PDL :: Volume #4

#310: Breakthrough

Because, is living coming back from nobody.” “因为,从没有人活着回来。” Liufeng has pinched the fist, holds the calculation obviously sharp fingertip to rub the grating squawk. 柳峰捏了捏拳,掌心略显锋利的指尖摩擦出刺耳的尖声。 Gets this response, Qin Shi quite surprised corners of the mouth Zhang Zhang, after the side is excessive , the congealing eye searches toward the jungle that in winds around jet black, advantage arrow shuttle of two none remaining such as in darkness. 得到这个回应,秦石颇为惊讶的嘴角张张,侧过头后凝眼朝漆黑缭绕的密林中探去,两道精光在幽暗中如利箭般穿梭而出。 Buzz! 嗡! Buzz called one, the frail physique under Qin Shi black robe trembles, flashed through a vacillation and lax of not easy detection in the profound black pupil. 嗡鸣一声,秦石黑袍下的单薄身板不禁一颤,在深邃的黑眸中闪过一丝不易察觉的动摇和涣散。 Liufeng has gawked staring: Brother, how?” 柳峰愣了愣:“老弟,怎么了?” Holds the head to shake in a flash, Qin Shi rapid takes back from the dark jungle the field of vision, in the sloppy black pupil reveals rare dreading. 扶着脑袋晃一晃,秦石迅速的将视野从幽暗的密林中收回,稀松的黑眸中露出一丝罕见的忌惮。 Just the short instance, he discovered that his psychic force is unable to search into this desolated jungle unexpectedly, resembled one giant knot in this jungle. 刚刚短暂的瞬间,他发现他的精神力竟无法探入这荒芜丛林,在这丛林中好像有一个巨大的结阵。 In tying, one very fearful strengths, even if prosperous he somewhat fears. 在结阵中,有一种非常可怕的力量,就算是鼎盛的他都有些恐惧。 He he, a little meaning.” “呵呵,有点意思。” After having raised the collar of black robe, blocks from the lip angle strange radian, Qin Shi beckoned with the hand to Liufeng, silently this desolated jungle in the heart, no longer said a word. 提了提黑袍的领子后遮住唇角诡异的弧度,秦石冲柳峰摆了摆手,默默的将这荒芜丛林记在心中,不再言语。 Along the shade of forest alley in dark jungle surrounding, various people then return to the area north of the Great Wall day to be firm quickly. 沿着幽暗密林外围的林荫小路,诸人很快便回到塞外天牢。 Sees the area north of the Great Wall day to be firm, prisoners exceptionally kind, returns to the prison cell under Qi the arrangement of Hao and Qingyun respectively. 看见塞外天牢,囚犯们异常的亲切,一个一个在奇蒿和青云的安排下各自回到牢房里去。 After this service, day was firm the tendency to have the huge transformation. 经过这一次服役,天牢里的势头发生了巨大的转变。 Now, so long as has a meteoric rise with the person who Qin Shi touches on slightly completely, Han Zai can like the crab , the status soar horizontally. 现在,只要和秦石沾边的人全部都平步青云,就连韩仔都能像螃蟹一样横在走了,地位直线上升。 Some young prison guards see the Qin Shi polite several points. 一些小狱卒见到秦石都客气几分。 In seats the day to be firm, Qin Shi not to accept as correct in depending on the parapet place sits cross-legged to sit down, on Han foal delicious holds several boxes of meals to wink: Big brother, looks quickly, we later did not need to be worried to have an empty stomach!” 坐进天牢里,秦石不以为然的在靠栏杆处盘膝坐下,韩仔马上美滋滋的捧着好几盒饭菜挤咕上来:“大哥,快瞧,咱们以后再也不用担心饿肚子了!” „” “” Looks at the pile is becoming the hill high meal, the Qin Shi forehead floats off several heavy lines. 望着堆成小山高的饭菜,秦石的额头浮起几道黑线。 Does this boy, how know to eat? Rather also lacked prospects? 这小子,怎么就知道吃?未免也太没出息了吧? Thinks of this, the Qin Shi deep place slender palm draws him to sit down, said: Han Zai, do you have to think, later what to do?” 