PDL :: Volume #4

#309: Restores the strength

Um?” “嗯?” Liufeng puzzled has gawked, at once follows the Qin Shi vision to look, realized in the east side position, two form vision gloomy throws toward Qin Shi. 柳峰不解的愣了一下,旋即顺着秦石的目光望去,才察觉到在东侧的位置,有两名身影目光阴森的朝秦石抛来。 One person, without doubt is Li Qi. 一人,无疑是李琦。 Another person, is military officer Qi Hao. 另外一人,则是将领奇蒿。 Sees their limpid chill in the air, the Liufeng corners of the mouth stroke: „Do they also prepare to get down noisily?” 看见两人清澈的寒意,柳峰嘴角一捋:“他们还准备闹下去?” He he, Liufeng big brother must understand that some people before not I am defeated personally, forever will think that I will be will only draw support from the external force useless person.” “呵呵,柳峰大哥要理解,有些人在没有被我亲手打败前,永远都会觉得我是个只会借助外力的废物。” Craftily the Qin Shi corners of the mouth smile has pulled out a cold air, at once after then takes back the vision, tightened the black robe, takes straightly: Is only, they as everyone knows, they provoke me, nightmare that forever will be able hardly be removed.” 秦石嘴角诡笑的抽了口寒气,旋即便收回目光后紧了紧黑袍,笔直迈出:“只是,他们殊不知,他们招惹我,将是永远挥之不去的噩梦。” ! 咣啷! The inexplicable chill in the air disperses in the heart. 莫名的寒意在心头散开。 The short moment, wipes invisible killing intent to hide away in the dust sand, on the forehead of Liufeng has the cold sweat to flow out unexpectedly. 短短的片刻,一抹无形的杀意隐遁在尘沙中,柳峰的额头上竟是有冷汗流出。 Really is a fearful fellow “真是个可怕的家伙” Silent for a long time, Liufeng cancels the perspiration drop of forehead, the moral nature sublimates to the view of Qin Shi once more. 沉默了许久,柳峰才抹去额头的汗滴,心底对秦石的看法再次升华。 When various people return to the tent, dusk went. 诸人回到帐篷时,黄昏已去。 Fog misty moonlight disperses by the sandstorm, appears somewhat mysterious in this night. 雾蒙蒙的月光透过风沙散下,在这个夜晚中显得有些神秘。 In some tent, binds the youth of black robe to hold the knee to sit, is walking randomly the light fluorescence in his side, in firefly just like jungle, shuttle appear and disappear from time to time in black robe. 在某个帐篷中,一名裹着黑袍的少年扶膝而坐,在他的身旁游走着清淡荧光,宛如丛林中的萤火虫,时隐时现的穿梭在黑袍中。 The youth fall into the absorbed practice in the star glow. 少年在星星萤火中陷入忘我的修炼。 His chest orderly fluctuating, then has the fluorescence to sneak into the oral cavity in fluctuating in world limpid spiritual power, with the viscous blood fusion, flows in the dantian. 他胸口有规律的起伏,每逢起伏便有荧光在着天地间的清澈灵力窜入口腔,和粘稠的血液融合,流入丹田。 The abdominal cavity dantian, the halo four shoot, central limpid translucent spirit crystal already not in low-spirited, rich boundless spiritual power is vast. 腹腔丹田,光晕四射,中央一颗清澈透亮的灵晶早已不在黯然,其中浓郁磅礴的灵力浩瀚辽阔。 Around the spirit crystal, is about thousand mysterious Fu Wen. 灵晶四周,是近千道玄奥的符文。 Fu Wencheng bottle mouth shape picks up the central spirit crystal, in the shining Fu article is containing vast spiritual power one after another, transpiration in blazing interweaving, like spirit crystal transportation nutrient. 符文成瓶口状托起中央的灵晶,一道一道金灿灿的符文中蕴含着浩繁灵力,在炽热的交织间蒸腾,像灵晶输送养分。 Daytime protects spiritual power that country Gu Zhen inputs to walk randomly in nine spirit vein, in spiritual power with Fu article complements one another, continually promotes the close pore. 