PDL :: Volume #4

#312: I go for you

He he, was discovered?” “呵呵,被发现了吗?” ! The dark golden remnant shade, empty shakes under the moonlight together dodges, indifferent falling before the Qin Shi body. 咻!一道暗金色的残影,在月光下虚晃一闪,漠然的落在秦石身前。 The remnant shade stands firm the body, a shining armor under the moonlight is the bright, bone-chilling cold pupil light toward sweeps in the quiet forest really along the way, is looking at Qi Hao and Li Qi corpses, said sternly: Young, is really heartless.” 残影稳住身,一席明晃晃的铠甲在月光下甚是明亮,凛冽的眸光朝沿途在幽林中一扫而过,望着奇蒿和李琦几人的尸首,正色道:“年纪不大,真是狠心啊。” They must kill me, do I want to wait for death?” Qin Shi sound somewhat ice-cold, some are not quite comfortable: „Did you say? General Gongsun!” “他们要杀我,难道我要等着死吗?”秦石的声音有些冰冷,有些不太自在:“你说呢?公孙将军!” „, I said you.” “得,我说不过你。” The remnant shade looks back to stare at Qin Shi, a face sonorous face is not just male Sun Yan: Boy, our matters, you considers how?” 残影回首凝视秦石,一脸铿锵的面庞不正是公孙岩:“小子,咱们的事,你考虑的怎么样了?” General Gongsun, your day firm person takes care of me like this, you thought that I should promise you?” Qin Shi not accidental cracks into a smile, he already found out male Sun Yan to be. “公孙将军,你们天牢的人这样照顾我,你觉得我应该答应你吗?”秦石并不意外的咧嘴一笑,他早就探出公孙岩所在。 He does not come out, Qin Shi does not want to expose, the fellows of how many being an eyesore otherwise can't kill that is not? 只是,他不出来,秦石也不想点破,否则的话就不能杀了那几个碍眼的家伙了不是? Male Sun Yan's complexion is somewhat pale, silent meeting: Wonderful wormwood is not truly right, but you have also killed them, the entire process I have not gotten rid to stop, comforts you.” 公孙岩的面色有些铁青,沉默一会:“奇蒿确实不对,但你也杀了他们,整个过程我都没出手阻拦,也算是安抚你了。” Qin Shi has gawked staring, this old fogy arrives at the tooth by the tooth unexpectedly. 秦石愣了愣,这老家伙竟以牙抵牙。 I am thinking that had just consumed the huge psychic force, now wanted to rest.” Qin Shi has gathered together the shoulder, being sore slightly made him heave a deep sigh. “我在想想吧,刚消耗了庞大的精神力,现在想要回去休息了。”秦石拢了拢肩头,微微的酸痛令他长叹一声。 Spoke, he sets out then to welcome the day to turn back firmly. 说完话,他起身便迎着天牢走回。 Looks buries Qin Shi in darkness increasingly estranged, under male Sun Yan's low and deep the eye, the next instant, his space in a flash, the form however finds out from quiet Lin Zhongsen together, stands erect in his side. 看渐行渐远埋没在黑暗中的秦石,公孙岩不由的低沉下眼,下一霎,他身旁空间一晃,一道身影自幽林中森然探出,矗立在他的身旁。 This person is an old man, full Touxue the white bloom sends, rickets waist is staring at the position heavy [say / way] of Qin Shi dissipation: Crag, this boy is not simple, just that spiritual control, I somewhat dreaded, if cannot for our army all, soon remove!” 这人是个老者,满头雪白花发,佝偻个腰的盯着秦石消散的位置沉重道:“岩,这小子不简单,刚刚那手精神操控,就连我都有些忌惮,如果不能为我军所有,早日除掉!” Um again tolerated him on the several th, if cannot let my satisfied, I had the means to make him be obedient obediently!” The low and deep male Sun Yan pupil light wants to crack, wipes smiles evilly reveals the dense bloodthirsty silver tooth. “嗯就再纵容他几日,若是不能让我满意,我自有办法令他乖乖听话!”低沉的公孙岩眸光欲裂,一抹邪笑中露出森然的嗜血银牙。 