想到这,秦石深处修长的手掌拉他坐下,道:“韩仔,你有没有想过,以后怎么办?” Later? Then mixes, cannot leave this in any case, so long as were not sent to frontier service the desolated jungle, can continue lived I to satisfy.” Han young simple-minded to the Qin Shi laughter, holds the meal in bosom to wolf down. “以后?接着混呗,反正离不开这,只要不被发配到荒芜丛林,能继续的活着我就满足了。”韩仔傻呵呵的冲秦石笑声,捧着怀中的饭菜就狼吞虎咽起来。 Gets the answer, Qin Shi disgruntled frowning of: „, Don't you have the ideal? Hasn't retaliated? To live on dishonorably like this?” 得到答案,秦石不悦的皱起眉头:“难道,你没有理想?没有报复吗?就想一直这样苟活?” Words, hold the hand of meal to tremble inexplicably, after stopping the rhythm that wolfs down, Han Zai two big eyes inexplicable is ruddy. 一番话,捧着饭菜的手莫名一颤,停下狼吞虎咽的节奏后,韩仔的两个大眼睛莫名的红润起来。 His silent meeting, received in those days uninhibited and was smiling: He he, ideal? Retaliation? My where dares to have?” 他沉默一会,收起往日的不羁和嬉皮笑脸:“呵呵,理想?报复?我哪里敢有?” Um?” Qin Shi amazed. “嗯?”秦石惊诧一下。 I like the big brother, do not have innate skill to be competent, slightly has matter that the skill does to do I from feeble, one of us think me to be incompetent, after the parents died, did not recognize me, even has not made me go home to give them on the parents gala to light a fragrance!” “我不像大哥,有天赋有实力,有本事做想做的事我从小病弱,自家人都觉得我无能,爹娘死后就不认我了,甚至每逢爹娘祭日都不曾让我回家给他们烧上一枝香!” Who does not think that I also hope, I also hope I can the live splendor, hope also to imagine the big brother to be the same, was looked up to by others. But I cannot achieve, I have also tried hard, but my anything cannot achieve, finally in can only reduce to the day that this suffers injustice is firm “谁不想啊,我也希望,我也希望我能活的精彩,希望也想像大哥一样,被别人都仰望。但我做不到,我也努力过,可是我什么都做不到,最后还是只能沦落到这不见天日的天牢里” I also think that I also want to show filial respect to the parents, but, the child desire filial piety kisses not to need, they do not give me the opportunity I even not to remember their appearances.” “我也想,我也想孝敬爹娘,但,子欲孝而亲不待,他们根本不给我机会我甚至都不记得他们的模样。” „, Goes home to worship their, lights a fragrance for them, performs completely makes son's responsibility so to be simple, but I cannot achieve them to be very disappointed.” Smiling that the Han young self-ridicules. “就连,就连回家祭拜他们一下,为他们烧上一枝香,尽尽做儿子的责任就这么简单,可是我都做不到他们应该很失望吧。”韩仔自嘲的笑笑。 Han Zai “韩仔” Words, Qin Shi actually bursting out laughing of opening mouth. 一番话,张了张嘴的秦石却哑然了。 All right, is actually like this good, at least I am also living.” The Han young waves to Qin Shi, was saying was saying drop of tears have delimited his face. “没事,其实这样挺好,起码我还活着。”韩仔冲秦石挥挥手,说着说着一滴泪水划过他的面庞。 He grey pit-a-pat tracing nose, laughs foolishly to Qin Shi: I cannot die, I cannot certainly die, they live me to give me this body leather bag, certainly to not let me dies, therefore I must live, even if lives on dishonorably, I must live for them.” 他灰突突的摸了摸鼻子,冲秦石傻笑一声:“我不能死,我一定不能死,他们生我给我这躯皮囊,一定不是为了让我死,所以我要活着哪怕是苟活,我也要为他们活着。” ! 咣啷! Hears these words, Qin Shi tip of the nose some turns sour unexpectedly slightly. 听到这些话,秦石的鼻尖竟有些微微发酸。 He knows that in this past seemed like the youth who failed to heed, originally in his heart Chinese dress these many matters, he has not been willing to say. 他才知道,这个往日里看似不长心的少年,原来在他的心中装了这么多的事,他只是不愿意说出来而已。 He displays his happy side, he is very strong. 他只是将他开心的一面表现出来,他很坚强。 