白天护国古阵输入的灵力在九条灵脉中游走,和符文中的灵力相辅相成,不断促进封闭的毛孔。 In an instant, 80.11 million pores open completely, Qin Shi shuts tightly the black pupil to feel in within the body slight change, is coordinating timely rain rain and dew definitely neat controlling one's breathing, it may be said that is the matter half merit accompanies. 一转眼,80110000的毛孔全部张开,秦石紧闭黑眸感受着体内细微的变化,配合着甘霖雨露决清爽的调息,可谓是事半功陪。 Bang! 轰! Suddenly, curls up thousand wild waves in the sand pit outside tent, wipes the light golden star light to curl up the dust to form the hurricane, covers the tent. 骤然间,在帐篷外的沙坑上卷起千层骇浪,一抹淡淡的金色星光卷起尘埃形成飓风,将帐篷笼罩。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” The sudden change alarms in all people who not far away drinks, Liufeng hurries to put down the wine class, was mistaken some people look for a job runs out of the tent. 突然的变化惊动在不远处喝酒的诸人,柳峰赶忙放下酒杯,误以为是有人找事的率先冲出帐篷。 But just left the tent, he was shocked. 但刚出帐篷,他就被惊呆了。 Sees only in not far away wilderness, rolling raids together just like the sand storm of big dragon absorbing water, wraps the tent that Qin Shi is. 只见在不远处的荒漠中,一道宛如巨龙吸水的沙尘暴滚滚袭来,将秦石所在的帐篷包裹住。 Runs tent Liufeng and the others, vaguely can induce in the tent to throwing off the dust threatening spirit pressure, grinds the powder the sand and crushed stone. 跑出帐篷的柳峰等人,依稀的能够在帐篷中感应到掀翻尘埃的逼人灵压,将砂石生生碾成粉末。 This boy, is up to mischief?” “这小子,又在搞什么鬼?” The sandstorm that curls up is getting more and more turbulent, the sound that has exaggerates extremely, was alarmed in not far away Li Qi, Liu Tingting and Qi Hao, Qingyun completely. 卷起的风沙越来越汹涌,产生的动静极为夸张,在不远处的李琦、刘婷婷、奇蒿、青云、全部被惊动了。 They run out of the tent, looks the sand dust that middle is rolling up and pushing along to be startled, simultaneously reveals in the quiet pupil some changes countenance, looks toward the center of sand storm. 他们冲出帐篷,望着当中卷动的沙尘怔愣一下,在沉寂的眸子中同时露出些许动容,朝沙尘暴的中央瞄去。 „Who is? Makes such big move unexpectedly?” “是什么人?竟弄出这么大的动静?” This is spiritual power Spirit King Realm?” “这灵力王灵境?” Who can be? Is Liufeng?” “会是谁呢?难道是柳峰?” Some prisoners feel this spiritual power some creepy feeling, Qi Hao and Qingyun look at each other one, pinching that somewhat dreads fist heart. 一些囚犯感受到这灵力都不禁有些头皮发麻,就连奇蒿和青云对视一眼,都是有些忌惮的捏捏拳心。 The low and deep prisoners talked in whispers, Li Qi, Qi Hao, Qingyun and Liu Tingting four people, in the vision actually suddenly revealed amazed. 低沉中的囚犯们窃窃私语,李琦、奇蒿、青云、刘婷婷四人,目光中却突然间露出惊诧。 Is he?” “是他?” The wonderful graceful tender body trembles, Liu Tingting first not being able to bear shouted to make noise, the limpid almond eyes followed the cold wind to penetrate the sand dust, fell on a black robe form. 妙曼的娇躯一颤,刘婷婷第一个忍不住的喊出声来,清澈的杏眼伴随冷风透过沙尘,落在其中一名黑袍身影上。 Accommodates in her tenderness, even climbs up the faint trace to be fiery. 在她的娇容上,甚至攀爬起丝丝火热。 Li Qi and wonderful wormwood actually simultaneously in great surprise, the fist pinch psst makes noise: Was Shi Qin?” 李琦和奇蒿却同时大惊,拳头捏的吱吱作响:“是石秦?” The tiger body under green armor shivers, Qi Hao the face arrives at the acme lonely, wipes is not resigned with well up to be careful inconceivable. 