In quiet forests that the evil aura implements, the flower sends the old man to heave a deep sigh, then presbyopia one cold: Queen Xiao that does, have the news?” 邪气贯彻的幽林间,花发老者才长叹一声,然后老眼一寒:“肖皇后那面,有消息吗?” Um, does not have the accident, the king must pass away.” Male Sun Yan scatters the light dim light in the dark night, the corners of the mouth is twisting the mouth sidewise. “嗯,不出意外,帝王就要驾崩了。”公孙岩在黑夜中散射着淡淡幽光,嘴角咧开。 Immediately can start?” “马上就要开始了吗?” The experts rubbed rubbing in the front, the flower sent old man satisfied have shown the bright smiling face: Really is somewhat impatient.” 老手在胸前搓了搓,花发老者满意的露出灿烂笑容:“真是有些迫不及待呢。” ! 咻! The bone-chilling cold cold wind rolls up and pushes along, male Sun Yan from dissipate same place everywhere sandstorm. 凛冽的寒风卷动,公孙岩两人自原地消散成漫天风沙。 Beyond kilometer, Qin Shi low and deep black pupil one cold, dreading of faint trace flashes through, already seeped out the cold sweat in his palm. 千米外,秦石低沉的黑眸一寒,一丝丝的忌惮闪过,在他的掌心中早已是渗出冷汗。 The evening however looks back, stares in the male Sun Yan's direction: It seems like, this male Sun Yan's patience to the limit, must find the way to leave quickly is good.” 暮然回首,朝公孙岩的方向凝视:“看来,这公孙岩的耐心快到极限了,必须要想办法离开才行。” He knows, if he does not leave, possibly could not leave, just and in the male Sun Yan's short conversation, his clear induction to transmitted intensely on male Sun Yan did not bear with agitated. 他知道,他若再不离开,可能就离不开了,刚刚和公孙岩短暂的交谈中,他清晰的感应到在公孙岩身上传来强烈的不耐和烦躁。 Moreover, like this drags is not the means that can drag for a while, but cannot drag first obviously, must think that means leave, otherwise male Sun Yan will look for his time next time, possibly really without enough time. 而且,这样拖下去也不是办法,能拖一时,但显然不能拖一世,必须要想个办法离开,否则下次公孙岩找他的时候,可能就真的来不及了。 But is the thinking, Qin Shi then even more is more agitated and annoying, becoming angry out of shame pinches tightly the fist, induces light fluorescence that on the palm is tumbling, forced smile: Under nursing of two Profound Spirit Realm, wants to leave, is a little difficult.” 但越是思索,秦石便越发烦躁和懊恼,恼羞成怒的不由捏紧拳头,感应着掌心上翻滚的淡淡荧光,不由苦笑:“在两名玄灵境的看护下,想要离开,有点难啊。” Shakes the head, was surmising chaotic train of thought that after he binds tightly the black robe, steps the stride to turn back upwards firmly. 摇摇头,怀揣着混乱的思绪,他裹紧黑袍后迈着大步朝天牢走回。 He arrives in ruins side day firm cave entrance, Qingyun takes just in time, brushed past with him. 他抵达废墟侧面的天牢洞口,青云正巧从中迈出,和他擦肩而过。 What does he make?” “他来做什么?” Qingyun, Qi Hao, their such military officers little goes to the day to be firm, for this reason Qin Shi looked at one, after receiving the thoughts, steps into the day to be firm. 青云,奇蒿,他们这样的将领很少去天牢,为此秦石不由的多瞄了一眼,才收起心思后踏进天牢。 Just entered the day to be firm, wiped the rich moisture to make him suck the tongue, at once after swinging the head, did not go to think by oneself diligently that fed in the prison cell under nursing of two prison guards. 刚进天牢,一抹浓郁的湿气让他咂了咂舌,旋即摇摇脑袋后努力让自己不去多想,在两个狱卒的看护下送进牢房。 Gathered together the shoulder, after the Qin Shi book has thought he came back, will hear immediately Han Zai excited calling out sound, even has prepared raising legs. 