Qin Shi remembers a few words suddenly, the person who really can kick up a racket does not see has the skill, some person silent people of silently, have many stories at heart. 秦石突然想起一句话,很多真能吵吵的人不见的有本事,有些人默默的沉默人,心里却有很多的故事。 The Han young obviously is this person. 韩仔显然就是这种人。 Pinched the fist, Qin Shi was staring at the Han Zai silent meeting, completely changed to the view of Han young, he had the strength of spirit, on the contrary he had the strength of spirit very much. 捏了捏拳,秦石盯着韩仔沉默一会,对韩仔的看法彻底改变了,他真的不是没有骨气,相反他很有骨气。 To him, is the same with Qin Xuexin, can live to need the firm heart and unprecedented courage. 对他来讲,和沁雪心一样,能活下来就需要坚定的心和一往无前的勇气。 Inspires, under the racket of Qin Shi ruthless strength Han Zai shoulder: Dumb kid, you must believe itself, your parents visit you in the space, the good mold good type that mixes then to go back, frank and upright burns a fragrance for them!” 吸一口气,秦石狠力的拍下韩仔肩膀:“傻小子,你要相信自己,你爹娘在天上看着你呢,混的好模好样然后回去,光明正大的为他们烧枝香!” Big brother, can my I be good?” “大哥,我我能行吗?” Sure, doesn't have me?” “肯定啊,不是有我呢吗?” Under the Qin Shi confident racket chest, said with a smile: Believes me, you can certainly return home with riches and honors person who lets discriminate your holds in high esteem, making them know that is they have eyes but fails to see.” 秦石信心满满的拍下胸脯,笑道:“相信我,你一定能衣锦还乡的让歧视过你的人刮目相看,让他们知道是他们有眼无珠。” Um! Later my big brother!” “嗯!以后我就跟着大哥!” Thinks to go home, Han Zai crawls to set out excitedly, two big eyes glowing red somewhat scary, raises the corners of the mouth to laugh saying: I must make them regret!” 一想到能回家,韩仔兴奋的爬起身,两个大眼睛红彤彤的有些吓人,扬着嘴角大笑道:“我一定要让他们后悔!” Is looking at the frail youth, the Qin Shi bewildered stalemate train of thought that past he was also same as Han Zai, mixes to eat to wait for death, lives on dishonorably Yu Sheng. 望着单薄的少年,秦石莫名其妙的陷入思绪,当年的他也和韩仔一样,混吃等死,苟活于生。 But he knows that this is not the destiny that they want, therefore initial he has chosen struggling. 但他知道,这不是他们想要的命运,所以当初的他选择了挣扎。 He believes that Han Zai same, can do is very good. 他相信,韩仔一样可以,可以做的很好。 Was too excited, I had the big brother.” “太兴奋了,我有大哥了。” Who thinks that Han Zaiyue said is more excited, self-directed develops waves the flag to shout inside the prison cell, makes probably must revolt the rebellion to be the same, outside several prison guards were alarmed. 谁想,韩仔越说越兴奋,自导自演的在牢房里头摇旗大喊,弄的好像要起义造反一样,外面几个狱卒都被惊动了。 „Does boy, you do? Courts death?” “小子,你干嘛呢?是不是找死?” Before the prison guards rush to the parapet, grasps the pointed weapons to point at Han Zai to roar. 狱卒冲到栏杆前,握着兵刃指着韩仔怒吼一声。 „” “呃” This, Han Zai was honest, the embarrassed grasping head, hurries clever sitting down. 这一下,韩仔老实了,不好意思的抓了抓脑袋,赶忙乖巧的坐下。 Sees this, Qin Shi that the train of thought flutters was thrown the trough cold water immediately, psst made noise, curses angrily one that the fist pinches: „, Idiot!” 望见这幕,正思绪飘荡的秦石顿时被泼了盆冷水,拳头捏的吱吱作响,怒骂一声:“靠,白痴!” Yo, handsome fellow, in this discussion life?” “呦,帅哥,在这探讨人生呢?” Suddenly, when they chirp keep fighting, together is full of the flexible vibrato, such as euphonious resounds by their ears. 突然,在两人叽叽喳喳吵个不停时,一道充满柔性的颤音,如银铃般在两人耳旁响起。 