青色铠甲下的虎躯颤抖,奇蒿的面庞冷清到极致,一抹不甘心和不可思议涌上心间。 He remembers clearly how many other day Qin Shi in trivial Spirit Seal Realm, can a short less than seven day time, latter's cultivation to actually surpass him? 他清晰记得,在几日前的秦石才不过区区封灵境,可短短七日不到的时间,后者的修为却已经超过了他? Does this make him be able to accept? 这让他怎么能够接受? He in breakthrough?” Qingyun opened mouth, suddenly is somewhat clear, will make him look after this stone Qin under for He Sun Yan specially. “他在突破?”青云张了张嘴,忽然间有些明白,为何公孙岩会让他特别关照下这个石秦。 Really is monstruous talent “真是个妖孽” Liufeng traces the cold sweat of forehead, cannot bear ridicule one. 柳峰摸了摸额头的冷汗,忍不住笑骂一句。 Bang! 砰! Suddenly, the remnant cloud of highest heaven fills the air. 卒然,九霄的残云弥漫。 In the wild with rage sand dust hears one to rush to the thunder bang. 狂怒的沙尘中传来一声奔雷巨响。 Unexpectedly, a pair jet black such as the profound black pupil of nighttime sky black hole, regains consciousness like the big dragon that in nine quiet abyss indulges, the limpid cold current gushes out, making the sandstorm ripple. 蓦地,一双漆黑如夜空黑洞的深邃黑眸,像九幽深渊中沉溺的巨龙苏醒,清澈的寒流涌出,令风沙荡漾。 Bang! 轰隆! At once, bang, the sandy soil between earth splits hundred meters gully, extends the proliferation just like the spider web. 旋即,巨响一声,大地间的沙土裂开百米沟壑,宛如蛛网般延绵扩散。 The black robe by cool and refreshing making noise that the hurricane implements, Qin Shi sitting quietly in. 黑袍被飓风贯彻的泠泠作响,秦石稳坐其中。 He opens eyes sweeps away, pinched the fist latter full to implement the whole body, on the flesh by the contamination thick liquid is dyed fully. 他睁开眼的横扫一圈,捏了捏拳后一股久违的充盈贯彻全身,肌肤上被污秽的粘稠液体染满。 He he, Spirit King Realm did Initial Stage, finally all restore?” Full is his corners of the mouth of strength raises toward on slightly, wipes the abstruse radian to raise. “呵呵,王灵境初期,终于全都恢复了吗?”满是力量的他嘴角朝上微微扬起,一抹深奥的弧度扬起。 He can feel, spiritual power that within the body the origin flows at this time, the contrast ratio once also wanted on the strong several points, these had been lucky protects country Gu Zhen. 他能感觉出来,体内此时渊源流淌的灵力,照比曾经还要强上几分,这些多亏了护国古阵。 Restores the strength, made in his heart be full of happy intent. 恢复实力,不禁令他心中充满喜意。 But has not waited for happy intent to implement whole body, the sand storm that curls the anger diverges gradually, making him knit the brows, vigilant looks all around. 但没等喜意贯彻全身,卷怒的沙尘暴渐渐散去,令他不禁皱了皱眉,警惕的环顾一圈。 Sees only, over a hundred eyes stared is staring at him, probably the discovery new continent is equally strange. 只见,上百双眼睛正直勾勾的盯着他,好像发现新大陆一样稀奇。 Big brother, you were too graceful!” “大哥,你太帅了!” Following close on, one such as is killing the calling out sound of pig, reverberates by the ear of Qin Shi, made his eardrum slightly some pains. 紧跟着,一声如杀猪的嚎叫声,就在秦石的耳旁回荡起来,令他的耳膜稍微有些痛楚。 Has covered the ear, Han Zai already like the mangy dog, maliciously grasps the thigh of Qin Shi. 捂了捂耳朵,韩仔已经像癞皮狗一样,狠狠的抱住秦石的大腿。 Lowered the head looks at Han Zai cannot help but, the Qin Shi corners of the mouth twitches, but periphery the atmosphere in this process relaxes gradually much. 低下头望去韩仔,秦石嘴角不由自主的抽搐一下,但在这个过程中周围的气氛渐渐缓和不少。 