scene was warm-blooded side just real men, heard this saying to tremble, on several person bodies somewhat responded. 在场都是热血方刚的真男人,听到这话不禁哆嗦哆嗦,有几个人身体上都有些反应。 In Qin Shi pupil lax, if not for has broken by biting the tongue, he was flattered the technique to mislead by this, criticizes the sound: Really is a seductress!” 秦石眸中涣散一下,若不是咬破了舌头,就连他都被这媚术蛊惑,暗骂声:“真是个狐狸精!” Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! The weak sound made Peng Song open mouth. 酥软的声音令彭松张了张嘴。 All of a sudden unexpectedly is some bright powder, then simple-hearted starts to the Qin Shi move, hints him to enter the team. 一下子竟是有些焕散,然后木讷的冲秦石招下手,示意他入队。 Then, the person who in Liu Tingting charming receiving Peng Songshou kraft paper, remaining several not mentioned by name shouted, showed off coquettishly to below Peng Song: Peng Songge, on road careful!” 然后,刘婷婷妩媚的接过彭松手中的牛皮纸,将剩下几个没被点名的人喊出来,才卖弄风骚的对下彭松:“彭松哥,路上小心!” Um “嗯” The entire process, Peng Song are distracted, carries several similarly simple-hearted prison guards to leave the day to be firm, Qin Shi and other prisoners follow in his behind. 整个过程,彭松都是精神恍惚,携带十几个同样木讷的狱卒离开天牢,秦石等50名囚犯就跟在他的后面。 Looks in the black robe that day firm circular newel stair mouth vanishes gradually, the Liu Tingting charming almond eyes is restraining gradually, wells up to wipe low-spirited: You may probably come back!” 望着在天牢旋梯口渐渐消失的黑袍,刘婷婷娇媚的杏眼渐渐收敛,涌上一抹黯然:“你可要回来啊!” Puff passes! 噗通! Frail Han Zai two foot weak kneeling on the ground, but kneels on the ground actually not because of weakly, but is in the innermost feelings to own giving scolding and unwillingness. 单薄的韩仔两脚无力的跪在地上,但跪在地上却不是因为软弱,而是内心中对自己的痛骂和不甘。 Pinches the fist to hit in the ice-cold ground, has projected on the palm to carry Yin Hong to bleed, stops: Big brother, you cannot certainly have the matter! You added that you must think me to grow.” 捏着拳头打在冰冷的地面上,一直打到掌背殷虹流血,才停下:“大哥,你一定不能有事!你还说你要看着我成长呢。” I will certainly stiffen, next time I will not be depending on you. 我一定会变强,下一次我不会在靠你。 In the big eye of Han young dodges to shoot a none remaining, mist surges, in addition this time he does not know that is this change, is this decision, changed his lifetime destiny. 韩仔的大眼睛中闪射道精光,一丝一丝的雾气涌动,此时的他尚且不知,就是这次的改变,就是这次的决定,改变了他一生的命运。 Made him point to finally, followed that form, stood with peak that all Shenzhu the demon confronted, the joke life, wielded the universe. 令他直指最后,跟随那道身影,站立在与诸神诸魔对峙的巅峰,笑谈人生,执掌乾坤。 Steps ascends the sky firmly, outside is dim, the Eastern weak Xuguang has not crossed not the mountain top, is only the indistinct incarnadine vault of heaven. 迈上天牢,外面朦胧暗淡,东方微弱的旭光尚未莫过山头,只是隐约的染红天穹。 In the morning, dawn dissemination under. 清晨,晨曦散播而下。 Qin Shi is pinching Soul Sealing Tourmaline single-handed, Spirit King Realm Middle Stage spiritual power is probably quiet under thousand zhang (3.33 m) deep sea, swings along the black robe in however dissipates. 秦石单手捏着封魂碧玺,王灵境中期灵力好像沉寂在千丈深海之下,顺黑袍中荡然消散。 With Peng Song several people, he looks back on the firm side Third Rank pavilion to look once for a while upwards, at this time may not probably have the mistake. 跟着彭松几人,他时不时回首朝天牢旁的三层楼阁望去,这个时候可千万不能出差错啊。 Along the way toward entering west side sloppy jungle. 沿途朝进入西侧稀松的密林。 Just entered the jungle, in addition was luminous, the greenery was green, Ye Jiashui, occasionally had the flower fragrance to overflow, the sounds of nature song of the birds, the mountain stream soughed, was matching the East bright red, quite had the ideal condition. 刚入密林,尚且光亮,绿树葱郁,叶夹水露,偶有花香四溢,天籁鸟鸣,溪水飒飒间,配着东方一点朱红,颇有意境。 Light opens from outside, this desolated jungle sentences, if world dangerous situation, the deep place is eats the human not to spit the bone unexpectedly, really does not may judge people solely on appearance.” Qin Shi extends the tongue, but under feeling carelessly. “光从外开,这荒芜丛林判若人间险境,深处竟是吃人不吐骨头,真是万万不可以貌取人啊。”秦石伸了伸舌头,无奈下胡乱的感慨。 A feeling, because actually this laughable mood fluctuation cannot bear Yang-yang corners of the mouth. 一番感慨,却又因自己这种可笑的情绪波动而忍不住扬扬嘴角。 Proceeds again, then before is, Qi Hao and Li Qi suppose a set of place to him, their corpses have disappeared, not only went by lang wolf evildoers Bao Diao, or sent for tidying up by male Sun Yan. 再往前走一阵,便是之前奇蒿和李琦给他设套的地方,他们的尸体已经不见了,不只是被豺狼虎豹叼去,或是被公孙岩派人收拾了。 Latter's possibility should tall Xie. 后者的可能性应该高些。