This sound eclipse bone is overwhelmed with emotion, the monster of soft accent of the Wu dialect flatters, as if made all people the bone crisp. 这声音蚀骨销魂,吴侬软语的妖媚中,仿佛令诸人的骨头都酥了。 Qin Shi knit the brows, raises eyes to look in the sound transmission direction, sees only in the dark corner, there is a slender form side step to go forward together, sways from side to side the waist to sit by him. 秦石皱了皱眉,举目朝声音传递的方向望去,只见在黑暗的角落里,有一道纤细的身影侧步上前,扭动着腰肢坐在他旁边。 Is you?” “是你?” Sees clearly the beautiful figure accommodates tenderly, is the standard seductress not just Liu Tingting? 看清倩影的娇容,标准的狐狸精不正是刘婷婷吗? Yes, accident?” “是啊,意外吗?” Under Liu Tingting acts like a spoiled brat to rock the head, said with a smile: „Can handsome fellow, under the discussion the life with me? Is the true life, how for example humanity multiplies? Makes the child any drop!” 婷婷撒娇晃动下脑袋,笑道:“帅哥,要不要和我来探讨下人生啊?是真正的人生哦,譬如人类是如何繁衍的呢?造小孩啊什么滴!” At the same time said that her charming tenderness allows to smile, attractive elegant face toward the Qin Shi shoulder by going. 一边说,她妩媚的娇容一笑,诱人的俏脸就朝秦石肩头靠去。 ! 咻! Qin Shi responded extremely quickly, spiritual power under black robe in a flash, moved out of the way a square inch distance, frivolously after just in time shunted Liu Tingting, shook the head saying: You how in this prison cell?” 秦石反应极快,黑袍下的灵力轻浮一晃,正巧挪开方寸的距离后躲开刘婷婷,摇头道:“你怎么在这牢房里?” What's wrong? Doesn't welcome me?” “怎么?不欢迎我呀?” Sudden failing, Liu Tingting disgruntled the look, said: Really, has the beautiful woman to surrender you also to hide unexpectedly, are you a man? Is about to make this miss witness.” 突然的落空,刘婷婷不悦的正了正神色,道:“真是,有美女投怀送抱你竟然还躲,你到底是不是男人啊?快过来让本姑娘见证一下。” The shoulder of Qin Shi black robe shrugs, regarding the woman of this being beautifully attired, he cannot raise the least bit interest at present really: „Am I a man, not the exhausted miss you have witnessed, looks Li Qi.” 秦石黑袍的肩膀耸动一下,对于眼前这个花枝招展的女人,他是真提不起半点兴趣:“我是不是男人,就不劳烦姑娘你见证了,去找李琦吧。” Is, asks Li Qi to go.” “就是,找李琦去。” The Han young said with resentful [say / way] in side. 韩仔在旁边跟着悻悻道说。 A girl, many are some vanity, Liu Tingting in the presence of everyone is also exposed shortcomings by them, allows to blush tenderly immediately. 一个女孩子,多少也是有些虚荣心,刘婷婷被两人当众揭短,娇容上马上羞红起来。 Looks at her appearance, and Han Zai who Qin Shi actually does not pay attention hides away toward the darkness in along the way. 看着她的模样,秦石却不理会的和韩仔沿途朝黑暗中隐遁。 Looks at the back of departure, the white hands of Liu Tingting is pinching red, partly makes a sound gets angry: Snort, who no matter you are, this miss does not believe in evil doctrines, so long as you is a man, I must make you prostrate oneself under my pomegranate skirt!” 望着离去的背影,刘婷婷的玉手捏红,半响才嗔怒一声:“哼,不管你是谁,本姑娘就不信邪,只要你是个男人,我一定要让你拜倒在我的石榴裙下!” The thorough prison cell, Qin Shi first time comes. 深入牢房,秦石头一次进来。 Does not enter does not know that enters to have a scare, Qin Shi discovered that this prison cell unexpectedly such big, including the beds of innumerable separation, rests for the prisoners. 不进不知道,一进吓一跳,秦石才发现这牢房竟如此之大,其中有无数个隔开的床榻,供囚犯们休息。 Sees Qin Shi to be thorough, inside prisoner makes way immediately a road. 秦石深入,里面的囚犯马上让开条路。 