Qi Hao and Qingyun have gotten back one's composure, reprimanded to the surrounding person: Do not look, hurries to rest, tomorrow early morning will catch up with the great power to be firm!” 奇蒿和青云率先回过神,冲着周围的人斥道:“都别看了,赶紧回去休息,明儿一早就赶回天牢!” Hears their actions of driving away, many prisoner heart unwilling sentiments do not hope looks at two toward Qin Shi, finally secure bears palpitation in heart, returns in the respective tent. 听见两人的驱赶,诸多囚犯心不甘情不愿的朝秦石又瞄两眼,最后还是安耐下心中的悸动,退回各自的帐篷里。 Li Qi in turning around finally, the split vision looks toward Qin Shi, in he looks to the pupil of Qin Shi dodges the corridor cold dim light. 李琦在转身最后,余光又朝秦石瞄去,在他瞄向秦石的眸子中闪过道寒冷幽光。 The weak murderous intention surges, restores strength Qin Shi to realize instantaneously that welcomed following Li Qi's vision, in short looking at each other, the latter returned to the tent. 微弱的杀机涌动,恢复实力的秦石瞬间就察觉到,顺着李琦的目光迎上,在短暂的对视间,后者才回到帐篷。 It is not far from Qin Shi, Liufeng arrives at his side to pat his shoulder: It seems like, he has not prepared to give up.” 距离秦石不远,柳峰走到他的身旁拍下他肩膀:“看来,他还不准备罢休啊。” He he, troublesome actually he.” Qin Shi shrugs, not to accept as correct smiles one. “呵呵,麻烦的倒不是他。”秦石耸了耸肩,不以为然的笑一声。 hears that sound, Liufeng has gawked staring, at once in his field of vision suddenly appears piece by piece crimson, a charming coquettish look is throwing toward their whereabouts. 闻声,柳峰愣了愣,旋即他的视野中突然出现片片绯红,一名娇羞的媚眼正朝两人所在之处抛来。 By the tent hundred meters away, Liu Tingting is binding the frail prison uniform, is scattering the coquettish look that the human does not conceal blazingly toward Qin Shi. 在百米外的帐篷旁,刘婷婷裹着单薄的囚服,正朝秦石撒去人炽热毫无遮羞的媚眼。 Felt that this vision, Liufeng is suddenly enlighted: What troubles is the peach blossom disaster.” 感觉到这目光,柳峰才恍然大悟:“麻烦的是桃花劫啊。” Do not satirize me, this woman, cannot provoke.” Shaking the head of Qin Shi forced smile, builds at once single-handed in the Liufeng shoulder, interlocks with Liu Tingting vision moves out of the way, said: Tonight, I live in your, you go to and Han Zaiji.” “别讽刺我了,这种女人,招惹不得。”秦石苦笑的摇了摇头,旋即单手搭在柳峰肩头,和刘婷婷的目光交错间挪开,跟着道:“今晚,我住你那,你去和韩仔挤挤吧。” Heard this saying, the Liufeng resolute face has been startled being startled, at once is climbed up by the pain instantaneously on, just when wanted to refute looked back to look, saw only Qin Shi to vanish does not see. 听到这话,柳峰刚毅的面庞怔了怔,旋即瞬间被痛苦攀爬而上,刚欲反驳时回首望去,只见秦石已消失不见。 The time speedily, Qin Shi early goes inside the tent of Liufeng, waves dark golden spiritual power to tie together haunches outside the tent. 一溜烟的功夫,秦石早早的钻进柳峰的帐篷,挥手一道暗金色的灵力结界在帐篷外撑起。 Was looking at the wrested away tent, Liufeng has gawked half sound, put out a character: „!” 望着被霸占的帐篷,柳峰愣了半响,才吐出一字:“靠!” Do not below, he have to crush into a tent with Han Zai. 不得以下,他只好和韩仔挤进一间帐篷。 A night of time base sentiment four shoot. 一夜时间基情四射。 The moonset sunrise, the dawn scatters. 月落日出,晨曦散落。 In the morning arrives, Qi Hao and Qingyun then start to gather the prisoners to prepare to catch up with the great power to be firm. 清晨降临,奇蒿和青云便开始聚拢囚犯们准备赶回天牢。 When road that goes back with coming the road is not quite same, what walks is the track. 回去的路和来时的路不太一样,走的是小道。 