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In day firm ruins Third Rank pavilion. 在天牢废墟旁的三层楼阁中。 Um? Does the aura of boy disappear?” The male Sun Yan forehead of sitting in repose with eyes closed wrinkles, suddenly opens eyes. “嗯?那小子的气息不见了?”闭目养神的公孙岩眉宇皱紧,突然睁开眼。 Bang! 砰! The room doorframe that bang, male Sun Yan is was shaken by spiritual power flies, together empty shade in a flash, in being situated room: Crag, what's the matter?” 巨响一声,公孙岩所在的房间门框被灵力震飞,一道虚影一晃,坐落房中:“岩,怎么回事?” Is staring at the form, the male Sun Yan mou heart is low and deep, this person's shadow crosses the hands behind the back to stand, not just initially the night flower sent the old man? 盯着身影,公孙岩眸心低沉,这人影负手而立,不正是当初夜间的花发老者? ! 咻! Male Sun Yan has not responded, but single-handed Fu Zhuo stands, in the palms the miraculous glow raises, the empty shade in a flash, vanishes in the room, rear area the person stays behind hangs the curtain screen in window hum rolls up and pushes along. 公孙岩没有回应,只是单手伏桌而立,掌间灵光一扬,虚影一晃,消失在房间中,徒留下后方挂在窗上的帘子呜呜卷动。 The straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards lean downward, the old man disappears same place. 剑眉向下微倾,老者原地消失。 They such as demon shade sneak into day to be firm, firm sweeps away in the day, in each prison cell all threw off by wild with rage spiritual power, several profound metal rails unknowingly blast out. 两人如魅影般窜入天牢,在天牢中横扫一圈,每个牢房内皆是被狂怒的灵力掀翻,有几根玄铁栏杆都在不经意间炸开。 But, finally is only everywhere is dignified and disappointed. 但,最终却只是满目凝重和失望。 Stays on the ruins, flower sends the old man such as the scar wrinkle to screw tight, roars lowly: Made that boy run?” 停留在在废墟上,花发老者如疤痕的皱纹拧紧,低吼一声:“让那小子跑了?” Is impossible, on this day firm hundred li (0.5km), all during your I grasp, he possibly disappearance for no reason? Only if” male Sun Yan becomes flushed clenching teeth of face saying that but the words told only half that his pupil heart mutation, suddenly surprised turning around and flower send the old man to look at each other one. “不可能,这天牢百里,皆在你我掌握之中,他怎么可能平白无故的消失?除非是”公孙岩涨红个脸的咬牙道,但话说到一半,他眸心异变,突然惊讶的转过身和花发老者对视一眼。 „?” “难道?” Is the desolated jungle?” “是荒芜丛林?” A thought raises in their moral nature, the male Sun Yan's face one transforms, at once their forms in same place disappear baseless, only leaves behind the bone-chilling cold hurricane to curl up ten meters high dust. 一个念头在两人的心底升起,公孙岩的面庞一下转变,旋即两人的身影在原地凭空消失,只留下凛冽的飓风卷起十米高的尘埃。 With the large unit, Qin Shi and the others penetrated the desolated jungle the surrounding, has one in this surrounding fully is the spirit of ripples ties. 跟着大部队,秦石等人已经深入荒芜丛林的外围,在这外围处有一个满是涟漪的精神结界。 Air wave that on this knot transmits made one immerse. 这结界上传来的气浪令人沉醉。 Goes, if can find the gathering spirit flower, you will obtain the remitting command, will gain attaching great importance to of empire.” In tying outside, Peng Songwo the long spear was reciting one to many prisoners lightly. “进去吧,若能找到聚灵花,你们不禁会得到赦免令,更会得到帝国的重视。”在结界外,彭松握着长枪冲诸多囚犯轻吟一声。 But this hear of inviting conditions, do not have half prisoner non to change countenance. 但这听似充满诱惑的条件,却没有半个囚犯非此动容。 They look fully are being the ripples of air wave tie, the panic in heart achieves the acme, statures restless is hitting trembling, several people cannot even support knees down. 他们望着满是气浪的涟漪结界,心中的恐慌达到极致,一个一个身躯不安的打着哆嗦,有几个人甚至支撑不住的跪倒在地。 Bang! 砰! But when all people despairs, in the rear billowing wooden forests, deep green ever green towering Gu Song explodes with a crash but actually, causes a bang. 但在诸人绝望时,后方滚滚的木林间,碧绿长青的参天古松砰然炸倒,引起一声巨响。 The bang interrupts all people the thinking, has gawked the god. 巨响打断诸人的思索,愣了愣神。 Mingles among the Qin Shi forehead light wrinkle of crowd, black pupil heart slightly after moves, recited lightly: It seems like, was realized?” 混迹在人群的秦石眉宇轻皱,黑色的眸心略微朝后挪动一番,轻吟:“看来,是被察觉到了吗?” Whiz! 嗖! Thinks of this, his loosening Soul Sealing Tourmaline without hesitation, such as the cold wind cleave the waves changes into the shadow to flee to the heat wave of desolated jungle, vanishes in tying. 想到这,他不假思索的松开封魂碧玺,如寒风破浪般化为黑影窜向荒芜丛林的热浪,消失在结界中。 Bang! 轰隆! Following close on, two forms is falling from the day, is complexion is all dignified in their forms, is not just male Sun Yan, and white hair old man? 紧跟着,两道身影从天而落,在两人的身影上皆是面色凝重,不正是公孙岩、和白发老者?
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