拢了拢肩膀,秦石本以为他回来后,马上就会听见韩仔兴奋的嚎叫声,甚至已经做好了抬腿的准备。 But what is accidental, Han Zai sits cross-legged in the deep place of prison cell is not changing countenance, a face Death Qi steaming appearance by the ice-cold wall surface, must die to be the same probably. 但意外的是,韩仔在牢房的深处盘坐着毫无动容,一脸死气腾腾的模样靠在冰冷的墙面上,好像要死一样。 Um?” “嗯?” Qin Shi knit the brows, at once looks all around for one week, he discovers Death Qi steaming , is not only Han Zai, in the prison cell almost several prisoners, completely are the barely alive appearances, depressed face. 秦石皱了皱眉,旋即环顾一周,他发现死气腾腾的不光是韩仔,牢房中差不多有十几个囚犯,全部是半死不活的模样,沮丧个脸。 What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” Under low and deep of Qin Shi accident eye. 秦石意外的低沉下眼。 At this time, black demon shade does not know together when climbs up to his, the ruddy skilled artist holds in the arms his strong bear waist: „Shortly after they, live.” 在这时,一道黑色魅影不知何时攀爬到他的身后,红润的妙手搂住他健硕的熊腰:“他们,都活不久了。” Um?” “嗯?” Hears this bewildered words, Qin Shi breaks away suddenly Liu Tingting, rushes toward the Han young. 听到这莫名其妙的话,秦石猛然挣开刘婷婷,朝着韩仔冲上去。 Strength of Qin Shi under the excitement is somewhat big, makes collision that Liu Tingting step limps on the parapet, charmingly angry: Snort! The murderers but, others like this, does not know on the bed is so is also fierce.” 秦石在激动下力量有些大,令刘婷婷步履蹒跚的撞在栏杆上,娇嗔一声:“哼!真凶但,人家就喜欢这样,就是不知道在床上是不是也这么凶猛。” Being disinclined principle behind disorderly foul language, Qin Shi pats Han Zai: Han Zai, what's the matter?” 懒得理身后的杂乱秽语,秦石拍下韩仔:“韩仔,怎么回事?” Big, when big brother the Han Zai small physique trembles, looks back two big eye some flood red, single-handed trembling holding up hands, in his hands has a token, above is carving a wild character: Big brother, I cannot go home with you, cannot with you in the same place!” “大,大哥”韩仔的小身板一颤,回首时两个大眼睛有些泛红,单手颤巍巍的举起手,在他的手中有块令牌,上面刻着个荒字:“大哥,我不能和你回家,不能和你在一起了!” Is the desolated jungle?” “是荒芜丛林?” Is looking at that token, a Qin Shi eyebrow peak wrinkle. 望着那令牌,秦石的眉峰一皱。 Um, they were selected, three days later will then be sent to frontier service the desolated jungle.” In behind, before Liu Tingting sways from side to side the waist to follow. “嗯,他们都被选中了,三天后便会被发配到荒芜丛林。”在后面,刘婷婷扭动着腰肢跟上前。 The desolated jungle, was symbolizing the death. 荒芜丛林,象征着死亡。 No person, can live coming back. 从来没有人,能从中活着回来。 The person who selected, was equal to without doubt was judged the death, in their big eyes all falls into the abyss panic, Han Zai narrows the eyes sobs that focuses. 被选中的人,无疑就等于被宣判了死亡,他们大眼中全部陷入深渊般的恐慌,韩仔眯眯着眼的抽泣一下。 Is so sudden?” “这么突然吗?” Qin Shi received the token in Han Zai hand, suddenly recalled just Qingyun had come brightness that the matter, is suddenly enlighted all of a sudden. 秦石接过韩仔手中的令牌,突然回想起刚刚青云来过的事,一下子恍然大悟的明澈。 Really is the safe does not ascend the Buddhist temples, comes does not have the good deed. 果然是无事不登三宝殿,来的就没好事啊。 Surrounds silent of two arms, Qin Shi is looking at the heart such as deathly stillness Cheng Hui Han Zai, cannot see the least bit vitality on the face of Han young, already did not have past uninhibited. 