Therefore, he and Han Zai were very easy to find place of nobody to sit down. 为此,他和韩仔很容易就找到一处无人之地坐下。 After sitting down, about him waits and sees, the somewhat accidental [say / way] said: Was right, how this time comes back not to see Wang Pang?” 坐下后他左右观望一圈,有些意外的道说:“对了,这次回来怎么没看见王胖呢?” The Han young has gotten back one's composure, similarly somewhat puzzled waits and sees. 韩仔回过神,同样有些不解的观望一圈。 On nearby bed, the old men hear, before gathering up, said: „Hasn't kid, you known?” 在旁边的床榻上,有一个较老的老者听闻,凑上前道:“小家伙,你还不知道呢?” Saw the old man of this getting old, Qin Shi very respectful setting out to stare staring: Seniors, you said that what I don't know?” 看见这位上了年纪的老者,秦石很恭敬的起身愣了愣:“老前辈,你说我不知道什么?” Wang Pang matter, since this service, he does not dare to return to this prison cell, they fled with Liu Tingting specially the prison cell.” The voice of old man is somewhat hoarse, coughs to say. “王胖的事啊,自从这次服役以后,他就不敢回这件牢房了,特意和刘婷婷两人窜了牢房。”老者的声音有些沙哑,干咳道。 hears that sound, Qin Shi is suddenly enlighted. 闻声,秦石才恍然大悟。 The old man voice, once again said: Liu Tingting is probably interesting to you, a short time ago had gotten into a deadlock with Li Qi directly, two groups of people have hit in secret several times.” 老者声音顿了顿,再度道:“刘婷婷对你好像有意思,前不久和李琦直接闹僵了,两拨人更是私底下打了几次。” His black pupil has congealed congealing, stares the position that successor dynasty Liu Tingting was at to look: He he, really takes great pains.” 他的黑眸凝了凝,愣了愣后朝刘婷婷所在的位置瞄去:“呵呵,真是煞费苦心啊。” But his hesitant, has not cared this. 但他犹豫一番,并未将此放在心上。 No matter Liu Tingting does have meaning to him, he will be uninteresting to Liu Tingting, his heart early was occupied all corners by the blue sending silk, accommodated again not second half personally. 不管刘婷婷对他有没有意思,他对刘婷婷都不会有意思,他的心早被碧蓝色的发丝占据了所有角落,再也容不下半个人了。 Big brother, this Liu Tingting is good, since she has gotten into a deadlock with Li Qi, was inferior that you did give to advance? Happen to pins a hat to Li Qi, green that type!” The whole face that the Han young actually thinks little of smiled evilly, has selected the brow tip. “大哥,这刘婷婷不错,她既然跟李琦闹僵了,不如你给推到了啊?正好给李琦扣顶帽子,绿色那种!”韩仔却不以为意的满脸邪笑,挑了挑眉梢。 The corners of the mouth of Qin Shi twitch, waves the North Korean and South Korean young forehead to pound down: Brat, the human not big point understands to obtain much, hurries to practice! Do not disturb me!” 秦石的嘴角抽搐一番,挥手朝韩仔的额头砸下:“臭小子,人不大点懂得到不少,赶紧去修炼去!别打扰我!” „” “呃” Toot toot draws out the tracing head of mouth, Han Zai is discontented saying: I not also for hello 嘟嘟起嘴的摸摸脑袋,韩仔不满道:“我不也是为了你好” Looks at his suffering from injustice appearance, shaking the head of Qin Shi forced smile no longer is managing him, alone slowly is sitting cross-legged to be situated by the position of corner. 望着他委屈的模样,秦石苦笑的摇摇头不再理他,独自在靠角落的位置缓缓盘膝坐落。 The sitting down body, he somewhat excited opening both hands, in the mark in palms wind flood the light golden fluorescence, making his corners of the mouth raise toward on: Achieved Spirit King Realm Initial Stage had several months, through this time protected the country Gu Zhen help not only to restore the injury, spiritual power in within the body has achieved the saturated condition.” 