In wilderness by the position West, piece of dark jungle, in this piece of jungle jet black strange, is over a thousand li (0.5km) position. 在荒漠靠西方的位置,有一片幽暗的密林,这片密林中漆黑诡异,占据上千里的位置。 Walks randomly along the jungle surrounding, passes the bygone days firm shortcut. 沿着密林外围游走,有一条通往天牢的近路。 When passing by jungle, the brow of Qin Shi knit the brows, looks askance by ridiculing the branches and leaves looks toward the deep place, looks unable to see the end. 在路过密林时,秦石的眉头不禁皱了皱眉,侧目透过奚落的枝叶朝深处望去,一望望不见尽头。 Why does not know, he can always induce in this jungle to the strangeness of faint trace, this type stems from shouting of heart of hearts strangely, appalling. 不知为何,他在这密林中总能感应到丝丝的诡异,这种诡异源于内心深处的呼喊,令人毛骨悚然。 Probably, here is fishily same. 好像,在这里有鬼一样。 Realizes this, he pats by lower part of the body Han Zai question: Han Zai, where is this?” 意识到这,他拍下身旁的韩仔问句:“韩仔,这是什么地方?” Big, Big brother, don't this you know?” “大,大哥,这你都不知道?” Hears this saying, Han Zai has opened the mouth like yes damn, at once pats the forehead saying: Oh, I have forgotten, you come from North District!” 听到这话,韩仔张大了嘴像是见鬼一样,旋即才一拍额头道:“哎呀,我忘了,你是从北方区域来得!” Said quickly!” “快说!” Here is the desolated jungle, the strangeness that East District became famous, even if will be Profound Spirit Realm expert easily will not enter.” Han young nervous explanation sentence. “这里是荒芜丛林,东方区域出了名的诡异,就算是玄灵境高手都不会轻易进入。”韩仔紧张兮兮的解释句。 Desolated jungle?” “荒芜丛林?” Qin Shi has gawked staring, at once tightens the bridge of the nose to think, initially when he with the prison guard conflicted, probably listens to other prisoners to mention. 秦石愣了愣,旋即紧了紧鼻梁思索一下,当初他在和狱卒冲突时,好像听其余的囚犯提起过。 Originally this is desolated jungle.” “原来这就是荒芜丛林。” Recalls, nod that Qin Shi is suddenly enlighted, initially these prisoners everywhere were no wonder panic-stricken, this place somewhat is truly strange. 回想起来,秦石恍然大悟的点点头,怪不得当初那些囚犯满目惊恐,这地方确实有些诡异。 Han young in side toward looks at one, then said: Um, but in desolated jungle, one type is called the gathering spirit flower the spirit grass, this spirit grass can cure the soul.” 韩仔在旁边朝其中瞄去一眼,然后顿了顿道:“嗯,但在荒芜丛林里,有一种叫做聚灵花的灵草,这种灵草能够治愈灵魂。” Cure soul?” “治愈灵魂?” Um, therefore to repairing to protect country Gu Zhen to have the huge wondrous use, whenever three months of area north of the Great Wall day will draw firmly then an item at random 50 prisoners, then enters in this desolated jungle to seek for the gathering spirit flower, if can find and live, can be remitted appearance cautious and solemn that Han Zai spoke. “嗯,所以对修复护国古阵有着巨大的妙用,每当三个月塞外天牢便会随机抽取50名囚犯,然后进入这个荒芜丛林里寻找聚灵花,如果能够找到并且活着回来的话,就能够得到赦免”韩仔说话的样子小心翼翼 Gets this response, Qin Shi licks the split corners of the mouth: Um? Isn't this very good?” 得到这个回应,秦石舔下干裂的嘴角:“嗯?这不是很好?” No, nobody is willing to be selected at this time, before the following Liufeng follows, on the edges and corners distinct face reveals unprecedented to be dignified. “不,没有人愿意被选中”这时,在后面的柳峰跟上前,棱角分明的面庞上流露出前所未有的凝重。 Qin Shi has gawked staring: Why?” 秦石愣了愣:“为何?” Because, always nobody lives has been coming back.” “因为,从来没人活着回来过。”
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