环抱着两臂的沉默一下,秦石望着心如死寂成灰的韩仔,在韩仔的面庞上看不见半点生气,早就没了往日的不羁。 Wipes desperately such as the boston ivy of summer, is tearing him from the ice-cold ground along the way, entrains toward the endless skeleton abyss him. 一抹抹绝望如夏日的爬山虎,沿途从冰冷的地面上撕扯着他,将他朝无尽骸骨的深渊拽下。 This, made under he grieved licking the split lip, at once in the vision flood some none remaining, said suddenly: Han does Zai, you want to go on living?” 这一幕,令他不由心痛的舔下干裂嘴唇,旋即目光中突然泛起些许精光,道:“韩仔,你想活下去吗?” Han Zaileng of getting angry staring, under unyielding point: Um I do not want dead, I cannot die, I must live for the parents, but 红着眼的韩仔愣了愣,狠劲的点下头:“嗯我不想死,我不能死,我要为爹娘活着,可是可是” Not, but, wants to live, well goes on living.” “没有可是,想活,就好好活下去。” The Qin Shi sleeve robe finds out breaks Han Zai, the corners of the mouth raises, smiles brightly: This desolated jungle, I go for you.” 秦石袖袍探出的打断韩仔,嘴角一扬,灿烂一笑:“这荒芜丛林,我替你去。” Um?” “嗯?” The Han young was shocked. 韩仔愣住了。 „It is not good!” Shivers in nearby tender body, exclaiming that Liu Tingting rebukes: This? You know where the desolated jungle is?” “不行!”在旁边的娇躯颤抖一下,刘婷婷嗔怪的吼道:“这怎么可以?你知道荒芜丛林是什么地方吗?” He he, where no matter he is, I prepare wanderer.” Qin Shi very free and easy shaking down head, under not to accept as correct peak black robe: „In happen , of this day was firm stays to suffice.” “呵呵,不管他是什么地方,我都准备去闯荡一番。”秦石很洒脱的摇下头,不以为然的耸下黑袍:“正好,在这天牢里呆够了。” You deliberately create trouble!” “你胡闹!” The whole body of Liu Tingting air/Qi trembles, the white hands hold Qin Shi: Goes to the desolated jungle, has prison guard to be responsible for sending, you look like for him die are not good!” 婷婷气的全身哆嗦,玉手抓住秦石:“前往荒芜丛林,有狱卒负责派送,你就算像替他去死也不行!” You have the means that right?” “你有办法,对吗?” The Qin Shi black pupil stern countenance dodges, the halo that some ancient grains wind opens and closes, stares on the elegant face of Liu Tingting, probably completely understands to be the same her. 唰,秦石的黑眸厉色一闪,其中有些古老纹络的光晕开合,凝视在刘婷婷的俏脸上,好像将她看透一样。 Was locked sleepily by the burning vision, the Liu Tingting tender body trembles suddenly: „Were you, what you saying?” 被火辣辣的目光锁困,刘婷婷的娇躯突然一颤:“你,你在说什么?” I said that you have means is right?” “我说,你有办法对吗?” The Qin Shi sound enhances several points slightly, emphasized again: Flatters the technique.” 秦石的声音稍微提高几分,再次强调道:“媚术。” „Do you, how you know?” Hears to flatter the technique two characters, the Liu Tingting tender body trembles, subconscious after moves out of the way two steps. “你,你怎么知道?”听见媚术两字,刘婷婷的娇躯一颤,潜意识的朝后挪开两步。 He he, can losing of short time be sane, except for flattering the technique I cannot think really can also be anything.” Smiling of Qin Shi not to accept as correct: You will help me, is right?” “呵呵,能让人短时间的失去理智,除了媚术我真的想不出来还能是什么。”秦石不以为然的笑笑:“你会帮我,对不对?” I, I “我,我” By ice-cold jail wall, on Liu Tingting feeling face burning blazing, was stared by Qin Shi is staring somewhat uncomfortably: You such do, is courting death!” 