坐下身,他有些兴奋的撑开双手,在掌间的纹络上泛起淡淡金色的荧光,令他的嘴角不禁朝上扬起:“达到王灵境初期有几个月的时间了,通过这次护国古阵的帮助不仅恢复了伤势,体内的灵力更是达到了饱和状态。” It seems like was the time this is making breakthrough.” “看来是时候该在做突破了啊。” Remembers this matter, he cannot bear brightly smiles. 一想起这事,他忍不住灿烂一笑。 Deeply after inspiring , in the Qin Shi closed black pupil, starts to regard within the body, the aggressive black pupil light will fall on the spirit crystal place that on the dantian beats, about thousand Fu Wen walks randomly around the spirit crystal, abstruse and magical. 深吸口气后秦石闭合黑眸,开始内视体内,将咄咄逼人的黑色眸光落在丹田上跳动的灵晶处,近千道符文游走在灵晶四周,玄奥神奇 Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! Fu Wen in within the body burns, together, two, three, ten, 50, 100. 体内的符文燃烧,一道,两道,三道,十道,50道,100道。 Entire 100 Fu Wen, night of time changes into gentle spiritual power in the Qin Shi dantian internal circulation, becomes the sunflower shape request begins the transport of the coffin or cinerary casket the crystal. 整整100道符文,一夜时间在秦石的丹田内转化为柔和的灵力,成葵花状托起灵晶。 The practice does not have This, three day flies. 修炼无甲子,三日飞逝。 Three day time, Fu Wenzhi remaining 500 of abdominal cavity, until now he has practiced 50% Fu Wen, the spirit crystal of dantian place scattered the wild halo, becomes the hurricane installs in the surroundings revolves. 三日时间,腹腔的符文只剩下500道,直至今日他已经修炼了一半的符文,丹田处的灵晶散射出狂野的光晕,成飓风装在周围旋转。 Bang! 轰! 3rd day daybreak, in prison cell bang. 第三日的黎明,牢房内巨响一声。 The Qin Shi profound black pupil stares unexpectedly, in the abyss black hole just like jet black nighttime sky, as if can hold the world to be ordinary. 秦石深邃的黑眸蓦地瞪开,宛如漆黑夜空中的深渊黑洞,仿佛能容纳天地一般。 The black robe by cool and refreshing making noise that the cold wind blows, in short three day, on his flesh walks randomly the golden time, the whole person had the archery target change probably. 黑袍被冷风吹的泠泠作响,在短短的三日间,他肌肤上游走起金色流光,整个人好像发生了质的改变。 Pinched the fist, the corners of the mouth of Qin Shi has shown the gratified smiling face: Spirit King Realm Middle Stage, this may really be breakthrough of field long separation.” 捏了捏拳,秦石的嘴角露出欣慰笑容:“王灵境中期,这可真是场久别的突破啊。” Stone Qin, came out, some people looked for you!” “石秦,出来,有人找你!” -------- -------- Perhaps this chapter, everyone / influential family said the water, but small shallow actually very much likes, has revealed many aspirations. 这一章,或许大家说水,但小浅却很喜欢,袒露了很多的心声。 Tree desiring calm but wind restless, the child desire filial piety kisses not to need, recently watched many movies, about filial. 树欲静而风不止,子欲孝而亲不待,最近看了不少电影,都是关于孝顺。 Often, everyone / influential family only has remembered the filial piety, has actually neglected following being suitable, listening to parents' words to make them satisfactory, this could be often more important than the filial piety. 往往,大家都只记住了孝,却忽略了后面的顺,听着爹娘的话令他们顺心,这可能要往往比孝更加重要。 Moreover: The congratulation dormancy elder sister and tooth elder brother are newly-married, makes a recommendation for the dormancy elder sister's book Is inseparable Sheng Jia. 另外:祝贺眠姐和牙哥新婚快乐,替眠姐的书做个推荐【如胶似漆】【盛嫁】。 Is very exquisite metropolis romance, the friend in book uncultivated land can take a look. 都是非常细腻的都市言情,书荒的朋友可以瞧瞧。
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