靠在冰冷的牢壁上,刘婷婷感觉面庞上火辣辣的炽热,被秦石直勾勾的盯着有些难受:“你这么做,是在找死!” Refuses stubbornly dead, is my matter, but helps, is your matter!” In the Qin Shi lips and teeth has an unusual charm, confident smiling made the Liu Tingting tender body tremble with fear immediately. “死不死,是我的事,但帮不帮,是你的事!”秦石唇齿间有股异常的魅力,坦然的笑令刘婷婷的娇躯当即惊颤一下。 Really is the lunatic, lost to you!” “真是疯子,败给你了!” Closing tightly white teeth of have no alternative, Liu Tingting white: Three days later, if the prison guard escorts, I help you be charming he, if were Qingyun I do not have the means.” 无可奈何的咬紧皓齿,刘婷婷白了一眼:“三天后,如果是狱卒护送,我帮你妩媚他,如果是青云我就没办法了。” Qingyun will not come.” Smiling of Qin Shi clear and resonant voice, will flush under Liu Tingting very sincere hugging at once the fist: This time, thanked.” “青云不会来。”秦石朗声的笑笑,旋即将冲刘婷婷很真挚的抱下拳:“这次,谢了。” „, When you have life to come back, was thanking me well.” The Liu Tingting ill-humored tenderness drinks one, disgruntled turning around walks, in slip of the tongue while read broken: Old lady is really blind, has a liking for person who will die!” “得,等你有命回来,在好好谢我吧。”刘婷婷没好气的娇喝一声,不悦的转身就走,一边走嘴里一边碎碎念:“老娘真是瞎眼,看上个将死的人!” Regarding this saying, Qin Shi shrugs. 对于这话,秦石只是耸了耸肩。 Partly squats on the prison cell ice-cold ground, Han Zaida eyes tight stares at Qin Shi, the upper teeth closely is biting the lower lip to suppress the face to become flushed: Big, Big brother, do you want to help me go to the desolated jungle really?” 半蹲在牢房冰冷的地上,韩仔大眼睛紧紧的盯着秦石,上齿紧紧咬住下唇憋得面庞涨红:“大,大哥,你真要帮我去荒芜丛林?” Yes, do not go home? Also can go on living for the parents? Cannot die here.” Returns to look to the Han young, Qin Shi smiles embarrasedly. “是啊,你不是还要回家?还要替爹娘活下去吗?不能死在这里。”回过首望向韩仔,秦石讪讪一笑。 But you will die.” “可是你会死的。” Death?” This phrase made Qin Shi stare staring, at once he smiles free and easy, in the pupil dodged to shoot the rich self-confidence laughter: He he, in the dictionary does not have this character, my Qin Shi life is hale and hearty, what dangerous spot hasn't gone? I can live to walk including Burning Sky Sect, let alone this trivial desolated jungle?” “死?”这个字眼令秦石愣了愣,旋即他洒脱一笑,眸中闪射着浓郁的自信笑声:“呵呵,字典里没这字,我秦石的命硬朗着呢,什么龙潭虎穴没去过?连焚天宗我都能活着走下来,何况这区区荒芜丛林?” Even if Qin Shi said like this that Han Zai could not raise the least bit spirit, here prisoner had fear in the bone to the desolated jungle. 就算秦石这样说,韩仔还是提不起半点精神,这里的囚犯对荒芜丛林有种骨子里的恐惧。 Looks at low Han Zai, Qin Shi Lang Xiao pats once more in his shoulder: secure, I have said that I will accompany you to go home, certainly will accompany you, the words that my Qin Shi spoke, live up to one's words!” 看着低迷的韩仔,秦石郎笑的再次拍在他肩头:“安,我说过,我会陪你回家,就一定会陪你,我秦石说的话,说到做到!” I came back!” “等我回来!” The smell of blood that several words, such as ancient grave morning bell, the Han Zai lip bit breakage, irritates the nose scarlet pours into the oral cavity. 几番话,如古墓晨钟,韩仔嘴唇被咬的破裂,猩红刺鼻的血腥味灌入口腔。 He was silent, for a long time for a long time opened mouth: Big brother, why you must be good to me so 他沉默了,许久许久才张了张嘴:“大哥,你为什么要对我这么好” Because you are my younger brother.” “因为你是我弟弟。”
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